Valentine's Day: the history of occurrence. Valentine's Day: interesting details from the history of the holiday

We bring to your attention a story for children and schoolchildren about the history of an unusual holiday: Valentine's Day - the holiday of all lovers.

Let's talk about the traditions of this holiday and how Valentine's Day is celebrated in different countries.

From celebrate February 14

— the most romantic holiday! All over the world it is celebrated as a day of love: boys and girls, men and women exchange valentines- greeting cards in the form of hearts. This tradition appeared a very long time ago, back in the 7th century. But how exactly did she appear?

There are many legends. Valentine, according to the Catholic Church, really healed a blind girl - the daughter of a dignitary Asterius. Asterius believed in Christ and was baptized. Claudius then ordered the execution of Valentine. That is, Valentine suffered for the faith, and therefore was canonized as a saint.

More romantic is another legend. In 269, the Roman emperor Claudius II forbade his legionnaires from marrying, so that the family would not distract them from military affairs. But there was the only Christian preacher in all of Rome, Valentine, who sympathized with the lovers and tried to help them. He reconciled quarreling lovers, composed letters for them with declarations of love, gave flowers to young spouses and secretly married legionnaires - contrary to the law of the emperor.

Claudius II, learning about this, ordered the priest to be seized and thrown into prison. But even there, Valentine continued to do good deeds. He fell in love with the blind daughter of his executioner and healed her. And it happened like this: before the execution, the young priest wrote a farewell note to the girl with a declaration of love, signed: "From Valentine." Having received this news, the jailer's daughter received her sight. Valentine was executed on February 14, 269. Since then, people celebrate this day as a holiday of lovers.

Two hundred years later, Valentine was proclaimed a Saint, the patron saint of all lovers. World Day of Declarations of Love is now celebrated everywhere. And in memory of the letter written by Valentine to his beloved, on February 14, lovers give each other greeting cards - valentines. According to tradition, they are not signed, but they try to change the handwriting: it is believed that a person must guess who sent him a Valentine. In addition to valentines on this day, men give their loved ones flowers, most often red roses.

According to foreign folk tales, it is on this day that all birds choose their mate. And there is also a belief that the first man who met a girl on February 14 should become her "Valentine", even if she does not like him very much.

Gradually, Valentine's Day turned from a Catholic holiday into a secular one. He is loved by men and women, boys and girls. This holiday is celebrated with pleasure, although it is not listed in the calendar among the official holidays.

In Russia, Valentine's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently - somewhere at the end of the last century. And on this day, everyone congratulates not only their loved ones, but also friends. Well, why not? After all, this is a great occasion to wish friends love and happiness! By the way, in Finland this day is really celebrated not only as Valentine's Day, but also as Friends Day!

How different countries celebrate Valentine's Day

In almost all countries on Valentine's Day, it is customary to give gifts and valentines to loved ones. And on this day they like to arrange weddings and get married. But it should be noted that Valentine's Day is still not popular everywhere. For example, in Saudi Arabia, this holiday is generally prohibited. There is even a special commission in the country that strictly ensures that no one celebrates Valentine's Day.


At the beginning of the 19th century, the Americans had a custom - on Valentine's Day, give marzipan figurines to their loved ones. And marzipans in those days were considered a great luxury! And it is also customary for American children to give gifts to sick and lonely people on this day.


In England, they used to carve wooden "spoons of love" and give them to their loved ones. They were decorated with hearts, keys and keyholes, which symbolized: the path to the heart is open.

There is a very beautiful legend about how Aphrodite stepped on a bush of white roses and stained the roses with her blood. This is how red roses were born. It is believed that the ancestor of the tradition of giving red roses to loved ones was Louis XVI, who presented such a bouquet to Marie Antoinette.

Even in England there is a belief - the first man you see on this day is your betrothed. Therefore, unmarried girls get up early on this day and run to the window to look out for their betrothed.


On Valentine's Day, the French hold various romantic contests. For example, the competition for the longest serenade - a song about love - is very popular. And it was in France that the first quatrain message was written. And of course, it is customary to give jewelry on this day.


This holiday has been celebrated in Japan since the 1930s. last century. Interestingly, in Japan, Valentine's Day is considered an exclusively male holiday, so gifts for this holiday are given mainly to men, as a rule, chocolate (mainly in the form of a figurine of St. Valentine), as well as all kinds of colognes, razors, etc. And if a woman gave a man such a chocolate bar, then exactly one month later, on March 14, he presents her with a return gift - white chocolate. So on March 14, the Japanese again have a holiday called "White Day".

According to unofficial data, it is known that February 14 - Valentine's Day has been celebrated for 16 centuries. This is the brightest, brightest and most sensual holiday, praising love and human relationships.

Do you know how many countries and from what century they began to celebrate Valentine's Day, and what is the history of its appearance? Find out interesting and unknown facts about the purest holiday of love!

13 Facts About Valentine's Day

  1. According to one version, the holiday got its name in the 3rd century, in honor of a man who worked as a priest. Valentine was a very good-natured person: he considered it his duty to unite loving hearts. During the war, Valentine visited the soldiers with sermons and prayers, as well as the female half of the population, which remained in the rear. He secretly helped his beloved to send love notes, thereby giving love to bored hearts. For this help, the priest was executed, and only after 2 hundred years he was canonized as a saint.
  2. The letters of Charles, Duke of Orleans are considered to be the first Valentine. In 1515 (some sources indicate 1415), he was in prison and, out of boredom, began to write touching letters to his wife, which were made in the shape of a heart. Thanks to these letters, the fashion for valentines went on - they began to be printed and presented for the holiday.
  3. In each country, the holiday is celebrated in its own way, and gifts that lovers give to each other are a special distinctive touch. For example, in France it is customary to give expensive jewelry, while in Japan this holiday applies more to men, since it is they who receive the most gifts, in particular chocolate or caramel.
  4. The rituals are also very different. For example, in Scotland and England, on the eve of Valentine's Day, guys and girls wrote their names on small pieces of paper, after which they threw them into a vessel that was located on the street. The next day, in the midst of the holiday, everyone took out a piece of paper on which the name of the person was written. So courtship began, relationships began, and love arose.
  5. In Holland, on this day, a woman herself can propose to her beloved man, without condemnation from relatives. If he refuses, then the woman should be given a kiss and one evening dress. Girls actively use this tradition to replenish their wardrobe.
  6. Valentine's Day has a second, popular name - "bird wedding". The holiday got its name because of the second week of February, when the birds allegedly form pairs.
  7. The celebration of Valentine's Day began a little later in the United States - around the 18th century. Russia has become a champion, because the holiday came to our country only at the end of the 20th century. Saudi Arabia does not recognize Valentine's Day at all, and distributing Valentine's Day cards on this day can result in a hefty fine.
  8. Valentine cards come in different types, sizes and colors. So, once the Chinese authorities drew two big hearts on a pedestrian crossing, thus congratulating all the citizens and tourists of the city, of which there are over 14 million people. Another case of making an incredible valentine occurred 60 years ago, when the most expensive card in the world was commissioned by a billionaire fan. The famous Maria Callas became its happy owner, and the valentine itself was made of precious metals and cost 300 thousand dollars.
  9. Another interesting fact: in 1797, a special manual was issued for young people, which taught how to properly arrange valentines. This has become an ideal solution for people who are not romantic or do not have the proper imagination.
  10. In Germany, this holiday is also considered Mental Health Day, and it is St. Valentine who is the patron saint of all mentally ill people. People visit psychiatric hospitals and donate to the sick. However, some scientists believe that love is a kind of psychological disorder. Perhaps that is why two such different events are celebrated on the same day.
  11. The British have always been stingy with feelings and emotions, but it was they who came up with the idea of ​​giving gifts not only to loved ones, but also to their pets. Every year in England, millions of dogs and cats receive sweet valentines.
  12. It is very unusual to celebrate Valentine's Day in Jamaica: newlyweds who want to have a wedding on this day must go through the ceremony completely naked, and only a wedding ring should adorn their fingers. Oddly enough, there are a lot of people who want to participate in an unusual ceremony, and the queue for such a wedding is taken a few months before the celebration.
  13. In the United States, this holiday also has a second name - Americans jokingly call it Condom Day. On this day, the products necessary for all lovers can be taken in the store and on special counters for free - this is how the authorities take care of the well-being of couples in love.

Here are such unusual, funny and sometimes very strange traditions and facts associated with the holiday of all lovers.

The history of Valentine's Day - who came up with celebrating Valentine's Day - the history of the holiday

The tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day, aka Valentine's Day, came to us from the West. On this day, lovers give each other gifts, tender postcards - valentines, and, of course, declare their love. The history of this holiday is interesting.

History of Valentine's Day

First version

There is a beautiful legend about the origin of Valentine's Day. According to this legend, Claudius II - the Roman emperor, ruling in the third century AD, was an ardent opponent of marriage alliances, because they prevented his legionnaires from conquering countries. Therefore, the emperor issued a decree that forbade marriage. The priest Valentine, contrary to the decree, nevertheless continued to secretly marry lovers. For this, he was thrown into prison, after which he was sentenced to death. The young daughter of the jailer, seeing the priest and learning his story, fell in love with him. Valentine reciprocated her. But since it was not possible to see each other, the lovers communicated through correspondence. On February 14, 270, the day of the execution, the priest sent his last love note to his beloved, signed "From Valentine."

Second version

According to another version of the legend of the origin of the holiday of all lovers, the head of the prison where Valentine was imprisoned for his "criminal" deeds, accidentally found out about the healing abilities of the prisoner, after which he brought his blind daughter Julia to Valentine. On the terrible day of the execution, Valentine wrote a farewell love note to Julia. Having received it, the girl found yellow saffron inside, and an unprecedented miracle happened - she received her sight.

Several early Christian holy martyrs are known under the name Valentine. One of them is Valentine, a Roman priest who was executed around 269 AD. Another famous Saint Valentine was the Bishop of Interamna. This saint was famous for his miraculous healings. He was executed for converting the mayor's son to Christianity. Perhaps the legend refers to this particular saint. The romantic holiday of February 14 in memory of the saints was established by Pope Gelasius I in 496.

Already in 1969, after the introduction of the reform of worship, St. Valentine was removed from the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church (along with other Roman saints, information about whose life is contradictory and unreliable). On February 14, the Catholic Church honors the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius. And the Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the Presbyter of Rome Valentine on July 6 (19).

Feast of the Lupercalia

According to one legend, the roots of Valentine's Day go back to pagan times. Many believe that the "predecessor" of this holiday was the so-called Lupercalia - a holiday of abundance and eroticism, which was held in ancient Rome in honor of the patron god of the flocks of Faun (Luperka) and the goddess of "feverish" love Juno Februata on February 15.

Young girls wrote love notes to guys and put them in a special bowl for drawing lots. The man who took out this note was supposed to look after the one who wrote it. Interestingly, on this day, men whipped women on the street with whips made from the skin of a sacrificial goat. It was believed that this should have contributed to the greater fertility of women, so they were loyally exposed to cruel blows.

In 494 AD Pope Gelasius I "moved" the celebration of the Lupercalia from February 15 to February 14. Thus, it coincided with the day of veneration of St. Valentine. However, the celebration of the Lupercalia soon faded away.

Mating season for birds

The celebration of Valentine's Day in February is also associated with the beginning of the mating season of birds. It has long been believed that the conclusion of a marriage at this time will make it long and happy.

Pagan holiday "Ivan Kupala"

It is traditionally believed that the holiday of all lovers came to our country from the West. However, celebrations, somewhat similar to the Roman Lupercalia, have been in Rus' since ancient times. So, since ancient times, we have celebrated the famous Kupala Day, which falls on July 7, or rather, on the night of the sixth to the seventh of July, or according to the old calendar, on the night of the twenty-third to twenty-fourth of June. The holiday was dedicated to the day of the summer solstice, as well as to the pagan Slavic sun god Kupala. People honored the Sun, the maturity of summer, the green mowing. Young people girded themselves with bandages of flowers, and put wreaths on their heads. They danced and sang songs. Then, in connection with the adoption of Christianity in Rus', this pagan holiday was replaced by the veneration of the memory of John the Baptist, since the day of the Nativity of John the Baptist coincided with the pagan holiday of Kupala. This holiday was given the name "Ivan Kupala", as we know it today.

Commemoration of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

On July 8 (June 25 according to the old calendar), the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, the glorious patrons of love and family happiness.

However, massively on February 14 as a celebration of Valentine's Day in the Old World, that is, in Europe, it has been celebrated since the 13th century, while in America since 1777. Valentine's Day is secular (not religious).

We congratulate you on St. Valentine's Day and wish you simple human happiness, whose name is love! Always give your loved ones charming smiles, and then life will be even brighter!

February 14th is celebrated around the world as Valentine's Day.lovers.

Although it came to us relatively recently, it has already become one of our favorite holidays. For it is impossible to pass by the day dedicated to love.

Valentine's Day, what date is this day celebrated

The tradition of celebrating this day goes back to the 7th century. There are many legends about the origin of the holiday. One of them says that in 269 the Roman emperor Claudius II forbade his legionnaires to marry - he was afraid that family ties would distract them from military affairs.

However, the Christian preacher Valentine opposed this and tried to help lovers, incl. secretly married legionnaires contrary to the law of the emperor. Upon learning of this, Claudius II ordered Valentine to be imprisoned.

However, even there the preacher did not leave his work. Moreover, he fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer and was able to heal her with his note, written before the execution. In it, he sincerely wrote to the girl about his feelings.

Signed simply: "From Valentine." The energy of love, which Valentine conveyed in his note, performed a miracle: the girl regained her sight. And Valentine - a sufferer for love - was executed on February 14, 269.

Therefore, this day is celebrated as the holiday of lovers. Valentine himself, two hundred years later, was proclaimed a Saint, the patron saint of all lovers.

Valentine's Day, traditions and superstitions

It was in memory of the love note with which the Saint healed his beloved that it became customary on February 14 to give greeting cards - valentines.

Moreover, according to tradition, they don’t sign valentines, moreover, they even try to change the handwriting, and convey the valentine itself imperceptibly - a loving person will understand for himself who sent it to him.

Recall the classics - how did Shakespeare's Ophelia prepare for the onset of Valentine's Day? She planned the morning of this day so that the first person she would see would be Hamlet. For from ancient times there was a belief - the first one you meet on Valentine's Day, he is assigned to you by fate. So think along with Ophelia and you - how you need to start on February 14 in order to program your destiny the way you want it.

Of course, lovers on this day must be together. A romantic walk, an evening by candlelight, and most importantly: in no case should you quarrel with your soulmate on this day! Even a petty quarrel on this special day in the future will turn into a breakup. Therefore, tune in to be more calm and gentle, yield to each other, do not conflict even over trifles - unless, of course, you want to maintain a relationship.

Valentine's Day, what gifts should be given, and what should be postponed for the next holiday

The best gifts for Valentine's Day are paired, when half of the gift remains with you. After all, happy love always means a couple. In addition, a pair gift will not only be a kind of talisman that protects lovers from parting, but also a constant reminder of this special day. Identical bracelets, pendants, towels.

Perfume will be an appropriate gift - with the smell that you love. When giving them to your soulmate, explain the meaning of your gift: this fragrance will always remind you of the joint celebration of Valentine's Day.

In addition, "your" fragrance will ward off rivals from the object of your love (but this is not necessary for your soulmate to say - let this be your little secret trick).

However, there is a gift that cannot be given on Valentine's Day - a watch. For it is believed that the hands on the donated watch will begin to count down the time until parting. Also, you can not give sharp and fragile items. A sharp one will bring a heart wound, and a fragile one is in danger of breaking or splitting a donated item, which will entail parting.

Valentine's Day is celebrated every year on the same day, February 14th. Its second name is Valentine's Day. This day has become a favorite holiday for teenagers and young people, who on February 14 confess their tender feelings to their dear halves.

What traditions does a romantic holiday have, what can and cannot be given to loved ones, what to prepare an original sms with congratulations?

History of Valentine's Day

As the legends say, in the third century there lived a young man named Valentine, who served as a priest and at the same time treated people for various diseases. At the same time, a stern emperor was in power.

He was so severe that he forbade his soldiers to marry because it could distract them from their service. The young priest Valentine treated all lovers with understanding and, secretly from the ruler, married lovers. The emperor, having learned about the good deeds of the young priest, ordered his execution.

While in custody, he began to treat the guard's young daughter for blindness. When she saw the light, she fell in love with the doctor. But no one dared to violate the order of the emperor. Before his death, on February 14, the young man sent his beloved a small letter with the inscription: "From Valentine." In honor of the great and tragic love, this day began to be celebrated as the day of all lovers.

How Valentine's Day is celebrated

Of course, on this day, lovers give each other cute gifts - postcards (valentines), sweets, flowers, soft toys, crafts, balloons are the most popular. Gifts contain symbols associated with romance: hearts, cupids, roses. Couples express their feelings out loud and write letters and confession cards (in the style of St. Valentine).

Couples in love try to spend February 14 together, and those who have already tested their feelings with time very often play weddings on this day. And this is considered a very good omen.

On this day, many people go to the cinema, theaters, to parties, to cafes and restaurants (catering establishments invite you to special show programs prepared for Valentine's Day), to museums and exhibitions - it can be any place, the main thing is that they go there together and dedicate this day to each other.

Valentine's Day traditions around the world

Different countries have their own traditions and peculiarities of celebrating Valentine's Day.

In the United States, for example, on February 14, lovers present each other with red and white caramel candies on which words of love are written, or give each other postcards and homemade valentines. Schoolchildren make papier-mâché hearts and then give them to the elderly and lonely old people.

Saint Valentine, patron saint of all lovers

In Denmark, on Valentine's Day, it is customary to give snowdrops. And instead of valentines, men give women playful letters consisting of a funny poem.

In the UK, on ​​this day, lovers bake cookies in the form of hearts, and then give them to each other along with homemade postcards. It is interesting that the inhabitants of foggy Albion also congratulate their pets on this holiday.

Also on Valentine's Day, young unmarried girls tell fortunes about their betrothed and perform magical rituals. One of them: before the holiday, the girl should lay out five bay leaves on the pillow - one in each corner and one in the center, moisten them with rose water. This is a ritual for those who want to get married this year.

Italian lovers congratulate each other on Valentine's Day by exchanging sweets and candies with wishes inside. They also give flowers, jewelry and souvenirs. In the evening, be sure to have a romantic date in a cozy restaurant. If the weather favors, then a small picnic in the fresh air is possible.

The French prefer to dedicate poems in the form of valentines to their soul mates and give scarlet roses, sweets in the shape of hearts, and souvenirs. Many men make marriage proposals to their beloved on this day.

And on Valentine's Day in France, the procession "Une Loterie dAmour" takes place. All the lonely people take to the streets, stop at every house and shout "Be my Valentine". And if someone responds to the proposal, then the birth of a new married couple is possible.

In Japan, on February 14, girls congratulate their boyfriends on Valentine's Day, and a month later it is the turn of the strong half to confess their feelings to their loved ones. The best gift, which, according to the Japanese, is able to express the feelings of lovers, is chocolate.

Signs and beliefs for Valentine's Day

- Wedding on Valentine's Day - to a happy and long family life.

- If a mirror suddenly breaks on February 14, then this is a sincere mutual love or a long family life.

- To stumble on the threshold of this day - to parting or unrequited love.

Congratulations on Valentine's Day in verse for sms messages

Together on Valentine's Day

Just you and me,

After all, it's more wonderful with you

My life has become!

Only always mutual

Let there be love

Us a happy dream

Entertaining again!

May Valentine's Day again

Entices us with happiness

And let new joys

Offer this time!

Let life add color

In love dreams

And the world of the best fairy tales

You will recognize them!

You are my happiness in the world,

You are the meaning of my dreams

And I've been in your power for a long time,

Melting from your love!

And may this Valentine's Day

Be joyful for us

And love with magic light

Touches your eyes again!

Again Valentine's Day

Today we will meet twice

We need love

And we live with her in our hearts!

Valentine - a symbol of Valentine's Day

Let the ray of the sun be hurried

It warms you by chance

And happiness let boundless

Will fill the soul over the edge!

I'm glad I met you

I'm happy that you are with me

Loving you with all my heart,

I want to live my life with you!

You are the joy of my eyes

My happiness is the reason!

I used to be nobody

And now I'm your man!

You decorated my life

And you put love in your heart,

I love you, I admire you

And I am glad to meet again and again!

There is no more beautiful girl in the world

You eclipsed everyone with your beauty!

It's dangerous for me to be away from you

Immediately I become not myself!

With your sweet, wonderful smile

You blew me away!

And, burning with an ardent feeling towards you,

What is love I learned!

You struck me with beauty

In the heart of a hot fire you lit,

I'm happy that you loved me

And I was able to endure my character!

Our meeting is not accidental

In your life and mine

And love came unexpectedly

It is useless to argue with her!

I love you tenderly, tenderly

And I always miss you

Only in my heart is serene,

When you hug me!

You are the dream of my whole life

Her bright dawn!

And it won't hurt to say

I love you so much!

Since our meeting has changed

All at once in my destiny,

Happiness appeared in life

Giving love to you!