What do sea turtles eat at home. Diet of an adult red-eared turtle. Habitat in nature

In nature, turtles themselves choose the food suitable for them, which is available in those parts where they live. Their diet includes both plant and animal food in different proportions, as well as minerals. At home proper nutrition the turtle must be provided by its owner, and the food should be as close to natural as possible.

Turtles are roughly divided into 3 food groups, as listed below. Each group corresponds to a certain ratio of plant and animal food, which must be given. Constant feeding of turtles with inappropriate food for this species (for example, giving Central Asian meat or feeding marsh one grass) is fraught with problems with digestion, metabolism and internal organs. Turtles also need to be given weekly and.

    Predatory turtles include almost all completely aquatic and all young aquatic species: trionics, young red-eared, marsh, caiman, musky, etc. With age, some of them become omnivores.
    Predatory turtles are fed with forage insects, shellfish, fish, seafood, ...

    Omnivorous are some adult aquatic turtles, secondarily terrestrial turtles (adult red-eared, adult marsh, prickly turtles, box turtles, Spengler turtles, etc.). The diet of omnivorous turtles is half animal food and half plant food.

    All land tortoises, including Central Asian, Egyptian, radiant, stellate, Greek, flat, spider, etc.
    5% animal food means that once a month tortoises (for example, red-footed and Galapagos) can be given a snail, a mouse, or immobilized food insects, but only to those species that say that they can be given sometimes animal food.
    Herbivorous turtles are fed natural, dried or frozen (depending on the season) plants from the edible list. Occasionally, they can be given some vegetables and very little fruit (only those species that eat fruit in nature).

What are the most common mistakes turtle owners make?

  • They give animal food to land herbivorous turtles, and only vegetable food to predatory aquatic turtles.
  • Turtles are fed too often or too infrequently, which leads to obesity and not proper growth body and armor, or exhaustion and death.
  • Vitamins and calcium are not given to turtles, as a result of which fractures of limbs, vitamin deficiency and a crooked shell often occur in turtles.
  • fed aquatic turtles exclusively gammarus, bloodworm or only one type of food, which in no case can be considered the main food.

Answers to the main questions that arise when feeding turtles: the size of the food, its quantity, temperature, what food to give, where to feed, top dressing.

Feed Size: Depending on the size of the reptile, the food should be finely, medium or coarsely chopped. The size of one piece should be less than half the turtle's head. Aquatic turtles break large pieces with sharp claws, so they can be given larger food.

Listed below are food items (FOs) that can be given to aquatic predatory turtles. It is impossible to feed turtles with only one type of food - all of them must be alternated so that one KO is not more than once a week.

Aquatic insects and their larvae: , daphnia, coretra, (only from good producers), pipe maker

IN warm time years, the basis of the turtle's diet is best made from weeds growing in your area - affordable and free food rich in vitamin A. If you have a summer residence, the turtle can also be fed the tops of various vegetables (for example, carrots, beets ..). Also, animals often eat soft hay (dried meadow grasses) with pleasure - an excellent source of coarse fiber. You need to collect plants away from the road, because. otherwise they may contain salts of heavy metals and chemical substances. Mammalian worms are not dangerous to turtles.

There are foods that categorically cannot be given to turtles, but there are those that can be given, but little and rarely. Below is a list of such feeds. If a certain product is not on the list of edible and not on the list of prohibited items, then it is better not to give such food.

Turtles categorically Do not give meat (fillet) of livestock and poultry, as well as human thermally processed food. The diet of turtles should be close to natural. If you are sure that the turtle will not milk a cow and will not kill a ram or a pig, then this food does not need to be given to her. If you have a rich imagination and know little about turtles, read the relevant literature in other sections of the site.

Turtles find sources of calcium in nature in the form of limestone, dolomite, oyster shells, corals, and animal bones. At home, owners often give animals either only cabbage and vegetables, or only fish fillets or meat, where calcium is out of the question. As a result, due to a lack of calcium, the shell of turtles becomes crooked, bumpy, claws are bent, limb fractures occur. At all advanced stages rickets (bone diseases due to lack of calcium) even lead to the death of reptiles.

However, giving feed chalk or fish with bones is not all; it is necessary that this calcium be absorbed by the turtles. Vitamin D3 contributes to the absorption of calcium. In nature, land turtles have nowhere to take vitamin D3, so they learned to produce it on their own under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, but vitamin D3, which they are given additionally in top dressing, is not absorbed by them. But in predatory aquatic turtles, vitamin D3 comes from the insides of the animals they eat, so they can absorb vitamin D3 both from food and from ultraviolet radiation. However, we still recommend using UV for aquatic turtles, especially if they are sick, young, or pregnant.

We recommend for aquatic turtles to provide them full feeding with fish bones and snails, as well as for sepia (cuttlefish bone) to float in the aquarium. For land tortoises, sprinkle once a week with calcium powder on the feed, and also provide the tortoise with constant access to the cuttlefish bone. We recommend Zoomed and JBL.

In nature, turtles get the vitamins they need with their food. At home, it is almost impossible for turtles to provide all the variety of what they eat in nature, so you have to give special feeding. Turtles must receive a full range of vitamins (A, D3, E, etc.) and minerals (calcium, etc.), otherwise they develop a whole range of diseases that can cause illness and even death. In nature, land turtles have nowhere to take vitamin D3, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium (chalk, limestone, small bones). That is why vitamin D3, which is given to them with food, is poorly absorbed by them, and ultraviolet remains its main source. But in predatory aquatic turtles, vitamin D3 comes from the insides of the animals they eat, so they can absorb vitamin D3 from food or from top dressing without ultraviolet radiation, but its use is still desirable for them.

Below is a list of natural and artificial vitamin and calcium supplements. We recommend using vitamins from JBL and Zoomed.

We recommend not using any dry industrial food for aquatic turtles as the main food, but only as a supplement. Although food manufacturers are positioned as complete, not every food can boast of a balanced composition, which contains not only protein, but also vitamins and calcium, which are necessary for turtles.

Sticks (granules) from JBL and tetrafauna. Food consisting of fish and shrimp or insects can also be given to diversify the diet.

What you need to pay attention to when buying food for aquatic turtles: it should not contain or should contain very little gammarus (turtles do not absorb it well), fish and offal, insects, and mollusks are desirable in it.

Not a single dry food, even very good manufacturer will never replace natural food rich in vitamins for a land tortoise raw salads, vegetables and fruits. Ideally, a turtle should get all the nutrients it needs only from real fresh food and some nutrients from supplements, and not from processed dry food. Before buying dry food, think - is it really necessary?

The ideal dry food should consist only of plant components, but even such foods are often rejected by tortoises. The best dry food can be considered Arcadia Herbi Mix, JBL Agivert, JBL Herbil.

To properly feed turtles, you need to study what they eat in nature. Even the diets of different land turtles vary greatly depending on their habitats. So, for example, steppe turtles eat more succulents and steppe plants in nature, but radiant and star-shaped turtles eat vegetables, fruits, and flowers more often. Aquatic turtles do not often eat fish, more often they are content with insects, snails, tadpoles.

Turtles living in wild nature find their own food. Their menu includes both animal and vegetable food in various proportions, necessarily natural vitamin components, various microelements.

A reptile living in captivity can only be provided with a complete diet by a person.

The diet of pets should include multivitamins and minerals required for their full life. Immediately after the purchase, it is advisable to feed the turtle with the same food that the seller fed it before, gradually introducing new components. Optimal time feeding - daytime, when the pet is most active. Before feeding, the animal should warm up enough for it to have an appetite. Therefore, it is best to feed your pet 1.5-2 hours after turning on the heater. When the turtles feel hungry, they begin to restlessly move around the terrarium or along the bottom of the reservoir.
To understand what kind of food is right for your pet, you need to determine its type. Turtles are divided into 3 main subgroups, depending on the type of food:

  1. Predatory. Often they eat meat, only 10% of their menu consists of food of plant origin. This subgroup includes almost all aquatic breeds - trionics, red-eared - young animals, marsh - young animals. Their menu is based on seafood, lean fish.
  2. Herbivores. They eat vegetable, vegetable crops, fruits, only occasionally tasting meat products. This includes land species - the Central Asian breed, the Mediterranean.
  3. Omnivorous. Eat meat and vegetable crops in approximately equal proportions. Land turtles of certain breeds, red-eared, marsh, red-footed, adjoin the last subgroup.

Please note that you should feed your pets exclusively according to their appearance, since an improperly formulated diet will contribute to improper metabolism, deterioration in the quality of life of these animals, various diseases digestive organs.

Principles of feeding aquatic turtles

Main set of products:

  • River, sea low-fat fish (pollock, hake, cod, navaga, perch);
  • Liver (beef, chicken, fish) - about once a week.

For adult animals, large fish need to be cut into pieces, the ridge should be crushed, chopped, small fish can be fed whole. For young individuals, the fish must be cut into small pieces along with the bones, after removing the ribs.
Addition to the main menu:

  • Various raw seafood (shrimps with shells, squid, octopus - only tentacles, mussels, oysters);
  • Meat (crabs, frogs, fodder hairless mice, rat pups);
  • Snails (terrestrial helix aspera, large pond snails, snails, coils) - feed small ones whole, large ones - without shell;
  • Some insects, other living microorganisms (bugs, fodder cockroaches, earthworms and flour worms, hairless caterpillars, daphnia, filly, bloodworm, gammarus, tubifex, woodlice);
  • Some plant components (water plants, fruits, vegetables, some types of cabbage);
  • Special industrial feeds for certain types of freshwater turtles (loose, granular, tablets, sticks, flakes, capsules).

Components of plant origin should not prevail over meat food. For aquatic reptiles, plants are only one of the sources of vitamins and useful trace elements. During cold seasons, it is recommended to introduce specialized vitamin complexes for aquatic and sea turtles.
Under no circumstances should predatory turtles be fed with beef, pork, lamb meat, their derivatives - sausage, minced meat, pate and others. In addition to these prohibitions, you can not feed reptiles with cheese, dairy products, bakery products, food intended for other animals. Such products can adversely affect their well-being and health.

Main set of products:

  • Fresh greens - plants that are not toxic to turtles (lettuce, cabbage, dandelion leaves, various flowers, grass) - approximately 80% of the menu;
  • Vegetable crops (zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes) - about 15% of the menu;
  • Fruits (bananas, apples, pears) - the remaining 5%.

Addition to the main menu:

  • Champignons and other easily digestible mushrooms;
  • Plant crops (a small amount of sorrel, plantain, coltsfoot, lawn grass, thistle leaves, clover, peas, timothy, sprouted oats, speedwell);
  • Fruits (from citrus fruits - orange, tangerine, mango, plum, apricot, peach, melon);
  • Vegetables (bell peppers, beets, onion feathers, carrot tops, squash, pumpkin, artichoke, horseradish - a small amount, legumes)
  • Berries (watermelon, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries, edible wild berries);
  • Bran, sunflower seeds (not fried), dry yeast, dry seaweed;
  • Special dry food for land breeds (Wardley, Tetra, Sera);
  • Hard boiled chicken egg - once a week;
  • Snails, slugs, insects - once a month.

Periodically add calcium supplements to your pet's menu, and during the cold season - special multivitamins.
Note! All plant foods should be fed exclusively raw. Do not use heat treatment.
Never overfeed your pets, but don't limit your food list to 1-2 ingredients. The food must be balanced, be sure to include all essential vitamins otherwise there is a high risk of dangerous diseases, disorders of growth, development, obesity or malnutrition, death of the animal.
Many breeders have a question, is it necessary to water the turtle with water?
Land turtles are not adapted to take in water. Usually, when you try to give a drink to reptiles, liquid flows out of their mouths. If dry food predominates in pet food, animals may experience thirst more often than their relatives, who eat mainly vegetables and fruits.
To prevent dehydration, experienced owners advise using two methods:

  • It is necessary to introduce juicy plant foods into the pet menu as often as possible.
  • Another way to give an animal water to drink is to bathe it. The optimal bathing time for tortoises is 30-50 minutes. Water should not reach the level of the nostrils. At proper bathing the body of the reptile is saturated with moisture enough.

It should be borne in mind that in the markets, as well as in the territory of pet stores, turtles usually experience dehydration, therefore, after purchase, it is recommended to bathe your new pet first of all so that he receives required amount water.

The main menu of omnivorous reptiles includes food of plant and animal origin in equal proportions.
It is important to choose a menu depending on the subspecies of the reptile. For example, animal food, consisting of terrestrial inhabitants (fodder mice, rat pups, frogs, insects, snails, slugs), is suitable for land animals, and a fish menu and seafood for aquatic ones.
The same is true for plant foods. Land breeds should feed on terrestrial plants, vegetables, some fruits, while aquatic breeds are more suitable for algae and other aquatic plants.

Distinctive features of nutrition of small and adult individuals

For small and adult reptiles, there are some differences in feeding. Young turtles grow very quickly, so you need to feed them daily, while adults need to eat 2-3 times a week, eating all the food to the end.
The diet of young animals should be as diverse as possible, be sure to include vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets, calcium, which is necessary for the proper growth of the shell, multivitamins, and minerals.
There are situations when a pet is forced to do without food and moisture for some time. Here, too, there are distinctive features, relative to the age of the individual. Adults can go without food for up to two weeks without experiencing any discomfort. Young turtles, including three-day-old babies, go without food for up to a week.

  • You need to feed your pets regularly. You can't starve them without visible reasons(such as moving, forced absence of the owner, etc.);
  • Under no circumstances should you overfeed your turtle. If your pet is full and refuses an additional portion, do not insist!
  • Pregnant individuals need to be fed at least once a day, similarly to young animals. They require vitamin D, calcium, a multivitamin appropriate for their species;
  • It is impossible to give a terrestrial individual specialized food for aquatic turtles, and vice versa!
  • Food is not recommended to be given cold, it is necessary to bring it to a temperature environment before feeding the pet;
  • For aquatic turtles, food can be thrown directly into the aquarium, but be sure to make sure that there is no excess, due to which you will have to change the water.
  • Land individuals can be taught to eat from tweezers.
  • If your pet refuses to eat for more than two weeks, you should immediately take him to the veterinarian.
  • If possible, it is desirable to run in an aquarium for turtles aquarium fish(guppies, goldfish, swordtails) to maintain the hunting instinct.
  • In the absence of algae, it is allowed to feed lettuce or dandelion leaves to aquatic reptiles.
  • Young individuals prefer mainly animal food, while older ones are more prone to plant foods.
  • To maintain sufficient levels of minerals, turtles are given daily bone meal, which is sold in pet stores. For an adult reptile, the daily dose is 5 g of flour;
  • To keep the shell in healthy condition it is sprayed with a special spray "Nature's vita-sprey reptile" once every two days;
  • Dry food should be selected based on its composition. Poor quality feed is not recommended due to the lack of vitamins. Feeds consisting of fishmeal are not recommended. You can give dry food to your pet no more than 3 times a day;
  • It is preferable to feed vitamins before the main meal, when the reptile feels hungry;
  • Oily vitamins can be dripped onto dry food. After it is saturated with the solution, throw it into the water.


Turtles are rightfully considered the most popular pets, because caring for them is not so difficult, in this regard they are unpretentious. They can live in aviaries, aquariums or terrariums, they feel quite good in the unenclosed space of the house. To acquire a reptile, you need to study well, at home, to make her life comfortable.

You can correctly arrange the place of residence of the pet after you decide on the desired type of reptile. Then you should go to the pet store, look at the turtles, find out detailed information about each of them. What a turtle eats at home depends on the previous habitat, do not ignore this fact. If she was raised in captivity, be sure to take an interest in her diet on this moment, at first you need to feed your pet with the same food.

Land and water representatives have different taste preferences. Both those and others love vegetation, but swimmers still prefer animal food. Focusing on that, you can choose a space for feeding a terrestrial beauty by laying something on the floor. Over time, she will get used to it and will come to the place of the meal as soon as she gets hungry.

If you decide to get an aquatic reptile, then you need to clearly determine the amount of food that she can eat per day, and not exceed it. Otherwise, the remains of what the turtle eats at home will remain in the water, begin to rot and decompose. You will need to constantly change the water after each feeding, so adjusting the amount of food is much easier and more convenient. Carefully monitor the temperature of the water and the room, when low rates the reptile can catch a cold easily.

It is advisable to feed pets at the time of their greatest activity, most often it falls on daytime days. If you are unable to feed her at this point, then switch to evening meals, about a few hours before bedtime. Carefully ask the seller how much the turtle eats in order to correctly calculate the time and frequency of eating. Usually, young individuals are fed up to two times a day, it is advisable to transfer adults to a single meal, and arrange a hunger strike for them one day a week. For land representatives, offer lettuce, dandelion, apples, carrots, beets, sometimes add a boiled egg.

Aquatic reptiles need a menu similar to what they eat. They are accustomed to animal food, so you need to give them bloodworms, larvae of various beetles, boiled chicken and fish. You can grow algae for your pet in a separate aquarium, she will also eat them willingly. If possible, run the fish fry that you have to your pets. Turtles will be able to hunt them and show the instincts that are embedded in the genes. Meat and fish, before giving to pets, must be treated with boiling water so as not to infect them with salmonellosis.

If you have just decided to become a turtle breeder, then the question of what aquatic turtles eat at home must inevitably arise before you even purchase these pets. After all, you need to weigh the pros and cons and decide if you can provide your new pet with a suitable and healthy diet.

What do aquatic house turtles eat?

Homemade ones are now the most popular, so we will consider the issue of nutrition using this example (their diet practically coincides with the nutrition of turtles of other aquatic species).

So, what do aquatic red-eared turtles eat? The diet of red-eared turtles should include, first of all, a large amount of animal food, as they are predators. The ratio should be approximately 70% for animal feed and 30% for herbal supplements. Lean meat, fish, seafood (shellfish, shrimp), freshwater snails are suitable as such food. Some owners also give boiled sausage and sausages, as well as cat or, but such food cannot be considered healthy. Various types of algae, dandelion leaves, cucumbers or slices of tomatoes, various varieties of salads are suitable as plant components. It is also worth paying attention to ready-made feed mixtures for turtles. They contain a diet balanced in terms of components, vitamins and minerals, however, it is still not worth keeping a turtle on a diet of dry food, it is better to add it from time to time to prevent beriberi.

Aquatic Turtle Feeding Mode

There are recommendations that small turtles need to be fed 1 time per day, and large ones - 3. However, experienced breeders recommend watching your pets. They themselves will let you know how many times a day they need to be fed. For some it's once every two days, for someone twice a day. Usually, when the turtles are hungry, they begin to move objects in the aquarium, fall loudly from the island into the water, push the glass walls. Turtles need to be fed at the same time each time, and given as much food as the turtle can eat at one time. This will save you from the development of putrefactive processes in the aquarium associated with the decomposition of food waste, the water will remain clear much longer, and many dangerous infections will not threaten the turtle.

Today, not only dogs and cats are popular pets. It is not uncommon for animal lovers to have turtles. These reptiles do not require complex care. But even for them it is necessary to create certain conditions for life and properly compose a diet so that the animal is healthy and receives all the useful substances necessary for the body.

Before acquiring a reptile, all beginners are wondering what turtles eat. Land, freshwater and marine representatives need different products. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of turtle species, as well as the individual preferences of each individual.

What do turtles eat in nature?

In their natural habitat, turtles can always find food for themselves. Land varieties prefer vegetable delicacies. Aquatic reptiles usually feed on food containing protein. Since turtles are omnivores, their diet may include other foods. In nature, they eat everything that seems tasty to them., and at home for them it becomes a problem.

Aquatic reptiles hunt underwater, where they often come across small fish, tadpoles, and insects. Cayman turtles even eat ducks and frogs.

Individuals belonging to the Quistudo family are freshwater turtles that feel great both on land and in water. Therefore, their diet is quite diverse, since they can not only hunt aquatic insects and fish, but also get on land. different kinds berries and plants.

Land turtles that live in the Mediterranean and Central Asia hide in their burrows during the day, and crawl out in search of food at sunset. These animals feed on fruits and various nutritious plants. It is the fruits and vegetation that are the main delicacies of land centenarians.

How to feed turtles at home

Everyday human food includes very few foods that will be useful for one or another variety of turtles. For a pet, you need to purchase certain delicacies and delicacies.

What do sea turtles eat

Red-eared turtles, which are representatives of the marine habitat, are increasingly being taken as pets. At each stage of development, the animal changes the diet of proper nutrition.

Young turtles need to be fed protein-rich foods that can be supplemented with a little vegetation. IN two years old reptiles are transferred to plant foods, not excluding protein, since sea ​​turtles are predators and cannot do without this main element.

The main food for aquatic turtles is:

Be sure to dilute this diet with plant foods.: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, beets, pears, apples, bananas, lettuce, dandelions.

Large pieces of food should be cut into small pieces.. In the diet of predatory turtles, meat food should prevail over plant food: animals receive only vitamins and useful trace elements from fruits and plants. In cold seasons, reptiles are supplemented with specialized vitamin complexes.

Diet for tortoises

The main set of products for land varieties should contain:

Greens should make up at least 85% of the total diet. To the main set, you can add edible mushrooms, sunflower seeds, bran, dried sea ​​kale, soybean meal, dry food for tortoises. Additional products should be given to the pet no more than 1-2 times a week, but the main food can be fed every day.

Food for freshwater reptiles

Freshwater turtles are omnivores. In their diet, vegetable and animal foods are mixed in equal amounts. For each variety, certain products are selected.

In nature, young turtles forage for their food underwater, so freshwater turtles can be given meat, fish, aquatic insects, and algae as their main food. Protein food should be diluted with fruits and vegetables.

Bog turtles, which spend most of the day on land, feed mainly on forest berries, and on hot days they are more often under water and prey on small marine life.

Dangerous Products

Now we know what different types of turtles eat. But still, some owners share with their pets the food that can be dangerous for animals.

The following foods should never be given to any turtles:

  • Beef, pork, lamb and their derivatives (sausage, sausages, pate, minced meat);
  • Cheese and dairy products;
  • Bakery products;
  • Potato;
  • Corn;
  • citruses;
  • Feed intended for other animals.

All these food products can impair the well-being and health of domestic reptiles. Dangerous plants for reptiles will be azaleas, dieffenbachia, oleanders, elodea and euphorbia.

Features of feeding individuals of different ages

As you know, a growing body needs a lot of food. Young turtles are fed every day as they grow quickly. Adults eat 2-3 times a week.

Young reptiles should get enough vitamin D, which prevents the development of rickets, and calcium, which contributes to the proper growth of the shell. Turtles also need a large amount of multivitamins and minerals.

Sometimes there are situations in which pets do without food. for a long time. Adult turtles can go without food for 2 weeks. Young reptiles can last about a week without food.

Feeding pets should be regular. You should not leave them for a long time without food, if there are no significant reasons for this.

Products must not contain toxins.

Large pieces of meat, fish, vegetables or fruits must be cut into small pieces so that the turtle does not choke.

Berries and fruits must be pitted.

It is strictly forbidden to overfeed the turtle. If the animal does not begin to eat up food, then the remains should be removed.

Pregnant individuals are fed at least 1 time per day. They require in in large numbers vitamin D, calcium and multivitamins.

Specialized foods should be given to the species of turtle for which they are made.

Turtle food should be at room temperature.

Usually, aquatic turtles are fed with tweezers, but you can throw food into the aquarium, provided that excess food is removed from the water in a timely manner. Experts recommend feeding aquatic turtles in a basin of water specially designated for them, which will help to avoid rapid contamination of the aquarium. Land species can be fed without tweezers.

If a pet does not react to food for more than two weeks, he urgently needs to be taken to the veterinarian for examination. Lack of appetite usually indicates that the animal is sick with something.

Young turtles need to be given more animal food, adults - vegetable.

In order to maintain a sufficient level of minerals in the body of a turtle, the reptile must be fed with bone meal which can be purchased at the pet store. Daily rate for an adult is 5 g of flour.

In order to prevent health, the tortoise shell can be sprayed with a special spray once every 2 days.

Feed your pet dry food no more than 3 times a day. Experts do not recommend buying low-quality products that lack vitamins.

Vitamins should be given to the turtle before the main meal, while the reptile still has a feeling of hunger. If oil vitamins are used, then they are dripped onto granules or sticks of dry food and thrown into the aquarium in a completely soaked form.

At first it may seem that it will be difficult to keep a turtle, but knowing the basic rules of feeding, it will not be difficult for you to make a diet for your pet. With proper nutrition, a turtle will live a healthy long life.