Can a baby have allergies? How to tell if a baby has a sore throat. Contraindications for use and possible side effects

Quite often, young mothers in a situation where their newborn’s stomach hurts do not know what to do. And the kids still cannot tell how it hurts, what exactly it hurts and why. They are too small for this.

Abdominal colic in newborns is not uncommon. Therefore, young mothers should be able to cope with this without a pediatrician. At least in the case when this pain is a consequence of absolutely normal processes in the first months of a child’s life.

Causes of abdominal pain in newborns.

Of course, there are many causes of abdominal pain in newborns. These include colic, gas formation in the intestines, and constipation. These are the reasons that the mother herself can help eliminate, without a therapist. However, abdominal pain can also cause serious complications of the child’s digestive system.

But how can you tell from your baby that the cause of his troubles is abdominal pain? Here are the most common manifestations when a baby’s tummy hurts:

  • the baby nervously kicks his legs and twists around;
  • he has a tight tummy (especially noticeable with constipation);
  • he suddenly becomes restless and moody;
  • he may refuse to eat or, having started the meal with pleasure, suddenly burst into loud crying and refuse food altogether.

Colic that occur in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as increased gas formation can cause various factors :

    immaturity of the enzymatic system of that part digestive tract child, which is responsible for digesting food. As a rule, this improves during the first months of the baby's life.

    swallowing air while sucking milk from mother's breast or from a bottle. In this case, it is important for the mother to learn how to properly give the breast or bottle to the baby.

    the composition of the formula is not suitable for the child, or even foods eaten by the mother herself that cause fermentation or bloating. These foods include legumes and fiber-rich foods such as cabbage or beets.

    introducing new foods or complementary foods into the baby’s diet.

Tummy pain in this case does not indicate that the products are not suitable or are being administered incorrectly. However, new food is an additional burden for the child’s digestion, to which he has to adapt.

But this is also accompanied by high fever, change in skin color, vomiting or upset stool (i.e. a change in its quantity, color and smell), then you need consult a doctor immediately.

What to do if your newborn has a stomach ache?

So, if the cause of pain is not related to serious illness and it is not accompanied by other symptoms, that is a lot of different ways that can help the baby and his mother cope with this.

    Walking through the rooms with the baby in your arms (the method is a little tiring, but proven and very effective).

    Pressing the newborn to the mother's breast (gives a feeling of security).

    Tight swaddling or, conversely, the opportunity for the child to lie naked for about five minutes.

    Warm bath(only helps if the newborn loves to swim).

    Singing or music (the child may like a special song or melody that the mother hums).

    Light massage (sometimes it’s enough just to rub and stroke the baby’s back, tummy, arms and legs; this should be done with firm but gentle movements).

    Rhythmic sounds of nature or equipment (this could be the rhythmic hum of a fan or even a vacuum cleaner, the sound of waves or the rustling of the wind against the crowns of trees).

    Light pressure on the abdominal area (you can try placing the child with his stomach on an adult’s lap or vertically on his shoulder; at the same time, you can stroke the back).

    A warm diaper for the tummy (it can be pre-ironed with an iron or heated on a radiator).

    Exercise “bicycle” (the child lies on his back, and his mother alternately presses his legs to his tummy).

    Dill water (2 tablespoons of dill seeds are poured into 2 cups of boiling water; after cooling, filter and give to the baby to drink throughout the day).

    Gas outlet pipe, special teas and medications (this can only be used on the recommendations of a doctor; it is important to strictly follow the instructions received from him).

How to prevent tummy pain, or proper feeding.

Experience shows that breastfed children are much less likely to suffer from abdominal pain than bottle-fed children. Therefore, if possible breastfeed the baby, do it.

In order to reduce the risk of gas formation and constipation in babies, mothers need to:

  • strictly monitor your diet, adhering to the diet recommended by doctors;
  • carefully select food for an artificial baby;
  • Before each feeding, place the baby on his tummy for a few minutes;
  • you need to start feeding the child before he gets very hungry, so that he does not eat greedily (the baby’s hunger is visible by restlessness, smacking his lips, sucking his thumb, and then crying);
  • when breastfeeding, the baby should grasp not only the nipple, but also almost the entire areola; with artificial - no air should get through the nipple along with the mixture;
  • You can use special “anti-colic” nipples (they help reduce the formation of gas in the belly of a newborn).

Very little time will pass, the baby will grow up, and his mother will forget about this problem, like a bad dream.

It would seem, what kind of stubble can a newborn baby have? Nonsense and nonsense! But no, maybe, just not in the form that our imagination depicts. Let's figure out what kind of “beast” with such a strange name plagues our kids, how to identify it and how we can help them.

From this article you will learn:

Representatives of official medicine do not make a diagnosis of “stubble in newborns”. This disease is simply not in medical reference books. But, despite this, such a phenomenon is endowed with quite distinct features and characteristics:

  • restless sleep;
  • unreasonable crying;
  • visible discomfort that is noticeable while the baby is awake and resting;
  • coarse, short dark hairs poking through delicate skin most often in the back, shoulders, hips, arms and legs.

It can be difficult to visually detect stubble on a baby, but you can simply feel it by running your hand soaked in your own breast milk over the baby’s body in different directions.

Skin with hair uncharacteristic for children will tactilely resemble the recently shaved chin of an adult man, which is why this phenomenon is given the appropriate name.

Representatives traditional medicine gave it a definition of “poker” and, when faced with it, provide a lot of advice on how to eliminate it.

Where do “legs grow” from?

In fact, bristles in newborns are an atavism. Whether we like it or not, the echoes of the evolution of Homo sapiens, no, no, make themselves felt, hence phenomena unusual to our understanding periodically appear, including those that we study in this material.

Normally, the skin of newborns is covered with soft fluff, but due to certain gene abnormalities, it becomes stiff and colored with a dark pigment.

If you encounter baby stubble at about 2-3 months of your child’s life, you don’t have to worry that he will become an object of scientific research and his photographs will end up in biology textbooks. Everything is not as scary as it may seem.

How to deal with the problem using “grandmother’s” methods

Since the bristles greatly annoy the baby, prevents them from sleeping, pricks, itches, and provokes diaper rash and irritation, parents will certainly take all possible measures to eliminate it. And the first thing that might come to mind is to shave it off.

But, try not to give in to the temptation to take up the razor. This will not help the baby, but will rather increase his suffering.

To combat the poker, traditional medicine suggests rolling out. Just not with an egg, but with dough.

To get rid of hated hairs in a newborn, you need to:

  • Prepare the most ordinary sticky unleavened dough (water with flour) or prepare a bread crumb by adding a little breast milk into it;
  • Steam the child’s skin thoroughly (in a bathhouse, in the bathroom, or by placing a warm, damp towel on problem areas of the body);
  • Roll out the dough along the “bristle” areas for 10 minutes;
  • After the procedures, moisturize the skin with baby oil or milk.

The process of rolling out is vaguely reminiscent of hair removal, but unlike feminine hygiene procedures, it does not cause pain to the baby. The dough simply collects the hairs on itself, after which its skin becomes soft and smooth.

Unfortunately, it is often not possible to roll out all the stubble clean in one procedure, since individual hairs can “sit” very deep under the skin. In this case, some mothers may decide to remove them with tweezers.

If something remains after rolling out, do not immediately attempt to finish what you started. Leave everything as it is, very soon the “peach fuzz” will go away on its own.

What does official medicine tell us about stubble in newborns?

Despite the fact that doctors openly ridicule the disease under the name poker, they still give their version of its occurrence.

According to pediatricians, bristle formations in newborns are nothing more than the remains of the original fuzz, dead epidermal cells and secretions of the sebaceous glands, mixed into a single mass from which peculiar dark pellets are formed.

They do not pose any danger to the health of the child and eliminate themselves through regular classic toileting of the skin of infants:

  • when processing them with oils;
  • with daily bathing;
  • when washing the child with a soft washcloth and baby cosmetics.

All that is required from mommy is careful care of the baby’s skin. Not from time to time, but daily hygiene procedures. It is thanks to them that the prickly pellets will quickly disappear, and in their place light hairs will appear, which will not annoy the child with their presence at all.

Signs and superstitions

Since stubble is largely the sphere of influence of traditional medicine, there are many unconfirmed theories about its origin. You might be interested to know where it comes from in terms of non-scientific observations coming from our all-knowing grandmothers:

  • Stubble occurs in newborns whose mothers do not like cats;
  • Poker rash occurs in newborn babies whose mother, during pregnancy, ate a lot of lard with skin or was overly keen on shelling seeds;
  • Stubble is a punishment for cutting a mother's hair during pregnancy and cutting the nails of a baby up to one year old.

A modern person will most likely treat such superstitions with a smile. And he will do the right thing, because they do not have any arguments behind them. Therefore, we suggest not focusing on the problem and following your own common sense: if a child is suffering, try to help him, only carefully and without fanaticism.

And don’t forget: newborns and older babies are entirely dependent on adults, and their condition largely depends on how much attention their relatives pay to them. Be observant, and maternal intuition itself will suggest the right solution and way to eliminate children's problems that have arisen.

Acute appendicitis can occur not only in an adult, but also in a child at any age. At the same time, about 2% of all cases of the disease occur in infants. It is very important to make a correct diagnosis early, since inflammation of appendicitis in children develops rapidly and is often accompanied by complications. The main danger is the risk of peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal cavity), which occurs due to the rupture of an infected appendix.

Difficulties in diagnosing appendicitis in newborns

There are often cases when the correct diagnosis of a small child was made late, and the inflamed appendix ruptured. This is due to a number of problems in diagnosing the disease in a newborn: the baby cannot independently show where the pain is bothering him, infants still have weak immunity, inflammatory process is not localized in the abdominal cavity due to the small size of the omentum.

If there is the slightest difficulty in making a diagnosis, modern medicine uses the laparoscopy method. With its help, the peritoneal organs are examined with a special device - a laparoscope, which is inserted through a puncture of the abdominal wall. If the examination reveals inflammation in the appendix, an operation is performed to remove it. This simple and safe procedure can be given to babies from the first days of life.

Symptoms of the disease in infants

Parents should watch their baby very carefully in order to determine in time by his behavior acute appendicitis. The situation is complicated by the fact that the symptoms of the disease are also suitable for other diagnoses, so they need to be assessed in combination. Appendicitis in children under one year of age can manifest itself:

  • severe weakness, when the child lies all the time, does not want to play or move;
  • constant anxiety of the baby;
  • high temperature;
  • thirst, lack of appetite;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • loose stools or constipation (if inflammation of the abdominal cavity has already occurred);
  • fever, chills.

If 2-3 symptoms are detected, it is very important to quickly call for medical help to confirm or rule out appendicitis. In newborns, the inflammatory process develops rapidly, so several hours may pass from the onset of the disease to the appearance of peritonitis. The arriving doctor should definitely tell what kind of stool the baby has, what time he ate, and when the first symptoms appeared.

Features of the course of the disease in newborns

Appendicitis in young children manifests itself with symptoms that can mislead adults. Similar symptoms may occur with colic and bloating, but with appendicitis they have their own characteristics:

  • abdominal pain occurs suddenly: the child may scream in his sleep, when changing position, or immediately after waking up;
  • the baby often curls up, lying on right side, often lingers in one comfortable position, without moving;
  • the baby may point to the lower abdomen on the right and at the same time push away the hands of adults who want to feel it; vomiting can be repeated and profuse;
  • the area of ​​the baby's abdomen, where the appendix is ​​located, may be tense;
  • streaks of blood in liquid stool may be evidence of incipient peritonitis.

How to help your baby before the ambulance arrives?

Having determined that the baby has appendicitis and called an ambulance, parents should take necessary measures to reduce pain in the child’s abdomen and slow down the process of inflammation. The most faithful and safe means is to apply a towel soaked in cold water, to the right side of the baby. This will greatly alleviate the baby's condition.

Under no circumstances should you offer your baby any medications: this can be very dangerous! In addition, tablets can relieve a baby from abdominal pain and mask acute appendicitis. Laxatives are strictly contraindicated, as they can provoke rupture of the appendix and, as a result, the rapid spread of infection throughout the children's internal organs. An enema is also prohibited: it increases pressure on the appendix.

You can’t relieve pain in your baby’s stomach with a heating pad or warm baths, including with the addition of herbal infusions. Don't forget that heat significantly speeds up the inflammation process.

Determine acute appendicitis in infants much more difficult than in adult patients. Parents should closely monitor the baby's condition and seek immediate medical attention at the first suspicious symptoms. The sooner the necessary operation to remove the inflamed appendix is ​​performed, the better the baby will feel and the easier the recovery period will be.

The birth of a child is not only joy, but also worries, worries and concerns about his health. Unfortunately, in the early childhood(up to 1 year) children can develop a variety of diseases, some of them progress from the first days after the baby is born.

Omphalitis and

The umbilical wound is formed in a newborn by the 3-5th day of his life and is located at the site of the fallen umbilical cord remnant. Pediatricians warn parents that complete healing umbilical wound, the baby should be bathed only in boiled water with the addition of potassium permanganate (“potassium permanganate”) until it turns pale pink. This period corresponds to two weeks. After the child has been bathed, it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations, but only with clean, washed hands:

  • moisten a cotton swab in a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and use it to remove the remaining secretions directly from the wound;
  • take a new stick and remove the remaining hydrogen peroxide;
  • lubricate the umbilical wound with a solution of brilliant green (2% brilliant green).

Important! Baby vests, rompers and diapers need to be ironed on both sides after each wash, infants' underwear is changed several times a day, and care must be taken to ensure that the umbilical wound is not covered with a diaper.

If the umbilical wound begins to get wet, blood and/or pus appear, the skin around the navel becomes red, then the visiting nurse or pediatrician should be notified. Most likely, we will talk about inflammation of the umbilical wound of bacterial origin, caused by or. With this pathological condition the baby's general well-being will change:

  • the baby shows anxiety and constantly cries, or, conversely, becomes noticeably lethargic;
  • the baby sucks poorly;
  • weight loss occurs;
  • in some cases, body temperature rises.

Treatment of omphalitis consists of treating the umbilical wound four times, and in severe cases, the pediatrician may prescribe treatment.

Note:if hygiene care umbilical wound parents are carried out in strict accordance with the rules, then there will be no omphalitis. This inflammatory process is always a consequence of insufficient care.

This is the name for the exit of internal organs through the large umbilical ring - this is the most weakness in the anterior abdominal wall of a newborn. This pathology is diagnosed in infancy quite often, parents can see it themselves: when the baby cries or strains, a hernial protrusion appears, which is a consequence of increased intra-abdominal pressure.

As soon as an umbilical hernia is detected, the child must be shown to a surgeon - the doctor will repair the hernia for the child and apply special patch for 10 days. Similar treatment sessions can be used several times in a row, additionally prescribed physiotherapy and massage are procedures that should only be performed by a specialist.

If the baby already knows how to hold his head, then he should be placed on his tummy on a hard surface. Such simple “measures” will help not only to move organs back into place, but also to normalize stools and eliminate constipation.

In some cases, a child’s hernia does not disappear even by the age of one, and in this case the child will be indicated for surgery. As a rule, surgical interventions for umbilical hernia are performed only with three years old, but if the hernia falls out too often, then experts recommend carrying out such radical treatment earlier.

Most often, the icteric coloration of the skin and mucous membranes in newborns is a physiological manifestation of the adaptation period after birth. Jaundice appears, as a rule, 2-3 days after the birth of the baby and this occurs due to the lack of a sufficient amount of enzymes that neutralize it. Normally, bilirubin, neutralized in the liver cells, is released after a series of transformations from the body in feces or urine. But in a newborn, the liver does not have time to neutralize all bilirubin; its level in the blood rapidly increases, which leads to quick coloring skin and mucous membranes yellow.

Such jaundice in newborns is a physiological process and does not pose any danger to the life of the child. Jaundice develops in 60% of full-term infants and in 90%, disappears spontaneously in a maximum of three weeks.

There are cases when physiological jaundice persists for longer than three weeks in a row, which may be due to the transition of physiological jaundice to breastfeeding jaundice. The fact is that mother’s breast milk contains a substance that can inhibit or block the formation of liver enzymes - this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied, but it does exist.

As a rule, jaundice of natural feeding does not pose a threat to the health and life of the child, but still carry out full examination the baby follows. In some cases, the cause of such prolonged jaundice may be:

  • massive destruction of red blood cells - hemolytic jaundice;
  • dysfunction of liver cells – hepatic jaundice;
  • obstruction of the bile ducts – obstructive jaundice.

The named pathologies require constant monitoring. If this indicator does not exceed normal limits, or the increase is insignificant, then doctors simply monitor the newborn. But in case of a sharp increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood, it may be necessary to surgical treatment, since such a development of pathology is fraught with serious consequences for the brain.

Skin problems

The baby's skin is very delicate and easily vulnerable, the blood vessels are located superficially, and even when the baby is slightly overheated, moisture begins to evaporate from the skin. These three factors cause problems with skin in children under one year of age.

Diaper rash

This is the name for inflammation of individual areas of the skin when there has been prolonged exposure to moisture or friction. Most often, diaper rash occurs in the armpits, neck, inguinal, intergluteal folds or behind the ears.

Depending on how diaper rash occurs, doctors distinguish three degrees of its severity:

  • first degree– slight redness, the integrity of the skin is not compromised;
  • second degree– redness becomes bright, microcracks and erosions appear;
  • third degree– intense redness, cracks, erosions and pustules appear on the skin.

Diaper rash causes pain, burning and itching, which leads to restlessness and whims of the baby. The causes of the skin problems under consideration can be: high humidity skin, and excess baby weight. Provoking factors can also be identified:

  • inadequate drying of the skin after bathing or washing the baby;
  • violation of child care rules, skin irritation under the influence of urine and feces;
  • skin friction with synthetic clothing;
  • child overheating;
  • the baby's skin on the material from which the diapers are made.

Under no circumstances should diaper rash be ignored! Such pathological skin lesions can quickly spread and become associated with infection. Therefore, parents should in the room where the baby is - it should not be higher than 21 degrees; the baby should be given air baths regularly.

For the first degree of diaper rash no specific treatment is required, you just need to carefully follow the rules of skin care, change diapers on time (at least every 3 hours), carry out air baths and treat folds protective cream. If it is not possible to get rid of diaper rash within 24 hours, then you need to consult a pediatrician - a specialist, having assessed the condition of the baby’s skin, can prescribe the use medicines(for example, ointments Drapolen or Bepanten).

Second degree diaper rash involves the use of special “talkers” - a product that is prepared in pharmacies. The pediatrician may prescribe treatment using tannin or methyluracil ointment on the affected area. If pustules appear, the skin is treated with green paint or methylene blue.

In case of second degree diaper rash, you need to bathe your baby in a weak pink solution of potassium permanganate, and if the baby is not allergic to medicinal herbs, then he can be given baths with a decoction of oak bark (the duration is a maximum of 7 minutes).

Third degree diaper rash It is quite difficult to treat, so parents must make every effort to prevent such a development of pathology. If the skin is already wet, then use some oil ointments medicinal purposes you can’t - a film will form that will prevent wounds from healing. The best option for solving the problem of third degree diaper rash would be to seek qualified medical care.

Prickly heat

This is the name of the disease, which is characterized by the appearance of a pinpoint rash on the baby’s skin. Pink colour. Typically, such damage occurs in those places where the baby produces the most sweat - natural skin folds and folds, buttocks. Miliaria is usually not accompanied by any unpleasant symptoms, and the newborn’s behavior remains unchanged.

Most often, prickly heat disappears without any specific treatment - it is enough to follow the rules for caring for the baby’s skin, you can lubricate the affected area with Bepanten cream.

To prevent the occurrence of prickly heat, the following preventive measures are used:

  • all child’s underwear should be made from natural fabrics;
  • for walks you need to dress your baby strictly according to the weather;
  • in the room where the baby spends most of his time, the air temperature should be constant;
  • use decoctions or oak bark for bathing, but only if the baby does not have allergies;
  • Use only water-based cream for treating baby skin.

The disease is manifested by redness of the skin, swelling, peeling and the appearance of small blisters. Diaper dermatitis is accompanied by itching and burning, which makes the child restless and capricious, and disrupts his sleep.

If treatment for the disease in question is not carried out, then cracks, pustules and erosions appear on the affected areas of the skin. Next, the surface layer of skin is torn away, ulcers can form, and often an infection – fungal or bacterial – is associated with diaper dermatitis.

It is carried out only as prescribed by a pediatrician or dermatologist.

Pemphigus of newborns

This is a purulent contagious skin disease that is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The disease occurs in the first weeks of life; an infant can become infected from caregivers with a pustular infection on their hands.

A sign of the disease will be the appearance of large blisters with a cloudy liquid on the baby’s skin. yellowish color. They often open on their own, leaving behind an eroded surface. The liquid that flows from the burst blisters contributes to infection of neighboring areas of the skin.

Complications in newborns may include abscesses and septic conditions. Treatment of the disease in question is carried out only as prescribed by a pediatrician. Must be used in therapy antibacterial drugs, and regardless of the age of the child.

Hormonal crisis

Hormonal crisis develops in healthy, full-term babies and this condition is associated with the entry of mother’s hormones into the child’s body through the placenta or when natural feeding. Symptoms of this condition will be:

Such changes appear on the 3-4th day of the baby’s life and gradually decrease in intensity over 30 days; no treatment is required. The only thing parents need to remember: it is strictly forbidden to squeeze out the discharge from mammary glands, massage them, as this can lead to the progression of mastitis, which requires surgical treatment.


A sign of thrush is that white spots appear on the tongue and mucous membranes of the baby’s cheeks, which resemble pieces of curdled milk. Such deposits are not washed off between feedings, but are removed with a spatula if the disease is mild. At moderate severity During the course of thrush, spots appear on the palate and lips and it is no longer possible to remove them completely.

Severe thrush is characterized by the rapid spread of dense plaque on the gums, back wall pharynx, on the soft palate. The areas affected by the fungal infection are painful, the baby cries a lot, his sleep is disturbed, he either sucks poorly at the breast or refuses it altogether.

Factors that can trigger the appearance of thrush include:

At the initial manifestations of the disease, it should be treated oral cavity with a sterile cotton swab, which is moistened in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or 2% soda solution. After wiping, the mucous membranes are lubricated with a methylene blue solution every three hours for 5 days.

Treatment of thrush in newborns is carried out using drugs that contain Nystatin or Levorin. During the entire treatment period, the mother should wipe her nipples with the solution before each feeding. baking soda, boil toys/pacifiers/bottles. Severe forms of thrush can only be treated in a hospital.

Despite modern capabilities medicine, rickets is still one of the fairly common diseases of infants. This disease develops due to a deficiency in the body, which is “responsible” for phosphorus-calcium metabolism. The child receives this vitamin through food, and it is also synthesized in the skin under the influence of sun rays. Therefore, according to statistics, the frequency of diagnosing rickets in children born in winter period, much more often than among those born in warm weather.

With rickets, there is not only a lack of vitamin D and calcium, but also a lack of iron, copper,. Due to the lack of all these microelements, children with rickets become excessively whiny, capricious, their sleep is disturbed, and they often get colds.

The first symptoms of the disease in question may appear as early as one month of age in the baby, and if treatment is not carried out, the child’s condition will worsen. Symptoms of rickets in infancy include:

If there is no treatment for rickets or it is carried out incorrectly, then the pathology progresses, which is manifested by narrowing of the pelvis, curvature of the spine, flat feet and the formation of a hump.

The development of rickets is very easy to prevent - it is enough to give children vitamin D, and treatment of the disease in question, started on time and carried out correctly, gives positive results. Currently running forms Rickets is diagnosed only in children who live in dysfunctional families.

Treatment of rickets is complex and involves the use of various procedures:

  • lasting for fresh air;
  • correction of the child’s diet, which will provide the growing body with everything essential vitamins and microelements;
  • therapeutic exercises, massage and swimming lessons;
  • drug therapy - probiotics, vitamin D, vitamin-mineral complexes.

Digestive tract problems

Severe pain in the baby's intestines, which is accompanied by bloating, is a fairly common problem for infants. At the same time, the child actively twists his legs, draws them in, and cries loudly. The cause of intestinal colic may be improper (if the baby is breastfed) or the child swallowing air during feeding.

It is quite possible to prevent the occurrence of colic and accumulation of gases in the intestines; for this you need:

By the age of 3-4 months intestinal colic The child undergoes gender due to the maturation of the digestive tract organs.

Many parents believe that if a child does not have bowel movements throughout the day, then this is constipation. But this is not entirely true! The fact is that mother's milk, for example, can be completely absorbed by the body, so you need to judge whether a baby has constipation by how he feels and the consistency of his stool.

We can talk about constipation if the baby behaves restlessly, cries, constantly strains, but his intestines do not empty. When constipated, the baby's stool is dark color and dense consistency, may even be hard, like peas or cork.

The cause of constipation in infancy is most often the non-compliance or incorrect diet of a bottle-fed baby. The mother's passion for protein foods, coffee, and flour products can also contribute to the development of constipation in infancy. But not everything is so “rosy” - in some cases, constipation in infancy is associated with the development of pathologies:

  • Hirschsprung's disease - a disorder of intestinal innervation;
  • dolichosigma - congenital elongation of the large intestine;

Parents should not try to cope with constipation in a baby on their own; it would be wise to seek help from a pediatrician - a specialist will not only make a diagnosis, find out the cause of such intestinal dysfunction, but also give recommendations on how to solve the problem.

If parents are sure that the child does not have any pathology, then one of the following remedies will help cope with constipation:

  • glycerin suppositories;
  • irritation of the rectum with the tip of the gas tube;
  • lactulose preparations, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

Note:an ancient way to relieve constipation, which involves inserting a bar of soap into anus, must not be used under any circumstances! The alkali contained in this product can cause a burn to the intestinal mucosa.

Diarrhea in infants

A child under one year of age can have a bowel movement after each feeding. But if under this regime general state If the baby remains within normal limits, he is calm and eats well, then parents should not worry. Of primary importance with such frequent bowel movements are the color, consistency of the stool and the presence of blood or mucus in it. It is worth remembering that it is dangerous because too much fluid will be removed from the baby’s body.

Loose stools can be caused by:

  • improper nutrition of the nursing mother or the baby itself;
  • acute intestinal pathology - for example, or;
  • intolerance to certain foods;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • acute intestinal infection.

If your baby has diarrhea, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.. It is especially important to follow this rule if diarrhea begins for no apparent reason, and bowel movements occur too often. Before the specialist arrives, the baby needs to ensure sufficient fluid intake in the body.

This phenomenon occurs in almost every child, which can be physiological or pathological. Physiological regurgitation is associated with underdevelopment of the digestive system:

  • the esophagus is narrowed or relatively short;
  • the sphincter of the entrance to the stomach is underdeveloped;
  • the gastric mucosa is highly sensitive and reacts to any irritant, including breast milk;
  • The shape of the esophagus is funnel-shaped.

Physiological regurgitation is especially common in premature babies; it disappears only by the age of nine months. If the baby's condition is not affected, there is nothing to worry about. Physiological regurgitation may also appear when improper feeding baby or violation of the rules for caring for it:

The following measures will help get rid of physiological regurgitation:

  • keep baby on the floor during feeding vertical position;
  • when artificial feeding, use a special nipple that prevents the swallowing of air;
  • do not overfeed the baby;
  • After feeding, hold the baby in an upright position for some time until air burps.

Organic causes of the condition in question:

  • pyloric stenosis - narrowing of the inlet of the stomach, which refers to developmental anomalies;
  • defeat nervous system at intrauterine development;
  • phenylketonuria, galactosemia – disorders of food absorption of a hereditary nature;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • pathological lesions of the kidneys and pancreas.

This is the name for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the front surface of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelid. The cause of the development of this disease is bacteria, viruses and fungi, and only in extremely rare cases can conjunctivitis be an allergic reaction.

The disease in question manifests itself as redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, itching and discharge of pus from the conjunctival sac. After sleep, the baby's eyelashes become stuck together with the released pus, which prevents him from opening his eyes.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in children should be carried out only under the supervision of an ophthalmologist, because it is a specialist who will be able to select effective medications. Parents can only ease the baby’s well-being by washing the eyes with decoctions of chamomile or calendula, but this can only be done after consulting a doctor.

Acute respiratory viral infections are a group of diseases caused by various viruses transmitted by airborne droplets. In general, ARVI is considered the most common disease in childhood, and infants are no exception.

Clinical manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections are cough, runny nose, difficulty breathing, frequent sneezing, and increased body temperature of the infant. The child may become lethargic and sleep a lot, and lose his appetite.

As soon as the first signs of ARVI appear in the baby, you need to call a pediatrician at home - this will allow you to start effective treatment. The child needs to be provided with plenty of fluids: up to the age of six months, the baby can be given warm boiled water, and older children can be given a decoction of raisins, cranberry, chamomile infusion or. If the child has consumed too much a large number of liquids, or he was force-fed, this will provoke an attack of vomiting - there is no need to worry, but you need to adjust the dosage of the foods and liquids consumed.

Note:on the background high temperature the baby's body may begin to ache - the baby's body stretches, limbs tremble or twitch, eyes roll back. In this case, parents should immediately undress the baby, give him an antipyretic and call an ambulance.

This diagnosis is made in the case of underdevelopment of the hip joint during intrauterine development - the femoral head has increased mobility inside the joint, the development of connective tissue is disrupted. Most often dysplasia hip joints occurs in children with. It is very important to diagnose pathology early, therefore, as part of the examination of the baby, examinations by an orthopedist are carried out at 1-3-6-12 months. If the doctor suspects a deviation from the norm, he will prescribe an X-ray examination or ultrasound for the baby, but not earlier than the child reaches six months of age.

Symptoms of hip dysplasia include:

  • additional folds on one leg;
  • asymmetry of folds on the hips and buttocks;
  • baby crying or fussing when trying to separate his legs;
  • clicks when spreading the legs, bent at the knee joints;
  • unequal length of legs.

Depending on how severe the disease in question is, the infant may be prescribed:

  • physiotherapy;
  • Pavlik stirrups;
  • massage;
  • Freika tire.

With the help of special orthopedic devices, the child’s legs are constantly spread and bent - this creates optimal conditions for correct formation joints At first, the baby must wear such spacers around the clock, then the wearing mode becomes softer. Under no circumstances should parents due date remove devices, as this can nullify all previously achieved results.

Torticollis is incorrect position head, in which it is deflected to one side. The appearance of the defect depends on the development of the baby.

Signs of the pathology in question in the first year of a baby’s life:

  • in the first two months of life - when laying the baby on the stomach, visible increased tone muscles of the back and neck, asymmetry of folds will be noted on the legs;
  • at 3-5 months – the child’s growth slows down and the reaction to any sound stimulus decreases;
  • at 6-7 months – strabismus is noted, the child stands on his toes, teeth erupt late;
  • at 7-12 months – the asymmetry of the folds on the hips and buttocks, the asymmetry of the shoulders, the curvature of the spine is clearly visible, the baby begins to walk late and is quite behind in physical development from their peers.

The reasons for the development of torticollis include the following:

If torticollis is determined, you will need to consult an orthopedist and a neurologist - specialists will be able to determine the real reason diseases and prescribe correct treatment. Parents should not delay visiting doctors and starting treatment, as advanced torticollis can lead to deformation of the vertebrae and face.

To treat the disease in question, the following can be used:

  • physiotherapy – electrophoresis, magnetic therapy;
  • applying a special collar;
  • physical therapy and massage;
  • treatment by position;
  • specially selected exercises in the pool or in the bath.

There is also surgical treatment for torticollis, but if therapy was started in a timely manner, it will not be needed.

More often, reactions develop in response to excipients contained in vitamins, which are usually prescribed by pediatricians to prevent rickets.

Excipients combine with body proteins, which causes a sensitization reaction, which is called an allergy, since the body perceives the newly formed proteins as foreign.

In a growing body, vitamin D is necessary for the proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

Due to a lack of this vitamin, children aged 2 months to 2 years develop rickets, a disease characterized by impaired growth and development of bone tissue.

This happens because the baby receives only 4% of the daily requirement through breast milk.

An adult needs vitamin D for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, nervous and immune systems, heart and kidneys.

In adults, a lack of vitamin D leads to nervousness, unstable mood swings, disturbances in sweating, sleep and appetite. Decreased vision, caries and “ache” in the joints are often observed.

Vitamin D is so important for human body that its synthesis occurs in the skin when a person is in the fresh air in sunny weather.

Therefore, vitamin deficiency is often observed in people who spend a large amount of time indoors or go outside mainly at night.

A large number of Vitamin D is found in the following natural products:

  • dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • Cod liver;
  • fish fat;
  • parsley;
  • mushrooms;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • potato;
  • salmon;
  • herring;

By the way, plant foods contain much less vitamin D than animal products.

Therefore, vegans should remember that they are the main risk group under attack, and either resort to consuming medications with vitamin D, or occasionally consume animal products.

Vegetarians are not in the affected area because they consume:

  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • fish.

Pharmaceutical drugs include:

  • Aquadetrim;
  • Vigantol;
  • Rocaltrol;
  • Alpha D3-TEVA;
  • Calcium D3 – Nycomed;
  • Videohol;
  • Osteothreol;
  • Etalfa.

The pharmaceutical market offers many drugs that contain either pure vitamin D or it is part of mixtures.

In infants

An allergy to vitamin D in an infant can manifest itself in different ways.

The most common manifestations are:

  1. rash and redness of varying severity, spreading to the face;
  2. peeling in small scales or layers of skin;
  3. itching in certain areas of the skin, especially pronounced in skin folds;
  4. development of an attack of bronchial asthma;
  5. capriciousness.

The following manifestations pose a threat to life:

  1. Quincke's edema;
  2. attack of bronchial asthma;
  3. swelling in the larynx, lips, tongue;
  4. runny nose or cough;
  5. anaphylactic shock.

The manifestation of an allergic reaction to vitamin D in a child is no different from the symptoms observed in infants.

The child becomes capricious, rashes appear on the skin of the body, spreading to the face, and then peeling of the skin.

In cases of severe allergies, an attack of suffocation, anaphylactic shock, and Quincke's edema may develop.

Symptoms of vitamin D allergy in adults are somewhat different from typical childhood symptoms.

In adults it is much more common allergic reactions appear as:

  1. difficulty breathing;
  2. sensations of heaviness and tightness in the chest, pain (can be confused with an attack of angina pectoris);
  3. itching in the eyes and ears, redness of the conjunctiva;
  4. feeling of “stuffiness” in the lungs, inability to breathe deeply.

Adults, like children, are not immune from life-threatening allergic reactions, such as asthma, angioedema or anaphylactic shock.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the manifestation of allergies in a pregnant woman does not pose any threat to the fetus, since it is reliably protected by the placental barrier.

But allergies can appear in a child after birth, as they are often hereditary.

Pregnant women are characterized by the same symptoms as adults, but urticaria, runny nose and conjunctivitis may be added.

Pregnant women are not immune from the development of life-threatening allergic reactions, therefore, when the first symptoms of an allergy appear, you should consult a doctor to find out the causes and relieve the state of sensitization.

Overdose is often confused with allergies.

Please note that an overdose of vitamin D has other symptoms:

  1. nausea and vomiting;
  2. lethargy, apathy, fatigue;
  3. thirst;
  4. loss of appetite.

Firstly, your child’s first intake of vitamin D should be done carefully.

The vitamin must be given in the smallest possible dosage to ensure that allergies do not manifest themselves.

If an allergy does appear, then it is necessary:

  1. immediately stop taking medications with vitamin D;
  2. consult a pediatrician or allergist for advice;
  3. the doctor must be informed about what drugs and products the patient used;
  4. follow recommendations on diet and taking antihistamines (anti-allergic) medications, if your doctor prescribes them;
  5. Do not self-medicate or continue taking the vitamin without your doctor’s approval.

Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs for vitamin D deficiency:

It has several forms of release, ranging from an oil solution to tablets.


  1. if rickets is suspected;
  2. women with multiple pregnancies;
  3. pregnant women with nicotine addiction;
  4. in the presence of hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency;
  5. for alcoholism and many other diseases associated with poor absorption of vitamin D.

The drug, like all medications containing vitamin D, increases cholesterol levels in the blood and contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.

Cannot be used for liver and kidney pathologies, hypervitaminosis “D”.

When using the drug, individual sensitivity should be taken into account. Since vitamin D has a teratogenic effect, during pregnancy you should not exceed daily dose recommended by your attending physician.

More expensive than Vitamin D3.

It has similar indications and contraindications.

Available exclusively in the form of drops for oral administration.

Higher price.

The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets in three flavors (orange, mint, lemon).

Due to its pleasant taste, it is well suited for children.

Indications and contraindications are similar to previous drugs.

The most expensive of the drugs presented.

It differs from the previous ones in that the active substance in it is not vitamin D, but the precursor substance alfacalcidol, which is converted into vitamin D directly in the liver.

Available in capsule form.

Another significant difference is the ban on using the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

All drugs presented are analogues and are selected based on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

You should only use Alpha-D3 TEVA with caution due to contraindications during pregnancy and lactation.

In any case, when choosing a drug, you should consult with your doctor so that he can select the dosage based on the patient’s personal characteristics and disease.

The only way to treat an allergy to vitamin D is to stop taking medications containing it, as well as to exclude foods rich in vitamin D from the diet.

It is better not to stop taking the vitamin on your own. It is necessary to consult your doctor.

The doctor may advise not to exclude vitamin D from the diet completely, but to begin with, reduce the dosage and then, depending on the development of the allergic reaction, either completely ban medications and products with vitamin D for a while, or allow them again.

In severe cases, if the reaction does not subside even after stopping taking vitamin D, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines.

If sensitization manifests itself as a skin rash and scratching, then you should resort to the use of creams and ointments with anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects.

If a child has a severe form of intoxication caused by an overdose of vitamin D, then the doctor may resort to prescribing enterosorbents, which will quickly remove toxins from the body.

In case of overdose, it is worth increasing the amount of fluid consumed in order to effectively replenish the body's losses.

Measures to prevent allergies to vitamin D are quite simple:

  • exact adherence to the dosages of drugs prescribed by the doctor;
  • It is forbidden to independently increase the dose of drugs without consulting a doctor;
  • if we are talking about a baby who is being fed artificial mixtures, then you need to tell the pediatrician the brand of the mixture so that he can adjust the dosage of the vitamin depending on it;
  • You should give preference to an aqueous solution of the vitamin, since it is less likely to cause allergies, unlike an oil solution;
  • If an allergic reaction occurs after the first dose of the drug, then you should stop using it and ask your doctor to prescribe an analogue or adjust the dose.

An allergy to vitamin D may be a consequence of intolerance to certain foods.

  • exclude foods that cause an allergic reaction from the diet. In the case of vitamin D, this is milk and dairy products, eggs, fish, mushrooms, potatoes;
  • Use caution with foods that are common allergens. These include citrus fruits, peanuts, ketchups, chocolate and caffeine, strawberries, strong tea, raspberries, plants of the nightshade family;
  • can be used:
  1. lean meat;
  2. yellow and green apples;
  3. legumes;
  4. zucchini;
  5. 2nd grade wheat bread;
  6. fructose;
  7. White cabbage.
  • the diet should be adjusted taking into account the patient’s personal characteristics, covering the body’s needs for essential macro- and microelements;
  • It is recommended to consume freshly prepared foods to avoid fermentation and rotting processes, which contribute to sensitization when ingested;
  • remember that spices increase the permeability of the gastric mucosa, which means it is necessary to limit their consumption in order to reduce sensitization;
  • If children are allergic to vitamin D, it is worth trying to switch them to dairy products, since complete exclusion of the vitamin from the diet leads to the development of rickets.

Manifestations of allergies at any age should be treated carefully and look for the cause of the reactions in order to avoid complications.

Reactions to both vitamins and foods can be detrimental and lead to severe consequences up to chronic inflammatory processes.

If you notice that your child or you yourself have developed an allergy to vitamin D, you should immediately contact your doctor or allergist so that specialists can select therapy and stop the reaction before it leads to dangerous consequences.

It is believed that vitamin D is especially useful for infants, since this biologically active substance ensures the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food.

Most often, drugs with this vitamin are prescribed to children for the prevention and treatment of rickets, but sometimes the need for their use arises in adults. IN Lately Many people notice the appearance of allergies after using vitamin D supplements.

A true allergy to vitamin D is extremely rare, since this substance is not foreign to the human body. In most cases, a negative reaction from immune system newborns are provoked by the excipients included in such drugs. The most popular among pediatricians and parents is Aquadetrim, which contains vitamin D3. This solution contains potential allergens:

  • sucrose;
  • lemon acid;
  • anise flavor;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • Cremophor EL (macrogol glyceryl ricinoleate).

Somewhat less frequently, other drugs are prescribed that help compensate for cholecalciferol deficiency, one of them is Oxydevit. Its main active ingredient is an analogue of vitamin D3 (alfacalcidol). In addition, this product contains the auxiliary component ionol. Also, to treat or prevent rickets in a child, the drug “Vigantol” may be prescribed. In addition to vitamin D3, it contains only triglyceride fats.

A child is also often allergic to Multi-Tabs Baby, because vitamin D is not the only active ingredient in its composition. This drug includes many other biologically active and additional substances:

  • vitamin A;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • sucrose;
  • Cremophor EL;
  • hydrochloric acid.

Sometimes children are recommended to take ergocalciferol - vitamin D2. Previously it was believed that it is absorbed worse than vitamin D3, but the main difference between them is the form of release. Vitamin D3 and its analogues are usually available in the form of aqueous solutions, while ergocalciferol is dissolved in oils. Dosage the drug manufactured in oil based more difficult than an aqueous solution. In this regard, ergocalciferol is not prescribed if there are diseases gastrointestinal tract or metabolic disorders due to renal or liver failure.

The symptoms of an allergic reaction and an overdose are very similar. Moreover, an allergy to vitamin D in many cases is caused by excess intake of this substance into the body. Often, parents do not even know about the causes of overdose in infants, and there may be several of them at once.

  1. Independently changing the drug and incorrect dosage regimen for a long time. For example, one drop of Viganol contains approximately 670 IU of the vitamin, and a drop of Aquadetrim contains 500 IU.
  2. Mom taking vitamins. Almost any substance that enters the body of a nursing woman can end up in breast milk, and then in digestive system child.
  1. Feeding with artificial formulas. Manufacturers add vitamins to most nutritional mixtures, including cholecalciferol.

It must be remembered that in a child with chronic diseases, the removal of the vitamin from the body occurs slowly, so some of it accumulates. For such children, the dosage of any medications should be selected with extreme caution.

Symptoms of a vitamin D allergy usually appear within a few hours or days after taking the drug and disappear if use is stopped. The disease manifests itself as follows:

redness, peeling and rashes in the form of small blisters in the area of ​​the child’s cheeks, neck, forearms, buttocks and legs;

  • insomnia and restlessness of the baby due to itching;
  • decreased appetite;
  • runny nose, sneezing and nasal congestion;
  • lacrimation, redness of the eyes.

In severe cases of vitamin D allergy, difficulty breathing, coughing, swelling of the face, arms and legs develop, and crying becomes hoarse. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately call a doctor. If the disease manifests itself frequent regurgitation, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, then there is a high probability of acute intoxication. A chronic overdose may be indicated by lethargy, sleep disturbance, increased irritability, too much quick closing large fontanel and impaired renal function, which will be shown by a urine test.

The first thing to do is to temporarily stop taking the drug. If you have a severe allergy to vitamin D, your pediatrician may prescribe oral antihistamines (Simprex, Kestin, Xizal). If angioedema has developed, the doctor will use systemic corticosteroids. To eliminate the symptoms of dermatitis, anti-inflammatory creams (Bepanten, Bübchen, Epidel) are used. To relieve itching and reduce rashes, an ointment with an antiallergic effect (Fenistil-gel, Advantan) can be used.

You should carefully choose allergy creams, as many of them contain large doses of hormonal substances that are unsafe for children. To cleanse the body of protein molecules that cause a negative reaction, some doctors advise doing a cleansing enema.

Once allergy symptoms subside, it may be worth trying other vitamin D supplements if needed. A good alternative would be regular fish oil or Devisol, which contains only oil and alpha-tocopherol as excipients. If a nursing mother eats properly and introduces complementary foods into the baby’s diet in a timely manner, the child’s body will receive all the necessary substances. However, for the synthesis of vitamin D, the baby needs regular exposure to the sun. To reduce the risk of developing a vitamin D allergy, follow certain rules.

  1. Take your child for a walk every day, even in cloudy weather a certain percentage of ultraviolet rays reach the skin. If you live in an area where sunny weather is very rare, try to spend your holidays in the southern regions.
  2. As an alternative to medications, heliotherapy or ultraviolet irradiation of children under a special lamp is performed.
  3. Choose drugs with minimum quantity substances in the composition. The wider the list of ingredients, the more potential allergens there are in the medicine.
  4. Should not be given to your baby multivitamin preparations without prior consultation with a specialist. A child's body does not always need all the substances that are there. In addition, the need to absorb several vitamins at once can provoke the development of a negative reaction from the immune system.
  1. Avoid taking vitamin D during pregnancy unless there is a real need (indications from a gynecologist). Even a slight excess of this substance in the body of a pregnant woman can cause sensitization in the fetus and allergies in the future.

Remember that allergic reactions in children are often temporary, because the child’s immunity continues to develop. After a few months, the allergy may disappear on its own. However, the appearance pathological symptoms requires a mandatory visit to the pediatrician, especially if the child’s condition does not improve.

Do not try to diagnose yourself, because taking vitamin preparations can be accompanied not only by allergies, but also by overdose or side effects. Each of these conditions manifests itself in a similar way, and only a doctor can tell the difference.

Physiologically active substances enter the body infant with mother's milk, with adapted formulas, complementary foods. An allergy to vitamin D in infants can occur due to an excess of this important regulator of calcium metabolism and the functioning of the immune system. In the future, hypo- and hypervitaminosis lead to problems in the development of the child’s cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

As world-famous pediatrician E. Komarovsky explains, infants cannot acquire an allergy to vitamin D while walking on a sunny day. Most often, characteristic symptoms of an acute allergic condition in a child appear in the event of an excess of calciferols in the diet of a nursing mother and in dry mixtures. This is the name of the D vitamins - ergocalciferol (D2) and cholecalciferol (D3). The main functions are associated with the activation of the synthesis of certain hormones and the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism.

Domestic pediatricians became concerned about the lack of substances that regulate bone growth in children back in the middle of the last century. After the war, the number of children suffering from rickets in the country increased. The disease is associated with a violation of the formation of solid bone matter and occurs against the background of a lack of vitamin D (D) in the body. Its absorption and storage of reserves occurs thanks to fats (lipids).

Vitamin D2 enters the body with food; for D3, in addition to the nutritional route, there is the possibility of synthesis in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

It is not surprising that women's forums are full of reports of cases of allergy to vitamin D3 in infants. “Horror stories” about rickets played a cruel joke on conscientious mothers. In caring for infants, they forgot the limit, they themselves “lean” on foods rich in calciferols, take vitamin supplements, give them to the child on the advice of the pediatrician, and buy fortified formulas.

According to experts, hypervitaminosis does not threaten if calciferols enter the child’s body with food and regularly receive a dose of ultraviolet radiation. A two-hour weekly walk in sunny weather, provided that the child's face and hands are open, is enough to preserve normal level D3 in the child's body. The accumulation of the vitamin occurs from spring to autumn; in winter, with a lack of insolation, the reserves are gradually consumed.

At the age of 0–2 years it goes intensive growth bones, but babies’ skin does not yet produce enough vitamin D3. With calcium deficiency, there is a danger of softening of the bones - rickets. Recent research by scientists has revealed the participation of vitamin D in cell division, metabolism and the formation of immunity. With its deficiency, disturbances in the formation of dental and bone tissue occur, and autoimmune diseases develop.

Pediatricians often prescribe vitamin D to infants depending on the time of year when the newborn was born. If the date of birth falls in the autumn and winter months, then the baby may develop symptoms of calciferol deficiency. In the body of a breastfeeding woman with a deficiency sunlight Sometimes there is not enough vitamin D either.

If an overdose of calciferols occurs, the baby loses appetite, suffers from constipation, and becomes apathetic.

Excess vitamin D can lead to severe side effects - hypercalcemia and convulsions. Increasing the dose of vitamin supplements causes dehydration and muscle pain. The child becomes weak and suffers from vomiting. Heart rhythms change, sand and kidney stones are deposited, and the functioning of the urinary system worsens.

Dr. Komarovsky invites mothers to do simple calculations to prevent allergies and overdose. If the baby is bottle-fed, then during the day the mixture ensures that the baby receives 600 IU of vitamin D. Often, on the recommendation of a pediatrician or on her own initiative, the mother gives the baby the drug “Aquadetrim” for preventive purposes. Each drop contains 500 IU of vitamin D, and a full-term newborn is given 1–2 drops per day. Mothers walk with their children, and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D3 is formed in the skin.

The vitamin D requirement of a child under 1 year of age is only 400 IU per day.

Excess calciferols, auxiliary components in the composition pharmaceutical drugs with this active substance can provoke atopic dermatitis. Symptoms of allergies to vitamins in children, in particular to vitamin D3, manifest themselves in the form of redness and itching of the skin, rashes, runny nose and cough. The rash in infants most often occurs on the face, in the crease of the neck, on the arms and legs. In such cases, the baby is usually capricious and eats poorly.

Acute allergic conditions pose a serious threat to the life of a child:

  • attack of bronchial asthma;
  • swelling in the lips and throat;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • Quincke's edema.

At the first symptoms, you should stop taking the vitamin and count the amount of calciferols that the child receives from infant formula. It becomes more difficult if the child is already being introduced to complementary foods. Eggs, milk and other foods also contain vitamin D. To get rid of allergy symptoms, you need to limit the load on your baby’s digestive system and not give him more food than his intestines can digest. This remark applies to formulas and complementary foods in a child’s diet.

If the child has allergy symptoms, the mother of a baby should switch to low-fat kefir and cottage cheese, and not consume butter or rich meat broths. It is recommended to give your baby lactulose-based anti-constipation medications. It is useful for the child and mother to take intestinal sorbents - these are the drugs “Smecta”, “Enterosgel”. For itching and irritation of the skin, you can give your baby antihistamine drops, treat dry, flaky areas of the face and body with Bepanten cream or Fenistil gel.

We have a whole epic! At the clinic they told us to urgently go to the hospital, they say there are no numbers to see an allergist, like whatever you want, do it! the manager called me selfish three times, treated me as rudely as she could, sent me to the wrong clinic... they sent us away there! In the end, I filed a complaint with the Ministry of Health, and went to an appointment with a paid allergist!!! you can't eat regular adapted mixtures, an allergy to cow protein, they prescribed me to eat hydrolysates, fully broken down protein in them and the price is huge, 850 rubles/can of 400 g, but what to do... they tightened their belts, relatives are still helping... they prescribed treatment... Suprastin 2 times 4 days a day 1/ 4, Creon 3 times a day, also 1/4, Enterosgel half a spoon 3 times a day an hour before meals, then cancel suprastin, administer fenistil 3 times a day, 5 drops, ketotifen 10 days, 1/4 3 times a day... externally complex ointment 1:1 zinc + salicylic + streptocidal + advantan 2 times a day, after three days, when advantan improves, stir 1/2 less into the ointment, after another 4 days, advantan 1/4... add... if it improves, after 2 weeks, smear bepapten or d-panenol... it’s better to go to an allergist... our severe rash went away in a day!!! I don’t know, maybe it’ll screw up again!!! It seems to me that the stomach is also busy, you need to poop every day, but here we have it every other day, so the crap accumulates in the stomach, gets into the blood, and as a result the poop ends up on the skin... our pediatrician is also a doctor, a student is a fool, the nurse told me to smear the skin struck by boiled oil, the allergist said that they had provoked an even worse allergy... the manager called today, called me by name and patronymic, the complaint reached the Ministry of Health, she was apparently given a good beating for neglect of children and rudeness, and in going to paid doctors, if there is a free one in the same clinic... so go to an allergist, don’t wait until it gets stronger... ttt... good luck to you