How to quickly dry nail polish: simple tips. Quick and effective ways to dry nail polish. Is it possible to coat a simple varnish with a top coat and dry it in UV or LED?

If previously the use of gel polish was possible only in professional salons beauty, now many fashionistas are trying to make do on their own. This is quite possible if you master basic principles manicure, however, requires a certain set of tools, the most expensive of which is an ultraviolet lamp designed to fix the nail coating. How to dry gel polish without special lamp- a question that torments many girls. To understand this, you need to understand the nature of the coating in question.

Gel polish: advantages and disadvantages

There is not a single woman who is not familiar with gel manicure. This modern covering for nails - a kind of synthesis of gel and varnish.

It includes several components:

  • base;
  • color base;
  • upper layer.

Thanks to the extensive color palette, this coating can be used to create manicures of various designs that satisfy any taste.

In addition, we can highlight a number positive features gel polish:

  1. Strengthening and protecting the nail plates, possible thanks to the thick, hard shell created by gel polish. Even brittle nails, covered with such a layer, do not break or peel.
  2. Long wearing period. This manicure can last about a month (on average three weeks) if done correctly. This is well suited for women who, for whatever reason, cannot visit the master often.
  3. Possibility to combine with extensions. Many girls love long nails, but not everyone is able to grow them without first strengthening them with a gel. Gel polish coating allows the first time to increase the length of the nail artificially.

TO negative qualities gel coating includes:

  1. The method of processing the nail plate before applying such a tool requires removing the top layer with a special nail file. As a result, the nail becomes thinner and its integrity is compromised.
  2. The obligatory use of a UV lamp that fixes a manicure negatively affects the skin of the hands and accelerates its aging process. However, this problem can be easily fixed using special cream with UV protection or a simple sunscreen lotion.
  3. It is necessary to remove gel polish only with means intended for this purpose, and even better - in a salon. Often women simply tear off pieces of the coating, not thinking about the fact that the nail is destroyed along with them.
  4. It is considered that it is carried out regularly without interruptions. gel manicure weakens the nail plate, makes it brittle, and leads to delamination.

Features of drying gel polish at home

It is not always possible to dry gel polish quickly without using ultraviolet rays. It depends on what type of coating was chosen for the manicure.

There are only two of them:

  1. UV-sensitive varnishes. These are exactly the varnishes that manicurists use in salons. There are only two ways to dry these products. The first is fast - using a special lamp. The second is suitable for those who have decided to do without the help of technology and at the same time have great patience - drying under straight sunbeams. Takes enough long time, But this process can be easily combined with a stay on the beach - then it won’t cause much difficulty. Some resourceful girls offer a third method - drying under the so-called blue lamp, designed for warming up for various diseases.
  1. Varnishes that are insensitive to light. It's more modern look gel coating, common on store shelves. It is very convenient for use at home, since it does not necessarily require the use of an ultraviolet lamp. However, it also takes quite a long time to dry on its own, so you should pay attention to small tricks that will help you dry gel polish quickly without a lamp.

If you decide to do a manicure yourself, it is better to choose a gel coating that is impervious to light. In order not to confuse and purchase exactly it, you need to pay attention to the packaging of the varnish: it must be marked “NO-light gel”.

How to dry NO-light gel

There are several ways to dry this coating:

  1. Naturally: after application, you can simply wait a while (usually up to an hour) without doing anything with your hands. This is the longest method, but the easiest at home, when there are no additional funds not at hand.
  2. Using a catalyst - a special liquid that speeds up the drying of nails. It is available in several forms: spray, cream, and also as varnish. It is applied about a minute or two after the gel coating.
  3. With the help of water. This method is one of the oldest ways speed up drying of nails. To do this, you need to fill a small basin with water so that you can easily lower the fingers of both hands. The contents of the basin should be cold; you can add ice cubes. You need to keep your nails under water from ten minutes to a quarter of an hour.
  4. Cold varnish. There is another one interesting way Dry the gel coating quickly. Before doing a manicure, you need to place the polish in the refrigerator (not the freezer!) for about twenty minutes. After this time, you can apply it to your nails.

It is important to remember that before using any nail product, you need to put them in proper shape: trim cuticles, give beautiful shape. Even the most unusual varnish It looks ridiculous on untreated hands.

Is it possible to dry gel polish with a hairdryer?

Faced with the problem of lack of equipment used for manicure, women begin to wonder: how can they quickly dry gel polish if there is no lamp? And, of course, many will remember such a product available to everyone at home as a hairdryer. However, talking about its effectiveness can only be done with great reservations.

To dry gel polish with a hairdryer, the device itself must have special characteristics, namely:

  • high power;
  • presence of cold mode.

In this case, the nail coating should be done in only one layer, otherwise it will not be possible to dry it. Even with apparent success, the lower layers will remain damp, which means that with any careless movement the manicure will be damaged.

There is another significant drawback this method drying: a stream of air, even cold, greatly changes the color of the gel polish, making it dull. Considering that it is applied in one layer and because of this it does not have saturation, then using a hairdryer completely destroys the beauty of the manicure. This is why trying to quickly dry your polish with a hairdryer is probably not a good idea.

In the section on the question Girls, please tell me, is it possible to dry regular nail polish under a UV lamp? given by the author chevron the best answer is You can dry it, but faster varnish It won't dry out. UV lamps polymerize gel and gel polish. Regular varnish dries in air due to evaporation.

Answer from Salt out[guru]
What for? For fun? This way you can put your hand with the applied varnish into the oven - it’s more fun and the effect is greater. You will probably be very surprised, but you cannot tan under a UV lamp designed for polymerization of the gel, although it is ultraviolet, but you can put some parts of the body there. Almost anything is possible, you just need to know why.

Answer from Adapt[guru]
In a UV lamp, the gel does not dry, but polymerizes and hardens. varnish has other properties that are not affected by UV rays

Answer from Kira Pshenichka[active]
There is no point in drying it in a lamp. If you want the varnish to dry faster, buy yourself a dryer. I bought it in spray form from Lady's World. I'm satisfied with the quality.

Answer from Elena Avvakumova[newbie]
you can, but it won't dry faster

Answer from Alex Alex[newbie]
You can, but DON'T! UV lamp is only for UV varnishes.

Answer from Ina Timofeeva[newbie]

Answer from Kisa Krasotkina[active]
I do like this. And everything is fine.

Answer from Ѐustam(555)[newbie]

Answer from MARINA KOLOMOITSEVA[newbie]
I do this too, the polish dries faster and lasts longer.

Answer from Ooo[master]
Any varnish dries quickly under a hair dryer or any fan!

Well-groomed hands with a beautiful spectacular manicure- an integral part of the image modern woman. Many girls know how to not only properly varnish their nails, but also even apply patterns of varying complexity to them. But how often do you come across a situation when time is running out, it’s time to go out, but the varnish is not dry at all? We are sure that each of you will remember many such cases. So today we will deal with an important question for any girl: how to quickly dry nails coated with varnish.

Different types of nail coatings and differences in drying speed

Oh those producers! cosmetic products! They never tire of surprising us with new products almost every season, including products for high-quality manicure. You go into a boutique to buy nail polish and your eyes widen: which one to choose? It's not even about the color palette and variety of brands. It’s just that now even varnishes have various properties, for example, they strengthen and heal the nail plate, create protective layer. And they can dry quickly, and even very quickly. This property is especially interesting to us.

Let's talk more about various types varnish that will allow us to make quality manicure as quickly as possible.

Note! The drying speed of the varnish may also depend on its pigmentation. Saturated matte products dry longer, and those containing pearlescent or glossy pigments dry 2-3 times faster.

At home, we use regular and quick-drying varnishes, as well as intensifying varnishes. And what is the secret of their quick drying? It's very simple: in the thickness of the layer with which you apply the polish to the nail. A thick layer takes a very long time to dry, and if you apply another one on top of it, the manicure risks being completely ruined. Therefore, here is your first advice: apply any varnish thin layer, wait until it dries, and then paint again, just as thinly and carefully.

Apply a thin layer of polish to your nails and wait until it dries completely.

Professional products for fast drying of varnish

Advanced fashionistas use all the possibilities of technological progress, including when it comes to manicure. Fortunately, manufacturers of cosmetic products and related products offer many ways to quickly dry nail polish, namely:

  • special coatings for quick drying;
  • sprays;
  • oil drying;
  • manicure drying fan;
  • Ultraviolet lamp.

All of them are great for regular polishes that you use most often at home. Such products will help fast-drying varnishes harden even faster if you have very little time. Let's take a closer look at them.

Special varnish coating

The way to use this tool is similar to clear nail polish, is very simple: apply it in one thin layer to a slightly dried color coating and wait 3-5 minutes. The varnish will not only harden quickly, but will acquire a glossy shine and additional durability. Now you can easily buy varnish drying in the same place as regular varnish. The most important thing is to choose products from a trusted manufacturer.

Spray drying

Due to their ease of use and effectiveness, spray drying has become very popular. A simple spray bottle containing an oil-based liquid will help you significantly speed up the drying of your manicure. Spray freshly painted nails with a spray so that the moisture covers each finger, and wait 5-7 minutes.

Spray on freshly painted nails and the polish will dry in a few minutes.

In addition to the quick hardening of the varnish, you get another undeniable advantage: the tool takes care of the cuticles and skin of the hands. True, spray drying does not affect the durability of the coating and its durability, but this drawback can be neglected.

Oil drying

Manicurists have long appreciated the effectiveness and benefits of oil dryers, and now you can use them at home without professional help. You will see a small bottle with a pipette cap in the manicure accessories department - feel free to take it.

Special drying for oil based significantly accelerates the hardening of the varnish

The product is applied 1 drop to each nail almost immediately after painting with varnish. The oil spreads, covering the nail plate with a thin film, and dries the polish in 2-3 minutes. In addition, it simultaneously cares for the skin of your fingers. The more often you use this product, the fewer hangnails you will develop.


IN nail salons You've probably seen small fans that run on mains power or AA batteries. Now you can buy them for home use. There are models designed for 2 hands, and there are also smaller ones on which you need to dry your hands one by one. In any case, the method is very simple: place your hands with freshly painted nails under a fan, and wait a couple of minutes until the varnish hardens under a stream of air.

Small fan-dryer for manicure

A fan dryer will help you reduce your manicure time if you use gel polish or shellac, and not just the usual coatings.

Ultraviolet lamp

Until recently, the constant companions of all manicurists were ultraviolet lamps. Currently they are available for free sale at quite affordable price. True, they are mainly used for drying gel and shellac coatings. Experience shows that UV lamps do not greatly speed up the curing of regular or quick-drying varnishes.

An ultraviolet lamp is used to dry the gel coating

Home effective remedies and methods

If for some reason you don’t have special equipment at hand, but you really need to dry the varnish quickly, time-tested ones will come to the rescue traditional methods. Our mothers used them during their youth, when these newfangled sprays, oils, quick-drying coatings and ultraviolet lamps there was no sign of it!

First of all, it is very important to properly prepare your nails for painting:

  • Carefully remove the old varnish with a special liquid.
  • Sand the nail plate with a soft buff.
  • Wash your hands with soap and dry.
  • Degrease each nail by wiping it with alcohol or nail polish remover.

After this you can apply varnish. To make it dry faster, choose any of the methods below.

The most common mistakes: what not to do

  1. Prepare the means or objects that you will use to dry the varnish so that you have them at hand in a timely manner. Not the best best idea- climb hands with freshly painted nails into the closet for a hairdryer or spray-dryer, draw water into a bowl, uncork a bottle of oil. The whole manicure is down the drain, and my hands are covered in varnish up to my elbows.
  2. The older the varnish, the longer it needs to dry. If you want your manicure to be of high quality and dry quickly, throw away your old polish without regret, no matter how dear it is to you. The new product will not cause you problems due to the changed concentration.
  3. The same applies to too thick varnish. It goes on too thick and takes a long time to dry completely. Dilute the thickened varnish, or better yet, replace it with another, more liquid one.
  4. Do not use hand cream, cuticle cleaner or other similar substances before painting your nails. Nails should be completely dry and free of grease.
  5. Do not dry your nails with hot air.

Video tutorial: how to dry nail polish quickly and effectively

Well-groomed and beautiful fingers are an integral part of appearance modern woman. Any girl is familiar with the situation when she urgently needs to run somewhere, but her nails are not yet dry, and there is a possibility of ruining her manicure. This article will reveal the secrets on how to quickly dry nail polish.

Often, many girls forget that incorrectly painted nails can lengthen the drying process. By adhering to the basic preparatory rules, you can ensure that the entire manicure will take a little time. Beautiful fingers will not take long to appear. The main thing in this matter is to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • You need to remove the old coating using special means, preferably with the addition of extracts various oils. This will preserve the structure of the nail without damaging it. Old varnish must be washed thoroughly.
  • All kinds of irregularities should be filed, thereby giving the nail the desired shape.
  • The nail plate needs to be sanded with a buff, this will make the surface being treated smooth. The varnish applies best to a sanded surface.
  • After treatment, hands should be washed with soap and water and dried well.
  • To achieve accelerated drying, pre-wet your nails in alcohol or nail polish remover.

  • Apply cream to hands.
  • Apply special remedy for processing cuticles.
  • You cannot paint your nails over the old coating.
  • Do not apply the product to wet nails.

Do we know everything about modern varnishes?

The ability of the varnish to dry is due to the special component it contains - acetone. How quickly the product hardens on the nail directly depends on the pigment used, the quality of the product itself and the application technology. As a rule, the varnish can dry in 20 minutes, but there are cases when the waiting time can be an hour. In order not to endure similar situations, you need to learn how to do right choice at the time of buying.

Behind Lately Quick-drying products are gaining popularity. The price of such a product is significantly higher than the cost simple remedy. Many brands began to produce quick-drying coatings. It takes some practice to use it. The varnish hardens very quickly, so you need to quickly apply it to your nails.

The saturation of the coating pigment is also important. If the product has a translucent structure, then it will dry many times faster, which cannot be said about highly pigmented varnishes.

Another factor that you need to pay attention to when purchasing is the thickness of the product. If it is too thick, then the likelihood that it will take a long time to dry is high. You should not opt ​​for a varnish that has a viscous structure; most likely, storage standards have been violated. Nail covers should be kept in a dry place away from direct sunlight.

Products for accelerated drying

You can quickly dry your nails using special professional products.

  • Fan. The simplest and most uncomplicated way to quickly dry nail polish at home. The principle of operation is to supply a stream of air, through which the coating dries. Powered by simple batteries or from an outlet. Designed for one hand, but there are also models for two hands. You can purchase it in specialized stores.
  • Varnish - drying is the most accessible means. The essence of this product is to apply one layer over the varnish. Drying time will be 3 – 10 minutes. The advantage is that drying the varnish creates additional gloss to the coating and prolongs the durability of the varnish. You should choose well-known manufacturers.
  • Sprays are designed to ensure that the drying process of the varnish takes no more than 7 minutes. It must be sprayed immediately after applying the varnish. On a positive note spray-drying is the presence in its composition of oils and additional useful components. They are the ones who have a caring effect on your hands.
  • Oil-based dryers. Usually this is a bottle with a cap - a pipette. Gently apply a small amount of oil to each nail. Thanks to this, the polish dries faster and burrs do not appear around the nail.
  • Gel - varnish. Recently, this type of manicure coating has been gaining more and more popularity. Previously, gel polish could only be applied in specialized salons beauty, and this procedure was worth some money. But now every girl can afford a similar procedure at home. The advantage is that the gel dries quickly and stays on the nails for about 2 – 3 weeks. In order to do such a manicure, you need to have in your arsenal:
  • Base varnish.
  • Colored gel.
  • Fixative.
  • Ultraviolet lamp.
  • Degreaser.

The technology for applying gel polish is not complicated. Just a little practice and you will get great results.

Traditional methods for drying

If there are no special devices or products at hand, and painted nails need to be dried as soon as possible, then they can come to the rescue simple tips:

  • Dip your fingers into a container with very cold water for 5 – 7 minutes. After such manipulations, the varnish will dry very quickly.
  • Dip each painted finger into a container of oil. Excess can be carefully removed with a napkin. Nails dry quickly
  • Using a hairdryer will help achieve desired result. It is enough to direct the air flow to the nails and hold them for several minutes.

Drying your nails is not a difficult task. Knowing what are the devices and methods for this, you can achieve an impeccable result in a fairly short time.

Perhaps, many women, having painted their nails, are faced with such a situation: you need to do business or even leave the house, but the varnish still does not dry, and even imprinted on all surfaces that are worth touching. In fact, you don’t need to wait until the coating dries, it’s enough to know some secrets quick manicure, which will help you save time and avoid disappointment.

The right manicure is the one in which it is applied correctly. First of all, it is necessary to degrease the nail plate and only then proceed to the staining itself.

The thinner the layers of varnish are applied, the faster it will dry. Before proceeding to the next layer, you need to wait until the previous one is a little fixed.

For manicure, you can initially choose the coating fast action, but for long nails this is not the best solution: the varnish begins to dry right on the brush, so for those who do not have a fair amount of skill, this method is hardly suitable. Most often, such a varnish is used as a top coat, and it must be applied a couple of minutes after the completion of the manicure.

Having chosen thickened or low-quality varnish as a coating, you need to be prepared for the fact that the manicure will have to be redone: most likely, it will lie unevenly and will take a very long time to dry.

It must be remembered that light varnish dries faster than dark varnish. Great importance have consistency and the presence of glitter: a thick coating takes longer to dry than usual, and it will take considerable time to fix the varnish with glitter. Before starting a manicure, you should take these factors into account, then the time that will be spent on the beauty of your nails will be easier to calculate.

These little tricks will not only help dry your nails faster, but will also make your manicure smoother and more durable.

At home you can help dry your nails faster cold water, olive oil, fan or hairdryer. Now - in more detail about each of the “improvised” means.

  • Water. Cold, almost icy water will significantly reduce the drying time of the coating. After filling a small bowl with it, you just need to immerse your hands for 5 minutes, then remove them from the water and leave the manicure to dry naturally.
  • Fan. To quickly fix the coating, you need to bring your hands to the working device. If there is no fan, a hairdryer is also suitable, which has a mode of not only hot, but also cold air. If you try to dry your nails with too warm a stream, the polish will quickly crack, become cloudy and become inexpressive.
  • Olive oil. Good way not only dry the varnish, but also nourish the nails - use olive oil, in beneficial properties which is beyond doubt. To do this, you need to wait until the coating dries a little, and then lubricate each nail with a small amount of oil and leave for five minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse with cool water.
  • It also helps dry your nails faster. pre-cooled varnish. To do this, the bottle must be left in the refrigerator (for 30 minutes) or in the freezer (for 10 minutes). If you use this “radical” method, the varnish will not only dry faster, but will also lie more evenly.

Professional nail dryer

Many women significantly save manicure time by choosing professional nail drying - a new product on the cosmetic market. Not so long ago, one could not even dream of a super product that could not only dry several layers of varnish in a matter of minutes, but also protect the coating.

The point is that the special transparent film that drying creates on the surface of the varnish does not allow it to smear when the nail comes into contact with various surfaces, even if the product was applied to a still wet manicure.

In shops decorative cosmetics You can find three main types of professional dryers: a product that is applied to nails like regular polish, a spray, and a liquid drip product.

Each of them has its own characteristics, which the consumer must evaluate and make his choice. The price of the issue is determined by many factors, so drying can easily cost either 100 or 700 rubles.

  • Drying as regular varnish

The colorless liquid, which is applied with a brush as another layer of varnish, usually dries very quickly. As a rule, it is 5-7 minutes. After that nail plate becomes like a perfectly smooth mirror surface, ready for any test, even such complex ones as manipulating zippers.

By choosing this type of drying, you can forget about the roughness and unevenness of the coating: when applied, the product will smooth them out. In addition, it acts as a fixative, which means you will have to do manicures less often.

It would seem that this ideal remedy, which is simply not available on the cosmetic market. But it exists. Its only drawback is the rather high price. If you cannot pay for the above properties, you will have to turn to more budget options.

  • Spray

Unlike the previous type of dryers, it is relatively inexpensive. To make the coating dry faster, simply spray this product on your nails after completing your manicure.

In stores you can find both a spray for drying one layer of varnish, and for several at the same time. But most often, both of them fix only the top layer, so the bottom ones can remain soft, which will inevitably lead to the fact that the manicure will leave marks.

  • Oil based drying

This product, which does not require precision application, is used after all layers of varnish have already been applied to the nails. If there are a lot of them, after each layer has dried, the product must be removed, otherwise the next layer will be applied unevenly.

UV lamp for drying nails

If you do manicure regularly, and not occasionally, and even experiment with gel or shellac coating, then you cannot do without such a device as. It not only saves time and opens up the possibility salon procedures at home, but also provides amateurs flawless manicure duration of coverage.

IN modern cosmetology This device is an absolutely necessary thing, especially for nail extension artists. Such a lamp not only quickly dries the gel coating, but also ensures the sterility of the procedure, disinfecting both the nail and the skin around it. When choosing this device, you should pay attention to its power: the higher it is, the faster the gel polish will harden.

There is a wide variety of ultraviolet lamps on the market: there are devices with a timer, a retractable table, a fan... In addition, the lamps differ from each other in power and size.

One of the latest models is an LED lamp, which allows you to achieve maximum manicure hardness when using shellac, gel polish and biogels. The main difference of the device is increased speed polymerization.

When choosing this lamp, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your manicure: it doesn’t heat up and doesn’t cause harm to the skin. In addition, it is very convenient to use: the lamp turns on and off independently. Approximate time operation - about 4 years.

In modern cosmetology there are a lot of products that help you quickly dry your nails and return to your daily routine. However, in order for the manicure to be a success, you still need to devote enough time to it.

Different varnishes may dry differently, and this is not necessarily a consequence of their low quality. By planning your day so that you have half an hour left for a manicure, you don’t have to worry about its result and quality.