True love. The role of a father in raising a daughter

Quite often you can hear that dads are more happy about the birth of sons than daughters. However, few people know about the true reason for the desire of the future father to have a son.

Most often, such a desire is dictated by the fears of a man who is worried that he will not be able to properly raise his daughter.

In this regard, it is much easier and more understandable with a boy - playing war games and cars, going to football or hockey, and you can always talk to a grown-up boy on a “male” topic.

With a daughter, everything is more complicated. How can I help her choose a lipstick or a new dress? How to play dolls with her? Agree, it sounds a little unusual and even scary.

Meanwhile, the role of the father in the development of his daughter is difficult to overestimate.

Psychologists say that sometimes it is a man who is more important for a daughter than a mother.

Especially for fathers raising or expecting little princesses, we have prepared these 20 parenting rules.

The role of a father in raising a daughter

The main role of the father in the daughter's life is to embody the image of the future ideal companion for the girl and form femininity in her.

In the psychological literature, there is often an opinion that women often choose a man for their spouse who reminds them of their fathers.

And the dad also forms an adequate self-esteem in the baby, since she acquires the first skills of interacting with men in the process of communicating with the parent.

For example, if a father constantly compliments a baby, emphasizing her beauty, intelligence, kindness, this has a positive effect on her sense of self. And, on the contrary, rude criticism, constant pointing out shortcomings negatively affects the formation of self-esteem.

Of course, the role of a man in raising a daughter should not be reduced to flattery. If criticism is required, it must be applied, but very carefully and correctly.

For example, there are two ways to tell a girl about an unsuccessful outfit:

  • “Terrible dress, and you are very fat in it. None of the boys will play with you ”;
  • “Sunny, this dress does not reflect your beauty at all. Let's choose an outfit together or ask mom?

And yet, the role of the father in the development of the daughter is not limited to the assessment of appearance. Dad needs to organize joint games, involve the baby in seemingly purely male activities.

Who said that the father is not able to feed the baby doll or put the bear to sleep? But can't a girl drive a ball across the field or go fishing?

20 Parenting Rules for Dads of Daughters

From birth, the baby feels the family atmosphere and gradually begins to understand the peculiarities of the relationship between mother and father.

It is in early childhood that the girl's connection with her father is formed, and in order for the little princess to feel loved and desired, the father should be guided by several important rules.

  1. Love your daughter's mother. Perhaps this is the main rule of raising a girl. Treat your spouse with respect, show tenderness and attentiveness. In this case, you will be sure that the grown daughter will choose a man for her husband who will treat her with the same trepidation.
  2. Chat with her. If the baby wants to talk to you about something, try to always listen to her, even if she says something banal. Find out what your daughter thinks about, what she dreams about, with whom she plays in kindergarten or secrets during breaks at school.
  3. Give compliments. Tell her daily how beautiful she is. Let the girl grow up with confidence in her own attractiveness. Of course, it is necessary to emphasize not only appearance, but also important character traits: kindness, responsiveness, a sharp mind, the ability to defend one's opinion.
  4. Never punish physically. You can not scream and, moreover, beat the girls. Daddy abuse can lead to relationship problems with men in adulthood. If you still could not restrain yourself and shouted or slapped your soft spot in your hearts, ask for forgiveness.
  5. Pamper your little one. Give toys and other gifts, but know the measure - try to teach the baby to treat things correctly. For example, after buying a new doll, you can donate old toys together to an orphanage or some charity organization.
  6. Be a gentleman. A girl can become a princess if she has a real gentleman next to her. Therefore, give the baby flowers, even if she is only two years old. Open doors for her, let her in, help put on outerwear.
  7. Go hiking. Walk outdoors more often, watch how children's eyes will be filled with surprise and admiration when the baby sees an autumn forest or a green meadow for the first time. Put your gadgets aside and enjoy the contemplation of beautiful landscapes together.
  8. Ensure constant physical contact. Touching and caress are important for all children, so take care of the baby from birth: massage, bathe, carry in your arms. And be sure to roll the girl on your shoulders while she is small.
  9. Engage in household chores. And it doesn't have to be laundry or cleaning. Many girls are interested in "man's" work. They are eager to assemble furniture or provide tools when repairing a car. Do not dismiss children's help - let your father's assistant grow up in your family.
  10. Come up with a tradition. A joint activity brings together dad and daughter remarkably - for example, a game in which only the father and the girl participate (pillow fight, chess), or any everyday activity: walking the dog, morning physical exercises, preparing breakfast or dinner.
  11. Find a common hobby. This hobby can be, for example, sports. Perhaps the baby is seriously interested in football or car racing. And if she wants to do gymnastics, figure skating or wrestling, try to take her to the sports section.
  12. Develop it intellectually. Let your princess be not only beautiful, but also smart. Therefore, read interesting books on a wide variety of topics - fairy tales, adventures, historical works. Visit theaters, libraries, study a foreign language.
  13. Find time for personal communication. Try to regularly go out together to some event: a circus, a cinema, an amusement park, a children's cafe. In fact, it doesn't matter where you go, the main thing is that you spend your free time with the girl.
  14. Be her protector. Always come to the rescue and protect your daughter, regardless of the severity of the problems and her age. Bullies in the sandbox and at school should know that she has a man who can always stand up for her.
  15. Be calm about medical manipulations. Many dads take too close to the heart of children's cries at the sight of injections or dentist tools. Do not forget that doctors only want the best for your baby, even if they cause her some pain. In general, teach your daughter to be more tolerant of the work of people in white coats, this will come in handy in her adult life.
  16. Work together with your spouse. Never try to earn "extra points" by allowing the baby to do what mom forbids. Do not cancel maternal prohibitions, develop uniform rules of behavior in the family and outside the home walls. Otherwise, you run the risk of growing a manipulator who will scream to get her way.
  17. Don't be jealous of your wife. You should not worry if the girl is more drawn to her mother, this is inherent in nature. However, the mother has her own special functions and tasks, while the father has others. Therefore, a warm relationship with your father is just as important as with your mother, even if they are somewhat different.
  18. Learn "women's" things. Your young princess is growing up, which means that you need to learn how to fasten a variety of buttons, locks, buttons. Just in case of a fire, you need to be able to make pigtails and ponytails, to distinguish the front and back sides of dresses and sweaters.
  19. Don't worry about your daughter. The baby should not be perceived as a fragile product made of expensive crystal. Many girls will give odds to the boys, preferring to ride on a scooter or roller skates, jump on a trampoline, climb trees. You just have to protect your daughter from possible dangers, without limiting the natural activity.
  20. Learn from other dads. The current social networks are a storehouse of pedagogical ideas. Communicate with other young fathers on the forums, discuss the problems of education, share successful methods and techniques.

So, the father in the upbringing of his daughter plays a huge role. Only on paternal behavior depends on what the girl will be guided by when choosing a future life partner.

We hope that the above rules for raising a daughter by a father will help you raise a self-confident woman from a baby who can create a strong family, become a loving wife and mother.

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As in the parent-child relationship Father-Daughter, the child evaluates the attitude of the father towards the teenager.

Greetings, dear readers of the blog of psychoanalyst Oleg Matveev, I wish you mental health.

Father Daughter - attitude towards a teenager girl

Daughters describe the positive interest of the father as paternal self-confidence, confidence that not the notorious paternal severity, but attention to the teenager, the warmth and openness of the relationship between the father and the teenage daughter are a manifestation of sincere interest. The psychological acceptance of the daughter is characterized by the absence of sharp changes from permissiveness to harsh punishments, that is, warm friendly relations dominate with a clear awareness of the boundaries of what is possible and what is not.

Paternal prohibitions in this case operate only against the background of paternal love.

Teenage daughters represent the father's directiveness as an image of a "firm male hand" ready either to clench into a fist or to point out the daughter's place in society, and in particular in the family. The directive father, as it were, directs the growing girl on the true path, forcing her to obey the norms and rules of behavior accepted in society and a certain culture, putting the commandments of morality into her soul.

Hostile paternal attitude towards a teenager's daughter, as a combination of over-demanding, oriented towards the standard of the "ideal child", and the corresponding too rigid dependence, on the one hand, and an emotionally cold, rejecting relationship, on the other.

All this leads to violations of the relationship between the father and the teenage daughter, which, in turn, causes an increased level of tension, nervousness and instability of the teenager.

Adolescent girls describe the autonomy of their fathers as a claim to leadership, and leadership is inaccessible, inaccessible to interaction with him. The father is presented as a person fenced off from the problems of the family by an invisible wall, as it were, existing in parallel with the rest of the family. The father absolutely does not care what is happening around, his actions are often not consistent with the needs and demands of loved ones, whose interests are completely ignored.

In his inconsistency in relation to his daughter to a teenager, the father seems to be a completely unpredictable person. With a sufficiently high degree of probability, completely contradictory psychological tendencies can appear in his behavior, and the amplitude of the fluctuations is maximum.

Father Daughter Relationships with Adolescents: Differences in Assessments of Mothers and Fathers

Thus, the characteristic differences in the assessments of the educational practices of mothers and fathers by adolescent girls are as follows. With positive interest and psychological acceptance in mothers, unlike fathers, trust and subordination come to the fore. Fathers, on the other hand, are dominated by self-confidence and the absence of rigidity, authoritarianism in relations with their daughter, which excludes education through forceful pressure.

The directiveness of mothers is based solely on ambitious claims to power and tight control over the behavior of their daughter, while the directiveness of fathers, along with this, is also expressed depending on the opinions of others and narcissism.

With hostility, emotional rejection, stubborn conformism and weak-willed dependence on the opinions of others are revealed in mothers, which comes from the father's claims to leading positions. For fathers, in the face of hostile educational practices in relation to their teenage daughter, cruelty and self-assertion by power and force come to the fore.

Autonomy on the part of mothers is characterized by the absence of good human relations and isolation from the problems and interests of the daughter, while the father's autonomy is expressed in his unconditional leadership in the family and in the inaccessibility of communication with him for the daughter.

With inconsistent educational practice in the context of inconsistent manifestations, the characteristics of fathers and mothers seem to be the same.

The difference is only in such tendencies as self-sufficient self-affirmation with hostile intransigence in fathers and subordination and distrust in mothers.
I wish you all psychological well-being!

To determine the attitude of a teenager's daughter towards you, let the latter pass an online test: Teenagers about parents

Preliminary, free consultation of a psychologist

See also:

  • Why do you need to study? Knowledge is power, and many knowledges are many sorrows.

Maternal care provides the possibility of acceptance, while paternal care encourages bestowal.

Both are necessary for the development of personality.
A. Grames

The role of the father in raising a child

The father influences the life of his daughter from the very moment of her birth

It begins from the moment of conception, but not every future father is aware of this. Each parent has a role to play in the upbringing of the child and influences the future of the child. Until a certain point, and sometimes for some time after giving birth, men do not quite understand that their paternity status has already entered into its own powers. Giving from the first days the main role in caring for the child to his wife, the husband gets so used to the fact that she copes with everything that he completely forgets about those fatherly duties that he must perform.

During pregnancy, and in the first months of the baby, the participation of the father in communicating with the child can only have a beneficial effect on their future relationship. The influence of the father on the child before birth lays in the baby the first emotions and feelings for him. Relationships between husband and wife during pregnancy, after childbirth and for the rest of their lives are no exception. The participation of the father in the life of the child leaves an imprint on his worldview, perception of people and some life events. Therefore, the point is not in diapers, undershirts, but in education. And as far as dad will make a contribution to his baby from childhood, he will receive mutual returns in the future.

Daughter for father

For some reason, men underestimate their role in the life of their daughters, believing that their upbringing can be completely entrusted to their wife.

Let's start with the fact that the father is the first man from whom the girl begins to build her worldview in communication with the opposite sex. And up to a certain age, she gets the impression that he is almost the only man on earth. And the fact that she will ever have to choose - the girl cannot even imagine. It is on building relationships with her father that it largely depends on how she will communicate with men in the future, and therefore, her future life largely depends on him.

In the mind of the father at the birth of a girl, there is a clear understanding that he is the only one who can protect her. Most often, men are initially wary of their daughters, because they cannot answer themselves questions like: “What should I do with her?”. But when they take responsibility for her upbringing and care, they themselves do not notice with what pleasure they take care, teach, and educate their beloved baby. Indeed, at the same time, every father will proudly feel himself the most needed, adored, authoritative person in the whole world and feel all the touchingness and tenderness of children's love.

It is the father who invests in the girl to understand the interaction of male care and female weakness.

That is why the father is so zealous then about the appearance of other men in her life and so hard to part with her when she leaves for another house. A father's love for his daughter becomes boundless even when he has to bring up his son at the same time. I'm not saying that dad loves one or the other child more. In general, I don’t like it when love is given a quantitative expression “more or less”. It’s just that the basics of raising a son by a father have some difference and other goals: he invests himself in a boy: his masculinity, skills, skills. The son is his mirror image, like men. Therefore, paternal love for a boy has a slightly different character than for a girl.

The influence of upbringing on the daughter's personal life

It is from her father that the girl begins to understand the importance of men in her life, since it is he who must invest in her the concept of why she should be a woman. That is why communication with the father from its first minutes leaves an indelible imprint on the subsequent relationship of the girl with the opposite sex.

Therefore, it is so easy for a girl to perceive communication with boys who are similar to her father and does not notice those who have nothing in common with him. Indeed, for her, the model of relations with her father is the ideal of communication between a man and a woman, so she simply will not accept and understand the principle of another communication.

In addition, it is from her father that the girl begins to draw in her heart the image of her future husband. If dad is kind, gentle, affectionate, protects and protects her, she will look for just such a man, learn to trust the opposite sex and give her love. If the father is tough, aloof, aggressive, or all the more so cruel, in adulthood the girl will be afraid to enter into long-term relationships with men. And even more so avoid tyrants. In her, the childish fear from a past life that her father left in her will make itself felt.

The main thing that a daughter requires from her father is a correct understanding of the relationship that develops between a man and a woman. What should she feel weaker in, what should she learn, how should she behave. Moreover, it will be much more effective if the father does not tell her about it with words, but makes it clear with his attitude. At the same time, a girl from childhood should understand that strength is a man's lot, and she should be characterized by some pliability and meekness in relation to the opposite sex. Precisely because this is not explained to girls from childhood, in adulthood they see men as rivals in the manifestation of their “I”. And worst of all, they even understand the reason for their failures.

A guy who meets his girlfriend's loving father doesn't always know what's in store for him.

At the same time, the non-participation of fathers in the lives of their daughters and a lack of understanding of their role in their fate leads to the fact that men are simply too lazy to raise a child and see no other way but to submit to her power. Their whole fate consists only in pampering the baby, being led by her whims, fulfilling her requirements. They believe that there is nothing wrong with that, because she is a child. But in this way they just spoil her as a person. It is these girls who grow up into spoiled princesses who believe that everything is allowed to them, and no one dares to argue with them. They consider their behavior normal and do not understand why men do not want to reckon with it.

A father who has managed to become a model of masculinity, support and protection for his daughter must not forget that the time will come when he will need to shake hands with his "rival" - her future husband. Quite often, fathers react painfully to the chosen one of their girl, so they suffer from jealousy. Memories come to her father from her distant childhood, when at the age of 4 she did not yet understand that another man would appear in her life, and said that she would never leave “her beloved daddy”. And then, she began to grow up, and in adolescence, it was he who first taught her to be self-confident when he dispelled her doubts about her beauty. He supported her during difficult periods of growing up and protected her from the blows of the outside world.

Of course, the marriage of daughters is a natural and natural process, but not every father is able to cope with inner feelings. Many men arrange almost an interrogation for their daughter's boyfriend, crushing the guy under the assertiveness of their look and tone. It does not help even the thought that this can not be avoided anyway, and he will have to marry his adored daughter. At this moment, a wise and caring wife should intervene, who will certainly be able to explain to her father: being distrustful of his daughter's fiancé, he can cause resentment in her and ruin her relationship with her.

Video: this is what dad is like

So, it becomes clear: father and daughter have an inextricable bond throughout their lives, so it is very important to keep it strong and eternal, based on trust and mutual understanding. The role of a dad plays a fundamental role in her happy adult life.

I wanted to once again raise the topic of psychologists.
At the examination, the psychologist shouted that there is an inextricable link between father and daughter and the stepfather will not replace this. That a stranger will never be able to love a child as his own. And at the end she added so sweetly: "And in general, you know that stepfathers rape children." He was a "professional" in his field. But now about something else.

I would like to raise the topic of the relationship between father and daughter. And if the father was not in the daughter's life? If he did nothing good for her? Can she then have such a relationship with her stepfather? Will her stepfather be able to replace her father at this high level of understanding?

I read a lot on this topic and nowhere is it written that the connection is formed with the biological father, because. on this basis, all sperm donors should feel the connection and rush, overcoming all obstacles, to their biological children. This is sheer stupidity. In the process of growing up and upbringing, the child is looking for standards and role models. And this standard, without the presence of a father in the life of a child, can be not only a stepfather, but also a grandfather and uncle and just a family friend.

And at the expense of violence in families ... if you really dig, then count the statistics of children killed and raped by blood relatives, including their own parents. The psychologist turned out to be unprofessional, incompetent, and most importantly in the examination - not objective.

Below is a great article on influence men for the life of his daughter.

Data from many studies show that a girl's relationship with her closest adult male (usually her father) in early childhood has a significant impact on her subsequent personal life. For her, her father is the first man in her life who loves her simply for the fact of existence. He becomes the ideal man that the girl will look for in the future. However, this is true only in the case of a warm, close relationship with the father. Otherwise, the girl will focus on men whose character excludes the negative traits of her father.

So A. Adler believes that due to the temper of the father, some girls form a prototype that excludes men because of their quick temper. Women who remember their fathers as friendly and affectionate are more likely to rate their marriage as successful sexually, emotionally, and spiritually than women who remember the image of a cold and unloving father. Frigid women, as a rule, had extremely inattentive fathers who did not show any concern for the health and development of their daughter. Women suffering from sexual perversion often recall that their fathers did not play any role in the family. An analysis of their experiences allowed psychiatrists to assert that such women experience "longing for a strong father." It is especially interesting that scientists have not been able to find a connection between the characteristics of the woman's personal life and the behavior of her mother; apparently, the influence of the father in this respect is predominant.

A huge role in the fate of the girl is played, first of all, by the father's general assessment of her external attractiveness - even in the youngest, preschool years, and even more so in adolescence, when appearance becomes such an important factor in self-esteem. If the father actively dislikes the daughter, and he emphasizes her unattractiveness in every possible way, we can say with confidence: her female fate will not be easy. She will have to endure and suffer a lot. You may also have to work on yourself before she believes in her virtues, her ability to please and conquer men.

It will not be easy for the one who grew up in an atmosphere of unconditional paternal adoration and the fulfillment of all sorts of whims: it will not be easy for her to get used to the fact that some young people dare to treat her without admiration or even indifference. But, probably, the worst thing is the one who was generally deprived of the experience of such communication in childhood and who, having matured, is perplexed looking at men: with them (she suspects) you need to talk and behave somehow differently than with friends. But it's not clear how...

In the best position is a girl whose loving father (or maybe an uncle, older brother or family friend) gently and unobtrusively reminded her of her attractiveness, cuteness, her girlish dignity, thereby forming a strong, stable self-respect and faith. into yourself.
Good fathers are able to help their daughters learn how to interact with members of the opposite sex appropriately for the situation.

As mentioned earlier, the relationship between parents also influences the development of the child. However, it is interesting that girls are able to focus even on such a father who has lost his position as the head of the family, if only he is affectionate and kind to them, if he enjoys spending at least a little time with them. For the development of the daughter's personality, it is more important not who leads the family, but how conflicting the parents' relationship is. If the father accepts the position of the slave, and the parents do not conflict, the daughter retains love and respect for both of them, and therefore for herself.

The significant role of the father in shaping the male and female qualities of the child should be emphasized once again. It is the father who teaches children to their gender roles to a greater extent and can significantly help both sons and daughters in the process of their gender identification to overcome dependence on the mother, which is established in early childhood. Thus, participation in the upbringing of the father contributes to the disclosure of femininity in the girl, but, in turn, too strong identification with the father carries the danger of excessive “masculinization”.

In general, a father for a girl is a model of the behavior of a person of the opposite sex, on the basis of which ideas about men are formed. This is what determines the influence of the relationship between father and daughter on her future personal life.
The participation of a man in education makes it possible to develop normally logical thinking and, as a result, mathematical abilities, determines her academic performance at school, and contributes to the development, although to a lesser extent than that of a boy, of her interests and aspirations. All this ultimately leads to the formation of certain life goals, aspirations, interests that affect the subsequent life of the child, including the choice of profession.

The issue of the importance of the father's upbringing of a girl, unfortunately, is not given due attention in society, since motherly upbringing of a daughter is traditionally considered a priority.

And this is true, however, there are those key moments in the upbringing of a girl, the responsibility for which lies with the father, and the mother, no matter how hard she tries, will not be able to replace the father in them.

The fact is that it is the relationship with the father that fundamentally influences the formation of the daughter as a future woman, her further relationships with men and the choice of a life partner. All of these factors are crucial in a woman's life.

Let us consider in more detail: how relations with the father affect the fate of the daughter.

Let's start with the fact that the father is the first and most significant example of a man in the life of his daughter. The responsibility is enormous. If only all fathers knew this...

The image of the father and the relationship "father-daughter" in childhood set many programs and attitudes for the communication of an adult woman with the opposite sex. It is good if the settings and programs are correct and useful. And if not?

In the life of an adult daughter, problems of a different nature may arise. Let's try to figure it out.

Let's assume an ideal option: a complete family, parents take part in raising their daughter together, family relations are harmonious, dad is wise and loving.

Of course, it can be difficult to understand father's love, it is different from mother's. But even the restrained, not very emotionally colored love of the father is felt, perceived and absorbed by the daughter. A daughter for a loving father is a princess, this is his (and therefore) an ideal female creation: the most beautiful, most beloved, most-most ... in everything and always, this is his pride, this is the light of his soul.

In turn, paternal love gives the girl a sense of security, security, self-confidence, self-worth; develops femininity, attractiveness, demand and success.

Next to a loving father, the girl grows up, realizing that she is worthy of the love of the opposite sex. When a daughter sees, feels and knows that the most significant man in life, her father, loves and accepts her for who she is, the girl learns to love and accept herself, and, what is important, she learns to accept the love and attention of the opposite sex.

A father for a girl is the whole WORLD. And if this world loves and accepts her, is always ready to help and protect, then she is not afraid of anything. She goes into adulthood without fear, with the knowledge that everything will be fine, she will always find support and support, because the whole world is on her side.

A positive program learned in childhood will work throughout life for the benefit of an adult woman.

Such a woman will attract loving men to her, who will become her support, support in life and will take constant care of her.

Another very important aspect of a girl's upbringing is the father's relationship with her mother.

A girl needs to see that her father loves her mother. Observing the love of a father for a mother, every child experiences a sense of security, joy, happiness and harmony in the world. Any manifestation of dislike for the mother on the part of the father causes pain to the daughter, which, accumulating, can become an insurmountable wall in the relationship between father and daughter.

Dear fathers, it is very important in relation to mothers to show daughters how a man shows love and attention to a woman. This is how a girl develops a model of relationships between a man and a woman, which she will learn for life, like all other models of relationships in the family.

If “love and attention” in the family manifests itself in the form of discontent, nagging or rudeness, this lesson will also be learned: such a model of relations will become natural for a mature woman in the future.

You have noticed that our whole conversation periodically returns to love. If a girl feels a lack or absence of paternal love, she grows up insecure, depressed, downtrodden, withdrawn or, on the contrary, openly aggressive, denying and suppressing the male essence.

How often a young and beautiful girl has to be convinced that she is beautiful, smart, worthy of love and attention of the opposite sex, while a completely outwardly inconspicuous girlfriend arouses interest among young people, freely communicates with them and does not complex about her shortcomings. appearance.

A girl who felt a lack of paternal attention and love in childhood grows up with a sense of her defenselessness, with fear of the vast world and the unpredictability of life. Everything is given to her by great personal work, because she does not know how to ask for help, does not wait for support and relies only on herself. Success in life becomes difficult. Personal life is also not easy.

Alertness and distrust of men often lead a woman to control her husband, suppress him, take on male responsibilities. This is especially common in the case when the girl was brought up only by her mother, who “dragged all the hardships of life” or when the father was in the family, but the mother all the time had to “plow” herself in relations with him.

It happens that a woman obsessively seeks the attention of the opposite sex, is available and not picky in relationships, easily enters into relationships with men who show attention to her. She is looking for love and clings to anyone who will say a compliment or a kind word to her.

Or, with her behavior, a woman all the time wants to prove how good she is and therefore worthy of love. And her whole life turns into a continuous desire to "please him" in anticipation of attention and love in return. Some women torment a man with a constant question: do you love me? Or: tell me you love me! Others suffer quietly and weep furtively in frustration.

It also happens that a woman is afraid of relationships with a man, does not know how to build them, avoids communication with the opposite sex. She “hits” her career, sometimes she completely refuses her personal life and creating a family. Why does she need a man, the woman justifies herself, she is strong and herself can achieve everything.

There can be a lot of distortions in the life of a woman who grew up without fatherly love and attention. How many lives, so many unique experiences.

Many women, after reading this article, will say: so what to do now? Childhood has already passed, life has not turned out the way you wanted, you can’t fix anything. Actually this is not true.

First, you need to discard self-pity and regret about a failed personal life. After all, for some reason, the life lessons learned were necessary.

Secondly, it is important to thank the past for the invaluable experience, to forgive the father (in the end, he fulfilled his main purpose - you were born), let go of all resentments, look with love at your inner child, understand, grow up and start working on yourself.

Gradually, changes in life will begin to occur. It is very likely that health will improve as well. It's no secret that one of the most common causes of women's diseases is the accumulated resentment against men, which is based on problematic relationships with the father.

I believe that every father who has read this article to the end loves his daughter. However, it is difficult for men to emotionally express their feelings, because open emotionality is more characteristic of women and children.

Therefore, in conclusion, I want to summarize the above and give recommendations to fathers:

  • Remember, a daughter needs a father's love no less than a mother's. It depends on your paternal example how her adult relationships with men will develop, whom she will choose as husbands, and, therefore, how her personal life will develop in connection with this.
  • Treat your daughter's mother with love. A daughter should see an example of love and respect between a man and a woman in the face of her parents. This sets the right basic model for your daughter's future relationships with men.
  • Show confidence in your daughter, talk to her about her problems, show concern, be there at crucial moments in her life, be able to step aside, respect her choice.
  • Show warmth in relations with your daughter, hug, compliment, admire, give gifts, be sincere.
  • Avoid being overprotective of your daughter. With an excess of fatherly love, a girl can form a strong emotional dependence on her father, which causes no less harm than a lack of fatherly love.
  • Show understanding and sincere interest in your daughter's life, spend time together (visit the theater, go to exhibitions and concerts, arrange holidays; listen to the music she loves; be interested in what she is interested in; inspire her to develop and develop yourself).
  • Be strict when necessary, but always be wise and fair. Punish with love, without anger, explaining your actions.
  • Never allow yourself assault on your daughter!
  • Respect the personality in your daughter, even if she is still very small.
  • Be positive, develop a sense of humor.
  • In everything, be a worthy male example! Encourage femininity in your daughter. Remember, you are the most important man in the life of a growing little woman—your daughter. She looks at you with a keen eye and makes life decisions at an early age. Don't miss your daughter's childhood!