How to dress a baby in hot weather. Is it worth drinking? Techniques and algorithm for dressing children for a walk

Dressing a little person for summer weather is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is not enough to pay attention only to the weather outside the window; you also need to take into account the composition and cut of the vest, the color, shape and degree of fit of the clothes and panama hat.

How to dress a newborn baby in the heat?

Let's start from afar. The main and main function of clothing in hot weather, oddly enough, is to protect the body from overheating and the skin from sun rays.

And if in sunny weather adults want to almost give up clothes, then babies, on the contrary, really need clothes. But the fact is that the thermoregulation system, both in newborns and, in principle, in all young children, does not yet work. Therefore, children overheat and become hypothermic very quickly. Overheating can cause convulsions and even loss of consciousness for a child. And after hypothermia, the child, as a rule, gets a cold or runny nose. To avoid such troubles, it is enough to periodically check whether your baby is cold or, conversely, overheated. The surest way to check this is to touch the baby's neck. Ideally, it should be warm, not cold or hot. The temperature of the nose, arms or legs does not always indicate the condition of the baby. If your baby is hot, he will most likely be capricious, his face will turn red, his skin will become wet, and his lips will become dry. If he is cold, then one can also expect whims; his condition can be determined by a reddened nose and a cold fold of the neck. But it should be recalled that all children are individual; a child, in case of discomfort, can sit quietly and not be capricious. This is why it is so important to periodically check for yourself whether the baby is comfortable.

How to pack a newborn for a walk

When going for a walk, be sure to take into account the characteristics of babies described above. You should also keep in mind that the weather can be very changeable. Therefore, you should have things with you for all occasions.

What you might need when walking with a newborn baby in the heat:

  • For a newborn baby in the heat it will never be superfluous light diaper, which, if necessary, can either cover the baby or use it as a canopy, a shield from direct rays above the stroller;
  • Warm blanket, oddly enough, can also be useful for a newborn baby on a walk in the heat. In case of a sudden change in weather, it will protect the baby from strong winds. And if the weather, on the contrary, is very good, then you can put it on the grass in the park, using it as a bedding for yourself and the baby;
  • Knitted blouse A must have in the kit of an adult who goes for a walk in the summer with a newborn in case of evening coolness. Remember - newborn babies can become hypothermic very quickly;
  • You can’t go out for a walk with a newborn in the heat, or without water bottles. Your baby should be offered drinks several times during your walk, especially in extreme heat.

How to dress a newborn baby in hot weather:

  1. The most comfortable temperature for a newborn is +24-25C, no matter whether the baby is at home or outdoors. At this degree, the child will have enough of the following set of clothes: a) a vest with rompers; b) Bodysuit with long sleeves and “legs”; c) bodysuit – T-shirt, T-shirt, shorts, light socks. If the temperature is higher, then dress the child a little lighter - a) a bodysuit with short sleeves, light socks; b) T-shirt with shorts; c) a dress.
  2. Summer clothes should be made only from cotton, WITHOUT the addition of synthetics. Children's skin is very sensitive and delicate, it needs to breathe. Breathable fabric maintains constant air exchange underneath, which protects the baby's skin from overheating.
  3. Pay attention to the back of the clothing. It must be without seams, the reverse sides of the applications must also be made with high quality, otherwise you risk injuring the delicate baby skin.
  4. Newborn babies grow very quickly. In just the first four months of life, they are capable of doubling or even tripling their weight. And such cute, tiny clothes become too small very quickly. What a pity! Young mothers and fathers are so moved by the sight of a newborn in these tiny things, they lose their heads and, often, try to dress these things until the last minute. But you shouldn’t do this in the heat! A newborn's clothes in hot weather must be spacious. This applies to both clothes and panama hats! If a newborn's clothes or hat fit tightly, the thermal effect will only increase! In this case, the cap and clothes only cause harm!
  5. You can buy clothes for babies with discounts of up to 70% in our partner’s store – Mamsy!

Safety measures when walking a newborn baby in the summer, in the heat:

In the summer, spend as much time as possible outdoors with your baby! But remember that in the period from 12 to 15 hours, the activity of the sun's rays is very dangerous. This is dangerous for the skin of an adult, and what can we say about a newborn, whose skin thickness is hundreds of times thinner than the thickness of an adult. During this period of time, refrain from walking;

  • It is recommended to relax with your baby only in the shade, at any time of the day;
  • When bathing or taking air baths in the open sun, a newborn or a child up to one year old can be left naked for no more than 15-20 minutes;
  • You should also not be in direct sunlight for more than 20 minutes. The fabric also transmits ultraviolet radiation, so a baby can get sunburned even without undressing;
  • The skin of babies is especially vulnerable, so summer children's clothing should be light colors, and a hat should be white. This is ideal. These colors reflect sunlight better than others;
  • Only the sun's rays reflected from the foliage bring benefit to the baby, so stick to the shade. Try to take your child for walks in the park more;
  • Don’t be afraid of rainy or windy days in summer; in such weather you really need to go for a walk with your child. On top of a layer of cotton clothing, put on an additionally warm enough one-piece overalls, for example, made of fleece, or cover the baby with a light but thick blanket or diaper;
  • If you prefer a sling for a walk, then, firstly, you should think about the color of the sling, preferably it should be light in color. A child in a sling needs a minimum of clothing; in hot weather he can be there in a diaper and a Panama hat. But if you plan to take your newborn out of the sling during a walk, then be sure to put a bodysuit on him, and take rompers with you for the walk, which you will put on the baby after he leaves his secluded place.

After the baby is born - small and defenseless, parents have a question: how to dress the baby in order to protect him as much as possible from colds and infections. Most parents, especially if the baby is their first, constantly wrap him up; they think that the child is cold. But this is not correct, because the baby will be very uncomfortable due to rapid overheating (the thermoregulation system in newborns is not yet fully formed), and a lightly dressed child will also quickly become hypothermic. No less dangerous is the “sweating” of the baby, because any breeze can cause a cold, and if the child is constantly wrapped up, the body perceives the decrease in temperature in the room or outside as a threat and does not know how to resist these factors. In older age, this leads to decreased immunity and constant colds and respiratory infections. Therefore, from birth you need to dress your baby according to the weather!

Thermoregulation of the baby

Even in full-term newborns, especially during the first month of life, thermoregulation is unstable, while heat production is more intense compared to heat loss. And in premature newborns and low birth weight babies, these processes are even more imperfect. Also, newborn babies have a thin subcutaneous fat layer, which plays a major role in protecting the baby’s body from hypothermia. An additional negative factor is the lack of functioning of the sweat glands, which are responsible for releasing excess heat by evaporating sweat from the surface of the skin of newborns. From the age of one month, the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer increases, and protection against hypothermia improves, but heat transfer processes remain imperfect until the age of three, when the sweat glands begin to function fully.
All these features of thermoregulation must be taken into account when dressing your baby at home or for a walk.

How to dress a baby during the day

The baby should be dressed as oneself, preferably in clothes made from natural fabrics (cotton or linen, natural wool), use mittens, a hat and socks (even in the room) and constantly maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room. The air temperature in the room should be 23-25 ​​C, constantly ventilate the room, after moving the baby to another room. This air temperature is considered the most comfortable, protects against overheating and at the same time hardens the child.
When the temperature in the room (or outside) is above 27C, it is enough for the baby to wear a thin cotton blouse. At a temperature of 23 - 25C - a thin cotton overall or blouse and rompers, a thin hat, and if the hands and feet are cold (especially in newborns, premature and weakened babies) - socks and mittens.

How to dress a baby at night

While sleeping, the baby should be dressed as during wakefulness, additionally covering the baby with a diaper or a light blanket made of natural fabrics with minimal inclusion of synthetic fibers, or buy special blankets made of modern materials that allow air to pass through well. It is important to avoid using thick blankets - wool or cotton, due to the high likelihood of the baby overheating.
At temperatures above 27C, it is not recommended to cover the baby, but at 24C-27C, cover the baby with a thin diaper.

How to check if a baby is comfortable

To do this, it is often advised to touch the baby’s nose - if it is warm, then the baby is comfortable, and if it is cold, the child is cold. But this is not always correct, because the temperature of the baby’s nose (as an open part of the body) will always be a little less or more than the temperature of the baby.
In this case, it is better to check the temperature of the neck, parietal region of the head, upper back, and feet.
You can check the temperature of the crown even while walking by sticking your hand under your cap. The temperature of other parts of the body should be checked at home - immediately after a walk and conclusions should be drawn when choosing clothes for the next walk. If these areas of the body are wet or hot, the baby is overheated, and if they are cold, the baby is cold.
During the cold season outside, you need to periodically monitor the color of your skin; if it is pale, it means your baby is cold and needs to go home.

Walking in the fresh air is necessary for the baby at any time of the year, so that the baby receives oxygen, which improves metabolic processes in the baby’s body, stimulates the growth and differentiation of all cells of the system, and also improves the baby’s sleep.

You can start going outside with your newborn only after the baby’s body has fully adapted to the temperature regime and new living conditions.

The main feature of young children is considered to be the instability of nervous regulation and the infant thermoregulation system itself.

To properly dress your baby for a walk, use the formula “like mom + one layer of clothing.” You need to dress your baby for a walk in accordance with the weather, time of year and the child’s general health. Therefore, you need to have several sets of clothes for your baby for different occasions.

How to dress a baby in winter

For comfortable walks in winter, you need a good stroller that will protect your baby from cold air and wind, warm clothes made from modern natural materials - a down or fur-lined jumpsuit with a hood and a light, warm blanket for the legs.

It is important to remember that you can start walking with your baby on the street only after the baby has adapted through walks on the balcony, veranda or loggia with a gradual increase in the duration of walks from five minutes to an hour (on the balcony).

You can walk with your baby in winter in clear weather and frost (no more than -10) with moderate air humidity, without biting wind and snow. Important factors are the right choice of place for a walk and the child’s good mood. You need to walk in a quiet park with a comfortable microclimate - a place where there are no loud sounds or extraneous noises and no open, ventilated places (drafts). It is also important that the baby is well-fed and does not cry during a walk.

Clothes should be warm and comfortable and not restrict the child’s movements.

It is important to remember that you cannot wear a warm hat without a cotton scarf or cap and constantly check the temperature of exposed areas (cheeks, nose).

Walking with premature newborns in winter or with children with low body weight is possible only when the baby reaches more than 3 kilograms of weight at an air temperature of at least -5: first for 5-10-15 minutes and gradually lengthening the walking time by five minutes daily, but not more than 35-45 minutes 2 times a day. With a lower body weight or low air temperature, cold wind or snowfall, walking involves constantly ventilating the room.

How to dress a baby in summer

In the hot season, children need clothing made from light natural fabrics: suits and, of course, hats that protect the baby’s head from the sun.

In very hot months, the baby can be left without clothes while walking and sleeping, but you should always have a set of underwear with you in case the weather changes (wind or rain). At this time of year, you also need to choose the right place for a walk - without direct sunlight and drafts. It is also not recommended to take your baby into air-conditioned supermarkets and other public places - if there is a sharp change in temperature, the child may catch a cold.

How to dress a baby in autumn and spring

Autumn and spring are seasons with changeable weather throughout the day, characterized by damp wind, periodic rain, or, conversely, hot weather. Therefore, the baby’s wardrobe should include both light caps and suits, as well as fleece or woolen overalls or suits. In rainy weather and strong winds, you should refrain from walking in the fresh air.

The arrival of a newborn in the home is both a great joy and a great responsibility. It's no surprise that many parents become worried, especially if this is their first child and they don't have much experience with child care.

Even the question of how to properly dress a baby for a walk causes many difficulties. After all, if his mother dresses him too lightly, he may freeze, and if he wraps him in several blankets, he may overheat.

In our article we will help adults figure out what to wear for a newborn at home and on a walk.

Parents should remember that the body temperature of a small child in the first two to three weeks of his life is unstable and is directly dependent on the ambient temperature.

That's why new mothers and fathers need to learn how to dress their baby in such a way that discomfort from overheating or chills does not distract him from exploring the world.

Pediatricians advise dressing your baby in accordance with his health, the time of year and the weather outside.

So your family should purchase several sets of clothes in advance. Then you won't have to go shopping right after the baby is born.

How to properly dress a newborn?

Congratulations, you are the proud parents of a little man who needs to be introduced to his home and crib. But first you need to think about discharge. The following set of clothes is usually prepared for a “winter” child:

  • vest;
  • high rompers with a breast (in regular ones, the elastic band can rub the wound from the umbilical cord);
  • cotton and flannel diapers;
  • lightweight slip-type overalls made of cotton;
  • cotton cap or helmet;
  • warm hat;
  • envelope or warm overalls.

Diapers and blankets are not clothing in the full sense of the word, but they should also be remembered.

You will need two blankets (can be replaced with an envelope) - light and warm. Well, according to tradition, the ribbon is blue or pink, preferably nylon, so that it does not slip off the blanket.

If the discharge takes place in the off-season, a fleece overall (or flannelette blanket) and an envelope are sufficient. We still put two hats on the newborn’s head.

In the summer season, when the weather is not hot, the baby will only need one layer of cotton clothing to cover his arms and legs, a knitted blanket and a light hat.

How to dress a newborn at home?

This issue is easy to understand, you just need to pay attention to the air temperature in the room.

Pediatricians consider the most comfortable conditions for a baby to be 23-24°C during wakefulness and 22-23°C when falling asleep. And, of course, the most suitable fabric for a newborn is one hundred percent cotton.

For a baby in such conditions, a light overall will be suitable, and a bodysuit underneath. A child who is not wrapped in diapers actively moves and, thereby, warms himself.

A thin blanket or blanket will come in handy while sleeping. Avoid wool and cotton blankets to prevent your baby from overheating. Some mothers use sleeping bags for their children's sleep.

How to dress a newborn for a walk?

It is necessary to walk with your baby often and for a long time, thereby strengthening your health, improving sleep and appetite.

Most often, the walk lasts two to three hours, and you should go outside twice a day. Of course, you should carefully prepare for such “public appearances”.

A walking set for a newborn consists of a warm or light blanket, a raincoat (at any time of the year), a handkerchief, a pacifier and a bottle of water. Don't forget about the diaper before dressing your baby.

Going outside in winter

In winter, pay special attention to the baby’s limbs, his head, especially his ears. Multi-layer clothing will help preserve the necessary warmth. What else do you need to remember?

  1. At temperatures from -10 to -20, the baby can be dressed in a bodysuit, knitted overalls, or a woolen blouse. On top of this we put on a warm overall and put the baby in an envelope (preferably made of sheepskin), wrapping it in a blanket. The child has a cap and a warm cap on his head. If the weather is frosty, it is better to avoid walking altogether.
  2. If it is not too cold outside (from 0 to -10), discard the blanket, otherwise the child will simply mate in such conditions. But if a piercing wind blows, there is a risk that the baby will freeze. Therefore, a warm blanket should always be at the ready.

We walk in autumn and spring

In the off-season we will experience changeable and treacherous weather.

As a last resort, you can always unwrap it. And, of course, we pay attention to weather conditions.

  1. In clear, windless weather with air temperatures up to +8, the best option is overalls made of cotton, fleece and another insulated overalls. On the child's head there is a cap and a warm autumn hat.
  2. If the temperature outside is up to 13 degrees Celsius, you should limit yourself to a cotton sleepsuit, a not too insulated envelope and a hat.
  3. If the thermometer is approaching 17 degrees, you can get by with a thin cotton jumpsuit, another one made of velor with insulation and the same hat.

Walking in the summer

We continue to be guided by the weather and the thermometer readings in order to properly dress a newborn in the summer. The most important condition is only natural fabrics, no synthetics!

  1. In warm weather (20 degrees and above), discard all overalls and leave only rompers and a vest. We put a light cap on the head.
  2. Of course, the sun is beneficial for babies, but the baby should not be exposed to direct sunlight, especially at midday, when there is increased solar activity. To avoid problems, do not forget to raise the visor on the stroller.
  3. In rainy or windy weather, wear a fleece overall with a layer of lightweight knitwear. Use a rain cover, but leave some space to avoid creating a “greenhouse effect” inside the stroller.

The main rule for walking with a newborn is that he should feel comfortable. That is why it is necessary to check the condition of the baby more often, no matter how you “dress” him up outside.

Touch the neck or back: if the skin there is wet and hot, then the baby is hot. If it’s cold, it means the child is freezing.

So, dressing a newborn correctly, according to the weather, is a rather complex skill, but any mother will be able to master it perfectly over time.

Remember that only you can determine exactly how your baby feels in the clothes you chose for him. Try, check and experiment - then your children will grow up healthy.

Other information on the topic

  • Sling for a newborn. What is it for?

  • We do massage for newborns

  • Bathing a baby: bath basics

Nine months have flown by. Yesterday you returned from the maternity hospital, and today you are going to go out with your newborn to bask in the sun. But it's not that simple. The first walk with your baby can be a real challenge for a new mother.

How to choose the right clothes for a baby in the summer?

The modern textile industry is distinguished by a variety of clothes for newborns. Sometimes moms and dads buy everything in their path: this is beautiful, this is for growth, and this is just for the heap. How to avoid unnecessary expenses and properly dress your child not only on the street, but also at home?

Experienced mothers advise paying attention to the following points when choosing summer clothes for a newborn:

  1. Give preference to clothes made from natural materials (linen, cotton), because they absorb moisture and allow the skin to breathe.
  2. Beautiful does not mean safe. Always look at the ingredients. Safety for the baby comes first!
  3. No seams on the reverse side. They can easily injure the most delicate baby skin.
  4. Fasteners must be covered with protective flaps for safety purposes.
  5. Clothes should not restrict movement or be too big. The baby should be comfortable.

What to dress your baby in at home?

In newborns, the process of thermoregulation is still imperfect. The task of parents is to provide the baby with a comfortable stay in this world. How to dress a newborn in the summer so that he is neither hot nor cold at home?

It is enough to follow the following rules:

If the room temperature is no higher than 25 degrees, then the baby will be comfortable in:

  • jumpsuit with long sleeves and closed legs,
  • a vest with rompers or a thick, but without insulation, diaper (if you are swaddling).

If the temperature is above 25 degrees, then it is enough:

  • one thin vest or T-shirt (bodysuit or regular), the main thing is that the tummy is covered,
  • panties or diapers,
  • cotton socks or thin diaper.

And, remember, all children's clothing should be made only from natural fabrics without the addition of synthetics.

Newborns sleep most of the time (on average about 20 hours). To ensure their sleep is comfortable, they do not need warm blankets to cover them. A flannelette diaper is enough. If your child sweats while sleeping, cover him with a thinner diaper or remove it completely.

In hot weather, do not forget to change the diaper to avoid prickly heat and irritation in the groin area. In the summer, it is best to wear a diaper only outside, and use gauze diapers at home to allow the skin to breathe.

How to dress your baby for a summer walk?

In the summer, the weather can be different, and the clothes in such cases, of course, are different. The following rule will help you dress your newborn for a walk in the summer, regardless of the weather: “As yourself + 1 layer of clothing.”

Choosing clothes according to the outside temperature

In accordance with the temperature on the thermometer, a very small child should be dressed as follows:

  • 25 degrees and above - thin cotton or cotton underwear, socks and a light hat that will protect the crown from the sun's rays. The arms and legs must be open;
  • 23 - 24 degrees - a vest or T-shirt without seams, cotton overalls, socks and a cotton hat on the head;
  • 20 - 22 degrees - a T-shirt (better if it is a bodysuit), long-sleeved overalls with closed arms made of cotton or cotton, socks, a thin hat;
  • 17 - 19 degrees - T-shirt, cotton overalls with sleeves and a thick knitted suit, socks and a knitted hat;
  • 14 - 16 degrees - T-shirt, knitted overalls, fleece suit, warm socks and a thick knitted hat.

For a newborn in the summer, the main thing is to maintain a temperature balance to prevent overheating or freezing. Don't forget to take a diaper or thin blanket with you on your walk, depending on the weather.

Please note that a diaper covering a baby is equivalent to one layer of clothing. In hot weather, it is better to take a spare set of clothes. The baby may sweat or burp.

What to wear on a newborn in the heat?

If the air temperature is 25 degrees or higher, you can completely remove your clothes for 20 minutes and leave only a diaper, provided that there is no wind or draft. Such air baths will be very beneficial for your baby's skin.

Walking with a newborn in the sun is not advisable (from 12 to 16 hours). Direct sunlight will adversely affect the condition of the baby. He may get heatstroke. At such times, when going for a walk, it is best to be in a park or square. The shade of the trees will protect the baby from the dangerous rays of the sun.

What to wear for your baby in windy weather?

For walks in cool or windy weather, you need to wear fleece overalls over cotton clothes and cover your newborn baby with a blanket. Put a cotton hat and a knitted or knitted one made of fine yarn on your head.

If the weather is warm and sunny, but there is wind, then dress the child a little warmer than at the same temperature, but without wind. It is enough to add one layer of clothing.

It is better if additional summer clothes have snaps or buttons so that they can be easily removed if the baby gets hot in the stroller. Don't forget to pack a diaper or blanket just in case.

What should I dress my baby in in rainy weather?

In general, in rainy weather, and even in strong winds, it is better to refrain from walking. There will be no benefit from walking for a couple of hours and getting wet, and there is a high probability of catching a cold. Colds are not necessary for either the mother or the very young toddler.

It is enough to dress the child warmly, but depending on the temperature, and take him in a stroller to sleep on the balcony. If it is raining outside and the temperature is 18 - 20 degrees, then you should not put warm clothes on your baby and wrap him in an additional blanket.

You need to choose one thing. Either it is a warm suit and a light diaper, or a lighter suit and a blanket.

If you don’t have a balcony, you can go outside and stand under the canopy so that the rain doesn’t fall on you or your child. Wear a raincoat on the stroller. It will protect from wind and raindrops.

How can you tell if your child is comfortable in their clothes?

Whether a newborn is comfortable or not is easy to understand by its external condition and behavior.

So, everything is fine if:

  • baby is sleeping;
  • his arms, legs and nose are warm;
  • the head or back is dry;

Otherwise, the child must either be dressed additionally if he is cold or take off one layer of clothing if he is hot. Remember that overheating a newborn is just as dangerous as hypothermia.

Dressing a little person for summer weather is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is not enough to pay attention only to the weather outside the window; you also need to take into account the composition and cut of the rapashka, the color, shape and degree of adherence of clothes and a hat.

How to dress a newborn baby in the heat?

Let's start from afar. The main and main function of clothing in hot weather, oddly enough, is to protect the body from overheating and the skin from sun rays.

And if in sunny weather adults want to almost give up clothes, then babies, on the contrary, really need clothes. But the fact is that the thermoregulation system, both in newborns and, in principle, in all young children, does not yet work. Therefore, children overheat and become hypothermic very quickly. Overheating can cause convulsions and even loss of consciousness for a child. And after hypothermia, the child, as a rule, gets a cold or runny nose. To avoid such troubles, it is enough to periodically check whether your baby is cold or, conversely, overheated. The surest way to check this is to touch the baby's neck. Ideally, it should be warm, not cold or hot. The temperature of the nose, arms or legs does not always indicate the condition of the baby. If your baby is hot, he will most likely be capricious, his face will turn red, his skin will become wet, and his lips will become dry. If he is cold, then one can also expect whims; his condition can be determined by a reddened nose and a cold fold of the neck. But it should be recalled that all children are individual; a child, in case of discomfort, can sit quietly and not be capricious. This is why it is so important to periodically check for yourself whether the baby is comfortable.

How to pack a newborn for a walk

When going for a walk, be sure to take into account the characteristics of babies described above. You should also keep in mind that the weather can be very changeable. Therefore, you should have things with you for all occasions.

What you might need when walking with a newborn baby in the heat:

  • For a newborn baby in the heat it will never be superfluous light diaper, which, if necessary, can either cover the baby or use it as a canopy, a shield from direct rays above the stroller;
  • Warm blanket, oddly enough, can also be useful for a newborn baby on a walk in the heat. In case of a sudden change in weather, it will protect the baby from strong winds. And if the weather, on the contrary, is very good, then you can put it on the grass in the park, using it as a bedding for yourself and the baby;
  • Knitted blouse A must have in the kit of an adult who goes for a walk in the summer with a newborn in case of evening coolness. Remember - newborn babies can become hypothermic very quickly;
  • You can’t go out for a walk with a newborn in the heat, or without water bottles. Your baby should be offered a drink several times during your walk, especially in extreme heat.

How to dress a newborn baby in hot weather:

  1. The most comfortable temperature for a newborn is +24-25C, no matter whether the baby is at home or outdoors. At this degree, the child will have enough of the following set of clothes: a) a vest with rompers; b) Bodysuit with long sleeves and “legs”; c) bodysuit - T-shirt, T-shirt, shorts, light socks. If the temperature is higher, then dress the child a little lighter - a) a bodysuit with short sleeves, light socks; b) T-shirt with shorts; c) a dress.
  2. Summer clothes should be made only from cotton, WITHOUT the addition of synthetics. Baby skin is very sensitive and delicate, it needs to breathe. Breathable fabric maintains constant air exchange underneath, which protects the baby's skin from overheating.
  3. Pay attention to the back of the clothing. It must be without seams, the reverse sides of the applications must also be made with high quality, otherwise you risk injuring the delicate baby skin.
  4. Newborn babies grow very quickly. In just the first four months of life, they are capable of doubling or even tripling their weight. And such cute, tiny clothes become too small very quickly. What a pity! Young mothers and fathers are so moved by the sight of a newborn in these tiny things, they lose their heads and, often, try to dress these things until the last minute. But you shouldn’t do this in the heat! A newborn's clothes in hot weather must be spacious. This applies to both clothes and panama hats! If the clothes or headdress of a newborn sit tightly, the thermal effect will only intensify! In this case, the cap and clothes only cause harm!

Safety measures when walking a newborn baby in the summer, in the heat:

  • In the summer, spend as much time as possible outdoors with your baby! But remember that in the period from 12 to 15 hours, the activity of the sun's rays is very dangerous. This is dangerous for the skin of an adult, and what can we say about a newborn, whose skin thickness is hundreds of times thinner than the thickness of an adult. During this period of time, refrain from walking;
  • It is recommended to relax with your baby only in the shade, at any time of the day;
  • When bathing or taking air baths in the open sun, a newborn or a child up to one year old can be left naked for no more than 15-20 minutes;
  • You should also not be in direct sunlight for more than 20 minutes. The fabric also transmits ultraviolet radiation, so a baby can get sunburned even without undressing;
  • The skin of babies is especially vulnerable, so summer children's clothing should be light colors, and a hat should be white. This is ideal. These colors reflect sunlight better than others;
  • Only the sun's rays reflected from the foliage bring benefit to the baby, so stick to the shade. Try to take your child for walks in the park more;
  • Don’t be afraid of rainy or windy days in summer; in such weather you really need to go for a walk with your child. On top of a layer of cotton clothing, put on an additionally warm enough one-piece overalls, for example, made of fleece, or cover the baby with a light but thick blanket or diaper;
  • If you prefer a sling for a walk, then, firstly, you should think about the color of the sling, preferably it should be light in color. A child in a sling needs a minimum of clothing; in hot weather he can be there in a diaper and a Panama hat. But if you plan to take your newborn out of the sling during a walk, then be sure to put a bodysuit on him, and take rompers with you for the walk, which you will put on the baby after he leaves his secluded place.