Does it hurt to pierce the navel, features of the procedure. Navel piercing: features of the puncture and possible consequences

Piercing is one of the ways to draw attention to your body with the help of foreign objects. This procedure involves piercing a part of the body and wearing jewelry in that place. The most popular type of piercing, without a doubt, remains the piercing of the earlobe - most of the fair sex, as well as many men, wear earrings in their ears. But the second place in popularity is held by the navel piercing. This is the most sexy look punctures - in combination with short top on a tanned tummy with a pumped-up press looks very, very beautiful.

There are no special restrictions or prohibitions to pierce the navel, the price of this kind of piercing is also not too high, and they do this procedure in almost every beauty salon. The only thing that can stop a navel piercing is moral prohibitions on the part of loved ones, to whom the very idea of ​​piercing may seem unacceptable. In a rare case, only the fear of pain can stop.

If a professional is involved in the matter, using thin medical needles, anesthesia and doing everything quickly, then you will not feel much pain. The procedure itself is not much more painful than taking blood from a finger. But there are features of how to properly pierce the navel. If they are not taken into account, the piercing can be very unpleasant. Usually pierced top part navel - there is not too much in this place blood vessels and the skin is thin enough to be easily pierced. And here Bottom part the navel is much more sensitive, and if it is punctured, there is a risk of touching the vessel and causing a slight bleeding. In addition, the answer to the question "does it hurt to pierce the navel?" depends on the structure of your abdomen and navel in particular. In some people, this protrudes quite strongly above the surface of the abdomen, and even if the puncture itself is harmless, such a navel will heal for a long time, rub against clothes and thereby provoke inflammation.

Therefore, if you belong to one of these categories of people, and at the moment you are thinking about whether to get a navel piercing, ask yourself the question: "Will it hurt me personally to pierce the navel?" Evaluate all your pros and cons of this procedure, and only then decide to go to the salon. In any case, remember that piercing is a reversible process, which means that as soon as pain occurs, the earring can always be simply removed.

The art of body modification no longer surprises modern people. Tattoos, earrings in the ears and on the face, piercings in the navel - every second person has something from this list today. Those who want to decorate their bodies in this way spend many weeks thinking about the chosen procedure. And how is it done, will there be any problems and, of course, will it hurt? Today we will tell you about whether it is worth piercing the navel, and what you need to know about this procedure if you decide on it.

Fashion trend or ancient tradition?

The worldwide fashion for pierced navels began about 20 years ago. Then for the first time we saw Western pop divas on the blue screens, performing groovy songs and dancing to rhythmic tunes, always in the most understated jeans and tops, more reminiscent of a bra. Many youth fashion singers of that time had their navels pierced. However this species piercing was invented in Ancient Egypt. Then the puncture of the skin in the navel area was allowed only for the high priests and relatives of the pharaoh. The puncture was not only an ornament, but also a sign indicating the status of its owner. Today you can pierce the navel, regardless of social status, but is it worth rushing to take advantage of this privilege?

Opinion of doctors: is it possible to pierce the navel

If you ask a medical practitioner about the safety of piercings, their answer will largely depend on personal relationship to body modifications. Doctors of the old school quite often convince their patients that it is permissible to pierce only their ears. the classic way. The main arguments are the unnaturalness of this type of jewelry, the risk of infection. However, the piercing various kinds(including its most complex varieties - intimate and tongue punctures) is licensed in our country and around the world.

Where to pierce the navel?

You should carefully consider the choice of the master and the place for the piercing. Belly button piercing is considered surgical operation rather than a cosmetic procedure. Accordingly, only a cosmetologist of a certain qualification can perform it. You should look for such specialists in the offices of aesthetic medicine and beauty clinics. Often large tattoo parlors also open their own piercing rooms. Before piercing the navel with a particular master, try to look for reviews about his work from friends or on thematic regional forums. Many specialists today have their own websites, where the portfolio is available to everyone.

Choose decoration

The puncture of the navel is performed in order to wear jewelry in the resulting hole. The modern market offers us big choice earrings of this type. The most popular decoration for this zone is the "banana", it is a bent bar with a large decorative element at the bottom and a small swirling ball at the top. Sometimes they insert ordinary straight rods into the navel puncture, but this is not the most convenient option. Classic - ring earring.

If you are going to pierce the navel, keep in mind that the decoration should be chosen one that is not capable of provoking irritation. The best option is medical steel and titanium earrings. Gold jewelry of high standards and silver are also safe enough. Not so long ago, earrings made of plastic, niobium and teflon appeared on sale, but today they can rarely be found in the salons of our country. Buy piercing jewelry jewelry stores, you can also purchase them in the medical office immediately before the puncture - check the availability of earrings when signing up for the procedure.

Puncture options

About how to pierce the navel is recommended in one case or another, the beautician will tell after examining the client's abdomen. Traditional option puncture - the upper fold of the skin. Extreme piercing options may involve creating multiple holes. In this case, the skin below is also pierced, and the shape of the jewelry is selected individually. Any punctures of the navel are performed manually using special needles. The doctor agrees with the patient on the location of the earring, after which he wipes the skin with an antiseptic, and then marks the puncture site with a marker and tries on the chosen jewelry again. The needle has a cavity for placing an earring. The decoration is inserted into this hole, after which a puncture is performed in one movement, and the bar immediately takes its place.

Soreness of the procedure

The issue of discomfort during cosmetic procedures individual. Each person has their own pain threshold, and we all feel traumatic effects in different ways. Does it hurt to pierce the navel? This is a popular question among many clients of beauty parlors who decide to have this procedure. In terms of pain, this puncture is rated as more serious than ear piercing, but less difficult than tongue piercing. If the patient wishes, the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia. The drug is usually administered in soft tissues by injection and begins to act within a few minutes. However, many fans of piercing fundamentally refuse painkillers. They believe that each new puncture should be fully felt and remembered.

Care after the procedure

Some people refuse to get pierced because they are afraid that it will hurt to pierce the navel. But discomfort may also appear after a puncture, if you do not familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for a new jewelry in advance. At normal conditions and in the absence of complications, a skin puncture in the navel area heals for about one month. During this period, you can not swim in open water, visit the sauna and solarium, remove the earring. Accordingly, piercing the navel at the very beginning of summer or in its middle is not best idea. The first weeks are recommended to be limited physical exercise, do not perform exercises on the press, try not to bend down.

Usually, after the procedure, it is recommended to wear a special protective bandage for 5-7 days. The doctor will show you how to fix it correctly, how to treat the wound. Remember: any breach of integrity skin is the entry gate for infection. Therefore, carefully follow the rules of hygiene - touch the puncture area only with clean hands treat it regularly. Specific preparations will be prompted by the doctor who made the piercing. Most often, hydrogen peroxide (3%) or Miramistin is prescribed for washing and some kind of universal healing ointment. At first, the puncture should be treated three times a day, then two times is enough. After complete healing the navel piercing does not require any special care, it is enough to scroll the earring while taking a shower to remove sweat, skin grease and other natural contaminants from inner surface rods.

Piercing and pregnancy

Many opponents of the navel piercing urge you to think about how this jewelry will look while carrying a child. Indeed, even if a woman does not plan to have offspring, the likelihood of weight gain cannot be ignored. Jewelry on the body looks good only on the owners slender figures. So is it worth it to pierce the navel if you are planning to have a baby or are afraid to gain weight? We should not forget that our skin has the ability to regenerate. Scratches heal within a few weeks, scars after operations - within a month or two. Accordingly, the puncture of the skin will someday heal. Usually, with good elasticity and ability to recover, a thin continuous film forms inside the piercing within a month after refusing to wear jewelry, and after another 2-3 months, a small scar remains at the piercing site, which becomes completely invisible over the years. Be prepared for the fact that a miniature scar or pigment spot at the puncture site will remain with you for life. During pregnancy, it is better to pull out the jewelry and let the piercing heal. If you want to show off your beautiful belly button again after giving birth, it's easier to pierce it again.

To do or not?

Don't chase fashion and don't get pierced for someone else. Moreover, if you really want to decorate your body, do not listen to advisers who scare possible complications. Should you pierce your belly button? This is a question that you must answer for yourself, based on own desire and taste. A puncture made according to all the rules is safe, and if after a while you get tired of the jewelry, you can always just stop wearing it. The risk is minimal if you approach the procedure wisely and trust your body to professionals. Don't give up on your dreams because of doubts!

So are you ready for personal experience find out if it hurts to pierce the navel?

Fashion is quite changeable, but for many years the navel piercing has not lost its relevance. After all, a slender female tummy, decorated with a beautiful earring, looks aesthetically pleasing and sexy. But many girls are afraid pain and possible consequences in the form of suppuration. How to make this procedure as safe as possible?

Let's start with the fact that it hurts if you pierce yourself or entrust your girlfriend. In addition to pain, it is also dangerous: there is always a risk that an infection will be introduced or that the hand will “tremble” and the puncture will be done incorrectly. If you get pierced by a professional, then there will be much less discomfort. The pain threshold, of course, is different for everyone, but even very sensitive girls able to wait a couple of minutes. In addition, in the piercing salon or beauty parlor, the place of the procedure will be anesthetized, everything will be done quickly, correctly and with sterile instruments. The procedure is most easily tolerated by girls who have thin skin: for them it will be no more painful than an injection into the muscle.


  • blood poisoning;
  • chronic blood diseases;
  • skin diseases, allergic reactions, psoriasis;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • intolerance to lidocaine (in this case, the piercing can be performed without anesthesia);
  • gastric ulcer or pancreatitis in the acute stage.

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Even professional piercers are people who are far from medicine. It is unlikely that they will ask about the presence of a particular disease in you. Their job is only to make a high-quality puncture, and you will have to take care of everything else on your own.

  1. Choose a master. Read reviews in groups in your city in in social networks. Going to the first one that comes across is not worth it, and the price is not always an indicator of quality. For such a case, it is better to choose a proven person with a mass positive feedback. This procedure is equivalent to a surgical intervention, and even under sterile conditions it is easy to infect. Therefore, having chosen a salon, it is better to first look there, talk with the master, see in what conditions he works, evaluate the cleanliness of the office, how the tools are processed, and make a decision based on this.
  2. Make sure your weight stays on the same mark. In the near future, it is better not to get better and not to lose weight in order to provide the skin with maximum rest.
  3. Get a few loose clothes and underwear made from natural fabrics, as constant friction near the wound will not contribute to the healing process.
  4. Buy a special earring. For the healing period, it is better to choose a regular barbell made of medical alloy, titanium or gold. Such an earring will not cling to clothes, and it is easiest to take care of the puncture site with it.

Belly button piercing: pros and cons of the procedure

The pluses include the moment that your tummy with a beautiful earring will certainly not be left without attention.

Piercing - great way emphasize the beauty of the body, but it will look advantageous only on a perfectly slender tummy. If your press is far from ideal, it is better not to draw attention to this part of the body once again.

Cons are also present, and quite significant:

  • long enough healing of the wound, about 3-4 months. This is due to the fact that the stomach is a place that is almost impossible to keep calm and sterile;
  • if the puncture is performed incorrectly, the navel will heal for a long time, even suppuration is possible;
  • when piercing by an unscrupulous self-taught master, there is a risk of earning blood poisoning and even HIV and hepatitis;
  • careful attitude to the abdominal area should now become a habit. Any careless movement while changing clothes, playing sports or having sex can damage the puncture site;
  • at the time of healing will have to give up exercise associated with pumping the muscles of the press, from swimming in public pools, ponds, visiting baths and saunas, solarium.
  • Change bed sheets and towels once every three days for the healing period.
  • For the first few weeks, try not to wet your piercing while showering. It is better to seal this place with a band-aid.
  • Always wash your hands before touching your stomach.
  • Keep sweat and other bodily fluids away from the wound.
  • Do not treat the piercing with alcohol, iodine, or antibiotic ointments. For these purposes, it is better to use hydrogen peroxide, brine and Miramistin;
  • The healing process is going well if you have:
  • slight redness appeared in the navel area;
  • 6-7 days after the procedure, a crust began to form;
  • a whitish liquid is secreted from the wound in small quantities.

The consequences of a navel piercing

After 1-2 months of daily treatment, the redness and crust will disappear, and the liquid will no longer stand out. Be patient and continue to treat the wound. The final healing will occur in 4-6 months - that's when it will be possible to remove the temporary earring and replace it with a more stylish and sexy one. In their online reviews about navel piercing, girls advise not to change a temporary earring earlier than 4-5 months after the piercing. For many, rejection began precisely for this reason.

Some say that inexperienced craftsmen advised to treat the wound with alcohol-containing solutions, and as a result, the piercing healed much longer and was constantly covered with crusts. Drawing a conclusion, we can say that if the fair sex followed all the recommendations and treated the unhealed piercing with care, everything ended successfully, and the wound healed without consequences. Negative experience associated mainly with improper care and the choice of an incompetent master.

Many people like to decorate their bodies, the desire to stand out and attract attention often leads people to specialized salons. Someone is limited to a tattoo, while someone prefers a navel piercing.

Today, you won’t surprise anyone with piercings of the abdomen, it no longer seems to be something defiant, and at present, a pierced navel can be seen not only in girls, but also in guys. But in most cases, this type of piercing attracts a female who wants to emphasize the beauty of her tummy.

Therefore, where to pierce the navel, do not hesitate for a long time. It is curious that the holes on the body first appeared among the African tribes, and this was not done at all for aesthetics. On the contrary, such decorations were considered ugly, and they resorted to them to "insure" themselves from slavery. Today, abdominal piercing is fashionable, original and sexy.

Girls prefer the umbilical puncture not only for pleasure in terms of aesthetics. Thus, they are looking for a way to express themselves and attract the attention of the opposite sex. But is it worth it to pierce the navel simply because you really want it?

Let's be honest: for such decoration you need a flat tummy. And if he is not distinguished by smartness, then once again it is not worth flaunting it. It is better to first work on the figure, pump up the press - and only after reaching desired result you can wear an earring in the navel. When does a piercing look more profitable?

  • For dancers who practice pole dancing and oriental dancing;
  • On the beach with girls tanned skin and in separate bathing suits;
  • Under tops (short T-shirts) and jeans with a low waist;
  • With a beautiful set of underwear.

The question of whether it is possible to wear piercings if your figure is far from ideal can be answered unambiguously: it depends on your personal attitude towards your physique.

If you or your other half finds a bulging tummy sexy, then there is no reason not to wear a navel ring. The main thing is that you feel comfortable with it.

Who is contraindicated to pierce the navel

Do not forget that any puncture on the body is in any case a small operation and surgical intervention. Therefore, if the state of health does not allow you, then the consequences of a navel piercing can be the most negative.

We also note that this procedure is not carried out by certified doctors, but by people who often have very superficial knowledge of medicine. And it is important not only to find good master but make sure you have no contraindications. When are piercings prohibited?

  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Diabetes;
  • Ulcer and chronic gastritis;
  • HIV disease;
  • Allergy to lidocaine;
  • pancreatitis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • venereal diseases;
  • Psoriasis and eczema.

If you have contraindications, then taking risks and still going for a navel piercing procedure can be dangerous for your life. This is fraught with the fact that complications and inflammation will not take long.

The consequences of piercing in the presence of any of the above diseases will cause you a lot of trouble in the future.

What are belly button piercing jewelry?

As an earring, several types of jewelry are used, which differ in shape. And if men usually do not hesitate and choose the option according to the principle “the simpler the better”, then women can think about jewelry for a long time. Judge for yourself:

  1. Ring. Earring round shape, no frills. Sometimes it is supplemented with a "pendant".
  2. Barbell. A rod with threaded edges to which two balls are screwed.
  3. Circular. Earring in the shape of a strongly curved crescent with wraps around the edges.
  4. Spiral. Another earring in the form of a piece of a spring with decorations around the edges.
  5. Banana. An earring with a rod and balls, wound on both one and two sides.

Today, the most common piercing is with a banana earring, in second place in popularity is a barbell. The ring is more of a male navel piercing, while the helix and circular are the least preferred - they are in very moderate demand.

What material are the jewelry made from?

An earring for the navel is chosen not only by appearance but also by the material from which it is made. After all, each type has its pros and cons, starting with the high price and ending allergic reaction on metal. What materials are earrings made from?

  1. Medical steel. An alloy of steel, chromium and nickel, also called surgical steel. Advantages: earrings do not rust and have a flawless smooth surface.
  2. Titanium. Does not rust, is considered an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory metal.
  3. Gold. Expensive metal that can protect the skin from infections. For piercing, both yellow and yellow can be used. White gold. The quality, of course, depends on the sample.
  4. Silver. More affordable metal, and also for those who prefer white jewelry.
  5. Medical plastic. Or bioplast. The cheapest option, which serves as a replacement in cases where an allergic reaction occurs to any type of metal earrings.

If some time after the piercing, the harm of the piercing began to appear (healing does not occur, the skin area is inflamed, the wounds heal for a long time), then it is better to change the type of jewelry as quickly as possible. Otherwise, suppuration may begin with all the consequences.

Piercing: is it painful to pierce the navel?

Before the procedure, any person who decides on a piercing is concerned about the question: does it hurt to pierce the navel? First of all, it depends on the degree of pain defect. For some, a puncture can be quite noticeable, while others may hardly notice such an intervention. And if there was anesthesia, then the pain is not felt at all.

But here it is worth considering that the navel piercing procedure itself is fast, discomfort in the abdomen will begin a little later - the disturbed place will “leave” for some time, so you need to be mentally prepared for such consequences in advance.

Also, the choice of a piercer is far from last, and the best option will pierce the navel in the salon with a professional master.

Remember that such a procedure is not the case when you can do a navel piercing at home!

A certified specialist has experience, sterile instruments and high-quality anesthesia, so the session will pass quickly and without unnecessary nerves. It is unlikely that any friend knows exactly how to pierce the navel at home, and due to her inexperience, she will do it crookedly and very painfully. Or even worse - it will bring an infection under your skin.

How the navel is pierced

In addition to the standard puncture method, there are two more. This is a lower piercing, when a place is pierced under the navel, but there the skin is thicker and few people choose this method. And a multiple puncture, when several holes are made around the navel (bottom, top and side).

The safest and easiest way is a standard puncture above the navel. The procedure is carried out under sterile conditions to prevent infection from entering the wound.

  1. The first thing a piercer does is put on gloves and disinfect your jewelry.
  2. Then, using a marker, marks on the skin the points where the puncture will be made.
  3. Next, the skin area is treated with an antiseptic and local anesthesia is performed.
  4. With a special clamp, the master captures the skin so that the points are in the center.
  5. After that, a puncture is made with a quick movement using a sterile needle.
  6. Then a barbell (or another type of selected earring) is inserted and fixed.
  7. The pierced place is again treated with an antiseptic - and the procedure is completed.

If a double puncture is made, anesthesia is mandatory, with the standard method, anesthesia may not be used - pain minimal.

The navel is not pierced with a gun, only a surgical needle sharpened by a laser. After the session, the master explains to the client how to care for the navel piercing, what to do and how to handle it. Or it issues instructions that will need to be followed in the future.

Is it possible to leave a piercing in the navel during pregnancy

This question worries many girls, because they are future mothers, and not everyone knows how to deal with a pierced navel for pregnant women. Some do not want to take risks - during pregnancy, the bar is removed, after which the hole, as a rule, overgrows.

Nevertheless, it is quite possible to leave the piercing on a rounded tummy, you just need to change the usual earring to something simpler so that the piercing does not close.

For example, on big ring, such a replacement is often used for pregnant women. But what to do on last dates when the belly gets too big and the opening in the navel starts to get bigger? In this case, the ring is removed, and silk thread or ordinary fishing line is placed in its place.

And after the baby is born, and the physique returns to normal, you can take out a temporary replacement and again decorate the tummy with an earring.

If the piercing session took place in compliance with all precautions, then healing will be easy and painless. The main thing is to properly handle the navel piercing.

On average, it heals completely in six months, it all depends on the type of skin and personal hygiene. If you carefully care for the wound, then full recovery comes much faster. What should be the care of a navel piercing after a piercing?

  1. Touch your belly button only after washing your hands, preferably with antibacterial soap.
  2. Change your bedding every few days while your belly button piercing heals.
  3. Every day you need to wash the puncture site, ideally - treat with chlorhexidine.
  4. The only way to decontaminate a wound is to cotton pads or napkins.
  5. In the first month after the puncture, exclude sports and physical activity.
  6. It is also very undesirable at first to visit the pool, sauna and go to the beach.
  7. At first, wear loose-fitting clothes and do not sleep with pets.
  8. In no case do not pull the earring and do not remove the crust from the wound until it heals!

How to understand that the navel has healed? There should be no crusting and redness at the puncture site, the piercing no longer itchs and does not cause any discomfort.

If, after some time, the question of how to remove the piercing from the navel in order to put on another earring became of interest, then this can be done independently.

Wash your hands, treat the navel and new jewelry with an antiseptic, carefully remove the annoying product, put on another one and fasten it.

What does belly button piercing mean

This type of piercing is very interesting story. For example, representatives of ancient tribes pierced any place on the body, but not the navel. They believed that if a hole was made in the abdomen, the soul would leave the body. However, later the situation changed in the opposite direction.

For the ancient Egyptians, piercing in the navel meant belonging to the highest deities, and only the upper classes had the right to pierce the stomach. If commoners did this, then they were brutally dealt with.

Today, a piercing in the navel gives out a liberated person in its owner and indicates that we have a self-sufficient and ambitious person, ready for self-expression and experiments.

How to do a piercing without piercing the navel

But what about girls who really want piercings, but without holes in their bodies? And it is not necessary that it be a spiral or a rod, at least just a beautiful pebble. In this case, a piercing is done without a puncture, which is called a "trick" or "fake". How does this decoration hold up?

Everything is simple to the point of being banal: it is attached to the body with the help of special glue or a clip on the principle of clips. Visually, such a piercing is practically indistinguishable from a real piercing, in addition, it has a lot of advantages. No holes in the skin, no pain and no recovery period.

A fake can be easily removed or replaced with another decoration at any time. Such a snag allows you to avoid a real puncture, which in the future is likely to regret.

What is the cost of a belly button piercing

Each person who decides on such a procedure, of course, is interested in the question: how much does it cost to pierce the navel? It depends on many things: the professionalism of the master and his reputation, the prestige of the salon and the type of service provided. For example, a piercing with a bioplastic earring will cost much less than a piercing with gold jewelry.

If we are talking about prices in Moscow, then the cost of the standard puncture method without an earring on average from 800 to 300 rubles, with an earring - from 1200 to 5000. Piercing at the bottom of the navel without jewelry - from 1500 to 5000, with jewelry - from 2000 to 7000. Well, the multiple method will cost between 3000-10000 - depending on the complexity of the procedure and the option chosen (with or without a product).

In any salon in Moscow, the client is invited to look at the catalog with a photo of the navel piercing, so that everyone can choose the sample they like for themselves.

Videos navel piercing

How is a navel piercing done? step-by-step instruction puncture in the navel.

Navel piercing remains quite popular, especially when combined with a slim and tanned body. In special salons where prising is carried out, there is a rich selection of all kinds of jewelry that will suit the taste of any girl.

If you decide to pierce the navel, then it is worth remembering that this procedure, early as well as, must be performed by highly qualified specialists in a certified salon. It is not recommended to pierce the navel at home on your own, because in the absence of basic knowledge in the field of anatomy and non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards can lead to infection or other backfire. Masters in salons use disposable needles for this procedure, and the rest of the instruments are thoroughly sterilized.

During the piercing of the navel, the master uses sterile tweezers to support the skin, which is pierced with a disposable needle. The puncture area must be treated with sterile gauze with a disinfectant solution, and the master must work in sterile disposable gloves. Initially, the navel is decorated with a ring. This is necessary in order for the wound to heal completely, after which you can “attach” a more interesting decoration.

Before starting the procedure, the master marks the place of entry and exit of the needle with a felt-tip pen, after which he stretches the necessary area of ​​​​skin with tweezers, and with a sharp movement pierces it through the intended points, and puts on a ring. After that, the puncture should be treated again with a disinfectant solution.

The specialist should explain how proper care for piercing, and inform patients about contraindications that promote long-term wound healing.

After the puncture

When the navel piercing procedure is completed, the master establishes a special antiseptic compress, which must be worn during the day. This precaution is necessary to avoid possible infection in an open wound, and also protects the piercing from various mechanical damage. After removing the compress, you can wash the puncture site with a disinfectant solution for about three times, while it is not recommended to rotate or pull the ring often. Until the wound is completely healed, it is better to refuse to swim in open water and not to wear tight underwear.

Remember that the wound after the puncture will heal long time so don't panic. This is due to the fact that the puncture site is constantly exposed to various damages by clothing or during sleep. In the event of the slightest symptom of inflammation, you should immediately consult a doctor, who often prescribes antiseptic compresses.

Experts advise against wearing jewelry made of medical steel or silver during the wound healing period. If the piercing was done before pregnancy and the woman does not want to give up jewelry, then the metal should be replaced with a special bar made of flexible Teflon.

Does it hurt to pierce the navel

If the puncture procedure is performed by a highly qualified master, then most often it is painless and there is no bleeding. Let us remind you once again that piercing at home is quite dangerous.