An increase in temperature in the chest. High fever in a baby and how to deal with it

Did you know that the temperature in a newborn is an indicator of the general condition of a small organism? Its deviations up or down signal a possible pathology. Let's find out what the temperature of a child should be in the first month of life.

Immediately after birth, the body temperature of the baby corresponds to the temperature of the mother's body. But after an hour it decreases by 1-1.5 degrees. After a few more hours, this indicator stops at around 36.5 degrees - this is provided that the baby is healthy.

In the first week, the temperature indicators are stable and amount to 37 degrees. But if the mother of the child is concerned that he will freeze, and begins to dress him warmer, then sharp jumps to 38-39 degrees are possible. Pediatricians advise young mothers not to wrap up the baby. To create comfortable conditions for him, it is enough to avoid drafts and make sure that the room temperature is at least 20 degrees.

In the first three months, the thermoregulation of the child depends on the environment. In a dry and stuffy room, the temperature of a newborn child will increase, in a cold room it will decrease. Therefore, it is important not to overheat the baby, as well as to prevent hypothermia.

Features of premature babies

Babies born prematurely react more sharply to the conditions of the surrounding climate. This is due to the immaturity of the hypothalamus. Such children can give a quick reaction to the slightest overheating, and if an infectious disease occurs, their body temperature can remain normal.

Their daily temperature fluctuations are formed worse than in children born at term. Immediately after the birth of premature babies, they are placed in a special incubator, where it is possible to organize optimal conditions and prevent sudden changes in body temperature.

The temperature in a newborn is normal

Let's find out what temperature a newborn should have. The normal temperature for a baby in the first year of life is considered to be indicators equal to 37-37.5 degrees. More precise parameters are given in the table:

Habitual adults 36.6 ° C are established by the end of the first year of life.

Reduced rates

Mothers need to remember that a newborn has a temperature of 37 ° C - an indicator of the norm. A strong decrease or increase in temperature indicates a possible disease, so it is important to know what factors can affect temperature fluctuations.

If we are talking about a decrease, then the reason may be cooling. For example, when walking on the street, when the baby is lightly dressed, or when swimming in insufficiently warm water. A low temperature may be a protective reaction to a decrease in normal blood glucose levels. This is the case when the child was poorly fed before bedtime and he sleeps for more than three hours.

In order to even out the temperature background of the baby, it is enough to eliminate the provocative factors: dress the baby warmer, warm, wake up and give him a breast.

Causes of an increase in body temperature

There may be many. The main one is banal overheating. If the child is in a stuffy room, dressed very warmly, then the temperature increase will not take long. During summer walks with the baby on the street, you should not allow him to come into contact with direct sunlight. The baby can get not only overheating, but also sunstroke.

The temperature in a newborn can rise to subfebrile numbers (37.1-38.0 ° C) with indigestion, colic. This is a non-specific response of the body, but it is considered to be the norm.

And how to understand that an increase in temperature is associated with a disease?

If it is a viral pathology, then there will be severe concomitant symptoms:

  • lacrimation
  • runny nose
  • nasal congestion
  • possible cough.

The temperature rises to 38-38.5 °C. The addition of a bacterial infection is indicated by a mark on the thermometer over 38.5 ° C. In this case, you need to seek medical help as soon as possible.

High rates may indicate such pathologies:

  • bronchitis;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • pneumonia;
  • transient fluctuations.

Transient fluctuations in body temperature often occur against the background of normal health. They develop with disorders of the central nervous system of a congenital or acquired nature. The most serious pathology is the transferred birth trauma of the brain.

But there are also independently passing transient oscillations. They are possible if the child was born with hypoxia or there were problems during the birth period. This increase in body temperature normalizes over time.

Temperature types and symptoms

Hyperthermia in infants is of four types:

  1. Subfebrile (37-37.9 ° C).
  2. Febrile (38-38.9 ° C).
  3. Pyretic (39-39.9 ° C).
  4. Hyperpyretic (over 40°C).

If you observe a temperature of 37.5 degrees in a baby, without worsening the general condition and additional symptoms, then the baby is overheated. In most cases, such a temperature in a newborn is the norm, a slight increase occurs due to imperfect thermoregulation.

Subfebrile temperature is observed with ARVI - the baby experiences weakness, becomes capricious. With pain in the throat, the baby will eat poorly, cry. There is also nasal congestion, sneezing. If the inflammation process descends lower into the pharynx, then pharyngitis may develop. In this case, the child will be disturbed by coughing. The dream becomes sensitive, short.

In infectious diseases, the body temperature is of the pyretic type. She is dangerous and requires immediate initiation of therapeutic treatment. The most common cause of high fever in infants is pneumonia. At the beginning of the disease, there is a dry cough, which quickly turns into a wet one. Cough attacks are especially pronounced after sleep. Paleness of the skin around the mouth during crying indicates shortness of breath. When breathing, the nostril wings swell, the supraclavicular regions sink.

Please note: Poor thermoregulation can cause pneumonia in the absence of fever. If the child has wheezing, symptoms of respiratory failure, cough - be sure to show it to the doctor.

High fever without symptoms of respiratory pathology indicates a urinary tract infection. It is difficult to trace the pronounced symptoms in infants. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease, after passing the tests.

A high temperature in a newborn baby can be a symptom of omphalitis. This is an inflammation of the umbilical wound. An unhealed navel is a gateway for various kinds of infections. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to it at elevated temperatures in crumbs. Inflammation will be indicated by redness, discharge, suppuration in the umbilical wound.

Features of fever in infants

There are two types of fever:

  • Red - characterized by the expansion of peripheral vessels. At the same time, the baby's body is hot, red. This is a less dangerous type of fever. It can be quickly eliminated with the help of antipyretics.
  • White - with it there is a spasm of peripheral vessels. The forehead of the child is hot, and the hands and feet are pale and cold. The condition is dangerous with the possibility of developing seizures. It is urgent to give the baby an antipyretic. Dry heat can be applied to the feet: a heated diaper, a heating pad. You can not rub the baby with vinegar, water, alcohol. This threatens with dangerous consequences - vasospasm.


Prevention of fluctuations in body temperature in infants is to comply with the conditions:

  • room temperature should be within 20-24 degrees;
  • for a night's sleep, the child is covered with a cotton or woolen blanket;
  • regular walks in the fresh air;
  • in hot weather, ensure plenty of drinking, frequent breastfeeding;
  • walk on sunny days in shady places (parks, squares);
  • dress the baby according to the weather.

These simple rules will help to avoid overheating and hypothermia of the baby.


The temperature of a newborn child depends on the surrounding microclimate. Here are the main points that all new parents should be aware of:

  • To prevent temperature rises and falls, dress your child according to the weather:
  • at temperatures up to 37.5 ° C, provided that the baby is in good condition, there is no reason for concern;
  • low body temperature in infants is caused by hypothermia or a decrease in the level of glucose in the blood, in order to increase it, it is enough to warm or feed the baby;
  • when the temperature rises to 38 degrees, you should consult a doctor;
  • if you observe symptoms of white fever in a baby: a hot forehead, cold and pale hands and feet - call an ambulance, this condition is dangerous for the occurrence of seizures;
  • high fever without accompanying symptoms indicates a urinary tract infection;
  • high fever can be caused by inflammation of the umbilical wound.

Dear visitors, leave your comments and share the link to the article with your friends on social networks. It is important for all parents to know what temperature in a newborn is the norm, and which one indicates the development of pathology.

Temperature fluctuations in newborn babies are a cause of concern for parents. After birth, the baby needs time to get used to external factors. Immune protection has not yet been formed, which means that various unpredictable reactions are not excluded in the first periods. Therefore, the presence of strangers in the maternity hospital is undesirable. For a newborn, a common cold can turn into a significant disease, which an adult may not notice.

The lack of a developed immunity affects the processes of thermoregulation of a small organism. If in adults the temperature changes are small, then in infants the amplitude of fluctuations is quite large. Therefore, the normal temperature in a baby during the day can rise from 36.3 to 37.1 degrees. This is an absolutely understandable process.

Parents need to know that pediatricians have set clear boundaries within which temperature changes are considered natural: 36.3-37.5 C. However, remember to consult your doctor, especially when the fever is accompanied by lethargy, poor appetite and other factors.

The norm of the temperature of a newborn child up to 1 month

If the baby has a temperature of 37 degrees in the armpit, it's okay. After a while, this figure can be 36 - 37.5 C. Note that the temperature value of 36.6 C will be established only at the end of 1 year of your baby's life.

In newborns, regulatory processes are in the process of formation. Therefore, more heat is given off than is generated. Babies often freeze, begin to hiccup, they have cold hands and feet. Therefore, babies are so easy to overheat or overcool.

In general, body temperature in a newborn is not equal for everyone. It varies in the range from 36 to 38 degrees, plus it depends on a number of physiological factors. To determine the normal value of the child's body temperature, it is necessary to determine it for several days in a row in the morning, at noon and in the evening. So you can set the average value of this parameter. Please note that the highest value will be between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m.

How does the temperature of a child change from 1 month to 1 year (newborn)?

2-3 minutes after birth, the baby's body temperature is approximately 38 degrees. After 5-6 hours, it falls, but in the first weeks of life it remains unstable. This factor is related to the temperature in the room where the child spends most of the time.

Within 5-6 months in an infant, a temperature of 37 degrees cannot be considered a manifestation of the disease. The well-known 36.6 degrees will be established by the beginning of 2 years of life.

Therefore, pediatricians believe normal temperature in a newborn:

  • 36 C - 37.3 C- fixed in the armpit;
  • from 36.6 C - 37.2 C- measured orally;
  • from 36.9 C - 38 C- installed rectally.

How to measure the temperature of a newborn?

Taking the temperature of an infant in the usual way is not as easy as it seems. It would be better to apply:

What temperature should be brought down in the baby?

In infants, a body temperature of 37–37.1 degrees is considered normal. A decrease in the parameter is especially important if it has reached a hyperthermic mark or is striving for it. Temperatures over 38.5 C are brought down, depending on the condition of the crumbs. Since well-being does not always necessarily coincide with the readings of the thermometer.

If the baby feels satisfactory and is alert enough, then there is no need to fight the fever. It is only important to observe the condition of the baby. If the child does not tolerate high temperature, you need to find a way to reduce it. Parents need to remember that a fever at the age of a child less than three months is considered a dangerous phenomenon. Therefore, you need to seek the advice of a specialist. Newborns need to lower the fever over 38 degrees. If there is a risk of seizures, the medicine is used already at 37.5C.

What to look for if a newborn baby has a fever?

An elevated temperature in a child without side effects may be the norm. However, not always. In some cases, its single increase may indicate the launch of an infectious process as a response to pathogenic bacteria. For example, it could be measles or chickenpox.

In most cases, a fever is indeed a threat when there are other signals in the form of vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, and a runny nose. If the baby has a temperature of 37 and there are no additional symptoms, pay attention to how he is dressed and the temperature in the room. Perhaps the baby is over-wrapped and eventually overheated?

A small organism is not yet able to maintain the optimal temperature value. Therefore, it is affected by temperature fluctuations indoors and outdoors. Dehydration can cause a fever. So you need to restore the fluid balance by normalizing the drinking regime, preferably with boiled water.

Temperatures up to 37 degrees in newborns in the absence of concomitant symptoms should not cause alarm for moms and dads. The reason is in the formation of thermoregulation processes. When the temperature in the baby is 38 without symptoms, a visit to a specialist is recommended. A slight fever may also be observed after the vaccination injection. Doctors believe that there is no danger in this. This is a natural reaction of a small organism.

The use of drugs is recommended in cases where the temperature reaches 38-38.5 degrees. Don't forget to consult a specialist. Give the baby more fluids, do not force him to eat. In case of heat, wiping with a damp cloth soaked in water at room temperature is allowed.

What to do if the baby has a high temperature?

Many pediatricians believe that fever should be fought if the thermometer shows a value of 38.5 C. Lower values ​​​​do not require reduction. At this time, you need to create all the auxiliary conditions for a small organism:

  • create a comfortable cool temperature in the room (18-19C);
  • remove all excess clothing, you can also remove diapers;
  • ambient air humidity should be 50-70% (wash the floors with cool water, turn on a humidifier nearby);
  • give the little one a good drink of water.

To bring down the temperature of a newborn, it is forbidden to wipe with vinegar or vodka!

This can lead to severe poisoning. Only the use of ordinary boiled water is allowed. It is necessary that its temperature be several degrees lower than the body of the child. This is done to avoid vasospasm with contrasting cold water.

If the thermometer shows 38 C, heat the water to 37, take gauze or a soft towel. Moisten with water and wipe the baby's body, starting with the legs and arms, and moving towards the chest. You can slightly wet the head and hair. Moisten the cloth frequently with water.

This method of dealing with fever should be in the medical arsenal of every mom. Other methods are not as reliable and effective for babies.

Many advise the use of folk antipyretic drugs for the smallest children. But, if we are talking about various multicomponent herbal decoctions, then they can be used with caution for preschool children. For little ones, these folk recipes are not suitable.

A simple cabbage leaf will help bring down the temperature in a baby. You need to attach a cold leaf of cabbage (from the refrigerator, you can at room temperature) to the child’s head, and put on a hat on top. After 1-2 hours, the sheet must be changed. He will look withered and it will become clear that he has done his job. In a couple of hours the temperature will drop by a degree, and maybe more.

How to prevent overheating in a baby? What to do?

The consequences of overheating can be different. Therefore, it is better to prevent this than to eliminate the problem later. In both winter and summer, constantly monitor the temperature in the nursery. Comfortable for children are 18-22 degrees. You do not need to wrap the baby tightly. The specified temperature value is normal, so a hat and socks are superfluous.

Do not place the crib close to heating devices, ventilate the room as often as possible. In case of illness of the baby, especially if it is accompanied by fever, increased attention is paid to the water regime. During the period of malaise, children may not eat, but it is also easy to refuse to drink, which is categorically unacceptable. In this case, dehydration of the body and further overheating can occur.

In addition, you need to follow simple rules:

  • go out into the fresh air daily, regardless of weather conditions (this helps the baby adapt to temperature changes);
  • in the summer heat, it is better to refrain from walking between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., as well as in winter, when the temperature outside the window drops below minus 15C;
  • dress your child according to the weather (he should have as many layers of clothes as you have);
  • do not buy clothes made of synthetic fabrics, it creates the effect of a bath, clothes made of natural linen and cotton are most preferable;
  • for a walk, be sure to take a bottle of water and give the child more often to drink; in the heat, the amount of liquid consumed by the child increases by 1.5-2 times;
  • you can bathe a baby on hot days as usual, once a day, but it is better to wash it more often up to 5 times; - for greater comfort, you should abandon disposable diapers, you can use gauze, it’s right to do without them altogether.

Do not panic in case of a slight fever, remember the health of the child is in your hands. If you treat him with care from the first days of life, then in the future you will be able to raise a healthy and happy baby. Remember the importance of timely consultation with a pediatrician and monitor the condition of the baby. Joy to you, health, strong and smiling children!

Any indisposition of young children causes anxiety in parents. The most common problem is the temperature in the baby. In order to properly provide first aid to a child, it is necessary to know the reasons for the increase in indicators, the norms of values ​​​​for infants of different ages.

Reasons for the increase

In infants, many systems are not yet fully formed, which often causes temperature fluctuations. The main causes of fever in infants:

  • viral, bacterial, rarely fungal infections;
  • stress, prolonged crying, hysteria, active games;
  • teething;
  • intestinal infections;
  • allergy;
  • stomatitis;
  • dehydration - occurs if the child already consumes protein foods, but drinks little.

The child has a fever after vaccination - this is a common occurrence. It shouldn't be a concern for parents. So the body fights microbes, produces antibodies and immunity to them. Usually it is enough to give an antipyretic once to normalize the performance. But if the high values ​​\u200b\u200bare kept for more than 2 days, the state of health is poor, you need to show the baby to the doctor, post-vaccination complications may occur.

Child's well-being

With an increase in temperature in an infant, it is necessary to focus not only on the indicators of the thermometer, but also on the general well-being and behavior of the child. If the fever proceeds without symptoms of diseases - without coughing and snot, vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, the baby is active, eats and sleeps well, then there is no need to bring down the values.

How diseases manifest themselves:

  • colds, bacterial infections - cough, runny nose, redness of the throat, the temperature always rises sharply to 38 degrees or more;
  • when teething, salivation increases, the gums swell, turn red, the baby constantly pulls fingers, objects into his mouth, the temperature lasts no more than 3 days;
  • intestinal, rotavirus infections - diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite;
  • stomatitis - the oral mucosa turns red, sores appear, salivation increases;
  • with dehydration, the fontanel retracts, the child’s breathing and pulse quicken, he cries, but there are no tears;
  • with allergies, skin rashes appear, cheeks turn red, temperature indicators increase slightly;
  • after vaccination, there are no special symptoms, there is a slight redness, swelling at the injection site.

Important! In children under six months, colds are rare, because their body is protected by antibodies received at birth from their mother. Babies older than 6 months, who are breastfed, get sick less often than artificial ones.

Normal temperature parameters

Temperature indicators in children of the first year of life are somewhat different from adult values. The normal temperature in newborns in the first few days of life is 37–37.5 degrees, then it drops to 36–37 units.

Average temperatures for monthly babies:

  • in the armpit - 36–37.4;
  • in the mouth - 36.6–37.2;
  • rectally - 36.9–37.7.

By the beginning of 3–4 months, body temperature up to 37.2–37.4 degrees is considered normal. After 6 months, the values ​​\u200b\u200bshould not exceed the mark of 37 units. Normal temperature indicators are individual for each child. To determine them, it is necessary to measure the temperature three times a day in three different ways for several days. Measurements should be taken in the morning immediately after waking up, half an hour after a daily walk and feeding, in the evening before bedtime. The data obtained should be recorded and further guided by them when measuring temperature at different times of the day.

Important! Adult values ​​​​at the level of 36.6 degrees are set in babies by the beginning of the second year of life.

First aid for elevation

If the baby has a fever, the first thing to do is to ventilate and humidify the air in the room.

How to reduce fever without medication:

  • provide plenty of drink - the best drink for children under one year old is considered a decoction of raisins, but if the baby does not like it, let him drink what he wants, all the liquid should be at body temperature;
  • breastfeeding babies more often;
  • dress the baby in loose and light clothes;
  • make an air bath - completely undress the baby, remove the diaper, leave for a quarter of an hour;
  • Soak a washcloth in room temperature water and place on your forehead.

Small children should not be wiped with vodka, alcohol, vinegar. Due to the fact that the skin of babies has a higher permeability than that of adults, such actions can lead to severe intoxication. Wiping with cold water is also contraindicated - in this case, a spasm of the vessels of the skin occurs, the child becomes not so hot to the touch, but the internal organs begin to suffer from overheating. To reduce the temperature, babies should not be given tea with raspberries, honey, linden decoction - these drinks can cause allergies. They have a strong diaphoretic effect, which can cause dehydration in a small child.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that one of the main causes of fever in children under 5-6 months is overheating. Parents constantly try to dress the baby warmer, wrap him up, heat the room, and are afraid to ventilate the room once again. The thermoregulation system in children is imperfect, so hot and dry air in the bedroom may well cause an increase in temperature.

Important! The normal temperature in the children's room is 22-24 degrees, and if the baby has a fever - 19-20, the humidity should always be in the range of 50-70%.


It is necessary to use antipyretics, focusing on the well-being of the baby. Some children tolerate temperatures well even at 39 degrees, others feel bad already at 38. Safe antipyretic drugs for children in their first year of life are Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. They are produced in the form of syrups and rectal suppositories. The dosage and treatment regimen is determined by the doctor, taking into account the weight and age of the baby. It is forbidden to treat infants with Aspirin, Analgin, drugs based on them.

Approximate doses of drugs at high temperature:

  1. Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan). A single dosage is 15 mg / kg, you can give the child 4 times a day, but not more than 60 mg / kg.
  2. Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen). Single dosage - 10 mg / kg, taken three times a day, but not more than 25-30 mg / kg per day.

With indicators up to 38.5, it is necessary to bring down the temperature if the baby has pale skin, the feet and palms are cold, there is increased drowsiness, the child refuses to eat and drink.

Important! Infants under 2 months old, children with a tendency to convulsions, with any severe chronic diseases should be given antipyretics already with an increase in indicators of more than 37.5 degrees. If within 30-40 minutes the temperature does not go astray, you need to call an ambulance, since high rates are extremely dangerous for such children.

An increase in temperature is a protective reaction of the body, since most pathogenic microbes die at 38 degrees, so doctors do not recommend rushing to take antipyretics. But if the fever does not subside, the child's health worsens, it is necessary to give medicine, clearly following the instructions for use.

When a man and a woman become parents, from the first minutes of a baby's life, they begin to anxiously monitor his health. The temperature in a newborn child is one of the main indicators of the state of the body.

Causes of low temperature

Sometimes mothers worry that a low temperature in a baby (hypothermia) is associated with serious illnesses. In fact, indicators below the norm may be associated with the following factors:

  • insufficiency of thermoregulation. In the first time of life, all the systems of the baby's body are just beginning to form. If this temperature persists for a long time, then the insufficiency could become pathological.
  • in premature babies and children with postpartum problems (trauma or asphyxia, for example), the temperature drops more often, and is the norm;
  • in addition, the cause of hypothermia in the newborn is fetal hypoxia during the mother's pregnancy, as well as insufficient development of the bronchi and lungs;
  • a decrease in body temperature is possible with low blood glucose levels and malnutrition.

It should be remembered that not always low temperature is caused by various serious diseases. Sometimes newborns simply experience hypothermia when the child is in a draft for a long time or is lightly dressed in the cold season.


With signs of fever in newborns, young mothers are much more likely to experience. Temperature is usually accompanied by additional symptoms. Snot, colic, sweat.

  • Viral infection. When the body effectively fights a cold, the temperature rises within the normal range.
  • Overheat. If the room is stuffy or the baby is wrapped too tightly, the temperature will increase.
  • Vaccination. After the first vaccinations, the immune system gets stronger, an increase in performance is possible.
  • Excitement and crying. A frightened baby or prolonged activity without sleep can cause a slight fever to develop.
  • Gas formation. Colic is a common problem in young children. The disease also contributes to increased temperature.
  • Eruption of the first teeth. Reddening of the gums, crying of the child and a slight fever should tell the mother what the child is worried about.
  • Allergy. Newborns are very sensitive to any irritants, especially to strong drugs.

Recovery methods

The main question that worries any parents when a newborn is ill: what needs to be done to make the baby feel better? It is not always possible to bring down or raise the temperature using medications alone. Fortunately, there are other means to bring the child's body back to normal:

  • temperature fluctuations in a small range - a normal condition for a small child. Doctors sometimes advise to refrain from active treatment and just wait if the baby's temperature does not rise above 38 degrees. Perhaps the body can handle itself;
  • to cope with a fever in a newborn, you should give him as much water as possible, otherwise there is a risk of dehydration;
  • it is necessary to ensure the optimal mode in the room. Try to ventilate the apartment more often and, if possible, maintain the required level of humidity;
  • no need to carefully wrap the baby or keep undressed for more than the allotted time. At low temperatures, it is best to briefly cover the baby with a blanket, and at high temperatures, use light clothing;
  • to bring down the heat, you can make the baby compresses on the legs. It is necessary to moisten the cloth in warm water, wrap it around the feet and cover with a dry towel;
  • special preparations will help you. Medicines are usually released in the form of syrups or suppositories. The safest drug for newborns is paracetamol.

Summing up

  • Thermoregulation of the newborn is carried out gradually. This means that the temperature of a small child differs from the adult norm of 36.6 degrees.
  • When measuring temperature, consider the possible errors of the thermometer, the features of the chosen method and the time of day. Pay attention to the condition of the baby.
  • Low temperature is typical for babies only in the first year of life. Sometimes hypothermia becomes chronic.
  • To eliminate an attack of hypothermia in the body of a newborn, it is better to simply hug him to you and warm him with warmth.
  • Most often, fever is a sign of a cold. The baby may have snot, sore throat and other accompanying symptoms.
  • A slight increase in temperature during a cold is good for the child's body, as it strengthens the immune system. It is believed that the body can cope with a slight heat at a temperature of 38 degrees.
  • If you choose to give antipyretics, choose ones that are safe for your baby's age.
  • You can bring down or raise the temperature without abusing the use of physical methods and folk remedies.
  • When choosing medications, remember that aspirin is not currently recommended for use in children under 15 years of age.
  • Snot and cough are not the most dangerous accompanying symptoms at high temperatures. You should immediately consult a doctor if the baby has not only a fever, but also diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Newborns may have convulsions during a rise in temperature in the first year. There is nothing dangerous here.
  • Heat exchange in a small child is a very important component of health. Even an ordinary diaper covers about 30% of the baby's body, at a temperature it is better to remove it.
  • It is necessary to call an ambulance if the baby's temperature in the armpits was more than 39 degrees, and with a rectal measurement - more than 40.

We are used to the fact that body temperature can tell a lot about the state of our body.

And when a small child appears in the house, parents are very much concerned about his well-being and worry that the baby does not catch a cold or get sick.

Therefore, they often measure his body temperature, and even a slight increase in it sometimes raises many questions and concerns.

But is it worth it to worry so much about a slight increase in temperature, and what should be its indicators for a child up to a year old?

We will talk about this and not only in our article.

Features of thermoregulation in an infant

The thermoregulation center, which ensures the uniform formation of heat in the body and its return, is located in the brain. And in children of the first year of life, this system does not work perfectly. They can easily become overheated and supercooled, and therefore become suddenly hot or cold for a short period of time.

In addition, babies tend to have a slightly higher body temperature than adults.

So, due to the imperfection of the thermoregulation system in newborns of the first days of life, the body temperature can rise once to 38-39 ° C, and generally stay within 37.4 ° C.

By three months, the body temperature is slightly normalized, but still continues to be higher than that of an adult. For a child of the first year of life, it is normal when the body temperature at night is lower than during the day and in the evening.

So, the following temperature is considered normal in a child up to a year:

1 when measured in the armpits: 36-37 ° C

2 when measured in the rectum: 36.9-37.4 ° C

3 when measured in the mouth: 36.6-37.2 ° C

To determine your child's normal body temperature, take it every day at the same time and in the same place. If you measure in the armpits, then always use the right or left side.

What methods of temperature measurement can be used?

Let's start with the oldest and most reliable method - measurement mercury thermometer in the armpit. Before measuring, check that the thermometer readings are about 35 ° C. It is better to carry out the procedure on the couch, away from the tiled floors, so that the thermometer cannot break if it falls. Fix the thermometer and hold the child's hand for 5 minutes.

Digital Thermometer with a metal tip measures temperature less accurately, since it requires closer contact than in the armpit. Therefore, it is better to use it to measure the temperature in the rectum or in the mouth.

When measuring by the rectal method, the thermometer should be inserted carefully no more than 2 cm, after having lubricated it with cream or petroleum jelly. If the child is very small, this method of measurement can be dangerous, since children have very delicate rectal walls. And older children can resist or move very actively.

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Therefore, for those who cannot use a mercury thermometer, there are disposable indicator strips or teat thermometers which are usually not difficult to use.

Try to take the temperature in a way that does not disturb the child too much and does not cause him to react negatively to the thermometer. Check the temperature only when you suspect an increase.

How to suspect a fever

You need to check the temperature by touching the cheek to the forehead of the child. Usually mom immediately feels if the forehead is even a little hotter than usual. But there are other signs that are characteristic of fever in young children.

It can be:

1 lethargy and moodiness

2 heavy drinking and dryness of the tongue, lips

3 rapid heart rate and breathing

4 red cheeks or vice versa, pallor

5 "painful" red and shiny eyes.

But even if the temperature of the child has risen within 38 degrees, this does not mean that he is ill.

Cases of fever in infants, not associated with the disease

It is precisely because of the imperfect system of thermoregulation that we described above that in children under one year old, an increase in body temperature does not always indicate the development of an infectious or viral disease.

If your child's temperature was not higher than 38°C when measured, check and analyze the likelihood of the following points.

1 Whether there was an overheating of the baby. This is quite common, because it is so easy to wrap a child or quietly overheat in the sun. But they need very little to disturb the internal balance of temperature. Open the child or take him home in the shade. The temperature should drop within half an hour. It is also possible that the child does not have enough water and is thirsty.

2 Constipation can cause fever. Make sure that the child goes to the toilet every day, in extreme cases, breaks should not exceed 2 days.

3 Strong activity of the child before the measurement, as well as crying. Perhaps the baby played and ran a lot, or maybe he cried a lot. It is undesirable for absolutely crumbs to measure the temperature during breast sucking, it may rise slightly at this moment and for some time after feeding.

4 teething. You need to be careful with this, since often the child’s illness was attributed to teething, and as a result, the development of serious complications in the baby was missed.

It is important to remember that if the temperature exceeds 38 ° C or lasts for several days, then the reason for this is the development of the disease.

In a child, it can be SARS, and childhood infections like measles and rubella, intestinal infections or urinary tract infections.

What to do if the child is sick

First, you need to call a doctor. Then measure the temperature. If it exceeds 38 ° C, then you need to lower the temperature with the help of drugs or non-drug methods. The fact is that in children under one year old, an increase in temperature above 38-38.5 ° C can cause convulsions. This is especially true for children with disorders of the central nervous system due to difficult childbirth or hypoxia.

When the doctor comes, you need to be ready to answer his questions. To do this, write down the temperature readings that you received. And also remember all the events that preceded the disease and that may be important for the diagnosis. If you have given your child any medications or vaccinations, be sure to tell the doctor about it.

Do not worry in case of high temperature, it is not always a sign of a serious illness, but can only reflect the individual peculiarity of the child's struggle with the disease.

It is necessary to create all favorable conditions for the speedy recovery of the child. To do this, ventilate the room every half hour in the absence of a child. Keep the air temperature there at about 20 ° C, and also take care of the correct humidity in the room. It should be 50-60%.

If the child does not have an appetite, give preference to drinking plenty of fluids. Don't force him to eat. But even if the appetite has not disappeared, it is better to switch to light food and feeding in small portions during the illness, so as not to burden the body with the digestion of food.

And let the child sleep more, and so he will play less and mostly lie down. But don't disturb him just because you need to eat or take his temperature.

Ways to lower the temperature without the use of drugs

These methods can lower the body temperature by a whole degree, for example, from 39 to 38, which is quite significant.

First, completely undress the child, including the diaper. Rinse your child with warm water. Walk with a damp sponge over all parts of the body, starting with the face and moving on to the arms, legs and back. Wiping with cold water or alcohol is not recommended, as this can cause vasospasm and an even greater increase in temperature.

Simultaneously with these measures, let the baby drink as much as possible.

Other ways to lower the temperature

Here we mean drugs, the dosage of which should be prescribed by a doctor.

You can use products based on paracetamol or ibuprofen. Doctors do not recommend the use of aspirin, as it often causes complications in children.