What to buy for an 8 year old birthday. What to give a child for the New Year. Shantou Gepai Junior Scientist Pack

School girls love their birthday. In thoughts, name days begin to be celebrated long before the cherished date, they count the days and live in anticipation of gifts. But for the relatives of the birthday girl, the celebration is associated with many questions and experiences. How to celebrate a joyful event? What to give a girl for 8 years? What to please?

A funny baby with a shock of fluffy hair has already grown up. She turned into her mother's assistant and a serious schoolgirl. How to please a second-grader girl? This question sometimes even puzzles parents who know their baby from the cradle. And what about relatives and friends? To choose a gift that will appeal to a young lady and thus please adults, it is important to consider several important points.

There is no single answer to the question of the best gift for a girl and cannot be. But the eight-year-old lady already has her own preferences, interests, hobbies, which will become a clue. So, if you want to surprise a girl, consider the following three points.

  1. Analyze character. Usually, speaking of girls, a little princess immediately appears, which simply needs to be surrounded by ruffles, butterflies, angels. This is one of the stereotypes. In fact, all girls are different. Some really resemble fairytale princesses. Others are mischievous bullies, in no way inferior to their peers-boys. Among the girls there are cute know-it-alls, intellectuals, hostesses, creative people or real needlewomen. Therefore, a gift for a girl of 8 years old should be chosen taking into account her character and hobbies.
  2. Explore the situation. Eight-year-old girls are already well aware that the cherished day is approaching when all dreams can come true. Therefore, it will not be difficult for attentive parents to find out from the girl about her desires. Of course, you should not ask the question directly: “What to give you?” Perhaps she will pay attention to the videos that “Mashka bought from the second floor” or complain that all the girls in the class already have tablets.
  3. Be mindful of emotions. How to surprise a girl who already has almost everything? Give emotions and impressions that the girl will remember for a long time and reverently tell her friends. By the way, it is desirable to capture everything in the photo. Better yet, invite the girl's friends to share the joy of the celebration with her. Also choose an intangible gift depending on the hobbies and character of the girl. It can be a trip to a water park, a zoo or an unusual photo shoot.

If a gift is chosen not for your girl, but for a niece, goddaughter or daughter of a friend, then you should definitely consult with the parents of the birthday girl. It is important to understand what things and toys are already there, and what other guests are going to give. After all, two identical dolls as a gift can easily spoil the mood and celebration.

Gifts for the soul and character

Go choose a gift for an eight-year-old girl, having prepared and tuned in. Does your daughter want a skateboard or a new dress? Buy them and do not lose vigilance when you find yourself in a store where there are many other bright and useful, from your point of view, things.

The girl has her own views, she has her own style. Therefore, a surprise chosen to your taste will not always please the birthday girl. What can you offer a girl? Next - an overview of popular presentation options, depending on the characteristics of the child's character.

For a sophisticated princess

Such a girl loves beautiful hairpins, bows, dresses. She can go through her mother's "treasures" for hours, periodically putting earrings on her ears, admiring the worn rings. The princess girl always strives to look irresistible, and at the age of eight she already knows a lot about fashion. Dolls and soft toys take pride of place in her room. You can choose a present for such a beauty from the following options.

  • Fashion Items . A girl who loves to dress up very much will be indescribably delighted with new fashionable things. But it is quite difficult to choose clothes for a young lady who has already formed her own taste. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble, present the girl with a certificate for purchasing things in the store.
  • Girls' trinkets. A sophisticated girl will be happy to accept from her mother's friend a fashionable case or a delicate pendant for her mobile, an elegant box in which to store jewelry. She will definitely like glamorous stickers or a photo album. The girl will be in awe of the Starry Sky projector, which will decorate the bedroom ceiling with shining stars and allow the girl to feel like a companion of Peter Pan.
  • Beautiful jewelry and accessories. You can present elegant children's jewelry to a little fashionista. For example, a set that includes a pendant, ring, bracelet, earrings or clip-on earrings (check if the ears are pierced). A good option is a bright bag, a fashionable umbrella, fur headphones, a stylish hat, colorful rubber boots.
  • New toy . Despite the fact that the girl considers herself already an adult, she enthusiastically plays with dolls or sits her soft toys at the children's table. Pay attention to interactive dolls that need to be fed, swaddled, changed.
  • Children's cosmetics. An eight-year-old girl is keenly interested in cosmetics. Therefore, you can consider such options: shampoos, unusual bubbling bath balls. Manufacturers have developed a whole series of children's cosmetics, including lipstick, shadows, perfumes and varnishes. All these products have been tested and found to be safe for the growing body.

If a small budget is allocated to purchase a gift, then you can please the girl with a “Personal Diary”. These books are inexpensive. But for young ladies, they are very important. After all, it is the diary that is “told” all the most cherished secrets and secrets.

For an independent naughty

Girls' knick-knacks and costume jewelry will cause joy in a romantic person. But an energetic little girl who is friends only with tomboyish boys will not experience the pleasure of all these “calf tendernesses”. This girl prefers comfortable jeans, no matter if they are a little torn. As well as T-shirts that do not hinder movement and baseball caps that make her “one of them” in the circle of boys. What gift to choose for a girl of 8 years old, who has such an independent character? A fidget girl will appreciate such ideas.

  • Sport equipment. Rollers and a skateboard - just for an active girl. Especially if, in addition to the main gift, she receives knee pads, armlets and a helmet. A sports girl will be delighted with a bicycle, skates or a cool scooter.
  • Fascinating constructors. Independent naughty girls are happy to design entire cities or castles. And if you ask if the girl likes Lego, she will clearly name which series she collects and what she lacks for a complete collection. Having found out this moment, you can easily determine what gift to give to a girl at the age of 8, for example, for the New Year, March 8th.
  • Sports section. If the house has not yet been equipped with a place where a young athlete could do acrobatics, then it's time to think about it. A mobile child will be happy with both the Swedish wall and the usual horizontal bar. And an inflatable pool, placed in the yard of the cottage, will provoke a flurry of positive emotions. True, parents should understand that having equipped a zone for sports, they will increasingly see in their house the whole gang of yard children.
  • Outdoor games . A restless child will be delighted with a baseball bat, a skipping rope, a ball, a Darts set, tennis rackets, a Frisbee plate, a skipping rope. The game "Twister" will seem entertaining to the baby. An interesting solution for a mobile young lady will be a dance mat that can be connected to a TV or computer.

Support the girl's hobbies, especially if she attends any sections, with a sports bag, fashionable sneakers. If a gift is chosen for a young swimmer, then she will like a new swimsuit, cap or bathrobe. And the skater will be pleased with the comfortable and bright tracksuit.

For the intellectual know-it-all

What to give to my daughter for 8 years, who, having barely learned to speak, simply bombarded her parents with questions. She is interested in everything. She is an excellent student, takes part in olympiads, reads a lot and with pleasure. The baby is distinguished from her peers by her logical mindset and the desire to be successful. You can please this baby with such presents.

  • Computer technology. These children are able to appreciate the "fancy" laptop or tablet received from their parents. And believe me, even if a girl starts playing games, and not using a computer to learn programming, then the choice will fall on logical or strategies in which you need to fully use your head.
  • Mind games. Children's computers, which allow during the game to develop logic, train memory and attention, will appeal to a child prodigy. Colorful encyclopedias about space, animals, travel, dinosaurs are also your option.
  • Research Kits. An intellectual girl will appreciate sets for research and experiments in the field of chemistry, physics, perfumery. A know-it-all girl will not be indifferent to a telescope, a microscope.
  • Board games . The girl will be happy with board games. Such sets, which can be played by the whole family, not only develop attention, perseverance and thinking, but also bring parents and children as close as possible. And it is important not to forget about this, because the transitional age is just around the corner.

You can please an intellectual girl for her birthday with wireless headphones or a mouse. An e-book will do too. As well as a 3D prefabricated house, which you need to cut and glue yourself.

For creative, romantic nature

What to give a girl if she is not a know-it-all and does not resemble a mischievous boy, and her range of interests does not include fashion trends. Such young ladies, as the reviews show, like creative gifts, items for needlework. Here are four options for gifts that develop creative inclinations.

  1. culinary tools. If a girl willingly helps in the kitchen, knows how to cook some dishes and is interested in cooking programs, then perhaps a great chef is growing up in the family. She will love the china service that she can put in her room and take out whenever her friends come in. A colorful cookbook for children will delight. The girl will be happy with her own mixer, blender or juicer. But, having bought such a gift, parents should prepare: they are waiting for the forced use of cocktails or juices produced by their daughters.
  2. Needlework kits. A girl may be interested in a set for embroidery, knitting or sewing. As well as machines for weaving baubles, kits for soap making, beading.
  3. Musical or artistic additions. The young singer will be delighted with a musical rug, a player. Discs with favorite performers will “go in” well. The musician girl will appreciate the original violin case or the new bandura case. A lover of drawing is pleased to receive an easel, a real canvas and paints from her godfather. Such devices are not cheap, but it will be "wow".
  4. Living gift. Eight-year-old girls really want to look after someone. Therefore, if you are ready to take a risk and your living conditions allow, get a kitten or a puppy for your daughter. You can organize a small living corner with a hamster. Or maybe there is a place in the house for a parrot or a chinchilla. No matter what kind of pet you give, even the fish swimming in the aquarium or the sluggish turtle will make your daughter more responsible and happy.

For creative girls at this age, emotions are important. Water park, rides... It's a great idea, if the season permits, to go hiking. An animal lover can be taken to a large zoo, preferably in another city. And the young needlewoman will gladly attend a soap-making or decoupage master class.

3 things your daughter will keep forever

No matter how many modern and chic things your daughter has, with special warmth she will still treat those items that her parents created for her with their own hands. Such gifts are carefully kept and are often inherited. At the age of eight, a girl already realizes the value of spiritual communication. Here are three options that mom and dad or grandparents can implement on their own.

  1. homemade toy. A tied bunny will immediately crowd out all the other toys on the shelf. And a bear or an owlet made of felt can turn into real good luck charms.
  2. Carved box. The box carved by dad will be the most reliable hiding place. Such a gift may eventually acquire the status of a family heirloom. And with age, the current birthday girl will give the box to her granddaughter.
  3. fancy dress. It can be sewn or knitted. As an option - to make an unusual embroidery on a finished product. Such an outfit will become a "nail" in the wardrobe of a young fashionista. The girl will wear it until it is not enough. And then carefully hide in the closet to periodically get and admire.

Remember that all children are different and there is simply no universal advice on which gift to choose for an 8-year-old girl. Start from hobbies, character traits of a young lady. But avoid gifts that are inappropriate for age. Let the child not rush to grow up, let him play. After all, it is through the game that the girl grows spiritually and intellectually. The great innovator Vasily Sukhomlinsky once wrote about this: “A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of a child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

“And happiness knew no bounds!”: Reviews of successful eight-year-old gifts for girls

Now a large selection of children's cosmetics. Every girl is a princess at heart and wants to be an adult. At least my granddaughters and daughter are very happy when they are given cosmetics. And children also like to have a lot of gifts, albeit small, but more than one huge doll or other toy. Present a good book, for example, there are books especially for girls, there are fortune-telling, and how to behave, etc.

Shangul, http://mp3frog.ru/detki/210625984

And we gave our daughter a children's microscope for 8 years. In the children's world about 2t. R. costs. The delight knew no bounds.

Guest, http://www.woman.ru/kids/medley5/thread/4011795/2/

I remember giving my youth backpack. Cool gift. Chose together for color and texture. I liked the brown, crocodile-like, with spikes. She even went to school with him, because he is light and not easily soiled.

HelenKan, http://www.woman.ru/kids/medley5/thread/4011795/2/

A good and useful gift can be an embroidery kit. I ordered my nephew from the online embroidery store and she was very pleased.

Svetlana, http://www.woman.ru/kids/medley5/thread/4011795/2/

My daughter also just turned 8. And we puzzled over the gift for a long time. As a result, the winx coloring caused the most emotions, do not believe it. She is a fan of them. I printed it off the Internet, made a laminated cover. And happiness knew no bounds!

Sevruga, https://www.u-mama.ru/forum/kids/schoolboy/121357/index.html#mid_2814628


Valeria Zhilyaeva

Children, like no one else, are waiting for the fabulous fulfillment of desires on New Year's Eve. Adults can only write a letter to Santa Claus with their son or daughter and make a little dream come true. But what if you need to pick up a gift not for your child? Read what gifts for the New Year to a child of 8 years old are relevant in 2019.

Universal New Year's gift for an eight-year-old child

At the age of eight, the child already goes to school. However, this does not mean at all that the time has come for unlimited responsibility and seriousness, and it is time to forget about childhood with its amusements. Despite the appearance of certain responsibilities, the student still wants to play, have fun and believe in a New Year's miracle.

So, what can you give children for 8 years for the New Year? The desires of boys and girls at this age are already fully formed.

Here are some universal gift options that are suitable regardless of the gender of the baby:

  1. Electronic device. Here it is better to consult with parents - many are against computers and smartphones at this age.
  2. Fascinating book. Find out what the child is interested in and present a colorful book on the desired topic.
  3. Board game. This gift is a great alternative to a computer. Board games allow you to have fun with the whole family or a group of children.
  4. Sport equipment. Skates, skis, rollers and other devices will help physical development and diversify the student's leisure time.

A similar New Year's gift for a child for 8 years will appeal to both a girl and a boy. But there are also individual options. We will talk about them further.

Before buying a gift for the New Year, consult with the child's parents

What to give a girl 8 years old for the New Year?

Considering New Year's gifts for a girl at the age of 8 from Santa Claus, you should not lose sight of toys. Nevertheless, this age is still childhood, and the game has not yet faded into the background.

Here are such gifts-toys for an 8-year-old girl that will appeal to you:

  • dolls - baby doll, barbie, toy of the popular series, collectible porcelain beauty;
  • dollhouses or furniture;
  • soft toys for the collection - relevant if the girl collects certain representatives of the fauna;
  • radio-controlled toys - the choice of high-tech designs is not limited to the fleet, it is quite possible to pick up something for a girl.

At this age, the child consciously approaches the developmental game. You can give girls a board game, puzzles or puzzles. Now popular 3 D-puzzles, which are assembled into an intricate figure. In the future, she can decorate the room as a souvenir.

The girl will be delighted with her own furniture. On sale there are game tables and chairs, kitchenettes and counters. A good option is the original children's lamp.

If you like practical gifts, you will be interested to know what useful gifts you can give an eight-year-old girl. Such gifts can be divided into categories:

  1. Sports and active recreation. It can be a bicycle, skates, rollers, badminton rackets, darts, jump rope.
  2. Creativity and needlework. A diligent girl will be delighted with sets for drawing, appliqué or creating jewelry, as well as various blanks for crafts.
  3. For beauty and personal care. The little lady will love hair accessories and jewelry, body or hair care kits, as well as small "female things" - a handbag, a scarf, an umbrella, etc.
  4. Book. The best option is an encyclopedia, a coloring book, a panorama book or a personalized diary.

If you show imagination, a New Year's gift for a girl will be inexpensive. It is quite possible to keep within 1000-1500 rubles.

Win-win option - tickets to the theater, zoo or circus. But here you need to ask your parents if they have time for the event.

What to give a boy of 8 years for the New Year?

So, we figured out the girl, now it's time to pick up New Year's gifts for a boy-child of 8 years old. The newly minted schoolchild is still interested in toys, but not as primitive as just 2-3 years earlier.

Give the boy:

  • radio-controlled robot, helicopter, tank or boat;
  • constructor;
  • magician's set;
  • puzzles;
  • Board games.

The presentation can be customized. For example, a boy will be interested in putting together a puzzle with his own image.

If the boy is curious, he will like a gift that will help him explore the world around him:

  • travel books or encyclopedias;
  • sets for experiments;
  • telescope;
  • globe-cache.

Gifts for an 8 year old boy can be useful. To instill in your child a love of a healthy and active lifestyle, the following things will help:

  • dumbbells;
  • rollers with protective overlays;
  • football or basketball;
  • punching bag;
  • swedish wall.

However, before giving the boy sports equipment, ask the parents about the health of the child. Perhaps you should limit yourself to chess or checkers.

Boys may not be passionate about sports at all, but some kind of creative activity. For example, woodcarving, drawing, modeling ships or aircraft, wood, plastic or plaster blanks. Knowing about the hobbies of the child, you can give him a hobby kit.

The child will also enjoy entertainment activities. After all, winter holidays are vacation time, which means that it is quite possible to spend time with the whole family in a circus, dolphinarium, theater or other institution.

Consider the interests of the boy when choosing a gift. Not everyone is suitable for dumbbells or a drawing set

What should not be given?

There is a list of anti-gifts for the New Year. The things listed below will not please both children and their parents. The child will not be able to hide the disappointment from the present when he did not like it. If you do not want to see the baby upset, use the recommendations on what not to give.

  • Not a very good option soft toy. An exception will be if the child collects a certain collection (for example, bears or elephants).
  • Pet not the best choice either. First, the maintenance of the pet will fall on the shoulders of the parents. And, secondly, there may be allergy sufferers among the household who will definitely not say “thank you” to you.
  • An eight-year-old child already has his own taste preferences and ideas about how to dress. For this reason Don't donate clothes or shoes.
  • Taboo - school supplies and household items. It is unlikely that a child will be delighted with such gifts. Think about what can be fun and joyful for a boy or girl in donated curtains or textbooks? Of course, these are the necessary things, but will the child want to tell his friends about such gifts?

Approach the choice of a gift as reasonably and responsibly as possible. You, as an adult, will be able to put yourself in the place of a child and understand what a boy or girl will be interested in.


Choose a gift based on the interests and hobbies of a boy or girl. If you are practically unfamiliar with the child, it is advisable to consult with the parents before buying a New Year's souvenir.

Do not give gifts that can upset the baby or his household. Remember what you loved and what you rejoiced at the age of eight. Start from your feelings and approach the choice with special care.

December 20, 2017, 19:10

The New Year is just around the corner and it's time to think not only about what, but also what to give a child for the New Year 2019. In today's article you will find many ideas for New Year's gifts for a child from birth to 3 years old, for 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 year olds. Our selection of interesting and original gifts will appeal to both boys and girls.

All children, small and large, are looking forward to the most beloved holiday by Russians - the fabulous New Year's Eve, when wishes are made and wishes of happiness, health and love are heard in all homes. If relatives and friends, we at least approximately know what New Year's gifts to present, then the question of what to give a child for the new year 2019 remains on the agenda.

From adults, children of any age differ in immediacy, which people, unfortunately, lose over time. But a preschool kid, and even a teenager, can immediately express his opinion about a gift, and it is not always enthusiastic. Children from a fairly early age have their own views on different things, are well versed in toys, have their own addictions, and if they don’t like something, then the donor will find out about it very soon.

Of course, before choosing something, you should take an interest in the child's hobbies, which usually correspond to his age. You can ask family members about this, first of all, the father and mother, who are well aware of the preferences of their son or daughter.

In addition, it does not hurt to follow simple rules and recommendations of ordinary people who can help in solving this problem:

  1. Most likely, it will not be possible to come up with something in a couple of days, or as a New Year's gift, there will be a hastily bought useless thing. Therefore, rule number 1 - you need to prepare for congratulations in advance.
  2. You can’t buy games and toys for an older child for a small child - the baby, and you too, will be disappointed, because he will not be able to use it right away, and surprises “for growth” simply do not exist.
  3. It’s another matter if you want to draw the attention of your little one to something new and interesting for him, but in this case, you should also think about how he can figure out an unfamiliar subject or gameplay.
  4. Games that develop different abilities, physical and intellectual, always come first among other children's gifts, because kids need to improve in order to be well prepared for entering first grade, or in order to successfully master school disciplines. For preschoolers, these are games for intelligence, logic, and the development of imagination. For older children - puzzles, logical mazes, strategies, chess and checkers, crossword puzzles and rebuses.
  5. The designer can be given for any holidays, including the New Year. This is a great toy for both boys and girls, developing many skills and making you think.
  6. A gift that contributes to the improvement of creative inclinations will be correct, useful and exciting. Such gifts can be given on New Year's Eve, on other holidays. The list of this category includes creative kits, paints, albums and easels, plasticine and kinetic sand, musical instruments.
  7. Today, many parents start giving electronics to their children from early childhood, so by the time they enter school, they are already excellent at managing various mobile devices and gadgets. If you make such a present, first of all, you need to think about the safety of things for the health of the baby, as well as practicality - such devices must be durable and of high quality, even the most inexpensive ones.
  8. Safety, in general, needs to be given special attention. This means that it is necessary to be interested in the material for manufacture, as well as the shape, in the case of infants, the size of the toy.
  9. If children are over a year old, they can already buy universal gifts that both boys and girls will like.

For the New Year, a present for a child should be memorable, so it is not customary to give everyday things. Children love everything colorful and multi-colored, it is desirable that the bought things be like that. In addition, elegant packaging is needed, which in itself makes the presentation more solemn and joyful. You can give sweet things, but not a simple holiday set - let it be some exotic kind of cakes, figured chocolate or an unusual cake.

New Year's gifts for a child under 3 years old

From birth to six months, children mostly eat and sleep, but despite this, they are already learning to sit, keep their attention on objects, hold and throw toys. Colors, sounds, tactile sensations are important for them, so you can give them:

  • rattles of different shapes, colors and sizes;
  • jumper toys in the form of dogs, donkeys, dragons, unicorns;
  • hanging rubber balls, cubes, stars;
  • pyramids and music boxes with a melodic soft sound;
  • a spinning top or a tumbler doll;
  • development mat;
  • mobiles - bright carousels with light and sound effects, suspended above the crib.

From 6 to 12 months, the baby is actively developing, already knows how to sit, crawl, use both handles and even look for hidden toys. Children's coordination improves and allows them to actively explore the world around them. The list of gifts for a grown-up little one is noticeably expanding:

  • soft cubes and pyramids for building towers;
  • sorters - structures with curly slots for parts of various shapes
  • pusher machine;
  • rocking horse;
  • plastic animals on wheels;
  • balls, including fitball, which gives children maximum pleasure;
  • musical entertainment - a special table, a rug, a developmental panel with sound, a children's phone, a talking book, a musical ball;
  • all kinds of toy instruments - trumpet, tambourine, xylophone, piano.

Read also:

Babies who are one year old, unlike babies, are no longer indifferent to what they will be given, because they are already crawling, trying to get up, have more dexterous handles, separate parts of the body are distinguished in toys. In addition, children begin to be interested in pictures, books, and can devote a lot of time to games.

Therefore, for the New Year, you can give them a lot of interesting things:

  • sets of balls or cubes (for the development of vision, touch and hearing);
  • a simple constructor with soft large details;
  • wooden and plastic puzzles;
  • sorters and businessboards;
  • large children's books with beautiful pictures;
  • pushcars, wheelchairs, strollers and carts, which they will push in front of them and use as a support for learning to walk;
  • large books with beautiful images of plants, animals, fairy-tale characters;
  • rocking chairs in the form of animals;
  • house-tent for storing things and games;
  • dry pool with many colorful balls;
  • hanging swing for home;
  • transformer sleds with retractable wheels that can be used in the summer.

Thinking about what to give up to 3 years old, do not forget that a two-year-old child is strikingly different from a one-year-old baby. He feels and behaves like an independent person. This is the age when children actively master role-playing games that they will play even when they are schoolchildren, and also clearly show their talents, so things from the category of game and creative sets, toys that develop intelligence can serve as gifts for them:

  • realistically made baby dolls, with which you can give a baby stroller and a set of toy clothes;
  • interactive pets - dogs, cats, other animals;
  • toy attributes - houses, furniture, kitchen utensils for story games;
  • doctor's, hairdresser's, seller's game sets;
  • toy track or garage;
  • touch tablet for the little ones;
  • mosaics and puzzles of 7-8 parts;
  • children's domino, lotto;
  • kits for drawing and modeling, ball plasticine, colorful stickers, sketchbooks, watercolors;
  • for active entertainment - a tricycle, on which you can ride around the apartment, floor swings, balls.

It is better for small children to give beautiful and high-quality toys than practical things, for example, clothes or dishes. After all, the most important thing is the joy that the purchased item will help cause.

What to give a child for the New Year at 3 years old

It is not at all easy to please a three-year-old baby, especially since at this age a not very pleasant, but necessary test is coming for him and his parents - a crisis, a kind of stage of growing up. Therefore, you need to carefully consider what to give at the age of 3 for the winter holiday.

At this time, the baby is extremely emotional, shows a keen interest in both animate and inanimate objects, tries to experiment, begins to think consciously. To meet his growing needs, the following New Year's gifts are suitable:

  • to improve thinking, all types of intellectual games are good - constructors, educational cubes, logical pyramids, puzzle labyrinths, board games for dexterity and ingenuity;
  • creative tools - a children's easel, wax crayons, a set of felt-tip pens, coloring books, albums, draftsmen, sets of polymer clay and special dough;
  • needlework kits - jewelry designers, embroidery kits, creating soft toys;
  • for the development of hearing and a sense of rhythm - musical instruments such as a hurdy-gurdy, xylophone, children's synthesizer, music box and microphone;
  • equipment for outdoor games - pedalless bike, sliding roller skates, scooter, sports complex, pedal car, ring toss, dance mat, skis, children's bowling.

Of course, do not forget about the main hobbies of kids. Girls for the New Year can and should be given dolls and baby dolls, and in addition to them, toy furniture, strollers and carriages, prefabricated multi-storey houses, toy household appliances.

Of course, it is desirable to choose things for the child that can captivate him or consolidate existing abilities. But no less important are gifts for all-round development, increasing intelligence and broadening one's horizons. You can also present your daughter with a beautiful handbag, a children's dressing table with a bedside table and a mirror, as well as related accessories, a set of children's cosmetics or hair ornaments, a set of brushes and combs, an elegant suit or dress.

It is not hard to guess that the boy will be crazy about a new realistically made car, a set of children's weapons, a water blaster, a railway or a radio-controlled toy.

What to give a child for the New Year at 4 years old

Clever, developing gifts for children of this age are simply necessary - they not only improve his skills, but also contribute to laying the right behavior and facilitate the upbringing of the baby, who is already completely independent and independent.

What to give at 4 for the New Year, of course, largely depends on the inclinations of the son and daughter. But the most popular, and, at the same time, desirable for the child, are the following New Year's gifts:

  • dolls that are made in more detail, always with long hair, moving legs and arms;
  • toy strollers and baths for bathing wards;
  • collectible cars;
  • prefabricated, radio-controlled models of aircraft, racing karts, quadrocopters, robots, boats;
  • beautiful soft and rubber toys in the form of animals;
  • attributes for role-playing games - a medical and hairdressing set, toy dishes, a vacuum cleaner, a sewing machine, a stove for cooking doll food;
  • table sports games - hockey, football, pinball;
  • a set for a sailor, a postman, a builder, a set of locksmith tools for a boy;
  • board games, puzzles on various topics, more complex construction sets, from the details of which you can build entire cities or houses with furniture for dolls;
  • for the development of creativity - a set of origami, applications, figurines in the form of dolls, figurines, balls and eggs for coloring;
  • a double-sided easel for drawing with crayons and markers, a set of brushes and paints - gouache, watercolors, high-quality watercolor paper, a large album;
  • special templates for cutting, with which you can create beautiful garlands, paper figures;
  • musical instruments - children's microphone, synthesizer, piano;
  • sets for making candles and pieces of soap, quartz sand, from which you can create picturesque paintings.

Read also:

An excellent gift for a four-year-old kid will be skis, cheesecake sleds, snow scooters, which will be especially relevant at this time. On the other hand, other sports gifts are also suitable, for example, a home corner or a trampoline for physical activities in the cold season.

If you don’t know what to give your child for the new year 2019, think about it, because for such a holiday a children’s netbook will be a good gift, with which the baby can draw, listen to music and play educational games. For children, this is a great opportunity to receive new information, master the control of such equipment and acquire new skills.

What to give a child for the New Year at 5 years old

At the age of five, many children are actively preparing for school, and this is a guarantee that in the first grade they will be able to quickly adapt and successfully master school literacy. Of course, preschool children devote a lot of time to their exciting games, usually role-playing games.

Therefore, thinking about what to give at 5 years old, you can choose between good board games that develop intelligence, sets of attributes, interesting and useful books, creative kits and sports items that, in any case, the child needs:

  1. Children's books and fairy tales of the peoples of the world, with large print and large, color pictures. Interactive books, colorful alphabets, interesting books that teach the basics of mathematical counting.
  2. Designers from high-quality, preferably natural materials that are interesting for children of both sexes.
  3. Thematic and didactic games for training logical thinking, simple games for ingenuity, "Walkers" and "Walkers", economic, space strategies that develop spatial thinking, as well as teach children to communicate with other team players, develop a competitive spirit in them. This series also includes voluminous prefabricated puzzles Rubik's ball, glass labyrinths, which, in addition to increasing mental abilities, improve the motor function of the hands.

For creative individuals, it will be nice to receive a present related to their favorite pastime:

  • paintings by numbers for coloring, a set of brushes and paints, an easel suitable for height, one-sided or two-sided;
  • a set of colored mother-of-pearl plasticine or modeling paste, stencils for painting, a potter's wheel for creating dishes and figurines from clay;
  • set for weaving, knitting, felting and embroidery;
  • tools and materials for making engraved crafts;
  • sets for soap making and casting of original candles;
  • a children's microphone for singing kids or a synthesizer with an amplifier and a microphone with a bright interface and simple controls.

From toys, it is better for kids to give transforming robots, dinosaurs and cars, including remote-controlled ones, to girls: sets of minions and Barbie princesses with a lot of things for a dowry. It makes sense to present soft toys depicting cartoon characters or favorite animals to both girls and boys.

What to give a child for the New Year at 6-7 years old

Children in the first grade devote a lot of time to learning, but, of course, they do not stop playing. Therefore, when choosing what to give at the age of 6-7, it is necessary to remember that at this age children have extremely developed memory, imagination, they can already reason logically and connect various processes and phenomena with each other. Therefore, they need more serious games.

On the eve of the main winter holiday, you can choose the following New Year's gifts for your child:

  • puzzles, mosaics with a large number of elements;
  • board games that put forward certain rules that must be followed;
  • games for several players, strategies, as well as to increase erudition when you need to answer questions or remember something;
  • electronic wrist watch with navigator;
  • game sets of a cook, a hairdresser or a policeman;
  • toy crossbows, blasters with soft bullets;
  • radio-controlled models of cars, ships and all-terrain vehicles;
  • doll clothes and a house;
  • complicated constructor;
  • a large book of fairy tales or a gift encyclopedic dictionary with color images on topics of interest to the child;
  • music player with headphones;
  • toy household appliances;
  • sets of stationery, pens, pencils for school;
  • a backpack for a boy with an unusual pattern, for a girl - a beautiful school bag;
  • for schoolwork, you can buy a child an educational, interactive globe with a control panel, an inexpensive mobile phone or tablet that has educational games in its functionality.

Eight years is the age of diversity. At this time, the child is still playing with might and main, but study is the leading activity. Therefore, choosing a gift will not be difficult. But first of all, it is better to ask the birthday man himself about his preferences and dreams.

Toys and accessories for games

Despite the fact that at the age of 8 children are already schoolchildren, do not forget that childhood and games in them live a long time. Toys, of course, at this age are no longer simple cars and dolls, but radio-controlled models of equipment for boys and talking and moving dolls for girls.

For lovers of calm games, Lego or any complex constructor will be a good gift. It will be even more interesting if the designer can be connected to a computer, in the future this will help to learn programming.

This includes game cities - railways, police, doll houses, a zoo and the like.

Another feature of eight-year-olds is role-playing games, the child begins to try on adult roles. This will be facilitated by game sets-professions - a doctor, a hairdresser, a military man, a policeman, and spy sets. Table football is a game that captivates the whole family and will undoubtedly become a favorite pastime for a child.

Educational Presents

Logic toys, strategies, games for attention - all this can be attributed to the "developers".

  • Puzzles. A large set with interesting pictures, heroes of your favorite cartoons and films, educational pictures. You can collect it with friends and the whole family. And the finished result will be a great addition to the decor of a child's room.
  • Board games ."Monopoly", "Crocodile", "Auction" and many other games will allow the child to plunge completely into the gaming activity and keep him busy for several hours. Here he will be able to try on different roles and masks, think about what move to take to successfully complete the game.

  • Puzzle. Games during which you need to think logically and be attentive. These include the "Snake", "Rubik's Cube", voluminous labyrinths with balls and the like.
  • Children's tablets, filled with educational games, will become assistants in learning and entertainment during the holidays.

Hobby kits

In order not to miscalculate with such a gift, you need to ask the parents or the child himself about hobbies and interests.

  • Sets by subject will help to deepen knowledge in a playful way - "Young Chemist", "Interesting Physics", "Biology" and others. This includes a microscope for studying the world around us.
  • Sets for beading and weaving with rubber bands will help to make bright accessories, baubles, bracelets, necklaces, which, in turn, can also be a gift for friends.
  • Sets for appliqué, quilling, origami, modeling will develop fine motor skills of the child and captivate him for a long time.

  • Painting sets with easel and various paints, crayons will help develop imagination.
  • Burnout kit- A popular gift among boys, you can also use it to create gifts for your friends and family.
  • Plaster sets- they are accompanied by instructions for making frames or figures.
  • Simulation kits- a great gift for boys. This includes paper templates for airplanes, rockets, and wooden cars with simple motors.

What to buy active children?

In a gift for active children, the main function is to realize energy.

  • Snowboard, skateboard- a perfect gift for family vacations for lovers of extreme sports.
  • Balls by sport- football, volleyball, basketball and uniforms and equipment.
  • badminton, table tennis c - develop dexterity and attention.

  • Dance mat with connection to a computer or TV. There are many options for such a gift - from the simplest for one child to family ones.
  • Kimono for martial arts- a good way to captivate a child with wrestling.
  • Kite– for lovers of running and exciting emotions.

Useful birthday gifts

Gifts of this type not only entertain, but also in a playful way help to know the world.

  • Gift cards to children's shops. TO It would seem to be a serious gift for a child, but, nevertheless, a very responsible one. The child will be pleased to realize that he can make a choice himself.
  • Books. Informative and interesting gift. The book can be encyclopedic for the acquisition of new knowledge, mixed with a combination of different sciences for interesting study. Books with puzzles - puzzles, riddles, puzzles, coloring books. Books by interesting authors with instructive stories and stories. The choice is wide.
  • Technique. This includes tablets, mobile phones, smartphones, players, headphones, portable speakers, computer games, steering wheels and joysticks.

They will be good entertainment, an alarm clock, the first step towards getting to know the means of communication. Game consoles will be a family gift.

  • Globe. The child will explore the globe and "travel" without leaving the room. The map on the globe can be any - with countries, continents, political or physical. Also, the globe can be with the image of the constellations.
  • Projector starry sky. It will help to study the constellations and will serve as an original night light.
  • Checkers/chess. Board game for the development of logic.
  • Set "Young perfumer". A gift for a girl with which she can create her own fragrances.

Original surprises

Original gifts are remembered for a long time and cause special feelings in the birthday person.

  • Photo gift. A collage with a photo of a child, personalized mugs and t-shirts with photos will be a nice gift for the whole family.
  • Emotions. This includes going to the circus, the zoo, going to the cinema for the premiere of a cartoon, rollerblading or skating, going to a water park - all this will give a huge amount of positive emotions that will remain in your memory for a long time.
  • Cake or a bouquet of toys. Such a gift will undoubtedly surprise the child.
  • Magician's set. It will create a magical atmosphere and the child can use it right at the holiday.
  • Piggy banks. Cartoon characters, interesting toys, a cake - all these shapes will do. Electronic options even show the amount. The gift will help you learn how to save and save your money.

  • Clothes, backpack, slippers in the form of an animal. Such a present will become a favorite home costume and help you stand out among friends.
  • Soap making set. It will help to show the creative side of the child and make soap for himself.
  • Company games."Biting Shark", "Twister" will allow you to have fun and absolutely everyone will like it.
  • Alarm clock "Bomb". The device in the form of a bomb will help you wake up cheerfully in the morning. It also serves as a piggy bank and just a toy.

  • Flying ball. An interesting toy that is sure to attract the attention of a child. The resemblance of a UFO flies using an electromagnetic field and reacts to various obstacles, avoiding them.
  • Antistress toy. Spinners, toys filled with balls, slimes, jumpers will help you relax and calm down.
  • Led shoelaces, reflectors will become bright and original accessories, especially since it is a good helper at night, which will ensure safety.

1. Real microscope or binoculars
Many children's stores have a good selection of microscopes and binoculars in the educational section, which are designed specifically for children, but with serious functionality. Here you can also find tool kits for scouts and doctors.

2. Big exciting puzzle
For a child who likes to collect puzzles, you can purchase a large puzzle of 1000 or more pieces. Together you can assemble the picture, and place the result under glass, insert it into a frame and hang the resulting picture on the wall.

3. Constructor or railway
Today in stores there is a huge selection of design models from various materials (these can be models of houses, cars, airplanes, helicopters, steamships, railways, etc.). You can also buy a Lego constructor, many kids love to collect them!

4. Children's board game
Today's popular board games for children help develop the thinking and horizons of the child. Do not buy a game that is too confusing, pay attention to the recommended age indicated on the package. Having dealt with the rules together, you can invite all the guests to play.

5. Sports bike, roller skates, skateboard, real leather ball, etc.
For an active child, the best gift would be a sports product related to any kind of sport that the child is fond of. It can be a bicycle, roller skates, a skateboard, a scooter, hockey or figure skates, a real leather ball, skis, a snowboard and new sports equipment.