Simoron rituals for money. Simoron for urgent money - get rich quick technique

Greetings, dear readers! Can't attract wealth using traditional methods?

Then I suggest calling for help. Simoron rituals for money will help us.

Choose a ritual that you like, or you can perform several at once.

And let this list inspire you and you come up with your own Simoron rituals for money. After all, it is known that one’s own rituals are more effective.

I also recommend listening to this one money alpha pumping.

So, let's start simulating.

Simoron rituals for money

  1. Don't be upset if outside the window bad weather: It is snowing or raining. This is for money. While walking down the street, raise your palms up. When raindrops or snowflakes fall on them, rub your pockets with your hands and say: “Rain or snow from the sky means money in your pocket.” The money will come to you soon. Tested more than once on myself.
  2. You can charge not only mobile phones, but also wallets. Place the connector from the charger into the compartment with the money and plug it into the socket. Leave for several hours.
  3. Put 100 dollars or euros in your wallet, don't spend it. Think about what you could spend it on. This way you will attract money vibrations.
  4. Buy a stack of toy money and put it on your desk so you can always see it. Think of them as real ones. And real money won’t be long in coming.
  5. Place a piece of paper in your wallet with the inscription: Everything that I take from my wallet comes back there in abundance. Say this phrase every time you take money out of your wallet.
  6. Brew black tea in a transparent glass, add a spoonful of honey to it. Place the glass on a green leaf. Take new pencil. As you stir your tea clockwise for a minute, think about the amount of money you need and what you will spend it on. Then write on a piece of paper: “Tea, I’ll have money!” Roll it up and put it in your wallet. Keep it until you have the required amount of money.
  7. Take a beautiful pot, preferably green. Put coins and bills there, a little semolina (to attract money). Place it on a sunny windowsill and say: “Brew the pot!”
  8. When preparing cabbage soup or borscht, chop the cabbage, imagining that it is money.
  9. Take an identity document (laminated), something sticky (jam, honey, condensed milk, yogurt - it all depends on personal preference), smear the photo on the document and start licking.
  10. If you happen to have money with your initials, then never spend it, it will become your money magnet and will attract money.
  11. You make a fishing rod, tie money to it, throw it out the window and say: Catch big money with small money. If you have a real fishing rod, even better. And don’t forget to do this ritual if you go fishing. Catching money is much more pleasant than catching fish.
  12. Do you have a bank account or e-wallets? Write on a piece of paper “deposit money into your account” and attach it to the tap, in general, to anything that drains water. Each time you will transfer money to your account.
  13. On the waxing moon, go to the bank and bring something from there. You can ask to change money, for example. And don’t spend the money you receive, put it in your wallet. Powerful in a can money energy and you get a part of it.
  14. Take a pot or vase, write “Out of nowhere” on it, take the amount of money that you need (maybe real, maybe not, but so that it looks like real money). And get them out of "Nowhere"
  15. Write yourself a new biography in which you are rich and successful and put it in a frame.
  16. Take it. If not, you can download it online or make it yourself.Write your full name, in the amount column write “Paid in full”, in the signature column - “Law of Abundance”. There is no need to set a date. Put the receipt in a safe place and forget about it.
  17. Take a lot of green pieces of paper and write banknotes on them with a green felt-tip pen. Fill the bath with water, add foam and... Take a bath, add green pieces of paper to it, let them stick to you. Think at this time how rich you are and how much money you have.
  18. Buy air balloons, inflate them and tie banknotes to them. And let them fly around the room, and you catch them and jump joyfully.
  19. When going shopping, announce your money as a boomerang. Take the money in your hand and make a gesture with your hand as if you were launching a boomerang and say: “I declare my money to be a boomerang.” Then they will definitely return to you in even greater numbers.
  20. Place semolina in a small bag and put it in your wallet. This way the decoy will attract money
  21. Use .
  22. Money code. Write with a green pen on blue paper: GPMKBTS and put it in your wallet.
  23. When walking home from the bank, quietly sprinkle semolina along the way.
  24. Go to an ATM, place your hands on it and imagine how money flows from it into yours.
  25. Cook the dumplings, stir them and say: “I’m cooking dumplings for money!”
  26. Hang red panties on the chandelier. When hanging up your panties, make a wish.
  27. Write on the toilet: “Waste to money converter.”

I hope you enjoyed the Simoron rituals with the money I offered. I am sure you will definitely find something suitable from this list. When performing rituals, do not forget about the feeling of floating. And treat them with humor. Good luck and wealth! Money is already rushing to you! And you will find out how to find a handsome prince.

Before approaching such a topic as simoron rituals and understanding what simoron is, let’s take a walk through the labyrinths of the human psyche.

Why is a person unhappy?

How does a person understand that he is unhappy? There comes a time when nothing makes you happy. Relationships with friends, parents, family are strained. I only have enough money, but I really want to go to the sea, new clothes or just more delicious food. The attitude towards work is negative, or maybe this is not the work that is needed...

In order to sort your life into pieces, there are people - psychotherapists who, in a few years and for your money, will sort out all your problems. It turns out that the main reasons why you are unlucky in life are:

  1. You don't understand life enough.
  2. You are psychologically illiterate.
  3. Your biggest enemy is laziness.
  4. You are unspiritual, internally immature.
  5. Your weak.
  6. You do not have the capacity for paradoxical thinking.
  7. You are cowardly and unsure of yourself.
  8. You are in poor health.
  9. You love everything for nothing.
  10. You have no motivation.
  11. Your intuition is undeveloped.

That is, to become happy, you need to dig out all your fears and rebuild your whole life. The boredom is terrible!

There are a lot of different techniques for positive thinking. No, of course, everything is correct, but it’s so difficult! There is a much better way!


Nobody knows exactly what simoron is (or doesn’t admit it), even those who invented it. More correctly it sounds like this: the school of wizards “Simoron”. Feeling a little perplexed? Adults - and suddenly wizards. Kindergarten some kind!

Exactly! Relax, become young, blooming, hooligan, funny. Simoron does not demand to fight, he demands to create. First of all, come up with a new name for yourself - the more absurd, the better. For example, “a corps de ballet star”, “running on the waves”, or even just a set of some funny sounds.

Like any self-respecting magician, you should have magical rituals and rituals. Where do we start? Let's try rites and rituals for money.

Magic rituals to attract money

The Simoron ritual for money is a purely personal matter. Someone needs money to come in to repay the loan. For some, it is more important that business goes well and that money comes with it. And for others, the main thing is that there is simply money. Here are magical rituals for attracting money to get you started:


Strong rituals for money are often performed with semolina; it is this cereal that is symbolized with them:

  1. Start a pot of porridge. Choose the most beautiful pot, put money on the bottom (seed for income), and sprinkle semolina on top. Every morning, rub the magic pot with the words: “Brew, boil the porridge.” Remember: money comes to money!
  2. Now a very important Simoron ritual for money - “Feed the bank.” This ritual is far from new; you probably heard it in fairy tales as a child. So, take a handful of semolina and go to the desired bank. On the way back, quietly sprinkle the cereal on the road - the bank should find a way to your house.
  3. The simplest ritual with semolina is to pour it into your wallet. Let him work - he attracts money!

So! So! So!

We almost forgot about the main word “So!” It’s like putting an end to it, pronouncing a sentence, now everything must be done without delay, and there is no turning back. For example, you decided that you were undeservedly forgotten and not appreciated. How is it possible, after all, you are a wizard? Now we'll fix everything! We take and draw a stamped paper and compose an order: “Immediately hand over such and such a sum, assign a salary, promote a position.” Everything must be honest - order number, number, seal, signature. And at the end - “So! So! So!".

Say these words during any ritual - “I command! So! So! So!". This already sounds magical and royal.

New moon

Most famous ritual to attract money - from a fairy tale, when Pinocchio, Alice the fox and Basilio the cat buried money in the field of miracles so that the money would grow overnight. There is malice, deceit and deception. But maybe there is a grain of truth here. Money can be saturated with the power of the moon and grow with it. The main thing is to perform rituals for money on the new moon. Even Simoron rituals do not joke with the moon. It is important not to confuse the fact that money needs to be increased, but problems need to be reduced. These are different phases of the moon.

On this day you need to prepare as for a meeting the highest level. Clean up, prepare beautiful, or better yet, new things. If it's money, then new ones are better. Chat with the moon like queen to queen, ask for help, lay out money on the windowsill. You can start a new notebook, beautiful pen and write your wishes there.

What does it take to make your dreams come true?

Do you know whose dreams come true? In children. Because they have a special ability that helps fulfill desires. For adults, it was called the “floating state.” It consists of:

  1. Happy mood, joyful mood.
  2. No doubts or worries.
  3. The main thing is to believe and not wait for immediate results. This is also called “letting go of desire.” The dream itself will come true, and she herself knows when.

In addition, it was noticed that positive people healthier, physically stronger, stress-resistant. Knowing that you will be helped makes your life protected, just like when you were a child with your mother. The state of floating gives a feeling of freedom, eternal youth.

And finally...

The last piece of advice for beginning wizards: there is no need to repeat and memorize well-known rituals, create new Simoron rituals, your own and for yourself! And let there be endless magic, unbridled fun, boundless imagination and continuous flight in your life!


Space of love 16.10.2017

Dear blog readers, a whole series of articles about attracting money into our lives has been born in our section. It turns out that in order to have enough money, you need to know what laws govern it, be able to see your negative attitudes and beliefs and work with them. And only then can you start creating magic. Today Irina Romanova will share with us her methods and rituals for attracting money. I give her the floor.

Dear and beloved readers of Irina Zaitseva’s blog. I am glad to welcome you to our space of love. I very carefully read every comment you left after the article, and I thank everyone who shared their thoughts and feelings.

We have passed the preparatory stages of the process of attracting money into our lives, and now we can really begin to magical ways of attracting money into our lives. This is my favorite part because it’s always nice to realize that we create our own world.

There are a lot of money rituals, and I will share with you the most effective and efficient ones that I use myself.

If you want a lot of money, learn to respect it

Right now, dear ones, look into your wallet. What condition are your banknotes in? What do you keep in your wallet besides money?

Money loves to be loved.

One of these laws is mutual respect. Agree, you would not want to communicate with a person who treats you rudely, is rude, and offends you. The same is true with money.

If you want to have a lot of money, treat it with respect:

  • the wallet should be beautiful and new. Would you like to live in a communal apartment without wallpaper, with dirty windows, shabby furniture and carpets? I think no. Money also loves purity and beauty. Therefore, if you see that your wallet needs replacing, buy yourself a new, bright and preferably expensive one;
  • choose a wallet that you will fall in love with at first sight. I know a lot of rules about color and fabric for a wallet, but my heart tells me that the only thing that matters is falling in love with your wallet. When I look at my wallet (I have it in the form of a money holder), my heart immediately warms. I really love him, I love his surface, I love his inside - it was love at first sight;
  • put bills in your wallet front side(this is the side where the image is drawn) towards yourself;
  • The largest bill should be closest to you;
  • Carry only money in your wallet. Think of another place for papers, coupons, notes;
  • Photos of loved ones have no place in your wallet. I know many people, including my parents, like to carry photos in their wallet. But a wallet is a place only for money and credit cards. This is not a photo album.

The only image that can be in your wallet is the image of your Money Assistant.

Enlist the help of higher powers in matters of wealth

Friends, believe me, if we rely only on ourselves when it comes to money, we won’t see much money. Our invisible helpers - each of them has their own - guardian angels, saints, gods of wealth, the Creator are only waiting for us to appeal and call.

They are always happy to help, especially in matters of raising money. As for me, I have long ago accepted it as a postulate - the Universe always takes care of me. And, believe me, this is what happens.

If you have never contacted your assistants with money issues and do not know how to do it correctly, I will share my method of approach.

I'll be honest, I don't have a picture of the assistant in my wallet - he's always in my heart. And if it’s difficult for me, if I feel like I need help with a money issue, if I just want some amount of money, I turn to him asking for help. I don’t have prepared phrases, I don’t have any special ritual for this. Only faith that I will definitely receive help and support. I formulate the request in my own words and, as it were, pass it on for execution.

Sometimes I come to the temple and communicate with my assistants there. In the next article I will tell you about connecting with mentors, higher teachers. This is a very important part of the ritual of attracting money. When you have the support of higher powers, in any matter everything will work out very easily and simply for you.

The magic and simplicity of fulfilling desires and intentions can be seen by performing Simoron rituals of attracting money.

Panties on a chandelier - money for the house, or All the secrets of Simoron techniques

Few people in our time have not heard of Simoron rituals. They are there for all occasions. To be honest, my journey began with simoron. When I was left alone, far in the North (I lived in Murmansk), with infant in the arms and difficult relationships with my husband, simoron helped me look at the world with humor.

Simoron was invented by Peter and Petra Burlan. These are techniques that turn conventional methods upside down, help you look at the situation without being too serious, and remove the importance of the problem. In a word, it's fun. Gibberish language, panties on a crystal chandelier, a tail made of some pieces of paper to attract a betrothed, notes with the inscription “I command” and much more.

For those who practice such rituals, I will tell you a few secrets that will help you really realize what you want.

Belief that this method works

Friends, when we really need money, we sometimes grab onto any ritual as if it were Lifebuoy. And we scold them if they don’t help.

But it's not about rituals. It's about your faith in them. When I believed that simoron worked, I wrote statements to the Universe, put stamps and bought red panties with lace (may my dear readers forgive me for these details, but you can’t erase the words from the song). And they really worked.

I met simoron at a visiting seminar by Pope and Beard (for those interested, there is a lot of information about them on the Internet). When we arrived at the meeting place, it turned out that I did not have enough space in the house. I was sitting sad on a bench, Vladimir Dolokhov (Papa) came up to me and, having learned my story, simply snapped his fingers, said: “Now everything will be,” and left.

Five minutes later, the organizer informed me that I would live alone in a VIP room, because there were no ordinary ones left. What can I say? Miracles!

And I can list a great many such miracles.

If you sincerely believe in your method of attracting money, it will definitely work.

Your actions that you perform after the Simoron ritual

This applies not only to simoron, but to any technique you perform. Magic creates opportunity in your life, and you do the main actions yourself.

My husband loves money rituals. He had a special underwear, which he wore to important meetings, he has Money Tree which he waters. But he does this as a background to the main actions. That is, he does not stay at home in his underwear in the hope that someone will bring him sum of money. He doesn't sit next to his tree - he works. He works and believes that the Universe will help him realize his plans. This is the secret.

The time of Simoron techniques has passed for our family, and we began to create the magic of money.

Money magic at home

There are many strong conspiracies, rituals to attract money. But where there is power, there are always safety rules. Whatever you do, whatever rituals you use, each of them should only be for the benefit of other people.

Even when you say your wishes, say this phrase: “For the benefit of everyone around you.” Then the balance in the Universe will be maintained, and your magic will not harm anyone.

Powerful money ritual for the waxing moon

I learned about this ritual from my grandmother. Her house in the village was located in a lowland, on the shore of a lake. And when the young moon came out, it was always reflected in the water surface, like silver spilled over the surface. My grandmother called me outside to perform this ritual.

On the day of the new moon, collect all the money you have. Stand so that the new moon is behind your right shoulder. And say: “The month is young, your horn is cool. I’ll show you a copper, give me back the gold.” And start rustling all the bills you have.

Be sure to guess the amount you want to receive.

Fly a penny - bring a ruble. Money Ritual

This ritual is traditional in our family. Every time someone finds a penny on the road, he throws it over his right shoulder and says: “Fly the penny - bring the ruble.” You can name any amount you want to receive.

The ritual really works. Once after it was held, they transferred to us a large sum money business partners.

Suitcase of money. Practice

This practice will help you make the process of attracting money easier. Yes, you are working with negative attitudes. Their list for work can be seen in the article. But gaining experience large quantity you don't have money yet. And it must be created with the help of this practice.

Take a few deep breaths, focus on your heart, ask your invisible helpers to carry out this practice as effectively as possible. Ask your loved ones not to disturb you for a while, and you can begin.

Imagine that you are in your apartment. Everything is as usual, maybe you are drinking tea, or reading a book, or sitting at the computer. And at this time you hear the doorbell. A little surprise, because you weren’t expecting anyone, but you still go to open it. On the threshold you see a beautifully dressed young man with a suitcase. He hands you a paper and tells you that he has a package for you. You sign.

He hands you the suitcase, says goodbye and leaves. You bring this package in the form of a suitcase into the house, put it on the table, open it and see that the suitcase is completely filled with money.

The simoron technique allows you to solve very quickly and effectively financial difficulties. But this does not mean at all that you can sit back and wait for money to rain from the sky. You will have to work to achieve your goal, and fun methods will support and guide you along the way.

Simoron technicians

The main task of the fun science simoron or oxymoron (sometimes mistakenly called shiromon) is removing clamps and blocks from a person. Show how easy and simple it is to achieve your goals. Convince that the universe is infinitely kind and generously shares its wealth.

Funny and sometimes ridiculous rituals, funny affirmations and self-conviction help you escape from the everyday world. A positive person sees more opportunities to realize his fantasies. If you don’t like a ritual, then you shouldn’t do it. Nothing good will come of this. You need to find one that will evoke a pleasant response in your soul. All actions must be performed with drive and passion. After completing it, “let go” of the desire and get on with your daily business. And at this time the Universe will work on its implementation.

Raising money

Very popular techniques for attracting money. After all, who doesn’t want to have a little more finance, move up the career ladder, or win at gambling?

First you need to prepare for finances beautiful house. It is advisable to buy a new beautiful and roomy wallet. It's good if it's red or Green colour. It is advisable to periodically take out the bills living in it, stroke them and thank them for coming. It is recommended to charge the wallet itself. To do this, place the plug from the turned on charger in the wallet compartment and leave it overnight. Will help you attract extra money money amulet or a pinch of semolina, stuffed into one of the compartments.

Quick receipt of the amount

The following techniques will work to quickly receive a certain amount. First, think about how much money you need to get. The amount must be specific and real. The request: “I want a million” will not work. Let it be 15 thousand for repairs, 10 thousand for recreation and requests like them.

All proposed methods must be performed in good mood. There is no need to be afraid of looking funny and absurd, because this is the whole essence of funny science. Every day must be greeted with a smile and joy, not forgetting to thank the Universe for the blessings it has given. And then luck, success and material well-being will never leave their owner.

The effectiveness of the proposed methods is evidenced by many positive reviews.

Simoron for money is completely safe. He has no possibilities negative consequences, like other rituals in magic. One of the features of Simoron rituals is that they are humorous. But for those who believe in their power, these rituals quickly increase cash flow. Compliance with the rules during the sacraments is not as strict a requirement as in other areas of magic. The main condition for a successful simoron for money is confidence in success and a positive attitude.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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      Ritual "Red Thread"

      The plot is read on large bills. To carry it out you will need:

      • money that was recently found in the wallet: banknotes that were issued wages, or a debt returned the other day;
      • red wool thread;
      • small knife - new, never used anywhere before;
      • “money mat” (Feng Shui talisman in the form of a napkin).
      • Money mat

        You are allowed to take one or more banknotes in this simoron for money. If you don’t have a woolen thread at hand, take any other red thread. But you definitely need to find a money mat or make it yourself. This attribute is indispensable when performing a ritual. After all, it is on this that profits will be calculated.

        Banknotes are placed on a mat neatly laid on the table. Then you should take a thread and begin to measure the length of the bills, reading the words: “I have money and luck, and for you - goods and change! »

        The plot is repeated seven times. Then the part of the red thread obtained from the measurement is cut off with a knife. The piece is folded to keep the thread strong. You should get a small rope. The miraculous bracelet is neatly tied on the wrist right hand and is worn for a week without interruption. After the seventh day, the thread is carefully cut with a new knife and then burned.

        Nine Knot Ritual

        This simoron for money should be pronounced on the waxing moon or during the full moon. It is done on a green ribbon, like a fresh dollar bill. You need to tie 9 knots on the ribbon, each of which corresponds to special magic words and states:

        • “The first node - the miraculous sacrament begins” (you should tune in to the magic).
        • “The second issue is quickly resolved” (imagine how the enrichment mechanism is launched, where to expect profit).
        • “With the third, money is rushing to me” (one should imagine powerful cash flows).
        • “With the fourth, new doors open” (visualize where the first money will go).
        • “With the fifth, business flourishes” (imagine the height to which you would like to reach in business or career).
        • “The sixth miracle secures” (this knot needs to be tightened, thinking about the stability of well-being).
        • “With the seventh comes good luck” (imagine the image of a wealthy person, confident in tomorrow person).
        • “With the eighth, profits multiply” (large purchases are planned).
        • “With the ninth tightly tied knot, everything said is now mine! "(any doubts disappear).

        This simoron for money starts working immediately. The ribbon should be put in your wallet or kept in your pocket near your heart as a special magic talisman.

        Simoron for a refund

        On clean slate The words are written on the paper: “Whatever is taken from my wallet will be returned threefold.” Every time you take money out of your wallet, you need to say a phrase.

        Over time, the money will “absorb” this conspiracy and begin to return in abundance. This simoron for money also allows you to speed up the repayment of your debt.

        "Charging your wallet"

        This simoron for money is suitable for those who need funds urgently. Take a charger for your phone or other equipment, plug it into an outlet, and place the opposite end in your wallet. It needs to be left to “charge” overnight.

        The next day, unexpected income should arrive.

        Magic nine

        This small simoron for money allows you to raise funds in short time. You need to say the words “I’m coding myself for money urgently” and write the number 9 with a pen or marker on your left wrist.

        There are also Alternative option this simoron for money. His technique is as follows: several banknotes maximum rating, they are used to wrap simple AA batteries. You need to leave them for about a day. Then the money and batteries should be used for their intended purpose. The batteries are returned to their place, and funds are spent without embarrassment.

        Charged bills must certainly be used up - then their charge will attract even more “girlfriends”.

        There is a version of this ritual for attracting money with a magnet. Any magnet can be used - the stronger the better. Next, the same thing is done as with batteries - with the only difference that this money is not spent. They act as a “magnet” for other bills, so they need to be carried in your wallet.

        Ritual using lemon

        If there is a cash lottery coming up soon, you can use this simoron for money. Have to take:

        • fresh lemon zest;
        • three yellow coins;
        • three cherry pits;
        • an opaque container, such as a coffee can.

        All the listed items are placed in the jar one by one. Before speaking the words of the spell, the container should be tightly closed with a lid. The words are read three times in an even, calm voice: “The fair maiden went berry picking to collect a whole basket. She walked along the path and found gold coins. He looks around - there are coins everywhere. She baked the pies at home and they turned out delicious and golden brown. May luck accompany me like this beautiful maiden.”

        When the words are read, the container is hidden in a secluded place. The money should appear soon. And to check this, you need to buy a lottery ticket. The prank will definitely be crowned with success - after all, the conspiracy takes effect immediately.

        So that any magic act To win the lottery effectively, you should follow some rules:

        • Simoron for money is strengthened on the waning moon. It is at this time that rituals need to be performed.
        • To enhance the sacrament, it is useful to plant a money tree during this particular lunar phase.
        • The luckiest day is Wednesday. It is believed that on this day the most energy accumulates in nature.

        "Pea Happiness"

        Take a container with a lid, peas, and a green marker. Next, 30 pieces of green peas are collected and thrown one by one into the container. At the same time, you need to say: “For a pea there is a pea, for me - one good thing!” Let wealth come to me! »

        Then you need to close the container with peas and draw on it money symbol, for example dollar or euro. Co next day Simoron for money starts to work. Every day you should throw one coin there, repeating the words of the conspiracy.

        If the peas are not purchased, but are grown on your own in the garden, you can whisper a prayer to them: “As many peas as I collect, I will receive as much profit.”

        "Check of Abundance"

        To conduct this simoron for money Any will do printed check form. It is filled out like this:

        • In the “Name” column, indicate given name and last name, “Amount” - the required amount of money, or the phrase “paid in full” if we're talking about about loan repayment. In the “Signature” column write: “The Law of Abundance.”
        • Do not put a date - this limits the effect of the ritual.
        • The ritual should be performed strictly on the new moon.

        The abundance check is placed in a secluded place. The desire should be released - only then the simoron for money will begin to work.

        It is not necessary to indicate money in the “Amount” column. Desire can be anything, not just material - a car, good relations with family, promotion.

        "Pants on the Chandelier"

        The most extraordinary Simoron ritual. But despite all the unusualness, the magic of this simoron for money has been tested by experience. It is done like this:

        • You should buy new red panties from the store.
        • At home turn on cheerful music, put the purchase on your head and start dancing. This will create an atmosphere of crazy fun.
        • When the melody ends, you should throw your panties with your foot directly onto the chandelier.
        • After this succeeds, the ritual is activated using magic words: “Pants on the chandelier - money in the house! “At the same time, you should visualize in bright colors how cash flows into your home.
        • Panties can remain on the lamp for as long as desired - from a day to a month.

        When conducting Simoron rituals, it is useful to formulate desires in an affirmative form, without the particle “not”. Visualization of the result is also important. The more filled the image of money with feelings, the stronger the simoron. And the main condition is action. After performing the ritual, it is better to do something else to fulfill it. Then higher power will begin to provide chances for the realization of desires. After all, the Universe promotes those who are active and creative.