Download crochet patterns for hot pads. Crochet coasters for hot camomile. Description of the process of crochet coasters for hot camomile

Knitted little things for the kitchen - coasters, potholders, napkins will create coziness and decorate the house, and these are also practical things. Hot stand - knitted flower will always be in the wings on the working surface of the table and its decoration.

For knitting potholders, you can use the remnants of multi-colored yarn. The main detail of the stand is the "windmill" motif, crocheted according to the pattern below.

Make the only change in the knitting of the motif - knit the last row with rounded segments. To do this, instead of 19 st s / n * knit from the arch - st b / n, semi-st., st s / n, now on the previous row of columns - st s / n, 11 st s / 2n, 2 st s / n, half-st ., st b / n, air. loops. Repeat from * 5 more times.

We transform the connected windmill motif with rounded segments into a flower by tying each segment around the edge. For tying, choose yarn in a contrasting color.

Make the strapping of the segments - petals on the wrong side of the motif, so that on the front part the petals are wrapped in a counterclockwise spiral. Attach the thread at the beginning of the segment, make 3 lifting air loops and, inserting the hook behind the extreme column, knit 3 sts / n for each row.

At the top of the segment, knit 3 sts of s / n from one loop through 2. After finishing tying one petal, fasten and cut the thread.

Tie all segments of the motif, each time attaching a thread at the center, and you will get large flower petals twisted into a spiral.

Sew a knitted flower on the center of the stand. You can choose a pattern for knitting a flower.

Hot coasters are an example of affordable little things that will give a unique coziness and create a warm atmosphere in your kitchen. Working on them does not require special skills, available for beginners. In addition, the coasters are knitted quickly, you can use leftover yarn for them. The article discusses a variety of options for a hot crochet stand with and without diagrams, when just descriptions and photos are enough for knitting.

Hot stand “Rose”

The diameter of the finished stand is 21cm.

We will need:

  • yarn, 100% acrylic, 100g x 180m, yellow, gold, white and emerald;
  • hook No1,3.


The hot plate consists of 2 parts.


We start with yellow yarn. We knit 6 VPs with a crochet, we close the connection in a ring. s.k. Further:

  • 1r .: 5 VP, (StSN in the ring, 2 air sts) x7, attach conn. Art. in 3 p. of the original chain of 5 air p. In total, we have 8 StSN and 8 arches from two VPs;
  • 2p.: (StBN, 1 air item, 4 StSN, 1 air item, RLS) - in each. an arch of 2 air p. round, we connect the conn. Art. in the 1st st. Total - 8 petals;
  • 3r.: (4 air p., RLS in StBN between the petals of the 2nd p.) - round, we connect the SS into the 1st column. Total - 8 arches from 4 VP;
  • 4r .: (SBN, 1 air p., 6 StSN, 1 air p., RLS) - in each. an arch of 4 air p. round, we connect the conn. s-to in the 1st s-to. Total - 8 petals;
  • 5p.: (4 air p., RLS in RLS between the petals of the 4th p.) - in a circle, we connect the SS into the 1st s-to. Total - 8 arches from 4 VP;
  • 6r .: (SBN, 1 air. p., 8 StSN, 1 air. p., RLS) - in each. an arch of 4 air p. round, we connect the SS into the 1st s-k. Total - 8 petals.

We cut the yellow thread, connect the golden one and crochet No. 1.3 (RLS, 3 v.p., RLS) in each. with-to petal. We cut the thread.

  • 7r .: we connect the thread between any petals from the inside. sides. We perform (7 air p., StBN) between the next. 2 petals on the wrong side round. We close the connection. st-to in the 1st st. It turned out 8 arches from 7 air points;
  • 8r .: 1 air. p., (s-to without / n., s-to s / nak., 7 St2N, st. s / n., st. b / n) - in each arch of 7 air. n. round. It turned out 8 petals. We cut the thread.

In any 2nd St2N of any petal, we connect a white thread and continue to crochet a hot stand:

  • 9r.: 7 air. p., skip 3 St2N, StBN in the next. stlb, (5 air. p., St2N in the 1st s-to the next petal, 5 air. p., StBN in the 2nd St2N of the same petal, 7 VP; skip 3 st-to with 2 nak., single crochet in the next stb) x7, 5 VP, s-to with 2 crochets in the 1st st. next petal, 5 VP, attach conn. Art. in the 1st st. We cut the thread.


We start knitting with white yarn:

  • 1r .: 6 VP, we close the conn. column., 3 air. p., 11 st-to with a crochet. into a ring, connect the conn. Art. with the top of a chain of 3 air. pet. We have 12 columns with nak .;
  • 2r.: 4 air. p., 2 stlb with 2 nak. to each pole. round, we close the river. Only 24 st-to with 2 nak.;
  • 3r.: 4 air. p., 2 stlb with 2 nak. in each column. round, we close the river. There are 48 pillars in total. with 2 nak.;
  • 4r.: 4 VP, (2 StS2N in the next column, StS2N in the next st-k) round to the last st., into it - 2 StS2N, we close the river. Total 72 columns with 2 crochets;
  • 5r.: 3 air. p., (2 StSN in the next column, StSN in the next three sts, 2 StSN in the next st-k, StSN in the next 4 columns) - repeat for the entire river, close the row. We have 88 StSN.


We fold the parts of the coaster under the hot right sides out and crochet around through the loops of the lower part and the arches of the upper: (3 columns b / nak. In an arch of 7 air p., 4 columns without nak. In each of the following 2 arches from 5 air. p.). We close the river. conn. stlb in the 1st column. We cut the thread.

We connect RLS to any column of a yellow thread, skip the next one. pillar. and repeat further: (5 columns with nak. in the next column, skip the next column, stbn in the next column, skip the next column), 12 air. n. (this will be a loop - suspension), conn. column in the same column. We cut the thread.


We tie all the petals of the last yellow row with golden yarn, performing in each column (StBN, 3 voz. p., Stbn). We cut the thread.

Hot stand “Star”: video MK

Square hot plate

Size: 16cm by 16cm.

We will need:

  • yarn containing 92% acrylic, 8% polyester, 65g by 220m - 65g;
  • yarn containing 44% cotton, 35% polyacrylic, 21% polyamide, 50g by 90m - 50g;
  • hook No2.5-3.
  • main: crocheted according to the pattern.

Surrounding yourself with beautiful, unusual handmade things is attractive, isn't it? We bring to your attention a simple master class on crocheting hot coasters - small lace napkins. They fit quickly and easily, and the result looks impressive.

To knit round hot coasters you will need:

unbleached cotton threads about the thickness of "iris";

suitable crochet hook.

Crocheted coasters for hot: job description

Stand scheme:

1 row - ch 10 into the ring.

2 row - ch 3 lifting; 31 single crochet - close the row with a blind loop;

3 row - ch 3 on the rise; ch 2 - a column with 1 nak. in a column through one, 2 v.p. - a column with 1 stitch in a loop through one, etc. to the end of the row; close the row;

4 row - 3 tbsp. single crochet, ch 8, 5 single crochet, ch 8 - continue to the end of the row, attaching chains of air loops in accordance with the above diagram (see above); finish 8 ch, attached 2 tbsp. without nak.

5 row - we tie chains of air loops: for each chain: 5 tbsp. with 1 nak., picot from 3 vp, 3 tbsp. with 1 nak., picot from 3 vp, 3 tbsp. with 1 nak., picot from 3 vp, 3 tbsp. with 1 nak., picot from 3 vp, 3 tbsp. with 1 nak., Art. without a crochet in the previous row (see diagram).

Do not be afraid that the petals crawl on top of each other. I didn’t like this moment either (the diagram is from a Japanese magazine), but after I steamed the finished crocheted hot stand, everything fell into place perfectly.

6 row - we go through one petal with blind loops to the first picot. We pass picot and dial 2 ch. on the rise and a chain of 7 ch; we attach it between the last two picos of the same petal with a single crochet. Then - again 7 ch. - and again a column with 1 crochet between the first two picots of the second petal. Continue to end of row.

7 row - ch 5, 1 tbsp. with 1 acc. in the same loop; * 2 ch, single crochet in a chain of air loops of the previous row; ch 3, single crochet in the same chain; 2 v.p., art. with 1 acc. in the column of the previous row, ch 2, st. with 1 acc. in the same column of the previous row * - continue from * to * to the end of the row.

8 row - ch 3 on the rise, 2 columns with 1 stitch, knitted together; *3 v.p.; three columns with 1 stitch, knitted together, in the pico of the previous row; ch 3; 3 art. with 1 nak., knitted together, between the columns with 1 nak. previous row* - repeat from * to * until the end of the row.

9 row - ch 3 on the rise; pico from ch 3; 1 vp; a column with 1 crochet in the same loop of the previous row; pico from ch 3; Ch 1, double crochet in the same st of the previous row; 2 ch; * single crochet in three stitches of the previous row knitted together; 2 vp, column with 1 crochet; pico from ch 3; Ch 1, double crochet in the same st of the previous row; pico from ch 3; 1 vp; a column with 1 crochet in the same loop of the previous row; pico from ch 3; ch 2 * - knit from * to * to the end of the row.

10 row (it is not on the diagram) - tie the entire previous row with single crochets to seal the edge; in places of picot - also make picot from ch 3.

Now our hot stand needs to be steamed. Now she looks like this:

Not very attractive, right?

And compare it with the ready-to-use sister:

Lay the napkin wrong side up on the ironing board; ideally, we fix it around the perimeter with tailor's pins without a plastic ball at the end - with a loop. Cover with a damp, thin cloth and iron with steam. If you trust your iron - you can do without a damp cloth - it's easier for me to smooth out all these naughty petals and pico.

Important: you really need to iron from the wrong side! Otherwise, the entire beautiful volume of facial knitting will be lost.

Good afternoon, dear needlewomen and all guests of the blog!

Today I have such a small topic: I decided to show you how you can crochet coasters for mugs. Many people are interested in this issue.

I made a small selection of simple patterns of beautiful crocheted coasters. On such little things they often learn to knit.

Beautiful coasters for crochet mugs: photo

First of all, I was inspired by these photos of mug coasters that I saw on the Internet.

Wow, such adorable sets! They can be used both under cups and under glasses when laying the table.

Even on weekdays, the kitchen or dining room should be beautiful. And these knitted little things give both comfort and mood.

In addition, these knitted items perform a practical function, they protect the surface of furniture from stains and scratches, especially if you put something hot on the table, so as a hot stand, this is probably its most important use.

Of course, some wooden or wicker coasters can be more practical and more convenient, but we, the needlewomen, need to attach the remnants of yarn and generally knit the coasters with our own hands much more pleasantly, in addition, this fashionable decoration for the kitchen will surprise both home and guests.

We show our creative imagination and knit coasters for mugs!

You can use any thick thread. And the remnants of yarn will come in handy, and from knitted yarn, in general, beauty turns out! It is only necessary to take into account the style of the interior and choose a nice color for knitted coasters.

We choose the hook, as always, suitable for the yarn.

Schemes of simple round coasters for a mug

Crocheted mug coasters, those in the upper main photo, are connected according to the diagram below:

In principle, any pattern can be used to knit round coasters. The schemes posted are perfect, or I will not repeat myself and post them again. There, by the way, there is a scheme close to pink coasters.

Here is another simple scheme, read about it below:

When knitting color models, you should correctly make the transition from one color to another, knitting the last loop of the row with a new color. How to do this, you can see in my video, in which I show how to crochet a sunflower flower, which, by the way, turned out to be an excellent coaster for a mug.

And here are some more cute coasters - flowers, I also shot an MK for knitting them:

Schemes of square stands

I have not knitted any sets of coasters for myself yet, but I have one coaster for a mug. It turned out quite unexpectedly.

The fact is that some comrades at my house are very fond of drinking tea, sitting in an armchair watching TV. An attempt to put a hot mug on a coffee table with my snow-white evoked, to put it mildly, very violent emotions. I immediately found something to be able to substitute. And one day a motive came under my hands, which I knitted specifically for, in order to make a master class. So he remained to serve as a coaster for hot mugs, which wanders from an armchair to a sofa, and from a sofa to a computer desk, and is in no way tied to the style of the interior, but quite a nice coaster for a mug with his own hands.

You can also knit from thick yarn, also a great option for coasters.

There is also a diagram of an interesting stand in loin technique with a three-dimensional flower.

But this article would not exist, probably, if I had not come across the following knitted coasters, which simply fascinated me: the first ones amaze with their simplicity, while others, on the contrary, with their unusual shape and openwork pattern.

Despite the fact that these coasters are knitted from gray yarn, they look very elegant, which is what bribed me, like all the simple ones that I love very much.

The last row of a simple circle (diagram above) or a square is tied with a step, which gives a finished look to the product and a very beautiful edge design.

The scheme of the square motif was taken from the same magazine as the photo of the model, but for some reason they forgot to draw an openwork path, the same as on a round stand, and a harness with a fast pace, keep this in mind.

Or such square coasters can be connected in the same way:

A wonderful set for a gift in combination with.

If you love to cook, and even more adore your furniture and want to keep it in excellent condition for a long time - tie a hot stand with a hook and place cooked dishes only on it. Such kitchen accessories look nice and bright. Choose your individual range, use one of the schemes below and be sure to be satisfied with your result.

We knit a stand-sun under a hot crochet in cold colors

Here is such a wonderful round stand suitable for almost any pan or dish. Now more about the master class.

As for the threads, it is better to use cotton. However, not 100%, which can only be washed at 30 degrees. Gjestal Cotton Sport yarn (100m/50g) was used for this model. You can also knit, for example, Mandarin Petit or Gjestal Baby Cotton to it. Take a minimum of two colors, a maximum of ten.

The main thing is that the threads are tied tightly and tightly. Hook number 3.5 is well suited for this. If you still get a loose knit during manufacture, take an even smaller one. In addition, the stand must be double-layered for the necessary safety of the furniture.

You can do it in two ways. Make the same side parts and tie them. Either with single crochet or single crochet, knit half of the back side. Then you get the so-called flat pancake. The principle of its manufacture is simple even for beginners:

A standard stand in diameter reaches 18–20 cm, of course, you can reduce it or increase it. The above model is made from 9 different threads, and its diameter is 19 cm. The consumption was about 45 grams of yarn.

Work algorithm:

Each row starts with an air loop, and ends with a half-column with a crochet. Colors can be changed randomly, thus creating a unique pattern. For a new shade, knit a half-column without a crochet.

  1. Base: cast on a chain of air loops, form a ring out of them using a half-column without a crochet.
  2. First row: knit 8 single crochets into the resulting ring.
  3. Second: in each loop in the previous row, make 2 single crochets. There should be 16 in total.
  4. Third: knit 2 single crochets, then two more, but already add them to every third loop, while getting 21.
  5. Fourth: make 1 single crochet, after already 2 every seven loops. As a result, 24.
  6. Fifth: 2 single crochets, the next two in every third loop. 32 in total. Change color.
  7. Sixth: now you need to make a triangle. Cast on 3 stitches, work a single crochet into the first stitch, skip 1 stitch on the previous row and work a single crochet into the second stitch again on the previous row. Repeat this step 16 times. Take a new color, make a single crochet.
  8. Seventh: cast on 3 air loops to rise, then knit 2 double crochets into the gap between the first two triangles and finish with one single crochet, which will be over the top of the figure. Now work three double crochets into the stitch in the previous row between the triangles and finish with a single crochet as the top. Repeat from the last three columns to the end of the row. Change color.
  9. Eighth: tie without any additions with single crochets.
  10. Ninth: similar. Get a different shade.
  11. Repeat from the 6th to the 9th row until the product acquires the desired size. Align the back and front sides and tie them together at the edges with single crochets using a contrasting thread.
  12. Loop: cast on 12 stitches, connect to the base with a single crochet. Turn the future stand over, tie the loop with double crochets and finish with a single crochet in the main part. Cut off the end of the thread, hide it and iron the product. Ready!

We are trying to make a bright spring chamomile stand

A wonderful device in the form of chamomile will bring a piece of sunshine and summer mood to your kitchen kingdom.

Description of work:

Dial 7 ch. and close in a ring.

1 row: make 3 ch. (air loop), and then 15 s.s.n. (column with a crochet).

2nd row: ch 7 again, ch 3 for the width of the petal, 4 s.c.n., where the first column is knitted into the last loop of the chain of 7. c.p., then 2 s.c. (half-column with a crochet), s.s. (connecting column) to the previous row. 7 vp One s.s.n. knit into the previous petal from the inside. Flip the work over. Make 3 vp, 4 s.s.n., 2 p.s.n. and s.s. Knit further according to the same principle (from ch 3) to end up with 15-16 petals.

3 row: according to the scheme, either make 3 s.s.n. for each jumper.

4 row: tie everything with s.b.n (single crochet) to the end.

All! The diameter of such a stand is 15 cm, when using hook No. 5. Feel free to size according to your needs. And check out other inspiring daisies:

Video on the topic of the article

It's time to start practical video tutorials and see for yourself that with the right creative approach and hard work you can get such an expensive thing that you can never find in any store. Good luck!