Folk recipes for nails. Mask with black currant. Mask with baby cream

Nail plates are exposed to a variety of harmful substances. Ordinary things such as laundry detergent and dishwashing detergents have a negative impact on the health of the nail plate. They can not only lose their elasticity and natural shine, but also become brittle and brittle. Strengthening nails at home is considered one of the main aspects of nail care. Any woman seeks to get rid of brittle nails, making them strong and beautiful.

Folk remedies for strengthening nails at home

Strengthening nails at home is the proper nutrition of their special oil, as well as the use of a healing cuticle cream. When applying oils, special attention should be paid to the areas along the contour of the nail plate. Cuticle care cream should be rubbed in with smooth, circular motions. The softened cuticle must be carefully pushed back, allowing the nail to breathe.

The composition of commercially available ready-made preparations for strengthening nails may contain a variety of components:

  • In order to enhance the growth of the plate, creams usually contain substances designed to stimulate the creation of new cells in the area of ​​its growth.
  • In order to strengthen, as well as increase resistance against the harmful effects of the external environment, vitamin C, keratin, amino acids, and proteins are included in the creams.

Creams with such additives are applied to the hands after each contact with water.

Herbal decoctions are considered an excellent tool for strengthening nails. Any collection is allowed to brew, but chamomile and burdock are considered the best in the fight against brittleness, they provide care and gentle care. Products such as garlic and a variety of garlic masks, as well as gelatin and honey, have a positive effect. Thanks to such a large selection, each beauty will be able to choose the right tool for herself.

Sea salt nourishing bath

Step-by-step instructions will help you understand the technology, prepare a solution for strengthening nails, so that the varnish or gel subsequently fits perfectly on them.

  1. Take 0.5 liters of hot water and add one incomplete tablespoon of sea salt (it is useful to use salt that does not contain aromatic additives).
  2. Dip your fingers in the bath, hold them for about 20 minutes.
  3. Hands should be wiped dry, and then with massaging movements, absorb a greasy cream into them.
  4. The procedure must be carried out daily for 10 days, then you need to take a break of one month.

Lemon juice with salt to strengthen the nail plates

Bright and juicy citrus will be an excellent preparation for gel extensions, making the plates durable.

  1. Squeeze about a tablespoon of lemon juice on a saucer,
  2. Add a couple of pinches of salt, mix the ingredients, and then brush your nails with a brush.
  3. Wait 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Iodine to prevent delamination of nails

Iodine is considered the most effective home remedy for strengthening nails at home. A couple of drops of iodine added to a warm bath increase its healing effect. With this approach, you should not be afraid of burns and irritation - the effect of iodine on the nail plates, as well as the skin around the fingers, is considered as soft as possible. You can carry out these procedures 1-2 times a week. It is used in the preparation of various masks, baths. A bath with iodine and orange juice is prepared as follows:

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of sea salt and dissolve it in ½ cup of hot water.
  2. Add ½ cup of orange juice and 4 drops of iodine to the prepared mixture.
  3. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, put your hands in the finished bath for 10-15 minutes.
  4. At the end of the procedure, dry your hands thoroughly with a towel and apply a nourishing cream, paying special attention to the nail plate.
  5. Such a bath with iodine is considered an excellent way to strengthen nails at home.

Effective mask recipes

To make your hands look beautiful and healthy, you do not need to rely only on natural natural beauty. It is necessary to provide constant care and care for the skin of the hands and nails, use a variety of healing methods, such as masks for nail growth. Only then will you become the owner of beautiful, strong and well-growing nails. Given the effect that nail masks have, they can be:

  • strengthening,
  • regenerating,
  • nutritious,
  • activating the growth of the nail plate.

Essential oil mask

Making a mask that contains healthy oils is easy. Any woman will cope with the task, even one who has practically no free time.

  1. Take 0.5 tablespoon of sour cream, 2 drops of rose and grapefruit essential oils.
  2. Mix everything until a homogeneous consistency, and then apply on the nails under gloves, leave for 2-3 hours.
  3. At the end of the time, remove the nutrient mixture with a cotton swab.

With red pepper and cream

A mask with red pepper will instantly increase the growth rate of the plates, making them more durable. Such treatment is completely painless and very effective, as evidenced by the reviews of girls who have experienced this miracle remedy. As a result, your hands will radiate health, and you will radiate self-confidence.

  1. In order for the ingredients to mix quickly and thoroughly, you need to leave the tank in a water bath.
  2. After 10 minutes, stir the mass.
  3. Then apply the prepared composition on the nails and put on gloves.
  4. Keep the mask for 2 hours and then rinse with water.

Treatment mask made of natural wax

Wax nourishes nails and strengthens them at the same time. The mask from it will take time, but the effect is worth it.

  1. Melt natural wax in a water bath.
  2. Dip your fingertips into the mixture, and then immediately dip your hands into cool water.
  3. The fingers will be covered with a layer of natural wax, which must be left overnight, wearing cotton gloves on the hands.
  4. Use twice a week for 3 weeks.


Oksana, 25 years old

I am a mother of two small children. After giving birth, I noticed that my nails became brittle, brittle and constantly exfoliate. I decided not to spend money on expensive trips to the salons, but to use effective home methods for strengthening nails. Once a week I did baths with sea salt, after which I made a mask based on essential oils, and at night I always applied a special firming cream to my hands. After a couple of months, I discovered the result, and he pleasantly surprised me: my nails became much stronger, and I forgot that they exfoliated.

Irina, 37 years old

I have always adhered to the point of view that you need to trust your beauty only with natural folk remedies. Nails need daily care, so I always try to pamper them, using a pleasant bath with the addition of sea salt, iodine. As you know, these components have a beneficial effect on their growth. To give them a healthy look and a beautiful natural color, I use essential oils.

Svetlana, 32 years old

Strengthening the nail plate using home methods is very simple. To do this, you need not only to use various home-made products, but also monitor your diet, take special vitamin complexes. I adhere to all of the above recommendations, so I can boast of my healthy, strong nails.

What vitamins to strengthen nails to drink?

  • "Alfavit" is a vitamin and mineral complex for beauty and health. The composition of this drug contains the following components: vitamins, minerals, plant extracts. Alphabet contains vitamins for hair growth - A, H (biotin), calcium for strengthening nails, as well as coenzyme Q10, green tea extract, and other useful substances that promote skin rejuvenation.

  • "Revalid". The composition of this complex contains vitamins, amino acids, which allow to accelerate the growth, health of hair and nails. The cost of the drug is low, and it does not have side effects. Use 1 capsule 3 times a day. To achieve visible results, the drug should be taken for at least 2 months, and preferably 3 months.

  • Vitamin complex "Perfectil". This drug has a great effect on the condition of the skin, nails, and accelerated hair growth is observed already in the first month. This complex is constantly used by Western models, as well as actresses. It was developed by British scientists and contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. You only need to take 1 capsule per day.

  • "Doppelhertz". It is recommended to use as a biologically active food supplement. It becomes an additional source of zinc, vitamins B5, B6, biotin, containing PUFAs.

Video lesson of home strengthening of nails with biogel

Biogel is a material that is used to cover nails, it has a positive effect on their growth and health. The composition of the biogel contains such natural ingredients as yew tree resin from South Africa, vitamins A and E. Watch the video on how to carry out the procedure using the biogel:

Strengthening natural nails with shellac

Shellac offers not only strengthening, but also the beauty of nails for a long period. Many women have already discovered this way of care. Would you like it to be the solution to your nail problems? Watch the video and learn:

The woman's hands are always in sight. In order for you to make a favorable impression on the interlocutor, it is very important to take care of the beauty of the nails and skin of the hands. In winter, the lack of vitamins and solar energy can lead to unsatisfactory condition of your nails. But today there are many effective and affordable ways to strengthen fingernails.

There are quite a few means for strengthening nails - from available natural ingredients to professional cosmetic formulations. Let's consider some of them in more detail.

Strengthening nail polish

Of course, if your nails grow too slowly, you can build them up with gel or acrylic. In an instant, you will become the owner of a neat, almost maintenance-free manicure.

However, do not forget about the negative side effects - a dense layer of acrylic and gel makes it difficult for oxygen nutrients to reach your own nails.

In addition, significant damage to the nail plate occurs during the procedure.

An alternative to this procedure is the application of strengthening nail polish, which is sometimes called biogel. It is very easy to use this substance, it is enough to have professional formulations and an ultraviolet lamp in your arsenal.

The varnish is applied to the plate and protects the nails from delamination and brittleness, while air access is not limited. It can be used as an independent tool, and as a base for painting in a different color. The biogel is washed off very easily with a special solution.

Folk remedies for strengthening nails

To strengthen the nail plate at home, folk remedies are great. They are able, along with ready-made cosmetics, to strengthen nails, prevent destructive changes and nourish them.

  • Salt

This familiar and affordable product contains a complete set of essential mineral
substances. Not without reason, after a sea holiday, the plates become stronger, denser, grow quickly and do not exfoliate.

The easiest way to strengthen nails at home is to bathe them with sea salt. To do this, you need to take two tablespoons of salt per 250 ml of warm water and hold your fingers in this solution for 10-15 minutes. For a lasting effect, the procedure should be carried out 3 times a week for a month.

Since salt can dry out the skin, after using the bath, apply a cream to the skin of the hands and put on special cotton gloves at night. Due to the absorption of nutrients, it will become more tender and smooth.

To strengthen nails at home, it is easiest to apply iodine to the cuticle area with a cotton swab. Immediately after application, the fingers will be yellow, but by morning the iodine will be absorbed and the unpleasant effect will disappear.

This tool successfully strengthens the plate, heals small cracks and prevents lamination. Iodine is also added to baths, lotions and hand masks.

It should be remembered that iodine has a rather aggressive chemical environment and should be used with caution, taking breaks for 2-3 days.

  • Oils

Another successful remedy is oil for strengthening nails. For making masks
jojoba, grape, olive and almond oils are used.

Essential oils are an excellent addition to herbal raw materials.

Bergamot and lemon oil are added for whitening, lavender, ylang-ylang, rosemary and patchouli are added to strengthen and prevent delamination. With depleted and brittle nails, vitamins A and E should be added. If the nails are affected by a fungus, then use tea tree.

  • Herbs

Herbal decoction baths or compresses will help strengthen and heal your nails. To do this, you need to take in equal proportions (1 tsp each) chamomile, rosemary, St. John's wort and burdock root. Pour the resulting mixture with 500 ml of boiling water and keep your fingers in the liquid for 15-12 minutes. The course of treatment with this procedure is 15 days.

You can do these baths every other day for a month.

Another collection to strengthen the nail plate: black elderberry 1.5 tsp, couch grass rhizomes - 1 tsp, shepherd's purse, alder seedlings and nettle 0.5 tsp each. pour a glass of boiling water and leave for about 6 hours. Then strain and take half a glass three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

  • Lemon

Dull, brittle, exfoliating, dry and slowly growing nails can be saved by a lemon mask. To do this, you need to take a large lemon, cut it in half and immerse your fingers one phalanx deep into the lemon halves for 10-15 minutes.

This mask also slows down the growth of the cuticle, which, in turn, will allow you to save on manicures. After the procedure, you need to wash your hands with cold water and lubricate the cuticle with a nourishing cream or oil.

Other traditional medicine

Strengthening nails at home also involves other less common methods. For example, to replenish the nail plate with calcium, you can thoroughly wash the eggshell, dry it and grind it in a coffee grinder. Take orally 1.tsp. during the day for two weeks.

Finely chop fresh herbs (parsley, celery, tarragon and dill) and pour over vegetable oil. Oil infused for two days can be taken before breakfast for two weeks, 1 tbsp. spoon.

An ointment made from calendula oil (40 ml), hard-boiled egg yolk and 5 g of beeswax will also be useful. Heat the wax in a water bath, then add the crushed yolk and pour over the calendula oil. After that, the mixture is heated in a water bath to the state of sour cream.

During cooking, the mixture must be stirred. Apply the resulting composition to the fingers, put on gloves and leave overnight.

It is also good to rub aloe vera juice or red pepper infused with vodka into the cuticle at night. Wiping the nail plates with a swab dipped in vodka infused with red pepper will improve blood microcirculation in the fingers and thereby renew and regenerate cells.

Accordingly, the nails will grow faster, healthier and denser. For this procedure, one or two red hot peppers should be crushed, pour 500 ml of vodka, insist for a week, and then strain and apply for lotions and rubbing.

In order for your fingers to be beautiful, well-groomed and healthy, you need to learn a few rules:

  • when doing housework or other physical work, wear gloves and protect your hands with nourishing products;
  • in severe cold, be sure to protect your hands - wear gloves or mittens;
  • do not forget about the existing ready-made cosmetic products of well-known brands. Do not neglect skin and nail care on vacation, on a business trip and on weekends;
  • remember that for the constant growth of nails, their beauty and health, you need to fully and properly eat. The diet should be dominated by foods rich in vitamins A, D, and E. These are seafood (seaweed, fish, shrimp, shellfish), dairy dishes (milk, cottage cheese, cheese, cheese), chicken and pork liver, fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs and butter.

By following these rules, you will soon be able to boast of well-groomed and beautiful fingers!

Before you start strengthening your nails, you need to find out why they have become brittle and dull. This may be a lack of vitamins in the body, which is especially important in the spring and autumn, mechanical or chemical effects on the nails.

There are many recipes using natural products that help restore the old structure and beauty of the nails. Here are some recommendations from the hand care experts:

  • water procedures in sea water will improve the condition of the nail plate;
  • daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins will help prevent stratification;
  • in the diet, there must be seafood that has a beneficial effect on the condition of the nail plates;
  • the key to the shine and beauty of manicure is lemon juice, and dishes with the addition of iodized salt.

There are also some subtleties of nail care that every woman should know. Professional advice will help improve the condition of nails if you use preparations and tools:

  • you should not build up nails often, and manicure should be done only with high-quality materials;
  • it is better to give preference to an abrasive file made of glass than metal;
  • to restore the epidermis of the nail plates, it is required to use creams after the strengthening procedure containing vitamins A and E;
  • all household chores with the use of cleaning products must be carried out with gloves;
  • it is necessary to abandon the nail polish remover with acetone;
  • after hand baths, it is best to apply a strengthening agent with calcium, minerals and vitamins.

Video - tips on how to make your nails strong and healthy:

Oil nail care

Every woman dreams of a beautiful manicure with well-groomed nails. Essential oils will help to strengthen the nail plate, restore its structure and normal color. The easiest way to heal involves regularly rubbing natural and essential oils into and around the nails.

Almond oil

The product contains a huge amount of vitamin E and has a moisturizing effect on brittle and dry nails. It is recommended to lubricate the cuticles and nails with this remedy before going to bed, waiting for it to dry completely.

Argan oil

This is one of the most miraculous preparations in skin and nail care. Oil strengthens the delicate skin around the nail plate and prevents hangnails with daily rubbing.

Jojoba oil

For centuries, the tool has been very popular for skin and nail care. The high concentration of vitamin E, protein and amino acids helps to strengthen and moisturize the nail plate. For a therapeutic effect, you need to rub the oil once a day.

Tea tree oil

The drug has an antiseptic and bacterial effect, penetrating into the lower layers of the epithelium. To strengthen nails, you need to mix 30 ml of olive oil and 3 drops of tea tree oil. Hands fall into this mixture for 5 minutes, after which they get wet with a napkin. The procedure is repeated twice a day.

Coconut oil

The tool perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the nail plate with nutrients. The principle of care is to lubricate the nails and cuticles with oil once a day.

Strengthening baths for nails

The simplest, most effective and affordable way to improve nails is a nail strengthening bath. To make nails strong and forget about delamination, special training and a lot of money are not required.

Massage to strengthen nails

Massage has long been used not only for medicinal purposes against many diseases, but also to strengthen nails. A simple set of exercises can make the nail plate stronger, allowing you to get a beautiful and well-groomed manicure.

  1. The index finger and thumb of the right hand covers the thumb on the second hand. The thumb of the right hand should be on the bed of the nail, and the index finger should be placed under the thumb of the left hand. It is required to squeeze the fingers a little for 10 seconds and then relax. Similar actions are carried out with the rest of the fingers in turn. After performing the massage of the right hand, you can switch to the left hand.
  2. The right hand rests palm down on the table with spread fingers. With your index finger, you need to press on the tip of the thumb of your left hand, counting to ten. The same movement is carried out with all the fingers of both hands.
  3. It is necessary to perform massaging movements of the nails on the sides of the nail plate. The thumb of the right hand should support the thumb of the second hand, and the index finger should be massaged along the side walls of the nail of the left hand, moving towards the center. Such movements are repeated with all fingers.
  4. The nails are rubbed with the thumbs in turn along the vertical and horizontal lines.
  5. With the index finger of the right hand, it is necessary to press on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beginning of the growth of the nail plate, and when the pressure is released, a light massage is performed with the tip of the finger. The procedure is repeated with all fingers on the right and left hands.

Strengthening with cosmetics

Salon procedures will improve the condition of the nails. Some cosmetic products are better not to use on your own, so you need to trust real professionals.


Compared to nail extensions, such a coating does not spoil the structure of the nail, but rather strengthens it. The procedure consists in applying biogel to the nail plate after hand treatment, which polymerizes under the influence of an ultraviolet lamp. The tool lasts up to 1-2 months and is removed without filing, so the nails will remain healthy.


Silk coating helps to preserve and strengthen natural nails. The procedure is carried out only by a specialist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. The silk material is cut exactly to the shape of the nail, creating a strong frame. Such a manicure looks natural.

Gel, acrylic

Gel nails have a glossy sheen and a well-groomed look, while acrylic nails are more like a natural nail. The coating is perfectly combined with the application of a beautiful design. Nail correction should be done every three weeks, but only a specialist should remove the artificial material.


The product combines nail polish and biogel. The coating lasts for three weeks, allowing you to enjoy a beautiful manicure. Shellac is applied and removed completely safely, so natural nails will remain healthy and smooth.

Strengthening varnish

Many world-famous companies that produce nail care cosmetics produce products to strengthen the nail plate. Healing varnish can be used as a base for colored varnish. You can buy the product in a specialized store or pharmacy. The rules for applying the product are indicated on the package, because some varnishes need to be applied daily, while others - once every three days.

Oil for strengthening nails

Special oil will help get rid of fragility and dryness of nails. It contains vitamins A, E, essential oils and a nutritional base. The drug is applied to pre-cleaned fingers, acting on the nail plate and cuticle with light massage movements.

In contact with

Healthy nails are an adornment not only for women, but also for men. But not always people know how to achieve this result. Most often, contacting salons and cosmetology clinics, although it brings the desired effect, is not cheap and takes a lot of time. However, there are many methods on how to strengthen nails at home without the help of manicurists.

Causes of brittle and delamination of nails

Photo of brittle layered nails

Before you take care of the health and appearance of your nails, you need to find out the causes of their fragility and try to eliminate them as soon as possible. Here are some factors that negatively affect their condition:

  • frequent use of nail polish remover, which includes acetone,
  • the influence of external factors, such as washing floors and dishes without gloves, minor injuries and exposure to cold,
  • difference in temperature outside and at home,
  • improper care
  • lack of vitamins and minerals, which include iodine, zinc, iron, silicon, selenium and calcium,
  • the influence of harmful substances in the water,
  • any problems in the work of organs and systems of the body, especially cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous.

Folk remedies for brittle nails

For a long time, the issue of beauty of hands worried both women and men. To date, there are many proven and effective folk remedies for strengthening nails that help in caring for them at home. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  1. Olive oil. Masks with it in combination with lemon juice or other oils, including essential oils, cope well with fragility and serve as a good tool for its prevention. The mixture must be at a comfortable temperature. To do this, it is recommended to preheat it in a water bath.
  2. Pepper mask. Red hot pepper is great for nails and hair. At the same time, it is recommended to mix a small amount of it with any vegetable oil and apply it on the nail plate. This should be done carefully, avoiding getting the mixture on the mucous membranes.
  3. Bath of sea salt and iodine. The solution must be prepared immediately before the procedure. To do this, you will need warm water (about 1 cup), 1 large spoonful of salt without a slide, 4-6 drops of iodine.
  4. Application of iodine before bed. To strengthen, it is recommended to apply iodine several times a week before going to bed on nails clean from varnish and cosmetics. By morning, there will be no trace of it, and the manicure will be beautiful and well-groomed even without varnish.
  5. Wax masks. It is a strong nail hardener. Buy natural wax and melt it in a water bath. Apply it on your nails, and then leave it on overnight, protecting it from falling off with gloves. In the morning, remove the remaining wax and wash your hands with water. There is another way to use this bee product to strengthen nails. The nail plate is rubbed with a piece of natural wax, after which varnishes and other cosmetics should not be used for some time. You can do this procedure every day, preferably before going to bed.
  6. Bath with olive and citrus essential oils, iodine. In 1 tablespoon of olive oil, add one to two drops of mandarin, grapefruit, lemon or orange oil, and then a few drops of iodine. Lubricate the nails with the resulting mixture twice or thrice a week and leave it on the nails for 10-20 minutes, after which you need to wash off the residue with water.
  7. Masks from natural honey and eggs, vegetable oil. Mix vegetable oil (1-2 tablespoons) with half a beaten egg and add 1 small spoon of natural liquid honey there. Dip only your fingertips into the mixture and keep it there for a short while, then wash off with soapy water.

Advice. All folk remedies designed to strengthen nails contain only natural ingredients that have practically no contraindications. But they can cause an allergic reaction, so test for sensitivity before use.

Remember that all these products must be warmed up to a comfortable temperature before use. Their natural ingredients will restore the health and beauty of your nails, and will serve as a good preventive measure to prevent delamination and brittleness.

Cosmetics for nail plates

In addition to folk remedies for strengthening nails, there are also a lot of formulations made by the cosmetic industry. They are easier to apply, and when used systematically, they give the same results as natural ingredients. Here are the most popular ones:

  1. "Smart enamel". This tool at first glance is no different from the usual colorless varnish. But the useful substances included in its composition turn it into a powerful strengthener that protects the nail from external factors. You need to apply "Smart Enamel" daily. The therapeutic effect is usually achieved by the end of the first week. Before applying this varnish again, the old layer must be wiped off with an acetone-free remover.
  2. Gel nail extension. You can do it yourself or invite a manicurist to your house. To do this, you need to buy a special ultraviolet lamp and all the necessary types of coating. After the extension, the nails will look great. And you need to repeat the procedure less often than when using ordinary varnish.
  3. Rubbing the nail plate with a mixture of vitamins A and E, bought at a pharmacy. Capsules with their oil-based solution will make your fingernails and toenails healthier and more beautiful, and accelerate growth.
  4. Applying essential oils to the nail plate. This should be done within 2 weeks or more every 1-2 days. Essential oils of fir, spruce, chamomile, jasmine are suitable for the procedure. In addition, it is recommended to use citrus fruits: mandarin, orange, lemon, grapefruit. Remember, they must be applied in small quantities and, if necessary, as part of a mixture with olive or burdock oil.
  5. Strengthening nails with acrylic. This is one type of extension. Made in the salon or at home. In the second case, for the procedure, you will have to carry not only manicure tools and a disinfectant, but also a special acrylic powder, a monomer or liquid for acrylic, a primer, high-quality brushes, tips and orange sticks. You can buy a completely ready-made and assembled kit, in which you will find everything you need for building. The procedure is carried out in several stages:
  • Preparation of nail plates. Wash your hands and treat your nails with a disinfectant. Push back the cuticles and do a dry manicure. Remove dust from filing and polishing the nail.
  • Preparation and installation of tips. Choose the tips of the right size, give them a shape that can be finalized after the end of the procedure. Glue them to the nail so that there are no voids under them. Then refine the shape of the nails and come up with their future design.
  • Application of acrylic powder. Apply a primer to the natural part of the nail and let it dry. From above, using a special brush, previously dipped in monomer and acrylic powder, with small strokes with pressure, form a smooth transition over the entire surface of the nail from the cuticle to the extended edge.
  • After the nail dries, finish the shape and transition with a nail file, and then with a polisher.
  • Nail plates treated in this way need protection from ultraviolet radiation, so they need a varnish coating.

Although strengthening nails with acrylic requires experience and knowledge, you can learn it at any time if you wish. Careful care for such a manicure, timely correction and proper removal will allow it to last a long time, while maintaining an attractive appearance.

The variety of ways to strengthen nails that you can use at home allows you to choose the right one. You should not wait until the nail plates become brittle and give your hands a well-groomed look. It is better to take care of prevention in advance in order to maintain the health and beauty of nails.

A woman's hands are always in sight, the condition of the skin and nails on them inevitably leaves an imprint on the impression when meeting and communicating. To give them a well-groomed appearance, beauty salons offer not only various manicure options that hide some imperfections, but also procedures to restore a healthy state and strengthen the nail plate. These include hot manicure, paraffin therapy, wax sealing, bleaching, biogel coating. Women who do not have the time and extra money can strengthen their nails at home using natural products.


Causes of nail problems and how to prevent them

The structural basis of the nail plate is the keratin protein, the molecules of which are connected by disulfide bonds. These bonds are formed between the two sulfur atoms that make up the amino acid cysteine, and it is they that provide strength and hardness to the nail. Between the layers of keratin are thin layers of fat and water, giving elasticity and shine. The composition of the nail plate also contains minerals: calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium and chromium.

The strength and health of nails depend on genetic characteristics, nutrition, proper care and the frequency of exposure to adverse factors (detergents, cold, decorative varnishes and liquids for their removal, mechanical damage).

Interesting: Nails grow quite slowly. For a week, their length increases by about 1 mm, and a complete renewal takes about 6 months.

To strengthen nails at home, prevent their delamination, growth retardation, tarnishing and brittleness, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • include in the diet foods rich in vitamins (A, E, D, C, group B) and minerals (Ca, Mg, Na, S, Se and others) useful for nails;
  • minimize the use of decorative varnishes;
  • do not file nails with metal-coated files;
  • put on protective rubber gloves when washing dishes or doing other work in which the skin of the hands comes into contact with aggressive household chemicals;
  • wear mittens or warm gloves when going outside in frost and cold windy weather.

Protective and strengthening products, commercially available or prepared with your own hands, should be periodically applied to the nail plates.

Baths for nails

Baths for nails are considered one of the best strengthening agents. To prepare them at home, you can use cosmetic and essential oils, herbal decoctions, sea salt and other available ingredients.

oil bath

Eliminates brittleness and dryness, effective for restoring nails after extensions or long-term use of gel polish.

Olive, grape, castor, almond oil - 40–50 ml
Essential oil - 2-3 drops
Oil solutions of vitamins A and E - 3 drops each

Warm cosmetic oil to a warm state in a water bath. Add essential oil and vitamins, mix. Dip your fingertips into the resulting composition so that the nails are completely covered with the oil mixture. Hold for 15 minutes, then wipe your fingers with a dry cloth. It is best to perform such baths at night, putting cotton gloves on your hands until the morning after removing excess oil.

When choosing an essential oil, you should consider the features of its action. For example, lemon and bergamot oils slightly whiten nails and remove yellow tint, tea tree oil has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, and lavender, ylang-ylang and rosemary prevent delamination of the nail plates.

Bath with olive oil, honey and egg

Strengthens the nail plates, makes them smooth and shiny, helps with exfoliation, softens and moisturizes the skin of the hands.

Olive oil - 30 ml
Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Egg - 1 pc.

Heat a mixture of honey and olive oil while stirring in a water bath. Add beaten egg. Soak your hands in the warm bath. After 20 minutes, rinse them with warm water and dry with a soft towel.

Sea salt bath

Strengthens exfoliating nails, saturates them with minerals and stimulates growth.

Sea salt - 50 g
Water - 200 ml
Iodine solution - 2 drops

Dissolve sea salt in warm water, add iodine. Immerse your hands in saline solution, soak for 20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, rinse with running water and lubricate with a moisturizer. When exfoliating nails, the course is 10 procedures that can be performed daily or every other day. For preventive purposes, it is enough to do such a bath once a week.

Herbal bath

Strengthens nails, relieves inflammation and irritation around the nail plates.

Chamomile flowers - 1 tsp
Burdock root - 1 tsp
St. John's wort - 1 tsp.
Water - 500 ml

Pour a mixture of medicinal plants with boiling water, cover and leave for 30 minutes. Then dip your fingertips into the resulting infusion for half an hour. After the time has elapsed, dry your hands with a dry cloth. Apply 2 times a week.

Gelatin bath

Nourishes and strengthens nail plates, gives them shine, restores after frequent varnishing.

Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.
Water - 200 ml

Dissolve gelatin in hot water. Allow to cool slightly and place fingers in the resulting gelatin bath for 15 minutes. Wash your hands with water.

Nail masks

Masks for nails and skin of the hands are applied with light massage movements. It is most effective to do them at night and leave the composition until morning, wearing cotton gloves on top. The simplest option for a nail mask at home is to rub cosmetic oils (olive, almond, peach and grape seeds, jojoba and others) into the nail plates and cuticles.

Mask with oils and honey

Nourishes, moisturizes, helps with delamination of nails.

Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Cocoa butter and coconut oil - 1 tbsp. l.

Thoroughly mix these ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Massage into hands and rub generously into nails. After 10 minutes, remove the remnants of the product with a napkin.

Lemon mask

Helps with brittleness, dryness and delamination, whitens yellowed nails, slows down cuticle growth.

Cut the lemon in half and dip your fingertips into each half. Hold for 15 minutes, then rinse your hands with cool water. Apply a nourishing cream or oil. Perform at intervals of 1-2 times a week.

red pepper mask

Stimulates blood microcirculation and cell regeneration in the nail area, activates their growth and improves color.

Ground red pepper - 1 tsp.
Hand cream - 1 tsp.

Thoroughly mix the pepper powder with the cream until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Spread the composition in a thin layer over the surface of the nails. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and spread the cream on your hands.

Creams and ointments

On the basis of a regular hand cream or baby cream, you can prepare strengthening products that are useful for nails.

Ointment with calendula oil, yolk and beeswax

Nourishes, increases strength and stimulates nail growth.

Calendula oil - 40 ml
Boiled egg yolk - 1 pc.
Beeswax - 5 g

Melt the wax in a water bath, then add the crushed egg yolk and calendula oil. Heat in a water bath with stirring until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. Apply the composition to the fingers, put on gloves and leave overnight.

Warning: Before using the prepared homemade nail care product for the first time, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to its components by applying the composition in a small amount to the inner bend of the elbow.

Cream with aloe juice

Strengthens nails, softens cuticles, moisturizes the skin.

Heavy cream - 40 ml
Freshly squeezed aloe leaf juice - 30 ml
Calendula oil - 30 ml
Sea buckthorn oil - 40 ml
Burdock oil - 50 ml

Thoroughly mix the listed components until smooth. Rub the composition into weakened nails and the skin around. The prepared product is suitable for long-term storage in the refrigerator and use as needed.

Video: Nail care tips from a home cosmetics expert