Salad with marinated onion cheese and meat. Pickled Onion Salad

Salads with pickled onions are surprisingly fresh, sweet and sour and incredibly tasty. A marinade for onions can be both ordinary and apple, grape and wine vinegar. You can also pickle it in lemon juice or even in odorous unrefined vegetable oil. Usually, herbs and spices are added to a salad with pickled onions to add flavor.

Pickled onions are served more often to but also extraordinarily tasty, they harmonize with boiled meat in a wide variety of salads. We will talk about them today in our article.

How to pickle onions for salads?


  • onions - 400 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 70 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • water - 250 ml.


IN hot water add salt and sugar, bring to a boil, pour in the vinegar and pour the peeled and chopped onion with the resulting marinade. Leave until cool. Pickled onion is ready.

Salad with pickled onions and chicken


  • chicken breast fillet - 400 g;
  • pickled onion - 150 g;
  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber - 350 g;
  • tomato - 220 g;
  • dill and parsley;
  • - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt;
  • pepper.


We cut the boiled chicken breast into strips or disassemble it into fibers with our hands. Then we wash the cucumbers, dry them and cut them into strips, tomatoes and boiled eggs into cubes. We mix all the chopped ingredients and pickled onions, season with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

Put the finished salad on a dish and decorate with fresh herbs.

Salad "Men's tears" with beef and pickled onions



Boil beef, potatoes and eggs until cooked and cool. We clean and rub the potatoes on a coarse grater, pass the eggs through a fine grater, cut the boiled meat into medium-sized strips, disassemble the pomegranate into separate grains.

Now put in a salad bowl right size ingredients in layers in the following order: meat, pickled onions, potatoes, eggs, onions again and finish with meat. Coat each layer with mayonnaise. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds generously on top of the salad, decorate with fresh herbs, and let it brew for several hours.

Mass in beef useful substances(vitamins B and E, iron, trace elements), in addition, it supplies our body with a complete protein in such quantity as no other product does. Salads with beef are tasty and satisfying.

Beef must be chosen correctly. Young meat can be distinguished by layers - if they are yellow or completely dark, then the meat is old, if light cream, this is what you need. Pay attention to the uniformity of the color, which should not be saturated, but a pale pink. Experts also do not recommend taking already frozen meat or freezing it yourself.

For salads, it is better to take premium meat - this is a rump, brisket, fillet, buttocks.

Some general recommendations cooking will also not be superfluous. Before boiling or stewing the meat, fry it over a good fire to form a crust that will retain all the juice inside. If the water evaporates during the extinguishing process, add only hot water. The acid contained in some foods (sour cream, tomatoes, vinegar) makes the meat softer. For the same purpose, it will be good to beat off the beef a little or marinate. For salads, a fairly small cut is required - it is better to do this across the fibers. Do not forget to get rid of unnecessary films and veins.

We offer you several salad recipes using beef and pickled onions - a combination that no one can resist.

The dish turns out to be festive and just asks for the New Year's table.

For the festive "Horse" you need:

  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Beef - 300 g boiled
  • Onion - 1
  • Eggs - 2
  • Onion marinade (water, sugar, vinegar) and mayonnaise.

We offer to cook

  1. Let's start with the marinade, in which the onion will need to spend about 20 minutes. To do this, we dilute the vinegar with water (1: 1), add sugar and put the onion cut into half rings there.
  2. The meat must be cooked in advance, then its taste will be simply amazing. Boil the prepared piece in water with the addition of spices until tender, when it cools down, refrigerate. It can be used for salad the next day.
  3. We suggest forming the horse in layers.
  4. First, we put chopped beef on a beautiful dish so that it has the shape of a horse, we compact it well.
  5. Onion is placed on the meat, freed from the marinade + a mesh of mayonnaise.
  6. Now grated cheese.
  7. Cooked proteins and yolks (separately) will go for decoration and as a salad ingredient. That is, at this stage, you begin continuous creativity)) “Draw” eyes, ears, a saddle with white, put a pepper instead of a pupil. Draw the tail and mane with mayonnaise, thinly squeezing it out of the bag.
  8. Or add imagination and draw your own horse from the products at hand.


  • Boiled beef 400 g
  • Bow 2
  • Pickled cucumbers 400 g
  • Mayonnaise and everything you need for pickling onions

Watch the video for the cooking process.

Spicy taste, a little spiciness - this salad will not be lost among the rest of the appetizers!

Take the following ingredients for the salad:

  • 150 grams of cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 large pickled cucumbers
  • 200 g beef (ready cooked)
  • bulb
  • vinegar, mayonnaise

How to cook

In this recipe, it is proposed to pickle the onions a little longer - about 40 minutes.

The duration of pickling usually depends on the composition of the marinade. The pour temperature also plays an important role. Boiling marinade penetrates the structure of the onion faster, respectively, it will be ready almost immediately after cooling. Contributes to faster pickling and acid - the more it is, the faster the process.

  1. Put the finished onion (you need to cut it in half rings) on a beautiful plate, add a layer of mayonnaise.
  2. The next layer is beef, which we cut into thin strips or sticks, plus a little mayonnaise on top.
  3. Next pickled cucumber cubes + mayonnaise.
  4. Grated eggs + a rich layer of mayonnaise.
  5. Last, grate the cheese directly onto the salad “pie”, no more mayonnaise is needed.

This salad tastes better after a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

Here's what you need:

  • 0.5 kg beef heart
  • 2 onions
  • mayonnaise

In the video you will see how this salad is prepared.

Your kitchen should have the following items:

  • beef 250 g
  • onion 1
  • garlic 1 clove;
  • fresh cucumber 1
  • bell pepper 1 bright color
  • black pepper, chili, ground coriander, sugar, sesame
  • soy sauce 1 tsp
  • apple cider vinegar (or any fruit) 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil for frying meat

How to prepare beef salad with pickled onions and vegetables

You can do this very quickly, especially if you take care of the advance preparation of beef. According to this recipe, it is proposed to marinate it with onions as for barbecue, then fry.
At the salad, the aroma will strongly give off a nut, which will give it some piquancy and originality if the sesame seeds are fried in a pan without oil.
Mix all ingredients and season with marinade.

The salad can be served on its own or served with a side dish, which works well with rice.

Hearty tender beef salad with pickled onions, spicy cheese and eggs. Beautiful holiday dish or suitable for any reception.

Prepare the following items on the list:

  • beef 250 g,
  • onion 100 g,
  • eggs 3 pcs,
  • cheese 150 gr,
  • Apple vinegar 1 tsp and mayonnaise

We invite you to watch the process of preparing this delicious and pretty salad.

This appetizer is good for every day, it is not a shame to serve it to gala dinner. A little spice, a little spiciness - a minimum of calories, a maximum of benefit and satiety. Raisins will add beautiful decoration in separate vases with the addition of greens.

The ingredients for this salad are:

  • boiled beef 150 g,
  • bow 1,
  • red bell pepper 1,
  • Korean carrots 70 g,
  • pickled cucumber 2,
  • oil, spices.

This amount of products is enough for two full servings.

Let's start cooking

  1. Beef will taste better if you soak it in a little water first. cold water. Its smell will become better and juiciness will increase.
  2. Carrots, if you know how, cook in advance or buy ready-made in the store.
  3. Pepper is better to take a large variety with a fleshy inside.
  4. Pour onion with marinade in one of the well-known ways.
  5. The meat for the salad needs to be boiled, then cut into slices - the thinner the better.
  6. Cut the pepper into strips and stew a little.
  7. Squeeze the onion from the marinade (it should be cut into half rings).
  8. Cut the cucumbers into cubes, chop the carrots a little more.
  9. Mix all prepared products, season with spices and oil, lay out in portions.

Stock up on the following composition of products:

  1. liver 600 g,
  2. bulb,
  3. vinegar, water, sol. oil.

Watch how this simple salad is prepared.

Very satisfying, this salad can serve as the main second course. In winter, when you want something "substantial", he goes with a bang. In summer, it can be slightly modified by replacing pickles with fresh ones.

Take this list of products:

  • 50 g of rice;
  • bulb;
  • 100 g of beef;
  • 1 pickled cucumber (in winter) or fresh (in summer);
  • 2 tbsp corn;
  • dill, pepper, salt, vegetable oil.

Here is how we will prepare this salad

  1. Cook the rice so that each grain of rice is "in itself".
  2. Boil and cut the meat into strips, having previously cleaned it of veins and films. Add spices to the cooking water - the meat will turn out spicy and rich in taste.
  3. Finely chop the onion and pour over the marinade.
  4. We also cut the cucumber into thin strips.
  5. Combine all products and add corn (drain marinade from onion and corn) and dill.
  6. Season with spices, if necessary, salt and vegetable oil.

We are sure that everything turned out quickly and very tasty!

For cooking rice, choose dishes with thick walls - cast iron is ideal. When cooking meat, do not pour a lot of water - it should only cover the meat.

This salad goes especially well when you have a serious feast. Excellent appetizer for strong drinks))

We take the following products:

  • Pickles
  • Beef or pork meat
  • Green pea(conservation)
  • Black pepper

Watch step by step how this very simple and delicious salad is prepared.

Everything in this salad is simple, tasty and thorough. It does not contain refined sauce and gourmet products, the basis of the salad is meat, potatoes, pickles and onions. And, nevertheless, the salad is so tasty that each time it will have to be cooked in larger quantities, because it disappears from the table faster than Olivier. Men especially respect such a salad - for strong drinks and just like a cold meat appetizer, the salad goes with a bang.

The rustic salad uses boiled beef, but you can make a salad with pork, veal. Tender chicken meat is not quite suitable, it can be “lost” against the background of pickled onions and cucumbers.


  • potatoes 5 pcs;
  • beef 200 gr (boiled);
  • onion 1;
  • onion green bunch;
  • cucumbers (salted or pickled) 2-3 pcs;
  • products for marinade and filling (vinegar, salt, spices, oil)

Prepare this salad like this:

  1. Marinate the onion in half rings (vinegar, salt, sugar) in a separate bowl.
  2. green onion cut.
  3. We cut pickles into medium-sized cubes, we do the same with beef and potatoes.
  4. We make dressing from oil and mustard, beat.
  5. We mix everything (drain the marinade from the onion) and season. Half an hour of overexposure in the refrigerator will only benefit this salad!

With this salad, you will not only satisfy your first hunger, but also get rid of the desire to “eat something” for a long time - it is very satisfying and can replace the main second course.

Prepare the following items to have on hand:

  • beef 300 g,
  • mix salad 50 g,
  • corn half a jar,
  • pickled peppers 200 g,
  • onion purple 1,
  • fresh cucumber 2-3,
  • eggs 2,
  • mayonnaise and spices.

The cooking process is shown below in the video. Enjoy watching!

Ramson and beef create a wonderful combination of freshness and satiety, and pickled onions add piquancy and spiciness. This salad is good at any time of the year - in winter after it you don’t want to eat for a long time, but in warm time year it does not seem too heavy.

The following products will be needed:

  • wild garlic a decent bunch;
  • beef 200 g;
  • fresh cucumber 2;
  • potatoes 4-5 pcs;
  • eggs 2;
  • for dressing: sour cream or yogurt, spices.

How are we going to prepare this salad?

Instead of beef, you can, of course, take other meat - here it’s up to you. But do not forget that each meat has its own characteristics and looks different in salads with the same ingredients.

  1. Cut boiled beef into small pieces. Eggs - small cubes. A small amount of yolk can be useful for decorating and decorating.
  2. Marinate the onion by first cutting it into half rings.
  3. Potatoes (necessarily cooled!) We also cut into cubes, like cucumbers (with or without peel, see the state of the product and your own preferences).
  4. Finely chop the wild garlic petioles, and the leaves can be cut larger. Leave the third part (approximately) for registration. Before cooking, wild garlic must be thoroughly washed from particles of dirt. First, dip it for a few minutes in a deep container of water, then rinse well under running water.
  5. Prepare dressing and mix together with all ingredients.

Be careful with refueling! If the dish is served in one large deep salad bowl, then there will be no problems with dressing. And when serving in portions or shaped, make sure that there is not too much dressing. In this case, the salad will not hold the desired shape.

You need products:

  • 150 gr. boiled beef liver,
  • 1 potato
  • 1 onion
  • 3 eggs,
  • 1 can of corn
  • 150 g mayonnaise, spices, greens for decoration.

For marinade: salt, sugar, vinegar, water (1:2:6:30)

To prepare Layered Liver and Pickled Onion Salad, do the following.

  1. Pour the onion in a separate bowl with hot marinade (it will be ready faster).
  2. Three potatoes on a coarse grater.
  3. Separate the proteins and yolks in boiled, chilled and peeled eggs.
  4. We also rub the liver on a fine grater.

Laying out in layers:

  1. Potatoes + mayonnaise.
  2. Onions + mayonnaise.
  3. Liver + mayonnaise.
  4. Proteins + mayonnaise.
  5. Corn + mayonnaise.
  6. Sprinkle with yolks and decorate. Let the salad stand for a while in the cold and you can serve it to the table.

Prepare these foods:

  • boiled beef 350 g,
  • pickles 3,
  • onion 1 head,
  • mayonnaise, vinegar and water, 50 ml each.

For this salad, we will pour onions with boiling water and vinegar - the onions will be tender, and excess bitterness and pungent odor will disappear. Take cucumbers to taste, they are from a jar or from a barrel - of great importance does not have.

How to cook:

  1. Marinate the onion in half rings in boiled brine for about 20 minutes - it will just have time to cool.
  2. Cut the cucumbers into strips and meat into strips.
  3. Mix with mayonnaise, add spices to taste - the salad is ready. Very simple and fast!

Salad with beef and pickled onions is easy to make, but it turns out to be very satisfying and nutritious. There are many recipes that use the mentioned ingredients. We will consider only the most inexpensive and simple.

Salad with beef and pickled onions: a recipe with a photo of the finished dish

"Signor tomato"

Cooking beef salad with different ways. Above, we examined the most popular dish - "Male Caprice". But if you are tired of such a salad, then we recommend making the Signor Tomato appetizer. It needs ingredients:

  • natural apple cider vinegar - about 80 milliliters;
  • beef pulp (seedless and fatless) - about 600 grams;
  • white bulbs - 2 sweet heads;
  • salt - add to the broth;
  • fleshy fresh tomatoes - 3 pieces;
  • potatoes (tubers) - 2 pieces;
  • large chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • hard cheese - about 130 grams;
  • medium-fat olive mayonnaise - apply to taste.

Preparing the Components

Salad with beef and pickled onions and tomatoes is very juicy and tasty. Before you start cooking it, you should boil a piece of meat in salt water, and then cool it and cut it into long strips across the fibers. Next, you need to wash the tomatoes and chop them in the same way.

As for potatoes and eggs, they must be boiled and peeled. Next, the named ingredients need to be grated on a small grater. You should also grind and hard cheese.

Among other things, it is necessary to peel the onions, cut them into half rings, and then marinate in table vinegar. After half an hour, it is recommended to rinse the spicy vegetable and squeeze it well.

How to form the salad "Senior-tomato"?

It is required to form such a dish in layers, using a large and wide plate for this. Pieces of meat should be distributed on it, and then put pickled onions and season everything with mayonnaise. Next, you need to place the following layers: boiled potatoes, chicken eggs and hard cheese. Each ingredient must be lubricated with mayonnaise.

At the end, the finished salad needs to be covered with fresh tomatoes and put in the refrigerator.

Properly presented for a family dinner

After a long exposure in the refrigerator, the Signor Tomato salad can be safely presented to festive table. It is recommended to spread it on plates with a small spatula so that the layers of the dish are not damaged.

Making an appetizer for lunch with beef and vegetables

A salad with beef and pickled onions and cucumbers is good to do when you don’t have time to lay out a puff dish. After all, to form it, you only need to mix all the ingredients, after seasoning them with mayonnaise.

So, we need products:

Food preparation

To prepare such a salad, it is necessary to boil the beef pulp in salted water, cool it and cut into strips. Next, you need to chop the heads onion, put them in a bowl and soak in vinegar (marinate for about half an hour). After the specified time, the vegetable should be rinsed and squeezed strongly.

Among other things, it is necessary to wash fresh cucumbers and sweet pepper, and then peel them and cut into cubes. As for the eggs, they should be boiled and grated (you can chop with a knife).

We form a dish in a salad bowl

Mixed salad with beef and pickled onions and bell peppers should be formed in a large plate. It is necessary to put all the processed ingredients into it (meat, squeezed onions, fresh cucumbers and bell peppers). Also, canned corn should be poured into the dish, and then flavored with olive mayonnaise. After mixing all the ingredients with a spoon, they must be put in a salad bowl and immediately served to family members.

Bringing a delicious and quick meal to the table

Unlike those salads that are laid out in layers, a mixed dish is not recommended to be kept in the refrigerator. This is especially true for those snacks that are prepared using fresh vegetables. After all, in the process of long exposure, they give their juice and make the salad watery.

After the appetizer is mixed with mayonnaise, it must be presented to the table before the main hot dish. If you doubt that you will use such a salad right away, then in no case do not fill it with sauce in full. Put exactly as many snacks on the plate as you will eat, and only then add mayonnaise. So you prevent spoilage of the dish and you can use it for a few more days. Bon appetit!

Not every one of us loves that very, unusually bright, flavor that the onion gives the salad. But the housewives, having learned to pickle this same onion, created the basis for many new dishes. It is used not only in salads, but also for barbecue, pilaf, fish dishes.

Pickled onions get a completely different taste: surprisingly fresh, sour-sweet, very pleasant. It is eaten with pleasure even by those who cannot be called an onion lover. What can we say about the admirers of this amazing useful product, one of the oldest vegetable crops. It is a source of various vitamins, tonic, excellent antibacterial agent. The only problem is that many are deterred by a sharp characteristic smell. Marinating adequately solves it. Pickled onions greatly enhance the taste of many dishes.

Salads with pickled onions - preparation of food and utensils

To prepare an excellent salad, you need to pickle the onion properly. Use the recipe below and your pickled onion salads will be incredibly tasty.


Onions (4 pieces);

One tablespoon of sugar and vinegar;

a teaspoon of salt;

Boiled cooled water (3 tablespoons).

All these ingredients must be mixed.

Cut the onion into rings as thinly as possible. This is important - thinly sliced ​​pickled onions always taste better.

Sliced? Now pour boiling water over it.

After such a “bath”, the onion must be poured with marinade, covered with a lid or cling film and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Time is up - drain the marinade and prepare the salad.

Pickled Onion Salad Recipes:

We offer you a selection of the most simple recipes that you will delight your household and guests with. Try to use them - you will be convinced that a salad, complemented with properly and tasty pickled onions, will always turn out to be appetizing. For each of them you will spend a minimum of time, which is appreciated by every woman, especially a working one.

Recipe 1: Pickled Onion Salad

Ready to eat vegetable salad at least every day, but the sharpness and aroma of onions confuse? Then this salad with pickled onions is for you! Such an onion will give the dish a special piquancy, and will turn out to be soft, nice addition. The salad is very light, healthy, low-calorie. The current filling of the shelves of our supermarkets allows you to enjoy them all year round. The recipe allows you to vary: add olives, replace the avocado with sweet peppers, include lettuce leaves in the list of ingredients. Imagine, and each time the salad will turn out a little different.

Required Ingredients:

Avocado 1 piece;

Two tomatoes and a cucumber;

One pickled onion;

Olive oil (for dressing);


Cooking method:

Wash all vegetables.

Cucumber cut lengthwise into two parts, and then cut into thin slices.

Also, cut the tomatoes into thin slices.

First, cut the avocado lengthwise and remove the pit, and then remove the peel from it with a sharp knife and chop it rather coarsely.

In a container of a suitable volume, mix all vegetable preparations, add chopped parsley, pickled onion, salt, pepper.

Dress the salad with pickled onions with olive oil.

Recipe 2: Pickled Onion and Meat Salad

Meat with pickled onions is a great dinner on weekdays and weekends. Salad hearty, nutritious. If you replace ordinary mayonnaise with low-calorie, the dish will turn out to be almost dietary. The ideal meat for such a salad is beef or veal, you can use pork, but it must be lean.

Required Ingredients:

Lean boiled meat (300 g);

Pickled onions (2 pieces);

Eggs (3 pieces);


To decorate the salad, you can use fresh herbs, olives, black olives - whatever you want.

Cooking method:

Boil the meat so that it is soft.

Boil hard boiled eggs.

Cut the meat into thin strips, spread over the entire bottom of the salad bowl.

Spread on top of the meat, after slightly squeezing, pickled onions.

Cover a layer of onion with a mesh of mayonnaise.

Finely chop the eggs, put in a salad bowl.

Here it is, this simple salad with pickled onions. It remains to decorate it by sprinkling with herbs and spreading olives or black olives.

Recipe 3: Pickled Onion and Potato Salad

Salad with pickled onions, complemented with fresh radishes and pickled cucumbers - a great addition to meat dish. Spicy dressing and celery give it a special taste.

Required Ingredients:

White pickled onions (2 pieces);

A bunch of green onions;

Three medium potatoes;

Radishes (200 g);

Celery (4 stalks);

Pickled cucumbers (200 g).

For refueling prepare:

Mustard beans (3 tablespoons);

Wine vinegar (2 tablespoons);

Olive oil (30 ml);

Cooking method:

Boil potatoes in their skins. Cool, peel, cut into cubes, rather large.

Cut pickled cucumbers into small cubes, radishes into thin circles.

Mix all the ingredients for the dressing.

Salad components, including pickled onions, combine, season. Top salad with pickled onions sprinkled with chopped green onions.

Recipe 4: Pickled Onion and Liver Salad

This dish is for those who love chicken liver. It can be replaced with turkey liver. The recipe is extremely simple, using it, you can quickly and adequately meet unexpected guests feed your family to the fullest.

Required Ingredients:

Pickled onions (4 pieces);

Chicken liver (1 kg);


Cooking method:

Wash the liver, remove all unnecessary, cook. Don't forget to salt the water.

Cool the finished liver, cut into strips - preferably.

This completes the preparation of the ingredients for a dish such as pickled onion salad. It remains to mix the liver with pickled onions, add mayonnaise - and the dish is ready.

Recipe 5: Pickled Onion and Chicken Breast Salad

The dish is suitable for dinner, it can make a pretty hearty lunch. Chicken breast, seasoned with pickled onions and mayonnaise, complemented by the taste and aroma of smoked sausage cheese, turns out to be very tender and tasty. Salad hearty, nutritious.

Required Ingredients:

Pickled onions (4 pieces);

Chicken breast (2 pieces);

Sausage cheese (500 g);

Eggs (5 pieces);

Mayonnaise (200 g).

Cooking method:

Boil eggs, chicken breast.

Grind sausage cheese and peeled eggs with a grater.

Remove the bones from the breasts, cut into strips with a sharp knife.

Put the ingredients in layers, covering each with a dense mesh of mayonnaise.

It is better to start with chicken meat, then - cheese, on top - eggs.

It is advisable not to eat this salad with pickled onions immediately, but after 2-3 hours - it becomes tastier.

Pickled is best white bow. Before laying in the marinade, be sure to cut it as thin as possible, preferably in rings. So he is most fully saturated with marinade.

Boiled potatoes are often used in salads. To cut potatoes cooked in their skins better, put them, cooled and peeled, in the refrigerator for about half an hour.