Statuses about a son with meaning: about love for the most important. Wishes to son Statuses about son and father

Statuses about a son are beautiful - A son is a man who can never stop loving.

Happiness for a mother is the smile of a baby that she carried under her heart for months ... The first word and the first step when her son falls asleep in her arms. Her happiness cannot be measured in years ... Happiness for a woman is simply to be a mother!

Mom bent over the bed at night and quietly whispers to her little one: “Just don’t get sick, my sweet bunny, I beg you, just don’t get sick.” When the illness approaches the child, The mother’s soul cries. And mother does not fall asleep until the morning, pressing the baby's hand to her cheek.

You sleep, my little friend, Innocent heart of an angel. I'll quietly go to the bed, And kiss you on the cheek...

My precious son... My own blood,
I fill myself with great pride,
So boundless to the son of mother's love,
I can't imagine my life without you...

One day my son said to me - I want them to be ... Like a bird you have ... such Wings ... It began to fly on my shoulder, I felt strength ... “And where will I fly?” I asked him... My son answered - Nowhere... Mothers don't fly!!! Mothers are always wings ... Children are closed ...

It's good to have a son! He is the best of men!
My sun is a golden ray, a smile that is always with me!
There is no more beautiful happiness in the world! He is a bright light of my soul!
It's good to have a son! He is the most important of men!

Kiss gently soft hand,
I'll barely touch my nose with my lips,
My heart skips a beat in love for my son
For me there is no better creature in the world!

A miracle walks around the apartment, There is no one in the world that he loves. Like a saucer-eye lake, a small gnome from a fairy tale

If the Lord wants to protect a woman, then he gives her a son ...

The best man in the world got me! He calls me "mom"!

Only when you come to the crib where your little baby sleeps do you really understand what happiness is.

Diapers, cereals are an inevitability; And you can't avoid other troubles. But the main thing is that kindred tenderness, which the baby gave you. You will endure any trials, Now nothing can scare you, Above the titles of all - only one title, One irreplaceable title - mother! Now you will not be bored now, Now all sorrows will come to naught - When the baby will stretch out his hands to you And say: “Mommy! I love you so much!"

Sooner or later, happiness comes into the life of every woman ... It is very easy to recognize him: he has the most delicious cheeks, the most tender smile, and the most sincere eyes!

I'm standing by my son's bed
He fell asleep, but I can't sleep.
My little man grew up
I came to pray for him.

Do you know what babies smell like? Almond milk, dew at dawn… Caramelized hands, milk chocolate. Daisies in the garden. Fragrant grapes... Inhaling the smell of childhood, the only one in the world, I can say for sure that children smell of happiness!!!

You are my son - my happiness, we will overcome all bad weather ... I will protect your dream and protect you ... I have been waiting for you for a long time ... Now you are my whole life ... How I love you !!!

I have an angel, and his name is son! And the son has security, and the security is called - mom!

It's good to have a son! He is the best of men! My sun is a golden ray, a smile that is always with me! There is no more beautiful happiness in the world! He is a bright light of my soul! It's good to have a son! He is the most important of men

There is only one man in my life who can't stand it when I stand at the stove or do the dishes. He takes my hand and leads me to dance. This man is my little son.

Hugging my son tighter
And the smell of feeling it,
I praise God that I am alive ...
Nothing else is needed...

I am raising a man
Good, beautiful,
Affectionate son!
Proud and bold
Very hardworking!
Loving, sweet
Real son!

There is no greater happiness in the world
Than to hear the son's first cry,
And look at him, admiring,
Realizing: “He is the most beautiful!”

We love you for no particular reason
Because you are a grandson
Because you are a son
For being a baby
For what you grow
Because he looks like mom and dad.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.

I love you to shiver
I love you to the point of awe
My child, my good
My imprint, my mark

I hug my son
Strong and warm
While the cheek smells
Childhood and kindness.

I have been given a great role.
Being the mother of a beautiful son...
I am very proud of you
My little man!

He lies on the bed, lifts his legs, sniffs softly with his nose, opens his eyes. I love this boy more than life! My good, my dear little son!

I really believe and hope that at the hour when the time comes,
I'll tell a grown man: "I'm so proud of you, son!"

The top of the head on the son's head... That's the sweetest thing in this life... Kiss... and don't need sweets... And it doesn't matter how old the son is... It's still sweet to kiss...

There is one angel on earth who holds at least two hearts in his little hands, makes you smile and does not let you get bored - this is mother's and father's joy. Little bandit, little general, sweet son.

My son - my wings behind my back! My son is my stars above the earth! My son is my happiness forever! My son - you are my air and water!

Poems to the son from the mother, as well as congratulations to the son on the holiday on the site Your!

Being a mother of girls, of course, is not something:
There are dolls, dishes, hospital, lotto,
There are puffy dresses and braids for a child ...
Well, fate gave you a kid.

Your house is not decorated with vases of roses,
And the killer cyborg that your son brought
Finding him in a puddle near his native house,
Cleaned it up, cleaned it up and now it's like new.

No, it's not trash, and don't you dare clean it up!
Do you want to destroy the military base?
Do you want to demolish the aircraft hangar?
Think again, woman! It's a nightmare!

You will lead the tin soldiers into battle,
Be bold and bold, not a step back!
You will learn with him all the brands of cars,
And there will be more - all kinds of their tires.

You wouldn't know without him
Why do you need a jigsaw? Really kiss?
Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?
Bearing - what is it? Something with spikes?

So many things that could pass by!
But here it is happiness - to be the mother of a son!

A few commandments for my son
L. Reshetnikov

My dear son, you are my continuation in the series of years to come,
And my advice is not a lesson to you, but it is my covenant.

Whether poor, son, or rich, be proud of the mind, not goodness.
Don't limp in front of a hunchback, otherwise you really will become chrome.

Rejoice the homeland with a good deed, and, following the grandfather and father,
Be with her soul, mind and body, Be with her deed - not a word.

Take care of conscience and honor. A feast to feast, whether to go into battle, -
Be, son, always with everyone together, and at the same time - with yourself.

Son, my baby angel

Son, my baby angel,
How I love you dear
I love your mischievous laugh

I love every piece

From the mouth of your child
When you lie tired sick,

And gives a tender kiss
And mom says softly
I love you my dear!

Mommy's sunshine

Mommy's sunshine, so sweet!
The look is impeccably naive, funny.
Daddy's eyes, with an upper lip,
Eyebrows, hair... You're my bunny!

How you smile! You are my native!
Mom's welcome, dear baby!
An angel who returned home from heaven
Sunbeam, my golden!

Cheerful dwarf, groovy strong man,
You are my stream, with murmuring water!
A bright miracle, a gift from the unearthly,
My biggest gift in life!

Congratulations on your son's birthday

You know who's the best
Whom I hug tenderly
Who is kind, cheerful, handsome,
Beloved son, of course!
I wish you to be healthy
And learn a lot in life!
Grow up, be a helper in the house,
And I will be proud of you!
Happy birthday!

My little, my sweet boy

My little, my sweet boy
I like to watch when you sleep...
When you sleep softly
And next to your bear and bunny ...

You are my best friend!
I love your mischievous laugh,
When you play with kids
My beloved, glorious son!

Flower, my bunny, kitten!
May God keep you from troubles
Be healthy, happy for a hundred years,
My dear little child!

My son is a ray of light

My son is a blond ray of light!
You still don't know how big the planet is,
You can't imagine how beautiful the globe is
Green summer, white winter.
You still don't know much
Your road is long and amazing.
Do not rush! - Your mother is telling you.
You can still see!
Cheerful kid - blue eyes!
I love you so much! With all my heart, very much!
Grow healthy and be happy!
May your journey be full of joy!

maternal happiness

The arrows are counting down the time loudly,
And the years melt like white smoke.
But for me you remained a child,
My son, glorious and dear!
You still have the same cute habits.
All the same facial expressions
Son, how glad I am that everything turned out this way
You have not grown into a soulless liar.
You have become a strong, real man,
And in your business you have no equal.
Son, you visit me more often.
Here is a mother's secret of happiness!

My son is growing

My son is growing
Kind and funny!
How the year turned out
Our first tooth has grown:
White, healthy!
Sanka will get up, in the morning, at six,
He will run to his mother:
"Give me something to eat,
Don't lie in bed!!"
I'll make him soup
Warm up the kettle
he leans in and whispers:
"I pity you!"
Heart trembles and freezes
It will be so nice!
It's good that you live...
here... with me... next to...

Son, my baby angel

Son, my baby angel,
How I love you dear
I love your mischievous laugh
I love your look, your smile,
I love your breath, your teardrop,
I love every piece
What a joy to hear mom
From the mouth of your child
When you lie tired sick,
Runs to you, arms outstretched
And gives a tender kiss
And mom says softly
I love you my dear!

Wish to son

Always be cheerful
Never be sad.
It will be difficult - be strong,
There will be a wind - do not rot,
It will hurt, don't cry
Do not hide your eyes in the palm of your hand.
If there are thunderstorms, go
If tears are wiped off
If you're scared, hold on.
Remember, life is life!

Birthday wishes for son

Son, always be lucky, in everything,
May your affairs always go well!
We are proud of you every day
We wish you true friendship and love,
Ideas for the execution of any
And the most wonderful dream
Good luck to you, bright and big,
We are happy when you are happy!

We want a son

Son, today is your holiday!
We wish you with all our heart
So that you can achieve everything
May you be happy, son!
You are smart, brave, it means
In everything you will achieve good luck!

Wishes for an adult son

You have become an adult
And we are proud of you!
You have embodied
Family Traits:
Cheerful, energetic
And skillful
Among the weak - kind,
Among the strong - the brave.
And we want
So that your life is
Clean, bright
Delivered from evil
And to distinguish
Among all
you luck,
Happiness and success!

The birth of a son

What an amazing moment
Birth of my son
And waiting for the arrival
All nine months of it.
I listen, I listen
Such a special touch
And sometimes I don't understand
What THIS happens is...
So carefully and so vulnerable
So joyful and fussy
That sad suddenly and silently
Days go by, hours fly by.
And in this bustle beautiful
Nothing can be in vain
Let it be quiet, but already so clear
Soul speaks to soul.
With focused excitement
I'm in a hurry to change everything
And waiting for the birth
I cherish every moment...
All-consuming tenderness
Now one owns me -
Incomprehensible and boundless
Like life itself or love!

adult son

We wish you, dear,
So that the road leads up;
Huge love - one,
Lots of great friends!
Good luck - there would be no end
More enjoyment...
Yes - remembered, son, mother-father
Not only on birthdays!
Know: we praise the son in every toast
And we are always looking forward to visiting with your beloved!

Wish to son

Don't hide from the rain under a stupid umbrella,
It is necessary - with your chest go against the storm to the shaft,
Well, they will ask you, they say, why and how much -
You did not sit like a stone, you lived and searched!
Let, son, the hand be fair,
Listen to your heart in the heat and blizzard,
Happiness in life cannot be taken by fire or sword,
The path of goodness is only towards him, you truly live!

Svetlana Zhachuk

And so that life is big, beautiful, full,

So you don’t cross it, son!

Look, son, at the sky.
And you will see Infinity.
All the stars, all the Worlds were created by the Almighty - God.
She has always been, she goes to eternity.

The entire Higher World is permeated with beauty,
There everything is in inexhaustible love, everything is in harmony there.
Do you remember? Subtle worlds we saw with you
And they enjoyed the music of love - the Divine Symphony.

We play different roles in life
And each of these lives is a story.
Do not hurt, son, walking next to the pain,
Let your conscience measure all your actions.

A man cannot live only for himself,
In his desires, actions, he always influences everyone.
We are a big huge family on earth,
And the path is wide for those who create.

Wealth, satiety have no meaning on earth.
Remember that we are children of the same Father.
Let the pain of others echo in your soul,
So that indifference does not build a network.

But if you recognized the secret of Being,
Distribute the golden grains with love.
The law of the universe is everything you gave
The Almighty will reward you and replenish.

Go son and sow your fields
So that the shoots are good, sift all the grains.
The earthly life will end, and the harvest will ripen for you.
You just save your mind from the black shadow.

You are given signs from the universe,
You don't pass by them, son.
They are in the rays of the sunset, in a snow storm,
They are from the light of the Morning Star.

The light of the rainbow will always remind you
About the Higher World, about Divine love.
Keep sacred in your heart and remember
The one who leads us on a difficult path.

We are going through evolution in different kingdoms.
Do you hear? The transition period is coming.
Cosmic fire is already approaching the earth,
The stream of the new era is moving.

And according to the law of the Higher Forces and the Universe
Nothing can stop him.
And only he will contain it, whose thoughts and desires
For the good of the world, but not for yourself.

Accept the energy of distant worlds,
In it is the essence of all life - the mystery of Being.
The flight of your ideas will be high,
And you will understand what your mission is.

Do good, son, and spread it around the world,
Give your light to those who live on earth.
Love and will will increase your strength,
And I will make a prayer to you:

“And so that life is big, beautiful, full,
So ashamed, it didn’t hurt at the end of the road!
There is a certain line, a line that we are allowed to.
So you don’t cross it, son!

My affectionate, gentle, my sweet baby

My affectionate, gentle, my sweet baby,
Again you cried, again you do not sleep.
You wake up your mom and dad will come
He will gently take you in his arms.

I'll cuddle up to you, I won't dare to breathe,
You start falling asleep in my arms.
Unwittingly, a tear will run into your eyes,
Oh, how good the soul of a baby is.

You brought joy in January at dawn,
You burst into life on a beautiful horse.
What a blessing to be a father again
Go through life, be a happy messenger.

You are a son, I am a father and such is our tandem,
We are together at the peak of everyday problems.
I will hold your hand tightly,
And as a captain, I'll take you to the ocean.

Let all adversity melt away, leave,
Unhappiness fades and disappears at once.
I believe the time will come for us
Be happy baby, my dear, forever!

Poems about son

In the morning I woke up in a bad mood
It seems to me grief the slightest trifle -
Socks in the corners and cookie bits
And everything is annoying, and everything is not right for me.

Comrades, how many times have I repeated -
Toys - on the shelf, tights - in the dresser ..,
Cleaning down the drain, all over again,
As if I don’t have enough problems and worries!

That dad, that son are not serious people,
There is not a drop of remorse on their faces!
Go for a walk in the frosty air,
And don't bother me cooking dinner!

Get dressed, get ready, sniff guiltily -
- Well, Mom, did you leave in the morning?
They took an ice cube, a bucket and a shovel,
And I trudged to my frying pans ...

Hastily crawling potato shavings,
Appetizing carrots and onions creak,
Disassembled things, on the shelves of toys ...
I sit enjoying the order around.

But something is missing again for happiness,
Silence ringing in my ears,
And quietly my anger disappears,
I'm going to look at mine from the window...

The picture is like this - snowflakes fly,
Down in the yard there is turmoil and laughter,
Glaciers with a whistle cut through the snowdrift,
There is enough fun and fun for everyone!

Mine got down to serious business -
Looks like they're up to something.
A child rolls a snowball clumsily,
And the husband helps to consolidate success

Diligently son mastery comprehends-
The bucket pours, shakes with a spatula,
And a hot lump rises to the throat -
Oh my god my baby is growing so fast..

As if recently - diapers, vaccinations,
Walker steps from corner to door
Tired happiness from the first smile,
Sleepless nights until dawn..

I stand, I support the battery with an edge,
A child made of snow works wonders
Why am I standing here and missing everything???
After all, this is half an hour from his life !!!

I'm running up the stairs, I'm in a hurry and I'm worried
This winter is so short.
And the frozen nose stuck into my cheek
Mommy, how I love you!

Let my homework not be appreciated again,
Let the soup on the stove not be cooked yet,
There are things in the world much more important -
We made a snowman with my son!

Mother to son: Your every trick is another gray hair on my head! The boy, looking at the gray-haired grandmother: I see you were a little weirdo in your youth too.

Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. All are supportive of what they themselves have created.

If the Lord wants to protect a woman, then he gives her a son ...

Comrades bring up much better than parents, because they are not characterized by pity.

The only one I'll run after will yell at me, "Catch up, Mom!"

If you have a house - do not be afraid of the cold; you have a son - do not be afraid of need.

He who does not instill anything useful in his son feeds a thief.

Son, teach me how to use a computer! - Lord, where did I make such a mistake...

You don't always do the right thing, my son. Even if you yourself are aware. But that's the beauty of life sometimes.

Beloved, make me the happiest - give me a son ...

The more difficult the mistakes, the stronger and more resilient their son is.

Sons leave the parental home one by one, and usually return two by two.

I have an Angel and his name is Son...

A stupid son and his own father will not sew the mind.

The wise mother-in-law answered her son’s complaints: “You married a good one!? Who ruined it for you?"

Having married a real man, a real woman must water the tree and clean the house until she marries her son.

The only man for whom I will do things will call me "mom" ...

Son, you have no friends at all because of the computer! - You're wrong! All 10 seasons!

Very often, the father cannot properly raise his son, and he follows in his footsteps.

The mother had three sons. Two are smart, and the third is... Athlete.

All people are guilty before the mother who lost her son in the war, and in vain they try to justify themselves before her throughout the history of mankind.

My best man, no doubt., The one who says: "Mommy, hello"!

Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. All are supportive of what they themselves have created.

No one decorates a woman like a walking beside ... son!

The sooner you start treating your son like a man, the sooner he will become one.

A spark is born from flint, a worthy son is born from a worthy man.

Sons understand fathers when they become grandfathers.

The son is responsible for his father, and in the most direct way: he lives in the country that his father left him.

I found meaning in life when I gave birth to my son. What happiness to be a native, beloved mother and wife!

The best sons in the world are their own.

The result is the son of mother-work, brought up by father-work.

The son was very surprised by the mother's request not to walk along the dark alleys ... It turned out that this was mother's territory ...

In peacetime, sons bury their fathers; in wartime, fathers bury their sons.

He explained to his son where children come from. A million storks fly out, and only one reaches the cabbage...

A respectful son is one who grieves his father and mother, except perhaps with his illness.

Raise your son the way you would like your daughter's husband to be.

If a man is ready to do anything for a woman, then this woman is his wife. If a woman is ready to do anything for a man, then this man is her son.

The pirate copy of the sea robber is his son, who also became a pirate.

Someday my son will break your daughter's heart.

Dmitry Emets

There is one topic that everyone carefully avoids. The theme is such that almost every family has a corpse. Sometimes two corpses. Or three. There are tens of millions of them across the country. More than patients with all incurable and terrible diseases in total.

Corpses are children playing with phones or games and can't tear themselves away from them. These children are not spoken about. It is not considered as terrible as being the father or mother of a drug addict. They say everyone is like that now. The generation is like this, the new era, and so on, but they themselves feel that this is nonsense, and this is the most common chemical addiction. The brain needs a hormone, and it gets it. All.

But the parents of these children recognize each other in the crowd, as, for example, the wives of alcoholics recognize each other. Just feel those moments. This is a leprosy that affects almost all families - smartphones and computer games.

I know hundreds of families that can't deal with this. Hundreds.

There are several families who have, say, five children, but they say: “four”, because their eldest son is a gamer, and they let him into the genetic culling.

It’s not that they completely crossed it out, they still hope for something, but they already put an end to themselves.

Here, not even some Christian things need to be discussed, but simply survival. When a drunk is lying in a puddle, you don’t talk about commandments to him. You just try to turn it over so that at least it doesn’t lie in a puddle with its mouth and nose. It will choke. And here it's even scarier.

We have one woman in our church praying: “Lord! If only the son walked with the women or drank vodka. Gets up at 9 pm, goes to bed at 8 am. Afraid of the sun. Mooing. Lying. Doesn't understand anything"

In another family, the child somehow completed the first year. Went on academic leave. Back to first grade. Flew out again. There was hope for the army, but for some reason they did not take him. At the first commission, they seemed to take it, and then - no. Probably the only case when the parents themselves begged to take.

Well, he sits at home and plays. They say: go to work - do not go. He doesn't need money. Clothes are not needed. He doesn't ask them. There is food at home. Lock her up? Silly. Call the police: my son does nothing, just plays? Throw it out on the street? Where? Also not an option. Dead end.

I can give hundreds of examples. Half of the publishers, for example, have kids who are gamers and don't know what to do about it. And this is for people who read a lot themselves. Half of the teachers have children who are gamers. Half of the politicians and so on. Everything starts simply. From the words that the whole class is playing, the whole class has smartphones. If I don’t have it, I’m the only white crow and so on.

With some similar words, half of my class once started smoking. Everyone smoked behind the school, how can you not join the most successful ones. Well, the continuation is known. But at this age, you can still say something, explain something, somehow save. If the whole class injected themselves with heroin, would you also buy it so that the child would not be a black sheep?

They say that this is the generation, but this is complete nonsense. Nobody says that the 90s are the generation of bandits, the 2000s are the generation of drug addicts, the 80s are the generation of smokers.

Talented children are more prone to games

In the game you can be successful. You can be the first. You can enjoy. This is a simulation, but from this simulation you do not want to return to the real world. And people disappear into the void forever.

The gamer has a big backlog from their peers. The child feels that he is really far behind. But a person is so arranged that he must be successful at least in some way. At least in some game among the same as he is. Such a false temporary air bubble is formed. It seems that it is no longer possible to catch up. I want to bury myself in the game, prick and forget. So the chain is like this. “I have a headache from hitting the pan. Give me a frying pan very strongly so that I forget ... I woke up. I have a headache from two strokes of the pan. I'm kind of ugly. Give me a frying pan for the third time so that I forget.

Talented children are more prone to games.

That is, games select and kill the most talented. They have, if I may say so, a finer tuning. A thinner threshold that is easier to cross.

Games and the Internet drive a person into loneliness. Loneliness is good. But loneliness and the lack of undeveloped social skills are two different things. A person would be happy to communicate, but he cannot, he is afraid and does not know how.

Computer games are a pronounced chemical addiction. The reward system is the release of dopamine, the “pleasure hormone”. Waiting for a reward - and you are bridged. That is, a shortened chain is obtained. The same button sewn into the rat. That's why children scream and roll on the floor when their smartphones are taken away from them.

A parent who buys a smartphone for a child ruins him

Know: when you buy a smartphone or tablet for your child, you buy him a coffin. Better buy him a syringe, or wine, or just hit him in the head. It will be much more humane. A parent who buys a smartphone for a child ruins him. There are practically no exceptions. For boys, it's certain death. For a girl, death is less certain. Let's say the probability of death is 60 percent.

Boys are more addicted than girls. At the moment when it is necessary to develop physically, learn, communicate - that is, acquire a real skill, children acquire an illusory one. The skill to press 20 buttons is needed only in this game. The other will have other buttons.

These are the tales that you will be able to control the child. In 90 percent of cases this is not possible.

It's like the wife of our neighbor for ten years assured the entire entrance that she controls her husband at 150 grams a day. She may have controlled, but he got the rest of the half liter on the side.

I propose to discuss this topic broadly. Let doctors, psychologists, priests, everyone who has something to say, say it. Maybe someone can be saved. At least not those who can no longer be saved, but maybe some mother will not buy a tablet for her five-year-old son at that moment in her life when she still might not buy it.

sons day

Alexander Chenin

There is a family day, mother's day we know
And for fathers, children, we only plan.
We decided in the region * to celebrate Father's Day; -
Let in November and the first number.

Sons Day and also in November,
But it's not on the calendar yet.
This is the kind of holiday we need for our children.
Let it be for daughters, sons.
A son is born! Smiles, cheers!
"Heir!" - said in the old days.
Man, warrior, worker; - calling.
Responsible for the family and for the country.

And the mother put her body into her son,
Cherished, fed with milk,
And gently sang gentle songs
With anxiety, Fate asked for one thing -

“There is no need for war, meet evil people.
Let him grow up and become a father,
The family, their home and the children in it chirp.
All mothers dream of this."

Men are all called sons,
The time is coming; - become a father
And sons become friends
Kohl will tell them what he is passionate about.

And let this Day be on the Planet,
To be met with a festive table,
So that children do not go to war,
So that the mother is proud of her son, the son is proud of his father.

Sons Day. Congratulations, wish
They have a joyful life and peace in the family.
We have been dreaming about peace on Earth for a long time -
May God grant us the wisdom to arrange such a life!

son grew up

Alla Tsuranda

My son has grown up, he falls asleep
Long time without a lullaby.
My son has grown up, and it happens,
What gets tired of the rigmarole.
I'll kiss in a hurry, I won't sit down,
And he is already sleeping in bed.
Only the old bear will be near
He seems to guard happiness.
The shoe size is amazing.
And on the lip - the fluff is visible.
Why do kids grow up...
It hurts us to see this...

Get your wings

Arina Svetina

The falcon spread its wings:
"Mom, the fairy tale will come true - Let go!".
The song "Falcon" from the movie "It was in intelligence".

Don't hold on to your son, let go
Excessive care only hurts.
Parting, find your wings,
be happy on the chosen path.

Do not knit his wings, letting go,
he may fall with those bound ...
Do not choke with motherly love,
and with a prayer, remove the tackle from the soul!

Letting go - sigh joyfully,
that they managed to remove the fetters from him ...
Keep his love carefully
to pass on freedom to grandchildren.



Find words trying to convey
And give them generously, without a trace,
So that there is no sediment in the soul,
From the words unspoken - "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" ...

Try to give at least a part of yourself
For all the love I received as a child
Which will be inherited
Now it's probably from you...

The maturity test is pretty simple.
What can you give people today
Relatives and friends - on holidays and weekdays,
And this test does not sound empty at all ...

Son's duty or impulse of the soul,
You spoke very loudly
How weighty, mature, capacious as ever?
Don't hesitate to answer me today...

You surprised us even now.
I found a spring, did not spill a drop,
Did not step, as usual, on a rake,
And giving a lot ... did not ask ...

Son, how do you live there now ?

Drozhzhina Olga

Son, how do you live there now?
Capital... very difficult... I understand...
Of course... you get tired at work,
And as before, I miss you.

I'm sorry, but I live only for you

Work, home... you're very busy...
Therefore, he achieved a lot ...

Again I look at the album, where are you baby,
Big eyes like buttons
Here you laugh, and over there you scream,
And my father and I are so young...

Why grieve and cry over fate?
Too bad you didn't get to come...
I'm sorry, son, I live only by you,
And you didn't call me again...

adult son

Evgenia Tkalich

... And when you were little, little,
I took you for granted.
Either she galloped with a horse, then with a hare ...
It was a time of excitement!
And then, when I grew up from childhood,
when I began to choose freedom,
how could I took care of you, impudent ...
It was a time of concern.
And now, having walked, as it should be,
their indirect roads,
as once you, I nurse the past ...
This is the time of lonely days.

My son has grown up

Irina Galinko

My son has grown up
It's not clear how it happens.
Light soft fluff
Breaks over his lip.
And cracked, hoarse,
But his sweet voice
Turns to velvet
A very pleasant bass.

My son has grown up
It's imperceptible how it happens.
And in my father's sneakers
He's been flaunting for a long time.
And his shirts, toys,
Markers, books
We moved quietly
On the shelves baby brother.

My son has grown up
It doesn't matter how it comes true.
And his walk
It's already turning into a man's.
In the evenings, maybe
He no longer plays football
And the girls through the dark streets
Escorts home.

My son has grown up
It doesn't matter how it comes.
He forgets fairy tales -
Quietly disappears from childhood.
And for the fifteenth time
Under the rainy autumn storm
My boy,
I want to wish you peace and happiness!


Irina Poplavskaya

Like sons you, mothers, dove,
From all adversity, carefully keeping them,
You don't even love grandchildren like that,
Giving everything to adult sons.
They will always remain children for you,
And every step they take is like the first step.
Who will they, beloved, get
You follow, almost without breathing.
And maybe that's why you scold them,
Sometimes breaking into tears and screaming,
That you wish them well too much,
Jealous of those who value them little.
They so often ask or demand
They rarely give you flowers
And rarely do they follow your advice,
Not understanding your rightness.
They will understand when new insights
They will come to them on one of the roads -
Lucky all and unlucky -
They will return to your doorstep.
And the tables will be set for them again,
And mom will regret and forgive ...
Everything in our lives can be fixed
Just make sure you arrive on time.

Mothers and sons...

Irina Samarina-Labyrinth

For a woman more than all men -
In this world, the son born to her ...
And all prayers to God for one thing,
To lead the child in a proven way ...

First the first cry and the world froze,
When the baby spoke with his eyes:
"Thank you mom for waiting for me
And brought into this world with love ... "

Then a smile, a tooth, the first step ...
Diseases came close
But mother's love is stronger than trouble ...
My heart whispered: “Just don’t get sick!”

And after tears of joy from the eyes ...
Success in Kindergarten… First Grade…
But he is the same peanut for mom,
Although I have already completed the third year ...

The best man, no doubt
Who says: "Mommy, hello,
And you know, I have a daughter,
Beautiful, like a grandmother, exactly the same ... "

I will endure all obstacles, I will endure difficulties,
Only one thing I pray to God
So that children never get sick,
So that fate does not harm them ...

Men know how to hurt
But the son does not need to explain
That there is no more beloved woman in the world,
Than the one that gave birth to him into the world ...

My little, my adult eldest son

Larisa Pyatkova

Son on his 18th birthday

Blue-eyed fair boy,
You made us happy by coming on time,
In honor of his birth, he shouted loudly
Strengthened over the years thin voice!

I look at you - and wonder!
Now it's so hard to comprehend
What did you fit on two palms
And I could lift you easily...

He was a trusting and gentle baby,
I wanted to hide you under the wing,
You are my child, just like before
Let eighteen years have already passed!

Over the years I understand more and more
How infinitely I love you!
Most importantly, find your calling
My little, my adult eldest son!

You were a wonderful baby

Larisa Pyatkova

Son, on the twenty-first birthday

Me to kiss you
You have to climb on a stool.
And then - it will hardly work
After all, you are rarely at home.

Always in worries and deeds -
Work, music, study...
May your life be bright
And complete, without gaps, a record book!

I want you to find your way
Leading straight to the top
You were a wonderful baby
And be a real man!


Ludmila Anthony

That's how you grew up! You have become an adult!
You are the man... the head of the family...
Life asks you questions
And now you answer ... you!

Only Mother is not a profession,
And you won't retire here...
There were joys, there were depressions...
You're an adult now ... you'll understand!

So many years have passed... Eternity
Only you for me... Child!
And all my love... Infinity
Will forever keep... You!

There were, of course, mistakes in life,
But for them you forgive and ... forget!
After all, for the Mother there is no worse torture,
Than lost to children...way!

You have grown!!! I let you go
You must live your life.. Yours!
And if you offend ... I forgive ...
You are my son!!! I love you!

I bow to fate

Lyudmila Vasilievna Kirillova

My little son
beloved little boy,
My ray, my call
My world is unique...

My baby bird, my flower
funny little bastard,
My pure spring!
My sweet lover!

I bow to fate
For the most beautiful gift!
Thank you son
What made mom happy!

Years passed. The son grew up
Native, beloved most!
... Mom has a hundred wrinkles,
But my mother has only one son...

my son

Nellya Kiseleva

Affectionate and sweet my son,
Little sun of love.
My sprout, from happy nights.
I remember your first steps.

You are now hope and support.
My boy, cheerful, mischievous.
And in the eyes - green expanses!
Not a single sadness, not one.

As a reminder, smile.
And similarity, and hugs of hands,
Out of love, a secure cape.
Tremulous, like a harp sound.

And the words are a balm, like a gift.
"Mom, you know how much I love you!
For love, even for what is near.
Peace to you, one day I will give


Pavlina Fomins

Careful - careful by fate,
/From empty to empty/.
You do not climb, dear, on the rampage,
Be careful son.
Better put your head down
Oh, God forbid you hit.
Wash in the bathroom, but in the bath, no, no,
Suddenly you'll be stuck there to death.
And look through the puddles, don't go,
You get sick, you get cold.
You don't make friends with ladies,
God forbid ... still fall in love.
Be sure to take an umbrella with you
Suddenly you get wet, my sugar.
Rub your lower back
Ointment ... (remember) camphor.
Wash your hands often and carefully
And work half-heartedly.

Oh, I'm such a naughty one,
You will bring ... to the grave.

Thanks to you, I live

Regina Novikova

Thank you son for everything
For your attitude
Your care and love
What you show again and again.

Your spiritual attention
Intuition, participation, understanding
I am very dear, son.
Otherwise, I know you couldn't.

Thanks to you, I live...
I give myself an account of that.
I also want to tell you
That I am the happiest mother...

There are not many sons like you.
You have chosen the right path.
All I have to do is wish:
May all the GOOD RETURN to you.

Congratulations to son

Svetlana Komogortseva

Every year you, son, are getting older,
Only for me, as before, you -
My child, my youngest son,
You are my hopes and dreams.

I am always happy to meet you
You are in my window - a bright light.
You have grown, but I do not notice
That you are already twenty years old.

You grew up, but for me - a boy,
Nimble, fidget, mischievous.
You, as in childhood, also love books,
And I'm not used to sitting still.

Replaced car mopeds,
A stricter look from under the big eyelashes.
I rejoice, son, in your victories
And bow down in failure.

Happy birthday my dear boy
Happy birthday my dear son
My favorite, precious Bear.
Happiness and direct roads to you.

You are an adult (son)

Svetlana Pugach

Your business and hobbies
Work, computer and snowboard,
Your friends and beliefs
Solutions, thoughts and approach.

An avalanche of grandiose plans,
Like everyone else, full of problems
Sometimes you are a serious man
And sometimes - a boy at all.

You don't come until the morning
And the subscriber is not a subscriber,
You drive us crazy with stubbornness
You're an adult - that's an argument.

I'm not saying it's bad
I don't drive by the handle either.
Other time and era...
I don't judge you strictly.

Sometimes I get angry and teach
I can't do it otherwise either.
Wishing you only the best
Everything I can, I will help.

Be subdued only by command
Open, young soul!
And to my mother's morals
Listen...and decide for yourself!

To my son

Svetlana Chekolaeva

My adult (but my little) son!
You are the most precious to me in this life!
I love you with all my heart very, very much!
You are my copy. You are my portrait.

You grew imperceptibly, became more mature.
Life does not stand still, my dear!
You've gotten taller and stronger!
You are my happiness! I am proud of you!

You know, honey, obstacles are waiting for you
On your long life journey!
But do not be afraid, there will be rewards,
After all, to live life is not a field to cross!

You comprehend peaks and heights,
I believe in you, my dear son!
You know, I will always be with you!
You will never be alone!

When I can - I will support with advice,
But for the most part, you will think for yourself!
Perhaps you decide to become an officer,
Will you follow in our footsteps with dad ?!

Or maybe you will make the "discovery of the century"
I want to believe in your abilities!
But the main thing is that you be a HUMAN,
And the rest will be on the shoulder!

My adult (but my little) son!
I don't have anyone like you!
Yes, you have grown up, but you are still a boy!
You are my copy. You are my portrait...


Sergei Kholodkov

Everything, as before, in its place,
Only mom got a little older,
To see what, he looks with glasses,
Here I am! Look - it's fun.

The dim light embraced us with comfort,
The kitchen beckons with a familiar smell,
Hold on for one more hour
But I'm in a hurry, mom, as usual.

In this hurry, I did not notice
How does a mother's heart age?
Without her I lived and did not get bored,
But it can't last forever!

I, my love, will come to you
I'll tell you how I lived, what, where I saw,
And with a bow I will fall to the ground,
Just because I hurt you.

Don't show it, you're a mother,
The son of a tramp, he is an eternal wanderer,
You say, it's not for me to forgive you,
In the past, everything, and that parted.

I'll walk through the rooms, it's warm,
The dim light from the lamp entangled us,
Childhood passed here - carried away,
But, as before, it smells of comfort here.


Tatyana Sergeevna Grigorieva

What a lovely nose
Great eyes..
No longer mother's tail,
He grew up and got angry.
You don't want porridge anymore
Golden son.
The girls are already waving
Quite, very big.
You grew up in a minute
Not in a second, in a lifetime.
I'll always be around
Love, love.. hold on!


Tatiana Khristenko

The word "son" is one of the most significant!
Son, you cost sleepless nights.
Worth all the worries inevitable.
Worth my most tender feelings!

Son, you were worth my effort.
All the worries that we tasted with you.
Our common desires with you
Our fulfilled expectations...

Earthly life is a battlefield.
Do not fear defeat in battle.
By the power of a mother's prayer
You will emerge victorious from the battle!

Trust in eternal truths.
They are beyond the power of the careless.
The harder you treat yourself
The more valuable life and more expensive!

Trials and successes -
Human life milestones...

You will tell your son and you one day:
“This life is not for everyone.
But work hard and there will be a case
To make her lucky!”

I believe, son, in you is not in vain.
In my thoughts I am with you every hour.
Joy in an inexplicable feeling.
You will do the same with your son!

Life is given from Heaven as a gift.
Live it without blots!

Letter to son

Yana Novikova-Pashkevich

Don't be angry with me
For the fact that sometimes "stupid".
Sit next to me
I love you so much.
Do you remember when you were
Small like this
Also stupid then
Now you have grown big.
Don't be angry with me
If I forget something
So many events, people
Passed me by!
Memory is already weak
So many reasons
But it beats only for you
Heart, my dear son.
Do not be angry that I judge sometimes
Not from your bell tower
Maybe to me, dear,
Just a little more visible?
A long bridge has been built;
How many have been burned?
My path is not at all easy.
But I only know one thing:
There is nothing more important than you
And among all the names
I will give my heart, loving
To the one who was born to me.