7 children died. A terrible tragedy in Kholmskaya: Burning children tried to the end to carry their one-year-old brother out of the fire. There are dark spirits, they roam, they fly

Saturday will be a day of mourning for the residents of the Abinsk district of the Krasnodar Territory. The reason for this is the death of seven children in a fire in a private house. How informed RIA Novosti representative of the district administration, the district authorities are currently organizing the funeral of children. The date of the funeral has not yet been determined. Due to mourning, all entertainment events have been cancelled.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article "Causing death by negligence." The sanction of this article involves up to four years in prison. The fire that killed the children occurred in a private house in the village of Kholmskaya (60 km from Krasnodar) on Gogol Street.

By data SK, in a private house where the tragedy happened, there lived a family of two adults and five children. In the evening, relatives came to them to leave their two children for the night. When the adults left, the children decided to light the stove, but forgot to close the damper, as a result of which the fire broke out. A RIA Novosti source in the city's emergency services gives a different version:

according to him, the alleged cause of the fire was a malfunction of the gas equipment.

How informs Ministry of Emergency Situations, a message about the fire was received by the dispatcher at 23.29 Moscow time. A few minutes after the arrival of the first units, it was established what was happening on an area of ​​​​about 60 square meters. m. After midnight, the fire was localized, and at 1.30 Moscow time - eliminated. “56 people and 21 pieces of equipment were involved in the elimination of the fire, from the Russian Emergencies Ministry - 22 personnel and ten pieces of equipment,” follows from the message of the Ministry of Emergencies.

Investigators note that eyewitnesses immediately noticed the fire. “A relative of the family began to remove the children who were in the house, having received burns. Despite the measures taken, it was not possible to save the children, ”the IC said in a statement. The injured man is currently in the Abinsk regional hospital (the regional center of Abinsk - 20 km from the village of Kholmskaya) with burns to his hands and upper body.

According to preliminary data,

children died from carbon monoxide poisoning and combustion products - the bodies of the kids were not even touched by fire. The children who died in the fire ranged from one to ten years old.

“Currently, the investigation has ordered the necessary examinations to establish the causes of the fire and the death of children. The investigation of the criminal case continues,” sums up the Investigative Committee.

The neighbor of the family in which the tragedy occurred, told that her son Alexander was one of the first who rushed to save the children. “He rushed into the house, covering his face with the sleeve of his jacket so as not to inhale the smoke, and immediately began to find the children. He took out one girl from under the closet, the other boy was lying on the bed, covered with rags. When I found a small one, I decided that it could still be saved. He pulled her out into the street and began to do artificial respiration, but blackness came out of her mouth, and it was not possible to resuscitate her, ”the woman said.

In addition, it became known from a neighbor that the mother of the children who died in the fire is in late pregnancy: “They also have an older, sixth child. He is already 16 years old and lives with his grandmother. How she will experience this loss, it’s even scary to think. After all, she is about to give birth to the seventh baby.

The district administration stated that

this family was not registered with social services as dysfunctional.

Be that as it may, representatives of social services will also understand the current situation on a par with investigators.

The Governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Veniamin Kondratiev, ordered to provide assistance to the families who suffered this tragedy. “On behalf of Veniamin Kondratiev, the families will be provided with all the necessary assistance, including psychological. The head of the region also instructed representatives of social services to look into the current situation and expressed confidence that the investigating authorities would give an answer as soon as possible about what happened that night, ”the administration of the governor of Kuban reported.

The head of the Krasnodar Territory also commented on what happened on Twitter...

The Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory, as part of an investigation into the death of seven children in a fire, charged two parents.

Location of the fire

Photo: Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Krasnodar Territory

As Yugopolis was informed in the press service of the law enforcement agency, the investigation of the criminal case initiated on the fact of the death of seven children aged from one to 10 years as a result of a fire in an honest household in the village of Kholmskaya is ongoing.

During the investigation, two parents were charged with committing a crime under part 3 of article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (inflicting death by negligence on two or more persons).

Currently, the issue of choosing preventive measures against the accused is being considered, a 52-year-old man has been detained. This is about Valeria Denisenko, who on October 13 took part in Andrey Malakhov's talk show "Let them talk."

The fire occurred in the village of Kholmskaya, Abinsky district, Krasnodar Territory late in the evening on October 8. After localizing the fire, rescuers, and some time later, three more dead children were found.

According to the Investigative Committee of the ICR of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory, adults on the night of October 9, they purchased alcoholic drinks in one of the shops of the village, bottles of which were found in their car. The parents decided to return home only when they froze - the air temperature in the village of Kholmskaya on the night of October 9 was about zero.

In addition, the experts found that the source of ignition was inside the house. The version of the parents of the dead children about the arson was not confirmed.

Parents said that the house was heated with a gas boiler converted to solid fuel (wood). But the investigators found out that in fact the house was heated with a wood-burning stove, which was installed in the room where the fire started.

Thus, according to the investigation, the death of children in the fire was the result of improper performance of their duties by parents.

In addition, after the tragedy, the elder brother of the dead kids accused the mother of the tragedy. A 16-year-old teenager told how his aunt was engaged in his upbringing from the age of three months. At this time, his mother, despite numerous pregnancies, abused alcohol.

In 2012, a justice of the peace fined a mother of many children for child abuse - a woman and forced him to eat cigarette butts.

Could the tragic death of seven children in Kholmskaya have been prevented? - this topic is devoted to the author's column of the editor-in-chief of "Yugopolis" Valentina Artyukhina published on the portal.

During the fire, the children were alone in the house. Where at that moment there were adults - parents and their friends who came to visit on October 8 - the investigation finds out. A criminal case has been opened on the fact of the death of children in the Abinsk region.

Children tried to escape

On October 8, at about 11:30 p.m., residents of the village of Kholmskaya called the Ministry of Emergency Situations: a private adobe house caught fire on Gogol Street. A few minutes later, three fire crews arrived on the scene. By the time they appeared, fire had engulfed about 60 square meters of housing. The flames were extinguished only by one in the morning, and the rescuers began to clear the rubble.

First they found the bodies of four children, and after a while three more. The body of one of the girls was found under a closet, and one of the boys was lying on the bed, covered with rags. Apparently, the children tried to escape - as best they could.

Place of tragedy. Family home after the fire. Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Krasnodar Territory

One of the first on the scene was a relative of the injured family. He ran into the burning house and tried to pull the guys out. Neighbors say that he immediately saw the children, who were either unconscious or already dead. One of the girls, eight-year-old Dasha, he took out into the street. But he could not bring him back to life, and he himself received burns. At the moment, the man is hospitalized in the Abinsk regional hospital.

According to the press service of the Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Krasnodar Territory, according to preliminary data, the cause of death of the kids was carbon monoxide poisoning and combustion products.

Where were the adults?

A large family lived in the house on Gogol Street: two parents and five children. A few hours before the fire on October 8, guests came to them godfathers with their two children. But after a while, all the adults left somewhere. What were they doing at this time? Why didn't anyone stay with the kids? There are no answers to these questions. At the time of publication of the text, all the defendants in the case are still under interrogation by the investigator.

The investigative department for the Abinsk district of the regional administration of the ICR opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under part 3 of article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - causing death by negligence to two or more persons.

It is difficult to name the cause of the fire. The examination of this fact will last a month, and the criminal case was opened only a few hours ago.

Did the mother of the dead children mock her son?

Was the affected family considered well? The answer to this question is ambiguous.

The administration of the Abinsk district declined to comment, citing the secrecy of the investigation. However, the press service of the representative of the Commissioner for Children's Rights of the Russian Federation in the Krasnodar Territory (Tatiana Kovaleva is now working at the scene) reported that the large family was registered with the social protection authorities in the category of difficult life situation. The family received all additional measures of social support.

Meanwhile, soon after the tragedy, some media reported that the mistress of the house, the mother of five dead kids, has an older son. A 16-year-old teenager lives with his grandmother at the other end of the village, which is why he was not at his mother's house on the night of the fire.

According to RIA Novosti, three years ago a woman was convicted under Art. 156 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Failure to fulfill the obligations of raising a minor." In the courtroom, the defendant admitted that for several months she mocked her 13-year-old son, beat him with a rubber hose and forced him to eat cigarette butts. The Magistrate's Court sentenced her to a fine of 5,000 rubles.

Investigators find out whether the parents properly performed their duties, whether the family needed assistance in the maintenance and upbringing of children.

The case is under the control of Pavel Astakhov

October 10 was declared a day of mourning in the Abinsk region: state flags will be flown at half mast and all entertainment events cancelled. The administration of the municipality will allocate funds for the funeral of the dead children.

According to preliminary data, the children died due to carbon monoxide poisoning and combustion products. Photo: Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Krasnodar Territory

The tragedy received a wide all-Russian response. Pavel Astakhov, the Ombudsman for Children in the Russian Federation, has already arrived in the Abinsk region and is conducting his own independent investigation. He announced this on his microblog on Twitter:

“Once again, the issue of leaving children alone without parental supervision is acute. The tragedy must not be repeated!

Death of the seventh child

This woman's name was Marya, I remember well her dark blue sundress and hair as white as linen. Talking about her misfortune, she did not cry, and only in her crazy eyes could one understand how she was suffering. All her children died before reaching the age of two, and when she gave birth to the seventh child, her husband said to Marya: “If this child also dies, I will drive you away. I need an heir, a son, and you, apparently, have a damned womb. Marya does not remember anyone cursing her, but her children really died two, three months before their second birthday.

Having heard about my grandmother, the woman asked her husband for leave and came to us. After putting her to bed, my grandmother called me into her room and began to reason. She always reasoned out loud so that I could hear all her thoughts and decisions. Lowering her voice, she said: “And she can lose this child, here we need the grass that doesn’t feel like wind, but it should be taken from under the feet of the blind, I didn’t do this, but my mother taught me this. Tomorrow morning I will send Glafira for the blind. God willing, everything will work out, because if Marya loses her child, then her mind will be damaged.” Supporting her cheek with her hand, the grandmother thought deeply, and behind the partition Marya tossed and turned heavily in her sleep and groaned. In the morning of the next day, Glasha, grandmother's helper, brought a blind woman to us.

"Anna! Grandma told her. “I can help one unfortunate woman avert death from her child. But for that, I need you to walk barefoot on the grass. I will read a prayer, and you go. You will hurt your leg, and I will take from under your bloody leg what will stop the death of Mary's family. Of course, you can refuse, but there is not much time left before the child's two years old, and I will still have time to take the annual commemoration, so, my love, you decide.

Anna agreed, and we went for the nechu-wind grass. Grandfather Arkhip drove us. When we arrived, it was already getting dark, but my grandmother knew where this grass grows. Arkhip remained sitting on the cart, while my grandmother and I took Anna by the hand and went to the right place. Finally we got there, Anya took off her shoes and walked across the grass. She walked around in the same place where my grandmother put her. I stood nearby and heard my grandmother read the incantation words:

The Lord will hear my prayer

He will send his holy retinue to help me.

Oh you holy great miracle workers,

Martyrs and holy fathers,

Nifont and Maroth, Cyprian, Justinia,

Conon of Isauria, Dmitry Rostovsky,

Pray to God for a perishing soul,

Angels, archangels come down

to the Lord God from me,

Slaves of Evdokia, bow down.

The Lord God took the land from under his heels,

He threw her to the four corners of the world,

He gave his God's word to his disciples,

Go to all four corners of the world - go,

Who asks for the sake of my name - help,

Holy miracle workers from God,

Reverend Fathers and Martyrs,

There are dark spirits, they roam, they fly,

Souls are taken before time.

You find them, you forbid them,

Enter into the nechu-wind,

Strengthen the body and soul of baby Matthew,

May he live to a ripe old age

And before God's age will not die.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever and forever and ever.


Anna stomped on the grass, tingling her feet on pebbles and branches, and her grandmother read and read this prayer. Finally, she took the grass from under the blind woman's leg, on which Anina's blood was, and we silently drove to the house.

At home, she dried the grass in the oven, having specially melted the oven for this. Already in the morning, Marya, taking the grass, went to her child. She was ordered to bathe the child with this herb. And after many years, a woman and a boy came to visit us. They were Marya and her son Matvey.

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Published on 14.10.15 14:50

It turned out that the parents were drinking while the seven children tried to escape from the fire.

Law enforcement officers of the Krasnodar Territory continue to investigate the case of Fr. Recall that in the fire house were kids aged from one to ten years.

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It turned out that acquaintances with their two children came to visit a large family that evening. At the same time, the first testimony of the parents that they were away idhumkz for 40 minutes to the store, putting the children to bed, after which they returned to the ashes, did not find confirmation.

According to Vesti, citing a source in the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Krasnodar Territory, the adults were away for three whole hours, and they went not at all for food, but for alcohol. We also managed to establish the time of purchase of alcoholic beverages and find containers from them.

In addition, a place was found where parents drank alcohol while their children were at home unattended: adults rested in nature and returned home at night only when they froze.

"Any external sources due to which a fire could have occurred were not established during the inspection of the scene, the source of ignition was inside the house. Parents' assumptions that the dwelling could have been set on fire by someone were not confirmed," representatives of the department noted.

It turned out that the gas boiler, which would-be parents pointed out at the beginning, was not in use at the time of the fire, as the house was heated with a wood-burning stove.

As a result, the investigators came to the conclusion that "serious consequences were the result of improper fulfillment by parents of their duties to ensure the safety of life and health of children."

Now the issue of bringing charges against the 35-year-old mother of five dead children and her 52-year-old cohabitant is being decided. Law enforcement officers are conducting the necessary investigative actions, a number of expert examinations have been appointed. During the investigation, the activities of officials authorized to take preventive measures against dysfunctional families will be checked.

Previously, the mother of five dead children has already been convicted of improper performance of parental duties. According to her 16-year-old son, who lives with his grandmother, his mother abused alcohol. The young man admitted to LifeNews reporters that the woman often left the children alone or under his supervision, and that fateful evening the teenager called his mother and asked about his younger brothers and sisters, and the woman replied that everything was fine with the children. However, she did not mention her intentions to leave home somewhere.