Frequent and active points 7 months pregnancy. Features of the nutrition of a pregnant woman in the seventh month

Dear women, welcome to your 7th month of pregnancy. If you want to learn more about the processes that take place with you and your baby in each of the weeks of the seventh month, we recommend that you go to the appropriate pages, where you will find many interesting materials for you, including photos of pregnant tummies and thematic videos, including taken during ultrasound during pregnancy.

28th week of pregnancy

At this time, you can get an immunoglobulin infection if you have negative Rh factor. This is done in order to prevent the formation of antibodies in your body that will attack the child if he is Rh positive.

This week, many women complain about unpleasant pulling sensations in the legs, and the constant desire to move them. This symptom is called restless legs syndrome, and it manifests itself most often when a woman goes to bed or rests. The causes of this syndrome are unknown, but this phenomenon is quite common among expectant mothers.

29th week of pregnancy

Some of the previous symptoms may return, such as heartburn and constipation. Your growing uterus can cause hemorrhoids. swollen blood vessels in the rectal area can cause pain and other concerns and is quite common among expectant mothers. Another manifestation of pregnancy is dizziness when you get up abruptly or change your body position. To avoid this, it is recommended to lie on your side, not on your back, and rise smoothly, not abruptly.

30th week of pregnancy

At this time, many women complain of fatigue due to constant sleep problems and feel awkward. And this is not only because of the weight gain, but also because of the big belly, which prevents you from moving and shifts the center of gravity of your body.

Perhaps in the first trimester of pregnancy you had frequent mood swings that disappeared in the second trimester. Now, against the background of the appearance of new unpleasant symptoms, and the actions female hormones mood swings may reappear.

31st week of pregnancy

Many women during this period feel constant stresses uterus as a result of short contractions called Braxton-Hicks contractions. Usually their duration does not exceed a minute, and they do not cause pain. But if they happen to you often or cause pain - immediately consult a doctor, because. they can cause premature birth.

In addition, you may start to secrete colostrum from the nipples, but if this does not happen, there is no need to worry, your breasts are still working on its production, and you will soon notice it.

Feelings of a mother in the seventh month

Physiological sensations of pregnancy

  1. The child becomes more active, he pushes you in the stomach much harder and more often than before
  2. More vaginal discharge than before
  3. Abdominal pain may occur
  4. Constipation often occurs
  5. There are often disorders digestive system, heartburn, nausea, bloating and gas
  6. Recurrent headaches and dizziness
  7. Nasal congestion, nosebleeds
  8. Bleeding gums
  9. Muscle spasms in the legs
  10. Back pain
  11. Edema on the legs, sometimes on the hands and face
  12. Varicose veins veins in the legs
  13. Haemorrhoids
  14. Itching in the abdomen
  15. Labored breathing
  16. Sleep problems
  17. Brief Braxton Hicks contractions
  18. Clumsiness and clumsiness
  19. Colostrum secreted from the nipples

Psychological manifestations of the 7th month of pregnancy

  1. Fear for your health and the health of your baby
  2. Fear of childbirth
  3. Distracted attention, memory disorders
  4. Many women dream during this period and their fantasies are related to the upcoming birth of a child and life after childbirth.
  5. Frequent mood swings
  6. Many women are already pretty bored with pregnancy, and they are waiting for it to end as soon as possible.

How is the development of the child in the 7th month?

By the end of the seventh month, the child builds up a subcutaneous layer of baby fat. He keeps sucking thumb hands and often hiccup. A child at this time can even cry, and is also able to distinguish sweet taste from sour or bitter. Except taste sensations, he has developed other senses to a sufficient extent. He is able to feel pain, see light and hear sound.

On this period the baby already has a fairly good chance of surviving if a premature birth occurs. By the end of the seventh month full height the baby is approximately 41 cm, and its mass increases to approximately 1800 grams.

Extreme fatigue in the 7th month of pregnancy

Fatigue in the third trimester is not manifested in all women. Some felt it in the 1st and 2nd trimesters, but in the 3rd it passed. But still, most women complain of fatigue in the last three months. And it is connected not only with the increased weight or size of the abdomen, but also because of problems with sleep.

The appearance of fatigue does not mean that this is a normal phenomenon that should be ignored. On the contrary, when it appears, you need to try to rest and relax more. Try not to overwork at this stage - and save your strength for childbirth and the postpartum period.

Fear for the health of the child

Many women worry about the health of their baby throughout their pregnancy, and in the third trimester, these concerns can only intensify. It is clear that there is not a single mother who would not have these thoughts during pregnancy. There are many superstitions associated with this, someone does not buy baby clothes before the baby is born, someone does not assemble a crib, and someone does not even choose a name before the birth of a child.

As a rule, these fears are unfounded, given that the modern level of medicine has reduced the likelihood of death of newborns to a minimum. And such cases occur, for the most part, in women from the so-called risk groups. These are those who used alcohol, drugs or smoked heavily during pregnancy time, as well as women with hereditary genetic diseases or severe chronic illnesses.

If your pregnancy proceeded more or less normally, and you are not in these risk groups, then you should not worry. Try not to let fear take over you, always tune in a positive way, because millions and millions of women have gone through childbirth before you and even more will go through them after you.

Edema on the legs

Previously, swelling in the legs was considered by doctors enough dangerous symptom. But at present, edema appears in approximately 75% of pregnant women, they do not lead to any serious consequences and are considered quite common. Especially often they appear at the end of the day and in the evening.

What to do with edema?

Edema is not dangerous, but can cause some inconvenience. To reduce them, take the following tricks into service:

  1. To reduce the spread of swelling, raise your legs higher when sitting or lying down.
  2. Try to get comfortable shoes who does not press the legs
  3. Temporarily remove socks or stockings with elastic at the top from your wardrobe.
  4. Drink enough water. There is a misconception that by limiting yourself to fluids, you can cope with edema. In fact, a sufficient amount of water helps to maintain the water balance in the body and cope with swelling. Given this, it is recommended to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of pure water per day.
  5. Lie more with your legs up

Increased sweating during pregnancy

During pregnancy, due to increased blood volume, metabolism can increase by up to 20%. Due to this, a pregnant woman can be hot not only in the heat, but also in cool weather. In addition, many expectant mothers have an increased separation, especially at night.

These inconveniences are temporary, and they do not pose a danger, although they can cause some trouble. During this period, take a shower more often and purchase high-quality deodorants. And be sure to replenish the fluid in the body that has gone with sweat.

Is it possible to have sex at the 7th month of pregnancy?

Babies in their mother's womb react differently to their parents' love affairs. For some babies, rhythmic rocking can be soothing, while other children, on the contrary, can become more active from this. Both reactions on the part of babies are absolutely normal and one cannot judge the dangers of sexual relations for a child by them.

In medicine, it still remains open question about the safety of sex during pregnancy. If it proceeds normally, and there are no threats, then there seems to be no reason for restrictions in love pleasures. But if you have a hard time carrying a baby, you have constant threats, then regular sex can provoke premature birth. In any case, if you feel pain during or after sex, or feel a high tone of the uterus, it may be worth delaying love games, or consulting with your doctor about this issue.

Video: baby movements in the 7th month of pregnancy

Threat of preterm birth

There are quite a few factors that can trigger preterm labor, and the more of these factors present in a woman's life, the higher her risk of giving birth. premature baby. Below we list the most common of these factors.

Causes of preterm birth

  1. Smoking during pregnancy
  2. Drinking alcohol
  3. Drug use
  4. The use of drugs prohibited for pregnant women
  5. Severe underweight mother
  6. Not balanced diet
  7. Difficult working conditions or long daily work standing on my feet
  8. Active sexual relations and frequent orgasms in a woman in last trimester
  9. Violation hormonal background
  10. Various diseases(rubella, some venereal diseases, women's diseases, etc.)
  11. Premature opening of the cervix
  12. Hypersensitivity uterus
  13. placenta previa
  14. Chronic diseases of the mother (inflammation of the liver, kidneys, high blood pressure, diabetes and etc.)
  15. Too much young age mothers (under 17)
  16. late pregnancy(mother over 35)
  17. Insufficient medical supervision
  18. Uterine malformations (which can be corrected by surgery before pregnancy)
  19. If a woman is pregnant with more than one child
  20. Malformations in the development of the baby

Symptoms of preterm labor, how do they start?

It is very important to know the signs of the onset of preterm labor. Your quick reaction to them and timely medical assistance can prevent them. So, the main signs of premature birth:

  1. Cramps in the abdomen, as if menstruating. May be accompanied by diarrhea or digestive disorders.
  2. Pain or pressure in the lower back
  3. Vaginal discharge changes, becomes watery, and turns pink-red or brown shade. May appear a large number of mucus in secretions.
  4. Leakage of amniotic fluid. This means that your water began to break ahead of schedule, possibly due to internal breaks, and this is a very dangerous symptom.

How to avoid preterm birth?

First of all, you need to understand if you have the above reasons for the onset of premature birth and, if possible, eliminate them from your life. In many cases, this helps, if not to prevent the onset of preterm labor, then at least to delay their onset. And even a short-term extension of your pregnancy can be extremely beneficial for the survival and development of the baby.

If you still feel a threat to your pregnancy or have noticed one or more of the signs of an impending preterm birth indicated just above, contact your doctors immediately. Even if premature childbirth will begin, then the chances of saving the life and health of the child, with timely medical care, are quite good.

So, our dear visitors, we talked about many important points 7th month of pregnancy, stay with us and see you at the 8th month of pregnancy.

The seventh month of pregnancy is the step with which a woman enters into last - third trimester. It can be considered relatively calm: all the main tests and examinations have already been completed, maternity leave is “on the nose”. By the way, it is better for working mothers to write an application for a decree in advance, warning them a couple of weeks before they leave work. But even if you are not particularly in a hurry to go on maternity leave, and your well-being allows you to continue working, then the intensity of work still needs to be limited, to switch to less tiring work. Be sure to take breaks every hour for 10-15 minutes to warm up, go outside or just stand by open window. At lunchtime, if possible, try to lie down, or at least just take off your shoes, stretch your legs on a chair and relax.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, many women, who did not even have experience and craving for needlework in the past, enthusiastically begin to sew and knit children's things. This is a great activity that allows mom to get distracted, relax, chat with the baby while knitting a miniature blouse, put maximum love and tenderness into a homemade blanket for the baby. Now it is already possible and necessary to communicate with the baby, talk, listen to music. Mom and dad already probably know the gender of the baby growing in their mother's belly, and they are seriously discussing options for a name that will suit the heir or heiress, and future parents will like.

The seventh month of pregnancy obliges a woman to still take care of herself, observe optimal nutrition get enough sleep, be more often on fresh air. From the new - the need to gradually adapt to the schedule of rest and wakefulness of your offspring. Already now he is beginning to actively dictate his own rules and conditions.

· Seventh month of pregnancy: baby development

Pregnancy lasts 9 months, but if the baby decides to be born right now, in the seventh month of pregnancy, then he has excellent chances for this - the development of the child allows him to survive and continue to develop outside the mother's womb, albeit with some medical care. Moreover, from now on, your baby is considered a human person according to official legal norms, not a fetus, as it was before, but a Human, with all the consequences, as they say, including registration. Therefore, it can now be rightfully called a child without using the prefix "future". However, its development is still ongoing, and the time of childbirth is not soon. By week 28, the growth of the crumbs is usually about 35-40 cm, and the weight is close to 1-1.5 kg.

The heart of the child clearly beats, and parents can independently try to determine the sex of the crumbs, by heartbeat. It has been noticed that the heart of boys and girls beats differently: for boys, the rhythm is measured and calm, for girls, the heart “beats”.

At week 28, the baby already opens his eyes, and it is completely meaningful. They are framed by short thin cilia. The child shows a keen interest in everything that happens outside of his water "house". By the way, scientists say that children learn the language principles even in the womb. This explains the fact that a child's cry is often very similar to the mother's voice in intonation and rhythm.

At a period of 7 months of pregnancy, the development of the hearing aid finishes in the child: he understands sounds quite well outside world, although she spends most of her time listening to her mother’s heartbeat, how blood moves through her body, how her intestines work. Moreover, the child already distinguishes voices, he will definitely get used to his mother's by the time of birth, he will calm him down. Experts advise to communicate more often and more with the baby at this stage of development, read fairy tales to him, sing lullabies, turn on pleasant music.

The seventh month is the time of active learning for the baby to raise and lower the eyelids, smile, play, master the movements and capabilities of his body. By the way, the child can already see his own dreams, he learns to respond to them.

The teeth of a baby at 7 months of pregnancy already have enamel, despite the fact that they are hidden in the gums. Now this little man not just feels, it reacts to light, taste and even smells.

By the middle of the seventh month, a decisive stage in the development of the brain occurs. Its volume increases, convolutions and furrows are formed. seven month old baby reacts to pain in much the same way as a normal one. His body is sufficiently prepared for "going out": the respiratory system has formed, its own immunity has improved, the process of thermoregulation is working, the genitals and all limbs have taken shape, the head turns, the eyes open, the nose "breathes", the intestines and kidneys work. A child's kidneys excrete close to half a liter of urine every day! The body continues to improve, there is little left - the development of the child's lungs, their work has not yet been debugged. Therefore, with an “early” birth, the baby will need the help of doctors and the possibility of a pressure chamber.

The baby continues to move actively, ruthlessly kicking his mother's stomach at the 7th month of pregnancy. Thus, he can express his emotions, mood, desires, discontent, and even demonstrate his temper. Doctors warn that mother should be alerted by strong sharp blows from the inside, which means that something may be wrong. Indeed, for the most part, during this period, children behave calmly, due to the banal lack of space. However, do not rush to worry, the reason for such “boxing fights” may well lie in difficult nature Your child. But, just in case, it is better to visit a doctor.

The seventh month ends with the appearance of weak uterine contractions in the mother - this is. At the same time, sensations are usually painless and disturbing except for their unusualness - a kind of rehearsal before the grand premiere of the play called "The Birth of a New Life"!

By the end of the term, the formation of the child's reproductive system ends: in boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum, in girls the clitoris has formed, but the labia is still open.

· Possible problems and feelings

In the seventh month, the sensations during pregnancy are actually no different from those already familiar a month earlier. But now a woman understands more clearly and more fully that very soon, she will fulfill the main purpose in her life - she will give life to a new person. It is with this realization that frequent anxiety And anxiety states pregnant woman.

At this point, the expectant mother has significantly gained weight: it is believed that the optimal absolute gain is 9-10 kg of the initial weight, and then it will continue to increase. The stomach at the 7th month of pregnancy seems to have grown simply “to the impossible”: the skin of the abdomen probably itches and itches due to stretching, which is why many women have red oblong spots on their stomachs. The breast has increased even more, from the mammary glands at this stage it can be separated colostrum . On the need to use special means from stretch marks has already been said, otherwise mom after childbirth runs the risk of finding an unsightly defect on her hips, stomach and chest - striae, or simply stretch marks.

Pregnancy at this stage may be accompanied by sensations of heat (not to be confused with high temperature), increased sweating, especially at night. These sensations are explained by the acceleration of metabolism 20% faster than in the normal state, an increase in the volume of circulating blood.

From the previous month, swelling of the extremities will also remain “inherited”. They are especially puffy in the late afternoon, as well as after prolonged standing or sitting. All these are the same consequences of an increase in fluid in the body. With minor swelling, nothing should disturb a woman, they do not pose a danger, in the vast majority of cases. But if the swelling of the hands and feet is severe, it is better to consult a doctor.

Vaginal discharge at 7 months, the so-called leucorrhoea, may increase slightly. If this discharge is not accompanied by discomfort, an unpleasant odor and changes in consistency, there is no reason to worry. But if the discharge during pregnancy suddenly becomes abundant, they are transparent, and similar to water, urgently consult a doctor - we can talk about leakage of amniotic fluid - a condition that threatens the development of the child or precedes childbirth, at this stage premature.

Still, the seventh month of pregnancy may be accompanied by pain in the back and abdomen, due to a large sprain and muscle strain, an increasing load on the spine. From time to time, painless short-term spasms of the uterus may appear: it seems to harden, and then relax again. This is how training contractions manifest themselves, which in medicine are usually called Braxton-Hicks contractions, designed to prepare the body for the upcoming birth.

The uterus now feels just huge, it presses on the internal organs, causing difficulty in breathing, causing digestive disorders, heartburn, constipation, accumulation of gases and bloating.

Many women in the seventh month are characterized by forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. Fatigue accumulates - from a large belly, unpleasant phenomena that accompany the well-being of a pregnant woman, the inability to sleep in the desired position. It becomes uncomfortable to sleep, you have to wrap yourself with pillows, and all the time lying on your side. This fatigue is understandable, but you need to pull yourself together: most of the way you have already passed, very soon the birth, and the appearance of the baby will more than pay for all today's inconveniences.

· Nutrition during pregnancy

A child at 7 months of pregnancy continues to accumulate phosphorus, iron and calcium, his bones are already formed, but still very fragile. Therefore, a balanced and rational diet during pregnancy remains one of the main conditions for the 7th month for the normal well-being of the mother and the planned development of the baby. The baby needs to be provided with all the necessary nutrients and nutrients. Keep track of the quantity and quality of the food you take, give preference to natural, home-cooked food prepared by yourself or under your control.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman at this stage does not allow fatty, fried, spicy or sour foods in the diet, especially since pregnancy often occurs against the background of heartburn. It is recommended to exclude salty foods from the menu, limit salt intake: it retains fluid in the body, which is fraught with the development of even greater swelling. To deal with edema, you can stimulate the removal of excess fluid, for this it is enough to pay attention to the drinks consumed: coffee and tea should be replaced with cranberry juice and berry fruit drinks, herbal teas.

The menu must have meat (a source of protein), walnuts and oily fish (the development of the brain of a child requires the presence of fatty acids), cereals (“correct” carbohydrates), in particular buckwheat, and liver (a source of iron that prevents the development of anemia). And, of course, you need fruits and vegetables that supply fiber, which improves bowel function, and an abundance of vitamins and minerals. Every day you should eat cottage cheese and various dairy products- "suppliers" of calcium, compensating for its massive outflow from the mother's body to the child.

All kinds of confectionery "goodies" and sweets are better to be postponed until more appropriate times: sugar and flour stimulate rapid weight gain. However, the main principle here is the knowledge of the measure, if you really want to treat yourself to something delicious, it is much better to eat a couple of pieces of chocolate or one ice cream than to torment yourself with thoughts about the “forbidden sweet”.

As before, the diet should be fractional, that is, frequent and in small portions, breakfast is a must, and dinner is eaten no later than 2-3 hours before going to bed. Breakfast is nutritious and full, it is necessary for lunch - the main meal, but in the evening - light and simple food is recommended. Pregnant women are shown frequent snacks, but they should in no case consist of sandwiches or sweets, ideal snack foods are yogurt, bananas, nuts, cottage cheese, fruit or vegetable salads, dried fruits.

· Sex in the seventh month of pregnancy

Unfortunately, there is no universal answer to the question of whether sex in the seventh month of pregnancy is safe. Only a doctor, having assessed the condition of the woman, the results of examinations and tests, and how the pregnancy proceeds, can say whether sexual relations are possible at this stage. But, in general, if there are no direct contraindications, sex in the seventh month of pregnancy has every right to exist.

It is categorically unacceptable to practice intimacy in case of a threat of premature birth, the presence of sexual infections in the father, or in the mother, the presence of infections of the genital organs.

As for how the physical proximity of parents affects the child, we hasten to reassure: sex does not harm the child, but the reaction to orgasm in children is different. So, some babies, after the parental "sexual rhythm" and mother's orgasm, are activated, while others, on the contrary, calm down and calm down peacefully. According to doctors, each of the reactions is normal and does not pose any threat. Most often, such a reaction is similar to the feelings of parents, one or both - a desire to sleep or inspiration after sex.

· Analyzes and examinations

The seventh month of pregnancy implies an increase in the "dates" of the pregnant woman with the doctor: two examinations are now shown per month. At the appointment, the doctor traditionally measures the level blood pressure and weight gain, size and height of the uterus. The limbs of the pregnant woman are examined for manifestations of edema, the heart of the child is auscultated.

It is recommended to take a general urine test for sugar and protein two days before visiting a doctor. In cases of development of pyelonephritis in a woman, during the bearing of a baby, it may be necessary to pass a special urine test - for bacteriuria. And if there is a risk of developing diabetes (or suspicion of it), additional biochemical analysis blood.

On suspicion of possible development in a child with heart disease, Doppler or cardiotocography (CTG) is prescribed.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, an unscheduled ultrasound may be needed to exclude placenta previa. This complication may be indicated by sudden bleeding, pain are absent.

But with the appearance (or intensification) of sensations of soreness and pressure in the lower back, squeezing and pain in the pelvis, spreading to the lower back and hips (similar sensations accompany menstruation), the appearance of bloody, brown or watery discharge from the vagina - you need to apply for medical care on an emergency basis. With a high degree of probability, the listed symptoms indicate the onset of a premature birth in a woman, so medical intervention is required as soon as possible. In the case of a correct and timely response, the chances of a baby for a successful outcome at birth ahead of schedule are quite high.

Yana Lagidna, especially for mymom . en

7 month pregnant video:

The seventh month of pregnancy opens the final. This is a period of relative calm and well-deserved rest. It is in the seventh month of pregnancy that the expectant mother receives sick leave and goes to prenatal leave. However, if a woman decides to continue working, then she should reduce the intensity of work and get more rest.

Also, at the seventh month of pregnancy, future parents probably already know the sex of the child and most enthusiastically choose the right name for their crumbs. Right now, many mothers note the desire to do needlework, and even those who have never been engaged in creativity before. Such activities allow the expectant mother to relax and communicate with the baby, besides, it is so nice to put your love and tenderness into knitted socks or an embroidered picture.

7th month pregnant how many weeks

Every pregnant woman with trepidation counts not only the months, but also the weeks of her pregnancy. But we still recall from which week the seventh month of pregnancy begins. Seventh month of pregnancy weeks 27-31. The beginning of the seventh month will be for a pregnant woman who is carrying twins, the beginning maternity leave. The expectant mother, whose pregnancy passes with complications, will also go there. The rest of the pregnant women will have to postpone their vacation until 30 weeks.

What changes and what to expect in the seventh month of pregnancy, we will consider in more detail.

fetus in the seventh month of pregnancy

seventh month of pregnancy fetal development photo

The seventh month of pregnancy, the development of the fetus is already approaching the cherished goal. All organs and systems of the baby are formed and continue to improve. The lungs, although already formed and periodically perform a semblance of respiratory movements, to independent work not yet ready. However, if for some reason the baby decides to be born now, then with special equipment and experienced doctors, the probability of saving his life is 90%.

The child in the seventh month of pregnancy continues to actively grow and gain weight. Subcutaneous fat accumulates and the wrinkles on the baby's body are smoothed out, but the baby's skin is still unusual Pink colour and very thin, vessels appear through it. The weight of a child in the seventh month of pregnancy can reach 2 kg., But you need to understand that weight gain is individual character. In any case, the task of the baby now is active growth, and therefore the addition by the end of the month will be very significant.

From the moment of conception, the baby has come a long way and has turned from a small cell into a full-fledged tiny person. Now it occupies almost the entire space of the uterus, but there is still enough space for the baby to move around and tap very well on mother's belly from within. The expectant mother needs to carefully monitor the activity of the baby, very active stirring may indicate discomfort to the baby. In addition, some women worry about the position of the baby. It is worth noting that in the seventh month of pregnancy, most babies have not yet had time to take correct position head down, they still have time to change their position several times. Therefore, it is too early to worry about the presentation of the child.

Now the formation of the reproductive system is coming to an end, all the organs of the child are formed and are doing their job. The baby sucks his thumb and swallows amniotic fluid. They have a lot nutrients and so the kid trains gastrointestinal tract. Everything digested by the baby is not excreted anywhere, but for now it is stored in the intestines. After the birth of a baby, the first stool is called meconium, this is just all that accumulated waste over time. intrauterine life. The baby's eyes are open and he can hear perfectly. The baby listens with pleasure to the beat mother's heart, the movement of blood through the body, he also already knows how to distinguish voices. Therefore, many experts recommend talking with your long-awaited miracle as often as possible, singing songs to him and telling fairy tales.

At the end of the seventh month of pregnancy, the baby's fluff will begin to come off and, thanks to active growth, the baby's weight is about 1200 grams, and the height is about 33 cm.

Belly in the seventh month of pregnancy

Along with the active growth of the baby, the belly of a pregnant woman is also growing rapidly. However, now the growth of the abdomen may already begin to bring a little discomfort. It's getting harder to choose comfortable posture for sleep, many women help out special pillow for pregnant. In addition, it becomes quite difficult for the expectant mother to walk, and now the woman's gait is changing. Despite the fact that the baby has occupied almost the entire space of the uterus, he still has enough space for movements. Therefore, parents can observe how pregnancy is accompanied by the belly bouncing for the seventh month, and during the movements of the crumbs, you can see protruding tubercles on the mother’s stomach, this is the elbow or legs of a little man.

However, when active growth belly future mother, some women wonder: why is there a small belly in the seventh month of pregnancy? It should be understood that the development of pregnancy and changes in the appearance of a woman are individual. There can be many reasons for a small belly, from the small size of the baby to the amount of amniotic fluid. If the doctor observing the pregnancy indicates normal course pregnancy, then there should be no reason to worry.

Seventh month of pregnancy sensation and pain

The seventh month of pregnancy is rich in various discomfort. The leader among all undoubtedly becomes shortness of breath, which appears due to the fact that the raising uterus compresses the organs and causes difficulty in breathing. Besides. you may experience heart palpitations. These symptoms will disappear immediately after childbirth, but for now you need to be patient, do various breathing exercises and slow down the walking pace.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, the expectant mother gained significant weight. Normal increase at this time, 9-10 kg is considered, and the weight will continue to grow. It would seem that the stomach has already grown to impossibility, and with it the chest has also increased significantly. Colostrum can already be secreted from the mammary glands. Now, in no case should you neglect the use of special creams and oils for stretch marks, unless, of course, a woman wants to be upset after pregnancy, finding ugly stretch marks on her chest, hips or stomach.

As in the previous month of pregnancy, the blood circulation increased and at the same time there was a feeling of heat with increased sweating. They remain with the woman and the swelling of the legs and arms that manifests itself in the evening. Their appearance is associated with the accumulation of fluid in the body of a woman. If the swelling goes away in the morning and generally does not bother the expectant mother, then they do not pose a danger. But if the limbs are very swollen, then you should consult a doctor.

Now the unpleasant moments of the first trimester may return. Heartburn, nausea in the seventh month of pregnancy and weakness. Late toxicosis indicates a complication of pregnancy, which led to disruption of the vital important organs and systems. It is necessary to notify the attending doctor about this so that he can refer the pregnant woman for tests and take measures to timely treatment. However, it happens that after eating unhealthy food or if the portion of food was too large, then the pregnant woman feels sick in the seventh month of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the uterus squeezes the stomach and there are problems with digestion. In this case, it is worthwhile to more carefully approach the choice of products, reduce the portion and refuse products that are not recommended for use by the expectant mother.

Most pregnant women in the seventh month may experience dizziness and weakness, some, being in a stuffy room, may faint. It's very dangerous for such late term because even seemingly minor injuries can lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, if future mother dizzy in the seventh month of pregnancy, it is necessary to be in the fresh air as often as possible and take iron-containing preparations, which will be prescribed by the doctor observing the pregnancy.

In connection with the growth of the hormone relaxin, the expectant mother may increasingly experience the stomach. This is due to the increasing load on the spine and the relaxation of the muscles and ligaments of the pelvis, which also begins to prepare for the upcoming birth. In addition, more and more often a woman may be disturbed by training fights, in which the lower abdomen is pulled in the seventh month of pregnancy. These contractions are irregular and relatively painless. However, if your stomach hurts regularly and severely in the seventh month of pregnancy, you should immediately contact a specialist.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, many expectant mothers experience fatigue from their pregnant condition, absent-mindedness and forgetfulness appear. This fatigue is quite understandable, because the body is under enormous stress, big belly interferes with comfortable sleep, the unpleasant phenomena of pregnancy also exhaust a woman, but it is worth remembering that most of the path has already been passed. There is very little time left and all the patience and work of a woman will more than pay off when she first hugs her dearest and most beloved bundle of happiness.

Discharge in the seventh month of pregnancy

In the seventh month of pregnancy, the discharge may increase. If they are not accompanied by discomfort, bad smell, a change in color or consistency, then there are no fears. However, if the discharge has become not only plentiful, but also transparent, resembling water, then you should consult a doctor, perhaps at this stage of pregnancy, the woman began to leak amniotic fluid. In no case should you postpone a visit to the doctor if there is blood in the seventh month of pregnancy. This anxious symptom may indicate the possibility of preterm birth. Childbirth in the seventh month of pregnancy is highly undesirable, however, if the baby still decides to be born, then with a high degree of probability, specialists will be able to save his life.

seventh month of pregnancy nutrition

Proper, balanced nutrition in the seventh month of pregnancy is the main condition for the well-being of the expectant mother and the development of the child. Therefore, it is necessary, as before, to carefully do for your diet. There should be no confectionery, fatty, fried, spicy and sour foods in the diet of a pregnant woman in the seventh month of pregnancy. Must be present: meat, fish, cereals, dairy products and cottage cheese, nuts, liver, fruits and vegetables.

The portion of food should be small and the last meal should be done 3-4 hours before bedtime. Breakfast should be the most nutritious, the main full meal is for lunch, but for dinner it is better to give preference to light and simple foods.

Sex in the seventh month of pregnancy

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question whether it is possible to have sex in the seventh month of pregnancy or not. In each individual case, the decision can only be made by the doctor and only on the basis of the data obtained during the examination and the results of the tests. If there are no contraindications, then of course, intimacy during this period is possible. It is not worth worrying that during intercourse, a couple can harm the child. The baby is safe and the closeness of the parents will not harm him in any way. However, the child may react differently to the mother's orgasm, some babies, on the contrary, become more active after it, while others calm down. In any case, such a reaction is normal and does not cause any concern.

seventh month of pregnancy video

Author of the publication: Valeria Konstantinova

Pregnancy lasts 10 obstetric and 9 lunar months. Obstetric months are divided into trimesters. Month 7 marks the beginning of the final, third trimester of the gestational period.

It's time for maternity leave. According to the law, maternity leave falls at the beginning of the 30th week, and in case of multiple pregnancy - from the 28th.

Many mothers working in state-owned enterprises are entitled to paid leave, and therefore can go on “maternity leave” a couple of weeks earlier.

From the 30th week of the gestational period, active preparation for replenishment in the family begins: things are bought for the newborn, and hygiene products.

What happens in a woman's body

The month covers the time from the 26th to the 30th week. At this stage, significant changes occur in the intrauterine life of the baby, and in the life of the expectant mother.

The uterus noticeably increases in size, and if up to 30 weeks, it was not noticeable, then this moment it is clearly rounded and rises higher.

The surrounding organs gradually shift, and at the end of the seven-month period, it rises above the navel, squeezing the lower segment of the lungs a little.

The fetus is actively moving - the uterine cavity, for the time being, allows you to make various movements. The location of the baby changes hourly, and so far does not pose a potential threat of incorrect presentation.


IN female body the child continues to grow and develop. Mom feels his presence every day. The growing uterus gradually compresses the surrounding organs.

It puts particular pressure on bladder and distal colon. Constantly disturbed by the urge to urinate and difficulty with the act of emptying the intestines.

Due to the stretching of the muscle layer, the epidermis becomes thinner, collagen is lost and the first stretch marks appear. Their presence may be serious violation in the intrauterine life of the fetus, so it is necessary to monitor their appearance.

Favorite places for stretch marks are thighs, chest, and abdomen. In pregnant women, stretch marks appear with an increase in gestational age.

At 7 months, the weight increases by 6-8 kg, so the skin stretches and “tear”. This is especially noticeable in girls with a lack of elastin and collagen.

Sleep worsens, it is harder to find a comfortable position for sleeping. Sometimes excessive information received during the day and an uncomfortable position lead a woman into a state of insomnia. Nervousness and irritability appear.

The hormonal background of the expectant mother is unstable and it is possible to attach exogenous diseases or exacerbate existing chronic processes.

How the fetus develops

Before the start of the third trimester, the fetus has formed body parts, organs and internal systems. Now comes the period of complete improvement of the cerebral cortex and the accumulation of subcutaneous fatty tissue.

A seven-month-old fetus weighs on average from 1100 to 1800 g, height is from 38 to 41 cm.

The body is covered with fluff, eyebrows and eyelashes are drawn on the face. The fluff covers the entire body of the baby: back, arms, chest. Over time, it disappears, but sometimes, children born before 32 weeks have increased hairiness.

Convolutions and nerve endings are formed and improved. The baby is able to recognize the mood of the mother, winces in bright light (even through the stomach and uterus), and reacts to loud sounds.

Some mothers neglect the restrictions and prohibitions, which further leads to various pathological phenomena.

  • Prohibited alcoholic drinks. Red wine is also restricted.
  • Forbidden long trips or flights to air transport. Expectant mothers who are at risk of developing thrombophilia are strictly prohibited from flying.
  • Overwork should not be allowed.
  • Active physical exercise, fast dancing or extreme sports.
  • Restrictions apply to foods high in sugar, lipids and preservatives.

The nutrition of the baby occurs at the expense of the mother's body, so all the "harmful" products enter the developing child's body.


In the period up to 27-28 weeks, the menu of a pregnant woman must be present:

  • fish products;
  • dairy products;
  • cereal crops;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables.

Oranges and lemons are allowed in moderation. From bakery products: black bread and a bun with jam, but not more than 1 time per week.

In view of accelerated growth fetus, there is a need for trace elements to compensate for the erythrocyte germ and prevent development. To do this, the weekly menu should include buckwheat, pomegranate juice, apples and bananas.


Intimacy is not prohibited, but restrictions are introduced. Sex is unacceptable if there is a threat of termination or if the course of pregnancy worsens.

During physical intimacy, it is necessary to choose a comfortable position for mom to eliminate pressure on the stomach.

Often a pregnant woman is worried or thrush. In this case, sexual intercourse is contraindicated, and treatment is carried out by both partners.


End of second trimester and start final stage gestation is fraught with many problems, but one of the most dangerous is premature birth.

The baby is weak from the 25th week, but there are chances to survive and develop normally. It takes into account birth weight and general state health and development.

When unstable emotional background a woman can be overcome by depression or stress, which negatively affects the fetus.

Interesting video: all about the 7th month of pregnancy

The 7th month of pregnancy does not bring a lot of trouble to a woman if she monitors her well-being and follows the recommendations of specialists. By this time, the time for medical examinations and visits to various specialists in the polyclinic ends. Maternity leave is close at hand. In the service, a woman is no longer loaded urgent work requiring overtime hours at the limit of capacity. And if this happens, you need to bring a certificate from the gynecologist that the pregnant woman, for health reasons, needs to be transferred to easier work.

During this period, future parents know who will be born to them - a boy or a girl. For ladies who do not want to undergo ultrasound once again, there is a less accurate, but completely safe way Listen to the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope. The boy's heart beats more measuredly, in girls the heartbeat is more frequent. Parents can start choosing a name for the baby.

Also, many mothers during this period begin to get involved in making clothes for the little one. A hand-knitted hat or a vest embroidered by mom will then convey warmth and love to the baby.

Fetal development

For six months, the embryo completely turned into a little man. He has formed all the internal organs and systems of life. For the remaining three months, the development of the fetus will consist in the fact that they will improve and prepare to function autonomously from their mother.

How is the child developing in this period:

  1. The brain already has furrows and convolutions.
  2. The liver, intestines, stomach and kidneys work.
  3. The baby produces about half a liter of urine daily.
  4. He feels pain like an adult.
  5. At this stage, the lungs are still underdeveloped, which is why the baby is not yet able to breathe on its own. But mucous plugs are removed from the nose, which indicates preparation for breathing outside the mother. So in the case of premature birth, the baby is saved in most cases. After giving birth, he is placed in a pressure chamber where the lungs will develop. He tries to do the first breaths and exhalations with his mother in the uterus before birth, so that genetic memory will help him learn to breathe.
  6. The baby gains a lot of weight at seven months, creating subcutaneous fat. But its skin is very thin, blood vessels shine through it. Therefore, babies after birth look red.
  7. He continues to toss and turn in his mother's stomach, although it is quite crowded. If the baby moves too actively, he gives his mother a signal that he doesn’t like something, something is wrong. He may be low on oxygen. Perhaps he worries when his mother experiences such emotions. It makes sense to visit a gynecologist so that the doctor gives any recommendations or sends you for an additional examination.
  8. By the 7th month, the genitals are fully formed: the boy's testicles are already in the scrotum, the girl has a clitoris, although the labia is not fully formed - they are still open.
  9. The skeletal system continues to accumulate such useful material like calcium, phosphorus, iron. The bones are formed, but they are still too fragile.
  10. Ears hear well. The baby listens to the mother's heartbeat, he feels the flow of blood through her vessels, hears how the mother's intestines function. If parents tell fairy tales to the baby, turn on pleasant calm music for him, talk with him, he will remember the voices of mom and dad even in the womb, and after birth it will be easy to calm down from their words and fall asleep quickly. The ability of an infant to hear imposes limits on the behavior of adults. The room where the pregnant woman is located should not be too noisy. Leave all scandals, loud fun and other strong sounds (work with a drill, for example) until future times. Complete silence is also not needed. You can talk quietly, turn on calm music, so that the baby gets used to falling asleep, not paying attention to light noise.
  11. At 7 months old, the first hairs appear on the baby's head. He already has eyebrows. He can open and close his eyes.
  12. The main thing in mental development The child can express his feelings through facial expressions. He wrinkles his forehead, frowns, parting his lips in a smile.
  13. By this time, the baby's teeth are already covered with enamel.

At 30 weeks of gestation, the baby takes the position in the uterus that is needed for the birth process. At 31 weeks, he curls up, because in order to stretch out his arms and legs, his mother's stomach is too tight. At 32 weeks, the baby's skin straightens, the folds disappear. Weight reaches 1.8–2 kg, height up to 43 cm.

If the 7th month of pregnancy comes to an end, the baby born ahead of schedule is easier to leave than at the beginning of this month.

Therefore, mothers should take care of themselves and bring the baby to at least 32 weeks. Then he is almost completely ready for life outside the mother's body.

Changes in the mother's body

The feelings of the future mother are about the same as in the previous month. The belly of a pregnant woman increases, the skin on it begins to itch due to stretching. It may appear pink spots. In order not to be upset after childbirth, you need to use external anti-stretch marks, wear a prenatal bandage.

Other changes that occur with the mother's body:

  • The woman's weight has increased by 9-10 kg since the beginning of pregnancy. This trend will continue until the end of the 3rd trimester.
  • Increases breast size. The mammary glands are preparing for postpartum functioning, so colostrum production may begin.
  • A pregnant woman has increased sweating. It constantly seems to her that the room is hot. Feeling standing heat especially annoying at night. The reason for this is the acceleration of metabolism by 20%. The amount of blood constantly moving through the vessels and generating heat is increased.
  • Mom's limbs continue to swell. The legs are especially swollen in the evening, before going to bed. This phenomenon is also due to an increase in the volume of fluid in the body. In principle, swelling of the hands and feet is normal and does not require medical attention. If the swelling is too large, the doctor will recommend drinking a diuretic decoction of herbs. Do not just self-medicate, so as not to harm the baby.
  • During the described period, the woman has vaginal discharge white color- white. It is not dangerous if they do not emit an unpleasant odor. In case of smell or watery discharge, you should go to the gynecologist. This phenomenon may be due to leakage of amniotic fluid.
  • Mild pains in the back and abdomen also begin at this time. They are associated with an increasing load on the spine and muscles with an increase in the weight of the child. The uterus begins to prepare for childbirth. This is expressed in its painless hardening and subsequent relaxation. The mother's body is trained to endure contractions.
  • The uterus at 7 months is many times larger in volume than its usual size, that is, before pregnancy. It compresses the internal organs - presses on the lungs, digestive organs, bladder. Therefore, a woman has difficulty breathing, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed, she is tormented by diarrhea or constipation and bursting with intestinal gases. A pregnant woman swells up, heartburn appears after eating. All these troubles are better to endure without the use of medicines. Helps with flatulence Dill water. You can buy it at a pharmacy or make it at home from fresh dill. Boiled milk will help with heartburn. There are herbal preparations for diarrhea and constipation. Which ones are better to drink and how to cook them, the doctor will advise.
  • Sometimes during this period a woman is subject to late toxicosis. This is an occasion to consult a specialist, because as a result, the child may not gain the necessary weight.
  • If the seventh month of pregnancy fell in the spring, the pregnant woman may lack vitamins. Anemia sometimes occurs during this period. In such cases, it is necessary to drink vitamins and iron-containing preparations, which the doctor will prescribe. Vitamins will also help with hair loss, which some pregnant women are prone to.

The seventh month of pregnancy means a decline in strength and mood for a woman. First, she is afraid upcoming birth, pain accompanying them, and possible complications.

Secondly, the inconveniences listed above tire and annoy the woman. The inability to sit and lie down in a comfortable position, the inability to put on or take off shoes, unsuitability for housework in the second half of pregnancy spoil the mood of the expectant mother. The closest people should come to the rescue. Husband and mother will have to take homework to myself. And a pregnant woman should reassure herself that most of the difficult journey is left behind.

In order to be less worried about childbirth, try to find a clinic with a good reputation and a doctor you can trust even before planning a pregnancy.

Nutrition at 7 months

For the normal well-being of the pregnant woman and the fetus, it is still necessary to make a diet so that the food contains all the substances, vitamins and minerals necessary for the mother and child. From the menu should be excluded:

  • Fatty meals.
  • Fried foods.
  • Spicy seasonings in the composition of dishes and by themselves.
  • acidic foods.
  • Canned vegetables, fish, mushrooms.
  • Smoked sausages, chicken, sausages.
  • Salty foods.
  • Sweet foods.
  • Carbonated water, especially sweet.
  • Coffee and strong tea.
  • Semi-finished products of any kind.
  • Confectionery.
  • Chocolate.
  • If you really want to eat a piece of cake, ice cream or candy, most likely, there will not be much harm from one time. But you should not abuse such products.

Of course, it is difficult to cram insipid food into oneself. You can slightly salt or sweeten food, but it is better to do this not in a saucepan, but already in a plate.

On the pregnant woman's menu without fail must be:

  • Vegetables.
  • Fruits.
  • Meat.
  • Fish.
  • Kashi.
  • Dairy products. Cottage cheese and cheese are especially important.
  • Fruit drinks, home-squeezed juices and compotes.

It is necessary to cook the main dishes either steamed or in the oven. You can stew meat and vegetables in a saucepan on the stove.

Wholesome nutrition will benefit your baby and you. It is better to eat often, but in small portions. The last meal should take place no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

You need to buy natural products, cook them at home in order to know what this or that dish consists of .


Naturally, a pregnant woman should give up smoking and drinking alcohol a few months before conception. This axiom does not change at the 7th month of pregnancy. But this is not the only advice of doctors. To feel better, mom is recommended:

  1. Walks in the open air. It will be right to take a folding chair with you to rest if the woman feels tired. It is good to spend time in the country, but pregnant women cannot be engaged in gardening. And it's too late to go to the sea. It is not known how the woman will endure the flight - whether she will start contractions.
  2. Go to bed no later than 22:00. Since when the stomach is large, it is difficult to get into bed and fall asleep, and the time of night sleep is reduced, it is useful to arrange an afternoon nap.
  3. If a woman does not have a threat of miscarriage, it is not at all necessary to lie down all day. You can do simple household chores or devote time to your hobby.
  4. In the last trimester of pregnancy, the doctor prescribes special exercises for mothers, which will help them during childbirth in the future. They visit her 2-3 times a week.
  5. If a clinic or a store is nearby, take your time walking there.
  6. Concerning nervous system the mother's condition still affects the baby. The problem of peace in the family acquires importance. And what happens behind the walls of a woman's apartment should not be taken to heart.

Since the behavior of a woman at the 7th month of pregnancy should be aimed at maintaining the health of the baby and normalizing the course of the gestation process, the following is useful:

  1. It is recommended to limit contact with people who can infect mom infectious disease. To do this, it is worth reducing trips to public transport, trips to the cinema, to the theater, to large stores. You need to go to the gynecologist only on those days when there is a reception of pregnant women. If a woman has to take tests, do an ultrasound and stand in line, you need to wear a medical bandage.
  2. Since pregnant women are plagued by a lack of calcium, and in connection with this, teeth may suffer, take care of them with double care - after each meal, rinse your mouth with mouthwash purchased at a pharmacy. Use toothpicks.
  3. When you have to do household chores, do not bend over. Yes, it's difficult when a big belly gets in the way. If a woman wants to pick up an object that has fallen on the floor, she must bring and place a folding chair next to her, and only while sitting on it, pick it up. Only in last resort you can sit down and take what you need.

Concerning intimate life with her husband - if there is no threat of miscarriage, sex is not prohibited. Babies react differently to the closeness of their parents. Someone increases their physical activity after mom's orgasm, someone calms down and falls asleep. It is in both cases normal reaction and there is no cause for concern. If some women have contraindications for having sex during pregnancy (short cervix or its partial disclosure), then in this case, an experienced doctor will definitely warn his patient about the ban.

If the pregnant woman has familiarized herself with all the recommendations in advance and follows them, the expectation child will pass calmly, without unforeseen problems. In the case when the expectant mother has some kind of pathology, the doctor will advise more frequent examinations and, possibly, some kind of treatment.

Do not watch unpleasant programs, including news, on TV and drama films. Try to please yourself with funny books, pleasant music.


Twice a month, a woman should appear at the doctor leading the pregnancy. He will measure her weight, blood pressure, stomach, see if there are swelling in her arms and legs. The specialist will also listen to the baby's heartbeat. If the doctor suspects fetal heart disease, an additional KGT (cardiotocography) is prescribed.

Before seeing a doctor, you need to pass a urine test. The gynecologist will give directions for this analysis every time you visit, so that the next time you have fresh results. If a pregnant woman has kidney problems, she will also be asked to take a urine test for bacteriuria. If sugar is elevated, they will give a direction for a biochemical blood test.

If placenta previa is suspected, an additional ultrasound is prescribed. If a woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen and back, spotting, this may mean the onset of premature birth. In this case, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, and if the pregnant woman is expecting a second child, call an ambulance, since the second and all subsequent births are much faster than the first.