Making a birthday card. The hearts are the same size on both sides. Original postcard with flowers embroidered with lace

Mom will be very happy with a handmade gift from her children.

We suggest you make such a beautiful original flower postcard.

To make a postcard, you need to prepare:

Paper for the base of the postcard;

Paper for printing postcard templates;


Bulk bilateral cattle;

Pens, pencils and felt-tip pens for decorating the inside of the postcard (congratulations)

Step by step process of making a postcard

1. We prepare the basis for the postcard.

You can make the background from thick watercolor paper using scrapbooking paper. Also, the background can be painted with paints.

2. We print templates for making postcards.

3. Carefully cut out all the elements of the postcard.

4. Take the first element (all elements on the template are numbered).

We glue this to do on the basis of the postcard.

5. Take element number 2 (flower detail).

At the back we glue two-sided volumetric cattle.

6. We take element No. 3 (leaflet).

At the back we glue two-sided volumetric cattle.

We glue this to do on the basis of the postcard, taking into account the pattern.

7. Take element number 4 (a fragment of a bouquet of flowers).

At the back we glue two-sided volumetric cattle.

We glue this to do on the basis of the postcard, taking into account the pattern.

8. Glue all other elements in the same way.

These photos show the volume on the postcard.

9. The postcard is ready.

If you wish, you can arrange a congratulation inside the postcard.

10. A postcard can be like this.

You can see how to do it.

On a birthday, anniversary or the eighth of March, mother should be congratulated in a special way warmly and sincerely. Buy finished postcard it can be easy, but what joy will she get if you make a card from the heart, with your own hands, spend time, imagination, putting love and gratitude into a souvenir! Such a card is not just an addition to a birthday present for mom, it is a testament to sincere love and gratitude, and such a souvenir that mom will keep for a long time and carefully.

Important: a birthday card for your beloved mother does not have to look perfect, as if from a store shelf expensive gifts. It will be much more pleasant for her to receive a postcard, albeit imperfect, but made with her own hands, on which she spent her strength. So she will understand that the children took care of her, wanted to please and surprise her, spent time - and this is very valuable. So, even if you are not sure that it will turn out flawlessly, cast aside doubts - and start doing! Moreover, there are many master classes where the whole process is explained step by step and in an accessible way. And everyone can make an original and beautiful postcard!

Simple and beautiful

The most common postcards are made of paper and cardboard. They can be very original, beautiful and enjoyable, in addition, they are easy to make and do not require a lot of time and materials. Select suitable option and make a beautiful postcard out of cardboard with your own hands - to the delight of your loved one!

Bulky and unusual

If you want to make more original and complex postcard mom on her birthday, there are quite a few ideas. Which one to choose - will tell your own taste. All of them are original, beautiful, and it is not difficult to make them with your own hands.

original and luxurious

If you want to give something more complex, which will really surprise and delight, then do not take the time for a 3D postcard, or a postcard from unusual material. Such things are not difficult to do, but they will take a little more time, and require perseverance, hard work and attention. But such work will be highly appreciated, and will cause a lot of joy!

The main thing that should be in your postcard is not paper, rhinestones or ribbons, and not even original words. The main thing is your love, a sincere and genuine desire to congratulate with all my heart and please native person, attention and care. Show your mom how much you love and appreciate her, and she will be happy on her birthday!

Cardmaking is a popular hobby that not only young people are interested in. This term stands for how to create postcards with your own hands. In this case, you can use materials for professionals or improvised means. Of course, if you decide to make a postcard to a work colleague or relative, then there is no point in buying expensive hole punches and curly scissors. With the help of improvised means, it will be possible to make an original greeting card.

Initially, decide on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba postcard. Then choose which color scheme there will be a product. After that, head to the craft store and stock up on scrapbooking paper, cardstock, and craft supplies. There are several techniques for creating greeting cards:
  • iris folding;

It seems that the most sophisticated technique is quilling, but cutting out lace elements from paper is much more difficult than creating spiral patterns. Regarding quilling, this technique involves the creation of leaflets from thin strips twisted into a spiral. The result is a three-dimensional drawing.

How to sign a postcard? This can be done with felt-tip pens, gel pens and colors. But on sale there are special stamps with fancy letters. It is even better to make letters from beads or threads. Such a congratulation looks just gorgeous.

Start cardmaking with simple postcards. After you learn how to master the use of scissors and carefully glue the parts, you can make a personalized postcard. For girls fit a flyer with a voluminous dress or a drawn fashionista in a sophisticated outfit. A young man will appreciate a postcard with football paraphernalia or in the form of a shirt. They are considered the pinnacle of skill. Such products are voluminous, and require a lot of time and patience. Initially, to get a beautiful lace paper pattern, use patterns and blanks. They can be purchased at a craft store or printed on a printer. A dad or a young man will be delighted with a flyer with a large ship. To make it, you will have to master quilling. Cut several thin strips of paper of blue color. Roll them into a spiral. Now glue to the main background with stationery glue. You can decorate the waves with blue glitter. Now start creating the base of the ship. To do this, take a waxed cord and glue it along the contour of the deck. The mast can be made from toothpicks and bamboo sticks for barbecue. Cut out sails from fabric or tissue paper. Glue them around the perimeter, and make the middle convex. The phoenix bird will also look original. Do you want to give money, but this gift seems banal to you? Then make a congratulatory envelope with your own hands. You can make an ordinary envelope and decorate it with voluminous flowers or patterns. But envelopes in the form of a car, shirt or briefcase look much more interesting. An envelope made of coupon paper looks very unusual. You can complement the product with roses from napkins or tissue paper. Ribbons, beads and buttons can be safely used for decoration.

There are a lot of ideas on the Internet for creating greeting cards with your own hands. You can make a flyer from an existing template or design a card from scratch.

On March 8, on a birthday or an anniversary, I would like to congratulate my beloved mother sincerely, from the bottom of my heart.

Buying a ready-made postcard in any design is currently not a problem.

But how many emotions will mom get if you give her a handmade card?

Handmade postcard is not just a small bonus to the main gift, but a real testament to the love and appreciation of a sweet mommy. Such a souvenir will be kept by mom in a conspicuous place for many years.

Always remember! Postcard to mother's holiday A postcard does not have to be perfect and look flawless.

Such a postcard is always very beautiful, elegant, original, easy to make and does not require much time and material investments. Be sure to find a suitable option for yourself and create a postcard with your own hands - please your loved one!

As a basis, you can take cardboard of a soft cherry shade, cut a rectangle out of it. Next, we take cardboard in a box and cut out a figure from it in an arbitrary form up to half of our cherry base, glue it, decorate the place of gluing with exquisite white lace. We decorate the card with bows, beads and buttons, add good my sincere congratulations and our surprise for your beloved mother is ready!

The basis of the postcard will be the same cardboard. We glue two strips of fabric of different widths onto the base. On the upper wide strip, you can stick the words "mother" with letters cut out of different cardboard. Leave the bottom strip for decor and kind words congratulations. The decor can be ribbons, beads, pieces of lace, various flowers, in general, everything that your imagination tells you.

The basis of the postcard will be white or other light cardboard. On top of the cardboard we glue flowers, leaves, hearts in the form of an application, ladybugs, cute birds, etc. colors must be chosen very competently - no more than 3 shades so that your postcard looks harmonious. For volume, you can add beads, laces, buttons.

Do-it-yourself birthday card for mom from paper in stages.

For this we need:

To work, you still need to print on a printer vase template.

Do you like such a miracle made on your own?

Unusual and voluminous

If you have a desire to make a complicated and unusual postcard, there are many such options.

Which one is right for your mom is up to you. Each of them is original, beautiful and easy to perform in its own way.

Gorgeous and original

If you really want to give mom something more complex, give her something that will truly surprise and give positive emotions.

Take some of your precious time and create a 3D postcard, or postcard from unusual materials. This is not at all difficult to implement, but it will take a little more time, as well as patience and perseverance, attention and painstaking work. But such a masterpiece will be really appreciated and will cause a flurry of positive emotions!

Master class "How to make an endless postcard?" see our video:

You can bring your own flair, change colors or materials, add missing decor elements in your opinion, etc. but most importantly - kind, warm and sincere words for your beloved mother!

Beautiful birthday card for my beloved mother

In order to create such an unusually beautiful postcard, you will need:

  • double-sided cardboard coated white;
  • paper with verses, it is possible with notes, with the effect of aging;
  • - artificial leaves and flowers;
  • - two round stickers congratulatory inscriptions;
  • blue ribbon;
  • - colored sequins;
  • - a sticker or a pre-printed inscription "Congratulations!";
  • - pencil, scissors, ruler, double-sided tape, glue.

Let's get to work.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in your postcard, made by with my own hands for your beloved mother, the most important thing is not paper, ribbons or rhinestones, and not even the wishes that you write on the spread of the postcard. The most important thing is your sincere desire to please mother, show care and attention!

I love butterflies very much - they are so delicate, graceful and unusually beautiful. It was with their image that I decided to make a card with butterflies with my own hands for the birthday of my 14-year-old niece.

My mother loves flowers very much, so everything free time devotes to their cultivation and care. In preparation for my mother's birthday, I made a card, the main decoration of which was hydrangea flowers. This is her favorite flower, so I decided that it should be on greeting card. In this article, you can familiarize yourself with the process of making do-it-yourself postcards with flowers.

Agree that the perfect addition to a gift can be unique postcard made by hand. In this article, we bring to your attention interesting project making for postcards that will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. The highlight of this unusual idea with potatoes is that to decorate postcards you will need stamps made from ordinary potatoes.

Almost all of us know the famous words of Igor Nikolaev's song:

Even a child of two or three years old can draw this postcard or picture. Although by the look of the drawing you will never guess the age of the artist! It turns out very beautiful and original!

You may need a little help from an adult to depict a flower stalk, but you can safely entrust the main part of the drawing for a postcard to your little creature!

Want to cheer up your child or loved one - give him a postcard! Postcards are comic, souvenir, collectible and simple. In this article, we will make a children's birthday card that will melt the heart of anyone, be it a man or a woman for a birthday.

I love the tradition of making birthday invitations in the form of cute postcards that indicate the place and time of the celebration, they can be handed in person or sent by mail. In the age of the Internet and phones, this seems superfluous and difficult to do, but believe me, it's really nice to receive and give these cute messages, especially if they are handmade.