Active movements at 21 weeks

At the 21st week of pregnancy, a woman looks good: her hair is thick and shiny, her skin is clean and smooth. The chest is slightly enlarged, and the tummy is rounded. At this time, appetite increases markedly, so you need to carefully consider and balance the diet. No need to type extra pounds- this can complicate the process of childbirth.

You need to take walks in the fresh air.

At 21 weeks important indicator is the heartbeat, biparental size. At a period of 21 weeks of pregnancy, weak movements are quite normal phenomenon. During ultrasound, the localization of the placenta is noted, its thickness and maturity, the amount of amniotic fluid are assessed.

At this stage, the development is checked internal organs baby. The height of the child should be within 25-26 cm, and weight up to 400 grams. If at 21 weeks of pregnancy there are no movements at all, this is the reason for an additional examination. At this time, the child has grown enough for you to feel his movements.

Now the child seems thin, his main goal is to gain fat.

When do the first movements occur?

The child begins to move immediately after the appearance of legs and arms. It’s just that in the early stages, mom can’t feel movement. The most noticeable movements occur at 20 or 21 weeks of pregnancy. Each pregnant woman has a certain threshold of sensitivity, full ones feel movements much later than thin ones.

The baby's movements at 21 weeks may resemble rolling or small pulsations. At such times, the mother does not immediately understand that these are the movements of the crumbs. From the 30th week, the tremors begin to really be felt.

What are perturbations?

So, stirring at 21 weeks is 10 pushes per day. When the mother is active and cheerful, the child is also active. Previously, there was an opinion that too frequent movements at 21 weeks indicate fetal hypoxia. This theory has now been debunked. Despite the fact that many mothers notice how the baby's movements increase at 21 weeks when they are in stuffy and smoky rooms.

Mother's condition

At the 21st week of pregnancy, the condition of the expectant mother can be assessed as vigorous and good. Women who gain weight quickly this week may experience varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and constipation. Late toxicosis may occur. In this regard, in order to avoid edema, it is necessary to measure as often as possible arterial pressure.

At this time, to detect violations, a hormonal test is prescribed, which consists of three serum hormones.

Reaction to music

Often the question arises whether the fetus reacts to music and other noises. Most scientists claim that it does.

Sometimes, when listening to certain music, mothers notice more intense movements at 21 weeks. Most often, kids prefer calm and quiet music, mostly classical music. Such passions must be treated with respect.

Weak movements

So, if there are weak movements at the 21st week of pregnancy, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Of course, if the 21 weeks of pregnancy are weak movements, this is not very good. You need to consult with your doctor. And if there is no movement at a later date, this is a good reason for an emergency examination.

To determine the condition of the fetus, cardiotocography will have to be performed. Of course, the heartbeat can also be heard with a stethoscope, but cardiotocography is a more accurate technique. With its help, you can not only hear, but also record the heartbeat for later analysis.

If during the examination it was found that the child's pulse is too rare and he is very lethargic, then it is better to terminate the pregnancy. And this is done, first of all, for the child, since there is something in the mother's body that interferes with his stay in it. In such a situation, it is better to help the child be born and mature outside the mother's body.

What is useful to do? At this time, it is recommended to talk with the baby, sing songs to him and read. Now the fetus catches the state of the mother and tries to adapt to it. Already now he recognizes fear and joy. It is worth staying exclusively in a calm state. Anger and irritation can not favorably affect the nervous system of the child. It is necessary to add calcium to the diet, eat 5-6 times, do not make the child feel hungry. During this period, it is worth limiting yourself in taking meat and fish dishes, replacing them with dairy products. If a woman is 21 weeks pregnant, and there is no movement, then you need to see a doctor. The baby's movements at 21 weeks of gestation should be frequent and noticeable. If there are no movements at 21 weeks of gestation, then this serious reason undergo additional testing.

The most beautiful thing that God could give a woman is the ability to be a mother, to carry a new life under her heart.

Pregnancy is a responsible process that lasts nine whole months, or forty obstetric weeks. 21 weeks of pregnancy is half the term, which has its own characteristics and specifics of development.

Trimesters of pregnancy

The entire period of pregnancy is conditionally divided into three trimesters:

  • 1st is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd months, or from the 1st to the 13th week.
  • 2nd is the 4th, 5th, 6th months, or from the 14th to the 26th week.
  • 3rd is the 7th, 8th, 9th months, or from the 27th to the 41st week.

Each period has its own characteristics of fetal development and is accompanied by changes in the mother's body. So.

I trimester

It was during this period that a woman learns about her “interesting position”. Delayed menstruation, nausea in the morning, fatigue, drowsiness and irritability are the first signs of a "new life" inside.

As soon as the expectant mother confirms her guesses after examining the doctor, she needs to take care of herself and healthy lifestyle life.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most responsible. The main organs of the future crumbs and its nervous system are formed. By the end of the trimester, the embryo takes on a human form and is already called a fetus. He had tiny arms and legs, a little face was formed.

From the first to the thirteenth week, a woman should avoid stressful situations, exercise and adhere to proper nutrition, including vitamins. After all, it is on early dates high risk of miscarriage.

II trimester

If in the first trimester the mother’s body was rebuilt and got used to the “new life” inside, then already in the second this “life” becomes visible to others.

By the fourteenth week, toxicosis, drowsiness and irritability pass. The forms of a woman are rounded - the chest is poured, the tummy is growing. Due to the increased amount of hormones, a pregnant woman becomes more attractive in appearance - hair growth increases, their structure changes. The second trimester is less dangerous for the baby's life. The risk of miscarriage is reduced. The child begins to grow rapidly. He already looks like a newborn. The baby knows how to express his emotions. When the 21st week of pregnancy comes, the size of the fetus is already quite large, and the mother may already feel his presence inside herself, which he expresses with the help of movements.

The gender of the baby has already been formed, and on ultrasound you can determine which diapers to buy - pink or blue.

In addition to happy moments, the second trimester brings its own inconveniences, such as heartburn, constipation, increased discharge, increased urination. Many problems can be avoided by the right way life, a balanced diet and outdoor activities.

III trimester

The belly is growing rapidly, because the baby is growing by leaps and bounds. His movements become more palpable. Sometimes you can very clearly feel the protruding leg or handle. It becomes difficult for a woman to move around, she suffers from insomnia, shortness of breath.

In the third trimester, the body begins to train to upcoming birth. These are the so-called false contractions. They are in many ways similar to real ones, but differ in frequency. If such contractions are not accompanied by secretions, do not panic. When there is unusual discharge, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Every week, every day, the baby grows inside and gets smarter. Many of his organs have already been formed and are being improved. The skin became firmer and not as transparent as before. The intestines are developing rapidly. This is facilitated by amniotic fluid, which is constantly swallowed by the fetus.

21 weeks pregnant is new stage in the development of the baby. Little by little he learns to control his movements. The nervous system continues to strengthen. Taste buds are actively developing. The baby already knows how to distinguish between sweet and bitter food. He can even express his dissatisfaction with pushing.

The child at 21 weeks of pregnancy grew noticeably and gained weight. Now he looks like a little doll. Its height reaches 27 centimeters, and its weight is almost 400 grams. The immune system became more perfect. In the body of the baby, white blood cells are already produced, which are able to fight infections.

So, pregnancy, 21 weeks. The movements of the baby increase significantly and can reach up to 200 times a day. True, mother hears less than half of these movements. An interesting phenomenon of this period is the intrauterine hiccups of the crumbs. It resembles frequent rhythmic contractions. Hiccups are normal, don't panic.

Here's what promises 21 weeks of pregnancy. Feelings, physical and mental condition Every mom during this period is different. A lot depends on lifestyle, nutrition and stress.

Mom's feelings at 21 weeks pregnant

The most important change in the mother's body is a constantly growing belly, which, in addition to joy, also brings discomfort. It's time to think about changing your wardrobe, including underwear. You can already take a bra one size larger, because the breast grows every day. Underwear you need to choose from natural fabrics, free cut, so as not to press on the stomach. For a future mother, the 21st week of pregnancy is not always joyful - her weight is growing rapidly along with her belly. Therefore, doctors often prescribe different diets. After all, very big baby- not always good for natural childbirth. And proper and balanced nutrition has a positive effect not only on the health of the mother, but also on the health of the baby. Do not forget about vitamins and minerals.

21 weeks of pregnancy brings a variety of sensations for the expectant mother. The load on the back increases, it becomes difficult to walk, shortness of breath may interfere. A special belt supporting the stomach - a bandage - will help to slightly reduce discomfort. Standing on your feet for long periods of time should also be minimized, as this puts extra strain on the back muscles. After all, the stomach at the 21st week of pregnancy noticeably rounded.

From this period, you can start exercises to prepare for childbirth, it would be nice to do yoga for expectant mothers. Help relaxation and swimming lessons. If the woman's pregnancy is the second, it's time to talk about her with the eldest child. Be sure to focus on how they love him, how big and smart he is already, how he helps.

More adult "children" can be told about how children appear. For this, there is a large literature with pictures by age.

21 weeks of pregnancy: discharge (norm and pathology)

Discharge from the genitals is not always a cause for panic. Any woman, including a pregnant woman, has discharge that can be considered a norm or a pathology.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's body begins a "big restructuring", which is aimed at creating conditions for the development future life. Perestroika also applies to allocations. The very first discharge, indicating the "presence" of pregnancy, is thrush, which occurs on a hormonal background. It does not pose a particular danger, but it is still better to treat it.

Normal discharge - leucorrhoea - odorless, transparent and unaccompanied unpleasant sensations. As soon as the discharge has become a different color, itching, discomfort in the genital area, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps there is an infection that will adversely affect the unborn baby.

Signal to sound the alarm - brown or menstrual discharge. They may point to:

  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Threat of interruption.
  • Pathology in the development of the placenta.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • erosion.

Bloody discharge, accompanied by pain, indicates placental abruption. However, sometimes they can be normal and hormonal in nature. One way or another, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. After all, it can cost the life of a baby.

Discharges and STDs

With the onset of pregnancy, the protective functions of the mother's body weaken. This is necessary so that the fetus is not expelled from the uterus and can attach to its walls. Therefore, women who are in an “interesting position” become more susceptible to infections, including those that are sexually transmitted.

Some diseases calmly “doze” in the body, waiting for the immune system to weaken. With the onset of pregnancy, they begin to manifest themselves. STDs for expectant mothers are always a threat, because they affect the fetus in different ways, disrupting its normal development.

The presence of such infections has unpredictable consequences for the baby and requires immediate treatment:

  1. Vulvit. The skin of the external genital organs becomes inflamed. There are redness, burning, enlargement of the labia.
  2. Bartholinitis. Inflammation of the Bartholin's gland. Microbes infect the inlet channel, resulting in a purulent swelling of the gland. A woman feels tired, her working capacity decreases, soreness of the genital organs is observed.
  3. Colpitis. Inflammation of the vagina, which is caused by staphylococcus microbes, E. coli and some others. Microorganisms infect the cervix and external genitalia. A woman feels pain and cramps when urinating.
  4. Gardnerellosis. The disease is associated with changes hormonal background. As a result, beneficial bacteria die, and disease-causing organisms appear in their place. The infection is accompanied by itching, burning, discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  5. Endometritis. Inflammation of the lining of the uterus. It occurs as a consequence after abortion, curettage, internal spirals and other mechanical interventions. The disease is accompanied by unpleasant purulent discharge, elevated temperature, fatigue. The disease can cause fetal death.
  6. Trichomoniasis. Inflammation of the genital organs caused by Trichomonas. Accompanied by itching, burning, redness of the genitals. Often the infection is asymptomatic, which is dangerous for the body. For the fetus, the disease has unpredictable consequences.
  7. Gonorrhea. Very dangerous disease for pregnant. The disease affects the mucous membranes and leads to painful urination, inflammation of the vagina and adjacent glands. Ignoring treatment leads to miscarriage. If a child manages to be born, he has a bunch of pathologies and developmental delays.
  8. Chlamydia. Burning, itching, pain in the genital area - not all symptoms of infection. Like the previous two species, it belongs to TORCH infections, that is, to those that have a devastating effect on the fetus. These diseases are difficult to treat.

This is not the whole list of diseases that pregnant women suffer from. To avoid complications and sad consequences, it is better to do tests for all infections even before pregnancy. If found, treat. Pregnancy is best planned after at least a year.

Ultrasound and necessary tests at 21 weeks

So, 21 weeks pregnant. The development of the fetus, its size, weight and height are clearly visible on ultrasound examination. Ultrasound at this time obligatory view diagnostics. If so far the pregnancy has proceeded normally, this will be only the second planned ultrasound. Thanks to the study, it is already possible to determine:

  • Exact gestational age and due date.
  • The gender of the baby.
  • Pathologies.

Sadly, however, some fetal anomalies may be incompatible with life and are indications for termination of pregnancy. Among them:

  • Severe disability (eg, missing upper or lower limbs).
  • Rare, incurable diseases.
  • If there is a threat to the life of the mother.

To leave a child or not, even if there is evidence, only his mother can decide.

A child at 21 weeks of gestation is a living person. And before depriving him of the right to exist, you need to consult more than one clinic. After all, there have been cases when stupid medical error killed quite healthy children.

If we talk about the mandatory tests for the mother at this time, then these are standard urine tests and a doctor's examination.

What else is important at this time pregnancy (21 weeks)? The movements of the baby at this time are another type of diagnosis of his condition. If they are very frequent and bring discomfort to the mother, the child may not have enough oxygen, and he has developed hypoxia. The complete absence of movements of the crumbs should also alert. In any case, a specialist consultation and ultrasound diagnostics (premature or unscheduled) will resolve the issue correctly.

Feeling pregnant

The growth and development of the baby inside the mother pleases her every day. However, the condition of the pregnant woman may worsen. It's all about the growing belly.

  1. Appetite. Sharply increases and intensifies at 21 weeks. Of course, you should not deny yourself food, but observe light diet recommended. Heaviness in the stomach from overeating can trigger heartburn. Besides big baby giving birth has always been difficult.
  2. Stretch marks. The reason for this is a growing belly. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon will help special creams and lotions, as well as wearing a bandage.
  3. Phlebeurysm. Swelling of parts of the body, fatigue, pain in the legs - not all symptoms of varicose veins. Venous disease is common in pregnant women. Disease prevention - special tights and stockings.
  4. Heartburn. 21 weeks of pregnancy is characterized by this unpleasant phenomenon. The growing belly presses on the intestines, and it throws its contents back into the esophagus. Decoctions of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort), vegetable juices (potatoes, carrots) and jelly will help get rid of heartburn.

Preparing for childbirth

21 weeks pregnant is half way through. Just a little more - and mom will meet with her long-awaited baby. But how much do you need to do before giving birth!

First, it's time to start getting to know maternity hospitals cities, their requirements and conditions.

Secondly, you need to slowly collect the bag to the hospital. Prepare things for yourself home clothes medicines, personal care products). Do not forget about the dowry for the crumbs - you need to purchase a couple of diapers, sliders and vests. In the last month, it will be expensive to do this both physically and financially.

Thirdly, it's time to start preparing the children's room. To equip it, you will need a crib, a chest of drawers for things and a changing table.

If a woman does not work, she can enroll in courses for future parents or yoga. Yes, except useful information and developmental exercises, you can make new friends for communication.

Harbingers of childbirth

Many young mothers are often interested in the question of when the 21st week of pregnancy comes: how many months are left to wait before giving birth? By medical standards, a woman carries a child for 40-42 weeks (or 10 obstetric months). Accordingly, the 21st week is the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy and there is not so much left before the birth. There are cases when women give birth at seven to eight months of quite viable children. However, this is not the norm.

Every woman should know what the precursors of childbirth are, because it often happens that a pregnant woman barely has time to be taken to the hospital.

The following signs indicate that it is time to go to the hospital:

  • Downward displacement of the abdomen. So it will be easier for the baby to go through the birth canals of the mother.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet. It's all about the first reason.
  • Pain in the lower back.
  • False contractions (come after the 30th week).
  • Section of the mucous plug. It has a beige or brownish color with veins.
  • Leakage or leakage of water - you need to go to the hospital immediately!

The expectant mother also has a sharp change in mood. Body weight can decrease by 1-2 kilograms.

Discovering similar symptoms call your doctor and follow his instructions.


There is nothing more beautiful and long-awaited for a woman than " new life» under the heart. Maternal instinct appears from childhood, when girls cradle their dolls, put them to bed and read books to them.

21 weeks of pregnancy is a very interesting period. From this moment, the mother can no longer just talk and sing songs to her child, but also clearly feel his movements.

21 weeks: the weight of the expectant mother continues to grow. From the beginning of pregnancy, the increase can already be 5-6 kg. The uterus, increasing in size, changes its shape from spherical to ovoid. Its walls begin to stretch and thin, only top part, the bottom of the uterus, which is now located 1 cm above the navel. The thinner walls of the uterus clearly convey the movements of the baby, and the mother can now feel the kicks of tiny heels and pushes of small elbows.

Fetal growth at 21 weeks gestation

From the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy, it is customary to measure the size of the fetus no longer from the coccyx to the crown, but in full height. At the 21st week of pregnancy, the total height of the child is approximately 22 - 27 cm, and it weighs about 350 g.

The face of a child at this stage of development is covered with a network of wrinkles and folds. They will begin to smooth out as subcutaneous fat begins to form on the muscles of the face.

The baby swims freely inside the uterus, while not occupying any particular position. Volume amniotic fluid by the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy, it usually reaches 500 ml.

At the 21st week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may notice:

  • increased appetite and fads in eating. Because of active growth a pregnant woman may feel the need to satisfy her hunger much more often than before. Some expectant mothers develop strange eating habits. These are completely normal sensations, but you should try not to overeat and choose not only hearty and tasty, but also healthy food for the menu.
  • increased growth of hair and nails. Sometimes hair begins to appear where it was not there before, for example, on the arms and legs, on the temples, above upper lip and on the chin, and even on the stomach. Usually this phenomenon disappears after childbirth. Hair on the head can become oilier, and the expectant mother will have to wash it more often.
  • pain in the lumbar region. Almost half of expectant mothers in the second half of pregnancy begin to hurt back. Back pain is due to the fact that as the weight of a pregnant woman increases and her abdominal muscles stretch, the load on her spine also increases.
  • baby stirring. After the expectant mother begins to regularly feel fetal movements, the doctor may recommend that she monitor the frequency of these movements, since it can be used to judge the condition of the baby. Doctors believe that if a woman has at least 10 movements per day, then everything is in order with the child. Fears are caused by too frequent movements, they may indicate that something is bothering the baby, for example, he may start to push hard if his mother is in a stuffy room, or music is blaring somewhere nearby. There is also a theory that too frequent movements can be a symptom of fetal hypoxia.

However, it is much worse if the mother does not feel the baby's movements at all for a long time, or these movements are very sluggish and weak, whereas before they were always active and regular. Such a change could be serious threat for pregnancy, and requires urgent medical advice. The situation should be of great concern when long term pregnancy, the woman did not record a single movement per day, in which case she needs an immediate medical examination and, preferably, an ultrasound or CTG (cardiotocography).

If the pregnancy is going well, it is useful for the expectant mother to attend special yoga classes, the purpose of which is to prepare the body for recent months pregnancy and childbirth. With the help of such exercises, you can learn how to relieve back tension, control weight gain, prevent skin stretch marks, as well as strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and improve blood circulation. In addition, yoga classes help to normalize bowel function, that is, help in the fight against flatulence and constipation. However, during classes, a pregnant woman should carefully monitor her well-being, and not do any exercises that require excessive stress and strength from her.

In the second half of pregnancy, you can also exercise special gymnastics for pregnant women, using a fitball, a large gymnastic ball. Fitball exercises allow you to increase blood circulation, especially in the lower body, improve the outflow of blood through the veins of the legs, and unload the spine. There are also a number of breathing exercises performed with a fitball. It is best if the set of exercises is selected individually for each pregnant woman, taking into account her well-being, physical training and duration of pregnancy.

So the first half of pregnancy is left behind, a difficult and alarming stage. From now on, time will run faster, bringing the long-awaited event closer. What happens to the baby at the 21st week of pregnancy, what changes should the mother notice in herself, and what interesting things to expect in the next seven days?

fetus at 21 weeks pregnant

The child grows, every week he becomes bigger, his organs continue to improve, which are already functioning. What is the baby now?

Size and weight

The child weighs at 21 weeks about 350-380 grams, while the growth is slightly more than 20 centimeters.

The growth rate of the fetus is now slightly slowed down, as the tiny body begins to accumulate subcutaneous fat.

The baby will grow by about half and become heavier by 7-9 times. There is still half the term ahead, so the baby still has plenty of time.

What organs develop in the twenty-first week?

At 21 weeks in the body of the fetus continues to improve digestive system, the production of enzymes is started, while aimed at absorbing water from amniotic fluid, which the baby already swallows well. His body absorbs nutrients, due to which the fetus grows. And those remnants of the liquid that have not been broken down accumulate in the intestines, forming the original feces (meconium). The baby excretes urine directly into the amniotic fluid, but this is not scary: the water is updated periodically, on average every three hours.

The bones and muscles of the crumbs grow. The spinal column already consists of 33 vertebrae and one and a half hundred joints, as well as more than a thousand ligaments. All this ensures the growth of the body and an increase in its mass.

The baby's tongue begins to distinguish taste, taste buds develop. The bone marrow joins the work of the liver and spleen, starting to produce blood cells. The spleen will completely transfer this function to the bone marrow at week 30, and the liver shortly before the onset of childbirth.

Does not slow down its development reproductive system fetus. In girls, the vagina, ovaries are already formed, and the uterus is located in its place, at the bottom of the tummy. The boy's testicles begin to descend from the abdominal cavity.

What does a child look like?

There is an obstetric 21st week of pregnancy, more than 17 weeks have passed since conception. How has the baby changed? Very much! The child is becoming more and more like a baby. Body parts become more proportional. Each finger has nails, hairs on the head. The hairs of lanugo cover the entire skin of the child. The clarity of the eyebrows and cilia appears. The retina continues to develop, but the eyelids are still closed.

Baby movements

Perhaps the most long-awaited and pleasant sensations in the stomach at the 21st week of pregnancy are the movements of the baby. Some mothers have felt them before, others only now. From now on, the baby reminds of himself constantly. And especially clearly mom will notice them before going to bed. Children are most active between 7 pm and 4 am.

The baby makes about 200 movements per day, but not all of them are felt by the mother.

Fetometry of the fetus. Norm

Fetometry is an ultrasound diagnostic that allows you to determine the condition of the baby and its anatomical parameters, as well as the correspondence of development to the weeks of pregnancy.

Normal for 21 weeks fetal size (millimeters):

  • biparietal size - 46-56;
  • fronto-occipital size - 60-71;
  • head circumference - 165-200;
  • abdominal circumference - 136-177;
  • length femur - 32-40;
  • leg bone length - 29 - 37;
  • humerus length - 29-37;
  • the length of the forearm bone is 24-32.

Position. Breech presentation of the fetus

Mom should not be upset if the doctor talks about breech presentation fetus. This position of the baby is dangerous during childbirth, and often serves as an indication for caesarean section. However, at 21 weeks the fetus is still quite small, it can change its position more than once. Most babies are in a head down position. recent weeks intrauterine life!


How does a mother feel at 21 weeks pregnant?

Physiological changes in a woman

Now a woman should add about 5-7 kilograms in weight. These kilograms are not only body fat in the mother's body (they are normally no more than 15%). the lion's share the increase is the weight of the fetus, uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid, as well as the volume of fluid circulating in the maternal body.

The 21st week of pregnancy is often not so favorable in terms of well-being, they may be disturbed by:

  • swelling;
  • pressure surges;
  • insomnia;
  • mood swings.

With multiple pregnancies, there is a high probability of developing preeclampsia at this time.

Belly at 21 weeks pregnant and mother's condition

A decently grown belly at the 21st week of pregnancy can bring discomfort to the mother: it becomes uncomfortable to sleep, while sitting it is difficult to keep the legs together, clothes become tight.

Now you can start wearing a bandage, it will support the stomach, serve as a prevention of stretch marks, and unload the back muscles.

Breast at 21 weeks pregnant

The mammary glands can still increase in size. The nipples become darker, the diameter of the alveoli (peripapillary circle) changes. Now, when stimulating the nipples, you can notice the release of a clear liquid from them. This began the production of colostrum, the harbinger of milk. It is impossible to specially provoke the selection. If it leaks on its own, you need to wipe it with a napkin and put absorbent liners in the bra.

Discharge at 21 weeks pregnant

Normal vaginal discharge at 21 weeks pregnant is clear or whitish mucus. They may differ in consistency, but this is not a cause for concern.

You should definitely see a doctor if:

  • There is bad smell;
  • discharge resembles cottage cheese in density;
  • in the discharge there are impurities of pus or blood.

Very often, the cause of an unpleasant odor and a change in the consistency of secretions, their intensity, as well as itching and discomfort in the perineal area is thrush. This problem is quickly and effectively eliminated, however, a doctor should select drugs for thrush, not all are allowed during pregnancy.

Uterine size at 21 weeks pregnant

The uterus at 21 weeks of pregnancy already rises about a centimeter above the navel. Normally, the size of the uterus is 21-23 centimeters, the measurement is made from the pubis. The weight of the uterus now exceeds 50 grams.

Features of IVF pregnancy

Since the IVF embryo has taken root, pregnancy after in vitro fertilization follows the same scenario as natural. Sometimes mom needs hormonal support and closer attention from a doctor. Most IVF mothers prefer to be observed by a reproductologist, but it is quite possible to manage such a pregnancy in a regular consultation.

Features of multiple pregnancy

Whether the cause of a multiple pregnancy is natural conception or IVF, such a pregnancy requires close attention doctors. At 21 weeks of pregnancy with twins, an unscheduled ultrasound may be prescribed to rule out pathologies. The size of the uterus during this period of pregnancy significantly exceeds the norm. Accordingly, when waiting for twins (triplets), the stomach is already quite large at the time discussed, the mother may be disturbed by preeclampsia, fatigue.

Problems in the twenty-first week of pregnancy

Nausea at 21 weeks pregnant

Nausea at 21 weeks of gestation may be a manifestation of preeclampsia, food poisoning or malnutrition. If you feel sick very often and for no apparent reason, it may be worth visiting a gastroenterologist. Nausea is a symptom of a whole list of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Late toxicosis or gestosis is a complication of pregnancy.

Gestosis manifests itself:

  • edema;
  • excretion of protein in the urine;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • convulsions.

Often, gestosis requires stationary observation. In severe cases, preeclampsia can cause premature birth, fetal death, maternal death.

Diarrhea and constipation

At 21 weeks of pregnancy, diarrhea and constipation are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous phenomena. With systematic constipation, the risk of developing hemorrhoids increases. If a laxative diet does not help, may be prescribed safe drugs type glycerin suppositories, Microlax or Duphalac.

Diarrhea also carries the risk of dehydration. The baby also suffers from this. What if diarrhea is a symptom? intestinal infection This condition requires immediate hospitalization.


Heartburn is unpleasant, that's a fact. Bitterness in the mouth significantly darkens the mood of the pregnant woman. The most common cause of heartburn is the pressure of the uterus on the stomach, causing gastric juice to be released into the esophagus. If you take food in small portions, heartburn worries less often, but sometimes you can’t do without it. medical preparations. The doctor may recommend Rennie or equivalents.

It hurts and pulls the stomach

Abdominal pain at 21 weeks pregnant should not be ignored. Usually, the ligaments that support the uterus have become more elastic by this time, and because of its increase, pain is rarely disturbed.

Strong cramping pain with recoil in the lower back may indicate the onset of preterm labor. Do not think for a long time and listen to yourself. Severe stomach pain? Call an ambulance right away!

Bleeding at 21 weeks pregnant

Bleeding at 21 weeks of gestation is a reason for immediate hospitalization. Perhaps it is a preterm birth. The baby is still practically unviable at this time, however, timely help from doctors can delay the onset of labor.

However, minor spotting may not be dangerous. Often they occur with erosion of the cervix and after sexual intercourse. In any case, if blood appears from the genital tract, you should consult a doctor.

Threatened miscarriage at 21 weeks pregnant

A late miscarriage at 21 weeks is not as common as in the first trimester, but such a misfortune may well occur, even if no pathologies have been identified before.

Most often, at this time, the loss of a baby is due to:

  • pathologies of the uterus (developmental anomalies) or its cervix (ICN);
  • infections;
  • abrupt change hormone levels;
  • stress
  • physical overload.

Frozen pregnancy at 21 weeks

At non-developing pregnancy fetal development stops. Sudden intrauterine death of a baby can occur at any time. The most common causes are genetic abnormalities or infections. If this misfortune has occurred, the fetus must be removed from the uterus. To do this, specialists can cause childbirth or perform a surgical operation.

In order to have children in the future, a woman after a missed pregnancy must undergo an examination and appropriate treatment.

Colds. SARS, fever, flu. Whether it is possible or probable antibiotics?

It is, of course, unpleasant to get sick, but a cold is much better tolerated in the second trimester than in the first. Now that the baby has formed, the viruses are not so dangerous for him, and the drugs for treating the mother are much more diverse. Antibiotics (penicillins and cephalosporins, for example), bronchodilators, and mucolytics may be prescribed. But get carried away pharmacy medicines not worth it, they are shown only in extreme cases, since they still affect the fetus. And here are the recipes traditional medicine you should not disdain: hot milk and honey have not hurt anyone yet.

Food poisoning - what to do?

Food poisoning occurs when poison enters the body through food.

There are three main causes of such poisoning:

  • infections (including viruses, protozoa, and bacteria);
  • toxins in food
  • poisons contained in foods, such as mushrooms, as well as accumulated pesticides.

As a rule, symptoms of poisoning are: nausea and vomiting, pain in the intestines, diarrhea.

The first symptoms make themselves felt within two days after the unsuitable product has been eaten.

Medical assistance is needed if:

  • fever is added to the symptoms;
  • the duration of poor health manifests itself for more than 2 days;
  • similar symptoms are present in other households;
  • if mushrooms were eaten before;
  • double vision and weakness in the muscles;
  • the skin turned yellow or covered with a rash;
  • because of incessant vomiting it is impossible to drink;
  • blood is visible in the stool or vomit.

Prior to the arrival of the ambulance, the victim must be given first aid:

  • if there is no vomiting, induce it artificially;
  • give as much fluid as possible (plain water or rehydration solutions);
  • offer Activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per kilogram of weight (total 5-8 tablets).

When the temperature rises, you can take antipyretics: paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Toxoplasmosis at 21 weeks pregnant

Many pregnant women are frightened by toxoplasmosis, and therefore pets and cats become victims of their fears, sometimes unfounded, since these animals are considered carriers of toxoplasmosis.

But is it worth being afraid of toxoplasma? Scientists suggest that more than half of the people on the planet suffered this disease without noticing, and antibodies to toxoplasmosis have developed in their bodies. Therefore, a mother with antibodies does not threaten to become infected during pregnancy. Whether there was toxoplasmosis in the past helps to identify blood tests even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

If toxoplasma attacked a pregnant woman in the second trimester, it is important to prevent their penetration through the placenta. It is not so difficult to do this, there are specially designed drugs that are allowed from the second trimester, for example, Spiramycin. But even the penetration of toxoplasma through the placenta does not threaten the baby with serious consequences when timely treatment. The drugs Pyrimethacin and Sulfadiazine are used.

Low placentation (low placenta)

The placenta develops where the embryo has attached to the uterus. Usually this is the upper part of the uterus on its back wall. However, sometimes attachment occurs from below. This phenomenon is called low placentation. If the distance from the uterine os to the lower edge of the placenta does not exceed 5 centimeters at 21 weeks of pregnancy, then doctors talk about low placentation. Why is low placentation not the norm?

This diagnosis is dangerous because the supply of oxygen to the fetus is not complete. The baby is experiencing hypoxia, there is a delay in his prenatal development. This pathology often develops late preeclampsia, and childbirth is characterized by considerable blood loss.

From what fertilized egg could have settled so low?

There are many reasons for this, the most common ones are:

  • damage to the uterine endometrium (due to abortion, surgery, inflammation);
  • anatomical features female body;
  • the age of the pregnant woman from 35 years;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • complex previous births;
  • mother's bad habits.

With low placentation, the expectant mother is under the supervision of a doctor, severe physical exercise, sports, often intimate life.

Short cervix

The cervix is ​​the lower segment of the uterus itself. Through it passes the cervical canal, connecting the vagina and uterus. It is through the cervix that spermatozoa enter the uterus. Its length is 2-4 centimeters. If this distance is less, during pregnancy, this indicator is not a safe symptom.

There are many reasons for a short neck:

  • features of the anatomy of the female genital organs;
  • hormonal effects on the neck;
  • insufficiency of the isthmic-cervical canal and others.

During gestation, a short cervix poses a threat to pregnancy. Gradually increasing, the fetus presses on the neck, its opening begins. When the uterus opens, the body receives a signal: "The birth has begun!". And in almost half of the cases with such a diagnosis, labor begins within two weeks. However, the baby at 21 weeks is still too small to be born. Doctors are making efforts to stop labor. At the same time, the mother must comply bed rest, limit physical activity, take progesterone vaginally. Often, a special ring (pessary) is placed on the neck or it is sutured to delay the onset of labor.

Thickening of the placenta

From the moment of its formation and the beginning of functioning, the placenta increases weekly. This increase is insignificant, but necessary. At 34 weeks, the thickness becomes maximum, and then the placenta begins to age. If it thickens faster than usual, and at 21 weeks it exceeds 30 millimeters, we are talking about its thickening. Is it dangerous? Undoubtedly, because the functioning of the placenta is impaired, which means that the fetus suffers. Aging faster than expected, a thickened placenta conducts less oxygen to the baby and nutrients. The child is subject to hypoxia, premature birth may begin, or even the pregnancy will end in antenatal fetal death.

Factors causing thickening:

  • different Rh factor in mother and fetus, leading to Rh conflict;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • maternal diabetes;
  • preeclampsia;
  • abuse bad habits such as drugs, nicotine, alcohol;
  • infection during pregnancy, etc.

The thickness of the placenta can be judged by the results of ultrasound at the second screening (19-24 weeks).

Analyzes and examinations

What tests should a mother take at 21 weeks of pregnancy? As a rule, before each visit to the gynecologist, a urine test is required. Its general analysis makes it possible to judge whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally, whether there are infections, whether the main indicators of the mother's health are normal. What else awaits a woman?

Ultrasound at 21 weeks pregnant

If the second scheduled ultrasound has not been done yet, now is the time.

Research is needed to:

  • specify the duration of pregnancy;
  • reveal possible pathologies fetus;
  • determine if the baby is developing normally.

Usually, in parallel with ultrasound, screening is carried out - a study of maternal blood to exclude fetal pathologies. Before donating blood, the mother goes through a small survey. The results of ultrasound and screening are deciphered by the doctor.

Norm of progesterone

Good reasons may be needed to determine progesterone levels at 21 weeks, such as hormonal disbalance or suspicion of chromosomal abnormalities fetus. In general, this analysis is not informative. However, knowing what level of progesterone is considered normal does not hurt. This indicator should be from 60 nanomoles per liter.

Many mothers count in their minds: 21 weeks of pregnancy is how many months? We are now in our fifth month of waiting. The tummy is growing, the appearance of the mother is undergoing changes. Should this affect the care of a woman and make changes in the usual rhythm of life?

Mom's beauty and health: skin care, hair, nails

The 21st week of pregnancy is the time to be beautiful, because the waiting time for a baby is one of the wonderful states that a woman experiences. You shouldn't give up decorative cosmetics, although it is desirable to give preference to hypoallergenic. Creams for the face and hands will prevent dryness and flaking of the skin, and for the chest, thighs and abdomen prone to stretch marks, it is worth buying cosmetic oil or special creams for the prevention of stretch marks.

As a rule, hair during pregnancy is something that almost every expectant mother is satisfied with, since hormones and proper nutrition with an abundance of vitamins and microelements make curls strong and shiny. Special hair care, as a rule, is not required: shampoo, balm and masks are the minimum to maintain their beauty. Many pregnant women are worried about whether hair coloring is allowed while waiting for the crumbs? Of course, chemical dyes are not so good for non-pregnant women, but pregnancy is not a reason to walk with regrown roots or gray hairs. Of course, it is preferable to switch to natural paints vegetable origin.

What to do at 21 weeks of pregnancy to maintain beauty is impossible:

  • visit the solarium, sauna and hot bath;
  • do photo and ultrasonic hair removal;
  • clean the face with deep and medium peeling, laser resurfacing;
  • agree to "beauty shots" with Botox, hyaluron, and so on.

Manicures and pedicures are not prohibited, but nail extensions should be abandoned.

Sex at 21 weeks pregnant

There are no special contraindications to sexual intimacy at 21 weeks of gestation if the mother:

  • is not in the risk group for miscarriage and premature birth;
  • not undergoing treatment for genital infections;
  • does not have pregnancy pathologies (for example, low placentation, ICN and others).

During lovemaking, you should use only positions that are comfortable for a woman. Incorrect posture can cause pain. Optimal options: “on the side”, “knee-elbow” and “missionary” positions.

Do not worry that the love games of parents will harm the baby: the baby is reliably protected by the wall of the uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid.

Sports at 21 weeks pregnant

One of the causes of pathologies labor activity, long recovery after childbirth, not disappearing extra pounds is a sharp limitation physical activity, which many mothers consider a mandatory item during pregnancy. But it's not!

Physical activity during pregnancy is not only not dangerous, but also necessary. However, not all.

So, for example, professional athletes from big-time sports will have to leave for a while.

Not worth doing even at an amateur level:

  • martial arts;
  • weightlifting;
  • running;
  • jumping;
  • equestrian sports;
  • mountaineering
  • other sports that require heavy physical effort and carry a potential threat to pregnancy.

But what about in the middle of pregnancy? Suitable swimming, adapted to the "interesting position" fitness, yoga, Pilates and stretching exercises, strengthening muscles, joints and spine.

No opportunity to practice? Even walking will benefit the body. The main thing, in moderation, classes should not physically exhaust a woman, their goal is to maintain the beauty and health of the expectant mother, cheer up, charge with positive emotions.

Travel: travel and flights

About the opportunity long trips and flights it is necessary to consult a doctor. In the absence of contraindications, traveling at 21 weeks of pregnancy will be beneficial. A little more and the expectant mother will be much harder to endure the road, and after giving birth, she will only dream of rest. That is why it is now worthwhile to seize the opportunity and travel.

However, you should avoid:

  • abrupt climate change;
  • resorts with poor sanitation;
  • outdoor activities like mountaineering or kayaking.

Going on a journey, you should take care and put a first aid kit in your suitcase and Required documents: exchange card and an insurance policy in case of unforeseen deterioration of the condition and seeking medical assistance.

In the case of a flight, you should be prepared that the airline may require a certificate from a doctor: this is done for the safety of the expectant mother, and by no means because of the harmfulness of the carrier. Therefore, a pregnant woman should treat this requirement with understanding and take care of the certificate in advance.

Diet in the twenty-first week of pregnancy

For the second trimester of pregnancy the most important characteristic is intensive growth the baby, and the nutrition of the mother must meet the growing needs of both her and the child's body.

What can't be eaten

Nutrition in the 21st week of pregnancy should be approached responsibly. Now the baby distinguishes taste, and therefore taste preferences he is already forming. And it will be very inopportune if the baby is still in utero getting used to chips and cola.

Harmful foods should be excluded from the diet and not remembered not only until the end of pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding.

What is meant by "harm"? First of all:

  • smoked, fried, salted;
  • carbonated sweet drinks;
  • fast food;
  • canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • store sweets and more.

Also, habitual foodstuffs, which can only be conditionally classified as harmful, should also fall under the restriction:

  • coffee and strong tea, which affect blood pressure;
  • sushi, kebabs, uncooked meat, raw milk and unboiled water. These foods may be potential carriers of listeriosis;
  • foods that can disrupt the intestinal microflora: blue cheeses, exotic fruits, fatty foods, and so on.

Many mothers who have given up harmful products during pregnancy, so get used to proper nutrition that never come back to them after.

What can you eat

The optimal number of calories consumed daily is 2800-3000. A serving of protein should be increased by 100-120 grams, fat should be increased by 80, and carbohydrates by about 350 grams. The basis of nutrition is dominated by fats of vegetable origin, cereals and cereals (sources of carbohydrates), dairy and dairy products, meat and fish (they provide the necessary protein), vegetables and fruits, wholemeal flour products (sources of both carbohydrates and fiber).

It is necessary to eat fractionally, in small portions 4-6 times a day. Simultaneous intake of a large amount of food is undesirable, it negatively affects the volume of substances of the child, and can lead to big set weight. For the baby, this is dangerous: passage through the birth canal is difficult.

You need to remember about the normal use of liquid. You can’t drink too much of it, it will affect edema, but even a little liquid is risky, because the amniotic fluid must be regularly updated. It is optimal to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. You can drink fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas. With juices, you should be more careful: store-bought packaged ones are not useful, therefore freshly squeezed natural juices are preferable.

Supplements, vitamins

In the second trimester, the need of maternal and child organisms for biologically active components increases, but vitamins and minerals coming from food are not able to satisfy these needs. Which of them are important at 21 obstetric weeks of pregnancy?

  • Iron. This component is necessary for the functioning of the hematopoietic system, contributes to the saturation of the maternal and child organisms with oxygen. Iron comes from food with red meat, buckwheat, apples and some other products, but the body does not absorb them in sufficient volume. That is why mothers are prescribed iron-containing drugs (for example, Sorbifer or Maltofer).
  • Calcium. The development of the baby's skeleton requires this substance in an increased volume. If calcium is not enough, the baby takes it from mom. That is why during pregnancy teeth crumble, nails exfoliate, hair falls out. Calcium is found in dairy products and eggs. However, to cover daily requirement in calcium at 21 weeks pregnant, these foods may not be enough. To prevent calcium deficiency, calcium gluconate, Calcemin, Calcium Active and similar drugs are prescribed.
  • Iodine. If it is not enough, suffers endocrine system mother, and the fetus can get severe malformations. Iodine is found in seafood, persimmons, but it is almost always lacking. That is why Iodomarin or potassium iodide is prescribed for pregnant women.

In addition, fluorine and zinc, vitamins of groups B, A, E, C and others are needed. Where to get the right amount of biologically active substances? If they are not enough in the diet, multivitamin complexes help. It is better to entrust their choice to a doctor. He will adequately assess what exactly is missing in the diet, and select the most appropriate vitamins. It is dangerous to do this on your own: an overabundance of vitamins and minerals is no less, if not more, dangerous!

Is alcohol allowed?

Many mothers make excuses: “I’ll drink a glass, there will be no harm! I'm not an alcoholic." And it is not at all necessary to be dependent on alcohol in order to harm your own crumbs. Even the occasional use of alcohol has a negative impact on the well-being of the baby.

Of course, these are just words that alcohol is harmful to expectant mothers. But where are the facts? Where is the research? And they are not! In practice, no one has yet proven scientific point of the harm of alcohol during pregnancy, because it is inhumane to conduct an experiment on people, and not a single scientist, if he is in his right mind, will do this! All conclusions about the insecurity of alcoholism are given by sad statistics: most mothers who took alcohol had children with serious health problems. However, what dose is harmful?

In 2012, a study was conducted in Denmark, which showed that if you drink alcohol infrequently and moderately, there was no negative effect on the development of the nervous system of children. The observation was carried out for a group of children from the moment of conception to the age of five.

Quite safe, according to the researchers, was a dose of alcohol up to 4-8 times a week, where at one time the volume of pure alcohol up to 12 grams is considered. However, when taken from 9 doses per week, changes in the behavior of babies are already noted.

But this does not mean that the lack of research gives a green light to the intake of beer and other spirits! Just imagine - mother and child have the same blood flow, which means that alcohol is also contained in the blood of the fetus if its mother took the “dose”. And given that even an adult organism sometimes has a hard time enduring a hangover, imagine what happens to a baby? Therefore, before picking up a glass at the 21st week of pregnancy, remember that not only you will “drink”!

21 obstetric week pregnancy is the time when pregnancy has already firmly passed over half, and now every day long-awaited meeting approaching with a baby. The kid already actively reminds himself of himself, so now all that remains is to enjoy his position. Do not forget about the doctor's prescriptions, you need to try to rest more often, eat right, get more positive emotions. The last point is easy to do, because from each blow of a tiny leg, a smile itself illuminates mom's face!

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The second half of pregnancy has begun, every modern mother should be aware of all the events taking place inside her, she should control the entire pregnancy process, know what is happening to her and her unborn baby at a certain point in their lives. This period brings new sensations, the fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy is already beginning to move, move, this can be seen not only on ultrasound, but also felt by itself.

Movement during this period of pregnancy

20 weeks is already half of which has already gone through many changes for both the expectant mother and the developing baby. Already now you can feel the movements of the crumbs, they look like light jolts, some compare them with the “fluttering of butterflies” inside the stomach. Women begin to feel the baby differently: someone at the 16-17th week, and someone at the 21-22nd. This difference is obtained due to the body weight of the woman, the activity of the fetus. Thinner ones begin to feel movements earlier than plump ones. When moving, the baby gives the mother the most wonderful sensations, the mood rises, and the pregnancy itself proceeds unforgettably. Positive emotions after all, it is only thanks to them that troubles such as oligohydramnios, placenta previa, or toxicosis in the 3rd trimester go aside.

20 weeks pregnant, no movement? No need to be upset, because at this time they are observed infrequently or may disappear for a while, and this is considered the norm for the course of pregnancy, such behavior of the baby should not be a cause for concern. However, you need to be vigilant, with a long absence of movement, immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist, otherwise everything may end in a miscarriage. At this time, they can produce if specialists detect any pathologies in the development of the fetus. This is done in order to prevent the birth of an unviable baby and eliminate the risks to the life of the mother during pregnancy and subsequent births.

The expectant mother should know that within 30 minutes her baby should make 20-60 movements. The strength, rhythm, pace of movements depend on the time of day: movements are more active at night and in the evening, and the rest period occurs approximately in the morning hours. Boys are considered more active than girls.

10 series (that is, you felt the baby move, and then he began to push, roll over - this is considered one series) per day is considered the norm for the baby to move. The absence of 10 movements per day indicates hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), for its treatment it is necessary to contact specialists. Persistent and strong movements indicate an uncomfortable position for the mother. If the movements of the fetus have become painful, restless, more active than before, this may indicate initial stage oxygen deficiency; with progressive hypoxia, the movements are weakened or completely stop.

It must be remembered that the baby can move with loud sounds, when eating, lack of fresh air, and most often at night. The child already hears everything clearly and thus can respond to factors that irritate him.

The size of the fetus, its weight and the formation of the baby

At 20 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is already about 25 cm, and the weight is a little more than 300 g, the distance from the crown to the coccyx reaches 16 cm. Mom also begins to change significantly, the stomach begins to grow more noticeably, and this is not surprising, because half of the entire pregnancy has already passed. If pathology is observed, then the height and weight of the child deviate significantly from the norm, the development of the fetus with violations is noticed, and if existing pathology impossible to cure modern medicine, then recommend artificial childbirth to a woman.

At 20 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus begins to noticeably increase every day, the child has already formed internal organs and can already function independently. Marigolds have appeared, you can see an individual pattern on the fingertips. An intensive weight gain and development of the baby is noticed, the size of the child increases every day of his life, the mother must eat right to ensure the correct 20 weeks - this is the period at which the child's skin thickens, but the face is still wrinkled. This can be seen during an ultrasound examination.

Low placentation during this period of gestation

When the placenta (her bottom edge) is located 5 cm below internal os, then we are faced with such a phenomenon as low placentation. 20 weeks of pregnancy is the period at which doctors can diagnose low position placenta. However, do not worry, the placenta can migrate up to 34 weeks, you just need to control this process with ultrasound at 16 weeks, 24-26 weeks and 34-36 weeks. The placenta is an organ that forms during pregnancy. It has a protective function, provides the child with oxygen, and also through it the baby receives all the necessary nutrients.

Usually, the placenta during the course of pregnancy within the normal range is attached to the anterior or back wall uterus, closer to its bottom. If the placenta is attached low, then this is considered a pathology - placenta previa, but low placentation is not a presentation yet, since it is located low, but there is a gap between it and the exit from the uterus.

Causes of a low placenta may be associated with uterine fibroids, multiple pregnancy, underdevelopment of the uterus, the consequences of an abortion or the transfer of inflammatory diseases. This pathology can cause bleeding. It is impossible to make sudden movements with low placental, physical activity is contraindicated. Low placentality can affect the fetus, so it will receive less oxygen and nutrients.

What other troubles can a woman expect during this period of gestation?

At this time future mother the following diseases can upset:

  1. Preeclampsia (that is, late toxicosis) - can occur at 20-21 weeks of gestation, although it often appears at 36-39 weeks. Toxicosis should be given special attention, it can provoke placental abruption, because of it toxicosis can occur, it is imperative to control and constantly consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist about any changes in well-being.
  2. Placenta previa. Placenta previa can cause a miscarriage. The period of 20 weeks of pregnancy may be accompanied by bleeding and pain due to this pathology. At this stage of pregnancy, an ultrasound will be able to show presentation, but it may go away on its own, and at 24 weeks, an ultrasound can be repeated.
  3. Oligohydramnios can be the cause of mental retardation and physical development. A feeling of oligohydramnios can occur when the fetus moves.

The belly and well-being of the expectant mother

20th week of pregnancy: what happens to a woman's body? She also begins to change rapidly outwardly, now by the end of the 20th week, up to 3 kg, or even 4.5 kg, is added to the mother's weight. The belly is already becoming more and more noticeable, but it is still located just below the navel, the clothes are no longer suitable, and the tummy begins to constrain. During this period of pregnancy, there is a change in posture due to a shift in the center of gravity, there is also a large load on the spine and on the sacro-femoral region. A child at the 20th week of pregnancy is growing rapidly, a woman begins to notice stretch marks on her body. Today you can find a lot cosmetics against this defect, they will not only help reduce scars, but also completely prevent their appearance.

Already 20 weeks pregnant - no movement? You need to do an ultrasound, it will be calmer, since you can already hear the baby's heartbeat, and you can also determine who you are waiting for - a boy or a girl.

Causes and methods of artificial childbirth

Artificial childbirth - a call to labor at 20, sometimes at 21 weeks, as well as in late pregnancy. 20 weeks pregnant, no movement? This may be the reason for artificial childbirth. The reason for their conduct can also be premature discharge of water, the development of the fetus with pathologies, and a threat to life for the mother. They can be summoned when pierced amniotic membranes administration of prostaglandins.

Ultrasound during pregnancy

20 weeks pregnant, what happens on ultrasound? Today, this study can tell a lot about oligohydramnios, the causes of toxicosis, placenta previa, its location and condition, as well as such a deviation from the norm as low placentation. 20 weeks of pregnancy is such a period at which it is already possible to establish the sex of the child, as well as its weight, size and location.

Today, thanks to the examination, they look at the correspondence of the size of the child to the gestational age, pay attention to the development of internal organs, such as the stomach, kidneys, intestines, liver, lungs, urinary and gallbladder. Special attention they give it because it is possible to see such a pathology as heart disease at this time, this deviation is considered the most common.


If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then sex is not contraindicated. It is necessary to avoid positions that put pressure on the stomach, so there should not be any discomfort, everything should pass without any pain, without discharge, otherwise you need to stop sexual intercourse and contact your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Frozen pregnancy

The 20th week of pregnancy has already come, there are no movements for a long time, the stomach has stopped growing - all this may indicate the fading of the fetus. It is more often observed before the 20th week, but after that it can also be diagnosed. Ultrasound can confirm fading in the absence of a heartbeat, if this fact is confirmed, it is necessary to remove the fetus to prevent the development of infection. Next, doctors medical examination to find out the cause of pregnancy fading. After a year and a half, you can plan a second pregnancy.

Necessary tests at 20 weeks of gestation

After 20 weeks, you need to visit a doctor already 2 times a month. For the course of pregnancy within the normal range, a study of urine, blood and a planned ultrasound is necessary. Urinalysis is necessary to detect inflammatory diseases, blood - to control hemoglobin and sugar levels, ultrasound will more accurately show fetal disorders at a certain stage of development. If necessary, carry out biochemical analysis blood, which evaluates the level of alpha-fetoprotein, hCG hormones, for the timely determination of deviations in the development of the child.

20 weeks pregnant discharge

20th week of pregnancy... The sensations of the baby moving cause the most favorable emotions, but there are also less pleasant moments, because it is during this period of pregnancy that the discharge becomes more abundant than before, this is due to an increase in the estrogen hormone. They have a milky or grayish hue, without an unpleasant odor, uniform in consistency. If so, then there is no need to worry. Allocations can be reduced if you use a decoction of chamomile with boiled water for washing.

However, if there is a discharge of green or yellow color, with an unpleasant odor, frothy, curdled, you should immediately consult your doctor. The appearance of blood brown spots, as well as any discharge that is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, are the reason for calling an ambulance. Such symptoms can be triggered by placenta previa or placental abruption. In cases where the discharge is bloody, but not accompanied by pain, and may appear after intercourse, we can talk about the presence of cervical erosion. Also, various infections can be suspected when itching is felt in the vaginal area. In any case, you do not need to self-medicate, but immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment, and the pregnancy will proceed without complications.