How to make a rocket out of a jar of activation. How to make a rocket from a plastic bottle. Aerodynamic tailpipe trim

The water rocket is a great craft for a fun pastime. The advantage of its creation is the absence of the need for the use of fuel. The main energy source here is compressed air, which is pumped into a plastic bottle using a conventional pump, as well as a liquid that is released from a pressurized container. Let's find out how a water rocket can be constructed from a plastic bottle with a parachute.

Operating principle

A do-it-yourself water rocket from a plastic bottle for children is quite easy to assemble. All that is required is a suitable container filled with liquid, an automobile or a stable launch pad where the craft will be fixed. After installing the rocket, the pump pressurizes the bottle. The latter soars into the air, spraying water. The entire "charge" is consumed in the first seconds after takeoff. Further, the water rocket continues to move along

Tools and materials

A water rocket from a plastic bottle requires the following materials:

  • actually the container itself is made of plastic;
  • plug-valve;
  • stabilizers;
  • parachute;
  • launch pad.

In the course of work on the design of a water rocket, scissors, glue or tape, a hacksaw, a screwdriver, and all kinds of fasteners may be required.


A plastic container for creating a rocket should not be too short or long. Otherwise, the finished product may be unbalanced. As a result, a water rocket will fly unevenly, fall on its side, or not be able to take off at all. As practice shows, the ratio of diameter and length of 1 to 7 is optimal here. For initial experiments, a 1.5-liter bottle is quite suitable.


To create a water rocket nozzle, it is enough to use a plug-valve. You can cut it off from a bottle of any drink. It is extremely important that the valve does not let air through. Therefore, it is better to extract it from a new bottle. It is recommended to check its tightness in advance by closing the container and squeezing it tightly with your hands. The cork-valve can be attached to the neck of a plastic bottle with glue, sealing the joints with tape.

launch pad

What does it take to take off a water rocket from a plastic bottle? The launch pad plays a decisive role here. For its manufacture, it is enough to use a chipboard sheet. You can fix the neck of the bottle with metal brackets mounted on a wooden plane.


In order for a water rocket to be used several times, in order to successfully land it, it is worthwhile to provide a self-expanding parachute in the design. You can sew its dome from a small piece of dense fabric. Slings will serve as a strong thread.

The folded parachute is neatly folded and placed in a tin can. When the rocket takes off into the air, the lid of the container remains closed. After launching a homemade rocket, a mechanical device is triggered, which opens the can door, and the parachute opens under the influence of the air flow.

To implement the above plan, it is enough to use a small gearbox that can be removed from an old or wall clock. In fact, any battery-powered electric motor will fit here. After the rocket takes off, the shafts of the mechanism begin to rotate, winding the thread connected to the lid of the parachute container. As soon as the latter is released, the dome will fly out, open and the rocket will smoothly go down.


In order for a water rocket to soar smoothly into the air, it is necessary to fix it on the launch pad. The easiest solution is to make stabilizers from another plastic bottle. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. To begin with, a plastic bottle with a volume of at least 2 liters is taken. The cylindrical part of the container must be flat, free of corrugations and textured inscriptions, since their presence may adversely affect the aerodynamics of the product during launch.
  2. The bottom and neck of the bottle is cut off. The resulting cylinder is divided into three strips of identical size. Each of them folds in half in the shape of a triangle. Actually, folded strips cut from the cylindrical part of the bottle will play the role of stabilizers.
  3. At the final stage, strips are cut off from the folded edges of the stabilizers at a distance of about 1-2 cm. The formed protruding petals in the central part of the stabilizer turn away in opposite directions.
  4. Appropriate slots are made at the base of the future rocket, where the stabilizer petals will be inserted.

An alternative to plastic stabilizers can serve as pieces of plywood in the shape of a triangle. In addition, the rocket can do without them. However, in this case, it will be necessary to provide solutions that will allow fixing the product on the launch pad in a vertical position.


Since the rocket will be installed with the stopper down, it is necessary to put a streamlined nose on the bottom of the inverted bottle. For this purpose, you can cut off the top from another similar bottle. The latter must be put on the bottom of the inverted product. You can fix such a bow with tape.


After the above actions, the water rocket is, in fact, ready. It is only necessary to fill the container with water by about a third. Next, you should install the rocket on the launch pad and pump air into it using a pump, pressing the nozzle against the cork with your hands.

In a bottle with a capacity of 1.5 liters, a pressure of about 3-6 atmospheres should be injected. It is more convenient to achieve the indicator using a car pump with a compressor. In conclusion, it is enough to release the plug-valve, and the rocket will take off into the air under the action of a stream of water beating from it.


As you can see, making a water rocket out of a plastic bottle is not so difficult. Everything that is required for its manufacture can be found in the house. The only thing that can cause difficulties is the manufacture of a mechanical parachute opening system. Therefore, to facilitate the task, its dome can simply be put on the nose of the rocket.

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A rocket made at home is not a fantasy. All it takes to make a flying rocket is paper, foil, saltpeter... and a bit of the practical knowledge outlined in this article.

The origins of the creation of rockets begin with the "Fire Arrow", which took off on gunpowder during the Chinese Han Dynasty, with Congreve and Gale rockets during the American Civil War and the discovery of the formula by K.E. Tsiolkovsky. In those distant times there were no powerful computers and high technologies. Of course, at present, a rocket is a product of human thought and science, it is capable of developing tremendous speeds, lifting multi-ton loads and taking them into the depths of space. But rocket science is not shrouded in obscurity and is not kept under a veil of secrecy, it is quite accessible, so that any person can make a simple rocket without much effort.

Rocket design

The rocket consists of five main parts:

1 rocket fairing- This is a part of a conical-shaped rocket designed to reduce air resistance when flying in the atmosphere.

2 fuel tank- This is the part of the rocket design that provides it with fuel. For liquid-propellant rockets, the fuel tank is divided into a fuel tank (hydrogen, kerosene, etc.) and an oxidizer tank, which is located above the fuel tank (oxygen, nitrogen tetroxide, etc.). For solid propellant rockets, the fuel tank is connected to the combustion chamber and in the process of fuel combustion itself performs the function of the combustion chamber.

3 the combustion chamber— serves for combustion of fuel and emission of the formed gases. Since the combustion reaction proceeds with the formation of high temperatures, the gases, having heated up, expand, creating a high pressure according to the ideal gas law (PV = nRT, P - pressure; T - temperature; V, n, R - remain constant), which pushes the gases from the rocket, pushing it up.

4. rocket nozzle- serves to accelerate and set the direction of the jet of gases leaving the combustion chamber.

A simple nozzle (venturi tube) consists of a section of gradually tapering section for dispersing gases. Due to the fact that the inlet velocity is proportional to the cross-sectional area, with a decrease in the area, an increase in velocity occurs:

W at the outlet = W at the inlet * S section of the combustion chamber / S section of the nozzle; where W is the speed; S is the area.

However, as the cross section decreases, the gas pressure in the combustion chamber increases, so the cross section must be optimal so that the working pressure does not break the chamber.

rocket stabilizer- this is a part of the rocket, located in the tail section and serving to shift back the center of pressure of the aerodynamic forces acting on the rocket when flying in the atmosphere. In addition, the stabilizers can be equipped with elevators to control the movement of the rocket.

How to make a rocket with your own hands

The simplest rockets are solid fuel rockets, which makes the rocket less dangerous, the fuel is easier to work with and easier to create. But such rockets also have a minus - this is the irreversibility of the launch process, in which it is impossible to stop the process of fuel combustion and a small impulse. But this option suits us, we are not going to launch Belka and Strelka into space!

The fuel is not completely located in the rocket, there is a chute inside the fuel compartment. Its necessity is due to the fact that during the combustion process the fuel heats up, while it expands, creating a load on the walls of the rocket. Such a load can deform or even lead to cracks in the hull, which can adversely affect flight. Therefore, an empty space, a chute, is provided to reduce expansion in the direction of the rocket walls.

Gunpowder (packed in the form of a checker) or paper impregnated with saltpeter can serve as fuel, but caramel fuel can be better than them - it is an alloy of sugar or sorbitol with potassium nitrate or ammonium perchlorate in a ratio of 2:3. You can also buy a cheap one with a large selection of momentum (lift thrust) and use it to create a rocket for flight. Such engines already have a nozzle, which simplifies the task of assembly, and a used engine can later be replaced with another one, making the rocket reusable.

The body and fairing of the rocket is best made of parchment, as it is heat resistant compared to paper or aluminum pipe.

A parchment rocket nozzle can be made by squeezing the end of the rocket into four pieces and twisting them so that the hole narrows. Later fix the nozzle with a thread. For rockets with a metal case, you need to select a plug with a hole in the middle. The plug is attached to the surface by soldering with cold welding or soldering acid.

You can also make rockets without a nozzle, but the speed of the rocket will be lower from this. The stabilizer is made of cardboard or plywood and glued to the body with glue.

The fuel is ignited by a fuse or electric fuse.

Aerodynamic tailpipe trim

Improves appearance and saves gas

mechanical toys

homemade rocket

In secular times, one could find a toy in stores - a water-air-powered rocket. Today, such a rocket can be easily made with your own hands from an ordinary plastic bottle.

To make you will need:
Plastic bottle
Bike tube nipple

The main thing is to dig a hole in the cork of the bottle and paste the nipple into it. For gluing, you can use any glue, moment, liquid nails and so on.

You also need to make a launcher for a homemade water rocket.

The purpose of the installation is to keep the rocket in a vertical position while air is being pumped.

How to launch a rocket from a bottle

To launch a homemade rocket from a bottle, you need to pour 1/3 of water into it and pump it well with air.

After that, the stopper is removed, the pressure breaks the plug and the rocket goes into flight.

Video instruction for making a water rocket from a bottle

If you don’t understand the principle, watch the video “How to make a rocket from a bottle”

As you can see, making a water rocket with your own hands is not difficult. It would be a desire, yes a water pump.

Water rocket modifications

Water rockets come in very different modifications.

The simplest modification is to install a cone on the top of the rocket, the cone is the neck with a part of the bottle, you can attach it to the water rocket using ordinary tape.

Stabilizers don't hurt either. They can be made from a plastic folder. Stabilizers align the flight up and landing of a homemade water rocket.

Often rockets are made from several bottles. In the photo below, the launch of a multi-bottle rocket, note that ink has been added to the water and the water rocket leaves a multi-colored tail behind it.

It is not necessary to launch a homemade water rocket up.

You can use it as a rocket launcher if you don't mind getting wet.

And here is a video of launching a simple water rocket from a bottle without any modifications.

You can buy a ready-made kit for launching an air rocket!

See also:

Homemade toy spinner with balls - a mechanical toy with an electric drive, balls run, sort and fascinate.

DIY slime - how to make a slime from improvised means.

A homemade vibrating walker is a small self-propelled toy that you can make with your child.

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In today's video, I will show you a wonderful idea that I came up with purely by chance the other day, in the cut bottle there was just a bottle with a smaller diameter. After looking around, turning the bottles in my hands, I decided to make a pump)) And as for me, in an extreme case, if there is no pump or it is a broken mini pump made by yourself at home, it will actually help you out of improvised means, and you can easily inflate a ball or any other toy which does not require high pressure. Once again I was convinced that the ideas for making homemade products or any other fakes from plastic bottles are endless! ******************************************************* ********** I welcome you to my channel Roman Ursu, where you will learn how to make homemade, New Year's crafts, gifts, toys, scarecrows for Halloween, and most importantly, that all this can be done at home and with your own hands!

Are you fond of needlework, homemade or you just have nothing to do? Then you got to the channel you need here you can find a lot of homemade crafts, crafts that are made by yourself, and most importantly, they are all made from improvised means and at minimal cost! ******************************************************* ********** main channel: second channel: vkontakte: in classmates: ! be careful and do not repeat this at home, the author is not responsible for your actions, this is an entertainment video, not a training or a call to action! ATTENTION!!! - my channel is for decent people: for swearing, shortened or modified swearing, for insults and "trolling" - I WILL BAN!!! ******************************************************* ****************** In today's video I'm going to tell you you a brilliant idea that I have got recently absolutely accidentally. There just was a bottle with a smaller diameter in the bottle that was already cut. When I turned bottles in my hands and looked at it, then I decided to make a pump) To my opinion if there's a case of emergency and if there is no pump or it's broken, such a hand made pump, almost made of hand- shifts will help you. You will be able to inflate a ball or any other toy that doesn't require high pressure. I have been sure for the next time that the ideas of making hand-shifts or any other hand made crafts of plastic bottles are endless. ******************************************************* ******************** Welcome to my channel Roman Ursu where you will learn how to make hand made crafts, New Year crafts, presents, toys, Halloween scares. The main thing is that one can make it at home and with one's own hands. You are interested in handiwork, craft or you just have nothing to do, haven't you?

You have found the channel you really need. Here you can find lots of crafts, hand made items, and the main thing is that they are all made of make-shifts and at the lowest cost! Main channel: second channel: community: community: — my channel is for decent people: I will BAN for swear words, both in short and transformed form, offence and trolling!!!

social comments Cackle

High-speed passenger ships "Meteor" (projects 342, 342-E, 342-U)- a large series of Soviet large high-speed hydrofoil passenger ships. The construction of a series of ships "Meteor" began in the 60s at the shipbuilding enterprise "Zelenodolsk plant named after. A.M. Gorky (Zelenodolsk, Russia).

The purpose of motor ships of the Meteor type was the implementation of high-speed transportation of passengers along navigable rivers, lakes and reservoirs, including the possibility of access to the estuarine sections of rivers and coastal areas of the sea.

In total, more than 200 ships were built in the series in various modifications of the original project. The serial construction of ships was stopped in the early 90s due to the economic difficulties of the shipbuilding enterprise, as well as due to the obsolescence of the Meteor series of ships.

In the Soviet Union, the built ships of projects 342, 342-E, 342-U received the name "Meteor" and a serial (building) number. Motor ships "Meteor" surrendered to various shipping companies and ports of the RSFSR and Ukraine, and were presented on almost all navigable rivers, where they worked on passenger lines.

In addition to the shipping companies of the Soviet Union, the Meteor motor ships were also delivered to other countries of the world, in some of which ships continue to operate to this day.

To date, mainly due to high operating costs and due to the reduction of river passenger lines, many Meteor ships have been decommissioned by shipping companies, decommissioned or sold to private firms.

Do you want to make a real three-dimensional rocket with your child or for him? Then a plastic bottle will come in handy, with the help of it you can make an original craft with your own hands, which will be very relevant for Cosmonautics Day. In addition, children are very fond of playing with toys that they made with their own hands, and since in any case your role is an assistant, all the honors from the craft will go to the children.

Rocket from plastic bottles for Cosmonautics Day or so, on occasion

A master class by Tamara Bystrova will tell you step by step how to make an original rocket for a child.

What you need to make crafts:

  • Plastic bottles - 2 pcs.;
  • glue gun;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard;
  • spray paint;
  • glue;
  • foil.

And now the weight of MK step by step

We cut off the neck of a small bottle, and cut out a rectangular piece of plastic from the second, cutting off the bottom and top.

In order for the future cone to fit the body of the rocket as much as possible, it will need to be done directly on a small bottle. To do this, take the “rocket body” bottle and form a cone from a piece of plastic on its top. If possible, secure the workpiece in several places with a stapler.

You should get such a plastic "bag".

Now cut and trim the edges.

We glue the cone more thoroughly at the seams with a glue gun. Then glue it to the bottle.

Plastic reacts quite harshly to temperature, losing its shape at the places where it is glued with hot glue, so in order to smooth out the bumps, we decided to put a smoothing “bandage” made of a balloon on the main seam.

We will make slots in order to attach stabilizer rockets.

First, measure the circumference of the bottle and divide this figure by three (since our rocket will have three stabilizing wings at the base). For example, the circumference of our bottle is 27 cm, divide by 3 and we get that we will make each cut at a distance of 9 cm from each other.

Attach a ruler and draw a line.

Now we cut this line 4-5 cm in height.

If you use thick “box” cardboard for the manufacture of stabilizers, then the incision needs to be expanded by a few millimeters.

So we repeat 2 more times.

Now we make stabilizers. In general, they can be made arbitrarily, the desired size. But we will tell you how these elements were made for a rocket from MK.

First we draw a template. All measurements are in the photo below.

We cut out the template and cut out 2 more such blanks from cardboard.

Trying on.

The photo shows that the tops "ask" to decrease.

We cut off the excess area and try on all three elements again.

If everything fits, insert them into the blades and dot them with glue, in several places.

That's it, the rocket is ready for painting.

We go outside or in a well-ventilated area and apply paint.

As a result, we get a real "metal" rocket.

Well, now, the final touch is the design of the rocket to your liking.

Our craft is decorated with stripes and stars made of thin red packaging foil, in which gifts are often wrapped or flowers are wrapped.

Surely your imagination will not let you down and will tell you some original ideas for decorating a rocket, and you will only have to realize the most suitable option.

The plastic space rocket will be a great toy for your child. Moreover, it is in no way inferior to the purchased one: it is just as bright and durable. Moreover, the very process of creating a rocket will become an exciting game. It is quite easy to make such a toy.

If you don’t have time to play with your child, but you need to occupy him with something, then this fake is a great way out of the situation. The rocket will be made in three colors: red, blue and silver. These colors harmonize well. But you can choose others, it all depends on your imagination.

To create a rocket you will need:

  • Plastic bottle (small);
  • Foil;
  • Glue;
  • Acrylic paint (red);
  • Colored cardboard;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • Scissors;
  • Tassel.

1. First of all, you need to make the nose of the rocket. To do this, we turn the blue cardboard into a cone. Glue the ends. We put the finished part on the bottle.

2. Then, you need to note where the porthole will be. To do this, draw a round window in the upper zone of the bottle with a felt-tip pen.

3. On the reverse side of the blue cardboard, draw the wings of the rocket. There should be three in total. Then we cut them out.

4. We will make cuts at the bottom of the bottle.

5. Let's make cuts. After that, you need to paint the bottle with red acrylic. Make sure that there are no unpainted areas left. The porthole does not need to be painted over.

6. Now insert the wings into the slots.

7. Paint the legs of the rocket black. The figure will be more voluminous.

8. The toy is almost ready. It remains to give it a more elegant look with the help of a shiny foil edging. Let's make a winding in the places indicated below on the bottle.

9. Glue small foil stars on the wings of the toy. The space rocket is ready.

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A cool rocket model or a real flying rocket can be made at home without any problems. To carry out the work, you can use any materials at hand: paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, matches and foil. Depending on the chosen master class, you can get a beautiful toy or a full-fledged model of a real rocket. All descriptions are supplemented with step-by-step photo and video instructions, which greatly simplifies the assembly of products. You can learn in detail how to make a rocket with your own hands and make it fly in the master classes below for adults, teenagers and children.

How to make a rocket with your own hands so that it flies - a step-by-step master class with a description

The simplest flying rocket can be made at home. The following master class describes in an accessible way how to make a rocket out of paper that flies in just 5-10 minutes. The work will be within the power of both adults and teenagers. And a simple instruction on how to make a rocket out of paper does not require the use of special components: you can assemble it from improvised materials.

DIY materials for making a flying rocket

  • paper;
  • scotch;
  • piece of metal-plastic pipe;
  • soft hose;
  • 2l bottle.

A step-by-step master class on making a flying rocket with your own hands

How to make a rocket from ordinary cardboard with your own hands - a diagram and a description of the work

Even a child can make a cool cardboard rocket. This layout is perfect for decorating a room. How to make a cardboard rocket with your own hands according to the scheme is described in the master class below with step-by-step photos.

Do-it-yourself materials for assembling a space rocket from ordinary cardboard

  • toilet paper rolls;
  • white cardboard;
  • thin colored paper (yellow, red);
  • shiny self-adhesive paper;
  • scissors;
  • paper tape;
  • red and silver paint;
  • astronaut figurine.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a cardboard rocket with your own hands

How to make a rocket so that it takes off from a bottle - a step-by-step master class

An original and high-flying rocket can be assembled from improvised materials right at home. But its launch must be carried out in an open area to comply with safety conditions. A step-by-step photo instruction will tell you how to make a rocket from a bottle without much difficulty.

List of materials for making a flying rocket from a plastic bottle

  • plastic bottle;
  • sheet of plastic;
  • foam tube;
  • paper tape;
  • liquid Nails;
  • stationery knife, scissors;
  • rubber stopper;
  • thin hose.

A step-by-step master class on making a flying space rocket from a bottle

How to make a model of a space rocket with your own hands - an interesting master class with a photo

Many space exploration fans would like to have a real mock-up of the original rocket at home. Using a few materials and following the assembly rules, you can make a copy of the Proton-M. How to make a rocket model and how to paint it correctly is indicated in the next master class.

Materials for making a model of a space rocket with your own hands

  • round blanks from a bar;
  • plastic tubes;
  • acrylic paint;
  • glue.

A detailed master class on making a rocket model with your own hands

How to make a rocket model from matches and foil - an entertaining video master class

Many adults and teenagers are wondering how to make a rocket out of matches and foil. Work takes a minimum of time, but brings maximum fun. True, it must be carried out either with adults or under their supervision.