In the Pskov region, teenagers opened fire on the police, and then shot themselves. All that is known about the Pskov tragedy

Published on 11/15/16 00:57

Shooting in the Pskov region: Netizens doubt the suicide version of two 15-year-olds who shot at a police car.

Shooting in Pskov last news: Netizens doubt the version of the suicide of two 15-year-olds

Netizens doubt the version of the suicide of two 15-year-olds who shot at a police car near Pskov. So, in the video broadcast that they conducted on Periscop, it is said that all their weapons were taken away from them and they cannot commit suicide.

However, representatives of SOBR claim that they did not open fire on teenagers, but found them with gunshot wounds.

"Policemen intcbatch took measures to block off a section of the area and ensure the safety of citizens in the adjacent territory, as well as measures to disarm schoolchildren and rescue them from their homes. However, despite all efforts, the tragedy could not be avoided. Teenagers committed suicide," the press service of the City Administration said.

“When entering the house, SOBR officers discovered an opened safe, which previously contained a hunting rifle and ammunition, and next to it was the body of a girl and a young man with clear signs suicide. During the operation, SOBR officers did not open fire," the National Guard said in a statement.

To date, it is known that Denis and Ekaterina (that is the name of the dead teenagers) are a couple in love. Denis disappeared from home after a quarrel with his parents, as well as his girlfriend.

“I loved you, but you yourself didn’t notice how you destroyed my psyche and life. Forgive everyone: friends, family, and acquaintances. Don’t worry, I’ll leave beautifully. Good luck to everyone in your life and please don’t be afraid to live the way you want or see fit. best life. Love you. Denis," Denis wrote on VKontakte.

During the broadcast, 15-year-olds explained that they were in a house owned by the girl’s family, and the hunting rifles were the property of her stepfather, who is a “special forces [quote from Ekaterina]”.

Teenagers in Pskov left a dying VIDEO, where they talked about the reasons for the perfect

In the latest dying video of Pskov teenagers, they say that during the negotiations they handed over all their weapons up to knives and are considering whether they should surrender to Sobol (presumably, they call SOBR so). The full transcript of the recording is published by Meduza.

Teenagers in Pskov broadcast VIDEO in Periscop

Denis: I'll have to pay for everything. I killed two dogs, I shot through a window in a bathhouse, a neighbor's, a cop's car, shot at policemen, took off my shoulder straps.

Catherine: The parents are nearby.

Denis: Parents are really not far away. Together with Sobol. "Sable" still walks around the house so that we do not run away.

Catherine: Have you taken all the weapons? (Question from a viewer of the broadcast).

Denis: Knives too. So we can't kill ourselves.

Catherine: We cannot end our lives.

Denis: And as you know, this is not an option.

Moreover, they emphasize that they can be killed by the security services, as they are unarmed.


Catherine: Yes, we can be killed.

Denis:"Sable" - he will not understand, he will not wring. Because "Sable" - it kills. He kicks the door with a special ****** from his foot and just - bang-bang-bang, and we are corpses.

The schoolchildren also told their "listeners" and empathizers (judging by the conversation, these are classmates and their acquaintances) where they got the money from.

Catherine:"Where did you get the grandmother?" Well, first we withdrew money from Denis's mother's card, and then ... And then how?

Denis: Granny gave. And we won't tell you another way.

The teenagers stressed once again that there were not many options for them to act, either to give up and "sit down" or stay in the house and wait for them to "just be shot."

Denis: We just give up, there are no more options.

Catherine: We have an option to surrender. But it's no use, because life...<…>“What then if you don’t give up?”

Denis: And if we do not surrender, they will kill us

Catherine: And if we don't give up, riyal... "Everyone is watching." Who is everyone watching?<…>The whole class is watching me! (Laughs). "I will miss you so much!" Maxon, we'll miss you too. Honestly. For everyone. "What's the matter with you?" I have some cuts on my hands from my mother. With us... We are morally dead.

Denis: It's just that if we give up, we're not likely to see you again. We are being shoved into different cities and different schools.

Ekaterina and Denis say in the video that they can be killed by the special services, the teenagers emphasize that they are unarmed, but call the video their "last word".

Denis: Need to say last words and you have to think, because time is really short. And then "Sable" will come and kill us *****. Catherine: Yes, we can be killed.

Denis: "Sable" - he will not understand, he will not wring. Because "Sable" - it kills. He kicks the door with a special ****** from his foot and just - bang-bang-bang, and we are corpses.

On November 14, a tragedy occurred in the Pskov region. 15-year-old teenagers Denis and Ekaterina first obtained weapons, opened a safe in the relatives' house, and then opened fire on police officers whose car was parked outside the house, while they turned on a live broadcast on the Internet.

When the capture team broke into the house, the teenagers were dead. They committed suicide. Romantic interpretations of the tragedy immediately appeared. These teenagers began to be compared with Bonnie and Clyde - the famous American robber-lovers, or even with Romeo and Juliet.

No one should be confused by such reasoning. When a person takes up arms, even if he is a teenager, and starts shooting at the police, other rules apply, not romantic, but very strict. But was it possible to stop Denis and Katya and avoid the tragedy?

Pskov Romeo and Juliet, or maybe Bonnie and Clyde, as the ninth graders called themselves, or just Denis Muravyov and Katya Vlasova. in different graves. Not like the characters in Shakespeare's tragedy, which they never read.

The village of Struga Krasnye. Few have ever heard of him. The houses are hidden somewhere in the depths of the forest, and even for those traveling along the highway past regular buses, this is a stop on demand, where Katya and Denis got off.

The money for the ticket, like teenagers, as they later boasted on the net, they withdrew in Pskov from their parent's card. It seemed more difficult to get to the parent's dacha. But plastic window on the first floor, the children opened it with an ordinary penknife, like a tin can.

In the bullet holes gaping in the fence, all the signs prosperous life: well-groomed territory, swings and toys. None of the local residents still suspected that Katya had problems in the family.

“The callousness of parents, the inability to show affection either to themselves, or to each other, or to children. Here they come to beat them. Was it a pity for them to live in this empty cold dacha? - Evgeny Tomkovich is perplexed.

It seems that no one has lived in the house for a long time - the barn with firewood is almost empty. Schoolchildren, covered with blankets, spent three whole days at this dacha. So, apparently, they would have lived on until Katya's mother found the children, and the children did not find weapons and whiskey.

“We slept peacefully, started knocking on the door. Thought it was grandma. And that's where my mom is. I was just holding a knife. In the end, somehow it so happened that they cut my hands. In short, Denis first threatened them - they say, leave. Calmly. They are generally zero reaction. Then he just shot somewhere, hit my mother’s right thigh,” says Katya.

“They say, ‘Leave us alone. Why did you come? These are not suicide texts,” says psychologist Lena Feigin.

The whole country watched as they approached death. Monstrous bravado, similar to hysteria - in live Internet.

For Katya and Denis, the point of no return seems to have already been passed. Here they are firing on a police loaf. But they are aiming at the neighbor's house. Frightened to death, pensioner Lyubov Pavlova remembered these words of the negotiators forever.

“Denis says: “I’m coming to you, take Katerina by the hand and come out.” I can’t say that they were threatened there, no,” says Lyubov Pavlova.

But Katya and Denis list their deeds without hope of forgiveness: they broke into a house, ruined property, and suddenly they killed someone.

“And then there are messages from parents who also do not cheer, but on the contrary, they say: “What have you done? How are we going to pay for this now and get out of this situation? And here we are looking at the fact that with teenagers, even after that, it would be possible to somehow stop this tragedy, if you explain to them what the consequences of their actions will be, tell them that now it is possible to rewind this situation and still not be so bad. , - notes psychologist Lena Feigin.

Immediately after the tragedy, local authorities ordered to check the social networks of schoolchildren and, of course, the schoolchildren themselves.

“We were asked how much time you spend at the computer, how friends and relatives treat us, whether they scold us for sitting in computers for a long time,” says the student.

But this week, the answers to the two most important questions will not appear: why did the children die, and was it really impossible to save them?

School number 24 is perhaps the best in Pskov. Sign at the entrance - video surveillance is underway as if someone's cruel joke. Denis is from the ninth B, Katya is from the parallel class.

“Katya has always been a calm girl. Chatted with her. And Denis was so shy, modest. We did not know that this would happen, we did not expect this, ”classmates say.

Telephone class teachers She hasn’t answered for a week, but Katya’s classmates told her parents that on the eve of the escape, she came to school with abrasions and bruises. The girl was beaten by her stepfather. And after all, he could repent, ask for forgiveness in the last minutes before the assault.

In Struga Krasny, many knew the Vlasov family personally.

“So I think that they became very rich and stopped looking after their children,” the neighbor says.

The house, against the background of others, of course, is different - two floors, apparently 300 meters, from the rear - you can’t imagine it on purpose - it’s an impregnable fortress. The river borders the site. Could they calculate everything? That they will gain time in this way, and even if they win, then what should be the finale?

An hour before the alleged assault, Katya and Denis admitted in a video chat that they had surrendered all their weapons: “We only have such a ladle left.” They didn't get in touch anymore. And the Investigative Committee knows why - not only the ladle remained.

"There was one unit firearms, and was near the body of one of the teenagers. And about 75 more rounds. And this is not counting empty shells, ”says the senior assistant to the head of the department Investigative Committee Russian Federation for the Pskov region Anton Dobrokhotov.

Here are the same cartridges - on the frames of the operational chronicle. There was no happy ending.

“I think that if a man came out, he would show that he was without a weapon and would just ask for negotiations with him, if there was such a negotiator, I think within an hour or two he would persuade these children to lay down their weapons and go out into the street . In addition to the loudspeaker from the ditch with incomprehensible legible words, without understanding the situation, the impression was that they did not even know that the girl was not hostage, ”said Aleksey Filatov, vice president of the international association of veterans of the Alfa anti-terror unit, lieutenant colonel of the FSB reserve.

The schoolchildren from their hiding place could hardly make out what was being asked of them, and wished they had a megaphone to answer as well. But adults only needed to go online, where the issue of life and death was decided, where children like Denis and Katya assured them that it was all over, and they would never be forgiven.

More attention should be paid to children. There has always been this problem. But now she's aggravated. Parents often work a lot. And who is richer, and there is a wide choice of entertainment. And children do not get out of the Internet. If anyone has children in a transitional difficult age, take a closer look, are you all right?

In the village of Strugi Krasnye in the Pskov region, 15-year-old teenagers Denis M. and Ekaterina V., having barricaded themselves in one of the houses, opened fire from firearms at police officers, after which they committed suicide. According to the Pskov Information Agency, first the young man shot the girl, his girlfriend, and then himself.

The teenagers were in the house of Ekaterina's stepfather, a commando, and they took weapons from his safe, the schoolgirl told about this during a broadcast on the periscope. Denis admitted in this broadcast that he "killed two dogs" and "shot Katya's mother's leg."

Answering questions about their actions on the periscope, the teenagers spoke about problems with their parents: “You feel sorry for your parents? Why didn’t they feel sorry for us? They never felt sorry for us. They support us now because they want to return us, but why, now it’s too late You understand, if we return, then everything, life will essentially be over. Criminal, problems with parents, problems at school. "

They also said that they withdrew money from Denis's card, took money from his grandmother and used this money to come to this house, which is located about 80 kilometers from their place of residence. In addition, the teenagers assumed that they would be killed if the special forces broke into their house.

Shot police car. Frame from the broadcast in the periscope

"I'm not a hostage. This is my conscious choice," - wrote on VKontakte Ekaterina shortly before her death.

After the house was stormed, the videos were removed from Denis's periscope by someone (this could have been done by the police who took his phone), but the videos managed to reupload on YouTube.

November 14, 21:42 The National Guard stated that they had nothing to do with the death of teenagers. "When entering the house, SOBR officers found an open safe, which had previously contained a hunting rifle and ammunition, and next to it, the body of a girl and a young man with obvious signs of suicide. During the operation, SOBR officers did not open fire," TASS reported. in the press service of the northwestern district of the Russian Guard troops.

November 15, 15:50 The prosecutor's office of the Pskov region is checking "on the fact of non-suppression officials Department of Internal Affairs of illegal possession of weapons, from which two minors opened fire on police officers.

As a result of violation of the requirements for the storage of weapons on 11/14/2016, two minors, having taken possession of a traumatic pistol and two guns, wounded a woman from a traumatic pistol, and also committed an encroachment on the life of employees of the Strugo-Krasnensky Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, opening fire on them with firearms.

After committing a particularly serious crime under Article 317 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (encroachment on the life of a law enforcement officer), minors committed suicide.

The actions of the SOBR unit of the Rosgvardiya department for the Pskov region to suppress the criminal attacks of teenagers are legal.

The authorities of the prosecutor's office of the region also organized an inspection, during which they will find out the living conditions of minors in families, their relations in the student team, the presence of facts of unlawful behavior of adolescents in the past, leaving home and the reaction of the subjects of the prevention system to this.

15 years. You become an adult. An unfamiliar boy is closer than mom and dad. I want to extraordinary life. And parents pray: rather to survive transitional age. In the Pskov region, Denis Muravyov and Katya Vlasova did not survive. They locked themselves in the dacha with guns and, when SOBR began the assault, they shot themselves.

Both Denis and Katya are from quite wealthy families. Katya's stepfather served in the Federal Penitentiary Service. Denis' mother is an entrepreneur. Yes, and they went to school, perhaps the best in Pskov. With a media edge. You look, and they would have entered the journalism department.

Social networks, whether you like it or not, capture your every move. Seven months ago, Denis and Katya decided that they were a couple. And they immediately reported it to everyone on the social network VKontakte. Thin, curvy, they even somewhat resembled each other.

But Katya's mother did not want to hear about the hasty hobby. On the nose of the exam. What is this love? March to class!

Katya secretly ran away to Denis. They skipped classes together. What exam, when spring is in the yard, birds sing and the soul is wide open?

Of course they quarreled. Sometimes for good. Who loved in 15 years, he knows. It all started a week ago, last Thursday. Katya began to ask for leave from her friend with an overnight stay. Mother in any. My stepfather was on a business trip. Katya slammed the door. Mom got dressed and followed. A friend had Denis. The scandal was such that the neighbors were going to call the police. Getting slapped in the face with a lover, what could be worse? Denis could not stand it and stood up for his Katya. She, of course, was dragged home. But the daughter ran away again. Already for good.

Denis stole his mother's credit card. Mom was in the Arkhangelsk region - she was selling her apartment. Withdrew money. Then together with Katya to the station. Katya's stepfather had a dacha 80 kilometers away in the village of Strugi-Krasnye. Sturdy two-story house near the station. A window on the first floor was broken. We got in. They did not heat up - so as not to attract attention. In the kitchen they found "doshirak". Boiled the kettle. Do you need a lot of cute? From the cold they wrapped themselves in the robes of their older brother. They remembered these three days as the best in their lives. Nobody needs them. And they do not need anyone, and even more so.

They opened an iron box where my stepfather kept a hunting weapon. And then a surprise! In addition to two Izhevsk "verticals" there was a bottle of "Red Label", cigarettes and a gun. They started fooling around. Got drunk.

But my mother did not sit idly by. On Monday I rushed to Struga-Krasny. One must be very naive, believing that young people will not be looked for in this nest. My mother brought my grandmother to help. She is in Strugi Respected man. Works in a hospital. And for sure she knew about the secret of Denis and Katya.

Further events rushed like one bloody lump. Another scandal. Yes, not a scandal, but a scandal! I understand a worried mom. Three days without a wink of an eye. Morgues, police stations. I don’t know what I would have said myself ... Mom vomited from Katya hunting knife so much so that blood spurted from Katya's finger.

"They cut my hand. Deniska stood up for me. He warned. What else was left for us?" (From Katya's message in social networks).

It was probably the trigger. Denis shot the failed mother-in-law. Hit in the right thigh. Oh yes, according to some reports, the gun was still traumatic. Hurt. But not fatal. Mom left with her grandmother on her own. And straight to the police.

History does not know the subjunctive mood. But if my mother had not gone to the police, but had waited for her commando from a business trip, then the children would have been alive. But on the other hand, two drunk teenagers with a big arsenal are a threat. And what a! It's hard for me to judge.

The arsenal that was discovered in the house after the death of Denis and Katya. Photo:

The first shot was fired at the police "loaf". Glasses clattered down into the fluffy snow. Began.

Modern youth is unthinkable without smartphones. Ours is no exception. At 11.30 they started a live broadcast on Periscope. For those who are not familiar with social networks, this is such an Internet channel where you can transmit everything that is happening around you in real time. I have watched these broadcasts. They are now carefully wiped from the web. So hurry up. Someone saw unbridled hipsters demanding attention. And I saw tragedy. Two fragile individuals. Wind in my head. In the hands of a gun. Behind the bravado is a terrible fear. And the hope that they will be stopped. They didn't stop.

The police authorities arrived from Pskov. SOBR (now this is a division of the Russian Guard. - Yu.S.) blocked the dacha. And the children had fun. They were glad that they were now known in Moscow itself. That the number of Periscope subscribers is growing every minute.

"In general, kid, I'm telling. We are 15 years old. We are children. We ran away from home. The cops came to us. We started shooting at them, because they let us. We lived quietly together, did not touch anyone ..." - this is one of the entries. "The cops allowed" this because Denis shouted to the policeman through the window with a wild laugh:

May I shoot you?


"For three days we lived normally. Just perfect. Now this bullshit with the cops is going on. They can leave, the parents pick up the application. And forget everything. Leave us."

"School, lesson ... And we have a life. How sad when there are two cartridges left."

They knew that there would be an assault. They couldn't help but know. And they prepared for it. They decided that they were going to kill themselves. Katya from the back room brought cellophane for the greenhouse and laid it on the floor. This, they say, so that the brains do not spoil the floor when we shoot. And laughter. This laugh makes my skin crawl. Yes, what the hell is going on?

And the police were spitting into a hoarse megaphone. Give up, give up, give up. Didn't even change the batteries...

Denis threw both guns out the window. Still no more ammo. The pistol remained. The broadcast was not interrupted. There was still something else that could be done. Explain, persuade, hug...

16.00. Storm. Light-noise grenades flew. Special tool "Zarya". It bangs so that you turn to stone from the light and the explosion. Not like pulling the shutter, you can’t remember anything. But it was too late. Two bodies on cellophane. And Katya's bangs soaked in a pool of scarlet blood.

"The operation was crowned with success" - so the chiefs must have reported. The source of the threat has been eliminated. Rumors immediately spread around Strugi-Krasny: the special forces killed the young people. After all, they had a gun without cartridges! Even so, the fighters acted strictly according to the instructions. To knock out an armed enemy at any cost is their the main task. Whether they are children or not, it doesn't matter.

The house in the village of Strugi-Krasny in the Pskov region, where everything happened. Photo:

All over the Pskov region parent meetings. Everyone denounced social media. Proposed to ban teenagers from using the Internet. And teachers to control the posts of their students, if such happen. Ban Periscope! Journalists should not cover tragic events if they are related to teenagers. After all, the thirst for glory pushes the fragile psyche to crime. Proposals, one more absurd than the other, poured out as if from a cornucopia.

I visited the local school, which is located a kilometer from the ill-fated house. Talked to teachers. Struga-Red tiny. And the school immediately became aware of the tragedy. The staff psychologist came running. Each teacher was ready to negotiate, albeit at the risk of his life. But no one ever turned to them for help!

And the negotiations were conducted through a damaged megaphone by some policeman. It would be better to go to Periscope and talk to them on their wave. Shoot yourself!

Well it cost to run into the house child psychologist. She would definitely find motivation to live (let it be a fragile woman. - Auth.). Well, it's like two and two! First course in psychology. A psychologist would explain that, yes, they messed up. But not fatal. Mom's leg will heal. Glass will be inserted into the police UAZ. Parents, of course, will be fined. And you will be together. To the tombstone. 70 years, no less. But no. There were threats. And the deadline was set: 40 minutes - and we begin the assault. Deadline is for journalists last minute when you can submit the material. From English - the trait of death. They crossed it without hesitation.

“I loved you, but you yourself didn’t notice how you destroyed my psyche and life. Forgive everyone: friends, family, and acquaintances. Don’t worry, I’ll leave beautifully. Good luck to everyone in your life and please don’t be afraid to live the way you want and see fit. Life for your own pleasure is the best life. I love you, Denis."

They will be buried in different graves. Not like Romeo and Juliet, which they never read. And up to Bonnie and Clyde, as they called themselves, they do not grow up. There is no sadder story in the world when you are not understood, and you are flying into the unknown. After all, in a week no one will remember them. Not on Periscope, not on Instagram. Except for the parents who carry this cross.

Shocking events took place on Monday in the village of Strugi Krasny near Pskov. First in social network On Instagram, a local teenager, a student at one of the schools, posted a video showing him firing a hunting rifle at police car.

“Well, what can I say? Last day of life! the teenager said to the camera. The next minute, he cocks both hammers on a double-barreled shotgun and shoots twice at a "loaf" van with the word "Police" written on it.

It can be seen that with the second shot the guy hits the side window of the MVD car. Off-screen, a girl's scream is heard.

A little later, the local Pskov Information Agency reported that the teenager who appears in the video had previously been listed as missing, and a police car arrived at the house where, according to operational information, he could be. From the windows of this house, the guy fired at law enforcement officers. According to a source familiar with the situation, at that moment the young man and the girl were in the apartment.

Shortly thereafter, the guy shot his girlfriend and then committed suicide.

According to a Gazeta.Ru source familiar with the situation, earlier the girl's mother and her grandmother managed to get into the apartment, who tried to convince the teenagers to lay down their arms. But the guy fired a gun and wounded his girlfriend's mother in the thigh.

As it became known to Gazeta.Ru from relatives of the deceased, he and his girlfriend studied in parallel classes. On his Instagram, the teenager posted several photos related to the incident. One of the pictures shows two hunting rifles with a lot of cartridges for them, a pistol that looks like a TT and an empty clip for it, a pack of dollars, two walkie-talkies, a hunting knife, a pack of condoms and captain's shoulder straps, presumably one of the law enforcement agencies. Another picture shows the heroes of this story. The girl is holding a gun, and the guy who is standing behind her has taken the epaulette in his hand.

“They stripped their epaulettes. Darova “Black Dolphin,” reads the caption to this picture.

Before the tragic events, the girl wrote two posts on her social network VKontakte.

“I loved you. But you yourself did not notice how you destroyed my psyche and life. Farewell to all and friends, and family, and acquaintances. Don't worry, I'll leave beautifully. Good luck to everyone in your life and please don't be afraid to live the way you want or see fit. Living for pleasure is the best life. I love you, ”- such words are contained in her first entry.

The second post sounds much more concise.

“I am not a hostage, this is my conscious choice,” the girl writes on the wall of VKontakte.

Many friends and acquaintances of young people are shocked by what happened and say that they did not expect this from them at all.

“It was my classmate and friend from the parallel class. When I was told this news, at first I could not believe it. In the morning I talked with them and hoped that everything would work out and they would come to their senses. I tried to call them, but her phone was switched off, and her boyfriend's was unavailable. On this moment everyone is in great shock, our leader and classmates. I feel guilty that I didn't send her home when she came to see me.

And at the moment I feel very sorry for her parents and the boyfriend's parents, because these guys were very good friends and comrades.

They do not take drugs, and the fact that they committed suicide can only be explained by the influence of alcohol and fear for what they have done, in particular for having shot my mother. They were afraid of responsibility, ”a friend of the deceased girl told Gazeta.Ru. According to her, the decision to commit suicide came to young people suddenly, they did not have this in their plans initially.

ABOUT young man it is known that he came to the Pskov region with his parents from the city of Mirny, Arkhangelsk region. According to the teachers of Mirny's school, where the deceased went, he had good ability, he easily mastered the subjects of the program, but he had a complex character, during his studies at school, conflict situations often occurred.

“About the guy, I only know that he lived with his stepfather, and in his free time from lessons he was engaged in some kind of martial arts in the section, like karate. And at school he was very fond of mathematics, ”a friend of the deceased, who asked not to be named, explained to Gazeta.Ru.

Less information was found out about the girl.

“They were both cheerful, very cheerful. She also told me that she didn't love her father. I don't know exactly why. But I realized that there was some kind of conflict between her and her dad, ”another mutual friend of the teenagers told Gazeta.Ru.

According to a source familiar with the situation, the young people took the weapon from which the crime was committed from a safe located in the girl’s apartment.

Now law enforcement officers have to find out the details of the tragic incident. According to the Pskov Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, a criminal case has been opened on the fact of shelling a police car under the article "Encroachment on the life of a law enforcement officer."

“It has been established that two 15-year-old armed teenagers barricaded themselves in a house in the village of Strugi Krasnye. Law enforcement officers negotiated for several hours, but no result was achieved. Later, minors stopped communicating at all. In this regard, a special operation was planned with the involvement of SOBR officers of the Russian Guard department in the Pskov region. When the special forces officers used flash-noise grenades and went on the assault, the teenagers were found dead with gunshot wounds. Their identities have been established, investigators are working with the children's parents," the press service of the regional department of the Investigative Committee told reporters.

They added that a forensic medical examination, as well as a post-mortem psychological and psychiatric examination, were appointed in the case. In addition, investigators are looking into whether the teenagers used drugs or alcohol before the incident.

"IN without fail the living conditions of adolescents, as well as the reasons and conditions that prompted them to take such a desperate step, will be studied, ”the Investigative Committee of the Pskov Region reported.

The governor of the region Andrei Turchak expressed his condolences in connection with the death of teenagers.

For parents, the loss of a child is terrible tragedy. No words can soften the pain of loss. I am sure that law enforcement agencies will conduct a thorough investigation into the causes of suicide, as well as the fact of an attack on representatives of law enforcement agencies, ”the Pskov Information Agency quotes the words of the head of the region.