Purple corrector. Green face corrector

Almost everyone has bruises in the eyelids, a red mesh of blood vessels, rashes and other skin imperfections. Add to the list signs of fatigue, dull gray color, uneven terrain - and you can visually "age" for 5-10 years. What to do? Get enough sleep, relax, take care of yourself, and also master the art of makeup. The corrector for the face will help you to mask imperfections in just 10 seconds, make your skin radiant, and your eyes open. We will talk about the varieties of this cosmetic product and the rules for its use in this article.

A perfectly even, beautiful complexion is sometimes a gift of nature, but more often the result of a skillful make-up. To achieve an excellent result, it is not enough to use only a tonal base or powder - you need both tone and finish, and preferably grouting pores, and, of course, a corrector.

Face correctors are available in the form of sticks, powders, creams, tinting agents, and pencils. They can have different shades - from "diluting" white to rich purple. About what colors are needed for what, how to make a make-up correctly and what you need to consider when choosing a shade of a product, you will learn further.

Concealer is a special cosmetic formula designed to hide skin imperfections. Among them are pimples, age spots, redness, bruises, dark circles under the eyes, post-acne, skin roughness.

As a result of applying the corrector, the face becomes well-groomed and beautiful - like from the cover.

There are no particular difficulties in using “camouflage”, the main thing is to figure out what color is needed for what and choose a convenient form (some people prefer solid products, while others like liquid ones with a creamy texture).

Corrector and concealer - is there a difference?

Yes, there is a difference between concealer and corrector, although these tools are often confused. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, some girls, women use corrector instead of concealer and vice versa. Secondly, manufacturers often produce 2-in-1 universal products. Thirdly, both corrector and concealer really solve similar problems - namely, they mask skin defects.

But still, there is a difference between these means.

  1. Applying concealers is carried out on large areas. The corrector is more suitable for spot use.
  2. The concealer has a very light texture and the tone is almost the same as the skin. The corrector is a dense and colored tool (different colors solve certain problems, which we will discuss later).
  3. The concealer hydrates the skin, while the corrector dries it out.
  4. The concealer has a much higher covering power - it really hides imperfections, while the concealer just smooths them out.
  5. The corrector is used strictly under the tinting cream, the concealer is used on top of the tone.

The corrector can be replaced with a concealer, but not with significant skin defects - the corrector is denser and covers imperfections much better.

You need to choose the type of corrector, taking into account the current tasks.

Liquid Formula

The most popular and easy to use option. The product comes with an applicator like a liquid lip gloss, making application as easy and convenient as possible.

The light texture is ideal for the eye area and, unlike a dense one, does not emphasize wrinkles. If dark circles are very pronounced and one layer of the corrector cannot cope with their disguise, apply the product in layers (each layer needs to be shaded). Colors may vary.

The reflective corrector removes puffiness under the eyes well and can replace the highlighter.

Dry concealer

Dry formulas are used much less frequently than liquid formulas. The product mattes, covers pigmentation (purple hue), redness (green). Powder is applied over the dry corrective agent.

Cream corrector

Cream correctives come in palettes (a set of colors, usually from 4-6) or jars (one shade). They are universal - suitable for correcting the shape of the face, filling wrinkles, masking bruises, redness.

The application is carried out with the help of fingertips, a sponge, a brush - as it will be more convenient for you. Cream formula for oily skin is too "heavy".

Tonal type

Concealer similar to foundation texture (can replace it). Choose the color in accordance with the tone of the face - there should be no contrast.


The sticks are solid correctors. They are easy to use, do not flow, evenly distributed, ideal for dry skin. Apply pointwise, wait 20 seconds and blend. To fix the result, use powder.


Corrective pencils are dense and have a dry texture. They may contain antibacterial components. Durability is average. A pencil can be used as a highlighter or primer.

Color correctors: main types and features

Multi-colored correctors solve a whole range of tasks, hide various skin defects. Which option is needed for what - further.


White corrector is rarely used. Its main purpose is to dilute tonal foundations, dark corrective agents to achieve the desired shade, if it is not available in the finished form.


Lavender well neutralizes yellow color, hides pigmentation, gives the face a healthy shade. The subsequent application of the tone is mandatory. If the skin is tanned or dark in itself, it would be better to replace the purple tint with blue.

The lavender shade makes the face radiant and perfectly eliminates yellowness.


Yellow correctors hide bruises, blood vessels, fresh post-acne spots well. Suitable for hiding post-acne, dark scars. If necessary, the yellow corrector is replaced with a regular tone, most importantly - with a yellow tint.


Olive neutralizes redness of any origin in no time. It also masks sunburns and peelings quite well - for this, the green pigment is mixed with the base tone.


Hides dark circles, suitable for owners of fair skin or medium tones. Also, the pink color hides the “wreaths” on the wings of the nose, the vascular network on the cheeks, and other parts of the face well. This shade is not recommended for owners of dark skin.

For pale-faced ladies, it is better to choose a salmon shade, peach color looks beautiful on tanned and olive skin.


The best color for owners of dark skin tones. It masks dark spots, brownish pigmentation in the eyelids well. It is possible to lighten nasolabial folds, bruises using an orange remedy. The subsequent application of the tone is mandatory.


The sky shade corrector is an effective remedy for skin of any tone from bruises, dark circles, blemishes, pigmentation. It can also be used to "hide" the vascular network. Blue shade is the perfect choice for masking imperfections on a tan.

How to use a face corrector: a detailed guide for each zone

Since the corrector has a wide scope, there are different techniques for applying it. How to use a face corrector to mask wrinkles, dark circles, pimples, further.

From pimples

To completely hide or make a pimple less noticeable, follow these steps.

  1. Apply a cold (this is a must) green shade corrector directly to the pimple or the entire reddened area.
  2. Press the green pigment a little for 5-10 seconds, then blend it so that the borders become invisible. Before applying foundation, it is recommended to wait about a minute - so the color will settle on the skin, and the result will be as natural as possible.
  3. Apply the usual tone, powder.

Age changes

To mask small and pronounced wrinkles during makeup, proceed as follows.

  1. Moisturize your skin with the cream you usually use.
  2. Apply concealer to the area under the eyes slightly lighter than the skin. It is better to use a liquid agent - it will visually even out the relief, will not clog into folds and emphasize them.
  3. With the same corrector, place strokes in the form of checkmarks above the lip, on the back of the nose, in the corners of the mouth and on the dimple above the chin. Blend everything thoroughly (best with a slightly moistened sponge) until the product has had time to be absorbed (otherwise it will not lie flat).

Bruises and dark circles

For the area around the eyes, use either a slightly darker or slightly lighter than natural skin tone corrector.

There are two schemes for using the corrector under the eyes:

  • draw thin lines diverging in the direction from the corner inside the eye;
  • put several dots under the eye.

If the bruises are very pronounced, they will be hidden by an orange, yellow or pink camouflage agent (choose a shade based on the tone of the face). On top of the color corrective agent, a nude (close to the natural skin color) or a regular foundation is applied. Dark circles mask peach, orange, pink shades well.

Correctors of different brands are on sale, the price category is wide. The most popular are.

  1. Helena Rubinstein is a classic, a bestseller that has not lost popularity for many years. Pearl microparticles add radiance, chamomile relieves swelling. Inexpensive, but effective.
  2. GiorgioArmani is a liquid concealer with a thin applicator for the most precise application. With it, you skillfully disguise any defects. Light-reflecting particles add radiance to the skin, while vitamin E nourishes and moisturizes.
  3. Maybelline is a budget-friendly yet effective concealer. Release form - hard stick, texture - creamy.
  4. Lancôme is an everyday alternative to foundation with a light, almost weightless texture and excellent coverage. The palette is represented by six shades. The formula is waterproof and contains SPF-30.
  5. L'OréalParis is a gentle smoothing treatment that is well suited for thin skin on the eyelids. It does not clog pores, there are no oils in the composition. There is an applicator for precise application.
  6. Urban Decay is a line of correctors, represented by 11 shades. The density of the finish coat is from almost transparent to bright. The texture is weightless, the number of layers can be any.

Color correctors are applied according to a scheme similar to nude or concealers.


The corrector for the face is a real salvation from any skin imperfections (redness, pigmentation, burns, scars, post-acne, etc.). It is universal, it can have different forms of release and color. If you plan to do professional makeup, hide spots, scars, circles under the eyes, wrinkles, it would be better to buy a palette, and not one shade.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

It is easy to guess about the basic purpose of the corrector, even if you have never held this tool in your hands: the name speaks for itself. The corrector solves minor local problems associated with skin tone: hides acne, redness and age spots, masks dark circles and bruises under the eyes, and evens out skin color.

How is a concealer different from a concealer?

Concealer and concealer are foundations that are often confused with each other. And there are several reasons for this: firstly, they do partially overlap each other's functions. Secondly, some cosmetics manufacturers do not distinguish between these categories, releasing one product to mask all minor skin imperfections - and call it either a concealer or a corrector. But in fact there is a difference between them.

The concealer is designed primarily to treat larger areas of the face: to hide dark circles and bruises under the eyes. The corrector can also be used for this purpose, but it works best with more serious local imperfections: masking pimples, acne marks, small scars.

The concealer has a lighter texture, and the shade is closer to the natural skin tone. At the same time, the corrector can be both nude and colored: yellow, green, orange and even purple (we will tell you more about the functions of this category of products below).

The corrector dries out the skin, and the concealer, on the contrary, contains moisturizing ingredients.

The covering ability of the concealer is not so high, so it will be problematic to mask a pimple with it. But the corrector, due to its dense and thicker texture, copes with this task easily.

The corrector is applied before the foundation (or instead of it), and the concealer is applied on top.

You can read more about the functions and features of the concealer in.

Types of correctors for the face

Choose the appropriate corrector format depending on the task that you are facing.

Liquid concealer

Most popular format: Liquid concealers are loved primarily because they are easy to use.

  • As a rule, the kit includes a convenient applicator, like a lip gloss, with which it is easy to apply the corrector both pointwise and on larger areas.
  • Many of the liquid concealers can be used around the eyes to cover dark circles under the eyes. However, make sure that the corrector does not have a too dense texture, and it does not clog into small folds of the skin. If dark circles are too visible, apply the product in layers: first spread the corrector in a translucent layer and blend well. Let the product absorb and apply a second layer.
  • Liquid correctors are available in different colors, from pink to green: these are designed for skin color correction.
  • Sometimes you can see the inscription “reflective corrector” on the package, they are used in the area around the eyes to hide small swelling, or they are used instead.

Corrector stick

The second most popular corrector format, which is very convenient to take with you: it definitely won’t spread in your bag, and you can use it to disguise an inopportunely jumped pimple even in a taxi on the way to a party. This product has a creamy texture, so it spreads quickly and easily over the skin and is great for girls with dry skin. To hide a pimple or a small scar, proceed as follows: apply the product pointwise to the problem area, wait until it “settles” a little on the skin (20-30 seconds), and then blend the borders with your fingers or a sponge. Apply a little powder on top to set the result.

Concealer pencil

The corrector-pencil has a high density and dry texture, often antibacterial components are added to its composition, so this product is ideal for girls with oily and problem skin. In addition, this corrector has the highest durability. In addition to its main function, such a pencil also takes on several others.

  • With the help of a pencil corrector, you can visually enlarge the lips: apply a nude pencil, slightly going beyond their contour. If you, on the contrary, want to reduce the lips a little, circle them strictly along the contour.

  • A pencil can be used instead of a primer for eyes or lips: shade the entire surface of the lips with a corrector, and apply bright lipstick on top - the shade will turn out to be more saturated, and the lipstick will last longer. Do the same if you use bright shadows.

  • You can emphasize the area under the eyebrow with a pencil corrector to visually lift it.

  • Line the mucous membrane of the eye with a pencil to make the look more “wide open”.

Cream corrector

© armanibeauty.ru

Concealer has a creamy consistency and is usually sold in small jars or palettes containing four to six colors: they will come in handy if you need to solve several different skin problems. In general, cream correctors are universal (they are even used for), they have a fairly dense consistency and high overlapping ability, so they can be used to mask scars and dark spots. Cream concealers can be applied to different areas of the face with a brush, or even with your fingers. Best suited for normal to dry skin, may be too intense for oily skin.

Tonal corrector

On occasion, it can replace foundation, as it has a similar consistency. Choose a shade according to the same rules that guide you when choosing: it should perfectly match your skin tone.

Dry concealer

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Not the most common corrector format, which, however, is ideal for oily skin, as it has a mattifying effect. Use to correct redness or age spots: in the first case, you need a corrector with green pigments, in the second - with purple pigments. On top, apply regular powder to match the skin tone.

How to apply corrector on the face: step by step schemes

You can use the corrector for different purposes and the techniques for applying it, of course, differ. Let's talk about the basic techniques that will help in handling the corrector for the face.

Corrector for the skin around the eyes

There are several techniques for applying corrector under the eyes. You can draw thin lines with a corrector that radiate from the inner corner of the eye, or put a few dots under the lower eyelid. But you must always adhere to one method of shading the applied product: correctly shade the corrector in the form of an inverted triangle, and not stretching towards the inner corners of the eyes. Please note that the corrector should be either in skin tone or slightly lighter.

How to cover up bruises and dark circles under the eyes?

  • If bruising under the eyes is too noticeable, use a yellow, orange or pinkish corrector, apply a corrector on top of a tone lighter than the skin, or immediately treat this area with foundation.
  • To hide dark circles, also use a color corrector. If you have fair skin, use pink, peach skin for medium skin tone, and orange for dark skin.
  • Apply color corrector in the same way as regular nude or concealer.

How to hide wrinkles with a corrector?

Then apply a concealer 1-2 shades lighter than the skin color under the eyes to hide dark circles and crow's feet in this area (don't forget the inverted triangle rule!). Choose a water-based liquid concealer that won't clog your skin, and your skin will look more even after using it.

Apply the corrector with a thin brush (or a thin applicator like Giorgio Armani High Precision Retouch) directly inside the wrinkle, on the area where the shadow falls. Lightening this area will visually smooth out the wrinkle.

How to hide a pimple with a concealer?

Using a brush, apply a green cool shade corrector directly to the pimple or redness.

Lightly press the pigment with your finger and blend its borders. Wait a minute for the corrector to “settle” on the skin.

Apply foundation all over your face that matches your skin tone.

Corrector color palettes: how to use

Color correctors are tools that help solve several problems: mask redness, dark circles under the eyes, age spots and other minor skin imperfections. To find out which one you need, read our instructions.

Purple corrector

  • Lilac tones neutralize yellowness, so a corrector of this color will help to cope with a dull complexion (in this case, apply the corrector to the entire face) and hide small age spots. Be sure to spread foundation on top.
  • In addition to the fact that the lavender corrector removes yellowness, it also makes the skin glow.
  • If you are badly sunburned, apply a corrective primer with blue pigments to your face. It will help soften the effect a bit.
  • If you have dark or tanned skin, do not use a cold shade product: it is unlikely to improve the situation.

Yellow corrector

  • Yellow correctors are ideal for neutralizing and lightening purple and blue spots, so use them to correct under-eye bruises and fine spider veins.
  • They are also suitable for masking dark scars and acne marks.
  • If you don’t have a yellow corrector on hand, try using a foundation with a yellowish undertone: it is also able to cope with a slight redness.

Pink corrector

  • Conceals dark circles under the eyes: hides blue, green and purple colors. Dark circles of these colors are most often found in people with fair and medium skin tones. Therefore, if you notice that small veins around the nose or bruises under the eyes look greenish, feel free to eliminate them with a pink corrector.
  • If you have pale skin, choose a salmon shade, peach is more suitable for olive or tanned skin.
  • On pale skin, a pink corrector will also help hide age spots.

White corrector

White corrector is quite rare. As a rule, they are used to dilute foundations, concealers and proofreaders that are too dark in order to end up with a suitable color.

Green corrector

Green is the best at neutralizing redness, so this corrector is ideal for masking acne, vascular networks and a reddish complexion. To hide more serious imperfections (such as sunburn), mix green concealer with foundation and apply to the problem area. If you have a reddish complexion, use a green corrective primer.

Orange corrector

The most important means of correction for swarthy skin. Orange corrector hides age spots, brownish circles under the eyes and other dark spots. It will also help to slightly lighten the dark nasolabial folds and the area in the corners of the lips, neutralize bruises under the eyes.

How to use the face corrector palette?

Watch the tutorial video on the color corrector palette for the face.

8 worthy face correctors: an overview

Proven means for correcting deficiencies - in the editorial rating of the site

    Concealer High Precision Retouch, Giorgio Armani

    © giorgioarmani.ru

    The corrector has a very thin applicator, with which you can perform truly jewelry actions. For example, to mask wrinkles: add a little product “inside” and blend it properly. The skin is visibly smoothed. In addition, this corrector contains reflective pearl particles that will help make the skin radiant, as well as vitamin E.

    Concealer Magic Concealer, Helena Rubinstein

    © iledebeaute.ru

    One of the brand's bestsellers for many years in a row. The composition contains chamomile extract, which helps to reduce swelling and swelling, and all the same pearl microparticles responsible for skin radiance. Even tone, fresh skin, smoothed wrinkles - that's what the effect will be after using this corrector.

    Tone corrector Effacernes Long Tenue, Lancôme

    Corrector, which may well replace foundation. It has a light weightless texture, but at the same time sufficient coverage, so it copes with the problem of dark circles perfectly. There are six shades in the palette, from translucent pinks to nudes. The composition is also pleasing: extracts of chamomile and cornflower flowers moisturize and soothe the skin. The concealer is waterproof and contains SPF 30 filters that help prevent photoaging of the skin.

    Alliance Perfect Liquid Corrector, L'Oréal Paris

    © rivegauche.ru

    An indispensable tool that should always be at hand. This corrector evens out the skin tone, it can be used under the eyes (it does not dry at all). Plus - it can be used even by girls with oily skin, as the product does not contain oils and does not clog pores. A convenient applicator with a sponge allows you to apply the product pointwise.

    Concealer Affinitone Concealer, Maybelline

    © rivegauche.ru

    One of those tools that always come across in collections with the best corrector options. The stick concealer has a creamy texture, perfectly hides imperfections and blends with the skin tone. Set the product with powder from the same series to prolong the effect.

    Palette correctors Color Correcting Palette, NYX Professional Makeup

    © nyxcosmetic.ru

    In one palette - everything you need for a complete face correction. Age spots, dark circles or bruises under the eyes, acne: the remedy copes with all these problems in a couple of minutes. Light shades can be used as a highlighter. Contains skin-friendly beeswax and vitamin E.

    Resistant proofreader Naked Skin, Urban Decay

    © urbandecay.ru

    As a rule, correctors are presented in only three or four tones, but in the Naked corrector line there are as many as 11 shades, so choosing the right one is not difficult. The density of the coating can be varied from translucent to saturated: it all depends on the number of layers applied. Of the other advantages - a convenient applicator and weightless texture.

    Concealer Touche Éclat Neutralizer, YSL

    © yslbeauty.com.ru

    A novelty of the brand, which has every chance of becoming a real hit - at least, authoritative bloggers write about it exclusively in enthusiastic terms. There are three shades in the line: green, pink and peach. You can apply the product both before and after foundation.

0 4 April 2012, 17:04

Any makeup is a work of art.

There is not a single woman who would be completely satisfied with her appearance, even ideal beauties will find something to complain about when looking in the mirror. The wrong shape of the nose, the wrong cut of the eyes, the wrong oval of the face...

So, today I will tell you, dear gossips, how professionals mask problematic skin, as well as how to correctly correct the shape of the face and visually give it ideal outlines.

Perhaps this will help some of you solve one of the important problems or come in handy in the future.


Primer is the base for make-up. It is designed to make makeup the most stable. The application of foundation will be more subtle and natural. Primers even out the surface of the face and are generally an irreplaceable thing. Any primer is designed to visually minimize pores, hide lines of fine wrinkles, matte.

The base can be colorless or colored, matte or, conversely, moisturize the skin, neutralize its shade, brighten the skin tone or, conversely, give it a more tanned look. The foundation fits better on it, but some bases can be used independently without a tone - in the absence of pronounced skin defects.

Example of color bases:

A primer or base is not a foundation. The confusion arose from the original name in English. In English, both base and foundation mean "base, foundation, base." But if Foundation is written on the tube, this means that it is a foundation, and if Primer is written, then this is a base.

In short, if two words occur at once in a foreign name, then what kind of product is the last one. For example: Guerlain - Meteorites Perles Light Diffusing Perfecting Primer - we have a PRIMER, a make-up base. And if the name is: Guerlain - Lingerie de Peau Invisible Skin-Fusion Foundation - respectively, we have a foundation.

About correctors (concealers and the right choice of color)

Unfortunately, a cream called "Photoshop" has not yet appeared on sale so that we can fashion ourselves any kind of face. On the other hand, if such a cream existed, then the same people would walk the streets. Nature has created us completely different, and what we have is worth appreciating and embellishing. And for this, cosmetic companies, oh how they try!

But still there are magical means - proofreaders.

They come in different types: base correctors (primers are applied to the entire face, it is written about them above), cream correctors (applied to problem areas of the skin), proofreaders in pencils, and so on. I will not recommend any particular brand, such products can be found in any store with a wide selection of cosmetics.

Concealers come in different colors and each color works with a specific problem. Allergies, pigmentation, sunburn, thin skin or capillaries close to the surface, even bruises - all this can be hidden with the help of correctors.

Now about flowers.

White corrector color is used to lighten dark areas of the skin, or to mask freckles. However, it must be used with caution, and it is suitable only for very fair skin, or for sculpting the shape of the face to emphasize bulges.

purple pink corrector color (lavender) - copes with yellowness and greenery. Used for skin types with unhealthy yellow undertones. Also suitable for hiding bruises that are already passing (for example, after plastic surgery, when the bruise already leaves a dark yellow spot)

Violet(with a blue tint) - hides large age spots or unsuccessful self-tanning.

Green corrector - neutralizes redness. With rashes, allergies, scars after acne, any redness will cope with a greenish corrector.

Pink corrector. It is used for any skin tone. They can block dark (blue) circles under the eyes, it masks veins, well covers wrinkles and age spots.

It should also be remembered that for artificial lighting, you should choose a foundation with a pink undertone.

Apricot corrector - (which has more red) - refreshes aging skin, as well as skin without a blush with a grayish undertone. Evens out olive (sickly) skin color, gives it liveliness, if used under foundation.

Orange corrector (bright yellow) - masks very noticeable bruises or circles under the eyes, even very dark ones, found in dark-skinned girls.

Yellow- masks purple: bruises under the eyes, circles, bruises. Gives a warm tone to the skin, if necessary. Remember: if you need to look brilliant in sunlight and natural light, you should choose foundations in warm tones, golden or yellowish.

Beige The corrector helps to revitalize the skin tone, evens out the color. Or covers the residual effects after some problems on the skin. When masking a bruise, they first covered it with the desired shade, and then masked it with beige.

Blue corrector - neutralizes a strong tan.

How to use the corrector?

Naturally, if necessary, if there really is a SERIOUS problem that needs to be hidden.

The main thing is to shade well. In general, in makeup, the main thing is to shade EVERYTHING well.

It is applied with a finger or a brush, whichever is convenient for you, depending on what kind of structure. On or under the foundation - also to whom it is convenient.

About concealers.

Concealers are designed to remove dark circles under the eyes, they may not cope with other more serious skin imperfections.

To mask bruises under the eyes or the vascular network, it is better to use concealers of yellowish shades.

Important: The concealer should be much lighter than your skin tone or foundation.

They are also used to highlight certain areas of the skin, since some concealers contain reflective particles.

How to apply?

The concealer is applied with gentle movements and carefully shaded so that there are no visible boundaries of application. As a rule, on a foundation (if you use it).

If the concealer is used as a concealer or as a corrector for some skin imperfections, then it should be applied with patting movements on the foundation, lightly powdering this area on top, and you will be happy.

Correction according to the shape of the face.

Correction of the face with any corrective means convenient for you (for example, creamy or powder correctors of light and dark shades) always takes place according to the classical scheme:

Although experimenting with cosmetics is always interesting. You can also use these:

And most importantly - shade!

However, in order to achieve the ideal result, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the face. Simple rules will tell you exactly how best to correct your particular face in order to emphasize the advantages and eliminate the shortcomings.

Round face correction consists in the visual lengthening of this and changes in the contour of the cheeks. To do this, darken the side parts of the face (temples, cheeks and jaw) with a natural blush with a brownish tint or any other corrector (do not forget that the transition between light and dark colors should be smooth, therefore, any cosmetics should be carefully shaded) , making the color more saturated at the chin, this will help to give the face an oval shape. The main blush is applied to the cheekbones in the form of a triangle, which extends to the corners of the mouth.
The forehead, under the eyes and chin are highlighted to draw attention to the center of the face.

If you are the lucky owner oval face, then you can safely experiment with different types of makeup without being afraid to make mistakes. An oval face does not need to be corrected. It can be emphasized by slightly highlighting, for example, a highlighter under the eyes and the highest points - the nose, forehead and chin.

Correction triangular face should help to visually make the upper part narrow, and the lower part widen. The temporal and tuberous parts of the forehead are darkened. The line of the lower jaw is highlighted with powder. The forehead, under the eyes and chin are highlighted to draw attention to the center of the face. Blush is applied over the cheekbones on the protruding parts, in the form of a diamond.

Square face softening of the features, namely the jaw, is required so that the contours are gentle. In a dark tone, you need to darken the area at the hairline at the corners of the temples and at the corners of the jaw. A light tone is applied to the middle of the forehead, under the eyes and the tip of the chin. Blush is applied in a triangle, pulling it towards the temples.

Features diamond face softened by darkening the side of the face (cheeks) to minimize the width. The forehead, under the eyes and chin are highlighted to draw attention to the center of the face. For blush, two colors are selected. A dark color is applied to the protruding part of the cheekbone, light under it.

To shorten the length elongated or elongated face, it is necessary to darken the chin and forehead near the hairline. And to make the face visually wider, the sides of the face are highlighted with powder, and blush is applied to the protruding part of the cheeks in the form of an oval.

All this array of information may seem difficult to understand, but it's just at first glance. This is a general cheat sheet. You should act like this:

We determined our face shape, remembered how to correct it correctly. Further:

1. Moisturized the face
2. Apply a base or corrector (if there are serious problems). For example, you can choose a color base in accordance with the skin problem and dispense with the corrector as a separate tool.
3. Foundation
4. Concealer
5. Powder
6. Continued makeup (a cheat sheet about blush, highlighters and bronzers will be in the next post, and then about shadows)

This whole cake should be applied to the face if there are serious defects on the skin, or if there is some kind of event ahead, such as a photo shoot or a holiday, when you just need to look perfect.

Every day, no one will plaster like that, of course.

And it’s still worth getting a couple of special brushes, separately for each product. They provide the thinnest application so that there is no feeling that you applied foundation with a spatula.

This information is provided in full for you to make it easier for you to decide which tool you really need. Choose the most suitable combination for yourself and always be beautiful!

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For a perfect make-up you need even and clear complexion. But, unfortunately, the skin often suffers from various imperfections that can prevent this from being achieved.

Pimples, dark circles, redness, pigmentation - all this, of course, does not improve the appearance of the skin. Sometimes just foundation may not be enough to hide all the perfections. And then such a tool as a corrector can come to the rescue.

You can find out how many biorevitalization procedures you need to do from ours.

Tool task

What is it and why is it needed? Correctors are for special cosmetics.

Their main task is disguise small defects on the skin.

The right corrector can refresh and rejuvenate the face, making it much more attractive.

You just need to understand what color means is intended for, and how to use it correctly. Correctors are divided into two types:

  1. bodily to even out the tone.
  2. colored that mask various imperfections.

Application spectrum cosmetic product is very wide. It can be used to combat a variety of shortcomings, and the main ones are as follows:

  • dark and blue circles under the eyes;
  • the presence of redness on the skin;
  • acne marks, post-acne.

The corrector will help hide all the flaws, only if he himself is invisible.

In view of this, choose the right shade especially important. Correctors have a completely different composition than foundations.

The texture is dry and the pigmentation is dense.

Necessary learn to distinguish correctors from other camouflage products - highlighters and so on.

In disguise correctors more efficient than concealers, although both products are applied pointwise.

So, what color corrector is needed for what?

What is the difference between mesotherapy and biorevitalization of the face? find out right now.

Why do you need green?

A green color corrector is necessary for those whose skin is prone to rashes and redness. It is the green pigment neutralizes redness. It can also correct noticeable vessels, scars, abrasions and traces of tanning abuse. This tool is very popular among makeup artists.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, special attention should be paid to the creams you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of creams of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens negatively affect the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, our editorial experts conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

The purpose of pink

pink corrector can hide bruises and circles with a green tint.

However, be careful not to apply them to exclusively blue rashes, otherwise they can become even more noticeable.

If skin is too pale, thanks to the pink corrector, you can add freshness and naturalness to it.

What is blue for?

Blue is the opposite of brown and orange.

It helps to neutralize brown, circles under the eyes, pink acne, freckles, redness.

If you have yellowish skin tone which you want to get rid of, choose a powdery blue corrector. It is enough to take a little tone on a wide brush and spread over the entire face before applying.

Who needs purple?

Lilac or lavender corrector is the antagonist of yellow. He helps neutralize yellow skin, yellowed bruises, yellowed skin areas, freckles.

You can also use such correctors for uneven and too aggressive tanning.

Other colors

Yellow correctors are suitable for those who constantly notice purple circles on your face. A cool shade of yellow can fight purple rosacea. In this case, it is important that the consistency of the corrector is combined with the tonal base.

The orange corrector is struggling with what has to do with blue. He hides bruises, blue circles, veins. If you need to refresh the grayish skin color, you can apply a powdery orange corrector to the entire surface of the face.

Also in large palettes are often presented natural beige and brownish shades from the lightest to very dark. Many are afraid of them, but they can be very useful.

After all, the corrector is shaded on the skin, and it will not look the same as in the palette.

Yes, if needed underline and highlight some areas of the skin, it is worth using a corrector lighter than the natural shade.

And dark brown correctors are applied for correction of the oval of the face, nose and other imperfections. In simulation, such correctors show very good results.

As you can see, correctors solve a variety of problems. You can buy individual colors that you need, or you can buy a palette with different colors, which is useful for all occasions.

About how to perform face contouring using a palette of color correctors, you can learn from the video:

Is it not enough to have one tube of concealer in your basic makeup bag? It will be enough for casual make-up, and for an evening look. However, those who are familiar with the principles of color correction in make-up know that with a large palette of concealers, the result can be better in both the first and second cases. Further in the material - instructions for using the palette of concealers for the face and an explanation of which colors to use for what purpose.

Concealer palette: what is it?

The concealer palette is a set of professional beauty products. Under one cover, several shades of concealer are collected at once, not only for different skin types, but also for different problem areas.

Such palettes are used for color correction even before applying foundation. They help in spot masking imperfections by neutralizing skin color in a particular area of ​​the face.

Concealer palette: what color - for what?

The rules of color correction in makeup are based on the principle of the color wheel: those colors that are opposite each other on this circle neutralize each other. These are, for example, pairs such as red and green, purple and yellow. Shades for large palettes are selected according to this logic. Next, we analyze in detail what color is needed for what.

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This is a universal option. If you do not have specific problems that require the use of multi-colored concealers, you can use a neutral, that is, flesh-colored product. A white concealer has the same properties, but it can be useful in other situations - for example, if you need to lighten a foundation that was bought by mistake in the wrong shade.

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How to use a facial concealer palette: step by step photo instructions

If there are several problems, mask them using the desired colors in turn. Start with those areas of the skin that require intervention the most: it can be dark circles from lack of sleep or, say, large rashes.Then treat minor defects (pigment spots, small pimples). While you work on minor skin imperfections, the first layers of concealer have time to dry, which will make the corrective makeup more durable.

The areas that need to be applied with correctors of different shades are shown in the diagrams below.

Don't forget shading. Before you begin to apply foundation over the concealer “blemishes”, soften their borders so that they merge with the skin. Otherwise, the contours of areas with color correctors will be visible even through a layer of cream.

Strengthen your knowledge by watching our step-by-step video tutorial.

  • The skin tone concealer you use to correct imperfections should always be slightly lighter than your skin tone.
  • Under the eyes, apply a pink or beige concealer in an inverted triangle, "stretching" the color downwards - this will better hide dark circles. And mask pimples with small dots, without going beyond redness.

  • It is not necessary to use concealers from the palette only for their intended purpose. They can come in handy, for example, if you want to get a new shade of lipstick. The creamy texture allows you to experiment by mixing products of different colors with each other.

Facial Concealer Palette Overview

This set is borrowed from the arsenal of makeup artists. It features two color correctors and two concealers to help cover the most common skin tone imperfections. In addition, the kit includes two highlighters - for arranging light accents at the final stage of makeup. Master Camo palette allows you to consistently bring the tone of the face to perfection. First you need to use correctors to mask redness and dark circles under the eyes. Then, after waiting for the first layer to dry, apply concealer so that there are no traces that differ in color from the skin tone. All products in the palette have a light and delicate texture. At the same time, they are distinguished by enviable durability - disguise will last throughout the day.

© maybebelline.com.ru

This palette of correctors - five shades: purple, green, yellow and two beige. This team is able to rid the skin of dullness, hide bruises, pimples, acne marks and other defects. The formula is saturated with pigments, so imperfections will not “appear” through the color coating.

© loreal-paris.ru

The six-color face corrector palette is another set of tools with which you can perform professional color correction of any level of complexity. Under the lid there are such necessary shades as lilac, green, yellow and pink. They are complemented by two beige correctors, which NYX Professional Makeup recommends not only to hide imperfections, but also - if necessary - to perform light contouring. After application, cream products are not smeared, masking lasts all day. Due to the content of waxes and vitamin E in the formula, the correctors not only do not dry the skin, but also perform caring functions.

© nyxcosmetic.ru

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