How often do you feel movement at 21 weeks?

The second half of pregnancy has already begun, and right now is the most pleasant and easy period. You are not too tired yet, and pain in the lower back and legs is very rare. The tummy is not yet so large as to significantly interfere with the work of internal organs. Often others do not even know about your delicate situation. And you lovingly stroke your tummy, where your little miracle is already moving.

You have probably noticed that the usual clothes no longer fit - they are cramped at the waist. Be sure to update your wardrobe - clothes for expectant mothers are specially sewn so as not to squeeze the tummy, while they are very comfortable and beautiful.

Toxicosis is far behind, you feel good, and it's time to sign up for training for pregnant women. Choose what is closer to you: yoga, water aerobics, swimming, gymnastics. And be sure to get used to the daily walks!

How many months have passed? The sixth obstetric month of your pregnancy has already begun.

The baby now weighs about 300 g, and his height is about 18 centimeters. You already feel his movements, and from this period you need to monitor their number.

What's happening?

When the gestational age is 21 weeks, the development of the fetus is to improve all organs. All organs are already formed, the baby looks more and more like a newborn, but due to the lack of a fatty layer, he looks very thin, and the skin on his face is wrinkled.

Mom at this stage of pregnancy usually feels very good. The uterus at the 21st week of pregnancy rises 1 centimeter above the navel (or 21 cm above the bosom), so the tummy is already a little rounded. You notice that sometimes it is difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping at night. Train yourself to sleep on your side - this reduces the pressure of the uterus on the vessels, and this position will be very comfortable in late pregnancy.

The fetus at 21 weeks of gestation and its development

Your baby has already grown up and got stronger, you feel his movements more and more. Of course, the mother may not feel all the movements of the baby at this time, but about 3-5 times a day you feel his activity.

Continues active formation digestive system. A child at the 21st week of pregnancy already knows how to actively swallow amniotic fluid, so not only his reflexes are trained, but the intestinal mucosa is also improved, and it is at this stage that its villous apparatus is formed. To maintain an optimal environment for the development of the baby amniotic fluid every eight to ten hours is updated, and it is completely sterile. Therefore, the baby's intestines are also sterile. When you put him to your breast for the first time, he will receive not just a portion of milk, but also beneficial bacteria that will populate his intestines and will actively participate in the digestive process.

An epithelial layer forms inner surface alveoli. The baby is already making respiratory movements, while he trains and prepares the lungs for breathing oxygen.

Actively working endocrine system baby. The pituitary gland, pancreas, thyroid glands, sex glands are already included in the work. The immune system is being formed. The spleen is already working well.

At this stage of pregnancy, the baby already has the rudiments of milk and molars. Now he must definitely receive a sufficient amount of calcium and other trace elements, because how the rudiments of teeth are formed now depends on how healthy the baby's teeth will be.

The baby is now very spacious in the uterus, and he can completely roll over. Often, a mother may even notice that the tummy is slightly shifted to one side - that is where the baby is now. If you feel that now the baby is legs down, do not worry - until the moment of birth, he will probably roll over, change position.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Below you can find some photos from the ultrasound at 21 weeks.

Belly at 21 weeks pregnant

Your tummy is not too big yet. Many mothers are surprised that the stomach is not even noticeable. This is absolutely normal - the volume of the abdomen does not depend on the size of the baby, but on your build, gained during this period of weight. By this time of pregnancy, you should normally gain no more than four kilograms, and now it is very important to monitor nutrition. The uterus has already significantly increased in volume, it slightly shifts and squeezes internal organs. This does not cause you significant discomfort, but sometimes it can bother you. frequent urination, difficulty emptying the bowels.

Proper nutrition

The baby is in active phase development, all its organs and tissues are improved. The baby must necessarily receive all the necessary substances, and you must take care of his nutrition as carefully as after birth. Of course, the amount of food does not need to be increased, but its quality should be excellent.

Protein should be present in sufficient quantities in your diet, and more plant-based than animal-based. Fats are also very important, but they must be chosen correctly and not get carried away with the amount. Be sure to add foods rich in omega-3 acids to your diet - deep sea fish. Also on the menu should be olive oil, nuts. The quality of carbohydrate food is very important. Easily digestible carbohydrates try, if not to exclude, then to limit as much as possible. If bread - then whole grain, if sometimes pasta - then only from durum wheat. Eat cereals, more vegetables, fruits. Also pay attention drinking regimefuture mommy must drink enough water. If you have swelling, check with your doctor to see if you need to restrict fluids.

Fetal movements at 21 weeks

Just a week or two ago, you first felt your baby moving, and now he is already so active! Every day the baby grows, gains weight, and his movements become stronger. While they are not coordinated enough, but you feel them very well. The baby often has periods of sleep and wakefulness, and not always his rhythm coincides with yours. If you feel increased activity baby at night, try to calm him down - because his connection with you is already so strong! Stroke your tummy, talk to him.

Mom's Feelings

Most expectant mothers say that this period of pregnancy is the most pleasant - your feelings are focused on the baby, your health is usually excellent. And even possible pain in the lower back, legs do not cause significant discomfort. What's more, they're easy to deal with.

Pain in the muscles of the legs during pregnancy can be associated with a deficiency of calcium, magnesium. You should definitely consult with the doctor who is in charge of the pregnancy - it may be necessary to take additional trace elements. If you are already taking a complex of vitamins and microelements, show the doctor which one, you may need to increase the concentration of substances. Pain in the legs may also be due to the fact that the enlarged uterus is already compressing the inferior vena cava, and venous outflow is difficult. More often, such pain occurs in women who had problems with the vessels of the legs before pregnancy. This may be accompanied by swelling of the legs, especially in the evening or after a long walk. Try to rest several times a day, raising your legs, if necessary, wear compression stockings.

Quite often, future mothers at this time notice the appearance of a brutal appetite - they want to eat absolutely everything, and preferably sweet. But you don’t need to overeat and gain excess weight, so try not to remain hungry - learn to eat often so that there are no long breaks, and reduce the amount of food at one time. Such a habit will help you a lot in the later stages, when due to compression of the stomach by the uterus, heartburn worries, and after a heavy meal - heaviness and even pain in the stomach. It is very useful to keep “healthy snacks” at home - cheese, fruits, cottage cheese, whole grain bread.

21 weeks pregnant with twins

Naturally, a mother carrying twins has a big burden, because the weight of the babies is greater, the activity is higher, you have gained more weight, the tummy has increased more and is already clearly visible. You need to rest more, not to be overloaded at work and at home, to walk more often.

Pain at 21 weeks pregnant

This period of pregnancy is normally rarely accompanied by painful sensations. A frequent companion of pregnant women is back pain, which is associated with an increased load on the spine, an increase in the uterus, and a shift in the center of gravity. The expectant mother should think about the prevention of such sensations from the very beginning of pregnancy, and even better - before her. Now you need to do daily exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the back, as well as stretching exercises. Watch your posture, do a simple exercise several times a day: stand straight, straighten your back as much as possible, bring your shoulder blades together, deep breath raise your arms up, trying to reach the ceiling with your fingertips, while you should feel how the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle work. Then, on a deep exhale, lean forward, trying to reach the floor with your hands. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart so that your tummy does not squeeze. This simple exercise helps keep your back muscles in good shape, and a good muscle frame - reliable protection from back pain.

There should be no pain in the abdomen at this time. Allowed discomfort on the sides of the abdomen, which occur when you are in an uncomfortable position for a long time. If you notice that your stomach hurts, contact your doctor.

Allocations at the 21st week of pregnancy should not change, normally they are light, not abundant. If you suspect inflammatory process be sure to go to the doctor, because the infection is dangerous for the baby, and the choice of drug for treatment should be made by the doctor.

Sex at 21 weeks of gestation is not prohibited if there is no threat of termination, increased tone. If your pregnancy is proceeding absolutely normally, you should not worry and deny yourself and your loved one the pleasure. Moreover, due to changes in the blood supply to the genital organs, a woman can experience completely new sensations.

Required research. Analyzes

If your next visit to the doctor is due this week, take your urine test as usual. During the examination, the doctor will measure your weight, arterial pressure, check for swelling, listen to the baby's heartbeat. If you are concerned about pain in the abdomen, be sure to tell your doctor. At this time, training contractions may already appear, but they should not be painful. If you are in doubt whether your feelings are normal or not, be sure to ask!

In addition to standard studies, screening is carried out - ultrasonography. Second obligatory ultrasound should be done at 20-24 weeks. At this time, a three-dimensional reconstruction is possible, and if the sex of the child could not be determined at the first study, now they will tell you for sure and even show it. And it is an incredible joy when the expectant mother finds out at 21 weeks by ultrasound whether she will have a girl or a boy. Everything is measured on ultrasound. important dimensions fetus: biparietal, fronto-occipital, circumference of the head and abdomen, the length of the bones of the arms and legs. You can make an ultrasound video, see how your baby moves, and examine his face. Usually, dads note that from this moment on, their closeness with the baby is much stronger.

Useful video

Questions - answers

On the ultrasound they made a conclusion to me: low placentation. What is this? Is this a preposition? Is it dangerous for the baby?

Most often, the placenta is located in the fundus of the uterus, possibly in the upper part closer to the front or back. It is in this area of ​​the uterus that the blood supply is best, so the embryo is usually implanted here. If the embryo has attached below, in question about low placentation or presentation. These are different concepts. Previa is said to be when the pharynx is partially or completely closed by the placenta. With low placentation, the placenta is located below the norm, but between it and the pharynx of the uterus there is a distance of at least six centimeters. The danger of this condition lies in the fact that the uterus in this area is less well supplied with blood, so the baby may not receive enough oxygen. There is also an increased risk of detachment. But your pregnancy may well proceed normally and will surely end successfully, however, care and obligatory supervision by a specialist is required.

If you do an ultrasound at the 21st week, will the sex of the baby be determined exactly?

By this time, the baby's genitals are already fully formed, and in most cases you can get a clear answer on ultrasound - a boy or a girl. The doctor will show you the monitor, and you can see for yourself. The only exceptions are cases when the baby is in such a position that his genitals are simply not visible. For example, he can cover them with a handle, tighten his legs.

I'm 21 weeks pregnant, my stomach is pulling. What is the reason?

At this stage of pregnancy, training contractions may already occur, which prepare the uterus for childbirth, but they are not painful, and if you are like, training contractions will pass. If pulling sensations cause pain, prolonged, and especially if accompanied by discharge - urgently go to the hospital.

Babies born at this time have a great chance of survival and further development without serious damage to health. However, a week of the fetus in the womb is equal to a month of stay in children's intensive care, so it is extremely important to bear as long as possible. 21 weeks of pregnancy from the moment of conception (23 obstetric) is characterized by a further increase in body weight in mother and baby. What else can remember the term?

21 obstetric weeks of pregnancy and a weight of more than 500 g is the border between preterm birth and late miscarriage. If at least one of the criteria is not met, the baby cannot be saved. When nursing such crumbs, the risk of the consequences of prematurity is high, despite high level modern medicine. Most often, the intestines, eyes, and nervous system suffer. Therefore, the task of the doctor and the woman at this time is to prevent premature birth. The table shows the main characteristics of the term.

Table - Interesting Facts

21 weeks of pregnancy: features of the development of the fetus ...

The weight of the fetus at 21 weeks of gestation, although extremely low, is sufficient to develop outside the mother's body. At this time, the baby visually differs from a full-term newborn only in the amount of adipose tissue. Organ systems are not yet mature enough, but with proper support after birth, everything is restored. The table shows the features of fetal development at 21 weeks of gestation.

Table - What happens to the baby at 21 weeks of gestation from conception

Organs and systemsChanges
Gastrointestinal organsDifferentiation continues at the cellular level
The cardiovascular system- The muscular part of the heart grows;
- small vessels continue to form
Respiratory system- In the alveoli, surfactant is intensively synthesized, which is necessary for respiration after birth
Musculoskeletal system- The skeleton becomes more durable;
- there are even more foci of ossification;
- muscles develop, and the child actively moves, can kick hard
Sex organs- In boys, the process of lowering the testicles into the scrotum continues;
- in girls, germ cells differentiate, the number of precursors of future eggs decreases
Nervous system - Continues to differentiate the brain and spinal cord;
- the number of convolutions in the cortex increases
Immune and endocrine systemsOrgans responsible for immunity and hematopoiesis, endocrine glands (pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas) function
Urinary organsThe kidneys work actively with the secretion of fluid in bladder and further into the amniotic fluid
sense organs- The inner ear and related brain structures are developed;
- the child perceives sounds from the outside world;
- eyes distinguish between dark and light;
- the iris is blue or dark in color
Leather and derivatives- The skin becomes less "transparent" due to the start of pigment production;
- an individual pattern appears on the fingertips;
- brown subcutaneous fat is intensively deposited;
- hair continues to grow on the head and vellus all over the body

The placenta by 21 weeks from conception has a 0 degree of maturity. Its thickness is about 15-30 mm. "Children's Place" is fully formed and provides a connection between mother and baby.

The placenta is a natural barrier to many drugs, harmful substances. In addition, at this time it synthesizes hormone-like substances that affect female body contributing to its change. For example, placental lactogen is needed to continue preparing the mammary glands for lactation. At this time, many note the appearance of the first drops of colostrum from the breast. And in case of premature birth, milk appears without problems.

... and what happens to mom

At 21 weeks from conception, all mothers hear movements. A "pregnant" belly can only be hidden with wide clothing. The enlarged uterus takes up a lot of space in the abdomen, which increases intra-abdominal pressure. Hence many unpleasant symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • heartburn;
  • constipation and increased formation of gases;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • frequent urination.

The skin of the abdomen at the 21st week of pregnancy stretches more rapidly, so stretch marks, a kind of "tears", can already form. Creams, gels can somewhat reduce the appearance of stretch marks. But the number of stretch marks will depend on the "quality of the skin" of the woman. They are especially noticeable in multiple pregnancies - twins, triplets.


Already at this time, stirring is not just a sign of pregnancy. This is one of the indicators prenatal state baby. How often should a baby move at 21 weeks pregnant? All methods developed for counting active movements fetus and their analysis are designed for a longer period. It is recommended to practice them from the 28th obstetric week.

Now it is enough that the mother fixes movements during the day. They can be "on schedule" - mostly in the evening or early morning.

In this period, it is already easy to listen to the fetal heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope, as well as a sensor from a CTG machine.

Feelings in the stomach

Normally, a woman should not be bothered by any suspicious sensations in her stomach, especially soreness. However, in some cases, slight discomfort is allowed, tingling on the right or left, light drawing pains in the lower abdomen or lower back at the end of the working day or after physical exertion. This may be due to several reasons:

  • intestinal colic or gas;
  • stretching of adhesions in the small pelvis;
  • tension of the uterine ligaments.

Adhesions in the pelvis appear after chronic inflammatory processes, as well as in women who have undergone any abdominal surgery in the past, including C-section. You need to see a doctor if:

  • strongly pulls the lower abdomen;
  • cramping pains appeared;
  • there is a constant tone of the uterus, it is like a "stone".

Should also be of concern pathological discharge. Normal whites are not plentiful, white. An increase in their number watery character, admixture of blood, discoloration - a reason to see a doctor.


At this time, some women begin to notice that the shoes become tight, the ring on the finger squeezes. Often these are the first signs of edema. They should be treated very cautiously - sometimes these are symptoms of impaired kidney function, increased pressure or early preeclampsia. If only the lower limbs swell, a problem such as varicose veins veins.

An effective remedy for swelling of the legs with incipient or existing varicose veins is the regular wearing of compression underwear (tights, stockings). In the presence of varicose veins, the degree of compression should be checked with a doctor; in all other cases, prophylactic products will suffice.

Signs of preterm labor

It is undesirable to give birth at this time, since there is a high probability of various complications for both the mother and the fetus. But competently and timely rendered health care with the inevitability of preterm birth will increase the chances of a favorable outcome. Signs of threatening conditions are as follows:

Even with mild symptoms, you should consult a doctor. After the examination, the specialist can supplement the ultrasound examination. Reliable signs are considered:

  • shortening and softening of the cervix;
  • reduction in the length of the cervical canal;
  • opening internal os;
  • oligohydramnios when water leaks;
  • registration uterine contractions using a CTG machine.

Medical tactics

The risk of preterm birth is especially high in women with multiple pregnancy. The tactics of the doctor in the event of the onset of contractions or leakage of water in each case is individual. But the main steps are as follows.

  • ultrasound. The condition of the baby, the speed of blood flow in his vessels and the vessels of the umbilical cord, the amount of amniotic fluid are assessed. With a satisfactory condition of the child, it is possible to prolong pregnancy for some time - from a day or more against the background of tocolytic therapy.
  • Prevention of SDR. That is - a syndrome of respiratory disorders. The child's lungs are already synthesizing surfactant, but in insufficient quantities, so special preparations are introduced to accelerate its synthesis. This helps reduce the chance of respiratory distress after birth.
  • Delivery. At this time, a caesarean section is indicated. It is believed that the likelihood of complications for the baby is less

Other complications

Reviews of women and doctors confirm that in this period of complications, not only premature birth is possible. Scroll possible problems reflected in the table.

Table - Complications of pregnancy in the second trimester

PathologysignsNecessary examination
Fetal growth retardation- WDM is less than normal;
- mass and dimensions according to ultrasound are less than acceptable;
- signs of accelerated aging of the placenta
Ultrasound in dynamics with the measurement of blood flow velocity in the vessels of the placenta, umbilical cord and fetus
Early preeclampsia- Edema;
- periodic increase in pressure;
- protein in the analysis of urine;
- change in the speed of blood flow according to Doppler ultrasound;
- fetal growth retardation
- Determination of protein in urine (regularly);
- measurement of pressure in dynamics;
- Ultrasound of the fetus, blood flow, placenta
Frozen pregnancyAbsence of fetal movementsUltrasound to detect heartbeat
Placental abruption- Pain in the abdomen without a clear localization;
- stormy movements, and then "calm";
- bleeding from the genital tract
Ultrasound to determine the size of a retroplacental hematoma and clarify whether there is fetal suffering

What tests need to be done

In order for the doctor to understand what is happening with the expectant mother and whether there is a threat of complications, an examination is prescribed. Minimum - for all women, extended - for those who are at risk. At 21 weeks from conception, there are no mandatory tests, and if a visit to the doctor is scheduled for this time, only a urine test will be needed.

Already at this time when visiting antenatal clinic CTG can be recorded - fixing the fetal heartbeat. However, according to the clinical protocols of the Ministry of Health, many institutions practice this procedure only from 28 obstetric weeks.


A change in well-being, an increase in the abdomen and numerous examinations usually cause a lot of questions in women. At 23-24 obstetric weeks, they are most often interested in the following.

  • Is it dangerous low placentation? Ideally, the placenta should be located at the bottom, along the anterior or posterior walls of the uterus. If the distance between its edge and the internal cervical os is less than 21 mm, low placentation is established. If " children's place»completely blocks the entrance to the uterine cavity - this central presentation, most dangerous state. Low placentation increases the risk of bleeding during pregnancy, abruption, percentage of anomalies labor activity. But often by the third trimester, the placenta "rises" as the uterus grows.
  • What happens if installed breech presentation? During this period, the baby can change its position several times during the day. Breech presentation should be a concern if it is established after 35 weeks.
  • Is it possible to have sex? If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, there was no surgical interventions on the uterus earlier, intimate relationships are allowed. If you have concerns, it is best to check with your doctor.
  • What to do if you fail your second trimester screening? In this case, you need to execute it as soon as possible to make sure successful development baby.

Women whose first pregnancy ended in premature birth are especially worried: what will happen to the second? The reason must be established. Often these are various infections, hereditary diseases (for example, thrombophilia). A woman should be constantly monitored, once a month undergo cervicometry (measurement of the length of the cervix using ultrasound), vaginal examinations. So you can identify changes earlier, prevent preterm birth or the likelihood of complications for the fetus.

21 weeks of pregnancy from conception does not bring much new. The expectant mother is not sick, she notes active movements crumbs. The baby can respond to her voice, touching her stomach. Measured lifestyle, restriction physical activity and compliance with all the doctor's recommendations is the key to a successful pregnancy.

The second half of pregnancy began, each modern mom she must be aware of all the events taking place inside her, she must control the entire process of pregnancy, know what is happening to her and her unborn baby at a certain point in their lives. This period brings new sensations, the fetus at the 20th week of pregnancy is already beginning to move, move, this can be seen not only on ultrasound, but also felt by itself.

Movement during this period of pregnancy

20 weeks is already half of which has already gone through a lot of changes like future mother, so do developing baby. Already now you can feel the movements of the crumbs, they look like light jolts, some compare them with the “fluttering of butterflies” inside the stomach. Women begin to feel the baby differently: someone at the 16-17th week, and someone at the 21-22nd. This difference is obtained due to the body weight of the woman, the activity of the fetus. Thinner ones begin to feel movements earlier than plump ones. When moving, the baby gives the mother the most wonderful sensations, the mood rises, and the pregnancy itself proceeds unforgettably. Positive emotions after all, it is only thanks to them that troubles such as oligohydramnios, placenta previa, or toxicosis in the 3rd trimester go aside.

20 weeks pregnant, no movement? No need to be upset, because at this time they are observed infrequently or may disappear for a while, and this is considered the norm for the course of pregnancy, such behavior of the baby should not be a cause for concern. However, you need to be vigilant, with a long absence of movement, immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist, otherwise everything may end in a miscarriage. At this time, they can produce if specialists detect any pathologies in the development of the fetus. This is done in order to prevent the birth of an unviable baby and eliminate the risks to the life of the mother during pregnancy and subsequent births.

The expectant mother should know that within 30 minutes her baby should make 20-60 movements. The strength, rhythm, pace of movements depend on the time of day: movements are more active at night and in the evening, and the rest period occurs approximately in the morning hours. Boys are considered more active than girls.

10 series (that is, you felt the baby move, and then he began to push, roll over - this is considered one series) per day is considered the norm for the baby to move. The absence of 10 movements per day indicates hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), for its treatment it is necessary to contact specialists. Persistent and strong movements indicate an uncomfortable position for the mother. If the movements of the fetus have become painful, restless, more active than before, this may indicate the initial stage of oxygen deficiency; with progressive hypoxia, the movements are weakened or completely stop.

It must be remembered that the baby can move with loud sounds, when eating, lack of fresh air and most often at night. The child already hears everything clearly and thus can respond to factors that irritate him.

The size of the fetus, its weight and the formation of the baby

At 20 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is already about 25 cm, and the weight is a little more than 300 g, the distance from the crown to the coccyx reaches 16 cm. Mom also begins to change significantly, the stomach begins to grow more noticeably, and this is not surprising, because half of the entire pregnancy has already passed. If pathology is observed, then the height and weight of the child deviate significantly from the norm, the development of the fetus with violations is noticed, and if existing pathology impossible to cure modern medicine, then recommend artificial childbirth to a woman.

At 20 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus begins to noticeably increase every day, the child has already formed internal organs and can already function independently. Marigolds have appeared, you can see an individual pattern on the fingertips. An intensive weight gain and development of the baby is noticed, the size of the child increases every day of his life, the mother must eat right to ensure the correct 20 weeks - this is the period at which the child's skin thickens, but the face is still wrinkled. This can be seen during an ultrasound examination.

Low placentation during this period of gestation

When the placenta (her bottom edge) is located 5 cm below the internal pharynx, then we are faced with such a phenomenon as low placentation. 20 weeks of pregnancy is the period at which doctors can diagnose low position placenta. However, do not worry, the placenta can migrate up to 34 weeks, you just need to control this process with ultrasound at 16 weeks, 24-26 weeks and 34-36 weeks. The placenta is an organ that forms during pregnancy. It has a protective function, provides the child with oxygen, and also through it the baby receives all the necessary nutrients.

Usually, the placenta during the course of pregnancy within the normal range is attached to the anterior or back wall uterus, closer to its bottom. If the placenta is attached low, then this is considered a pathology - placenta previa, but low placentation is not a presentation yet, since it is located low, but there is a gap between it and the exit from the uterus.

The causes of a low placenta may be associated with uterine fibroids, multiple pregnancies, underdevelopment of the uterus, the consequences of an abortion, or the transfer of inflammatory diseases. This pathology can cause bleeding. It is impossible to make sudden movements with low placental, physical activity is contraindicated. Low placentality can affect the fetus, so it will receive less oxygen and nutrients.

What other troubles can a woman expect during this period of gestation?

At this time, the expectant mother may be upset by the following diseases:

  1. Gestosis (i.e. late toxicosis) - may occur at 20-21 weeks of gestation, although more often appears at 36-39 weeks. Toxicosis should be given special attention, it can provoke placental abruption, because of it toxicosis can occur, it is imperative to control and constantly consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist about any changes in well-being.
  2. Placenta previa. Placenta previa can cause a miscarriage. The period of 20 weeks of pregnancy may be accompanied by bleeding and pain due to this pathology. At this stage of pregnancy, an ultrasound will be able to show presentation, but it may go away on its own, and at 24 weeks, an ultrasound can be repeated.
  3. Oligohydramnios can be the cause of mental retardation and physical development. A feeling of oligohydramnios can occur when the fetus moves.

The belly and well-being of the expectant mother

20th week of pregnancy: what happens to a woman's body? She also begins to change rapidly outwardly, now by the end of the 20th week, up to 3 kg, or even 4.5 kg, is added to the mother's weight. The belly is already becoming more and more noticeable, but it is still located just below the navel, the clothes are no longer suitable, and the tummy begins to constrain. During this period of pregnancy, there is a change in posture due to a shift in the center of gravity, there is also a large load on the spine and on the sacro-femoral region. A child at the 20th week of pregnancy is growing rapidly, a woman begins to notice stretch marks on her body. Today you can find a lot cosmetics against this defect, they will not only help reduce scars, but also completely prevent their appearance.

Already 20 weeks pregnant - no movement? You need to do an ultrasound, it will be calmer, since you can already hear the baby's heartbeat, and you can also determine who you are waiting for - a boy or a girl.

Causes and methods of artificial childbirth

Artificial childbirth - a call to labor at 20, sometimes at 21 weeks, as well as in late pregnancy. 20 weeks pregnant, no movement? This may be the reason for artificial childbirth. The reason for their conduct can also be premature discharge of water, the development of the fetus with pathologies, and a threat to life for the mother. They can be summoned when pierced amniotic membranes administration of prostaglandins.

Ultrasound during pregnancy

20 weeks pregnant, what happens on ultrasound? Today, this study can tell a lot about oligohydramnios, the causes, causing toxicosis, placenta previa, its location and condition, as well as such a deviation from the norm as low placentation. 20 weeks of pregnancy is such a period at which it is already possible to establish the sex of the child, as well as its weight, size and location.

Today, thanks to the examination, they look at the correspondence of the size of the child to the gestational age, pay attention to the development of internal organs, such as the stomach, kidneys, intestines, liver, lungs, urinary and gallbladder. Special attention they give it because it is possible to see such a pathology as heart disease at this time, this deviation is considered the most common.


If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then sex is not contraindicated. Postures that put pressure on the abdomen should be avoided, so there should be no discomfort, everything should pass without any pain, without discharge, otherwise it is necessary to stop sexual intercourse and consult your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Frozen pregnancy

The 20th week of pregnancy has already come, there are no movements for a long time, the stomach has stopped growing - all this may indicate the fading of the fetus. It is more often observed before the 20th week, but after that it can also be diagnosed. Ultrasound can confirm fading in the absence of a heartbeat, if this fact is confirmed, it is necessary to remove the fetus to prevent the development of infection. Next, doctors medical examination to find out the cause of pregnancy fading. After a year and a half, you can plan a second pregnancy.

Necessary tests at 20 weeks of gestation

After 20 weeks, you need to visit a doctor already 2 times a month. For the course of pregnancy within the normal range, a study of urine, blood and a planned ultrasound is necessary. Urinalysis is necessary to detect inflammatory diseases, blood - to control hemoglobin and sugar levels, ultrasound will more accurately show fetal disorders at a certain stage of development. If necessary, carry out biochemical analysis blood, which evaluates the level of alpha-fetoprotein, hCG hormones, for the timely determination of deviations in the development of the child.

20 weeks pregnant discharge

20th week of pregnancy... Feelings of baby's movement are the most beneficial pleasant emotions, however, there are also less pleasant moments, because it is during this period of pregnancy that the discharge becomes more abundant than before, this is due to an increase in the hormone estrogen. They have a milky or grayish tint, without an unpleasant odor, uniform in consistency. If so, then there is no need to worry. Allocations can be reduced if you use a decoction of chamomile with boiled water for washing.

However, if there is a discharge of green or yellow color, With bad smell, frothy, curdled, you should immediately consult your doctor. The appearance of blood brown spots, as well as any discharge that is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, are the reason for calling an ambulance. Such symptoms can be triggered by placenta previa or placental abruption. In cases where the discharge is bloody, but not accompanied by pain, and may appear after intercourse, we can talk about the presence of cervical erosion. Also, various infections can be suspected when itching is felt in the vaginal area. In any case, you do not need to self-medicate, but immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment, and the pregnancy will proceed without complications.

The most beautiful thing that God could give a woman is the ability to be a mother, to carry a new life under her heart.

Pregnancy is a responsible process that lasts nine whole months, or forty obstetric weeks. 21 weeks of pregnancy is half the term, which has its own characteristics and specifics of development.

Trimesters of pregnancy

The entire period of pregnancy is conditionally divided into three trimesters:

  • 1st is the 1st, 2nd, 3rd months, or from the 1st to the 13th week.
  • 2nd is the 4th, 5th, 6th months, or from the 14th to the 26th week.
  • 3rd is the 7th, 8th, 9th months, or from the 27th to the 41st week.

Each period has its own characteristics of fetal development and is accompanied by changes in the mother's body. So.

I trimester

It is during this period that a woman learns about her " interesting position". Delayed menstruation, nausea in the morning, fatigue, drowsiness and irritability are the first signs of a "new life" inside.

As soon as the expectant mother confirms her guesses after examining a doctor, she needs to careful attitude to yourself and healthy lifestyle life.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most responsible. The main organs of the future crumbs and its nervous system are formed. By the end of the trimester, the embryo takes on a human form and is already called a fetus. He had tiny arms and legs, a little face was formed.

From the first to the thirteenth week, a woman should avoid stressful situations, exercise and stick proper nutrition including vitamins. After all, it is on early dates high risk of miscarriage.

II trimester

If in the first trimester the mother’s body was rebuilt and got used to the “new life” inside, then already in the second this “life” becomes visible to others.

By the fourteenth week, toxicosis, drowsiness and irritability pass. The forms of a woman are rounded - the chest is poured, the tummy is growing. Due to the increased amount of hormones, a pregnant woman becomes more attractive in appearance - hair growth increases, their structure changes. The second trimester is less dangerous for the baby's life. The risk of miscarriage is reduced. The child begins to grow rapidly. He already looks like a newborn. The baby knows how to express his emotions. When the 21st week of pregnancy comes, the size of the fetus is already quite large, and the mother may already feel his presence inside herself, which he expresses with the help of movements.

The gender of the baby has already been formed, and on ultrasound you can determine which diapers to buy - pink or blue.

In addition to happy moments, the second trimester brings its own inconveniences, such as heartburn, constipation, increased discharge, increased urination. Many problems can be avoided with a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and outdoor activities.

III trimester

The belly is growing rapidly, because the baby is growing by leaps and bounds. His movements become more palpable. Sometimes you can very clearly feel the protruding leg or handle. It becomes difficult for a woman to move around, she suffers from insomnia, shortness of breath.

In the third trimester, the body begins to train to upcoming birth. These are the so-called false contractions. They are in many ways similar to real ones, but differ in frequency. If such contractions are not accompanied by secretions, do not panic. When there is unusual discharge, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Every week, every day, the baby grows inside and gets smarter. Many of his organs have already been formed and are being improved. The skin became firmer and not as transparent as before. The intestines are developing rapidly. This is facilitated by amniotic fluid, which is constantly swallowed by the fetus.

21 weeks pregnant is new stage in the development of the baby. Little by little he learns to control his movements. The nervous system continues to strengthen. Taste buds are actively developing. The baby already knows how to distinguish between sweet and bitter food. He can even express his dissatisfaction with pushing.

The child at 21 weeks of pregnancy grew noticeably and gained weight. Now he looks like a little doll. Its height reaches 27 centimeters, and its weight is almost 400 grams. The immune system has become more perfect. In the body of the baby, white blood cells are already produced, which are able to fight infections.

So, pregnancy, 21 weeks. The movements of the baby increase significantly and can reach up to 200 times a day. True, mother hears less than half of these movements. An interesting phenomenon of this period is the intrauterine hiccups of the crumbs. It resembles frequent rhythmic contractions. hiccup - normal condition, do not panic.

Here's what promises 21 weeks of pregnancy. Feelings, physical and mental condition Every mom during this period is different. A lot depends on lifestyle, nutrition and stress.

Mom's feelings at 21 weeks pregnant

The most important change in the mother's body is a constantly growing belly, which, in addition to joy, also brings discomfort. It's time to think about changing your wardrobe, including underwear. You can already take a bra one size larger, because the breast grows every day. Underwear you need to choose from natural fabrics, free cut, so as not to press on the stomach. For a future mother, the 21st week of pregnancy is not always joyful - her weight is growing rapidly along with her belly. Therefore, doctors often prescribe different diets. After all, very big baby- not always good for natural childbirth. And proper and balanced nutrition has a positive effect not only on the health of the mother, but also on the health of the baby. Do not forget about vitamins and minerals.

21 weeks of pregnancy brings a variety of sensations for the expectant mother. The load on the back increases, it becomes difficult to walk, shortness of breath may interfere. A special belt supporting the stomach - a bandage - will help to slightly reduce discomfort. Standing on your feet for long periods of time should also be minimized, as this puts extra stress on the back muscles. After all, the stomach at the 21st week of pregnancy noticeably rounded.

From this period, you can start exercises to prepare for childbirth, it would be nice to do yoga for expectant mothers. Help relaxation and swimming lessons. If the woman's pregnancy is the second, it's time to talk about her with the eldest child. Be sure to focus on how they love him, how big and smart he is already, how he helps.

More adult "children" can be told about how children appear. For this, there is a large literature with pictures by age.

21 weeks of pregnancy: discharge (norm and pathology)

Discharge from the genitals is not always a cause for panic. Any woman, including a pregnant woman, has discharge that can be considered a norm or a pathology.

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's body begins a "big restructuring", which is aimed at creating conditions for the development future life. Perestroika also applies to allocations. The very first discharge, indicating the "presence" of pregnancy, is thrush, which occurs on a hormonal background. It does not pose a particular danger, but it is still better to treat it.

Normal discharge- whites - odorless, have a transparent appearance and are not accompanied by unpleasant sensations. As soon as the discharge has become a different color, itching, discomfort in the genital area, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps there is an infection that will adversely affect the unborn baby.

Signal to sound the alarm - brown or menstrual discharge. They may point to:

  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Threat of interruption.
  • Pathology in the development of the placenta.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • erosion.

Bloody discharge, accompanied by pain, indicates placental abruption. However, sometimes they can be normal and hormonal in nature. One way or another, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Self-medication is strictly prohibited. After all, it can cost the life of a baby.

Discharges and STDs

With the onset of pregnancy, the protective functions of the mother's body weaken. This is necessary so that the fetus is not expelled from the uterus and can attach to its walls. Therefore, women who are in an “interesting position” become more susceptible to infections, including those that are sexually transmitted.

Some diseases calmly “doze” in the body, waiting for the immune system to weaken. With the onset of pregnancy, they begin to manifest themselves. STDs for expectant mothers are always a threat, because they affect the fetus in different ways, disrupting its normal development.

The presence of such infections has unpredictable consequences for the baby and requires immediate treatment:

  1. Vulvit. The skin of the external genital organs becomes inflamed. There are redness, burning, enlargement of the labia.
  2. Bartholinitis. Inflammation of the Bartholin's gland. Microbes infect the inlet channel, resulting in a purulent swelling of the gland. A woman feels tired, her working capacity decreases, soreness of the genital organs is observed.
  3. Colpitis. Inflammation of the vagina, which is caused by staphylococcus microbes, E. coli and some others. Microorganisms infect the cervix and external genitalia. A woman feels pain and cramps when urinating.
  4. Gardnerellosis. The disease is associated with changes hormonal background. As a result, beneficial bacteria die, and disease-causing organisms appear in their place. The infection is accompanied by itching, burning, discharge with an unpleasant odor.
  5. Endometritis. Inflammation of the lining of the uterus. It occurs as a consequence after abortion, curettage, internal spirals and other mechanical interventions. The disease is accompanied by unpleasant purulent discharge, elevated temperature, fatigue. The disease can cause fetal death.
  6. Trichomoniasis. Inflammation of the genital organs caused by Trichomonas. Accompanied by itching, burning, redness of the genitals. Often the infection is asymptomatic, which is dangerous for the body. For the fetus, the disease has unpredictable consequences.
  7. Gonorrhea. Very dangerous disease for pregnant. The disease affects the mucous membranes and leads to painful urination, inflammation of the vagina and adjacent glands. Ignoring treatment leads to miscarriage. If a child manages to be born, he has a bunch of pathologies and developmental delays.
  8. Chlamydia. Burning, itching, pain in the genital area - not all symptoms of infection. Like the previous two species, it belongs to TORCH infections, that is, to those that have a devastating effect on the fetus. These diseases are difficult to treat.

This is not the whole list of diseases that pregnant women suffer from. To avoid complications and sad consequences, it is better to do tests for all infections even before pregnancy. If found, treat. Pregnancy is best planned after at least a year.

Ultrasound and necessary tests at 21 weeks

So, 21 weeks pregnant. The development of the fetus, its size, weight and height are clearly visible on ultrasound. Ultrasound at this time obligatory view diagnostics. If so far the pregnancy has proceeded normally, this will be only the second planned ultrasound. Thanks to the study, it is already possible to determine:

  • Exact gestational age and due date.
  • The gender of the baby.
  • Pathologies.

Sadly, however, some fetal anomalies may be incompatible with life and are indications for termination of pregnancy. Among them:

  • Severe disability (eg, missing upper or lower limbs).
  • Rare, incurable diseases.
  • If there is a threat to the life of the mother.

To leave a child or not, even if there is evidence, only his mother can decide.

A child at 21 weeks of gestation is a living person. And before depriving him of the right to exist, you need to consult more than one clinic. After all, there have been cases when stupid medical error killed quite healthy children.

If we talk about the mandatory tests for the mother at this time, then these are standard urine tests and a doctor's examination.

What else is important at this time pregnancy (21 weeks)? The movements of the baby at this time are another type of diagnosis of his condition. If they are very frequent and bring discomfort to the mother, the child may not have enough oxygen, and he has developed hypoxia. Should be alert and complete absence baby movements. In any case, expert advice and ultrasound diagnostics(premature or unscheduled) will resolve the issue correctly.

Feeling pregnant

The growth and development of the baby inside the mother pleases her every day. However, the condition of the pregnant woman may worsen. It's all about the growing belly.

  1. Appetite. Sharply increases and intensifies at 21 weeks. Of course, you should not deny yourself food, but observe light diet recommended. Heaviness in the stomach from overeating can trigger heartburn. Besides big baby giving birth has always been difficult.
  2. Stretch marks. The reason for this is a growing belly. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon will help special creams and lotions, as well as wearing a bandage.
  3. Phlebeurysm. Swelling of parts of the body, fatigue, pain in the legs - not all symptoms of varicose veins. Venous disease is common in pregnant women. Disease prevention - special tights and stockings.
  4. Heartburn. 21 weeks of pregnancy is characterized by this unpleasant phenomenon. The growing belly presses on the intestines, and it throws its contents back into the esophagus. Decoctions of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort), vegetable juices (potatoes, carrots) and jelly will help get rid of heartburn.

Preparing for childbirth

21 weeks pregnant is half way through. Just a little more - and mom will meet with her long-awaited baby. But how much do you need to do before giving birth!

First, it's time to start getting to know maternity hospitals cities, their requirements and conditions.

Secondly, you need to slowly collect the bag to the hospital. Prepare things for yourself home clothes medicines, personal care products). Do not forget about the dowry for the crumbs - you need to purchase a couple of diapers, sliders and vests. IN last month This will be costly both physically and financially.

Thirdly, it's time to start preparing the children's room. To equip it, you will need a crib, a chest of drawers for things and a changing table.

If a woman does not work, she can enroll in courses for future parents or yoga. Yes, except useful information and developmental exercises, you can make new friends for communication.

Harbingers of childbirth

Many young mothers are often interested in the question of when the 21st week of pregnancy comes: how many months are left to wait before giving birth? By medical standards, a woman carries a child for 40-42 weeks (or 10 obstetric months). Accordingly, the 21st week is the beginning of the sixth month of pregnancy and there is not so much left before the birth. There are cases when women give birth at seven to eight months of quite viable children. However, this is not the norm.

Every woman should know what the precursors of childbirth are, because it often happens that a pregnant woman barely has time to be taken to the hospital.

The following signs indicate that it is time to go to the hospital:

  • Downward displacement of the abdomen. So it will be easier for the baby to go through the birth canals of the mother.
  • Frequent urge to go to the toilet. It's all about the first reason.
  • Pain in the lower back.
  • False contractions (come after the 30th week).
  • Section of the mucous plug. She has beige or brownish color with veins.
  • Leakage or leakage of water - you need to go to the hospital immediately!

The expectant mother also has abrupt change moods. Body weight can decrease by 1-2 kilograms.

Discovering similar symptoms call your doctor and follow his instructions.


There is nothing more beautiful and long-awaited for a woman than a “new life” under her heart. Maternal instinct appears from childhood, when girls cradle their dolls, put them to bed and read books to them.

21 weeks pregnant - very interesting period. From this moment, the mother can no longer just talk and sing songs to her child, but also clearly feel his movements.