Organization of events in the culinary studio: the most unusual and non-standard birthday is your culinary party

I don’t know how it is customary in your family and your environment to celebrate children’s birthdays, but until last year everything went banal for us: if the child is still small (1-5 years old), then parents invite relatives and THEIR friends (in best case with children) and celebrate together at the table. And for a child, this is of no use except for gifts and a cake.

If the child is older (from 6-7 years old), then the parents will invite, in addition to relatives and THEIR friends, a few more friends of the child (from a kindergarten-school or a neighboring entrance).

The same feast, when parents are separate to themselves, and children are separate to themselves, but still under supervision. The culprit or hero of the occasion is about the same sense - gifts and a cake.

As a rule, he plays with these same children every day. Yes, both mom and dad do not have time for a child - they need to deal with guests, serving dishes, and then washing dishes.

If you invite all the guests to the restaurant, everything will be the same: the children will run from boredom around the restaurant hall, and you will worry that their screams and running around will not bother anyone.

There is a saying: “It is better to spend twice on children less money and twice as much attention.

My wife and I decided last year (and this year too) to make our son's birthday HIS day. So that he remembers this day all next year and was not waiting for the next trinket-gifts that would bother him in a few days, but received a lot of positive emotions and joy.

We live in Ukraine in the regional center of the Ternopil region. To the regional center - Ternopil 80 km or 1 hour and 40 minutes by bus. So on Monday, May 19, the whole family went to Ternopil in the morning so that our son could get a whole day of our parental attention(which he often lacks), entertainment, joy, pleasant emotions and fun. For all of us, it was also 1 day of a short, but family trip. A small rehearsal, so to speak. But first things first.

So, this year we decided to show our son what 3D is and the first thing we did was take him to the 3D cinema to see the cartoon RIO 2, which was released only 1.5 months ago. You should have seen his amazement when the parrots flew at him and the rain fell just in front of us. When he saw the waterfalls and forests of the Amazon in front of him, when fairy world came to life and he felt like he was in a cartoon.

Nazar in a chair waiting for a cartoon.

Cheerful Rio family

Immediately after the cartoon, we went to a candy store to celebrate a birthday with a cake and a candle and excellent natural ice cream. By the way, my son loves to blow out candles and not only on his cakes 🙂

Nazar and my wife Ira are waiting for the candle to be lit.

Then we drove to the city center. Right on the main square, my son chose a jeep on a battery and began to steer among passers-by.

After that we went to the lake where the boat was waiting for us. By the way, Ternopil, like Geneva in Switzerland, is 2 cities, in the center of which there are lakes.

Look at the contented face of a child who had a great birthday. And there are many more interesting things ahead.

There is a small amusement park right next to the lake. For some reason, the son did not want to go on catamarans, perhaps he was already a little tired, but he did not refuse everything else. So let's move on:

By train

We fly by helicopter

And collect the balls on the excavator

And there were also a variety of swings, slides, crossbars, crawling, running, descending.

In short, pants full of joy 🙂

Before returning home, you need to eat well. We went back again through the city center to an excellent pizzeria "Sicily", where all dishes are prepared from Italian products. On the way, Nazar begged for another ride on a velomobile:

And now pizza with tuna and juice just right:

At the pizzeria, my son was also offered free coloring and crayons while they waited for the order.

Well, we couldn’t return empty-handed, because tomorrow Nazar had a tour of grandmothers and great-grandmothers (and he has as many as 4) for gifts. Therefore, we went to another pastry shop near the center for cakes for gifts for grandmothers.

It was thanks to the Internet business that I was able to give my son and wife a whole day on Monday, and not transfer his day to the next day off.

This is how rich and interesting our son's birthday turned out to be. On the road, entertainment, food, cakes and small purchases, we spent 490 hryvnia or 44 dollars, who does not know the course. The table at home would have cost the same or even more money. And the difference in happiness, joy and satisfaction of the child cannot be compared. So let's give our dearest people only the best moments and best emotions. No amount of money can buy them.

By the way, only this year, 2 weeks before his 6th birthday, Nazar began to count the days until his birthday. Every day he asked either me or my wife how many more days were left until May 19th. He remembers very well how he spent his 5th birthday.

P.S. In the comments to this article, share your ideas for organizing outdoor holidays for your loved ones and children. I am sure that these ideas will also help the readers of my blog to make life richer, more interesting and happier. And most importantly, they will be an additional incentive to take active steps to create a free life and start creating the life of your dreams.

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Your birthday, which you will celebrate in our culinary studio“Beautifully served” will be just that: original, unusual, very tasty. It will also be useful, because you and your guests will learn so many new things! Everyone will certainly wake up culinary talent. We'll take care of it!

Most importantly: it will be not only a gift for you, but also for those invited to this unforgettable party.

Your guests have definitely not visited such a birthday!

Prank for a friend, sister, colleague and any loved one: our unusual scenario is ready

You have decided to prepare a surprise for a friend, relative, colleague, but don't know what to think of to make her birthday amazing and unusual? Arrange a draw and it will be the most memorable gift! How to make it? Let's talk in detail.

  • First find out who is invited to the party. Agree with the guests that a couple of days before the event, under various pretexts, they allegedly refused to come.
  • Why a couple of days? Because at this time you can still refuse the restaurant, and at home the dishes do not start cooking so early. Still it's yours close person, so do not enter it into unnecessary expenses.
  • Book a culinary party with us. At the very moment when the birthday girl suddenly realizes that she will have to spend the best day of the year alone with a glass of champagne, give her your gift!

It will be "Beautifully served" in St. Petersburg! A real surprise and an unforgettable surprise await the whole company of guests in our culinary studio. Want even more variety? Decide on a costumed birthday theme.

  • It can be, for example, fabulous or Hawaiian party, holiday in retro style.
  • We will support the choice by specially decorating the room.
  • Our chef, always amazing in his skill, will select special dishes for the master class!

What men say: culinary birthday for the strong half of humanity

  • Do you think the scenario cooking master class suitable only for the beautiful half of humanity? Nothing like this!
  • You can’t even imagine with what enthusiasm men take part in the preparation of culinary masterpieces!

Do you know that the best chefs in the world are men? Yes, why talk for a long time? Everyone knows that man's hands give each dish a special taste. Among the peoples of the Caucasus, for example, meat is generally prepared only by representatives of the stronger sex. It is believed that women spoil it.

This, of course, is rather a tribute to traditions, but ... According to the reviews, many of the participants in our culinary days births are so carried away that they continue to cook at home, hitting wives and lovers, mothers and sisters. Here is such a story!

How parties are held in the culinary studio and how many guests to invite

First of all, every birthday celebration at the Krasivo Podano culinary studio is a closed, confidential party. We guarantee this. Strangers are not allowed on it. The kitchen and living room are at your complete disposal.

The chef will arrange a master class just for you! Our living room is not the hall of a star restaurant. She is intimate and very comfortable.

  • The maximum number of guests that we can accept to celebrate a birthday and comfortably place at the stoves and tables is up to 20 people, and each will be given special attention.
  • Experience shows that this is quite a sufficient number of guests, since a birthday is, after all, a personal holiday, to which the closest relatives and friends are invited.
  • You will be surprised, but very often even a culinary birthday for two is ordered from us, and this is truly romantic!

We recommend booking your date in advance as there are quite a few creative minds in St. Petersburg who are looking for unique options birthday celebrations. We will discuss all your culinary preferences and wishes for the decoration of the party. Our experts will make the menu and the program of the event, taking into account the number of guests.

Contact us by phone or online and express your wishes. Consultations - for free! Chat with us and you will forget about the age-old birthday format. We will not just have a feast with continuous consumption of huge amounts of food and alcohol.

We will prepare a real exclusive for you, and you will definitely like it!

You will create culinary masterpieces with my own hands and then taste them with your guests!

Birthday is a special holiday. You will never be the core of 18 or 30. Every birthday people want to spend it in a special way, think about it, not like all the previous ones. And not like others.

Basically organize non-standard birthday not so difficult. The main thing is to have a desire. Yes, and fantasy does not hurt. However, in order to achieve desired effect, you should start from the hobbies and interests of the birthday man, as well as take into account the tastes of the invited guests. If the birthday boy is an avid theatergoer, then the program holiday, you can include a home production. Family skits and performances, once very popular in intelligent homes, have long since sunk into oblivion, so today this once widespread form of leisure looks fresh and original. If the birthday boy loves fishing, then it is recommended to organize a "fish day" on the banks of the river or ship, with fishing rods, horse races

and other attributes of fishing. If the birthday boy is a passionate football fan, then he will like a friendly match. If his main hobby is mysticism, then his birthday can be arranged in the form of a magic session with appropriate rituals and fortune-telling. If the birthday boy loves traveling, then God himself ordered to celebrate his birthday in some exotic country. In the event of a financial collapse, you can "transfer" an exotic country to your native land, for example, organize a birthday in Indian: in national costumes, With national cuisine, under national music. For color, it is recommended to invite a couple of three Indians! In other words, there would be a desire, and almost any human hobby can be beaten.

In addition, today there are many companies and companies specializing in organizing and holding extreme events, including non-standard days birth. For a certain fee, the birthday boy and his friends can be thrown into an impenetrable bowl of the forest, immersed in the sea or sent along a difficult route from point A to point B, where he waits festive table. IN this case the birthday boy does not even have to strain his imagination: professionals will do it for him.

If the birthday caught the birthday boy away from home - on a business trip, a sanatorium or visiting distant relatives - this is not a reason to refuse the holiday. on the contrary, in this case, there are a lot of opportunities to celebrate the next birthday not according to the script, but in an original way, not like before. and it would be foolish to miss these opportunities!


Organization and holding of children's holidays:

All adults know that miracles are possible only in childhood, it goes according to its own laws. Everything is different here: both guests, and refreshments, and entertainment. Only a fairy fairy can fly to the kids and put a gift when he sleeps...

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Birthday at home:

1. These are the most economical options for holding a birthday at home, provided that the birthday person does not want to pamper guests with lobsters or collection wine (and even in this case, the estimate will turn out to be less pictorial than ...

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