Taking good care of a man's face. Men's face creams: names, ranking of the best brands

The appearance of a man is considered calling card success. Face masks for men have become mandatory hygienic and cosmetic procedure. Career advancement is difficult to imagine without proper attention to appearance. Today, facial care is not the prerogative of exclusively women; a strong half can afford to look good without losing natural masculinity.

Features of men's skin care

Facial care for men differs in the composition of the components. The structure of the skin is denser and less sensitive to external stimuli. For achievement desired result, it is enough to get by with a basic set.

Rules for men's skin care:

  1. For daily cleansing, you need to choose a high-quality gel or foam, up to 30 years old, preferably with antiseptic and antibacterial properties, since the epidermis is different high fat content.
  2. Tonic or lotion helps to refresh the integument, improve blood flow, and soothe the skin after shaving.
  3. Moisturizing cream can be used both before and after 30, it allows you to control hydrobalance, softens, improves complexion.
  4. After 40, you need to pay attention not only to cleansing, but also to nutrition, rejuvenating procedures will be required once a week, peeling or scrubbing is carried out 2 times a month to speed up the renewal of the covers.
  5. For problematic skin you will need special products with an anti-inflammatory effect, oily dermis needs regular cleansing, the use of therapeutic creams, ointments that allow you to normalize pH, narrow pores, and improve the bumpy structure.

The use of cosmetics intended for women is not recommended. Used for dense male skin, they do not have the desired result. Compound cosmetics is different increased concentration active elements.

Interesting video: How does men's skin differ from women's and how to care for it?

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemical substances destroy the structure of curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official internet store mulsan.ru If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Rules for the use of male masks

Men's face masks require certain recommendations to be followed. You can visit the salon or prepare the remedy with your own hands, and there are also effective formulations that are easy to buy at the cosmetic store.

Basic rules for the use of masks for men:

  • should be applied to dry, cleansed skin, if there is acne, then you can pre-steam with a hot compress;
  • during application, the muscles should be relaxed, the composition is applied along the massage lines, it is worth avoiding the delicate skin of the eyelids, the nasolabial triangle, as well as the mustache or beard area, the mask can be applied to a short bristle;
  • it is better to remove the composition with mineral water or green tea, with the help of a moistened sponge, you also need to move along the massage lines;
  • it is necessary to use masks for acne two / three times a week, after the appearance of improvement, reduce to one time, at the first signs of aging and for wrinkles, a course of seven / ten sessions is required.

Overview of store masks

La Roche-Posay Purifying Seboregulating Mask- helps to get rid of blackheads, effective against acne. The composition contains thermal water, as well as two types of clay, which allows you to control the secretion sebaceous glands. The presence of vitamin B5 soothes irritation after shaving. The cost is about 650 rubles.

Beauty Face Calming Brown Rice Mask- fabric masks purchased after 50 years help to quickly refresh the face, relieve fatigue and puffiness. Amino acids, extracts medicinal plants soften and moisturize, the structure and intracellular processes are normalized. Excellent remedy for the restoration of integument after prolonged exposure to the sun, frost, or in adverse environmental conditions. Price - 150 rubles.


Artdeco Skin Yoga Face Bamboo Scrub- helps to refresh, relieve irritation, restore an even, smooth structure. The composition contains bamboo powder and other natural ingredients with antioxidant properties. You can buy for 575 rubles.

homemade masks

Folk recipes of cosmetics allow you to cleanse, soothe, moisturize the skin, have a rejuvenating effect, relieve inflammation, irritation after shaving. Thanks to effective means you can quickly refresh the covers, remove puffiness, traces of lack of sleep. At home, it will not be difficult to take care of your appearance, making your skin look younger.


Natural ingredients in the cleansing mask for men, remove toxins, regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands. The absorbent effect allows you to narrow the pores, remove the keratinized epithelium, and make the structure smooth. It is useful to use for oily, problematic dermis, prone to frequent inflammation, rashes.


Connect two kinds cosmetic clay, turn dry peas into powder on a coffee grinder. Dilute the composition with mineral water until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. Then add aroma oil, mix well again. After cleansing the integument, distribute finished product along the massage lines, hold for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash off in the usual way, repeat the caring procedure three / five times a month.

Useful video: Cleansing male skin


With frequent peeling and a feeling of tightness, it is worth using a regenerating, moisturizing face mask for men. The recipe is easy to implement at home, and the result will please you with improved color, softening, and restoration of elasticity. Useful for frequent inflammations, unhealthy complexion.


  • 10 gr. sour cream;
  • ascorutin tablet;
  • 10 gr. oatmeal.

Crush a vitamin C tablet thoroughly in a mortar, combine with sour cream, honey. Cereals steam, after ten minutes, pass the resulting mass through a fine sieve. After mixing the components, distribute a generous layer on the face, avoiding only the area around the eyes. Leave for twenty minutes, then remove as usual. Use in the evening before three times in Week.


The tightening procedure improves turgor, elasticity of the integument, fights age-related changes that appear much later than in women. Anti-aging masks for men can be used after 40 years, they stimulate blood flow processes, restore oxygen respiration.


  • 10 gr. rice starch;
  • 5 ml of olive oil;
  • 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil.

Grind dry algae in a coffee grinder, pour mineral water, leaving for half an hour. Then combine with starch, warm nutritious and aromatic oil. Apply the finished mass in a dense layer, adhering to the direction massage lines wash off after half an hour. For achievement stable result it will take from seven to ten cosmetic sessions.

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the Academy of Beauty Industry "LOKON". Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I always try various means, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm in

Only in the 21st century, facials for men are no longer considered something strange, unacceptable, and even vicious. Outdated views are a thing of the past and hygiene and basic care procedures are absolutely natural for both women and men.

Of course, most often in the arsenal of the stronger sex is not such an extensive list cosmetic products and procedures, but even the so-called "minimum set" will keep you young, fresh appearance and masculine charm long years.

How is men's skin different from women's?

In cosmetology, any care procedures should begin with determining the type of skin. Skin care for men is no exception, especially when there are a number of differences and features. The first major difference is the stronger dermis layer, although the amount of fat in men is slightly less than in women.

Another feature of the male skin of the face is more fragile blood vessels, although the connective tissues are stronger than in women. Also, in men, sweat and sebaceous glands which is also worth considering.

It is important to understand that men's skin care differs primarily in their approach. The representatives of the stronger sex prefer to choose methods of care that will take the least time, but at the same time will give the greatest effect. Shaving is also added to the care features, the quality of which will have a significant impact.

In facial care for a man, a complex effect will be most effective. It pairs perfectly with the minimalist approach that most men prefer. One of the main types of care is peeling, which is complemented by regular toning and cleansing of the face. After 30 years, a daily face and eye cream is added to the list. Usually this is enough to get an impressive result.

Are men's skin types as different as women's?

Before starting a facial, men need to determine their skin type. Usually there are the following types:

  • Fatty- characterized by increased fat content and shine. When palpated, an oily trace on the fingers may be felt. Pimples or blackheads often appear;
  • Dry- most sensitive kind. Quickly reacts to frost, after washing the skin may tighten;
  • Combined- combines the properties of the previous types. For example, cheeks are sensitive and often dry out, and the T-zone is characterized by increased fat content;
  • Normal- the rarest type, the skin is healthy, has a matte structure. The number of acne and comedones is minimal.

Often male care behind the face is limited to ordinary washing with soap, although in most cases this will not be enough. The skin is constantly exposed to the external environment, so you need to pay enough attention to clean it. It is important not only to clean the pores and remove the dead layer of the epidermis in time, but also to choose the right products.

Cosmetologists advise to wash your face using detergents and cleansers only once a day, but you can simply wash your face with water without restrictions. It is important that the water is room temperature(it is allowed to take a little colder or warmer from room level). It is preferable to use filtered water.

It is also necessary to remember that when using creams or other care products, including micellar water, at the end of the day the skin must be cleaned of their traces.

To make the skin smooth and supple, the best choice there will be peeling. Means for facial skin care for men can be chosen as tough as possible, without fear of injury or mechanical damage. The exception is people with dry and sensitive skin, for which moderate scrubs are best.

It is important to carry out the procedure regularly in order to clean the pores from dead particles of the epidermis, dirt and dust that the skin contacts daily, as well as other microparticles. Peeling will not only make the skin healthier and more vibrant, but will also greatly simplify the shaving procedure, as well as prevent ingrown hairs. It is recommended to carry out the procedure no more than once a week.

The right cream is not only facial care for men, but also its protection. It is not worth using it on an ongoing basis at a young age, it becomes necessary only after 40 years, but in some cases you cannot do without a cream or gel. The most common type of creams are moisturizers. They are recommended to be applied to the skin of the face and neck every time, after shaving or thoroughly washing using detergents. Overdoing it with the use of the cream is not worth it, as this can lead to clogged pores and create an unpleasant oily sheen.

After 10-15 minutes after applying the cream, it is necessary to check how much it has been absorbed, and if necessary, remove all residues of the product with a cotton pad.

It is important to pay attention to a quality shave, on which the condition of the skin will depend. Often male remedies facial care products in the form of universal creams or gels that can be used for both shaving and moisturizing. It is not only convenient, but also effective. It is also worth taking care of a high-quality razor, it is better to avoid disposable machines, as they severely injure the skin and provoke irritation.

If you want a perfect dry shave, an electric shaver is the way to go. When choosing machines, special attention should be paid to the sharpness of the blades and shaving technology. It is also important to remember that movements should be performed only along the growth of the hair, and for washing use cold water. For men with delicate and dry skin, it is better to use aftershave lotions or gels with regenerating components.

If at a young age the skin of men does not require special care and it is enough to follow the basic rules of care, then with age everything begins to change significantly. Facial care for men after 30 creates a fundamental difference from those who do not go beyond the use of ordinary soap or gel. The use of moisturizing creams is becoming more recommended, and in some cases even products with anti-aging components (peptides, vitamins, etc.) will be relevant.

Also, the skin needs toning more often, so it is better to resort to this procedure not only after shaving, but also after each washing with the use of tonics.

As with women, facial care for men after 40 becomes more thorough and frequent. The amount of testosterone, which determines the condition and youthfulness of the skin, decreases significantly with age, therefore, in addition to care, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and lifestyle.

The main problem is skin aging. Although men may not need to take care of their faces as carefully as women, some procedures will become mandatory. You can use ultrasonic chemical peels, although it is important to follow all the recommendations of cosmetologists for skin care after the procedure. Also, masks that have a pronounced rejuvenating and healing effect are quite popular.

Although skin care is not so popular among the strong half of the population, we advise you to use at least basic schema: washing, toning, moisturizing. And be sure to watch your lips. Today it is easy to find special balms for men.

The term "men's cosmetics" appeared recently, but now such concepts as men's peeling, cream for sensitive skin of men or men's facial tonic are no longer surprising. But before it was believed that cosmetics were created exclusively for the beautiful half of humanity, and men are not required to be beautiful. But with age, almost the same irreversible processes in the skin occur in men and women, in connection with which wrinkles, creases, flakes and dry skin appear.

That is why male face in the same way as women's, it needs regular care and correct selection cosmetics. Of course, men's skin care is different from women's, but in general the rules are the same: cleansing, exfoliating, toning, moisturizing and protecting!

Men's skin needs regular care and proper selection of products.

Features of male skin

It should be noted that men are more fortunate with the skin than women. Firstly, their epidermis contains more collagen and elastin, which makes men's skin 20% denser than women's. Unfavourable conditions and mechanical impact (regular shaving) is not capable of causing serious harm to men's skin. Secondly, under the influence of testosterone, the skin becomes rougher and thicker, and the aging process in it proceeds more slowly and is not as pronounced as in women. In addition, peeling and inflammation practically do not appear on the skin of men.

The only thing that can cause inconvenience to some men is oily skin, provoked by the same testosterone. But all undesirable phenomena, as a rule, appear in young men and are easily neutralized by competent daily care. But after 45 years, men's skin enters into new period: due to the constant decrease in the level of male hormones androgens, the production sebum decreases, the skin becomes drier and more prone to wrinkles.

In connection with constant shaving, over time, the skin of the face in men becomes more sensitive, since the thinnest upper protective layer regularly removed with razor blades. Shaving also provokes increased skin epithelialization and growth of the stratum corneum, which means that men more than women need constant exfoliation and restoration of the affected skin.

Men's skin suffers from dryness due to constant shaving, and this is important to correct.

Activity declines after age 50 sweat glands, which causes the appearance of a capillary network, especially around the nose and on the cheeks. The tone of the tissues also decreases, the oval of the face gradually “slides down” down, pastosity appears, fleas and deep nasolabial folds. With age, men become more pronounced bags, circles under the eyes and the so-called crow's feet - a network of small wrinkles around the eyes. Therefore, with age, skin care should be more thorough.

Men's skin care routine

Men's skin care is generally similar to women's - with the only difference being that the age range is wider, since aging is more delayed in men. For men who want to look well-groomed and young for many years, there are some skin care rules that directly depend on age.

Skin cleansing

An important part of care that should never be skipped. Men, unlike women, do not apply makeup, which means that their skin does not require multi-stage deep cleansing. But, given the increased work of the sebaceous glands, men's skin also needs high-quality cleansing.

  • From 16 to 25 years old. The age when a teenager turns into a man especially affects the skin. In this period of time, the sebaceous glands work in an enhanced mode. Therefore, from 16 to 25 years old, a man should be especially attentive to the process of cleansing the skin. Washing products must be alkaline enough to thoroughly wash off the remnants of sebum from the skin, otherwise pustules and blackheads may appear. The systematic lack of skin cleansing most often causes teenage acne in guys.
  • From 25 to 45 years old. At this age, the sebaceous glands work normally, which means that the skin no longer needs aggressive washing “to the squeak”. At this stage, you can stop at soft cleansing gels and facial foams. It is necessary to wash your face twice a day: in the morning to wash off the fat that has accumulated on the skin during the night, and in the evening to wash off the fat, dirt and dust that has settled on the face during the day.
  • After 45 years. During this period, sebum in men becomes less and less, which means that the need for constant cleansing disappears. Fully wash your face mild agent you can in the evening, and in the morning you can just rinse your face warm water. At this age, dryness and tightness of the skin may appear, so you can focus on own feelings and clean the face as many times as necessary for a feeling of comfort.

Do you think that cleansing procedures are optional for men? Wrong!

Exfoliation of the top layer of the skin

Exfoliation of the horny layer of the skin (or peeling) is also an integral part of a complete men's skin care. With regular delicate removal of the upper dead layer, the epidermis is much more actively saturated with oxygen, metabolic processes in cells and slows down skin aging. Peeling should be carried out no more than once a week, so as not to injure the skin.

  • From 16 to 25 years old. At this age, exfoliation is very important as it helps to remove dirt, oil and bacteria from the surface of the skin. Quality peeling effectively cleanses pores, reduces sebum production and renews the skin. Since the skin is dense and strong at such a young age, for the best result, you can use abrasive scrubs - for example, salt or coffee. The main thing is not to scratch the skin, but only lightly massage it until a healthy blush appears.
  • From 25 to 45 years old. At this age, all the efforts of men should be aimed at delaying the aging process of the skin, so it is better to opt for acid peels. If up to 35 years, soft superficial peels can be performed on fruit acids, then after 40 years it is advisable to switch to medium and deep peels based on salicylic and trichloroacetic acid. Such peels are quite aggressive, but they are able to completely renew the upper layer of the epidermis and partially erase the first signs. age-related changes.
  • After 45 years. Considering age-related changes in the work of the sebaceous glands, at this age, in order to achieve best results perfect choice for men will be enzyme or enzymatic peels. They gently exfoliate the top layer of the skin without injuring or overdrying it. By reacting with the upper layer of the epidermis, enzymes gently remove dead cells, polish and smooth the skin. Enzyme peels suitable even for hypersensitive, rosaceous, dry and atonic skin.

For young skin, it is better to use scrubs based on coffee or salt.

Skin toning

With skin toning, everything is much simpler: at any age, the skin needs this final stage of cleansing. The fact is that during washing with soap products, a thin lipid film is washed off the skin, which protects the skin from external irritants and adverse conditions.

After exposure to alkali, which is contained in all cleansing foams and gels, the acid-base balance of the skin is temporarily disturbed. To restore this balance, it must be wiped with a tonic selected for the type of skin. The only thing age difference that after 45 years it is recommended to use tonics that do not contain alcohol, since it dries already dry aging skin.

After washing, be sure to cleanse the skin with a tonic.

Skin hydration

The main stage of skin care, which should be present in men always and at any age. Moisturizing involves the daily application of moisturizing creams, gels, emulsions or masks to the skin. In fact, moisturizing the skin to the greatest extent affects its condition, elasticity, youth.

  • From 16 to 25 years old. At this age, the skin copes well with dryness by secreting sebum and a dense lipid layer that retains moisture inside the epidermis. As a rule, at a young age, minimal skin hydration is required and only when there is a need for it - for example, if a feeling of tightness periodically appears after washing. For light moisturizing, liquid emulsions and non-greasy gels are suitable, which do not leave behind a film on the surface of the skin. It is enough to use a moisturizer once a day or in moments of discomfort and dryness.
  • From 25 to 45 years old. Changes in this time period are not yet so noticeable, but the cells of the epidermis are already gradually losing collagen and elastin, which means that the skin requires additional nourishment. For the purpose of additional moisturizing, you can use dense creams containing natural oils, such as shea or jojoba, as well as hyaluronic acid and glycerin, which will keep moisture inside the skin. Cream care should become an essential evening ritual for every middle-aged man. If necessary, the cream can also be applied in the morning, preferring a non-greasy day cream. At this age, men are also shown weekly use of nourishing masks, both cream and fabric.
  • After 45 years. The rapid loss of collagen, thinning and drying of the skin entails constant need V intense hydration and mitigation. After 45 years, you should opt for dense and oily, deeply moisturizing creams. It is better to apply them at night, when the skin is most actively updated and restored. Since at this age the skin type changes towards dry and sensitive type Applying moisturizers should become a permanent routine that should not be skipped.

Skin protection

This care item is universal, and is more applicable to men aged 16 to 50 years. Later, skin protection no longer makes sense. It's about about protection from ultraviolet radiation. With systematic exposure of the skin to direct sun rays the epidermis becomes thinner, the skin becomes covered with age spots, rapidly dries out and ages. In order to minimize photoaging of the skin, it is necessary to regularly use products with an SPF factor.

At any age, it is worth remembering about regular moisturizing and skin protection.

Protection makes sense at a young age, because to prevent the appearance age spots in men it is much easier than to eliminate existing ones. Men (as well as women) are strongly discouraged from sunbathing without protective cream and on sunny days to go outside without first applying such a cream on the face.

Undoubtedly, men are not as concerned about the appearance of wrinkles as women, but this does not mean at all that the stronger sex is morally ready to age quickly! Proper care behind the skin can significantly delay the appearance of age-related changes, improving not only the appearance, but also the mood.

Men's skin requires no less care and attention than women's. Men, on the other hand, very often neglect cosmetics, considering them to be feminine things, and limit themselves to skin care products after shaving. However, not only the machine can harm the male skin of the face: the polluted air of stuffy and dusty megacities, and malnutrition- everything affects her in the most negative way. How to provide maximum facial care for men? To do this, you need to follow only a few simple rules and avoid typical mistakes that are common to most men.

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Facial care for men: basic rules

If men follow some simple rules for facial skin care, you can achieve fairly high results in the shortest possible time.

1. Filtered water

If you take care to wash your face exclusively with filtered water, you will soon notice an improvement in the color and condition of the skin. Tap water contains too much a large number of impurities and chlorine that irritate the skin.

2. Towel

Try not to dry yourself with a towel after washing. A rough cloth can damage the skin and reduce the effect of washing to zero: provide your skin with maximum hydration - let the water droplets linger on your face for as long as possible.

3. Steaming and squeezing

Many men clean their skin at home (especially adolescents who suffer from age acne) than put on your skin irreparable harm. Steaming with hot steam dries the skin and breaks the capillaries. And squeezing small pimples, blackheads and other rashes most often ends with the introduction of various kinds of infections, which are subsequently very difficult to get rid of.

4. Choice of cosmetics

Going to buy cosmetics that will provide necessary care for facial skin for men, follow two rules:

- buy funds of one line, one brand, which should have a unidirectional action;

- women's skin in its composition is significantly different from men's, so it requires completely different care, and therefore, before buying, do not forget to check the mark on the products: "for men."

5. Shaving

Do not save on blades: the more often you change them, the safer and more gentle the shaving process will be for your skin.

As you can see, facials for men are not such a hassle. Main - regular care and compliance with all rules.

Facial care for men: moisturizing

Men's skin needs moisture to a greater extent than women's: in the process of shaving, the upper layers of the skin are broken, which has a very bad effect on it. general condition. Most men use alcohol-based lotions after shaving, which is typical mistake. What means will provide men's skin with maximum hydration and reduce to zero negative consequences shaving?

1. Aftershave lotions

In no case do not use various alcohol-containing lotions that ruthlessly dry the skin. Alcohol in the composition of such cosmetics disrupts the structure skin, which leads to excessive and unpleasant redness, which can no longer be eliminated.

When buying a lotion, pay attention to the fact that it does not contain alcohol. Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of cosmetic moisturizers that will provide gentle and most comfortable facial skin care for men.

2. Moisturizer

Understand one important axiom: a cream is a cosmetic product not only for female skin. There are many moisturizers specifically for men that will give the skin maximum hydration, and with it the radiance and health of beautiful and youthful skin.

Moisturizing cream is recommended to be applied after each wash and shave. Do not forget about the skin of the neck, which also needs your attention (because male neckfavorite place women for the most tender kisses). After 10 minutes, check if all the cream has been absorbed into the skin: if you find any residue, remove it with a cotton pad.

So, dear men, cast aside prejudices, purchase the necessary set of cosmetics that provide the most gentle and effective care for facial skin for men, start working to preserve youth and freshness. Remember one thing always current rule: women love men with well-groomed and healthy skin faces.

Skin care is not only a woman's task. Many men who want to look fresh and young for as long as possible also take care of their appearance. To do this, they not only attend gyms and lead healthy lifestyle life, but also resort to help cosmetic products in the form of creams and gels. Men's anti-wrinkle cream and other anti-aging products are in great demand among the stronger sex, but there are those who doubt the effectiveness of such products.

Do men need to use face cream?

Everyone is subject to aging. Physiological processes take their toll, but if measures are taken in time, they can be slowed down. To do this, you need to acquire a line of cosmetic skin care products that will fill it with valuable nutrients. There is an opinion that anti-wrinkle cream for men is such a PR move, and stronger sex there will be quite enough funds that are intended for women. Actually this is a delusion. Naturally, you can use such cosmetics, but here the question arises about its effectiveness. The thing is that men's skin is different from women's. It is much denser, which means that it is difficult for active substances to penetrate into it. That is why the cream for men differs in its structure. Such funds are absorbed faster and are characterized by greater penetrating power.

Regular shaving also deals a powerful blow to the male dermis. As a result of such procedures, the epidermis loses its protective layer, as a result of which its susceptibility to negative influence surrounding factors. That is why the composition should contain antiseptic, wound healing, moisturizing components. With age, sebum production in men decreases, so the skin becomes thinner and dehydrated. Wrinkles appear on it, which become deeper and more noticeable over the years. Reduce their visibility under the power of cosmetic products with anti-aging action.

How to choose a men's cream?

Many representatives of the stronger sex have to work hard in industries where not the most Better conditions for work. This, of course, leaves its mark on the skin, and it undergoes early aging. The skin begins to fade and under the influence of other factors. These include smoking, drinking alcohol, prolonged exposure to the sun, unfavorable ecology. To look young and fresh for as long as possible, a man needs to take care of his skin. To do this, you need to purchase an anti-wrinkle cream (for men) and use it regularly. Judging by the reviews, already after 3-4 weeks you can notice the first results and evaluate whether this or that product really works.

Cream for men "Shiseido"

Japanese cosmetic brand Shiseido manufactures products that provide professional skin care at home. Pleased with the company and representatives of the strong half of humanity. Anti-aging products have appeared on the market, among which there is a cream that normalizes the balance of the skin and an eye wrinkle cream for men.

Cream TM "Shiseido" has a powerful regenerating effect. With it, you can reduce the depth of wrinkles, eliminate the first signs of aging of the skin and make it supple and smooth. Damage Defense Complex, which is enriched with cream, is characterized by protective properties. Thanks to him, the oval of the face is corrected. The product includes vitamin A (retinol), which is known for its anti-aging effect.

In addition, the product contains LAG Revitalizer, which resumes the regeneration of epidermal cells. Castor oil aimed at eliminating dryness, peeling. It normalizes the processes of regeneration in tissues, fills the cells with moisture. Ginseng root extract gives the skin healthy look restoring its smoothness.

Cosmetics "Collistar" for men

The Italian brand "Collistar" also took care of the representatives of the stronger sex and released a cream for men (for the face) from wrinkles, which can be used after 25 years. The revitalizing cream belongs to professional means facial skin care.

Daily Revitalizing Anti-Wrinkle Cream for Men trademark Collistar is enriched with a unique formula that fills the skin with vitamins and valuable ingredients. Their task is to rejuvenate the dermis and prevent its early aging. Antioxidants fill skin cells with moisture, restore metabolic processes in the deep layers. It is advisable to use the remedy twice a day. According to consumers, the product may well replace cosmetics after shaving. The disadvantages include the high cost of funds.

Cream Health And Beauty

The Israeli brand H&B has released a cream for men for the face (anti-wrinkle) with SPF 15. The product can be used from the age of 30. The cream protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, moisturizes it and makes it elastic. Produced in glass containers, which means that its consumption can be adjusted independently. This product is ideal for all skin types. The product also contains tea tree oil. In combination, these components provide an antiseptic effect, which is especially needed by the skin after shaving. Fatty acids fill the dermis with active substances, Dead Sea minerals slow down the aging process and reduce the number of visible wrinkles.

Men who have experienced the effect of this cream note that its plus lies in its versatility. The tool perfectly replaces cosmetics intended for use after shaving, but at the same time penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and fights the first signs of aging.

Premier for men

Another Israeli brand, which launched a line of anti-aging products. Night cream for men from wrinkles fights the first signs of skin aging, activates the regenerative processes in it, eliminates puffiness. In addition, Premier gives an excellent lifting effect. Includes Dead Sea minerals and beta-carotene. Suitable for face and neck.

Cosmetics "Loreal" for men

The world has released a series of cosmetic products that cope with early aging skin. from wrinkles for men from this French brand - "Men Expert Vita Lifting". It has a lifting effect, makes the skin smooth, fills the first wrinkles. Thanks to the Pro-Retinol formula, the skin is visibly transformed, its tone and facial contours improve. The ADC complex enhances its protective properties, due to which it neutralizes harmful effect environment.

Users note that the cream has an oily consistency, so it is most suitable for severely dehydrated skin. To the virtues this tool its neutral odour.

"Bioterm" for men

Biotherm Homme Age Refirm anti-wrinkle cream for men, which is based on thermal water, gives the skin complete care. Suitable for men over 30 years old. The tool reduces the number of wrinkles, tightens the skin and restores regenerating processes. Cosmetics "Biotherm" includes silicon, which strengthens the structure of the epidermis. Enriched with substances in the form of glycerin and tallow tree oil. Provides sun protection.

Biotherm Homme Age Refirm is an anti-wrinkle cream for men, reviews of which are mostly positive. The main drawback of the tool is its high price yet it does the job well. Men note that the cream is well distributed over the skin and is instantly absorbed. Already after a month regular use the depth of wrinkles is significantly reduced, the skin becomes smoother and fresher.