Scenarios of school evenings. School holidays - all the children are happy. Comic school scene "Deserved Grade"

School holidays are eagerly awaited by both children and their parents. It is not surprising, because it is on these days that schoolchildren can feel like real actors, dancers and singers. In order for the performance to be bright, rich, you need to carefully prepare the program.

School holidays (list and dates)

There are a lot of holidays that are given due attention in educational institutions. Honorable, evoking positive and vivid emotions, school holidays in Russia open up the opportunity to come up with thematic events almost every day. This is a chance to give every child a chance to perform and express themselves. It is worth knowing each of them so that the school holidays, the list of which you will see below, are full of themes and ideas.

On September 8, they pay tribute to the textbook, which is the first for all students. This holiday is called the Day of the Primer.

The last Sunday in November is Mother's Day.

Of course, not all school holidays are accompanied by matinees and performances. Nevertheless, any of these days in the school walls is honored in view of thematic drawings, posters and wall newspapers. For those events that involve performances and concerts, it is imperative to think through the scenarios of school holidays to the smallest detail.

Scenario for Knowledge Day

On the first of September, the kids collect backpacks again and go for new knowledge. The idea for this day could be next.

The director of the school and several teachers come out and recite the following poems:

It's time to study again

No time to be lazy now

Happy September 1st guys!

You must have missed school.

We have been waiting for you, the days have already been counted,

To re-fill you with interesting

And open the doors to the classroom.

school year has begun

You all grew up over the summer, you don’t recognize it straight, beauty.

Again textbooks, notebooks, paints and albums

It's time for you guys to bring everyone to school.

Several first-graders come out and begin to dance the waltz.

And now let's invite our future graduates to the stage.

Three high school students come out and say poetry:

Really, really, the last year of study has come,

that's so amazing, I did not expect it so quickly.

We are at the start of completion and receipt of diplomas,

And today we are very glad that we came to this educational institution.

Nothing, guys, we have a whole year,

I want to go to our class as soon as possible.

Leading: And now I want to hear what our smallest students think about the first of September. We invite first-graders to the stage.

Three children come out and say the following words:

There is no longer a kindergarten, where games and horses,

We are not up to the game now, because there are notebooks in the backpack.

I got up early today because I was worried

I was afraid that I had fully packed my backpack.

I have a blush on my face today

Flowers in my hands, and a satchel behind my back.


Accept, school, us, we came to the first class!!!

The first bell rings and the song "Teach at school" plays.

The script for the autumn holiday

Of course, the scenarios of school holidays can be very different. The most important thing is to correctly distribute the roles of the actors.

Autumn runs out (a girl in a themed dress) and says:

"Already autumn has come, it has brought beauty to us,

It's a very nice time, let's perform, kids!"

The children in the class sing a song about autumn.

Then they dance with umbrellas.

Three boys and three girls come out and recite rhymes:

Autumn will fill with colors and add sparkle to the eyes,

Because we love miracles of this time very much.

A blush will suddenly play on the golden trees,

We collect the leaves together to do something with them.

I will draw nature, decorate with leaves,

And I will paint over the gaps on the sheet with gold paint.

What kind of beauty did I get,

I paint like an artist, autumn is watching me.

Soft rustle under my feet very much I love

And I always trample on leaves when I go to school.

Written by musicians and poets

About this most beautiful time.

Everyone sings a song about yellow leaves and leaves the stage.

Scenario for Teacher's Day

The days of school holidays are always full of emotions and celebration. - also a very important holiday in the educational institution. The scenario might be as follows.

A girl runs out and sings the song "They teach at school."

After that, five boys dance on chairs with textbooks in their hands.

The girls dance the stream.

Three children come out and say the following words:

Maybe it's already familiar to us, but you can't not see it,

Our teachers usually have tired eyes in the evening.

But in the eyes of those who are tired, it is clearly visible: the zeal for science is great.

The dear teacher will transfer this zeal reliably and easily.

All in notebooks, books and drawings,

Our dear teacher is sitting,

Gives us grades, checks.

All the children are drawn to her, as if she is a magnet.

Six girls and six boys dance merrily to a song about the school.

New Year's carnival

Here the main part will fall on the performance of Santa Claus, but the kids should also show a couple of numbers.

The dance of the snowflakes.

Boys dressed as animals dance a New Year's dance.

Three girls come out and recite poems.

New Year is on the doorstep

Open the gate.

Soon our holiday will begin,

Promises miracles.

You can hear the magic crunch of snow,

Christmas tree smell, tangerine,

This holiday is very glorious.

Shines with colors of New Year's showcases.

Do you hear the ringing?

It's him, it's him!

Santa Claus is coming.

Behind his back is a very huge bag,

Gives gifts to all children.


Let's call him, kids. So that grandfather does not mix up the gate.

Father Frost! Father Frost!

Grandfather Frost comes in, his performance begins with fun relay races and presentation of gifts.

School holidays in spring days

In the spring, they meet the very season of the year, and congratulate their beloved women. School holidays inspire, new ideas inspire everyone.

Girls in flower dresses run out and start a cheerful dance to the song “Spring Day”.

The boys show the gentlemen's dance, they are dressed in business suits or tailcoats and hats.

Girls come out and recite poems.

Spring has come, wakes up nature,

Dove on the branches of the bud.

Everything smells, blossoms,

Drops from all roofs flies around.

On this beautiful day, I want to forget

Congratulations to everyone on this day of spring.

Let this day give happiness, beauty.

Let every holiday be held at the highest level, and children feel like the main characters of the event.

(Transitions - 18)

(The Queen of Sciences enters, stops in the center.)

Queen: Hello guys! I am glad to see you in our festively decorated hall! I am the Science Queen. I learn to read, write, count. I am in charge of all sciences! How you tanned, grew up over the summer! Fine...

A cool and modern scenario for the first of September dedicated to the holiday "Knowledge Day" in kindergarten for a group of different ages

(Transitions - 87)

Tell us how you rested, how did you spend your summer? I will ask you questions, if the answer is “Yes”, stomp your feet loudly, if the answer is “No”, clap your hands.
- Did you swim in the lake in summer? (stomp)
- Chased butterflies? (stomp)
- Mommy you...

An interesting scenario on the first of September dedicated to the holiday "School Kingdom - the Kingdom of Kindness!" for elementary school

(Transitions - 90)

To the cheerful music from the movie "Pinocchio and His Friends", Pinocchio comes out singing and dancing, and then turns to the guys.

Pinocchio: My dear children, and today I congratulate you on the first day of school life! Know School Kingdom - ...

An interesting scenario on the first of September dedicated to the holiday "Knowledge Day" for elementary school

(Transitions - 73)

September has come, summer is over -
The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come!
Congratulations on your holiday, friends!
School doors will open again, tomorrow school days will begin.
And today is the holiday hour!

Dear Guys! Today you have...

The script for the first of September dedicated to the Day of Knowledge in elementary school

(Transitions - 66)

Dear children, today we have gathered a wonderful holiday "Knowledge Day".
Day of smiles and flowers, day of good wise words,
Day of winged news, day of hot meetings of friends.
Confident Day...

Scenario of the solemn line "September 1 - Knowledge Day"

(Transitions - 152)

Today is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with a huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to us.

On this day, all roads lead to school. Our school is once again opening its doors to our beloved students...

Presenter 2. A new training begins ...

Holiday scenario: "Day of knowledge in kindergarten"

(Transitions - 30)

Exactly! And you tease me Dunno. And at home, and on the street, and even in kindergarten - all Dunno, yes Dunno! And I, by the way, got ready for school, heard the bell and ran here.

Host: Dunno, instead of school you ended up in a kindergarten, but not ...

The scenario for holding September 1 in kindergarten dedicated to the "Day of Knowledge" without preparing children

(Transitions - 40)

Pinocchio: Well, hello! You yourself shouted: "Happy New Year, Happy New Year." So I brought a candy to hang on the Christmas tree! I love decorating the Christmas tree!

Schools organize holidays and concerts on a variety of occasions: Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, March 8, graduation, Last Bell and others. Traditionally, animators are not invited to such events, there are enough talents among schoolchildren.

We offer a script concert program for any holiday "One day in the life of Petka Rogov", which consists of the most popular children's amateur performances: skits and songs - alterations on a school theme. A full concert or individual scenes will fit into any one, you just need to add appropriate congratulatory moments to the entertainer and slightly change the leading leads to suit the specific occasion.


Student Petka Rogov

His classmates are boys and girls participating in different scenes


Extras - singing, dancing children. They change the scenery

Introductory part of the school concert program.

1st girl: Adults often see us from only one side, but thousands of “Selves” live in each of us.

1st boy: In everyone you can find a student, and a researcher, and a slob, and a neat one.

2nd girl: Every child is either a lazy person, or a hard worker, or a tomboy, or a quiet one.

2nd boy: Every day a child is cheerful and thoughtful, an imp and a future genius.

3rd girl: Seeing all these images at once - three or four in one - is not always possible, but you can try.

3rd boy: Today, in honor of the holiday, we are ready to show such a surge of our incarnations.

1st girl: Meet big...

1st boy: festive,

2nd girl: cheerful,

2nd boy: musical,

3rd girl: cognitive

Guys (in chorus): ABRACADABRA!

3rd boy: Or "One day in the life of Petka Rogov."

(One girl remains on the stage, the rest go to change clothes)

1st girl: Who among us as a child did not want to meet a superhero? And maybe become one! And if you think about it carefully, why are these supermen, catwomen and spidermen so attractive?

They find some non-existent villains, and then fight with them, in short, they are looking for adventure for themselves. But I would like to see how they would cope with the school load? And if there are five more circles and two dogs that need to be walked three times a day?

There is not enough web here. And according to our weather, you don’t fly much!

Do you know that superheroes really exist? True, books are not written about them, and films are not made, but they are nearby, you just have to look closely. There is one of these in our school. You look at him and you will never guess that you have a real hero in front of you. Even a Superhero!

Judge for yourself: dad writes a dissertation, mom takes care of him so that he is not distracted by everyday life. Grandfather and grandmother are busy with health, and the whole household is on the shoulders of Petka Rogov, that is the name of our hero ...

However, what am I saying? See for yourself!

Musical scene "Petka Rogov - superhero"


Petka Rogov,

Dad, mom, grandpa, grandma

(All heroes sing, accompanying the words of the song with actions)

Song scene text

choir(everyone except Petka sings):

An incorruptible alarm clock rang,

It's exactly 5:25 on the clock,

And turning on the lamp at the head,

Petka Rogov decided to get up.

Petka(sings one, "Atas!" sing all together):

Athas! Turn on the gas in the kitchen!

Athas! remove beds,

Cook sardines!

Athas, the right eye closed again,

Not life is a theater, right here with us.

choir(everyone except Petka sings):

Dad took science seriously

Wants to get a degree

Only mother's strong hands

They can feed dad now.

Grandma and grandpa run away for half a day

In the yard from a heart attack in shorts,

After the cross, the pills are swallowed,

All economy on these shoulders.

Climb! And we will kill those who sleep!

Climb! Get up boys

Get up girls!

Climb! Now we will pour tea for everyone.

And you, where are you barefoot? Climb!

Petka(referring to grandfather)

Don't forget to pick up the closet at the store

And put in the hallway in the corner.

But there are no postcards at all.


No, I'll probably die with you.

Wait, perhaps, postcards six months!

I left them grandmas that time.

What are grandmothers? Not ours, from the factory?


Money means gone, not up to you!

(grabs jacket and briefcase, "runs away" from home. Maybe this is indicated by the fact that the others fall asleep again)

(sings one, "Atas!" - all sing together):

Athas! just don't be late for class.

Athas! Pick up more linen, order heels ...

Athas! There's still an hour left.

I can learn about the eyes.

(Takes out textbook from briefcase, sits down and reads)

(Already falling asleep, alone) Atas...

Rogov is sleeping.

Ringing 2. School bell .

(Extras with a sign "Biology" walk across the stage)

Comic school scene "Deserved Grade"

Rogov wakes up, listens to what is happening in the classroom, after the words "In the pet store!" enters the class.

Ringing 2. School bell .

Comic scene "How to learn English"

The guys collect briefcases, go out.

Horns: And now what will happen? The head does not cook at all!

Fedya: English.

Horns: Well, here I am blowing. And you?

Fedya: What are you talking about?

Horns: Are you blowing Speech English?

Fedya: Lungs would be enough, I would, finally, blew him away in FIG! I don’t sleep at night, I study, but it’s useless. Today, again, in honor of the holiday, the Englishwoman will murmur.

Horns: And you try like me.

Fedya: Not. I don't have the guts. You are so cool!

Horns: Ha! Toy company.

Fedya: What other toy?

Horns: If you translate two words into English and combine, you get: Crew-toy

Fedya: It's you COOL! And I'm a dick!

Horns: The ball is a van and it turns out a ball- van

And here's another: Cow-sell or Cow-sell

Fedya: You yourself are "Kosel"! Played out! Would you rather tell me what to do?

Horns: And you sing a song to her, some soulful ...

(humming): "Is there anybody going to listen to my story..."

Fedya: (offended): Yah you! I can handle it myself!

Horns: No offense!

(Rogov tries to pat Fedya on the shoulder)

Ringing 2. School bell .

(Extras with a sign "English" walk across the stage)

Fedya throws off his friend's hand and pouts. Rogov shrugs his shoulders and leaves. Fedya sings.

School remake of "Almost an English Song"

To the motive of V. Obodzinsky "Eastern Song"

Sounds 3. Minus. Obodzinsky. Eastern song


Is the warm rain pouring down

Does the snow fall

I'm English, detached

Everyday I teach.

I'm waiting to understand

And maybe no

I need to understand a word

ABOUT! How happy I am!

And at night in silence

English and myself

In the lesson, only deuce,

Though he puffed all night,

I forget through the word what I wanted to say,

I wanted to say, but I couldn't.

Only know me

What to come that moment

And in English, of course

I will song and sing.

I will understand

I will to say.

I believe one day it will come

This wonderful day

Wonderful day.

I'll get the coveted five

And it will be very very high!

For convenience, below we attach the original performance and the text of the words of the "Eastern Song"

Ringing 2. School bell

(Rogov exits)

Horns: What, brother, let's talk about Pushkin, relax?

Fedya: Let's relax, how! Today is a repeat. According to all Russian classics they will drive.

Horns: Don't drift! We agreed with the guys. We'll arrange a surprise for the teacher.

Ringing 2. School bell

(Across the stage are extras with a sign "Literature")

School scene "Literary anecdotes"

(The bottom line is that the guys read literary anecdotes)

To the organizers: Pick up 5-6 jokes from the application. Have students read selected stories. It is better to read "from the sheet". The most important thing in this recitation is absolute SERIOUSNESS. See the last anecdote below; for greater interest, details of a particular school can be added to its text.

Application "Anecdotes from the life of Pushkin" can be downloaded by clicking on the document

Joke "Pushkin, where are you?"

Girl: In conclusion, we want to bring to your attention a new (unknown) chapter of the book from the legacy of Daniil Kharms (Is reading).

Joke text

“Leo Tolstoy was very fond of children. Once he invited writers to ... school (school number), in the 7th grade. His immortal work "Philippok" was just passing there. Turgenev, of course, immediately left for Baden-Baden.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, God rest his soul, thinks: "Don't go there. I'm a nervous person; well, as soon as they start shouting, look, the skull will crack again. Come on!" And didn't go.

Lermontov school Elizaveta Petrovna (name of head teacher or director) didn't let me. “What are you,” he says, “Mikhail Yuryevich! Is it possible to go to school with dogs. It’s a pity! And she didn't let me. Never!

Herzen had to go alone with Tolstoy. And with a crutch, it's over.

Tolstoy, as soon as he came to class, immediately began to stroke everyone on the head.

Herzen, of course, got Rogov and ......., of course, and not Tikhonya ... (insert last names)

Pushkin, without waiting for the beer, went to the street (name of the street or district where the school is located).

Meanwhile, Gogol dressed up as Pushkin and also drove up to the school.

The horns with Elka were completely stuffed up with Herzen, and the author of "The Thieving Magpie" was pushed under the desk. He wanted to scream like Turgenev: "Mom!", but in time he remembered about the crutch. So the future writer of "The Bells" calmed down.

And Tolstoy had already stroked all the children, he went around the second round.

Here Gogol in disguise and Pushkin in dress fly into the classroom. What was there!

So the essay "Philippok, as a mirror of Russian education" remained unwritten.

Ringing 2. School bell

(Extras with a sign "Russian language" walk around the stage)

School alteration "Song about the Russian language"

To the tune of V. Berkovsky's song "About the dog Tyabe".

Alteration of a bard song is best performed with a guitar


1. In the days of defeats and victories,

In the days of our holidays and troubles

The ringing of the bell rang out everywhere.

Gathered everyone on alert

He raised the people to rebellion,

The rebellion was suppressed, he himself was left without a language.

The kings at that time were very strict,

Why should they, right, because they are like gods,

Bells and people - all were silent,

The rebels had their tongues torn out.

2. There is such silence around,

Although the war is not over

We are behind enemy lines

And at the limit of nerves.

We desperately need a language

We must return to the forest with him,

So ordered our commander,

Comrade First.

We are here in the rear for the second day,

Oh, how to drag on a cigarette,

Attention, get down! We are approaching the highway.

Two queues ... there is a language. Let's go!

3. An old doctor once told me:

"Ah, come on, stick out your tongue"

I got sick, everything was as usual.

And here is the naughty boy

Neighbor showed his tongue

So this, brothers, is simply indecent!

The dog will show his tongue from the heat,

No one will say anything about it

But, if you are a neat child,

Hurry and put it back in your mouth.

4. And there is one more language,

We need it from childhood

And without him, we can’t sing a verse.

He walks with us through life

If you want to bring to Kyiv,

And an evil tongue is sometimes worse than a gun.

Sometimes it is newspaper and cloth,

It happens business and colloquial,

Sometimes he is handsome, witty,

Sublime, lyrical, subtle, intelligent.

For convenience, below we attach the original performance and the lyrics of the words of the song "About the dog Tyabe"

Ringing 2. School bell

funny school scene "Proof"

Based on the story by Ilya Butman

Horns: Well, finally, the last lesson! Now multiply, add what you need, and go home!

Fedya: No, for me it's better to take away and share!

Horns(With looks at friend in surprise. And that's right! Listen, what do we have now algebra, or geometry?

Fedya: Geometry.

Horns: Ugh, you! Twenty-five again! I don't love her. Whether business algebra! Much easier.

Fedya: Don't lie, algebra is harder!

Horns: No, the geometry is heavier!

Fedya: Algebra! And a lot!

Horns: I also found a heavy object!

Fedya: Do you want me to prove it?

Horns: Try!

Fedya hits Rogov on the head with an algebra textbook

Horns: Have you fallen from an oak tree?

Fedya: I did a scientific experiment. For proof. Now compare!

Fedya hits Rogov on the head with a geometry textbook.

What do you say now? What's harder?

Rogov (head stroking): Yours took: algebra!

Fedya: What did I say?

Suitable teacher.

Teacher: What is this fights without rules?

Horns: Everything is according to the rules, Tatyana Petrovna! We found out here that algebra is the hardest subject ( Sighs)

Teacher: And which one is easier?

Fedya (happy to report): Geometry!

Teacher: Okay, Archimedes, let's go to class. Let's check in practice.

Ringing 2. School bell

(All participants of the concert are on the stage).

Closing song - remake of "Twice Two"

To the motive of the song "Twice two four"

The backing track of A. Pakhmutova's song "Twice Two" sounds


Double two, double two

Two by two is four,

Do you remember, friend, how you and I

Is everyone taught?

As under the desk on the sly

We played mobile?

And the multiplication table

So we, they say, knew.

Five five - twenty five

It's certainly

Above the earth at night

The path sparkles Milky,

Spring after winter

And after summer autumn

Still live on earth

Very interesting.

ten times ten times

It will be a hundred.

What a beautiful day today

The holiday is today!

You live a hundred years

We wish together

And get angry and hurt

Never needed!

(The song is performed only to the melody of the chorus)

For convenience, below we attach the original performance and the lyrics of the words of the song "Twice Two Four"

Universal script for elementary school

To the melody of the song “We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands”, the guys enter by “train” holding on to the class teacher.

Teacher. Attention! Fast train Novopokrovsky arrived at the station "Rayonnaya". Stop 10 minutes. (Children stand in a line.) Let me introduce myself: I am a guide to the world of knowledge. Here are my passengers. Our second-class carriage was attached to the Novopokrovskaya School Express in 2008, and for the second year now we have been on an interesting journey called "Mir".

Pupil (standing nearby, takes the teacher's briefcase, addresses him). Why do you have such a heavy portfolio?

Teacher. How could it be otherwise, because I am your class teacher! (Sings a song to the tune “I can’t do otherwise”, music by A. Pakhmutova.)

I go to school, I carry a portfolio,

What does it mean to me?

I will find everything for work in it -

I can't help it.

(She puts everything on a chair, the children stand in a semicircle and look.)

Scissors, thread, buttons, glue,

Bandage, valerian, plaster.

Calm them down, sew them on.

I am a teacher and pastor.

Sat down to dinner - I'm your mother,

At recess - a nanny.

Feel sorry for everyone and understand everyone -

My heart is not a stone.

(He pats one on the head, straightens the other's clothes.)

1st student. And we had no idea what a difficult profession it is to be a class teacher!

2nd student. You're wrong! Being a class teacher is pure romance.

I am not an easy teacher

With a very good heart!

I understand perfectly -

I can't understand

That by his personal example,

I can be an example for you.

Don't worry, everything is fine:

I am a class leader!

(Turns to the audience, pointing to the class.)

And here is my second class:

Cheerful and noisy

perky, sporty,

mobile and smart,

Very creative

Sometimes victorious

Recipient of prizes.

Teacher. Guys, I ask you to stand in a circle. Today we will greet each other with the help of a “magic ball”, extending “paths of friendship” to each other. Guys, I ask you to pass the ball, greeting each other with these words: "I'm glad to see you."

There is a game, the last child passes the ball to the teacher with the words: "We are glad to see you."

Teacher. And I am very glad to you! Look how many "paths of friendship" stretched from us to each other. Let's raise our hands and see how these paths have turned into a magical "roof of friendship" that will protect us from all troubles in this world. And now, put the web on the floor, you see, it has turned into a road that will never break.

Children hold hands, take a step forward, stand in a line.

1st student.

Our class is a union of ideas, friends, ideas!

We are working on the project from night to dawn,

Friendly and kind, no matter how you look,

How smart we are, you can't take your eyes off!

2nd student. I.

3rd student. You.

4th student. He.

5th student. She.

Chorus. Friendly family together!


Big-eyed, mischievous,

Sweet, kind and funny!

Before me, you are all equal -

Everyone is capable and kind!

My children, my miracle

My joys and pains

There will be no family without children,

Well, schools - and even more so!

1st student.

You can't even imagine

How many interesting things we had!

Quizzes and various contests

They will be remembered in our class for a long time.

2nd student.

Combining the sometimes impossible

Rehearsals along with control,

Training, then essays,

Even elections, dancing and singing.

3rd student.

Maybe something doesn't work out.

This is what we call life.

Pupil. Together with our cool mom, we cook porridge "A world called" Life "". Do you want to know the recipe? (“They throw” the “ingredients” of magic porridge into the pan.)

1st student.

We are not just babies

We are cooks today.

2nd student.

We cook porridge out of laughter,

Out of fun and amusement.

3rd student.

Here is the cauldron, and here is the spoon,

Sugar, salt, a little crazy.

4th student.

Reading books, going to the cinema,

A couple of dolls together.

Let's conjure, we'll break,

Let's cook - let's start to treat!

5th student.

We will share everything brotherly,

Already cooked as best they could

To confess Olga Ildasovna

In boundless love for us.

(They bring the pan to the teacher.)


Where is such porridge, children,

Have you learned how to cook?

Students (in chorus).

In our school, Novopokrovskaya!

We can feed everyone!

And the chef is you, the teacher,

Our awesome leader!

Teacher. Look!

What good children grew up

They have amazingly clear faces!

It must be easier for them to live in the world,

It is easier for them to break through, it is easier for them to achieve.

Girls. And about ourselves we will sing ditties to you.

We are funny girls

We will sing ditties to you,

If you like us

We'll sing for an encore.

Fun accordion plays.

Oh, we have a team!

In our class from boys

Don't take your eyes off it.

I read very fast

Everyone in the class is proud of me

Not a single boy in the class

Don't chase after me.

How can I not be proud -

My business is good.

All control work

Passed for five.

I dance and sing

And I study well.

And besides, look

Very pretty.

Boy. You know, we also want to tell you about ourselves.

Boys dramatization.

1st boy. Teachers want to see us like this ... (hands folded).

2nd boy. Moms want to see us like this ... (sweep).

3rd boy. Dads want to see us like this ... (show muscles).

4th boy. Grandmothers want to see us like this ... (puff out their cheeks and stroke their stomach).

5th boy. Classmate girls want to see us like this ... (kneel down, one hand on the heart, in the other - a flower).

6th boy. But we are who we are.

Teacher: Here they are, my second graders.

Do you think being “cool” is easy?

Stay awake thinking long nights

And listen to the noise of the students,

And argue with those who are not satisfied with the little things.

Live a hundred lives, good and bad,

Someone else's misfortune to hurt once.

Yes, it can be "cool" easily,

But not everyone becomes CLASSIC.

(At the word “COOL”, the children stretch their right hand forward with their thumbs up.)

I never expect favors from anyone

And the share of "cool" I will honorably convey.

Gotta fiddle with stacks of papers

Sometimes at night in the second hour.

And again, the "cool" business is overloaded,

But he can't survive alone.

After all, why would he need himself,

When is a student not needed?

I work as a class teacher because this is not a position for me, but my way of life, my state of mind. (The whistle of a locomotive sounds.) Well, well, our school express train continues its journey around the Mir! See you soon!

Everyone waves into the hall, stands up like a “train” and leaves the stage to the song “Blue Wagon”.

P. Novopokrovsky, Chelyabinsk region

humorous scene

An ambulance siren sounds, two nurses run onto the stage.
1st nurse. Colleague, how are we going to find our patient here?
2nd nurse. If only there were a patient, colleague, we have a whole team of these same patients.
1st nurse. Whole team? An epidemic, right? (Takes out and puts on a gauze bandage.)
2nd nurse. That's it! Disease smekhus-KVNyus! Well, it's in Latin, the Russian name hasn't been invented yet. A highly contagious disease! It spreads by airborne droplets.
1st nurse. Like the flu, right? (Pulls out another bandage.) What are the symptoms?
2nd nurse. People begin to laugh out loud, sing, dance - in general, they behave inappropriately. 1st nurse. But so far, everyone is behaving appropriately.
2nd nurse. Do not relax, colleague! The team of School No. 55 is very experienced. Their whole school is like that, infected, including teachers and administration. All year round they have KVN, shows, discos. What good, they will infect the whole city ... (Music sounds softly.) Oh! You hear, colleague, I have some kind of bad feeling! The music sounds loud, the whole KVN team runs across the hall onto the stage. A dance is being performed.

1st nurse. Oops, looks like I'm already infected! (Sneezes.)
2nd nurse. What are you sneezing at me for? (Sneezes.)
Both nurses. We want to play KVN! (They dance.) Everyone stops.
Team member.. And why are you spoiling our performance?
1st nurse. Take us to the team!
2nd nurse. Do you know how we will decorate your performance!
Team member.. What can you do that we can't?
Nurse 1 plays the flute.

Team member.. Yes, this is an original performance. Let's take it!
Team member. (2nd nurse). And what can you do?
2nd nurse. And I sing.
Team member .. We have enough goodness without you!
2nd nurse. Well, at least listen.

2nd nurse (sings to the tune of the song "Bel").

The light lit up my sick eyes ...
I would play KVN day and night.
He sing on stage, called me to joke,
And suddenly I realized: not that I have become in this life.
And a red cross with a curse on my forehead,
I will never be happy on earth.
ABOUT! I want to forget about enemas, ducks and syringes.
And I want to be a kaveenshchik in life.
And then, I hope, I will find peace,
I'll give everything in the world for a game like this!

All. We take!
Team member.. Well, let's assume that the whole team is together!
Sing to the tune of the song "Alice".

Igor is with us, Alexander is with us,
Each of them, of course, is a talent.
And Lyokha and Sanya took guitars,
To better sing songs.
And our girls are just class,
They will dance for you today
Or maybe even joke
After all, we are at KVN.
With us Nikita and Yura with him,
They sing about this and that on the school stage,
And Pasha, Kirill and Vadik came out for a laugh.
Our fans are a complete atas,
They came to cheer for us today,
Yes, and other teams are also nice to us.

Chorus: And today we came to show ourselves to you,
Cheerful and talented, you can't find them anywhere.
That's such a big company
We decided to play KVN. Decided!
And we hurried to you.
We dance great, we sing great,
We can also joke, we do not lag behind others,
Here, we know it will be cool! Nobody will forget us!

The script of the school evening grades 8-11

"Disco -90s"

Presenter 1 - “Listen, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it, then it is necessary that at least one star lights up over the roofs every evening ...”
Presenter 2-Today, in this hall, not one star will light up, but a whole constellation, because we welcome you to the Disco Party (Slide) Fanfare

Presenter 1-Hello, dear friends! Let's get to know each other - our names are Ksenia and Pavel

Presenter 2 - And we are the presenters of tonight

What is disco style?

Host 1 - Disco style - stars, sequins, sparkles, color music, the best hits of the 90s - what else do you need for a real holiday?

Presenter 2 - yes, this is outdated for a long time !?

Presenter 1 - yes, it may be irrelevant, but such familiar incendiary music, this is a sea of ​​​​bright lights, this is a fashionable and extravagant disco style.

Presenter 2 Before starting, I want to tell you Law No. 1: during the disco, everyone goes to the middle of the hall and supports the speakers with incendiary dances!

Presenter 1 - Law No. 2: As always - The phrase of our evening from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" - Dance ... everyone!

Vedas. 1: Tonight, throughout the evening, you will hear and perform the most popular songs of the 90s, which occupied the 1st line of the charts.

Are the songwriters ready? We don't hear! Ready?

Vedas. 2: Also today you will have the opportunity to dance in the DISCO style,

Are the dance groups ready?

Vedas. 1 - participate in the fashion show,

Are the models ready?... and hear our amazing DJs!

Vedas. 2: And, of course, contests and games! We also represent the esteemed jury Nadezhda Gennadievna Mokretsova, a specialist in clothing models of the 90s_

Vedas. 1_Nat. Al-ovna Shashkova - specialist in choreography and chairman of the jury Elena Al-ovna Zhukova. Jury applause.

And the most wonderful, most interesting guys from the village of Shipitsyno are visiting us today - Are you ready to rock with us? Let's greet each other! So,

Vedas. (together): Let's start! :)Music

Presenter 2-let's plunge into the world of the 90s (video)?

Ved.1 And what was popular during the 90s? (all responders are entitled to tokens)

Host2: Another large letter M appears in Moscow, but this is not the entrance to the metro, what does this mean?

(the first fast food restaurant in the USSR).

Presenter 1: Moscow McDonald's beats all records, taking 30-40 thousand people a day.

Presenter 2: - The era of shortages begins in the country. And what is given to all buyers for free? (food coupons)

Yes, there is a catastrophic lack of tea, sand, cookies and everything in general!

Presenter 1: - Question - Who becomes the first and only president of the USSR. (yes, M. Gorbachev is strengthening his power)

Presenter 2: Entertainment programs appear on television: What show does Vladislav Listyev open in 93, (hint) where the whole country spins the drum?

(Yes - the Field of Miracles is the most popular entertainment program. Everyone dreams of getting on the program, saying hello to relatives and getting prizes.)

Presenter 1: And at that time on the air from all over it sounded (Addressed):

Junior lieutenant, young boy,
Everyone wants to dance with you!

Presenter 2: Well ... I'm not a lieutenant yet!

Presenter 1: Yes, I just want to say that for four years in a row I. Allegrova was the “singer of the year” thanks to this song.

Presenter 2: And we will perform it with a group of 8th grade girls

Presenter 1: Song - "Junior Lieutenant"

Presenter 2: Applause to the girls! Do you remember how funny computers were?

Presenter 1: What?

Presenter 2: They are huge, but the screen is small!

Presenter 1: No, I don’t remember! Where are you going?

Presenter 2: Now, wait, I'll bring ...

Host 1: Stop! No need! Let's better announce the 2nd song - from the album of Andrey Gubin. He was also small himself, but with huge popularity!

Presenter 2: Fans fought in hysterics to get to his expensive concerts.

Presenter 1: So, the song “Winter-Cold” (Grade 6) is presented to your attention

Presenter 2: You didn't stay too long? It's time to do aerobics, just in the 90s it was, well, very popular!

Presenter 1: Do you know the movements?

Presenter 2: Well ... so somehow, probably ... (shows)

Presenter 1: (sarcastically) Well, yes, but the 7th grade has been doing aerobics almost from birth. We invite you to the stage!

Together: Aerobics of the 90s!

Presenter 2: We continue to choose the most omniscient about the 90s, what chewing gum was the most popular?;

Presenter 1: what item of clothing in bright colors just conquered all the expanses of the USSR?

Presenter 2: And what can be in this orange egg? (Kinder surprises)

Your prize is Kinder Surprise!

Presenter 1: Now raise your tokens - who has the most? Prize goes to _____________

hoop competition

1.Two metal hoops, invite 2 participants. Participants, you just spin the hoop while the music is playing, preferably the artistic rotation of the hoop will be won by the participant who drops the hoop less times during this time. And we count how many times it will drop.

Now the second part of the competition: the participant who collects the largest number of participants in his hoop will win. Counting participants...

And we are holding the third part of the competition: the final run of these companies, to the chair and back. Whoever covers the distance the fastest wins.

Presenter 2: In the meantime, we were playing .. seventh graders are already ready to present you the song "Swallow"

Why do we need Natasha Koroleva if we have Evgenia and Polina! Meet!

Presenter 1: What were the most popular groups of ours then? (of course

Gr. Combination, "Masha and the Bears", the Dune group, "Ivanushki International" Alla Pugacheva, F. Kirkorov, and others).

Presenter 2- And from the western ones?

(- Ottawan, CC Catch, ModernTalking, Arabesque, Smokie, Italians, Toto Cutugno, Adriano Celentano, Michael Jackson ;)

Presenter 1: “It is my life”, i.e. "This is my life!" - super-popular composition! Remember the phrase of our evening “Everybody dance!” Dance grade 8

Presenter 2 Excellent music! We also wanted to dance! And back in the 90s they danced to an incendiary song about love, what do you think? Certainly! - so we welcome Xenia with the song "The wind blew from the sea"! And we will definitely sing along with her!

Presenter 1: And where are our DJs?

DJ grade 9 MS kids, tape recorder in hand! And our phrase of the evening - (together) everyone dances !!! Applause to the DJ!

Music sounds - "Well, where are you, girls"

Presenter 2: Well, where are you, girls, short skirts, and not only short, but also long, but also dresses, and leggings, and jeans? .. Oh-oh-oh ... My eyes run wide! Where will you see so many more models?!

We invite all models to the podium!

6th grade - you have the floor! Welcome to 7th grade! Applause 8 class, 9, 10, 11 class

And now we welcome the models of our guests!

Presenter 1: Well, dear friends, haven't you all clapped your hands yet? Once again, applause to all the mods of the 90s, and we want to say that the most interesting is yet to come,

Sometimes you just want to sit, dream about love, which comes just when it wants to. Or you can dance to a magical song, After all, "nothing can be more wonderful than a magical song" - Arina tells us in a song that is simply called "Duet" And we invite those who wish to dance a slow dance!

Ved.2 - Applause to Arina, and we continue the competition. And at the request of the audience, a group of grade 9 will perform in front of you

"Dance with Candles"

Ved.2 we invite all the girls and all the boys who have been sitting up for something, show the class how they danced in the 90s

And today we are giving a master class - the guys from the 10th! Maestro - music!

Balloon competition

And now 2 couples are invited (from Udima, and from Shipitsyno), participants receive a balloon, which is tied to their left leg. The task of the contestants will be to burst the opponent's balloon and save theirs. The one who manages to keep his ball wins.
Presenter 1: And today we have a super-star of the 90s Valery Leontiev as our guest!!! Meet!

Presenter 1 - Have a great fun! We ask for a moment of attention! Important announcement! There is a TREASURE in this room, This treasure is in an egg, and the egg is in a chest, and where the chest is - we won’t say! The main thing is that the word “Treasure” is written on it. If anyone finds it (maybe by chance, dancing), come to us, maybe you will find your happiness ?!

And his love (chewing gum "Love is") gets ... the most resourceful ... (name)

Presenter 2: And we are returning to popular music and inviting 11th grade girls. They prepared a dance surprise for us. From the first chords, the legs and other parts of the body begin to dance, the mood rises, a smile illuminates the face!
Don't hold back! Dance with them!!!

Presenter 1: And we are looking forward to DJ Andryukha, Where are you? We are waiting for you! and again ... Our phrase of the evening -

Together - everyone dances!

Ved2. Literally in a few minutes we will hear the results of the jury's decision.

Presenter 1 - And our surprises do not end today! You know that in the era of the 90s, this kind of music was very popular (We will Rock) What is this style? Of course rock!

Host2: Yes ... in the era of stagnation, people lived poorly, but cheerfully.

And also, taking this opportunity, on behalf of all the children of our school, I want to congratulate the girls and all teachers on the upcoming holiday and wish them many flowers and gifts

Ved1. - Thank you, the jury will probably take this into account ... J) Well, are the jury ready?

Ved2. Who did win in five nominations? DJ, drum roll! So, the word of the jury!

Ved.1-Applause to the winners, and we also applaud all the music of the 90s. After all, this music connected us today, but the disco of the 90s does not end -Our phrase of the evening - (together) everyone dances !!
Author: Vydryakova Inessa Nikolaevna

There are a lot of solemn and fun dates in the school holiday calendar. Some of them are repeated from year to year, the culprits of other celebrations are only first-graders or graduates. Let's remember the main holidays so as not to forget anything in the everyday bustle. Since the school year is not equal to the calendar year, we will talk about the holidays starting from September.

Farewell to the alphabet (Feast of the primer)

When is celebrated

A mobile holiday that does not have an exact date. Most often occurs in January-February.

The meaning and history of the holiday

This is another purely school holiday, which concerns representatives of only one parallel - first-graders. History is silent when farewell to the primer turned into a real holiday in our schools. It is only known that it has been celebrated for more than a decade. Moreover, in those places where, in addition to Russian, children also learn national languages, they celebrate farewell to both the Russian alphabet and the first textbooks of their native language. So, for example, children from the Crimea, studying in the Crimean Tatar language, say goodbye not only to the alphabet, but also to the elifbe.

As noted in schools

Teachers and parents try to turn parting with the alphabet into an unforgettable and touching event: they put on skits, learn songs, make crafts in the form of letters, arrange tea parties.

What to gift

On this day, children are given useful gifts (colorful dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, puzzles) and, as a rule, they leave their first textbook, the ABC, as a keepsake.


When is celebrated

Also a holiday without a specific date, dedicated to the last week before Lent (usually in February - early March).

The meaning and history of the holiday

Shrovetide week in Rus' has long been a time of festivities. The tradition was not interrupted even in Soviet times, it was just then that Maslenitsa was called the farewell to winter. In the celebration of Maslenitsa, one can see traces of paganism and echoes of ancient rituals, but the joy at the end of winter and the onset of the long-awaited spring is understandable and close in our time.

As noted in schools

Favorite folk holiday for a long time. They do not forget about it in schools, organize festivities, craft competitions, bake pancakes, which have lost their ritual significance in our life and have become just a traditional, but very beloved national dish. Like Christmas, Maslenitsa is celebrated with pleasure by representatives of various peoples of our country.

What to gift

On Maslenitsa week, gifts are usually not given, they are limited to delicious treats.


When is celebrated

In the second half of June, after the end of the exams

The meaning and history of the holiday

One of the oldest holidays among those celebrated in schools. In Russia, graduates celebrated their graduation from educational institutions back in the time of Peter I. Moreover, it was customary to celebrate “going out into the world” widely and with imagination. And this wonderful tradition has not been violated for decades and even centuries. But in 1941, the holiday fell on one of the most tragic days in the history of our country: on June 22, the Great Patriotic War began. However, in peaceful years, the custom of a cheerful celebration of the transition to adulthood resumed and has not been interrupted for more than seventy years. At the same time, in recent years, more and more classes have decided to abandon chic outfits and expensive entertainment, celebrating at their own school and transferring the money saved to various charitable foundations.

As noted in schools

Celebrations and graduation balls are held. On this day, school graduates are awarded certificates, certificates and diplomas and congratulated on an important event in their lives, they wish to enter the selected educational institutions. traditionally begins in the evening and continues until dawn.

What to gift

What to give a child who has graduated from school is a matter of taste and material possibilities of parents. Many decide not to rush and give gifts not at the end of school, but on the occasion of entering the university.