Registration of the territory of the dhow in the summer. How to design a kindergarten site in the summer. Decorative elements for decoration

Natalya Chernikova

I always enjoy looking through the photo reports of colleagues about land improvement. And one can only rejoice at how well equipped playgrounds are. We have problems with this. Of the new stationary equipment, we have only a slide. Everything else is done hands teachers and parents of students.

Every year we puzzle over how to get out of the situation and equip plot.

We mainly use plywood, boards, logs, improvised material for equipment.

So for several years now, as a developing center for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, the train has been doing good service. At first he was with us.

Over time, the mechanisms of the locomotive fell into disrepair. We have updated it this year. And so the train became.

Its details are bright and interesting.

Nearby is home-made equipment also aimed at developing fine motor skills of the hands. A few years ago, for such equipment, the back of a crib came in handy for us. But it broke down before serving us even 3 years.

Now we have new equipment, made of durable wooden cuttings, metal crossbars. I want to believe that it will serve us for a longer period of time.

The water play center is a boat from a baby bath. I already talked about it in a previous post.

Nearby is Moidodyr, where children can wash their hands using a washstand.

Sand play center is a sandbox and mini sandbox "Cow" which has served us for several years.

For role-playing games, we have an airplane.

As well as a gas station for cars, a car, a motorcycle, which I also talked about.

We have a creative center: table, bench, stand for fine art works.

And also for many years now, a table in the form of a ram for drawing semolina and sand has been pleasing with its functionality.

When the children are engaged in creativity at the table, the rest of the children run around and play outdoor games at this time. In order to be able to organize building games at the same time, an idea came up - to make another table. And do you know what we made it from? From a wooden coil on which the wires. They dug one part of the coil into the ground, painted the upper part, and made flowers on the surface of the table using colored self-adhesive paper. Our table is large.

There is an opportunity to gather behind it for everyone who wants to play board games. The plans include an idea to make a bench so that you don’t have to take chairs out of the group every day.

The flowers in our flowerbeds in the form of swans have already grown up, delighting with their beauty.

A health track was made, which I also talked about. Survived until the end of summer.

We have fitness equipment "Apple and Pear" made from plywood. They serve to roll balls. We have been using this equipment for several years now.

For crawling, they made multi-colored gates. An arc from a hoop, plastic colored balls are put on it. They placed the gate where there is at least a little green soft grass.

This year to organize an outdoor game "Carousels" on the veranda they hung a carousel made of several hoops of different sizes and multi-colored satin ribbons.

To organize games for the development of breathing, they made a manual in the form of an inverted umbrella and butterflies.

We are building pans for next summer. I'm looking for ideas from you guys. Thank you.

I wish you all creative success!

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With the onset of warm days, the stay of children in the fresh air increases and teachers face the problem of organizing an interesting,

The long-awaited summer is coming soon. I really want the kindergarten site to look bright, lively and interesting in the summer! Kindergarten site.

Kindergarten is a special institution, it is practically a second home for its employees and children. And you always want to make your home cozy and warm.

Do-it-yourself summer decoration of a kindergarten with a photo

The territory of the kindergarten is a place for cognitive development, games, sports and recreation for children
Creation of emotionally favorable conditions for a comfortable stay of children in a preschool institution through the improvement of the territory and the organization of cognitive, creative, recreational activities for children while outdoors in kindergarten areas during the warm season.
- Identification, encouragement, promotion and dissemination of the experience of teachers in this direction.
- Activation of the creative potential of teachers and parents.
- Creation of a single space for children, teachers, parents.
- Expansion of children's ideas about the world around them, the formation of labor skills, the development of environmental culture.
- Organization of pupils' leisure.

The summer recreational period is a seasonal period of time in which a system of activities is implemented aimed at improving the health and physical development of children. The main task of adults is to satisfy as fully as possible the need of a growing organism for rest, creative activity and movement.

A well-planned system of health-improving, educational, entertaining activities, as well as a rich and safe object-spatial developing environment helps to ensure the necessary level of physical and mental development of children.

The walking area of ​​the group is also part of the developing space within which the free motor and play activities of children are carried out. Since during the summer period children are outdoors all day long and it is very important that these small corners filled with entertainment and a place for fun games are also attractive in terms of landscape design, because this way you can develop good taste and a sense of beauty in children. .

Our kindergarten is a system of comprehensive development of the child, in the organization of which both adults and children take part. We constantly update the equipment and design of group rooms and areas of the kindergarten, carefully considering what equipment to use so that the daily stay in the kindergarten is safe, interesting for children, and the environment delights, surprises them and teaches them to learn, explore, experiment.

In the presented photographs, you can see how to creatively approach the process of decorating sites in a preschool educational institution with hand-made equipment.

To make the space on the site interesting and attractive for pupils, we use the figures of cartoon and fairy-tale characters, on stumps and trees you can see nests with chicks, magic bells, a friendly family of bees and visit Kuzi's brownie.

Floral arrangements delight the eye with their indescribable beauty and fragrances, but be careful! Here you can meet fairy-tale heroes!

The Forest School is of great interest to children - these are stumps that serve as a table and chairs for outdoor creative activities. Here, after all, you can not only write, sculpt or draw, but also play games that are not mobile, but logical, developing quick wits and quick reactions.

Not only plants, but also all kinds of pets attract inquisitive kids, but you can’t start a real barnyard because of this. To satisfy the need for knowledge, we use crafts made from gypsum, plastic bottles, sea stones.

Everything that we offer children today is created competently, with love, in the best traditions of kindergarten.

"There, on unknown paths"

"Visiting the hedgehog"

"Jolly family"

"Bells are flowers, very kind, and you?"


"We're going, we're going, we're going!"

"By the Pond"

"Visiting Brownie Kuzi"


"Waiting for Mom"

"Ship of Childhood"

"Maya the bee"

"Visiting Winnie the Pooh"

"Jolly family"

"Young lady-peasant"

"Duck Farm"

"Merry Caterpillar"

"One step, two steps"

"Forest School"

"Princess Frog"


"Peppa Pig"

"I am a cheerful bun"

"Bird Farm"

"Drink, children, milk - you will be healthy!"
People who know and love their profession, enthusiasts and creative people work here. They are young, full of original ideas, ready for everything new, they learn, grow up with the kids, remaining spontaneous and open to the world, but, most importantly, THEY LOVE CHILDREN and children pay them the same: the reward is children's laughter that does not stop over the little one. country, a paradise of happy childhood called the kindergarten "CHAYKA"!

Kindergarten is a place where a child develops, learns and plays. When choosing a preschool institution for their child, parents pay attention not only to the situation in the group, but also to the design of the kindergarten site. We want to give you some tips on how to improve it.

Kindergarten can be considered a second home for kids, because here they spend most of their day. Probably, every teacher and parent wants the child to be surrounded by beautiful trees and flowers, swings and slides, pavilions and horizontal bars.

All this must be planned at once.

Unfortunately, many kindergartens now have poor funding, but this is not a reason to give up. After all, it is enough to apply your imagination, skill and work to change the territory beyond recognition practically without investing money.

There are caring and active parents in any kindergarten, and if you still attract children, the work will boil.

Let's look at what should be on the territory of the kindergarten:

  • trees, shrubs and flower beds;
  • paved paths;
  • pavilions or gazebos;
  • swings and slides, sandboxes;
  • playground.

Green spaces

There is no doubt that there should be a large number of trees, bushes and flowers on the territory of the kindergarten, but this matter should be approached responsibly.

Remember safety

The essence of landscaping is to create a favorable microclimate, reduce dust and gas content in the air, increase humidity and shade in the territory.

Choosing certain types of vegetation, do not forget about the safety of life and health of children, as well as their environmental education. In other words, you need to know.

Plant selection

Thinking over the landscape design of the territory of the kindergarten, we place the same types of trees along the alleys. The children will remember the name and appearance of the seedlings this way.

  • It is best to plant tall trees along the fence - maple, poplar (which does not give fluff), ash, birch. These species look good at any time of the year and will protect the garden from the winds. To create shade in the areas, you can plant oaks and acacias.
  • Spruce trees will look beautiful at the main entrance to the kindergarten, but it is not recommended to plant them on playgrounds.
  • Under them, you can beautifully lay out pebbles painted in different colors and plant small animals made of wood or concrete. Empty places in the shade of trees, where nothing grows, can be decorated with various figures. Even an ordinary stump in skillful hands will turn into a fairy-tale hero.
  • If you decide to plant fruit trees, allocate an area for a garden. Such trees require special care and timely harvesting, do not allow the site to be polluted with fallen fruit.
  • Thinking over landscape design in kindergarten, you can use the idea of ​​dividing playgrounds into sections using shrubs. To do this, they are planted in a line around the perimeter. The green fence is ready! For kindergartens, viburnum, jasmine, lilac, chokeberry are suitable. Most importantly, do not forget to cut them on time.
  • Landscaping is a fun and exciting business. For these purposes, you can involve children of older and preparatory groups.
  • If you take old slopes and cover them with earth, then paint the rubber with paint, you will get beautiful flower beds. We place them along the way to the buildings and around them.

When choosing seeds and seedlings, we pay attention to the flowering period and the life span of plants. Flowers should bloom from early spring to late autumn. Choose not only annuals, but also perennials, such as petunia, calendula, pansies, irises, peonies, roses.

Advice! When choosing plants, make sure they are non-toxic and suitable for the climate. If you are unsure of their safety, do not take!


Paths in kindergarten

All main paths in the garden must be paved or paved with special tiles.

On sections of the path, you can sow with ornamental grass or sprinkle with sand. Considering the design of the kindergarten site, you can choose an orthopedic pebble track for the sports ground.

To create a path, we select a place, enclose it on the sides (so that the pebbles do not crumble) and fill it with medium-sized sea pebbles. Little cost, big benefit. In summer, children will walk barefoot on it to prevent flat feet.

Pavilions and gazebos

The main component of the playground is a structure in which you can hide from the heat or rain. Most often, pavilions and gazebos are built for this.

Main requirements:

  • safety;
  • natural materials;
  • one deaf side;
  • the presence of benches.

Buildings are painted in bright colors. Above the entrance to the gazebo or under the roof of the pavilion, you can hang weather vanes or rattles. Arbors are located under tall trees, this will give additional shade and coolness.

Swings and more

Flower bed in kindergarten

Naturally, the design of the playground of the kindergarten provides for the presence of swings, slides and sandboxes (game equipment). When choosing them, it is worth worrying about the safety of structures.

Swings and slides must be age appropriate, safe and secure. After winter, be sure to lubricate all moving parts and check for damage.

All structures are painted with bright colors. On the seats of the swings and on the sides of the slides and sandboxes, you can draw fairy-tale characters or flowers.

We arrange swings and other structures so that they do not interfere with each other and the child who has moved down the hill does not fall under the swing. It is best to put them in different corners of the site.


Every kindergarten should have a playground. On it we have horizontal bars, a Swedish ladder, a log and a basketball hoop.

All sports equipment must be adapted to different ages of children, be safe and convenient. It is also dyed in bright colors. When choosing a site for the site, give preference to a shaded area.

Advice! For a sports ground, you can use old car tires, for this they are half buried in the ground.

As you can see, when choosing a landscape design for a kindergarten site, the focus is on the safety of structures and the brightness of colors. The arrangement itself is a simple matter, but it requires responsibility and desire.

Summing up

We hope our article was useful to you. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical issue, our website provides a detailed photo and video instruction in which you will find useful information on this issue.

Photo gallery

The Flower Fantasy contest was held in accordance with the work plan of the preschool education department of the Education Department of the Krasnoznamensk Administration.

Goals and objectives of the competition:

  • identification, promotion and dissemination of the best experience in designing the territories of municipal budgetary preschool educational institutions;
  • creation of conditions for labor, ecological and aesthetic education of preschool children;
  • activation of the creative potential of teachers, promotion of innovative non-standard solutions for the creation of a single, compositionally built, aesthetically designed space of the territory of municipal budgetary preschool educational institutions;
  • involvement of pupils of municipal budgetary preschool educational institutions and parents in practical activities for the improvement of territories.

It should be noted that in preparation for the competition, the teams of preschool institutions did a lot of work, as a result of which the territories of kindergartens were transformed: new flower beds, original flower beds, alpine slides, and themed corners appeared.

In the process of preparing for the competition, kindergarten teachers showed creativity andfantasy, intensified work with parents.

Based on the results of the competition, the jury determined the winners:

Iplace -MBDOU No. 6 "Firefly"

IIplace -MBDOU No. 4 "Sun"

IIIplace -MBDOU No. 9 "Thumbelina"

We present the results of the work of the participants of the competition.

child development center - children's №6 "Firefly"

The teachers of preschool educational institution No. 6 "Firefly" embodied new creative ideas in the design of the territory: thematic areas in front of the main entrance were originally designed: Sundial, figured flower beds with annuals, a lake with waterfowl and water lilies, an arch with weaving roses, a corner of the "Solar System", Alpine slide - everything is done with taste and imagination.

At the entrance to the kindergarten, storks "made" a nest

Cache-pot with flowers "Swans"

Alpine hill near the lake

Flower bed "Cups"

Corner "Solar system"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center - children's No. 4 "Sun"

The kindergarten is getting prettier every year: new flower beds with perennial plants appear: roses, peonies, delphiniums, ferns. Pleasing to the eye flower beds in the areas, blooming from spring to autumn.

Thematic corner "Apiary"

Original flowerbed with ferns, on which hedgehogs "live"

The teachers of the preschool educational institution showed their imagination and Smeshariki, cheerful musicians, fabulous gnomes, a flowerbed with piglets, Moidodyr, Masha and a bear appeared on the walking areas.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten No. 9 "Thumbelina"

The flower bed "Palette" and "air paintings", which depicted voluminous scenes from the fairy tale "Thumbelina", I wanted to look at again and again ...

Kindergarten parents took an active part in the design of walking areas: grass was planted, flower beds were made, an alpine slide, thematic corners "Pets", "Village Fence", "Bird Yard".

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center - children's №1 "Bell"

Preschool teachersWe were able to make the territory of the preschool institution attractive in a short time: flowerbeds with annual and perennial flowers, fruit trees, ornamental shrubs were planted.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center - kindergarten No. 3 "Belochka"

Kindergarten teachers have carried out fruitful work in preparation for the competition: the central flower bed in front of the building is planted with bright annual flowers, flower beds with peonies have been laid out, work continues on decorating the lake, and the areas of walking areas have been transformed.

The kindergarten garden is in excellent condition.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

child development center - kindergarten No. 5 "Birch"

The teaching staff of the preschool institution pays great attention to the work on the improvement of the territory.

On the territory, flower beds with hostas, irises are fragrant, flower beds with annuals are planted.