A written report on the features of the developing subject-spatial environment of a group room, playground, shade canopy. Creating a subject-development environment at the kindergarten site

Shtepa Raisa Alekseevna

Question of organization subject-development environment The preschool educational institution currently stands especially relevant. This is due to the introduction of a new Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) to the structure of basic general education programs preschool education.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard program should be built taking into account age capabilities and characteristics of pupils, also a necessary condition for its functioning is to provide conditions for the effective development of the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, and level of activity.

Need to enrich environment elements, stimulating cognitive, emotional, motor activity of children.

In his group, I organize the subject-development environment in this way so that every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love. Equipment in group placed by sectors (centers development, which allows children to unite subgroups based on common interests: design, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and play activities, experimentation. Mandatory equipment includes materials that activate cognitive activity: educational games, technical devices and toys, models, items for experimental research activities, robots - magnets, magnifying glasses, springs, scales, beakers, etc.; big choice natural materials for studying, experimenting, and compiling collections.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education subject environment in our group and on the site both bakes:

Maximum realization of educational potential;

Availability of the environment, which is the assumption no: accessibility for students to all premises of the organization where the educational process is carried out;

Free access for pupils to games, toys, materials, benefits, providing all main types of activities.

All centers development environment in our group are interconnected and united by tasks implemented in the updated program edited by M. A. Vasilyeva:

Satisfy the baby's need for movement;

Form a positive emotional attitude;

Encourage children to speak actively.

When designing substantively– in the developmental environment, I take into account the principles of gender and age differences in children. IN objects were selected for the group, emphasizing the gender identity of preschoolers. For example, outfits, role-playing games: "Family", "Salon", "Housewives" for girls.

For boys "Car service", "Design department" and etc.

When organizing subject-development environment in its age group I also take into account the principle of emotional intensity. IN group has"Creativity Corner", where visual and auxiliary material for artistic design, fine arts, modeling and three-dimensional drawing is located, paper plastic, applications.

- “Hello, book!”- center of the book; It contains small libraries techies: books for reading to children, illustrations for works, thematic albums, speech material, speech games, magazines. Albums with family photos children groups, temporary thematic photo exhibitions, promoting development various aesthetic children's ideas, as well as children's drawings and illustrations.

- "We are athletes"- center physical culture; Physical education equipment (hoops, jump ropes, balls, ring throws, skittles, equipment for elements) is collected on the rack sports games, which allows children to practice various movements, train muscles, develop dexterity, accuracy.

Study corner. Includes magnetic and chalk boards, typesetting canvases, a variety of visual, handout, and counting materials. All material is selected taking into account the age of children, for independent use, and for practicing the material covered.

"We are environmentalists"- nature center; Wednesday is unthinkable without natural content, which is the most important means of environmental, aesthetic, moral, mental education and spiritual child development. IN groups have plants. On territory of preschool educational institution-garden, flower beds.

This center intended for development ecological culture children, acquaintance with natural and climatic features of the Krasnodar region.

In the center of "Traffic" are:Layout "Traffic"/ Set of cars. Motorcycles. Didactic games: «

Road signs", "The ABCs of Security" Set of plot pictures "Rules and safety traffic for preschoolers" Posters “Children about traffic rules”. I think that the creation of a security center in group helps children familiarize themselves with the rules and norms of safe behavior, and the formation of healthy lifestyle values.

Also in our group a didactic game center was created. It includes games on development fine motor skills hands, a variety of didactic, board and printed games. I believe that the center of didactic play instills in children the need to occupy their own free time not only interesting, but also games that require mental stress and intellectual effort.

In moral - patriotic center placed state symbols native land, and Russia. It contains benefits, reflecting the multinationality of our Motherland, examples of folk arts and crafts, etc. The corner of the native land includes fiction on local history, album designed "Moscow is capital of Russia", "My Kuban".

Conducted great job by design plots preschool.

Our plots decorated in a fairytale style: "Near Lukomorye there is a green oak", "Kolobok", "Visiting Baba Yaga", "The Tale of the Tsar Sultan". These fairy tales create a unique flavor and delight the eyes of both children, parents, and visitors to the preschool institution.

Mine plot we designed it based on Russian - folk tale "Teremok", we also created a corner "Swan Lake", "In the meadow".

Every corner of our area The interior is unique, I made a lot of efforts to make the second home of my students cozy and aesthetically pleasing.

On area there is a flower bed with different colors, whom together with our wards we look after every day.

Nature leaves a deep imprint on a child’s soul, influencing his feelings with its brightness, diversity, and dynamism. On walk With children, I try to complement and enrich their knowledge, teach children to love and take care of nature, their native places, their homeland.

Thus, subject-spatial environment in my group, on area creates an atmosphere of interest for each student, accompanies him in his own development, self-actualization and self-realization.

The article presents photographs of the subject-developmental environment of the territory of the MBDOU “Kindergarten of a combined type No. 12” in Kursk.

The topic of the organization developing subject- spatial environment preschool educational institution in modern conditions especially relevant. This is due to the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for preschool education. Teachers of preschool institutions are experiencing increased interest in updating subject developmental preschool environment.

The most important role in organizing educational activities with children in summer period plays developing subject environment in the territory kindergarten , since children spend most of their time outdoors. The developing subject-spatial environment on the territory of our preschool institution is organized so that every child has the opportunity to freely do what he loves.

We always remember that the environment surrounding children should perform educational, developmental, nurturing, stimulating, organizational, communicative functions; it should work to develop the child’s independence and initiative. In our small territory, we tried to organize everything in such a way as to use every corner, ensure flexible and variable use of space, integration educational areas, given the leading role play activity. Almost the entire territory of the kindergarten becomes the basis for organizing an exciting, meaningful life, is the main means of shaping the child’s personality, the source of his knowledge and social experience.

Our know-how has become themed walking verandas. Play, cognitive development, socialization, and safety are all concentrated here. The thematic veranda, on which several play areas are equipped at once ("Mini-market", "Medical office", "Apartment"), is of constant interest to children.


Medical office.


Here children learn independence, proper communication, in fact, they learn how to behave in this or that life situation, get acquainted with everyday wisdom, which contributes to the early socialization of preschool children.

On one of the walking areas we have an improvised weather station with a thermometer, barometer, sundial and even a dosimeter.

Weather station.

There is also a thematic veranda “Reserved Corner”, illustrating the uniqueness of the flora and fauna of the Kursk region.

Reserved corner.

The walking veranda “Village Room” allows you to game form introduce preschoolers to the history, culture and way of life of our ancestors.

Themed veranda.

Every year the verandas are modernized, their contents are adjusted in accordance with the age, interests and needs of the children.

Through the joint efforts of kindergarten staff and parents of pupils, an educational and play area was created on the territory of the preschool educational institution, where on the forest edge you can see figures of wild animals of the Kursk region in life size, play in the “Glade of Insects”, walk along the shore of an impromptu pond.

"At the edge of the forest."

"Meadow of insects."

There is also a motor town on the territory of the preschool educational institution with pedestrian crossings, traffic signs and a traffic light.


Traffic police post.

Environmental Police Corner.

Fairytale corner "Visiting Masha and the Bear."

House of creativity.

"Rural farmstead".

"Beach photo studio."

Chess corner.

Emotional richness is an integral feature of the developmental environment of the kindergarten territory. Non-standard design of plots and surrounding areas, original design The flower beds delight everyone with their multicolor and variety.

Something that is attractive, funny, interesting, bright, expressive, arouses curiosity and is quite easy to remember. Observations with children of aesthetically designed compositions made from natural and waste materials, plants and flowers allow teachers to solve problems in forming ideas about the simplest relationships in living and inanimate nature, instilling respect for the work of adults.

The role of an adult is to correctly model an environment that promotes maximum development of the child’s personality and makes it possible to simultaneously involve both individual pupils and all children in the group in active communicative-speech, cognitive-creative and motor activities. The joint efforts of teachers and parents of our preschool institution are aimed at solving this problem.

  • Bodrova M.A., head of the MBDOU “Combined Kindergarten No. 12” in Kursk;
  • Tretyakova L.L., Deputy Head of Internal Affairs.

ON A NOTE. Educational games and toys at low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten" - detsad-shop.ru

Arapova Natalya Olegovna,


MADOU d/s No. 176 of the city of Tyumen

Children are taught every minute, and with the arrival of summer, educational activities are transferred to the site. Everyone is present on our site the necessary conditions to ensure different areas of children’s development: gaming, motor, intellectual, independent activity.

The subject-developmental environment of the site that we have created allows us to ensure maximum psychological comfort for each child, to create opportunities for the exercise of his right to freely choose the type of activity, the degree of participation in it, the ways of its implementation and interaction with others.

At the same time, such a subject environment makes it possible to solve specific educational problems, involving children in the process of cognition and mastering skills and abilities, developing their curiosity, creativity, and communication abilities.

The design of the kindergarten site gives our students the opportunity to observe, explore, conduct experiments, work, and then in a theatrical, musical visual arts reflect your impressions of the interaction.

When entering our site, you find yourself in the atmosphere of an underwater kingdom; our veranda is a multifunctional structure, first of all, it is a shady space, which is necessary on hot summer days, as well as shelter from the rain. Undersea world helps to consolidate children's knowledge of colors and the development of imagination.

The veranda is equipped with boards for drawing with chalk, which contributes to the development of artistic and aesthetic perception.

And for drawing with pencils and wax crayons, there is a comfortable table with benches on the site.

Also, numbers and balls are depicted on the walls of the veranda, which helps to consolidate mathematical counting and identify the number of objects with a numerical image.

With the help of rings attached to the wall, as well as external material, children develop their physical skills. For cognitive development There is an experimentation table in the area, made by the parents of the group, which opens up a variety of possibilities for the children.

There is also a large sandbox with wet sand for playing with sand. Additionally, there is an inflatable pool on site for playing with water.

After “landing” we find ourselves in a completely different world, it is full of bright colors and populated fairy tale characters that contribute to the social and communicative development of children.

For development labor activity there is a vegetable garden and flower beds on the site, which also contribute to the development cognitive interest, environmental knowledge, observations and inferences of children.

To ensure hygiene, there is a washbasin in the area, which allows children to wash their hands or wash themselves at any time necessary.

When creating a subject-development environment in our area, I was guided by the following principles:

1. The principle of hygiene and protection of life and health (strength of buildings, flexibility of materials, the ability to process them, absence of piercing, cutting elements, etc.);

2. The principle of accessibility, i.e. objects of the developmental environment should be available to children for active use;

3. Principles comprehensive development, i.e. the environment should harmonize the child’s personality, contribute to his aesthetic, physical, labor, moral, mental, environmental education and development;

4. The principle of consistency, i.e. the developing environment should contribute to the formation of systematic ideas about the objective, natural, and social world;

5. The principle of taking into account the individual and age-related characteristics of the child’s development;

6. The principle of variability (multifunctionality), which consists in a variety of options for using objects in the developmental environment of areas, playgrounds, corners and the entire territory of the kindergarten.

We invite preschool teachers Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
- Teaching experience, author's programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 16 of the village of Gubskaya municipal formation Mostovsky district teacher Svetlana Aleksandrovna Motorkina.

One of the most important conditions educational work - proper organization spatial environment.

By object-spatial environment I mean a natural, comfortable, cozy environment, rationally organized, with a variety of playing materials. Such an environment allows you to simultaneously turn on active cognitive activity all children in the group. The developing subject-spatial environment in our group is rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

Green tone of the walls group room creates a feeling of light, air and cleanliness of the room. The furniture is selected in a warm color scheme. It is mobile and easily transformable, allowing you to change the interior as needed. All this creates a favorable psychological environment and a positive emotional mood.

The group room is conventionally divided into functional zones, smoothly transitioning into one another. All material is selected pedagogically appropriate.

The development center is represented by a toy library, which contains game materials, promoting speech, cognitive and mathematical development children. These are didactic, educational and logical-mathematical games aimed at developing the logical action of comparison, logical operations of classification, recognition by description, reconstruction, transformation; orientation according to the diagram ("Make a whole from parts" , "Lay out according to pattern" , "Find identical objects" etc.), to follow and alternate (“What first, what then?” ) . To develop game logic

"Rectangles" , "Cubes for everyone" . Children have access to printed board games and lotto.

Center story game allows children to constantly gain experience in independent and creative activity. It is represented by dolls of different sizes, sets of furniture, dishes, toys - objects household appliances, various different types transport, For role-playing games "At the doctor" , "Salon" , "Shop" robes are sewn.

The design center is represented by a variety of materials with complex shapes of parts, different ways fastenings made from various materials, different types of constructors. Enriched with diagrams and building plans, small toys for playing or constructing according to given conditions.

The creativity center helps children express their creativity and gives them the opportunity to experience the pleasure of learning new materials. Here we have collected coloring books, printables, didactic games ("Connect the dots" , "Trace the outline" , a variety of paints, paper, crayons, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, materials for gaining experience, using unconventional ways in visual arts: drawing without a brush or pencil, blotography with a tube, object stencil printing, plasticineography, which are constantly being expanded. The creativity center is combined with the book center, where children are offered books by various authors in accordance with their age; New books are periodically displayed in accordance with the age of the children, the program, seasonal changes, themed holidays. There are portraits of children's writers, poets, plot pictures, book illustrations with the sequence of the fairy tale plot.

Music center matches age characteristics and the needs of children 3-4 summer age. It is presented musical instruments– maracas, bells, bells, non-traditional musical instruments made independently and together with children.

Center for theatrical activities, where children are offered different kinds theaters - tabletop (theater of toys, pictures, knitted), masks and caps for dramatization games, a card index of fairy tales for display on flannelgraph.

The Center for the Study of the Native Land reflects one of the main directions of the personality of preschoolers: it contributes to the formation patriotic feelings, introduces the symbols of our country and region. Here are files of didactic and Kuban folk games, albums "My favorite village" , "My family" . I created educational games "Assemble the whole from the parts" , “It’s possible or it’s not possible” .

At the experimentation center, we conduct simple experiments, develop children’s thinking, curiosity, cognitive activity, we enrich children’s ideas about the diversity of the man-made and miraculous world. The corner is equipped with kits for experimenting with water and sand. The center is integrated with the nature center. It contains plants in accordance with the Program and SanPiN. There are means to care for them: a watering can, a sprayer, aprons, rags, spatulas. A wide variety of visual and didactic aids: nature calendar, printed board games, dummies of fruits and vegetables, animal toys, albums "Birds" ,

"Garden Flowers" , a variety of natural materials. Collections of shells are decorated. Here children can show their Creative skills, creating interesting crafts from natural material. All this helps us to cultivate love and careful attitude to nature, introducing children to caring for plants, forming the beginning of an ecological culture, which is an important direction in the development of preschool children.

The physical education center is located in such a way that the child can find something for himself throughout the day. exciting activity. IN physical education corner there are developed and made by us massage mats for the prevention of flat feet, skittles; balls and balls of different diameters, hoops, long and short jump ropes and cord, rings, flags.

There is an information corner for parents in the dressing room "For you, parents" , where the gaming grid is located educational situations and classes, information about the group’s working hours, about events held in kindergarten. A creativity corner has been organized where creative works pupils. Photo exhibitions are periodically arranged in the dressing room « Summer rest» , "How we live!" etc., and information for parents is also regularly posted.

Developmental subject environment on site

I also consider it important in my work to create a developmental environment on the playground that promotes:

  • full health of children in favorable climatic conditions
  • continuing work to instill in children the habit of healthy image life
  • consolidation of skills and knowledge within the framework of cognitive, aesthetic development.

Subject environment of our playground includes: shade canopy; sports ground; marked track for jogging; flower garden, vegetable garden.

There is a center for role-playing games; game attributes for role-playing games have been developed, made together with children.

Equipment for playgrounds with sand includes: a sandbox with moistened sand collected in a slide; scoops, molds, buckets, flat toys: houses, trees, people, animals, voluminous toys, cars, etc.; containers for playing with water.

For playing with water we use basins, rubber toys, floating toys, crafts made from paper, waste and natural materials. Special baskets and boxes were prepared for take-out material. Toys need to be washed after a walk, so there are containers for washing toys, which complies with SanPiN.

Working outside involves individual work with children, so on the veranda, in the shade, there are tables for children to do independently:

  • children communicating with books
  • drawing, sculpting, working with natural materials
  • board games
  • constructive games.

On the veranda there is equipment for sports games: ring throws, jump ropes, rings with nets for throwing balls into them, balls different sizes etc.

When creating a spatial environment, we tried to make it rich in information, which is ensured by a variety of topics, a variety of didactic and information material.

For the aesthetics of our site, we created bright crafts from waste material: the plot of the fairy tale is captured here "Swan geese" (from a car tire), "Three Bears" (made of plywood), models of cars, motorcycles (from a car tire). On hot summer days, children feel great in the shade walnut sitting around a table on wooden benches.

All components of the spatial environment are combined with each other in content, artistic design, and ensure meaningful communication between adults and children.

The main requirement for the educational environment in a preschool educational institution is to provide the child with the opportunity to freely choose activities in which he can independently gain knowledge about the world around him and develop his talents and abilities. And the role of the teacher is to observe and control this process and protect the child from harmful influences.

The concept formulated by Dr. psychological sciences S.L. Novoselova, and it is this concept that most specialists adhere to. She argues that a developing subject environment is a system of material objects of a child’s activity, which develops his spiritual and physical appearance and presupposes the unity of social and natural remedies providing a variety of activities for the child.

Lack of activity leads to limited opportunities and deprivation of the individual in the future. That is why activity is put in the first place in this concept. It forms the psyche through the child’s generalization of his personal experience, and the subject environment contributes to this.

What does the development environment consist of?

A complete subject-spatial developmental environment in kindergarten according to the Federal State Educational Standard consists of:

  • large play area;
  • a variety of gaming equipment;
  • a set of toys;
  • game paraphernalia;
  • various gaming materials.

In such an environment, a child must independently strive for activities that will develop his mental and creative abilities, imagination, communication skills, and shape his personality as a whole. To be developmental, the environment must meet all these requirements. The question of its organization is the task of the preschool educational institution, which is set by the new Federal State Educational Standard.

Components of the development environment

Analyzing the work of scientists, we can distinguish three components of the development environment. In this case, the subject-spatial component is given a central place.

  1. Social.

The main criteria for this component are:

  • good, cheerful mood;
  • respect for the teacher as the leader of the process;
  • friendly atmosphere that encourages joint activities children and encourages cooperation;
  • involvement of all subjects of the environment in the educational process.
  1. Spatial and subject.
  • The environment should be flexible so that both the child and the teacher can control it if necessary.
  • the child should be able to easily move from one activity to another and any of its types should be part of one holistic process;
  • The environment must be complex and complex, include many different elements that help the child develop and learn.
  1. Psychodidactic.

This component means such activities of teachers involved in the process of upbringing and education that will contribute to full development children.

Federal State Educational Standards requirements for a developmental subject-development environment

The Federal State Educational Standard contains many general formulations, but, in essence, it requires the full implementation of all components of the development environment. It is taken into account that play is still the main form of child activity.

Federal State Educational Standard requires enrichment educational environment all kinds of components that will stimulate cognitive and educational activities children. The accessibility of all these components and premises is very important. educational organization for every child.

The subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution, according to the Federal State Educational Standard, should be organized so that children can freely do what they like best. Equipment should be placed in sectors according to children's interests. In one place there are construction sets, in another there are sets for drawing, in the third there are sets for experimentation or manual labor.

A prerequisite is that the equipment includes large set materials that will stimulate the child to learn:

  • educational games;
  • simple technical devices and models;
  • magnifying glasses, magnets, scales and sets for conducting experiments;
  • natural materials that can be studied, collected in collections and with which experiments can be carried out.

The main problems in organizing a subject-development environment

There are two main reasons bad organization development environment. First— the use of an outdated approach, sometimes even from Soviet times. Second- understanding of the environment as a background, they say, the teacher must educate, and the environment is only a means.

This causes problems. Eg , lack of understanding of how the world of today's preschooler has changed. One cannot ignore such a popular phenomenon as the Lego constructor and the most popular transformers, not to mention various gadgets and computer games. The developing environment should be attractive to the child, he should feel comfortable in it.

Violation of integrity and lack of variety also reduces the preschooler’s interest in the environment, and can also increase fatigue and cause discomfort. This happens when the developmental environment consists of a set of unrelated corners or is strictly zoned, or if for some reason teachers place unreasonable emphasis on a certain type of activity (for example, drawing or local history), or when the space is oversaturated with outdated or monotonous toys and other materials.

How to create a developmental environment in a preschool educational institution?

When creating a developmental environment in a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard, you need to understand what tasks it must solve. The main one among them will be to increase the child’s independence and initiative. To do this, the environment must be comfortable for all its participants and satisfy their interests and needs. It is equally important for the environment to have a place for the education of children, their upbringing and the development of social abilities.

When creating a developmental environment, it is necessary to take into account what it consists of, and what main components it should contain, what state standards require, and what mistakes should be avoided.

The following five principles only complement the basic principles discussed above.

  1. The principle of constant change in the environment. Both the environment and the actual content must be constantly updated. The environment must be flexible and responsive to children's changing needs depending on current needs or depending on age.
  2. The principle of “eye to eye” communication. It is important to use a variety of furniture and arrange it in such a way as to simplify and make communication between children and adults easier and more comfortable. This equalizes the positions of all participants and helps to get closer.
  3. The principle of space diversity. The child should have the opportunity, depending on his mood or desire, to change the type of activity, to change activity to relaxation. There should be plenty of space and it should be easily accessible. Children need the opportunity to do different things at the same time without disturbing each other.
  4. gender principle. The developmental environment must contain materials that take into account all the characteristics of children. Some of them should be designed to give boys an idea of ​​masculinity and girls an idea of ​​femininity.
  5. aesthetic principle. Most information is perceived by a person visually. Therefore, it is important that all the variety of environmental elements be harmoniously combined with each other, and that the decor creates an atmosphere of lightness and does not “pressure” on children.