Child development: second trimester of pregnancy. Second trimester of pregnancy: size and weight of the fetus, condition of the pregnant woman, necessary tests

At the 14th week, the baby's growth approaches 10 cm, the baby trains to breathe in and out, swallowing amniotic fluid.

14 weeks

By the end of the 15th week, the child already knows how to suck his finger, which means that he has a fully formed sucking reflex. The first hairs on the head appear this week.

By the 16th week, the fetus has fully formed tactile (reaction to mechanical stimuli), gustatory and vestibular systems. The baby improves the coordination of arms and legs, moving them in his mother's tummy. Growth reaches 12 cm.

16 weeks

The 17th week is reserved for polishing and working out already formed organs and systems. The baby grows very quickly, weighs about 150 g. The child perfectly hears the sounds of the heartbeat, blood circulation, and peristalsis arising in the mother's body.

By the 18th week, the baby is already able to hear sounds coming from outside: music, dad's voice, the noise of household appliances.

At the 19th week, the child recovers to 300 g and grows to 20 cm. The formation of fingers is almost completed, an individual grid of lines appears on them.

Height increases by another 5 cm (25 cm), and now the baby weighs 340 g. The child trains to grab objects, endlessly squeezing and unclenching his fists, tugging at the umbilical cord and, as if embarrassed, closing his face.

The end of week 22 sums up the formation of the baby's brain as an integral system. Now the movements, like the mood, the crumbs directly depend on the commands coming from the hypothalamus. Through the umbilical cord, the child receives hormones that the mother's body produces depending on the emotions experienced, so the child experiences exactly the same feelings as his mother. Depending on this, he responds to what is happening with active somersaults and jerks. The weight is 400 g.

By the 23rd week, the nails are fully formed, and the genitals are clearly visible.

The weight of the crumbs increases significantly over the course of 24-25 weeks and reaches 800 g, the weight approaches 33 cm. He has already learned to express his feelings and emotions through pushes, and a sleep and wakefulness regimen has been developed.

24 weeks

What happens to mom in the 2nd trimester

The body got used to the new state, the hormonal storms were left behind, but with the full awareness of my “deep” pregnancy, a slight memory loss also came. This is natural, because the body is forced to use all the reserves in order to ensure the survival of the baby, and some household trifles, like turning off the light, calling the supplier or buying milk, are trifles compared to what happens in the tummy. This condition disappears after childbirth, you just need to put up with it.

At this time, a rounded tummy may appear brown stripe, barely noticeable at first, but well distinguishable by the end of pregnancy. Sometimes dark spots also appear on the face, especially on the cheeks, which is a consequence of the production of melanin by the body. 2-3 months after the birth of the child hormonal background changes again, so that both spots and brown line just evaporate.

It is in the 2nd trimester that you can “hear” your baby for the first time. Such a long-awaited event occurs at 18-20 weeks in primiparas and at 16-18 in women who have previously given birth. Feelings are similar to the fluttering of a butterfly, with the splashing of a fish - these quivering moments are simply impossible to miss and confuse with something.

Due to the fact that the child's need for oxygen and nutrients increases, the mother's body is forced to increase the volume of circulating blood, which can cause high blood pressure and increased sweating. The activity of the endocrine glands also increases, so the amount of secretions increases significantly. Breasts swell and nipples swell, so you need to wear special underwear.

Maternity underwear should be loose, versatile and made from natural materials or microfiber. In order to future mom felt comfortable all day, it is advisable to purchase a bra without pits made of cotton. Panties for pregnant women need to buy seamless - this will prevent squeezing in the tummy and hips. From the 20th week, it is recommended to wear a bandage, designed to remove unnecessary stress from the spine and facilitate the implementation of daily activities.

Comfortable underwear for pregnant women

At 22-23 weeks, for the first time, you can feel weak uterine contractions, however, if they pass quickly and are not too painful, then these are training contractions caused by the fact that the body is already preparing for significant date- meeting with the baby.

The child grows, he needs more and more space, and therefore the mother's tummy grows more and more, the skin stretches and becomes very sensitive to the slightest irritants. In those places where the limit of the supply of elastic possibilities of the skin is exhausted, stretch marks are formed. To combat dry skin and to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you can use it daily. special creams(obligatory marked "for pregnant women"), nourishing baby cream or olive oil.

Problems 2 trimesters

The problems of the 2nd trimester are associated with a growing tummy and the fact that the body of a pregnant mother is forced to adapt to such extreme conditions. In this regard, there are such troubles:

  • constipation, because the growing uterus compresses the intestines;
  • shortness of breath is due to the fact that the uterus, as the fetus grows, puts pressure on the abdominal organs, which in turn “squeeze out” the diaphragm upward, disrupting the free movement of the lungs;
  • heartburn - the uterus displaces the stomach, and as a result, part of the contents may enter the esophagus;
  • frequent urination, because the growing uterus squeezes bladder, whose tone is already reduced under the influence of progesterone. Sometimes this can cause stagnation of urine, which significantly increases the possibility of infection in the bladder. That is why it is necessary to regularly monitor the presence of protein and the number of leukocytes in the urine.
  • insomnia, it's not easy to find comfortable position bodies with a large tummy;
  • anemia due to the fact that the volume of blood has increased significantly;
  • excessive weight gain;
  • cramps and swelling;
  • candidiasis, the main manifestations of which are abundant curdled discharge With bad smell. The immunity of a pregnant woman is weakened, which creates excellent conditions for the growth and reproduction of fungi that cause disease.

A particularly dangerous period for a possible late miscarriage the interval between the 18th and 22nd weeks is considered, since at this time the child launches his own systems. If the errors are critical, then the schedule for the development and maturation of functions is disrupted in the fetus, which leads to hypoxia or hypotrophy of the fetus, dystrophic changes, and in severe cases, abortion occurs.

Analyzes 2 trimesters

In the 2nd trimester, a pregnant woman visits a doctor once a month, weight gain is monitored, blood pressure, fetal heart rate and tummy size. Conduct monthly general analysis blood and urine.

At week 16, it is recommended to donate blood from a vein to determine the levels of AFT (Alpha-fetoprotein), hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) and NE (unconjugated estriol). This is the so-called first screening carried out to rule out pathologies of fetal development and genetic diseases.

The 2nd trimester can be remembered as the most wonderful time if:

  • diet and consume enough, but not excessive, amount of food;
  • do daily light gymnastics- it gently and gradually prepares the body for childbirth;
  • eat beef and liver, buckwheat porridge and apples to maintain hemoglobin levels in the blood. And in case of detection of anemia, take the drugs recommended by the doctor;
  • do not overeat, exclude fatty foods, eat food often and in small portions - this will prevent the occurrence of heartburn, and to relieve discomfort you can occasionally take medicine for heartburn;
  • walk several times a day to enrich the blood with oxygen;
  • monitor daily stools and prevent constipation by consuming vegetables and fruits, especially leaning on beets, prunes and dried apricots;
  • enjoy sexual relations, because right now, when there is no such big tummy, the expectant mother has become especially feminine and sensual;
  • it is imperative to treat candidiasis of pregnant women, since the mucous membrane eaten away by yeast fungi becomes thinner, which can provoke multiple ruptures in the process natural childbirth;
  • take prenatal vitamins and calcium;
  • visit the dentist in time to treat caries, because carious cavities are breeding grounds for infection;
  • enjoy every day and start choosing "your" doctor for childbirth.

How to choose the right doctor

The state of pregnancy is associated with uncertainty and anxiety. So that panic does not overshadow the joyful expectation, it is advisable to decide in advance on the choice of a doctor. You can look for reviews about relevant specialists on the city forum, you can consult a gynecologist who is leading the pregnancy, but it is best to get the opinion of familiar mothers who gave birth in the maternity hospital you need.

When choosing a doctor, it is desirable to consider the following criteria:

  • he must be qualified;
  • must adhere to those methods of childbirth that appeal to you;
  • he is a practitioner and faced many situations in the process of childbirth.

Having opted for a couple of candidates, it is advisable to meet with them and discuss your preferences and concerns in a personal conversation. During the consultation, the doctor will be able to assess the condition of the pregnant woman, express her opinion on obstetric care and a vision of possible cooperation. After such a conversation, the expectant mother will be able to intuitively and realistically decide on the choice of a specialist to whom she will entrust the most precious thing - her and her child's health.

The 2nd trimester of pregnancy can be called the heyday of pregnancy, because it is at this time that the expectant mother is full of strength and energy, and waiting does not yet bring significant inconvenience and unrest.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful and important periods in a woman's life. One of the safe and calm moments is the second trimester, when a woman does not suffer from toxicosis, and the risks of abortion are minimized. In obstetric practice, the 2nd trimeter is often called the "golden mean". It is during this period that a woman begins to feel the movement of the fetus, there is a feeling of impending motherhood.

The second trimester starts at week 13 and lasts. During this period, changes continue to occur in the woman's body, the fetus is actively developing, the woman's stomach slowly begins to increase in size. Basically, the 2nd trimester is accompanied by a feeling of comfort. The woman is no longer tormented by toxicosis, her mood improves. Despite the comfortable period, you should not relax, because, like other trimesters of pregnancy, it requires maximum attention from the woman herself and doctors. At this stage, up to 16 weeks, the final period of formation occurs. intrauterine life child, the laying of internal organs and the formation of the placenta. It is from this period that the placenta is fully formed, protecting the baby from harmful influences provides oxygen supply.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman may encounter certain difficulties, so you need to know not only how the baby develops, what sensations will be present, but also what risks may appear and what to do in some situations.

The size and weight of the fetus in the second trimester

Starting from, the fetus begins to actively develop. It forms a skeleton and internal organs. If in the first trimester there is a laying of all organs and systems, then starting from the second trimester, its organs and systems begin to work independently. For example, the fetal heart begins to beat 2 times faster, pumps about 22 liters of blood. The formation of the brain also occurs, twists appear, the pituitary gland begins to work, the intestines, bladder, kidneys and other organs are formed. Only the respiratory system rests.

At this stage of pregnancy, the growth and size of the fetus increases. If in the 1st trimester he weighed about 20 g, and the body length was 7 cm, then in the 2nd trimester, by the end of it, the baby weighs from 850 g to 1000 g. The growth of the fetus increases to 35 cm in full growth. Thus, the fetus from a small embryo turns into a fetus weighing up to 1 kg.

In the fourth month of pregnancy, the fetus develops rapidly. The following changes occur in his tiny body:

  1. The skeleton is strengthened, the bones grow intensively.
  2. The organs of the abdominal cavity develop.
  3. The kidneys begin to excrete urine.
  4. The stomach, gallbladder and intestines function.
  5. The cerebral cortex is being formed.
  6. The first hormones are produced in the adrenal glands.
  7. The formation of milk teeth is completed.
  8. The proportions of the baby's body are changing.
  9. Sexual glands develop.
  10. Fingernails appear.
  11. In girls, the uterus and fallopian tubes are formed, in boys, the genitals.
  12. The muscles of the face are formed.

Starting with the fetus, the auditory ossicles are formed, which allows him to hear his mother. During this period, he is quite active, moves a lot, often changes his position, which allows the mother to feel the first movements of the baby. From the 19th week, the fetus can blink and squint, open its mouth. Taste buds begin to form in him, which allows him to feel the taste of the food that mom eats.

By the end of the 2nd trimester, the mental abilities of the fetus are being formed, all parts of the cerebral cortex are well developed. The placenta at this stage is also fully formed. It provides the fetus with all the nutrients, protects against negative effects, and provides oxygen access. In the second trimester, the fetus is fully formed, increases in size every day and reaches almost 1 kg by the end of the 27th week.

Condition of the pregnant woman in the second trimester

Unlike the first trimester, in the second, a woman feels much better. She no longer suffers from toxicosis, there are no big risks for abortion. At this stage, the expectant mother begins to feel the first movements of the fetus, which become more pronounced and tangible every day. In the second trimester, the hormonal background begins to normalize, overall well-being improves, mood and appetite increase. Many mothers during this period are full of energy, begin to visit the pool, do yoga, and some decide to travel. The woman's belly is inconspicuous, but begins to acquire roundness. Despite the improvement in well-being, there are still some nuances that bother a woman and can cause anxiety.

Nausea in the second trimester of pregnancy

Normally, with the onset of the second trimester, toxicosis recedes, and a good appetite comes to replace it. However, due to the individual characteristics of a woman, many women still continue to complain of slight nausea, which is mainly present in the morning or as a reaction to unpleasant or pungent odors. With a slight nausea, you should not worry, it will pass by the 18th week. In the absence of any pathologies of pregnant women, doctors recommend drinking water with lemon or tea immediately after waking up for morning sickness. The cause of this condition may also be the mother’s malnutrition, the use of fatty foods, overeating or fasting.

In the case when nausea is constant, there is an urge to, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this may be a sign of gestosis or other pathology dangerous for the development and life of the child and the woman herself.

Discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy vaginal discharge can be both normal and be a sign internal diseases. It is very important to pay attention to the nature of the discharge.

Normal discharge in the 2nd trimester has a milky tint. What is the result hormonal changes in a woman's body. The secretions themselves have a slight odor, their number may increase slightly as the period increases. The following vaginal discharges are cause for concern:

  1. accompanied by itching and burning in the vaginal area - a sign (candidiasis).
  2. Smearing bloody issues- a sign, a threat of miscarriage, premature birth.
  3. A yellowish or greenish discharge is a sign of a vaginal infection.
  4. with an unpleasant odor.

The appearance of such secretions in any trimester of pregnancy should alert the woman, become a reason for contacting a doctor who, after the results of the examination, examination, will be able to identify the cause, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment.

Pain in the second trimester of pregnancy

Starting from the second trimester, a woman may periodically be disturbed by pain in the lumbar region or pelvis. Doctors are pain explain the increase in the uterus, its pressure on neighboring organs. But in cases of pathologies or possible risks, pain can be the first signal for immediate medical attention. A pregnant woman should be alerted by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, pain in the sacrum or thighs. With the threat of miscarriage, in addition to pain there will also be bloody discharge from the vagina.

In the second trimester, a pregnant woman often suffers from heartburn, which also appears as a result of an increase in the uterus, its pressure on the stomach. heartburn is not a serious sign. It worries almost 80% of pregnant women.

In connection with the same increase in the uterus, the expectant mother may be disturbed by constipation, there is a risk of developing hemorrhoids. In such cases, doctors recommend adjusting the diet, eating as many fermented milk products as possible or those that contain fiber.

Pain can also appear as a result of convulsions - muscle spasms due to their involuntary contraction. Cramps can be a sign of impaired mineral metabolism in the body. It is recommended to lead healthy lifestyle life, in the absence of contraindications, do gymnastics for pregnant women, and also pay attention to your diet, which should be rich in vitamins, minerals and other useful substances.

Colds in the second trimester of pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is vulnerable to various viral and bacterial infections, which can cause an increase in body temperature. Fortunately, in the second trimester, a cold is not as dangerous as at the beginning of pregnancy, but it is still important to pay attention to it, to treat it at its first signs. Most of the drugs are contraindicated, so self-medication, as well as uncontrolled medication, should be excluded. At the first sign of a cold, you need to consult a doctor who can choose the most optimal treatment regimen and give useful recommendations.

It is important to remember that at the beginning of the 2nd trimester, a cold is just as dangerous for a pregnant woman and, with its complications, can provoke a miscarriage. In this regard, only a doctor can prescribe treatment. With minor signs of SARS, bed rest is recommended, plenty of drinking, inhalation, rinsing, nasal rinsing, you can seek help from traditional medicine, use only proven and safe methods. If necessary, taking medications.

Temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy

During pregnancy of the 2nd trimester, body temperature may increase, which is the body's reaction to a particular irritant. At subfebrile temperature not higher than 37.5 degrees, it is not worth taking measures for treatment. In some women, this temperature is present in the 1st and early second trimester. It is not worth ignoring an elevated body temperature, since it can be a sign of an ectopic position of the fetus or an internal infection.

It is very important to determine the cause elevated temperature body as it renders Negative influence to the fruit. To normalize body temperature, the doctor may prescribe antipyretic drugs: It is important to understand that such drugs as - must be abandoned. At the same time, such drugs can be taken only at a body temperature above 37.8-38 degrees.

Tests in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman undergoes a routine examination, which consists of an ultrasound of the fetus, clinical analysis blood, urine. During this period, a gynecological smear is also prescribed, an analysis for TORCH infection. If necessary, if a fetal pathology is suspected, the doctor prescribes a biochemical screening, or “triple test”, which consists of a blood test for 3 markers. Research results reveal possible pathologies in fetal development, and chromosomal abnormalities, which can serve as a reason for terminating a pregnancy for medical reasons. Full screening is recommended for women who have had a miscarriage, are older than 35, or have a history of fetal failure. Conduct tests and full screening only for those women who are at risk.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a real tragedy for a woman can be the fading of the fetus. The most dangerous period is 16 - 18 weeks. That is why those women who are at risk are recommended to be screened during the 16th or 18th week. The main signs are considered to be the absence of fetal movements, periodic, brown discharge may be disturbing. If a missed pregnancy is suspected, a woman needs to visit a doctor as soon as possible, undergo an ultrasound scan that can confirm or refute the death of the fetus.


A woman's nutrition will play a key role throughout pregnancy. In the second trimester, a woman's appetite increases. Nutrition should be balanced, fortified and healthy. Proper Diet and a healthy diet will provide a woman's body with all the necessary substances for proper growth and development.

The diet should contain only fresh and natural products: fish, meat, eggs, cottage cheese, dairy and dairy products. Porridge, vegetables and fruits, as well as beef liver, tomato juice will bring benefits. It is better to eat food raw, boiled or stewed. It is not recommended to eat fried foods, spices, foods containing dyes and carcinogens. Do not abuse sweet and flour products, this will help to avoid significant weight gain and the development of pregnant women.

At any stage of pregnancy, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, even in small quantities, and also stop smoking.

In order for the 2nd trimester, as well as the entire pregnancy to proceed without complications, the woman feels comfortable, some rules must be followed:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Moderate physical activity.
  3. Daily outdoor walks.
  4. Lack of contact with sick people.
  5. Compliance with all rules of personal hygiene.
  6. Comfortable clothes and underwear made from natural fabrics.
  7. Full and comfortable sleep.
  8. Absence of any stressful situations.
  9. IN hot weather not located long time under the open sun.
  10. Regular visits to the doctor, delivery of all tests.

Compliance elementary rules will help reduce all sorts of risks that may appear in the second term of pregnancy, improve the woman's well-being, provide the fetus healthy growth and development.

Helpful Advice Edition offers you a detailed list of things to do during the second trimester of pregnancy so as not to forget anything. During this period, it is very important to prepare for the upcoming changes in the life of the expectant mother.

go in for sports

If you haven't started exercising yet, the 2nd trimester is the time. Outdoor walks or workouts designed specifically for pregnant women will help keep you and your baby healthy.

Take vitamins

Talk to your doctor about whether you need to take any vitamins to avoid possible problems with health.

Make analyzes

During this period, you will need to take the most important tests, such as a blood glucose test and ultrasound, which allow you to assess your health and the development of the child.

Clothes for pregnant women

You may still feel great in your regular clothes, but soon your belly will start to grow. Take care of your wardrobe in advance. It is not necessary to buy everything new, perhaps you have friends or acquaintances who still have maternity clothes in excellent condition. In addition, today you can find many sites where young mothers give away for free or sell very cheap things that they no longer need.

birth assistant

Nowadays, many women invite an experienced midwife to help in the last months of pregnancy, attend births in the hospital, or even supervise childbirth at home.

Take care of yourself

Despite the fact that during pregnancy all your attention is directed to the well-being of the child, you must not forget about yourself! Go to the movies, chat with your beloved friend, or read an interesting book. Do what makes you happy and your baby will feel it.

Use moisturizers

If you've already started moisturizing your skin, don't stop! If not, be sure to purchase moisturizers designed for your skin during pregnancy. This will help neutralize the negative effect of hormonal surges and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Think about the child's name

In the second trimester of pregnancy, it is already possible to determine the sex of the unborn child. So it's time to come up with a name for him. Don't put it off until later. When the baby is born, you will not have time to calmly think about it. Don't make such an important decision in haste! Remember, your child will go through life under this name, so do not give in to a momentary impulse, follow a momentary fashion, or choose a humorous name. Perhaps the child will not appreciate your joke when he grows up.

Check with the child's father. It will be important for him to participate in the process of choosing the name of his heir. If you can't quickly come up with an option that suits both of you, have each write a list of 10 names. Discussing each other's proposals, you are sure to find the best option.

If the ultrasound does not reveal the gender of the baby, which sometimes happens, come up with a plan B: Choose a name for both a girl and a boy, buy neutral colors that will suit a child of either gender. Or try to do an ultrasound a little later.

Write down your dreams

During the second trimester of pregnancy, you will wake up more often than usual, so you will remember your dreams well after you open your eyes. Keep a diary and write down everything that you dream about this magical period. When it ends, it will be interesting for you to reread the memories of the quirks of your consciousness.

Sign up for pregnancy classes

These courses will help you learn a lot about pregnancy, childbirth and newborn care. Find out more about programs and prices. There are organizations that offer free courses for pregnant women. Some of them require the presence of a partner. Ask the future father how he feels about this and whether he wants to enroll in any course for future parents.

Choose a maternity hospital

In the second trimester of pregnancy, you need to decide where you want to give birth. Visit the ones that are closer to home or those that interest you for any reason. Think over a plan "B" - an alternative to the chosen maternity hospital.

Control your financial condition

With the arrival of a new family member, expenses will increase. Try to figure out how. Gather information on social benefits for pregnant women and new parents.

Think about where to leave the child

Think about when you want to return to work and who you can trust with your baby. Do you think it's too early to think about it now? But this best time to solve it without stress and excitement.

Prepare your home for the baby

Don't put off home renovations until the last minute. If the implementation of your plans is delayed for any reason and the house is not ready for the arrival of a newborn, you risk significantly complicating your life. Each of these events is a repair and Small child- troublesome in itself, but imagine them together.

If you plan to order something online or for home delivery, do not forget that the seller may delay the shipment of goods for any reason. Delivery usually takes longer in the lead up to any holiday or vacation period.

Prepare older children

Sometimes with the advent of a younger brother or sister, older children feel abandoned. Show them the baby's room and what you are buying for him, share your plans and dreams. Let the older brother or sister join the process and join in the general euphoria of waiting for a new family member.

Don't forget about pets

Don't forget about our little brothers. They, too, will need to be prepared for replenishment in the family.

Go to the dentist

Pregnancy often takes a toll on dental health. Visit your dentist for advice on what you can do to keep your mouth healthy during this important time.

Organize your Baby Shower

In the middle of pregnancy, it's time to get busy preparing the baby shower. This tradition came to us from the States. Previously, a friend of a pregnant woman organized small holiday, which was carried out before childbirth. Nowadays, more and more often the expectant mother organizes her own baby shower. You should not postpone it until the last moment so that it does not have to be canceled if the baby is born earlier.

Change the position you sleep in

Try to sleep on your left side. It is believed that in this position the child receives more nutrients.

Make a list of things you need

Perhaps your loved ones will want to help in acquiring the necessary things. Therefore, do not rush to spend money. Share with them a list of essentials with important details, and ask them to choose what they can give as a gift. So you will avoid unnecessary waste and unnecessary things.

Study the prices and characteristics of the most expensive items and choose the ones that are right for you.

Remove the rings from your fingers

During pregnancy, many women experience swelling of the extremities. Therefore, it is better to remove all jewelry on the fingers in advance. If any ring is already stuck on your finger, try to remove it in the evening, not in the morning. Edema that appears in the morning usually subsides in the evening.

Plan your trip

Before your growing belly adds weight and difficulty, spend some quality time with your man. Traveling together to some unfamiliar place will add new emotions to your couple, distract from everyday stresses and strengthen your relationship. Don't forget that it's still important for your partner to feel loved and appreciated.

Get plenty of rest

Calm and relaxation is the key to healthy pregnancy. Stay away from activities that involve excessive physical activity or activities that are potentially harmful to you or your child.

eat well

During the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, you will need to increase your calorie intake by 300 daily. Therefore, be very careful about your diet.

What to do throughout pregnancy

drink water

Try to always have a bottle of water with you. It is generally recommended to drink about 8 glasses of water every day. But it's best to discuss this with your doctor.

Keep fit

Stretching, gymnastics and walking are very good for the health of the fetus.

Sleep during the day

If possible, take a nap during the day. Your body keeps a new life in itself, a small fast-growing man. Therefore, you need more energy.

Have snacks

It is important to always have something healthy on hand to snack on when you feel hungry. This way you can avoid the temptation to eat the first thing that catches your eye, and you will not overeat during the main meals.

Use relaxation techniques

During pregnancy, it is important to remain calm, which is not always possible. Try different relaxation techniques and choose the ones that are right for you. Try to take a few minutes every day to relax.

Watch your weight

Watch how you gain or lose weight. But do not worry about every gram! It is enough to give preference to "healthy" products and avoid excesses.

Watch a video about which foods are indicated during pregnancy.

Save these moments

When the pregnancy is over, you will remember it with a smile, because this is a truly unforgettable moment. Capture the most bright moments in photographs, short stories or poems, to occasionally indulge in nostalgia in the circle of his family. We are sure your child will be delighted to know how desirable he was.

Don't forget about yourself

You are not only an incubator of new life, but also a woman. You should not feel remorse if you want to take time for yourself.

Share with friends

Register on the forum of pregnant women and young mothers. Perhaps you can find answers to your questions there. But do not blindly trust the experience of others, because your pregnancy is unique. Therefore, consult your doctor before trying anything that may affect your health or your baby's development.

And last Helpful advice: enjoy your pregnancy, because this is a unique time. Even if you have many children, each of them will behave differently in the womb.

Save the list on your page so that you can return to it when you need to.

Second trimester of pregnancy Golden time for the expectant mother. What happens to the baby during this period?

So the first trimester, which was rather difficult and capricious for many women, ended with its toxicosis and incomprehensible hormonal explosions. Now the condition of the expectant mother is noticeably improving. There is strength and desire to create. You should not limit yourself in this impulse - after all, what could be more pleasant than doing a job that you like? Even if earlier there was not enough time and energy for your favorite drawing, photography, music - now you have every right to afford it! And your baby, feeling that you are happy, will rejoice with you.

Already behind the very first and touching "date" with the baby with the help of an ultrasound machine. Now, the future dad is probably fully aware of the fact that you will have a baby, and even saw on the monitor screen his clear resemblance to the future child. He begins to treat you and your rounded tummy even more reverently and gently. It is possible that this period will be your second "honeymoon".

Your mood becomes more even, you are full of strength and energy. In addition, pregnancy from almost ephemeral, when you may not even be fully aware of it, turns into quite palpable. You learn to communicate with your baby, to understand the signals of his such light, but infinitely pleasant pushes. At the same time, the weight has not yet increased to such an extent as to interfere with the ease of your movements. This is really the golden age!

Child development during the second trimester of pregnancy

- this is the period from the beginning of the thirteenth to the end of the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy. According to statistics, this is a time of relative calm and stability. The weakness of the first trimester has already passed, and the "heavy" third, with its fear of the approaching birth, has not yet arrived. It's time to enjoy your pregnancy and communication with your baby!

During this period, significant changes occur with the child. Let's consider them step by step.

Thirteenth week. The first cartilage appears in the child. They are still very fragile, but soon they will become important parts of the skeleton. The formation of milk teeth is completed. Digestive system continues to develop. The intestines are trained to perform peristalsis. The pancreas begins to produce insulin. The vocal cords develop. Observed fast growth placenta.

Fourteenth week. The first fluff appears on the body of the baby - lanugo. Thanks to him, on the skin of the child is formed thin layer original lubricant that protects the skin. The proportions of the baby's body are changing - now the head is about a third of the length of the body. Sexual glands appear. They descend closer to the pelvis. The muscles of the baby are getting stronger every day. The child actively moves, somersaults, starting from the walls amniotic sac. This week, the size of the fetus is about 10-11 cm, weight - 25 grams.

Fifteenth week. The brain is still actively growing, the skeleton is being formed. The gallbladder begins to secrete bile. The handles can bend at the wrists and elbows. Hair continues to grow on the head, eyebrows appear. Fruit size - 11-12 cm, weight - 50 grams.

Sixteenth week. The brain grows rapidly. Fingernails appear. The urinary system is working more and more actively.

The muscles of the face are formed. The kid can "make faces": blink, frown, close and open his mouth. The salivary glands, palate and tongue are already formed. The baby begins to feel the taste of the food that the mother eats. Meconium begins to collect in the intestines - the original feces, which is destined to come out immediately after the baby is born. If the fetus is a girl, her ovaries are already descending into the hip area this week. Fruit size - 13-14 cm, weight - 80 grams.

Seventeenth week. The baby begins to accumulate "brown fat" - a subcutaneous layer that will help him maintain his body temperature on his own. The skin becomes more matte. Skin folds begin to smooth out. This week, the baby is already able to distinguish some of the sounds around him: the heartbeat and breathing of the mother, the work of her intestines, etc. Fruit size - 15-16 cm, weight - 100 grams.

Eighteenth week. Baby's eyes can perceive light. The auditory ossicles are formed. The baby can already hear you! It's time to start verbal communication with him.

The child is showing high activity, moves a lot, changes his position, pushes his mother's stomach with his legs. He can already suck his thumb. The skeleton is almost completely formed, but so far all the bones are made up of cartilage. From this week, the process of ossification in large bones will begin. Fruit size - 17-18 cm, weight - 150 grams.

Nineteenth week. Thousands of neurons are formed and set up work. The work of the brain continues to improve, the movements of the child become more and more controlled. The rudiments of permanent teeth appear. In girls, the uterus and fallopian tubes are forming, in boys, the genitals are already almost completely formed. Fruit size - 19-20 cm, weight - 200 grams.

Twentieth week. The skin of the baby is already much thicker, four main skin layers are formed in it. The body becomes more and more smooth. It is covered with primordial lubricant - a special cover that protects the baby from negative influences until the very birth. The volume of the brain is growing rapidly. Fruit size - 22-23 cm, weight - 250 grams.

Twenty-first week. White blood cells begin to appear in the baby's blood, which protect the body from infections. Intensively developing gastrointestinal tract. Now, when the baby swallows the amniotic fluid, it is broken down into fluid, which will then be excreted through the urinary system, and fibrous components, which accumulate in the colon in the form of original feces.

The eyes are still hidden behind the eyelids. Hands and feet acquire the correct proportions. Fruit size - 24-25 cm, weight - 300 grams.

Twenty-second week. The eyelids and eyebrows are finally formed, the nasolabial triangle has taken shape. The kid smiles, strokes his face, arms and legs. Every day his perception improves. Starting this week, he has a wake-sleep cycle. Fruit size - 26-27 cm, weight - 350 grams.

Twenty-third week. The baby has sufficiently formed respiratory, circulatory, urinary, food and reproductive system. The liver and pancreas consistently perform their enzymatic functions.

The thyroid gland works almost at full capacity. The child is more and more active. The baby may hiccup - you will feel that he is bouncing inside you. Fruit size - 28-29 cm, weight - 450 grams.

Twenty-fourth week. The child is actively growing, gaining weight due to the accumulation of fat. Formed sweat glands in the skin. The face is fully formed. Eyelashes appeared. A surfactant is formed - a special lipid film covering the alveoli. It provides the elasticity of the lung tissue, its extensibility, maintains the lungs in a straightened state.

The baby is getting tighter in the uterus, it is already difficult for him to tumble freely, as before. Fruit size - 29-30 cm, weight - 550-600 grams.

Twenty-fifth week. The formation of the genital organs ends: in girls, the vagina is formed, in boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum.

The baby can already grab the leg with the handle. It is this week that the baby decides which hand is leading. It depends on whether he is right-handed or left-handed. Fruit size - 31-32 cm, weight - 700 grams.

Twenty sixth week. All sense organs are finally formed, except for the sense of smell - it will begin to work only after birth. Swallowing and sucking reflexes are improved. The capillaries are fully formed.

The child is able to distinguish not only light and darkness, but also some shadows shining through the mother's tummy. In the case of premature birth at this time, the baby can already survive. Fruit size - 32-33 cm, weight - 850 grams.

Twenty seventh week. All systems and internal organs of the baby are functioning. By the end of this week, the baby begins to open its eyes. The skin is still wrinkled from being in the water. Baby size - 33-34 cm, weight - 1000 grams.

Twenty-eighth week. The baby continues to grow and develop actively. It responds well to light. The layers of the retina are differentiated. The weight of the baby this week is about 1200 grams.

In the period from 24 to 28 weeks, the baby develops the higher parts of the cerebral cortex. It affects the development of the mind, creativity, hearing. Therefore, during this period, joyful emotions are very important. It is useful for mom to pamper herself with drawing, music, dancing, attend exhibitions, theaters, and just walk in nature.

In order for the second trimester of pregnancy to proceed as smoothly and safely as possible for your baby, listen to simple tips:

1. Do not forget about healthy eating and the right way life. If possible, it is best to spend the second trimester of pregnancy away from the dusty stuffy city, in the fresh air and in a joyful atmosphere.

2. Moderate physical activity, unhurried pleasant walks are still needed.

3. Take care of comfortable clothes from natural fabrics - during this period you will have to update your wardrobe due to the growth of your beloved baby. Be sure to purchase a comfortable supportive bra - the mammary glands are getting bigger.

4. If the course of pregnancy is normal and the doctors have no concerns, you can not deny yourself sex. The main thing is to limit the pressure on the stomach.

5. During this period, weak irregular contractions of the uterus may appear - the so-called false contractions. This is a normal training of the uterus for the upcoming birth. If the contractions become painful and regular, you should immediately consult a doctor!

6. During this period, skin changes are possible - darkening of the skin around the nipples and the line from the navel to pubic bone. Don't forget to use sunscreen when you're outside.

7. If you experience dizziness, try to drink more fluids and do not suddenly change the position of the body - from sitting or lying to standing.

8. Another not very pleasant companion of the second trimester is leg cramps. It will help massage the calf muscles before bedtime, as well as drinking plenty of water, warm bath, ice massage.

9. The appearance of white discharge from the vagina is considered normal - they perform a protective function. If the selections have Strong smell, green or yellow accompanied by irritation - you need to see a doctor.

10. Do not forget to enrich your diet with vitamins. Folic acid will reduce the risk of preeclampsia, vitamin E will positively affect the timeliness of childbirth, vitamin A will contribute to the normal development of the skin and bones, as well as the baby's vision. B vitamins will help in the development of the brain and nerves.

11. It will be useful to attend courses for future parents. They will help you both theoretically and practically prepare for the upcoming birth and avoid many fears.

12. It is at this time, when you have enough energy and strength, you can start buying a dowry for a child. Such pleasant chores will give you a lot of positive emotions and will allow you not to worry that something is not ready. And your baby will definitely be grateful to you for it!

The second trimester of pregnancy is the most interesting and relatively easy stage. If in the first trimester most expectant mothers experience nothing but the pangs of toxicosis, now it's time to finally enjoy your new state. The first jolts, a pleasantly rounded tummy, full breasts and an endless feeling of happiness - all this is yet to come. Childbirth is still far away, and therefore it's time to relax and calmly observe the changes taking place.

fetus in 2nd trimester of pregnancy

If in the first trimester all organ systems were laid in the future baby, now it is time to improve them. Already at the very beginning of the second trimester, a real little man develops in the stomach - he has arms and legs, a rather large funny head and the rudiments of the genital organs. Throughout the designated period, the baby will grow rapidly, develop reflexes, and run all systems in test mode. By the end of the second stage of gestation, the baby will grow so much that in the event of a premature birth, it will already have some chances for life.

Size and weight

The baby enters the second trimester, being only 8-9 cm from the tailbone to the top of the head. Its weight is not more than 30 grams. And this crumb already has a heart, intestines, brain and other organs! It will take only three months and the fetus will already reach 23 cm in height and approximately 900 g in weight. These norms, however, are individual. It happens that the fetus is somewhat larger or smaller, depending on many factors, and this is not a pathology. If the baby grows and develops evenly, and ultrasound data and blood tests do not cause concern, then the discrepancy between its size and accepted standards is considered an individual feature.

What organs develop?

The baby has already acquired almost everything necessary for life, but, of course, it still does not have a single chance to survive outside the mother's body.

  1. Throughout the second trimester, he will improve nervous system and brain. His head will be disproportionately large for quite a long time, since all the forces of his small organism are now directed to the development of the brain.
  2. In the second trimester, the formation of the genitals will complete. On ultrasound, you can determine the sex of the child by the shape of the tubercle, which is located in the genital area. But by the end of the trimester, fully formed genitals will already be located here.
  3. In a child at this stage, the skeleton is formed and strengthens. Muscles grow on it. It will take quite a bit of time and the baby's skin from transparent will gradually turn into pink, covered with a thick layer of original lubricant. Now the formation of the first fat layer is also taking place, which will perform thermoregulatory and energy functions immediately after childbirth.
  4. The baby's intestines will acquire villi, make their first peristaltic movements and form the original feces. It is commonly called meconium and normally it will leave the baby's body on the first day after birth.
  5. By the end of the trimester, the kidneys and bladder will work to their fullest, processing swallowed amniotic fluid and nutrients received from the mother.
  6. Second trimester - milestone in development endocrine system. All glands at this stage begin their work.
  7. Now the sense organs and their connections with the brain are being formed. Soon the child will begin to distinguish between light and shadow, hear sounds and distinguish his mother's voice. He will begin to feel his head and face, getting used to the feelings that the first touches give him.

What does a child look like?

Many mothers are lost trying to figure out how many weeks the second trimester of pregnancy is? When it comes to obstetric term, it is considered that this is the period from the 14th to the 27th week inclusive. And now the fruit is changing every day. At the beginning of the second stage of gestation, he is small, with a huge head and short limbs. His skin is transparent, and therefore he looks like a small boiled crustacean. But this funny creature is growing and by the beginning of the third trimester there will be practically nothing, except for the size, different from the newborn.

  1. The baby is covered with primordial lubrication and thin hairs that will fall out after childbirth.
  2. His fat layer is still very small, so there are no cute folds on the body yet.
  3. Eyelashes frame his eyes, hair has already begun to grow on his head, and marigolds have appeared on each finger.
  4. Already now the baby has fingerprints and a unique pattern of papillae on the tongue.
  5. In the mouth of the crumbs, all the milk teeth are already laid, which after a year will begin to cut through the gums.
  6. As the body works hard to develop the brain, more blood flows to the upper body of the fetus. For this reason, the baby's legs are less developed than the arms.

Baby movements

The expectant mother feels the first movements of the baby at about the 15th week. If the pregnancy is the second, then this can happen faster. Also, ladies of graceful forms usually experience the joy of the first pushes of the crumbs earlier than their full counterparts. At first, the movements are more like the activity of gases in the intestines, but each time they appear more and more clearly. By the middle of gestation, it will be impossible to confuse the baby's movements with something else.

Movements are important diagnostic sign determining the condition of the fetus. Excessive activity indicates that the child is dissatisfied with something or lacks something.

The sudden disappearance of movements can also report a critical state of the fetus.

Most of the time, the baby sleeps, but when he is awake, he moves actively and regularly. And it is very important to notice any changes in this process.

Fetometry of the fetus. Norm

The child is actively growing and the norms of fetometry (sizes separate parts bodies) change weekly. Accepted normal parameters are average values ​​that allow some deviation from the norm. At the same time, if changes in the size of some bones are not recorded in dynamics, this signals developmental pathologies, for example, Down syndrome.

The size of the fetus is determined during ultrasound, therefore it is highly undesirable to neglect this procedure. Usually measure the circumference of the head and abdomen, the growth of the fetus, the length of its limbs and the nasal bone. An important indicator is the biparietal size - the distance between the temples of the baby.

Sensations and physiological changes in the second trimester

A pregnant woman's hormonal background is constantly changing, internal organs are shifting, blood biochemistry is changing ... It is not surprising that every new day brings new sensations. Which, alas, are not always pleasant. The mother's body experiences a great load, increasing every day of pregnancy. The heart has to pump more blood than usual, because the heartbeat of the expectant mother is higher than normal.

Belly in the 2nd trimester and mother's condition

The greatest weight gain in the fetus and expectant mother will begin in the third trimester. But now it's getting harder and harder to hide your condition. The baby is growing, and with it, the mother's belly is also growing. Lush ladies already at the beginning of the trimester feel the need to change their wardrobe to a size larger. More delicate women will have to switch to maternity clothes from the 15th-20th week.

Now expectant mothers may be disturbed by itching in the abdomen - this is normal. The skin is stretched, which causes some discomfort. To avoid stretch marks, start using special creams now.

The size of the uterus in the 2nd trimester

Approximately from the beginning of the second trimester, at each examination, the doctor, in addition to the weight of the pregnant woman and the girth of the abdomen, will measure the height of the fundus of her uterus. To do this, the usual centimeter is determined by the distance from the pubis to the uterine fundus, which rises every week closer to the chest. Interestingly, the height in centimeters is approximately equal to the number of weeks. That is, at the 22nd week, the height of the uterus is 22 cm.

A mismatch in size may indicate a delay in fetal development or an abnormal amount of amniotic fluid.


The mammary glands are preparing to fulfill their main purpose - to feed the baby. In the second trimester, the breasts may still "pull", but usually this feeling gradually fades away. Some women already from 15-16 weeks can detect the appearance of colostrum with light pressure on the chest. This is natural, as well as the absence of colostrum is the norm until childbirth. This has nothing to do with the amount of milk in the future and should not be a cause for concern.

Features of IVF pregnancy

The 1st trimester of pregnancy, the most difficult stage for IVF, has already passed. Now the pregnancy, which has come as a result of artificial insemination, develops according to the same rules as the usual one. Some women still need to take medications that maintain normal hormones. This is due to the fact that the body sometimes denies the existence of such a pregnancy for a long time.

Features of multiple pregnancy

Of course, it is more difficult for a future mother to carry twins. At the beginning of the second trimester, she already feels really pregnant, and by the end of this stage she may already be in the hospital. Babies take up more space, so all the symptoms of pregnancy (constipation, heartburn, anemia, etc.) bother a woman much more.

This period should proceed under the vigilant supervision of a physician. At the second screening, 3-D ultrasound is usually used, and some tests are excluded due to their lack of information. A woman should limit physical activity and make a diet more carefully.

Analyzes and examinations

In the second trimester, the expectant mother in without fail should undergo a second screening, assessing the development of the fetus and the condition of her reproductive system. This is enough for a healthy pregnancy. If pathologies are identified, the solution to the problem depends on its type, severity and provoking causes.

Ultrasound interpretation of 2nd trimester screening

In the second trimester, an ultrasound examination is a mandatory procedure. With its help, a number of important facts are revealed that cannot be established in any other way.

So, during the procedure determine:

  • fetometry parameters of the fetus;
  • the number of fruits;
  • place of attachment of the placenta;
  • developmental pathology (if any);
  • the presence of neoplasms in the uterus or other problems.

Expectant mothers are usually especially concerned about the size of the fetus. On ultrasound, the lengths of the limbs, the circumference of the abdomen and head, the length of the nasal bone, etc. are determined. You should not delve into these numbers especially - the doctor will inform you if the parameters are different from the norm. In addition, deviations can be caused by the most different reasons(individual features, discrepancy due date real, errors in the mother's nutrition, past diseases) and only a doctor is able to assess their severity.

Collar space norm

An important parameter, which is the most informative during an ultrasound examination, is the width of the collar space (skin fold in the neck area). It is indicative when performing an ultrasound for a period of 16-18 weeks, when coccygeal-parietal size fetus does not exceed 85 mm. At healthy child the thickness of this fold is not more than 3 mm.

Biochemistry of maternal serum in the 2nd trimester, transcript

The second mandatory procedure is a triple test that determines the levels of important blood markers. Separately, they can be of little interest, but together they can quite accurately describe the state of the fetus and mother.

HCG norm

Such a convenient abbreviation was called a difficult-to-pronounce hormone. chorionic gonadotropin person. It increases from the moment of conception and falls somewhat in the second trimester. Each week is characterized by its own norm of the hormone, and its peak occurs approximately at the 12th week. Deviations can be caused by missed pregnancy or pathologies of fetal development. To refute suspicions, you will have to go to the ultrasound room.

Norm TSH in the 2nd trimester

The level of TSH throughout pregnancy remains approximately in the same range - up to 2.5 μIU / l. However, thyroid hormones can "walk", which is not yet a cause for concern, but only a reason to retake the test later.

Deviations from the norm arise due to problems with thyroid gland and are not yet grounds for termination of pregnancy. An expectant mother who was found to have a gross discrepancy in concentration TSH normal usually prescribed drug therapy.

Norm of progesterone

Progesterone is a hormone that plays a key role from the planning stage of pregnancy and throughout its duration. Its concentration grows constantly, but most rapidly - in the first trimester. At the second stage of gestation, this hormone is in the range of 26-90 ng / ml. Due to the large spread of numbers, the indicator is observed in dynamics. A sudden drop in progesterone levels usually indicates a threatened miscarriage or intrauterine pathologies.

Problems in the second trimester

Unfortunately, pregnancy can not always be called a cloudless and pleasant period. On the contrary, it is often overshadowed by many minor inconveniences or real problems that threaten the life of the fetus, and sometimes the mother.

Nausea and toxicosis in the second trimester of pregnancy

Normally, toxicosis disappears by the second trimester. His symptoms may still persist for two to three weeks, but their intensity decreases markedly. If the condition of the expectant mother does not improve, this is a reason to take additional tests - perhaps the body cannot cope with the increased load. In some cases, toxicosis accompanies a pregnant woman right up to childbirth, but this situation is not typical.

It should be borne in mind that toxicosis does not return suddenly. If you suddenly feel nausea, the cause should be sought in nutritional errors or diseases of the digestive tract, as well as individual features organism.

Diarrhea and constipation. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Constipation is almost a normal condition for a pregnant woman. The intestinal muscles relax under the action of progesterone, which leads to intestinal atony. To alleviate her plight, the expectant mother should pay special attention to the diet and motor activity. It is impossible to turn to the treatment of constipation during pregnancy with laxatives.

As for diarrhea, its causes usually lie in malnutrition or nervous tension. If the disorder is accompanied by fever or vomiting, it is better not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor.


The more the baby becomes, the less he remains free space in the uterus. By the middle of the second trimester large fruit begins to put pressure on the stomach, which causes heartburn. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to get rid of this condition once and until the end of pregnancy. Symptoms can be managed with antacids. It is good to make meals small but frequent. Helps to relieve heartburn that has already broken out a slice of bread, low-fat broth or soup-puree.

It hurts and pulls the stomach. Uterine tone

Pains of the different nature haunt a woman almost from the moment of conception to childbirth. With the growth of the uterus, the load on the ligaments supporting it also increases. This is accompanied by some pulling pains localized on the sides of the abdomen.

Unpleasant sensations can be caused by the work of the intestines and the accumulation of gases in it. Unfortunately, a pregnant woman is not insured against inflammatory processes in the intestines, liver and other organs of the abdominal cavity. Therefore, any pain that occurs suddenly, accompanied by fever or vomiting, should be the reason for an urgent call to the doctor. Also, painful sensations of any intensity, which are accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina, should force the expectant mother to go to the hospital without delay.

Low pressure

Since the end of the previous trimester, an increase in circulating blood has begun in the body of a pregnant woman. Thus, the body of the expectant mother is preparing to ensure normal blood circulation between herself and the fetus. This condition can be accompanied by low blood pressure and anemia. Hypotension cannot be called a complex pathology, but nevertheless it cannot be ignored. This condition interferes with the normal supply of nutrients to the fetus, which in extreme cases can lead to placental insufficiency.

In no case should you take any medications to increase blood pressure. It is enough to drink strong sweet tea or eat a piece of dark chocolate.

A cup of coffee is also acceptable. Try to have a good rest and adjust the daily routine.

High pressure

Many pregnant women face the problem of hypertension.

This condition may be caused by:

  • predisposition to hypertension before pregnancy;
  • malfunctions of the endocrine, cardiovascular or urinary system;
  • stress;
  • preeclampsia;
  • excess weight;
  • irrational nutrition (excess of salty and smoked foods).

The consequence of high pressure may be fetoplacental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia, placental abruption, pregnancy fading or delayed development of the baby.

Given the above, high pressure cannot be ignored. If attacks of hypertension torment a pregnant woman from time to time, then non-drug treatment is shown to her, including diet, walks and moderate exercise. When high blood pressure becomes the “norm” for the expectant mother, she needs hospitalization.

Discharge in the second trimester

Any atypical discharge in the second trimester is not the norm. The appearance of any amount of blood on linen is the most dangerous symptom that cannot be ignored. Do not try to wait out and lie down this state. Usually, this is how a miscarriage begins, which will continue regardless of your actions. You can stop this process only with medication in the hospital. However, don't panic - in most cases worst consequences can be prevented if you consult a doctor in time.

Any greenish, yellow discharge especially if they cause itching or burning. The fetus, of course, is protected from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria from the outside, but it is not worth excluding the possibility of infection.

Also, a pregnant woman may be disturbed by thrush. Despite the seeming harmlessness, it is not worth treating this disease on your own. Be sure to consult your doctor.


Reasons vaginal bleeding in the second trimester there can be a lot.

This may appear like this:

  • a miscarriage that has begun;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • placental abruption;
  • damage to the vaginal mucosa.

In any case, it is impossible to determine the degree of danger of the condition, and therefore you should immediately go to the hospital.

Many women mistakenly believe that a miscarriage necessarily begins with cramping pain. This is wrong. Its first symptom is precisely bleeding, which can begin breakthrough or, conversely, gradually. Placental abruption also manifests itself absolutely. Do not self-diagnose, because your child's life is at stake, and sometimes your own.

Low placentation (low placenta)

Normally, the placenta should be located at the bottom of the uterus, that is, in its upper part. But it happens that it is closer to the pharynx, and sometimes even completely covers it. They say about the low attachment of the placenta when the distance between it and the pharynx does not exceed 6 cm. When the placenta completely covers the pharynx, this condition is called its presentation.

Both pathologies are, of course, unpleasant, but if the mother is careful, they allow you to endure pregnancy. Such conditions are dangerous for placental abruption, because the child presses everything on it with its weight. Therefore, a woman should give up sex and physical activity, so as not to aggravate the situation.

With low placentation, the possibility of natural childbirth is not excluded. But if placenta previa is diagnosed, the woman will have a caesarean section.

Breech presentation of the fetus

In the second trimester, the fetus is still freely turning over in the uterus. Even in his last weeks. Therefore, the position in which the baby is located up to the 28th week of pregnancy should not cause any concern for the expectant mother. If the child does not accept cephalic presentation up to 32 weeks, then a woman is recommended some exercises that stimulate the baby to roll over. If by the time of delivery the situation does not change, then the doctor on the spot, taking into account the history and weight of the child, decides on the advisability of carrying out caesarean section or natural childbirth.

Short cervix

The cervix is ​​called the lower part of the uterus, narrower than the uterus itself. Normally, its length is up to 4 cm, but it happens that it does not even reach 2 cm. This condition can cause isthmic-cervical insufficiency - the inability of the cervix to hold a growing fetus. Such a neck does not protect the baby well enough from external influence, and besides, it matures faster, leading to premature birth. The birth itself in this case is swift, and therefore does not exclude strong ruptures of the perineum and the neck itself.

Nevertheless, a shortened neck is not a sentence. The problem is solved by applying several stitches, which are removed already in the third trimester. In addition, the woman is shown rest, decrease physical activity. These measures allow you to normally endure and give birth to a healthy child at term.

Thickening of the placenta

The placenta is a temporary organ that grows with the baby, providing him with all the necessary substances. Too much rapid aging The placenta is dangerous because by the end of pregnancy it will not be able to fully fulfill its functions.

Risk factors that provoke pathology include:

  • anemia
  • diabetes;
  • preeclampsia;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • infections;
  • maternal malnutrition.

Due to the thickening of the placenta, fetal hypoxia, a delay in its development, or even death may develop. Assume that the problem exists, a woman can change the nature of the movements - they can become more intense or, on the contrary, almost disappear. Diagnosis is based on ultrasound results.

Treatment of the indicated condition depends on the causes that caused it. This may be antibiotic therapy, taking iron supplements or drugs that normalize sugar levels, and so on.

Ectopic pregnancy

It is highly unlikely that a woman will carry an ectopic pregnancy before the second trimester. This condition is detected already at the first ultrasound and it is absolutely impossible to make a mistake here. If, for some reason, an ultrasound examination was not performed, then by the second trimester, the size of the fetus no longer allows it to be in fallopian tube. First he stretches her, causing the woman aching, and then sharp pains and then ruptures, causing severe bleeding. Therefore, it is extremely important to undergo an ultrasound scan on time, since there is no other way to reliably diagnose an ectopic pregnancy.

Threat of miscarriage in the 2nd trimester

Many factors can provoke a miscarriage in the second trimester.

  • fading pregnancy;
  • infections;
  • blow, fall;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • placental abruption, etc.

A breakdown usually begins with bleeding of very different intensity. If the “process has begun”, then it will not be possible to stop it on its own. Be sure to immediately go to the hospital, where in many cases the problem will be safely eliminated with medication.

Signs of a missed pregnancy in the second trimester

The symptoms of a missed pregnancy depend on the gestational age.

So, while the baby is still small, and his movements are not felt by the expectant mother, the first signs of fetal death are:

  • sudden decrease in breast sensitivity;
  • disappearance of signs of toxicosis;
  • general deterioration of well-being;
  • intoxication.

For more later dates when a woman already clearly feels the tremors of the fetus, the main sign of a missed pregnancy is the disappearance of movements. Only a doctor can confirm the diagnosis by checking for the presence of a fetal heartbeat.

Alas, it is impossible to prevent or predict the fading of pregnancy. This can be facilitated by medication, developmental pathology, maternal illness, and many other factors. Unfortunately, in half of the cases, the cause of fetal death remains unclear.


In the second trimester, especially after the completion of the formation of the placenta, many medicines become available to the expectant mother. This means that a woman who suddenly catches a cold can be treated not only with raspberry tea, but also with medication. It makes no sense to delay therapy, because viruses and the symptoms of the disease themselves are no less a threat than drugs.

So, in the second trimester, the expectant mother can safely take:

  1. Temperature - Paracetamol.
  2. Viruses - interferon preparations (interferon, Grippferon, Viferon suppositories, etc.), Derinat, Oscillococcinum.
  3. Runny nose - Pinosol, saline solutions.
  4. Sore throat - Lizobakt, Ingalipt, Tantum Verde.
  5. Dry cough - Mukaltin.
  6. Bacterial infections - Miramistin.

Treating a cold in the second trimester

For a pregnant woman to catch a "cold" - just spit. You will have to be treated, taking into account the restrictions imposed by a special condition.

Runny nose

The main rule is no vasoconstrictors. To relieve a runny nose, a pregnant woman needs to drink a lot, ventilate and moisten the room, rinse her nose saline solution. Of the drugs, let's say vegetable Pinosol, the Asterisk balm or a few drops of coniferous helps well essential oil applied under the nose.

How to treat a cough

If a dry cough is choking, it is easy to thin the sputum with inhalation. For this, a decoction is suitable chamomile, sage, plantain.

But a wet cough should not be “treated”. The body thus simply removes sputum from the lungs - this is a natural process that should not be interfered with.

Temperature in pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

As in any other case, the temperature in pregnant women up to 38 ºС is usually not brought down. Such values ​​\u200b\u200bare not considered dangerous and only indicate that the body is fighting an infection. When the thermometer rises higher, you can take paracetamol. It is important to drink plenty of water and rest during a fever. But doing alcohol rubbing is undesirable.

Other diseases

It is possible that the expectant mother will be “lucky” to catch some more evil virus than the one that causes the usual “cold”. The main thing is not to panic - everything is treated.


Unfortunately, it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to resist a viral attack, especially during an epidemic, when viruses surround her from all sides. At the first sign of a “cold”, it is better to start treatment immediately, without relying on the strength of the immune system. Now immunomodulators and folk remedies will come in handy - tea with lemon and honey, raspberry and currant jam, sea buckthorn. There is no need to refuse treatment - at this stage of pregnancy, there are already enough approved drugs. Most often, the viral attack itself is more dangerous than drug therapy.

Herpes during pregnancy

It is extremely dangerous if a woman becomes infected with herpes while already carrying a baby. Which, however, is unlikely, since this insidious virus already lives in the bodies of 95% of people. If this happens, there is a high probability of developing intrauterine anomalies in the fetus.

If the expectant mother found the usual bubbles on her lips, this is not a cause for concern. Treatment comes down to the topical application of acyclovir, interferon or vitamin E. Another thing is if a woman's genital herpes is activated immediately before childbirth. In this case, the gynecologist will most likely prescribe a caesarean section.


It is better not to make a diagnosis of "angina" on your own. But if this word was already heard from the lips of a doctor, be sure that it will not be possible to do without antibiotics. The doctor will prescribe the medicine, and you will have to drink a lot of warm tea, gargle with soda or chamomile decoction and fight the temperature. Don't stop taking antibiotics! Angina is a disease of a bacterial nature, with which the body of a pregnant woman cannot cope on her own.


If the expectant mother did not have chickenpox in childhood, you should be careful not to catch it during pregnancy. However, infection in the second trimester is not too dangerous, unlike last days before childbirth and at the beginning of gestation.

Treatment specific for both pregnant and non-pregnant women is acyclovir.

Food poisoning - what to do?

By itself, food poisoning does not pose a danger to the fetus (except for mushroom poisoning). The placenta reliably protects it from food toxins. True, this realization brings only a small relief. Therapy for this condition is reduced to taking sorbents and cleansing the stomach. While vomiting and diarrhea continue, be sure to drink plenty of warm sweet drinks. Cleansing enemas should not be done during pregnancy.

After the symptoms of departure subside, the very next day you should gradually return to a normal diet - the baby, of course, sympathizes with you, but he urgently needs food.


One of the most dangerous diseases during pregnancy. It is transmitted through contact with animals, mainly cats. Having been ill once, a woman acquires immunity for life, and the disease itself can be asymptomatic. In order to detect antibodies to infection, each pregnant woman, when registering, submits an appropriate analysis. In the absence of antibodies, blood donation will have to be repeated before the birth at least once more.

Infection can lead to the most complex pathologies in the fetus, especially if it occurs on early dates. In the second trimester, the expectant mother may be shown treatment, the effectiveness of which cannot be predicted. Also, this diagnosis may be an indication for termination of pregnancy.

Thrush during pregnancy

Thrush is a frequent visitor to pregnant women, but this does not mean that it is harmless. It is imperative to fight the disease, since fungi can penetrate the fetus. As a therapy, oral antifungal drugs are categorically contraindicated. Pregnant women treat thrush with vaginal suppositories - Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, etc. Be sure to consult a doctor about the method of treatment.

In the second trimester, a woman is worried about many issues that are inconvenient to disturb the doctor. About appearance, diet, sports... Although pregnancy is a natural state, it leaves its mark on literally everything!


problem healthy eating pregnant women receive a lot of attention. This is justified, because mother's food - construction material for a growing baby. In the second trimester, the fetus needs the full range of vitamins and trace elements, as its development continues. Due to the fact that at this stage the baby's skeleton is actively formed, it is important to have foods containing calcium in the diet of a pregnant woman.

The rest of the diet is formed as follows:

  1. The basis is porridge.
  2. In second place are plant foods. Fruits and vegetables, table greens.
  3. The rating is closed by meat products and fish.

Must be on the menu a large number dairy products. Sweets are also welcome within reasonable limits (marshmallow, nougat, marshmallow, Turkish delight, marmalade).

Refuse during the period of bearing the crumbs will have from too fatty foods. It would be nice to limit the use of pickles and smoked meats. It is not recommended at this stage to lean on potentially allergenic products. It is categorically not desirable now to use steaks with blood, stroganina, sushi with raw fish, in view of the possible infection with helminths.

Supplements, vitamins

Scientists are increasingly voicing revolutionary recognition that synthetic vitamins are useless and not absorbed by the body. In view of the controversy of this issue, it is hardly worth relying on miracle pills. It is better to once again think about the composition of your own diet, ensuring sufficient intake of vitamins from food. It is not necessary to include red caviar in the menu for this. Habitual seasonal vegetables, fermented milk products, a variety of cereals, meat and fish products twice a week will help keep the balance of all vitamins normal.

In some cases, when signs of vitamin deficiency appear, vitamin intake or a revision of the diet may be indicated.

Beauty and health. Skin, hair and nail problems

Every woman's body handles pregnancy differently. Some become real Madonnas with full breasts, skin glowing with health and a thick mane. Others lose their hair and teeth, suffer from acne and dryness of the epidermis. In many ways appearance a pregnant woman is determined by her diet, but it also happens that the condition of hair, nails and skin worsens, regardless of nutrition and lifestyle - hormones are fierce. The only good news is that after giving birth everything should return to normal.

In general, expectant mothers should not lean on multivitamins “for beauty”, because no one knows for sure what their effect on the fetus is. When choosing products for hair coloring, pay attention to the composition. Do the same with caring cosmetics (concerns products for problematic epidermis).

Try to eat as much plant foods and cereals as possible, adjust drinking regimen. If you want to visit a beauty salon for any cosmetic procedures Be sure to pay attention to your doctor about your condition.

Is alcohol allowed?

The expectant mother must answer this question herself. The bare facts testify that alcohol destroys nerve cells and overcomes the placental barrier. And this means that when you take alcohol, you immediately drink it. own child. And yes, it does not matter if we are talking about beer, wine or vodka. A small organism needs very little for any cell to divide incorrectly or mutate.

Sex in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

The process itself, in terms of physiology, for a healthy pregnancy is not only safe, but also critically necessary. He carries the future mother positive emotions, relieves nervousness and normalizes hormonal levels. Usually, a woman's libido blooms with new colors during the period of bearing a child, which indescribably pleases both partners. But it also happens that the very thought of sex causes a nervous tic in a pregnant woman. It's all about hormonal changes and it is impossible to somehow control this process.

If a woman has contraindications, oh sexual relations temporarily forgotten.

Sports: yoga, fitness, gymnastics

With regard to physical activity during pregnancy, everything is purely individual. If there are any contraindications (uterine hypertonicity, placenta previa, multiple pregnancy, ICI, etc.), then fitness and yoga classes are excluded. If you are not prescribed bed rest, then daily walks are required.

For those women whose condition does not cause concern, exercise stress very important! In terms of choosing a sport, it all depends on preferences. Of course, skating, boxing and other traumatic sports (even if this is your way of earning money) should be excluded. Yoga and fitness should not be started if you have never done it before. Limit yourself to regular home gymnastics or courses for pregnant women.

Those ladies who have been engaged in fitness and yoga for a long time and with love should reduce the load of exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester and continue their classes as before.

Travel: travel and flights

If you ever travel during pregnancy, then in the second trimester. But only if there are no individual contraindications to this. Choose rides where you can get up and stretch when you need to. In this regard, travel by train or private car is ideal. When choosing a vacation spot, give preference to the forest and the river. Avoid trips to the mountains and under the scorching sun. Theoretically, travel to exotic countries is not excluded, but the need for vaccination must be borne in mind. If you are traveling by car, check in advance where, if necessary, you can be provided with medical assistance. Be sure to take a pregnancy card, no-shpu and valerian tablets with you.

While you eat, sleep, walk, a real miracle happens every minute in your stomach. The baby grows and turns into a little man. And it is important to remember that his health largely depends on the lifestyle of the expectant mother.

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