How to open a jewelry workshop from scratch. Jewelry store business plan: how to start a jewelry business

Until quite recently, jewelry was considered a luxury item, but nevertheless, you can hardly find families that do not have any jewelry. In our country, even despite financial problems, it is customary to buy jewelry, because in addition to their aesthetic function, they are a good investment. Therefore, a sufficient number of businessmen are interested in how to open a jewelry store from scratch. But it must be remembered that jewelry business requires a lot of capital investment.

Drawing up a business plan

In order to successfully build a future jewelry business empire, before opening a store, it is imperative to draw up a competent business plan for a jewelry store, or at least determine the main items of income and expenses.

So, to open a shop selling jewelry need to spend on the following:

  • commercial equipment from 500 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods for sale from 1500 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises from 50 thousand rubles per month;
  • renovation of the premises from 90 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary from 80 thousand rubles per month;
  • store security from 30 thousand rubles per month;
  • advertising from 20 thousand per month;
  • replenishment of the product range from 400 thousand rubles per month.

In total, the initial investment is quite solid and ranges from 2090 thousand rubles. And monthly expenses will be from 580 thousand rubles. Plus, you have to pay various taxes and fees.

As a rule, the markup on jewelry ranges from 150 to 250%, but considering discount cards and various sales, the average markup drops to 80-100%.

Given that the average check in a jewelry store is about 1.5 thousand rubles, the monthly revenue will be about 900 thousand. Taking into account the monthly costs, you will have to wait at least 12 months for payback. Given that the first months, while the store has not yet gained due fame, the monthly income may be less, which means that the payback should be expected no earlier than in 18 months.

Premises selection

One of the fundamental factors successful work jewelry store is the choice good place location. It is important to understand here that jewelry is not everyday goods and it makes no sense to sell them in a convenience store. Therefore, despite the high rent, the store must be located in the city center or in large shopping centers.

When choosing a location for a store, you should pay attention to the presence of nearby competitors. In such a business, it is better not to be located next to other stores selling jewelry.

Read also: What do you need to open a store

The room you choose should certainly be spacious, even if your assortment is small. This is to make customers feel comfortable. The trading floor should look “one hundred percent” both outside and inside.

When decorating the trading floor of a jewelry store, professionals advise using cold tones in the interior.

When decorating shop windows, you should take care of the winning presentation of each product. To do this, it is necessary that the windows are spacious enough and well lit. But at the same time, it is important to remember that from bright light, the quality of precious stones deteriorates - they burn out.

Required Documentation

For the legitimate trade in jewelry, a fairly large number of documents must be issued. Naturally, you need to start with the registration of the form of ownership of the future company. Since the jewelry trade is not a very simple business, it is better to register not an individual entrepreneurship (IP), but a limited liability company (LLC) or a closed joint-stock company (CJSC). The procedure for the future entrepreneur at this stage will not differ from the actions when creating any other company:

  • registration with the tax office;
  • preparation of all statutory documents;
  • formation of authorized capital;
  • entry into the state register;
  • registration in a pension fund;
  • registration in the social insurance fund;
  • production of seals and stamps;
  • opening a bank account.
  • write a business plan;
  • approve the rules of internal management;
  • register with the assay office;
  • obtain a license to trade in jewelry;
  • conclude a contract for a burglar alarm;
  • obtain a certificate for the sale of diamonds and emeralds.

You also need to get mandatory for everyone:

  • permission from the fire inspectorate;
  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service.

In addition, it is necessary to check for all products the presence of a sample and the presence of a label with a seal, on which the following information should be available:

  • price;
  • Name;
  • metal;

Selection of equipment and assortment

The most important pieces of equipment in a jewelry store are display cases. They should be not only spacious, but also equipped with an alarm system. There are several options for showcases for jewelry stores.

  1. Classic windows. These are showcases with a surface that is horizontal or inclined towards the client. The height of such showcases starts from a mark of 1 meter.
  2. Glass cabinet. A more presentable version of the showcase, which is used in expensive jewelry stores.
  3. Vertical stands. The most commonly used, contain a large amount of goods.

The jewelry store must have accurate scales for weighing jewelry. They are necessary to check the weight of the products at the request of the customer or upon receipt of the products.

The choice of assortment for sale is very important, since from right choice depends on the success of the future business. You need to find reliable suppliers who supply high-quality and relevant goods. You can choose a certain style of jewelry sold, but the best option will sell a variety of styles of jewelry. At the initial stage, you should not buy too many products, you need to determine which product will sell better.

The business, which is based on the sale of jewelry, is considered one of the most profitable and promising, despite the waves of crisis that periodically cover the world. Every year, the level of production and sale of precious products increases, which leads to fierce competition in this field of activity, however, this type of earnings today can be safely attributed to the most popular and profitable small business objects. In this article, we will look at how to open a jewelry department and make it prosperous.

The pioneers of jewelry art are the ancient Greeks, who were the first to learn how to extract and process metals and rare stones, combining them and performing different kind carving.

Gradually, the use of jewelry became a cult, admirers of which were both women and men. In Ancient Rus', jewelry was a symbol of wealth and power, so they were used to decorate royal mansions, constantly replenishing their stocks, and also decorated religious places of worship.

Each cultural epoch brought a new trend to Jewelry Art leaving behind a lot of nuances and technologies. The most iconic were the Renaissance with its lavish decoration, baroque with relief ornaments and symmetrical lines, as well as the elegance and grace of classicism.

New Age was tagged rapid growth scientific discoveries that could not pass by jewelry, leaving behind a lot of combinations, alloys and artificially grown crystals, which radically changed the concepts and rules that have accumulated over the centuries. Now production and elitism precious jewelry is accessible to a wider stratum of society, although it does not lose its charm.

Directions of the jewelry industry

business based on expensive jewelry may develop in different directions.

Consider them:

  1. Jeweler's studio, which provides services for the manufacture of jewelry to order and the repair of products.
  2. A pawnshop operating on a cash advance against jewelry will be a profitable business in times of crisis.
  3. Supply precious metals- a fairly solid business, regulated at the state level.
  4. A jewelry store, the opening of which requires certain financial and labor investments.

Our article will talk about how to start and what you need to open a jewelry store.

The target audience

In the selection of ideas for creation own business a novice entrepreneur should be based on the main elements - to determine the target audience and the need for a particular product or service, to make a detailed analysis of the production of products, to find out the most profitable ways to purchase or manufacture them, as well as to sell the goods.

The success of any store, including jewelry, lies in its correct location. For salons of this sphere, the most profitable will be placement in the central part of the city or district, in shopping and entertainment centers or places of the greatest concentration of people. A product such as jewelry is not an essential item, so it will not be profitable to open a store in remote parts of the city.

Attention! When looking for a place to organize a jewelry store, one should take into account the level of income of citizens and the economic situation in the region or country as a whole.

Legal registration

Go through the registration procedure with the tax office, by registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC - this is the first thing you need to open a jewelry store.

In addition to this procedure, you will need to collect the following documentation:

  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • conclusion of Rospozhnadzor on compliance with fire regulations in the premises;
  • certificates and acts of gemological examination of the goods sold;
  • a license for the right to trade in jewelry obtained from the Russian State Assay Office;
  • instruction on internal oversight;
  • a lease agreement for the premises (under the terms of the lease) or a certificate of ownership of the property.

Important! Any jewelry activity involves functioning under the department of security agencies, which implies the presence of an alarm and a signal button to call a patrol.

Selection of premises and equipment

A jewelry store should be opened in places with the greatest concentration of people - in shopping centers or on the main streets of the city, where there is the highest traffic. The mass concentration of potential buyers will ensure frequent attendance and, as a result, good revenue.

Preference should be given to premises with a minimum area of ​​20-25 square meters. They must be locked, well lit and conveniently located for clients. External design should be inviting, but not defiant. The inside of the trading floor should be kept clean, have pleasant colors and high-quality equipment, represented by glass showcases.

Showcases can look like:

  • classic horizontal counters, the height of which reaches 1 meter;
  • vertical stands, convenient to accommodate a large assortment products in small spaces;
  • glass cabinets, which are made to order.

Attention! It is worth taking care of purchasing high-precision scales and other measuring instruments. In the case of organizing a jewelry workshop, the list of equipment increases significantly.


The sales assistant is the face of the store, so you should carefully choose an employee for this position. The seller must not only be pleasant in appearance, neat and well-spoken, but also have a wealth of knowledge in the jewelry industry, be able to answer any question in this area and have a sense of style in order to give specific recommendations to the buyer.

In addition to sellers, the staff must have a security guard with skills in the security field, attentive and responsible.

Marketing and promotion

To promote a newly opened store, it is worth using all possible directions in the advertising industry - from putting up posters and distributing leaflets on the streets, ending with advertising on radio and television, as well as in in social networks.

It is worth taking care of creating your own store website with an indication of the product range, brand history and name, as well as contact information. A potential buyer feels more comfortable with more information about the newly minted company.

Carrying out discounts and promotions, "black Fridays" and seasonal price drops also have a beneficial effect on attracting the attention of customers. In case the compilation marketing strategy- this is not your strong point, then you should contact a professional for help.

Important! It is important for the buyer to know that his jewelry is exclusive, so the creation additional service bespoke and even sketching can be the highlight of your jewelry department.

How to start a jewelry business from scratch?

initial stage forming a jewelry store is to determine the main costs and draw up a detailed business plan.

This type of activity provides for substantial initial financial costs for renting premises, purchasing equipment and, most importantly, purchasing goods for sale, so the concept of “business from scratch” has a mediocre relation to a jewelry store.

As a start-up capital, you can try to take a loan from a bank or one-time assistance from the state to open your own business. You can also attract investors and partners who would not mind organizing such a profitable business together.

Another start option would be to conclude a franchise agreement, which provides for the organization of a department under one of the existing trademarks. This option will help save on advertising, purchase of goods and staff training, however, you will need to initially pay the franchisor and work in accordance with the clauses of the contract without violating them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on all the information, we will draw conclusions about the positive and negative aspects jewelry business based on the retail sale of products.

The advantages of such a small business include:

  1. Profitability and prospects of the direction.
  2. Does not require a large retail area.
  3. The average payback period is between 7 months and 2 years.
  4. Doesn't need in large numbers personnel.
  5. Is in demand.
  6. The possibility of concluding a franchise deal.

The disadvantages encountered in the development of the store may be as follows:

  1. Involves high initial costs.
  2. Additional costs for activity permits.
  3. High rent.
  4. Spending on departmental security, advertising and marketing strategies.

Success in jewelry is correct compilation business plan, selection of a good location for the store, qualified personnel, the right advertising policy and a wise pricing concept, so when thinking about creating such a project, you should approach all these points with intelligence and purposefulness.

Jewelry is a good idea when it comes to business. And although the competition is quite high, the right approach and certain adjustments in the strategy will help the novice businessman to successfully open a jewelry store. The high price of jewelry is not a hindrance: there will always be buyers who want to look luxurious.

How beneficial is it?

Opening a jewelry store, as well as it directly depends on the actions of the owner:

1. Decorations are limited.

And it cannot be more than 30%. However, the initial price for them is quite high (comparatively), so you should not think that such a business will not be profitable. The main thing is not to raise the price tag too much, otherwise, at the current level of the economy in Russia, few people can afford such products.

2. Payback.

With proper business management, the payback of cash costs for opening a store will be no more than 35 months (taking into account promotion periods). With an adequate price for jewelry and the right marketing moves, this period can be significantly reduced (up to 30 and less than months).

Experts note the jewelry store at a rate of 10-20%, which is quite a good indicator.

3. Store type.

The form of ownership and business format also directly affect the profitability:

  • Online store.

For a standard business, you need a lot of everything, however, by opening an online store, you can significantly save on rent, purchase of furniture, stands and general arrangement of the premises.

This does not mean that the online store is the most profitable option for selling jewelry. However, this is an additional option if there are certain difficulties with the standard store.

It is the basis for any business. If you advertise your brainchild poorly, then you can forget about profits, not to mention the repayment of initial costs. Quality marketing is so important that if you have it, you can manage to make money even on frankly stupid products.

Even if the items in the store are the best in the world, it's useless if no one knows they exist. Various promotions and events also have a positive effect on business promotion.

Given all these facts and nuances, we can safely say that opening a jewelry store is a very profitable business. Perhaps even more profitable than any other business. However, the case must be treated as responsibly as possible.

Business plan

Before starting any action, you should act strategically and prepare the work. In the course of its compilation and analysis, it will immediately become clear whether it is worth opening a jewelry store or not.

In a business plan, first of all, the following data should be displayed:

1. Demand analysis.

First you need to make sure that there is a certain demand for jewelry in the selected region:

  • degree of competition;
  • survey of residents;
  • indicator of the average wage;
  • individual characteristics people (for example, age, because older people do not often need jewelry).

If during the analysis it was possible to detect demand among the population for jewelry, then it makes sense to open a store. But if citizens are not interested in buying jewelry, perhaps another region should be chosen.

2. Rent.

This is a very important point for several reasons. For example, the eternal choice between profit and costs:

  • you can rent a certain room for an adequate price and place your store there (difficulties may arise due to the location, but you can pay much less for rent);
  • renting space in mall(the most profitable option) you can always count on a constant stream of buyers, but the landlord will demand a much higher price for such a room.

The marketing component also plays a role in favor of the second point: it is much easier to find a jewelry store, for example, in the Zvezda shopping center than at 126 Lenina Avenue, down the street, around the corner.

People like simple things. This will create a sense of accessibility, High Quality goods and services. But the final choice, of course, is up to the entrepreneur.

A good one is the key to a successful business, but it is especially important during the promotion and opening of a jewelry store. Without proper advertising, few people will know about the store, so a loud start of a business campaign is key.

Various promotions will work great, for example, when applying for a discount card, a one-time 10% discount, etc. Do not forget about advertising on radio, television, social networks, etc.

4. Suppliers.

They should be chosen especially responsibly, because even a few defective products can lead to a chain reaction of negative reviews. As a result, you will have to deal with the reputation of a bad and low-quality jewelry store. And this is a loss for business, and a very significant one at that. Collaborate only with trusted well-known suppliers who have everything Required documents. Beware of scammers.

5. Decor.

For a jewelry store, it is important not only the perfect condition of the products, but also the interior design. Everything should look perfect, so that visitors and those who want to purchase goods immediately have a feeling of luxury and wealth.

This is a key factor that directly affects the desire to make a purchase. Few people want to buy chic jewelry if the whole environment around them resembles a cheap eatery.

You should never skimp on interior design, although investing all available funds in it is also not best idea.

6. Safety.

Jewelry stores are the first target for potential intruders. There are some rules that should be followed for successful business:

  • guarding is optional, but if the client abruptly snatches expensive ring and runs away, it is better to make sure that his escape is short-lived (even petty theft is a serious loss for the entrepreneur);
  • signaling is very important to protect products, especially after the store closes;
  • employees must also fully understand all responsibility and constantly monitor the dexterous hands of those who like to inconspicuously steal a ring or earrings.

But in addition to robbers and scammers, general security is important:

  • potentially dangerous objects (collectible axes, burning candles, etc.) should not hang on the walls;
  • all glass in showcases (as well as shelves and other furniture) must be extremely strong so as not to break even from extremely strong pressure;
  • other nuances that create comfort and tranquility for visitors.

The decor in a jewelry store should slow down time for customers. As if all the fuss and fast pace of life was left behind, outside the premises. The ideal addition would be slow, measured music. Jazz style is perfect - it calms and gives a feeling of something stylish, sophisticated.

But all these points are good in the imagination. This is where a business plan comes in handy: after analyzing all the expenses, you can determine what is necessary and what can be temporarily abandoned.

7. Cost calculation.

Starting any business is a thing that requires certain financial investments. To start trading jewelry, you will have to pay:

  • rental deposit - 240 thousand rubles;
  • trade and exhibition equipment - 470 thousand rubles;
  • marketing - 120 thousand rubles;
  • business registration - 35 thousand rubles;
  • creation of an assortment of goods - 4 million rubles;
  • other organizational costs - 100 thousand rubles.

As a result, the opening of the store will cost almost 5 million rubles. Of course, the entrepreneur will need to personally draw up a business plan and analyze all issues. The costs may turn out to be significantly lower, but they can also be completely opposite. It is important to distinguish between what is necessary for the business and what are minor bonuses that do not really affect the operation of the store.

8. Employees.

It is logical that in a jewelry store, the emphasis should be on the fact that sellers must have deep knowledge in this area. This will directly affect the number of sales, and visitors will leave in a good mood (which increases the likelihood of a second visit and creates a base positive feedback About Store).

A jewelry store will require 6 to 8 workers. This is more than enough when starting a business. In the future, the staff will expand, but when starting a business, the quality of the work of employees is more important than their number.

Both men and women can work as sellers / consultants in a jewelry store. According to statistics, only knowledge about jewelry and a well-groomed, tidy appearance.

Gender for clients plays a minimal role, so the main thing here is to hire masters of their craft.

Business registration

To open a jewelry store, you must pass state registration (without it, trade in goods will be illegal with all the consequences):

1. Registration with the tax office is a prerequisite.

To do this, you need to decide on the form of business:. Here, in the tax office, you can issue permits for cash registers, without which it will not be possible to engage in trade.

2. Sanitary and fire department.

It is important to obtain permits from these authorities. In the event that the required expert opinions and relevant licenses are not available, the owner of the jewelry salon can be severely fined. It is not uncommon for cases when it was forbidden to continue doing business in principle until the issue with the documents was settled (and this is a serious delay and an extra negative reputation).

3. State specific accounting.

A jewelry store involves the sale of precious stones. In order for this to be legal and legal, it is necessary to register with the State Inspectorate for Assay Supervision of the Russian State Assay Office.

4. Other documentation.

In individual cases, the entrepreneur may be required to provide any other documents or permits. For example, the conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.

Jewelry store as a business (video)

You can learn more about how to open and equip a jewelry store in the following video.

After all the steps taken, you can start opening a jewelry store. However, it should be remembered that for novice businessmen, jewelry stores can be too complicated. It is important to take responsibility for your own idea and follow the laws of the Russian Federation. This will save the businessman from unnecessary mistakes and unforeseen circumstances.

Jewelry collection El Diamante di.OZ Jewelry

Where is it better to conduct a jewelry business in Europe or in Russia and why the domestic jewelry market continues to live in the USSR - these and other questions are answered by Olesya Zakharova, who owns several companies, graduated from the British Higher School of Design and creates di.OZ Jewelry jewelry collections herself .

From children's hobbies collect jewelry - in the jewelry business

The British is the only university where the program implies and covers all the necessary industries to start in business.

- Olesya, hello! I don’t want to distract you from business for a long time, so let’s move on to the most interesting questions right away.

Hello, thank you for appreciating other people's time! So let's get started soon!

— Why did you go to the British Higher School of Design to become a jewelry designer?

- I chose the British absolutely consciously when I made the final decision to try my hand at jewelry. First of all, I was interested in how to professionally create a product and bring it to the market, and not create a single piece of jewelry, then just put it on the shelf.

From the idea to the creation of a collection in metal, its advertising campaign, packaging, branding

The key point in choosing educational institution was, of course, the program. After monitoring Russian universities, Britanka attracted me precisely because today it is perhaps the only university where the program implies and covers all the necessary industries for starting a business. From 0 to creating a collection in metal, its advertising campaign packaging, branding, etc.

What did you do before British? Is there education in other areas? And why precisely jewelry design?

— Having an opinion in life that it is always necessary to learn, I try to develop constantly and in different areas. Today I have 2 economic educations, 2 in the jewelry field, an MBA in the fashion industry and even one in law.

Why jewelry design? I have been collecting jewelry since the age of 13, I have a very large personal collection. Accordingly, I live with this all my life. It was a hobby, but it turned into a professional occupation.

Pros and cons for the jewelry business in Russia and the EU

— I know that you moved to Spain. What language do you communicate with the locals?

- In Spanish, of course. But if necessary, in English, Italian.

Why did you decide to move from Russia?

- I came to the move a long time ago. In my core business, I spend a lot of time on business trips, and the borders of countries have long been erased for me, respectively, I am familiar with life and doing business in different countries"from within".

Having several operating businesses on the territory of the Russian Federation, I clearly understand and see the problems that all businessmen face in different areas. Starting from endless inspections by regulatory authorities, double legal acts, ending with impossibly high bank interest rates on loans.

And in the jewelry sphere - in general, a utopia of the times of the USSR. The assay office alone is worth something. I have always been incomprehensible to the economic meaning of our state test for metal, which is positioned as “protection of consumer rights”, but in fact it is a myth: metal costs thousands of times cheaper than precious stones that no one can control, and the end consumer either otherwise bears the risks of buying a pig in a poke, many times higher in monetary terms.

Realizing all this, seeing and analyzing the pros and cons of doing business in different countries, I chose the best option for myself, which allows me to remove many of the restrictions that exist in Russia and use the advantages that come with having a registered business in the EU.

Is it difficult to do business while abroad?

— Organizing business in Russia while abroad was not difficult for me. I have 15 years of managerial experience and 10 years of business experience in general. My team has been working for a long time and smoothly, all business processes are automated, from anywhere in the world and at any second I know what is happening in my company.

Of course, we have made adjustments, ranging from changing the office to a smaller one, to changing meeting schedules, because. now they just go online. And of course, modern facilities communications, instant messengers, video calls, etc. do not separate me from my team in Moscow at all.

Jewelry business combined with import of elite building materials

Running multiple businesses at the same time is not an easy task! If it's not a secret, what other projects are you involved in?

— I have a wholesale company that imports high-end building materials for 10 years in Russia. Contracts are exclusive. We work with world names in the construction business. Apart from us, no one supplies these materials to the Russian Federation.

We also have a cleaning company, which is also involved in the construction business, and the production of our own construction tools.

In addition, last year I came up with the idea of ​​opening a designer jewelry store, and by bringing together my colleagues, we successfully launched this project. Today N1 Jewelry is a conceptual design space located in the very center of Moscow in Gostiny Dvor.

Personal life and business

If we don't rest, we won't last long. And this is a long-established formula by which we have been living for the past few years.

- What will definitely be interesting to our readers is how you combine such a work load with personal life Do you have time to rest at all?

- Combining such a load with personal life is trash. Thank God that we have family business, which we once started together with my husband and work side by side to this day. Because if we didn't see each other at work, I'm afraid we wouldn't see each other at all. Because both I and he have a very high load. So, if we don't rest, we won't last long. And this is a long-established formula by which we have been living for the past few years.

Once a quarter, I always try to go somewhere for at least a week, because otherwise I will simply die physically.

What are the chances of “growth” in the Russian jewelry market

— What do you think, have the processes of formation of the Russian market accelerated over last years? Do we have the prospect of growing to the international level in the coming years?

- If we're talking about jewelry market, then, in my personal opinion, we have no chance at all in the next 5-10 years to grow to the international level. And first of all, this is due to the restrictions that our state imposes on jewelers, designers and everyone associated with these industries.

Such as the assay office, financial monitoring, a bunch of inspection bodies that only slow down the work.

Sometimes the production of a wax model for casting a product costs two or even three times more than the metal itself.

Secondly, we have a very high cost price in Russia. Not every designer can afford to release a normal batch of products, i.e. this is a very expensive business.

Buying jewelry is not a rainy day investment.

Plus, we still have a strong opinion from Soviet times that jewelry It's definitely an investment. The end consumer does not want to accept the fact that this is not an investment at all and they pay not for metal, but for work, design. Sometimes the production of a wax model for casting a product costs two or even three times more than the metal itself.

For example, buying a product for 20 thousand rubles, when trying to take it to a pawnshop, it will be accepted for 5 thousand maximum. But people firmly believe that by buying a piece of gold, they are investing for a rainy day.

Until the established mentality breaks down and people begin to treat jewelry as jewelry, as an emotional or fashion purchase, until the legislative acts are revised, until we have a normal cost and normal production capacity, I'm afraid that we will be far from Europe in the near future for sure.

— What are your future plans specifically in jewelry design?

“My plans are always grandiose.

When opening the possibilities of the EU, I am limited only by the Russian market, which operates, so to speak, in the formative stage and has a lot of difficulties, ranging from utopian conditions for designers “sale of goods (give the goods, invest in our store, but the money somehow later and it’s not at all a fact that they will be).

I can quite easily “do business” by working in normal conditions B2B to any country in the world without the difficulties of currency control of the Russian Federation and legislative acts of the times of the USSR in the jewelry direction, and develop your brand, release new collections, etc. Now, for example, we are preparing for deliveries to two designer boutiques in Barcelona, ​​also in the negotiation process with the El Cort Engles chain, in December we are preparing to open the first showroom in Alicante. By the end of 2019, if everything goes well, I plan to open the first flagship store.

— What advice would you give to those who are just on the verge of opening their first business?

- Parting words for those who open their business now, no matter in what area, I have only one thing - to work and study, study and work! Forget about sleeping 8 hours. Those. your sleep should be a maximum of 4-5 hours. Forget about weekends, forget about vacations, about friends, about parties, forget about everything. Just work. Work a lot. And learn a lot too. To achieve something.

If you live the life ordinary person who just goes to work, you will never achieve anything.