English speaking kindergarten. Kindergarten with English language learning. The best bilingual kindergartens: how they differ from ordinary ones

The English kindergarten is gradually becoming fashionable. It is considered prestigious if a child speaks several languages ​​fluently, and parents are ready to put a lot of effort into this. We offer you a catalog of English kindergartens in Moscow.

What it is?

Today, services for learning English can be found in any kindergarten for every taste and at different prices. There are several approaches to learning a foreign language, based on modern popular methods.

Foreign language learning in kindergarten takes place through games and communication. If from the first days your child was asked to study the alphabet, you should doubt the professionalism of such a teacher and knowledge of the psychology of preschoolers. At a young age, children learn English through spoken language: poems, sayings, but this is only an element of learning that helps enrich their vocabulary. It is important to communicate, and the kindergarten tries to provide the child with this opportunity.

Today there are many foreign and Russian original programs for teaching English to preschoolers. Their peculiarity is the ease of learning. To do this, they not only conduct scheduled lessons with children, but also allow them to watch English cartoons, puppet shows, conduct thematic and didactic games, and speak a foreign language during their leisure time. The child is in a constant linguistic environment, and gradually, involuntarily, begins to speak on his own.

Kindergartens offer foreign language services in three formats:

  • Additional foreign language classes several times a week. These are separate English lessons that introduce children to certain words and expressions, allow them to improve pronunciation, but do not provide constant communication and immersion in the language environment. The cost of classes is 300 rubles.
  • English kindergartens, where teachers speak English, teach classes, provide immersion in a language environment, but are not native speakers.
  • Bilingual and trilingual kindergartens, where teaching is conducted by both native speakers and Russian-speaking teachers. This is the optimal form of learning, as it allows children to perceive correct foreign speech and communicate as much as possible in a foreign language.

The cost of kindergarten services will depend on several factors:

  • programs used in the learning process;
  • level of teachers and educators;
  • nutrition;
  • the time the child spends in the kindergarten;
  • proximity to the metro.

A kindergarten where classes are taught by native speakers will cost much more: here the price reaches and sometimes exceeds 100 thousand rubles per month. If Russian teachers teach English in a kindergarten, you can get by with an average cost of 50 thousand rubles, but the final price is set by the director in a personal conversation with parents.

Is early language development necessary?

Many parents face a difficult choice: whether to send their child to an English preschool. Will earlier acquaintance with foreign speech and culture harm the baby and his development of speech in his native language?

Practice shows that by the age of 7 such children can communicate freely in a foreign language at the everyday level and do not feel psychological discomfort. As adults and exposed to a foreign environment, they learn the language much faster.

Perhaps your child will actually need a skill acquired in childhood. However, after kindergarten, his parents are faced with the task of keeping him, because at school he will have to be “like everyone else.” To do this, you can enroll your child in an English language school, study with university teachers, etc.

The only contraindication to early learning a foreign language is problems with pronunciation and understanding of words in your native language. In this case, classes with a speech therapist will be more relevant.

Kindergartens with native speaking teachers

Today, most kindergartens with an English bias are trying to invite native speakers to work. The majority of kindergartens are like this. Here are some of the most popular ones.

Britannia School

It is possible to get an affordable English education according to the Early Years Foundation Stage in the north-west of Moscow at Britannia School.

Here, native speakers work as educators along with assistants who speak Russian and English. The approved English program involves learning in a playful way, which encourages the child to communicate and awakens interest in knowledge, and gentle adaptation does not traumatize the child’s psychological state. The English Garden Britannia has a spacious area (2600 m2) with areas and roads where you can ride scooters and bicycles.

The two-story building itself has everything for exciting activities:

  1. touch board,
  2. special water baths and sandbox containers,
  3. a reading corner and an area for modeling and themed games.

The classrooms are designed very interestingly. On the walls are city outlines representing each of the administrative divisions of the United Kingdom: Belfast, Cardiff, Edinburgh and York.

Studying at the Britannia School is a complete immersion in an English-speaking environment from 49,000 rubles!

In addition to the main activities on weekdays, there are Saturday clubs, a mother and child group, a summer day camp (July-August 2017), cooking, football and more. You can find out more about the garden through:


This is a kindergarten with an English bias, the program of which is designed for preschoolers from one and a half to seven years old. Child development occurs in a bilingual environment. Teaching is conducted by native speakers. The training also includes the following subjects:

  • gymnastics;
  • choreography;
  • chess;
  • music;
  • speech development and others.

Studying subjects alternates with eating, sleeping and walking in the fresh air. Reviews about the kindergarten are mostly positive. Teachers provide an individual approach to each child, paying attention to everyone. The cost of services is 70-80 thousand per month. The videos on the site will give you information about how learning works and how children spend their day. The private kindergarten is located in the Krasnogorovsky district of Moscow.

"Petit Craf"

This is a private kindergarten where classes are held in three languages. Training in any language is carried out by native speakers, so that the child immediately perceives correct speech, without an accent.

The work program with in-depth language learning involves bringing together children who speak different languages. The result is a natural multilingual environment. In the process of playing, children learn to overcome obstacles, deal with difficulties and at the same time learn about the world around them. There is a club at the kindergarten where children can develop their abilities.

Classes are held for children from 2 to 7 years old. The cost of training is about 50-100 thousand rubles per month, depending on the group and age of the child. The private kindergarten also offers classes in linguistic courses: Spanish, Russian, English and French.

There are 4 Petit Craf centers in Moscow:

  • Moscow, Afanasyevsky lane, 41;
  • Moscow, Novorizhskoe highway, 50B;
  • Moscow, Trekhgorny lane, 4, building 2;
  • Moscow, Sirenevy Boulevard, 9a.

Reviews about the institution are positive. Parents are satisfied with the attitude towards children and the level of teaching. In the video you can see how children spend their day in kindergarten.

Sun School

This is a private kindergarten, where teaching takes place in English and is taught by native speakers in accordance with the Cambridge curriculum. Classes at Sun School are conducted in such a way that the child can deal with life’s difficulties and learn to find a common language with peers.

Although education at Sun School is closely related to the English language, classes do not neglect the development of artistic and musical abilities.

The main motto of the Sun School preschool institution is three principles:

  • intellectual skills;
  • health;
  • socialization.

Learning languages ​​and developing abilities at Sun School is impossible without good health and physical improvement, therefore, in the kindergarten, much attention is paid to medical examination and physical education.

The kindergarten accepts children from one and a half to seven years old. The cost of services at Sun School is about 70-100 thousand, depending on the group and length of stay. The kindergarten has many representative offices in Moscow and the region.

In modern conditions, a person who speaks one language is initially placed in worse conditions than a bilingual, and even more so a polyglot. All other things being equal, his chances of occupying a highly paid vacancy are much lower, especially if we are talking about a company with active international activities. It is generally better to remain silent about career prospects: to be promoted to a high position, knowledge of languages ​​is usually necessary.

Bilingual kindergartens initially prepare children for living in a multilingual environment. At a tender age, children learn active vocabulary and commonly used grammatical structures much better than schoolchildren, and even more so, adults. Subsequently, the English kindergarten graduate is far ahead of his classmates in terms of linguistic achievements. In addition, early learning of foreign languages ​​has a positive effect on the overall development of the child.

The best bilingual kindergartens: how they differ from ordinary ones

Almost every kindergarten in Moscow, municipal or private, offers students clubs to study foreign languages, but this does not make them bilingual. True bilingualism occurs when a child is able to communicate in two languages ​​almost equally, for example, switches from Russian to English freely, depending on the speech of the interlocutor.

A foreign language club is necessary and useful, but it does not fully solve the problem of acquiring communication skills.

The signs of bilingual kindergartens are:

  • availability of native-speaking teachers who also speak Russian;
  • special development programs, usually the use of the method of immersion in a foreign language environment;
  • special contingent of pupils: many children from international and foreign-language families.

When choosing an English kindergarten (or other bilingual preschool), you should pay attention not only to the main area of ​​activity, but also other parameters: schedule of stay, availability of additional options, catering, and so on.

Based on feedback from parents and independent teachers, we have created an impromptu TOP of the best kindergartens whose programs are aimed at developing bilingualism skills.

KidsEstate – bilingual kindergarten

Magic Castle International School

Magic Castle International School has been in existence for more than 10 years. All 3 of our kindergartens in Moscow operate under the international program National Curriculum for England, and we guarantee that after our kindergarten the child will be able to continue studying under the international program in Russia or abroad in a group of children of his age. Experienced native speaking teachers find an individual approach to each child.

We are proud of the atmosphere that reigns at Magic Castle. Our team of professionals manages to create a comfortable and friendly environment in which every child feels happy. Love and care are the fundamental principles of work at Magic Castle International School.

We believe that immersion in a language environment is the most effective and natural method of learning. We speak only English throughout the day. Children from different countries study in groups and thanks to communication in the same language, children can play and explore the world together.

We understand how important it is to let your child try as many activities as possible - creative, sports, intellectual. Every child is talented and our task is to give him the opportunity to reveal his talent. Every day at the Magic castle is filled with amazing discoveries.

Children inspire us to constantly develop - we add new additional classes, implement new programs and directions. An after-school program for schoolchildren in English, a summer camp at sea, a city summer camp for schoolchildren, a huge selection of activities for mothers and children, interesting excursions, learning more than 6 foreign languages ​​with native teachers - these are just a small part of our projects. With Magic Castle International School you can be sure of the quality of your child’s education and leisure time!

Cooperation School and its bilingual kindergarten

One of the best English kindergartens operates at the School of Cooperation, where a unique “English Theater” program is implemented. In this wonderful place there is the Pushkin Garden, a corner of Germany, France, Ancient Hellas and, of course, Great Britain, but no matter what wonderful “country” we are talking about, they speak English everywhere! The children were given a real theater where they act as both actors and directors.

A theatrical area with an almost “real” stage and a set of props is available in almost every group. Children actively use the theater corners on their own, trying themselves in the roles of heroes of various works, and experienced teachers (native speakers, of course) help the children in staging real musicals. Studying in the kindergarten of the Cooperation School is an exciting journey around the world with a theatrical and linguistic twist!

P’titCREF: learning three languages ​​at once!

P’titCREF is one of the few kindergartens that offers three languages ​​at once: Russian, English, French. Children just play, tedious cramming is completely absent: foreign languages ​​are acquired organically.

P'titCREF has many children from bilingual families. Some of them don't speak Russian at all. The methodology is based on uniting multilingual children into a single group: the kids will always be able to agree. They do not notice the hardships of learning at all, and the program also includes other subjects: reading, writing, arithmetic, logic, and fundamental preparation for school. Creative and sports activities are not forgotten, since, according to P’titCREF teachers, every child should have every opportunity to develop their abilities. And for kids, whether they have two or three languages ​​is completely indifferent; they have no fear of making mistakes, so children learn with joy.

There are currently four kindergartens of the P’titCREF system open in Moscow. Children over two years of age are accepted. The children are divided into groups of 8-12 people, according to age.

Baby-Bilingual Club – one of the best English kindergartens

The extensive structure of the Baby-Bilingual Club includes three bilingual kindergartens, working according to the well-proven method of immersion in a linguistic environment. Boring classes, desks and thick textbooks are not about the Baby-Bilingual Club: it’s always fun there, they sing songs, put on theatrical skits, read and discuss fairy tales. And all this in English!

This English kindergarten is particularly proud of its unique teaching staff. The Baby-Bilingual Club employs exclusively native English speakers who are early childhood development professionals. All of them have at least 5 years of experience and excellent recommendations from past jobs.

In addition to fun and useful activities aimed at developing communication skills, children are offered a lot of other interesting activities: making crafts, an extravaganza of board and active games, theatrical performances, and a choreographic studio. Teachers, students and their parents celebrate many holidays together, often in the fresh air. During the summer months, a language camp is organized at the club’s base in the Hermitage Garden.

Bilingual kindergarten MILC

MILC operates two bilingual kindergartens, where the well-proven “fifty/fifty” system is successfully implemented. That is, until the middle of the day, children study in English and use it in everyday life, in the afternoon - in Russian. Classes are taught by native speakers who are also early childhood development professionals. That is: we went over the topic in English, then in Russian and vice versa. This system greatly contributes to consolidating knowledge in full and expanding active vocabulary.

Staying in these kindergartens has a lot of additional advantages: for example, activities in the sensory room contribute to the development of fine motor skills and enrichment of the palette of tactile sensations. And the salt cave will become a natural hospital for children with various allergic reactions and will help strengthen the immune system.

English Nursery & Primary School: English kindergarten and primary school

The system includes five kindergartens and a primary school. The teachers are specially drawn from the UK and have extensive experience working with foreign-language children.

Before entering kindergarten, each little applicant undergoes a mini-test, the purpose of which is to determine the optimal adaptation scheme to the English-speaking environment. The kindergarten practices the use of the English system of preschool education, approved for kindergartens in the UK (the official Russian program is additional). Children are given the opportunity to learn a third language, attend sports clubs and a variety of creative studios.

Fly High Kids Academy: every child is unique!

Future citizens of the world must comprehend not only the authentic features of cultures, but also their similarities and become accustomed to the awareness of their unity. It is precisely life in the international world and free communication with representatives of different nations that is taught at the Children's Academy of Aerobatics.

The kindergarten accepts children from the age of one and a half years, but classes in bilingual groups begin only at 3.5. Groups are formed on an international basis: children from different countries learn to interact while playing and resolving everyday situations. The process is led by native speaking teachers. There is a daily routine, organized classes too, but the children are allowed to fool around and try themselves in all areas of activity.

HappyBee Kindergarten: Montessori system in action

The HappyBee bilingual kindergarten implements the Montessori system, which means that students are given maximum freedom of action. Classes are taught by native English speakers, but they do not mentor the child towards a given goal, but gently guide him in accordance with the individual program.

The child himself chooses the type of activity (practical, educational, creative, etc.), and English-speaking teachers help him improve. All Montessori manuals involve learning through interaction, through play and communication. The children learn not only English, but also Russian, mathematics, natural sciences, and develop creative abilities in music and fine arts.

The daily routine is as free as possible; there is no mandatory quiet time. Children are accepted from 1.5 years old, full-time - from 2.5 years old.

“World of Wonders”: bilingual kindergarten-lyceum

The main thing in the activities of the “World of Wonders” is the development of the child’s natural thinking: everything is done to ensure that the child is independent of stereotypes. Children are taught to think and analyze their own actions, which helps them become leaders in the future.

“World of Wonders” educates potential leaders: in addition to English lessons with native speakers, children are offered to study the basics of etiquette and general education disciplines. There are creative studios (including a theater group), and sports activities are organized. There is a psychologist working at the kindergarten; you can additionally study a third language, French.

ABC KIDS Preschool: English kindergarten of the British format

The ABC KIDS Preschool garden implements the British preschool education program in synthesis with educational programs developed in Oxford. Each group of 10-12 people is supported not only by a native speaker teacher, but also by a bilingual assistant, whose main task is the organic integration of the child into the English-speaking environment. There are only 4 groups in the garden, enrollment is carried out throughout the year.

The garden is located on Vernadsky Avenue, in an elite complex, so the pupils have at their disposal numerous sports and children's playgrounds, a lovely park with a pond and even a small zoo!

Bilingual kindergarten and language kindergarten are completely different concepts. I am studying information about kindergartens in Moscow with English, pay special attention to the number of play activities in English in the kindergarten program, the natural language environment will also be important.

  • If a language kindergarten with a native speaker offers several hours of play with the involvement of an English-speaking teacher, this is not enough to call such a kindergarten bilingual. In this case, such a kindergarten should belong to the category of Russian-language kindergartens with English instruction.
  • If a native speaker is present in kindergarten on a permanent basis, i.e. During the entire stay of children in a language kindergarten, the language environment, or rather, the social need for a foreign language, is truly formed.

Cost of English kindergarten

It is also worth remembering that a bilingual kindergarten, in which your child can gain the ability to communicate in two languages ​​at once, as in their native languages, cannot be cheap. The cost of a place in a language kindergarten includes many aspects that are costly for the owners of such institutions, ranging from comfortable conditions for accommodating children to expensive teachers and other specialists.

How to choose a kindergarten that teaches English

Make the right choice of English kindergarten with KidsRate! In expert reviews about English kindergartens you can find information:

  • does a particular kindergarten work with native English speakers or only with Russian teachers,
  • do children from other countries attend this kindergarten, or is the environment in the kindergarten still Russian-speaking?

The expert asks a large number of questions to the heads of language kindergartens about the children’s living conditions, nutrition, daily routine and much more. Find the best bilingual kindergarten for your child with the help of the experts at KidsRate.

In order for your child to learn to speak English as if he was born and lived exclusively in the UK, you do not have to send him there. Highly qualified teachers - native speakers - themselves came to the capital to teach your child. All you have to do is choose the right kindergarten.

Training program Discovery kindergarten on Krupskaya street successfully combines two educational directions: the basic British early development program Early Years Foundation Stage and the Russian program for preparing children for school using IntellectT technology. The EYFS program is used by all international kindergartens with British education. It is designed for children from the age of three until school (in the UK, children go to first grade at the age of 5, which corresponds to Year 1 in the EYFS program). Children easily and effectively gain bilingual abilities through play. This means that they can express their thoughts in English, calmly perceive English speech and can continue their education at any international school in Russia or abroad. All teachers in kindergarten are not just native speakers, each of them is a certified teacher with 20 years of experience. The group consists of a teacher and 2 assistants, one of whom understands Russian.

The Presidential School's Intellect Technology program helps prepare children for admission to the best Russian educational institutions.

In addition to these two areas, Discovery kindergarten uses a unique international program MENAR (Mental Arithmetic) - a method of calculation using the human brain without the use of improvised means. In addition to mastering mental counting, this technique contributes to the overall mental development of the child.

Discovery educates children from 3 to 6 years old, who are divided by age categories into 4 groups (Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2). The kindergarten has a choreography class with a ballet barre and a piano class, as well as physical education classes, classes with a speech therapist and a psychologist. The groups are equipped with playrooms and bedrooms with comfortable beds, children go for a walk twice a day, the regime provides 5 meals a day (the garden has its own kitchen and all dishes are prepared here, preference is given to steaming).

Discovery kindergarten on Krupskaya street

English Nursery&Primary School- a network of kindergartens and schools where education is conducted in two language cultures at once: English and Russian. The network's schools are small branches of Great Britain with its traditional friendly atmosphere, unique British spirit and, of course, teachers who are not only native speakers of excellent English, but also experienced specialists in the field of pedagogy. In total, there are 6 ENS branches in Moscow and the Moscow region, where children aged 2 to 11 years are trained. The main program is the British Early Years Foundation Stage, which meets all modern requirements in child development.

ENS has its own kitchens, where the cooks prepare delicious, healthy, and varied dishes especially for kindergarten students, which the kids eat with pleasure. Just like healthy eating, naps are also respected here - all branches are equipped with bedrooms where children can relax after lunch.

For the little ones, ENS has a Baby Club - babies who have just turned one year old are welcome here. This academic year, three new branches have appeared in the ENS family: ENS Karamyshevskaya, ENS Mosfilm and ENS Novokhoroshevka. All three buildings have not only impeccable English style, but also huge areas with modern, safe areas for outdoor exercise. Among the extracurricular activities that the school offers are ballet, chess, yoga, football, piano and a second language.

English Nursery&Primary School

Britannia School- this is a real British kindergarten. Education here is conducted according to the official British preschool education program, Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The basis of EYFS is learning through play. All classes at Britannia School are taught in English by highly qualified British teachers - specialists in preschool education. The game-based learning format ensures effective immersion of the child in an English-speaking environment. Britannia School students usually begin to speak classical English after five to six months of study.

Britannia School is led by experienced British teacher Holly Roberts, who has devoted her entire career to preschool education and early childhood development. Previously, she successfully opened a preschool department at the International School of Moscow (ISM).

This British kindergarten is licensed by the Moscow Department of Education. Children from 1.5 to 7 years old study here. In addition to the main preschool educational program, Britannia School offers an English summer camp (July-August 2017), Saturday children's clubs, a mother and child group for the little ones and many other additional activities. All of them are conducted in English by native British teachers.

Britannia School is located in a separate building with its own fenced area, on which, in the shade of old trees, there are playgrounds. The kindergarten is located near the metro. There is parking. More information

Britannia School

IN private kindergarten and preschool development center P’titCREF Children from 2 to 7 years old of all nationalities are accepted. Classes in the garden are taught in three languages ​​(Russian, English and French) by native speaking teachers. The group brings together children who speak different languages, so they develop in a natural multilingual environment.

Children are divided into 5 age groups: toddlers - from 2 to 3 years; junior - from 3 to 4 years; middle - from 4 to 5 years; senior - from 5 to 6 years; preparation for school - from 6 to 7 years.

Educational activities for children are carried out in a playful way. For older children, study of various subjects (writing, reading, logic and mathematics), creative activities (music, art workshop (painting, drawing, sculpting), Russian folklore, yoga, dancing, theater and circus clubs, chess, cooking, studio of modern arts, ballet) and sports. In the older group (6-7 years old), classes are held to prepare children for school, with special attention paid to writing and reading in their native language. The P'titCREF program corresponds to the official pre-school programs in England, France and Russia.

Children sleep during the day if they wish, you can choose a convenient visiting option: until 12.15, until 16.30, until 18.00. There is an extended day group - until 19.00.

Kindergarten P'titCREF

Online MILC kindergartens based on the Moscow Innovative Language Center The educational and educational process is based on the “50/50” principle: half the day children speak, play and study in Russian, half the day in English. Accordingly, teachers during this half of the day are native speakers of the language in which teaching takes place. The content of English subjects is duplicated in the Russian-language part of the classes. There are a total of 3 kindergartens in the network, but the most “advanced” is located in New Riga; among other things, there is even a sensory room and a salt cave.

Full-day groups accept children from 2 to 6.5 years old.

Kindergarten MILC in New Riga