Paper snowflake cut with scissors. Multi-colored volumetric snowflake. How to make a cutout

Hello dear blog readers Life hand made ! If you haven't signed up yet, hurry up! At good grandfather Lots of things to do for the New Year! How are you with festive mood? Have you already decorated your windows? Have you prepared gifts? Now I want to try decorating the room with a snowflake garland. To do this, I will tell you about how to make paper snowflakes with your own hands.

Before the New Year a lot of trouble, but it's so nice!

Is not it?

Cutting out snowflakes is one of the directions of the ancient Chinese art of cutting paper patterns in general.

This skill became widespread after the 13th century, when paper became available not only to rich people.

And after the 17th century, the art of carving came to Europe.

Paper patterns were created in different forms and subjects.

Stars or snowflakes, images of animals and plants were cut out.

Such cutters were used to decorate windows, walls, and furniture.

Various new peoples introduced the specifics of their traditions into this art.

It is quite possible that the tradition of cutting out snowflakes from paper appeared in our country.

Russia is a northern country.

We have snowy and long winters, so beauty frosty patterns could not but be reflected in the work of craftsmen.

What are the options for paper snowflakes

A lot of varieties have already been invented.

Now snowflakes are made not only from paper, but also from cardboard, from corrugated paper, flat, voluminous, they are decorated with beads - they just don’t come up with anything!

For their manufacture are used various techniques: origami, kusudama.

Let's take a closer look at all this diversity!

What you need to cut paper snowflakes

Let's start with paper.

The thinner it is, the easier it will be to cut out complex patterns from it.

Scissors are better to take small ones with sharp tips.

Snowflakes from strips of paper

If you are not going to make snowflakes in splendid isolation, but want to involve the kids in this process.

Then you need to choose simpler snowflakes.

For example, from strips of paper, so that it is not difficult for children, and they do not lose interest in the process.

Prepare in advance for the children cut strips of paper different lengths and show them how to glue them together.

How to cut paper snowflakes step by step

Start with a simple snowflake. You will be helped detailed diagrams how to fold a leaf

How to cut

And when you get comfortable, you can cut out such an openwork miracle

Do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowflakes

There are snowflakes and they are so original.

Consider the step-by-step process of making such snowflakes:

Here we have such a plump beauty-snowflake!

Corrugated paper snowflakes

Corrugated paper can be made fluffy snowflakes, unusual.

You will also need cardboard and glue.

It turned out to be such a beauty! Is not it?

DIY origami snowflakes

This is the most amazing snowflake making.

To be honest, these snowflakes are more like the sun.

But in the pre-New Year's fuss, no one will find fault.

On the contrary, everyone will be interested, when did you manage to master the origami technique?

Necessary tools and materials: paper, scissors, pencil and ruler.

And mind you, no glue!

Step-by-step instruction:

From the first time, you may not get the perfect snowflake. But after a few workouts - you will find moral satisfaction from the beauty created by your own hands!

Do-it-yourself paper kusudama snowmen

Kusudama is Japanese technique making spherical paper decorations.

First, draw the blank of a trihedral cone. It is necessary to cut 20 such blanks.

On each blank, a pattern must be cut.

Glue 2 sides of the cone.

Glue five cones together.

Glue the rest of the cones.

It turns out such big snowflakes.

DIY snowflake garland

We have already learned how to make snowflakes.

It remains to make a lot of them and attach to a thin twine.

Usually, vertical garlands are made from snowflakes and hung on the window.

How do you like this garland? Not paper, but very cute!

Snowflakes can be glued together, then the garland will turn out horizontal.

You can make a snowflake template and draw on it and cut out the rest of the same.

More a good option room decoration

Do-it-yourself New Year's paper snowflakes: schemes

Making snowflakes is primarily drawing ornate patterns.

Draw first, then cut.

Or not very ornate. The main thing is that you like them.


Light and airy

Snowflake is a star. Simple but beautiful.

Snowflakes create a unique atmosphere of the approaching New Year.

But this is not all that you can please yourself and loved ones in anticipation of the holiday.

Yours sincerely, Margarita Mamaeva

P.S. And in order not to miss the release of the next article, play it safe and subscribe to blog updates

During the New Year holidays, we all want miracles and magic. Even if at the end of December there is slush on the street and it doesn’t even smell like a fairy tale, you can create a unique winter extravaganza without leaving your home. To do this, it is necessary not only to decorate the Christmas tree, but also to decorate the apartment with paper snowflakes. There are many ways to create these light and airy beauties.

We do not change traditions!

It is difficult to find a person who, in childhood, would not know how to cut a snowflake out of paper. It will not be difficult for you to remember this manufacturing technology or learn it from scratch.

So to create openwork decoration will need:

Paper (it can be both regular white and colored A4, as well as napkins, foil and any other suitable material that you want to use);

Scissors (regular or manicure - it doesn't matter, as they are equally convenient for cutting patterns);

A simple pencil (it is advisable to sharpen it well before starting work so that the lines are more accurate);

Now let's get down to business

1. First, fold the sheet at the corner so that its narrow side overlaps the nearby wide one.

2. Now carefully cut off the excess piece of paper. If you did everything right, you will end up with a square folded in half diagonally (that is, a triangle with two identical faces and one longer).

3. How to fold paper for snowflakes - see the picture above.

4. Apply a pattern to the resulting figure.

5. Walk along the drawn lines with scissors.

6. Expand the sheet - and that's it, one beauty is ready for publication!

How to fold and cut snowflakes, we figured it out. Now we can proceed to the second, third ... and cut them as many as our heart desires!

Since no two crystal princesses are the same in nature, they should also be very diverse in your home.

Create your own patterns or use the snowflake cutout templates - the choice is up to you. In any case, your creativity will give very interesting and beautiful results.

We create 3D at your home!

Now let's figure out how to fold paper for snowflakes not ordinary, but voluminous. To make a 3D decoration for a window, chandelier, Christmas tree and any corner of the apartment, you will need:

6 sheets of paper in the shape of a square (white or color - it does not matter; can be done as classic snowflake, and with colorful rays);


The most common PVA or glue stick;


In order for the paper beauty not to tear when you hang it on a thread, it is better to use thick paper for its manufacture (or at least make a beam out of it, to which you are going to attach the thread). In order not to suffer with measuring and drawing the sides of a square, you can bend a regular A4 sheet in the same way as at the beginning of creating an ordinary snowflake, and simply cut off the excess.

So, all the materials are collected and lie in front of you. Now you can get started. Now let's figure out how to make voluminous snowflakes with your own hands.

So let's work!

Step one. Once we bend the sheet in half diagonally. We have a triangle.

Step two. On the wide side, carefully make herringbone cuts, as shown in the photo.

Step three. Expand the sheet.

Step five. Lift the ends of the corners cut in the center and glue them together.

Step six. Repeat the previous operation for all parts of the square in pairs, starting with those closer to the middle and ending with the extreme ones. When all the parts are glued together, you will have the first ray of the future snowflake.

Step seven. Repeat exactly all the steps above for the remaining five sheets of paper.

Step seven. Connect the resulting rays with a stapler (fasten them first in three, and then the resulting two halves of the future decoration).

Step eight. We give the product its final shape. In those places where the pieces of paper are in contact, fix them with glue.

Another big option

If you want to make several types of 3D snowflakes, you can use the origami technique. The world-famous craft by Dennis Walker, over which more than one connoisseur breaks their heads paper art, probably not suitable for everyone. This is, as they say, aerobatics. To fold it, it will take a lot of time, reinforced concrete nerves, as well as a certain skill in how to fold snowflakes.

For those who are not strong in the origami technique, but still want to please their family and surprise guests with decorations self made, we offer a simpler version of how to make snowflakes. Their manufacture is based on a principle similar to the one we described in the previous paragraph.

As easy as pie!

How to fold paper for snowflakes? Now let's figure it out.

1) Cut out a square of any size from paper.

2) Bend it diagonally. Neighboring edges should clearly overlap each other, and the sheet should take the shape of a triangle.

3) Now fold it in the middle so that the shorter sides of the figure touch, and the long one is divided into two identical halves.

4) Draw a barely noticeable line with a pencil that does not completely intersect the triangle. It should go from the fold line and not reach the opposite side a little.

5) Carefully go over the marked place with scissors.

6) Unroll the paper completely. You should again have a square in front of you.

7) Glue together the ends of the corners located in the center.

8) And now connect the outer parts in the same way, but at the same time turn them in the opposite direction. That is, they should be mirror reflection first fragment. The first ray is ready.

9) Make six more parts in the same way and connect them in the center with a stapler.

10) Fix the elements in contact with each other with glue.

Everything, a beautiful snowflake spinner is ready! You can make it white or make each ray of paper a different color. And decorating the product with paints or felt-tip pens will be a great entertainment for children.

We continue to create New Year's 3D!

colored paper - great material for creativity. It creates a wide variety of applications and bulk products. How to fold snowflakes, even can understand Small child. Most often they are easy to perform and do not require much time. Such crafts look bright, festive, airy. We present to your attention one of the most simple and beautiful options.

To make beautiful paper snowflakes in 3D format, we need the following materials and tools:

Double-sided light and dark colored paper in one color scheme(in our example, purple and lilac are used, you can take any other options that combine with each other: blue and cyan, green and light green, red and pink, yellow and orange, etc.);

White list;

Any scissors;

Long ruler;

Simple pencil;

PVA glue.

Step by step manufacturing instructions

How to make snowflakes step by step

Step 1. We prepare materials. Pick up colored paper suitable shades. You can use any colors you like. Ideally, they should be similar to each other, but if you want to use any other combination - do not hold back your inspiration and do it the way you like best.

Step 2 Preparatory work. Before folding snowflakes, cut from

paper identical strips (their width should be 1-2 centimeters, and the edge of the sheet will become a guideline for the length). How many of these lines do you need? Remember:

Dark shade (we have purple) - 4;

White and light (in the example of lilac) - 8 pieces each.

Step 3. We collect the first element.

Glue the strips of purple paper crosswise. Then, along the edges near each of them, attach the lighter part as shown in the figure.

Step 4. Add a new color.

Fix 4 white fragments in the same way. Thread each strip between those that run parallel to it. If you do everything right, the lines will intertwine with each other, like twigs on a basket.

Step 5. Let's start making rays. Bend and glue together the ends of the white strips that are next to each other in pairs.

Step 6 We work with lilac parts.

Pass the ends of the light colored strips inside the formed white loops, fasten them together and fix them on the “walls” of the beam. How to fold paper for snowflakes correctly - see the picture.

Step 7. Make separately one more of the same element according to this scheme.

Step 8 Assemble the snowflake. Combine the two resulting parts of the decoration. Fix the purple stripes of one part inside the loops of the other, and vice versa.

That's it, another 3D snowflake is ready! It will be a great addition to festive decoration your home or workplace. And now you know another way to make snowflakes.

Openwork magic from threads

What could be more beautiful and elegant than a Christmas tree decorated in white? air angels, curly lambs, shining silver lights of garlands ... and how can you do without lungs, gentle snowflakes? The color of purity, a new beginning, winter and the main holiday of the season. Without white jewelry it is impossible to imagine New Year! And if they are also made by hand - such products become more dear to your heart.

If paper beauties live only one season, and until next holidays we often make new ones, then knitted snowflakes will serve you more than one holiday. You can hang them on the Christmas tree among other decorations or assemble them separately into a stylized festive tree on the wall - in any case, the result will delight both you and your loved ones.

We decorate everything and everywhere!

You can also use your creations to decorate windows. Knitted snowflakes not only glued to glass, like their paper relatives. Hang these beautiful decorations on threads of different lengths along the curtain or even sew it to it. Stretch them inside the embroidery hoop and use them to decorate any corner of the apartment.

And if you cover with such snowflakes Christmas balls, you will definitely get exclusive jewelry that none of your friends have. This openwork charm will make your Christmas tree sophisticated, delicate and unforgettably beautiful!

And what is the New Year without gifts? On December 31, we tell close people about how much we love them, we wish a lot of good things, we give them a bunch of good emotions and little surprises that will remind them of this wonderful night for a long time to come. To really surprise your loved ones and make the holiday atmosphere even more wintery and fabulous, you can decorate both the packaging of your gift and the card for it with knitted lace snowflakes. A present in such a wrapper will become a truly New Year's miracle!

Let's remember the basics!

You don't have to be a knitter to crochet your own snowflakes. The scheme for any of them consists of air loops, double crochets and without it. By combining these simple techniques with each other, you can create as many wonderful decorations as you like!

This step by step guide teaches you how to do the six-pointed paper snowflakes. Most people make (or most tutorials teach how to make) 4- or 8-point options. In nature, snowflakes always have 6 vertices (on extreme case, three). I decided to be closer to nature, and chose the option with 6 ends. I myself learned this technique at school, and every year before the New Year I make a lot of snowflakes.
All you need for this project is paper and scissors. Some people use some kind of colored, fancy paper, but I cut out pure white snowflakes - it's easier and more natural.

Stage 1: Starting with a square

Start simply with a square white sheet. I usually make two snowflakes from each A4 sheet, so first I cut it in half, then I cut a square out of each half. The size of the snowflakes is about 10 cm. If you are just learning, it's easier to start with bigger size snowflakes, cutting out one from a whole sheet of A4.

Making a square out of a rectangle is very easy. Lay the sheet in front of you and attach one of the upper corners of the sheet to the opposite side so that an isosceles triangle is formed (such as you see in the photo). The extra piece of the sheet just needs to be cut off evenly.

Step 2: Fold in half

Fold the square diagonally to form a triangle.

Stage 3: Cut in half again

Fold the resulting triangle in half again to make a smaller triangle.

Step 4: Triple fold

Imagine a triangle divided into three equal parts, and fold it in three. If you like to be precise, you can use a protractor, each third equals a 30 degree angle.

Step 5: Fold Again

Bend and fold the left third. Try to keep the folds clear and all thirds are equal. This will make the snowflake as symmetrical as possible.

Step 6: Cut off the top

cut off upper edge paper at an angle. Make sure you cut off all layers of the folded paper so that the cut is the same on all sides of the snowflake. The corner cut forms the tops of the snowflake. In time you will learn to cut under different angles to make more or less sharp peaks.

Stage 7: Pattern

And this is where your imagination comes into play. Start cutting pieces different shapes on the sides of the folded paper. Smaller triangles are easiest to cut out, but don't forget to experiment with different shapes.
For this snowflake, I slightly changed the top edge so that my tops are of a different shape. I also cut out a couple of "thorns" inside. Use your imagination to decorate!
I don't use any stencils for my snowflakes, I just cut and design as I go. I never get two of the same. Sometimes I find some elements that I like and use them in several snowflakes, but I have never completely copied the ornament.

Stage 8: Reversal

Once the cut is complete, carefully unfold the snowflake.
At first the snowflake will not be even and flat, so I usually put the snowflake between the pages of the book for a while to make it even. I also ironed them (between two sheets of paper) to make them perfectly smooth. In this case, be careful as the paper can become very hot (never use a steamer!). Therefore, before taking a snowflake in your hands, let it cool down. And of course, remember the flammability of paper.
Ironing will make the snowflake a little stiffer, which is great if you plan on hanging it up rather than gluing it to some surface.

Stage 9: Inspiration


  • Use sharp scissors and keep your hands clean. Dirty hands leave footprints on the snowflakes, which is not very festive!
  • Some people recommend using nail scissors, they are easier to cut intricate patterns. I don't like it for two reasons. Firstly, nail scissors are uncomfortable to hold in your hand. And is it important. Secondly, you can go too far with the ornateness of the pattern, too many tiny cuts and insufficient cutting along the contours can turn a snowflake into a lacy doily. The look and feel is lost.
  • Snowflake carving experts recommend using tracing paper and an X-acto knife for finer ornaments and more perfect symmetry. But I still prefer plain paper and scissors - they are in every home and are safe for children, you can cut snowflakes together.
  • Some people cut out snowflakes from wrapping paper or other colorful paper. You can use any material to create the desired effect. Pure is closer to my soul, White paper simply because I wildly like to create beauty from something simple and ordinary.

Cutting process:

  • I usually make my snowflakes while I sit on a couch or chair with a coffee table in front of me, holding a small trash can at my feet. On the table it is convenient for me to fold the paper, and then I sit comfortably and cut out the ornament, throwing the scraps into the urn. So I don't litter around me in the process.
  • When folding paper, steps 4-5 are the most difficult, especially dividing the triangle into three equal parts “by eye”. When you fold the second side part, it often turns out that it is not equal to the other two. Then you have to unfold and bend the parts over again, and so on until you get three equal parts. The more identical parts you get, the more symmetrical the snowflake will be in the turn. Given the thickness of the paper and the number of folds, getting a perfectly symmetrical snowflake is next to impossible. The biggest asymmetry will be in the center: look at my snowflakes. The asterisk in the center of some of them is not perfect. Real snowflakes also have defects, so don't worry too much about it.
  • Avoid what I call "voids". This is when you cut out the snowflake in step 7, and leave a large space of paper without any cuts. Any place on a snowflake more than half a centimeter can be decorated, for example, with the same “thorns” that I cut out in my snowflake. Otherwise, when you unroll the snowflake, you end up with a rough ornament instead of a patterned, detailed snowflake. Too flickering in the pattern is also not worth it, it is better to use small and large details together.

Snowflake decoration:

  • Stick a small piece of double-sided sticky tape on each top of the snowflake and stick it on the surface to be decorated. I like to hang them on windows so they can be seen both from inside and outside. At night they look beautiful in the dark.
  • You can also hang snowflakes from the ceiling, but be careful as they are quite fragile. For such purposes, it would be better to cut out snowflakes with thicker outlines and not too detailed ornamentation (think of a snowflake with a wide “skeleton and small details around the main lines). for hanging suitable white thread or line.
  • Snowflakes can be beautifully decorated New Year gifts gifts instead of bows. I like to just stick one snowflake on gift box and a postcard with the recipient's name over a snowflake. lacy snowflake creates beautiful background for signature.
  • Don't throw away the A4 cutoffs after cutting out the squares. Use this paper to cut out small snowflakes that hang beautifully between larger ones. This will create beautiful effect placers and allows you to fill the space between large snowflakes. Unfortunately, this idea came to me after I took the photos below.

Step 10: Analyze it

If you want to try to copy the snowflakes you saw somewhere, then you need to understand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow you can repeat someone else's drawing. Looking at finished snowflake, try to visualize a repeating fragment of the ornament. This snowflake contains 12 identical pieces. This will be the fragment between the two lines. One line bisects the top, going from the center. And the second line runs between the two vertices in the middle. You can imagine a snowflake as a clock, and the lines we need are between 12 and 13 o'clock. See the markings in the photo.
This fragment shows which cuts need to be made on both sides in order to end up with the same snowflake. If you look at a dark background, then all the dark fragments are what you need to cut out.

From time to time I try to copy real snowflakes that I find in a book or on the Internet. Of course, it is impossible to completely recreate a snow crystal, since a snowflake has a very complex structure, and this volumetric figure, not flat. Snowflakes are often multi-layered, and we are dealing with just one piece of paper ... However, you can try to get as close as possible to the shape of a real snowflake.
Real snowflakes have a lot of "gaps" in patterns that don't look good when transferred to paper. I flipped through the whole book of snowflake photographs, and there were very few copies that looked like simple hexagons with simple details. If the snowflake you have chosen has too many “ free space”, still use it in a paper copy, complicating the pattern. Since this is not an exact copy, you can improve it without any problems!
Use the technique described in step 10. Imagine that the snowflake is a cake and the repeating pattern is a piece of cake. Or think of the snowflake as the face of a clock.
Above are examples of snowflakes that I tried to copy from real ones. I added a photo indicating the repeating fragment.

Save the article as a keepsake by reposting 🙋

Hello, Dear friends! Today I will show you how to cut simple and beautiful paper snowflakes to decorate your windows. After all, when the first fluffy snow falls, some kind of magical feeling of expectation of something fabulous immediately sets in.

The first snowflakes are the harbingers of the upcoming New Year, to which we in Russia have a particularly reverent attitude. Many begin to prepare for this holiday already in advance, almost in November. Because it is a whole ritual that lifts the mood.

They put up Christmas trees, decorate their space with various garlands and tinsel. And they do the same simple decorations paper, as it is the most versatile handy tool for various crafts.

Both adults and children are captivated and carried away by such an action, including me. But imagination is not enough and it always turns out some kind of rubbish instead of beautiful patterns. And to help you and myself, I have prepared templates and patterns for cutting and decorating windows.

For such crafts, it is best to take thin material. And then, for example, it is inconvenient to cut out of paper for a printer. At home with children, it is more interesting to make snowflakes from colored or foil.

Let's start, to warm up with more simple patterns which even children can cut. First you need to make the workpiece itself, with which you can already work further.

Take a colored or plain white sheet of landscape paper (A4) and cut a square out of it with scissors. It's easy - make a corner and cut off the excess. Then do everything according to the diagram below.

Now you can work on this. We turn on the fantasy and draw a contour on the workpiece along which you will cut out your beauty. And then, along the contour lines, cut off the excess with scissors and you will get the first snowflake. I'm posting the idea below.

I already wrote that my imagination is bad, but while I was selecting material for you, I decided to experiment what would come out of me. I took a regular sheet of office paper, made a blank, as described above. And then with a pen, looking at the top drawing, she came up with her own. Although, in all honesty, I just scrawled triangles and rectangles. And here's what happened, look. In my opinion, quite an attractive snowflake.

Of course, she did hastily. Just pure try. I don't think it's bad for a first time. Incredibly proud of myself. Now you can improve for the New Year. You look and I can make the same beauty on my windows.

In the meantime, I cut out, made several conclusions: it is better to draw a template with a finely sharpened pencil. And scissors should be with thin blades.

And here, perhaps, I will throw you a few template ideas. Although, as it turned out practical method, invent and make beautiful snowflake very easy and simple even for people with no imagination or creative thinking.

How to make paper snowflakes with your own hands easily and beautifully (step by step instructions)

Since I only had printer paper or a thin napkin, I continued to make snowflakes according to a template from the Internet on it. With a napkin, I didn’t get it right right away. While drawing a template on it, it was torn from the handle. And my scissors are not that sharp. Therefore, the spoiled napkin immediately flew into the wastebasket.

And so, I found such a suitable simple template:

Here, by the way, the triangle is folded a little differently. But I used the blank, which I made according to the very first template. It probably doesn't matter anymore. I took the same pen and tried to copy this drawing on my future snowflake.

It turned out, though not one to one, but very similar. Well, let it go. I just want to show that even for a creative nerd like me, it's not that hard. I took my bulky scissors and started cutting. Not everywhere it turned out to cut exactly along the contour, but in the end, I overcame this stage as well. I unfolded the paper and realized that it turned out almost the same as in the picture.

Let's continue. I take the next template, redraw it, work with scissors and see the result. I understand that every time it gets better and better. Rate it.

The cutting process itself takes no more than 5 minutes. And to make everything clearer for you, I found suitable video. Take a look and you'll see for yourself how easy it is.

Beautiful paper snowflakes for windows with patterns for cutting

And what did I want to say with all this. Yes, it is very easy to cut beauty on paper windows. Even a beginner or a child will cope. Even if you have at hand not very comfortable material (too dense) and inappropriate scissors. But if you have both normal craft paper and normal sharp thin-bladed scissors, then you will be much easier.

If fantasy fails you, then just look at the diagrams that I will show you and copy them onto your blanks. And most importantly, do not be afraid if it does not quite look like. Your snowflakes will still be beautiful and unique.

Option number 1

Option number 2

Option number 3

Option number 4

Now, I think you just need to stock up on scissors and paper. Then turn on your imagination or use the proposed schemes and begin the process of decorating your windows. This one is very exciting, let me tell you.

How to stick snowflakes on a window?

And so you cut out our beauty, now you need to glue them on the windows. How to do this, I'll tell you now. There are several options and here are the most common:

  • Water - suitable for thin material, but there is a risk that after drying paper crafts I can wrinkle or fall off.
  • Milk is a good water substitute. Pour it into a wide dish, dip a snowflake into it and quickly but carefully attach it to the glass.

  • Soap solution - plan laundry soap and pour boiling water over the chips, stirring until they dissolve. Then apply the solution to the products with a brush, sponge or sponge.
  • Paste - Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then gradually add flour to the water and mix so that there are no lumps. A fairly thick consistency should be achieved.

  • Toothpaste - I like this method. Apply it a little on the product and attach it to the window. When you remove the snowflakes, the paste will be easily washed off.
  • Glue - You can use any PVA glue or glue stick. By the way, there is a water-soluble glue. In with him it would be better, easier to wash off later.

Now you know how to beautifully cut and stick paper snowflakes on your windows for the New Year. It's not difficult at all. And the process itself is so captivating that it is impossible to stop. You can make products different sizes and create a drawing out of them. The main thing is to have enough imagination. But, I believe in you!

The New Year is very close and in this life hack we will analyze 140 various schemes, and just. You will also find several video tutorials that will help you better understand all the nuances.

Most likely, each of you knows approximately how to do round snowflake from paper(white or color), but since we need them only in new year holidays, then the subtleties of production for whole year are forgotten, so it's easier to google at the right time and get to our site to remember everything. I think this is what most of you do, but this article will be useful for those who want to find something new, something interesting and grandiose, for example, here you will find out in the form of deer or cats. So, let's get to the heart of the matter.

How to make a simple paper snowflake

To begin with, we will analyze the type of bases for future jewelry and start with the most standard one. Try how to make a beautiful paper snowflake step by step and you will definitely succeed.

  • The first thing to do is take an A4 piece of paper and cut a square out of it. To do this, take one corner and pull it to the opposite edge, and then bend it, as shown in the figure.
  • We cut off the excess and get the perfect square.Now bend it back

  • Then one more time

  • We turn the resulting triangle upside down, and pull the left edge to the middle (even a little further)

  • Now overlap pull the right one.

  • It is important that in the end the edges are not flush and do not protrude from each other, so try on before forming the final fold.

  • We turn the resulting figure over and cut it according to the level of the formed strip.

second basis new year snowflakes make out of paper it is just as simple and the first two steps will be the same, but further, after the formation of the square, the differences will go.

  • Prepare a pair of folds in advance, from one corner of the square to the other.

  • Now fold the triangle and place it upside down.

  • We fold the right edge, as shown in the figure.

  • Turn over and do the same procedure with the second edge. The main thing is that everything is symmetrical.

  • We bend the figure in half.

  • The drawing must be applied along the edge where it is located inner corner otherwise you won't be able to make the most beautiful paper snowflake on the window because it just falls apart.

The last third scheme of the basis in order to how to make origami paper snowflake (sheet) starts like the previous two:

  • From the square.

  • Then we bend the triangle.

  • We put it together again.

  • Once again.

  • Now we drag the top of the triangle in the opposite edge. The top of this figure should be with several tails, and the bottom is solid.

  • Cut off the top and base to make a snowflake out of A4 paper.

Now that we have sorted out all the types of basics, we move on to their design, and for this we have prepared as many as 140 different schemes. You won't see this many anywhere else in one place. It remains to be reminded that if you want make a small paper snowflake(color for example), and not a large one, then just take a sheet of a smaller format, and all other actions are similar.

140 instructions how to make a paper snowflake

We have collected the most large collection schemes from all over the world. Here you can find options how to make a paper snowflake, how to do it step by step openwork snowflake or hexagonal. There is something for every taste ideal type for the holiday.

These are not all of them, you can find the rest on the Pinterest board.

Now you know how to make a paper snowflake step by step, but if you like to watch a video reviewer, then especially for you we have selected the most best videos with instructions for creating and now you can watch:

How to make paper tenderloin video

How to make a beautiful paper snowflake video