Who is an obstetrician, what does an obstetrician do? Paid (service) childbirth - “Is it worth signing a contract with a maternity hospital? What does it actually include? Do I need to take a paid midwife and what is the difference from a doula? Do you need a birth partner then? »

I’ll start my neophyte’s story about childbirth with two things: I liked it and there won’t be horror stories inside - it’s POSSIBLE to read pregnant women But I will try to give the maximum useful information about partner childbirth, paid childbirth, caesarean section, maternity hospital 68 in Moscow, the choice of a midwife and a doctor, a maternity hospital and preparation for childbirth in general - I don’t even know where to place it correctly, I’ll have to crush

Since the review turned out to be large, I will break it into parts:

  1. Do I need a personal midwife - the thoughts of a neophyte
  2. Choosing a maternity hospital (68 Demikhov maternity hospital, Moscow)
  3. Choosing a personal midwife (Obstetrics.Club)
  4. Actually the history of childbirth (emergency "soft cesarean")
  5. My conclusions - was it worth paying? Do you need a birth partner?

Since the editor cuts "anchor tags", you will have to navigate through the sections by searching by name.

Do you need a personal midwife?

As a result of the fact that during pregnancy a lot of very important things fell on me, including housing problem I didn't really think about childbirth. The partner wondered why he Thanks a lot When they started kicking me into “preparation for childbirth” courses, I found out that I would finish them a month after the birth of the child. Then I was forced to find express courses, which we safely went to. Express courses last for two weekends in a row - Saturday and Sunday, and judging by the reviews of those who attended full course- completely replace 10 lessons of the usual course. As they say, the most necessary will be given there. I will write more about the courses separately, “not about that now.” Let me just say that we attended courses at the CTA on Tulskaya, as a result, we went to two courses - “preparation for childbirth” and “newborn baby”. Names can be confused, the essence is clear. I went right away with a partner, and it was very correct - firstly, he understood what to expect during childbirth, and secondly, he remembered and wrote down much better than I did (I repeat, my head was busy at that moment with other problems). Each course - 2 days off in a row for 4 hours. The cost is paid for one person, the second (no matter who - partner, girlfriend, mother) is free. So damage family budget the presence of a partner in the courses does not cause.

Almost at the same time I was asked to choose a maternity hospital. Starting to read the information (and, of course, horror stories about childbirth), I quickly became stupefied and fell into pessimism. Most of all, I was amazed that even those who signed a contract with the maternity hospital were left “to themselves” and bitterly yearned for this. But in these reviews, information about the “personal midwife” began to flicker more and more often, and I began to look for and read information about this.

My thoughts on this matter were as follows: the first stage of labor, namely contractions, is the longest for those giving birth for the first time, 8-16 hours. Both at the courses and at the maternity hospital, they said that the problem was precisely that the primiparas arrive too early, when the contractions had just begun. Accordingly, they spend the entire labor period already in the maternity hospital, but at the same time they still do not need medical care, so an experienced midwife (who has 5-8 more people giving birth) runs in every hour or two, examines and runs away. It is this period that leaves the greatest negative, because it is scary, painful and incomprehensible - whether everything is going well. And neither the doctor (it’s still too early for him to approach the woman in labor), nor the midwife respond to questions and complaints - they say, “it’s too early.” When I imagined myself in this situation, I felt sad. But, after reading reviews about personal midwives, I realized that a solution had already been found.

What does a personal midwife offer? For primiparas, she comes to the house (if the woman in labor does not live very far from the planned maternity hospital), examines the woman in labor for real disclosure and the stage of contractions (it is clear that fear has large eyes, so for the first time everyone overestimates the real situation), and in home environment accompanies most of the contraction period. If he owns, he can apply massage, pain relief in the bath, and other methods. And only when the contractions begin to approach a certain moment (I'm afraid to lie already, but any midwife will say the frequency and disclosure), the woman in labor with the midwife go to the hospital. At the same time, if the midwife is officially employed in the maternity hospital, then she is not considered an escort, that is, her husband or another escort can also go. In the maternity hospital, the midwife also assists in the fastest possible execution of all documents, after which everyone moves to the delivery room. Since personal midwives work only with those who have concluded an agreement with the maternity hospital, according to which the woman in labor pays for a separate delivery room, the provision of a separate delivery room is a resolved issue. Further, the whole process of natural childbirth takes place in this delivery room, where there is a comfortable couch for the woman in labor, often there is other equipment (fitnessball, bath, chair for vertical delivery etc.), but it already depends on the hospital. A partner or escort may be nearby at any time, but at particularly piquant moments he may be asked to leave. A personal doctor (as a rule, this is also paid for in an agreement with the maternity hospital) comes to the same ward. After the birth itself, the puerperal remains for another 2 hours in the delivery room, after which she is transferred to the postpartum room. The midwife takes the baby during childbirth, puts it on the mother’s chest, lays it on the mother’s or father’s belly, helps to carry out the first hygiene procedures. Her duties also end 2 hours after the birth, when the woman who has given birth is transferred to the postpartum ward. Here is how one of these midwives writes about it.

But there are still doulas. What is the difference between a doula and a midwife? Midwife has a medical education, work experience as a midwife in ordinary maternity hospitals (and this is a huge experience different kinds), and in addition to this he masters the techniques of "soft childbirth". The midwife has the right to conduct medical manipulations during childbirth, and in some maternity hospitals she even has the right to take birth herself (in another case, the birth itself is taken by a doctor). But you can take a midwife with you to childbirth only when concluding a contract with the maternity hospital, since her work with you requires a separate birth box (because of which, in fact, the contract with the maternity hospital is concluded). Midwives, as a rule, are employed by the maternity hospitals they work with, and therefore are not considered escorts, i.e. you can take both a midwife and a partner for childbirth. One of the midwives with whom I met, left the childbirth, leaving the puerperal with her mother and husband, i.e. The mother took two accompanying persons with her.

Doula, even if he has a medical education, he does not have the right to interfere in the medical part of the course of childbirth, but he owns non-medical methods that help ease contractions and the birth process. In fact, as I understand it, a doula is an experienced friend that you take with you to childbirth. She travels instead of an escort, so in maternity hospitals where partner births are practiced under compulsory medical insurance, you can take a doula with you. Of course, the financial part of this will greatly decrease - you do not pay for the contract with the maternity hospital, but only doula services. But, firstly, even in Moscow there are not many maternity hospitals where you can come with a doula. Secondly, I repeat, a doula is a person without the right to medical interventions and, often, without a medical education. Thirdly, you are taking a doula INSTEAD of a husband/partner, i.e. you are changing a person who knows you well, but is inexperienced in childbirth, to stranger, experienced in childbirth.

Some women choose the third option - they enter into a contract with the maternity hospital, take a midwife and a doula (regardless of the husband's presence at the birth). For me personally, in this case, the number of people who are unfamiliar and not close to me is already off scale. But everyone has different opinions and characters, and perhaps someone will need information that can be done this way.

Based on this, I decided that an adequate physician is more important to me than an unknown tender woman, because of which I will lose the support of a loved one. Savings - yes, but such an event does not happen every day, and I wanted both of us to have memories of this. Therefore, further I chose a midwife, although the cost of the contract with the maternity hospital and the midwife's services came out, of course, in a "round" sum. But health and a new life are more expensive.

All this detailed information I found out by traveling to meetings with midwives at the CTA and the Obstetrics.Club. In fact, in Moscow, I found four main centers where personal midwives work - these are CTA (Center for Traditional Obstetrics), Obstetrics.Club (“Soft Childbirth”), New Life and Jewel. The CTA had the largest staff of midwives, Obstetrics.Club - 6 people, Jewels - 13, in New Life I could not find a list of midwives, their website is very strange. After reading the reviews, I realized that you must first choose "your" midwife, and then sign a contract with the chosen center. And it is right. But I will say right away one important nuance - if the contract with the midwife in the CTA is medical, and then it will be possible to get tax deduction, then to Obstetrics. The club is some very strange contract for the provision of services, almost informational. In general, about nothing. But these are moments of documentation. If you really liked the midwife from Obstetrics.Club, then you can skip this moment.

So, then I decided that I needed a personal midwife, because the contract with the maternity hospital is, in fact, the provision of a separate delivery room, the provision of a slightly less populated (in our case, two-bed) postpartum ward, well, and a few examinations “before”. This agreement will not affect the process of natural childbirth in any way. But I just need a midwife so as not to be afraid, not to think whether the doctor is reinsured, well, in general - she knows something!

While I was going to meetings with midwives (the CTA implemented this very conveniently, and I learned a lot of useful information there), at the same time I found out that not any maternity hospital is suitable for childbirth with a midwife, but only one where there are teams of doctors who are ready to work with personal midwives. And to my great surprise, I found out that the main of these maternity hospitals is No. 68 on Volzhskaya, which is located 15 minutes at a leisurely pace from me. In total, there are about 8 such maternity hospitals throughout Moscow, and at meetings, midwives tell where and what living conditions, and doctors, and what a general attitude. In general, this information is all very useful, and it is worth going to such meetings.

2) Choosing a maternity hospital

Absolutely all centers of personal midwives work with the 68th maternity hospital (now it is called "named after Demikhov") because, I repeat, it is now considered almost the leader in the direction of "soft natural childbirth." Therefore, I decided “they don’t look for good from good”, and, having gone to the “open day” and asked all the necessary questions, I settled on it. I wrote more about maternity hospital 68 separately in the corresponding thread, posted photos of the wards there - I looked at them with interest in the reviews, and I was lucky to see paid wards at all stages of my stay in the maternity hospital.

While I was reading reviews about the maternity hospital, I saw a lot positive feedback about one of the doctors. His answers to my questions suited me and I happily galloped off to conclude an agreement - at least one problem off my shoulders. Since by this time I had not decided on a midwife, I decided to ask the doctor who he was comfortable working with. The doctor just smiled: "I will find a common language with any midwife, choose for yourself."

3) Choosing a personal midwife

At this point, I liked one midwife in the Obstetrics Club, but she was on vacation for the right dates. Another, which I found from another center, refused to take me - she already had several clients for the required period, too much risk. At the CTA, I simply did not have time to get acquainted with at least a few, and of the leading courses (they are taught by the same midwives who provide personal support), no one fell directly on my heart. In general, I rushed about, not knowing how to choose, and the deadlines were already running out in the literal sense. Therefore, in desperation, I looked at who was most often mentioned in the reviews along with the doctor I had chosen, and thus chose the midwife. We came to meet her at the Obstetrics Club, talked - again, the answers to the questions suited me. The contract in Obstetrics.Club, unlike the CTA, is not sent to the post office in advance, all questions are asked to be asked right there. Well, as I mentioned above, you will not receive a deduction for it. In addition to the main midwife, two more midwives are indicated in the contract, in case the main one is busy. This is prudent, but given that they have a very small staff, then I chose further without seeing people and focusing on their banal place of residence - why would I wait for a midwife from Pushkino if there is a person living closer?

The midwife asked me to ask her questions on WhatsApp, and I, like a mossy retrograde, do not have this type of connection. So then our communication went either through my partner, who had a WhatsApp, or I sent her an SMS clarifying the possibility of a call. So, before the birth, we talked directly only once again - she was almost always in childbirth, and once wrote that she spent the whole week with women in labor. And although I clarified whether she had exactly the period of time I needed, such popularity began to alarm me - on the one hand, this is an indicator of professionalism, on the other - if a person does not have time to rest corny, then will he be able to fully work indefinitely, when it comes hour X?

There were two types of contracts in Obstetrics.Club - simply accompanying a midwife (50 tr. in 2017) or with additional patronage after leaving the maternity hospital (55 tr.). The partner insisted on the second form - let us better at home once again they will show everything, everyone will tell, they will look at the baby .. Well, let it be.

The partner offered me to choose whether I want his presence at the birth, and I hesitated for a long time. But in the end, I decided that I wanted to. I wrote about the participation of a partner in the process of childbirth and after, and a small instruction for men in the section "Partner birth". Just in case, I begged my partner to take a week off.

In general, I was surrounded by contracts and support from all sides, and I hoped that I had not just spread the straw, but had simply wrapped myself in it. Well, in vain, of course. As the saying goes, if you want to make the Lord laugh, tell him about your plans.

4) The history of my birth

And now the actual story "how I spent it" will go.

I, like all women in childbirth, was given the PDR on the day of the last menstruation. Intuitively, this number suited me quite well, so somehow there was no doubt. I planned my affairs in such a way as to free this week and the next - it is not clear what will happen and how.

Until the day of the DA, there were no harbingers, and on the day of the DA itself, I felt the best I could. Therefore, I came for a planned CTG and ultrasound, and at the same time my doctor's appointment. Prior to this, all appointments were made by the doctor of the admission department Antonova. CTG did not raise any questions, they did it, as usual, sitting, everything is normal. But on the ultrasound, the doctor began to ask me where I was doing the water - and in response to my stunned face he put "oligohydramnios". The attending physician, having looked at these conclusions, urged me to go to the pathology department today in order to take tests tomorrow morning and then decide based on this. I repeat, I live 15 minutes on foot from the maternity hospital, so I began to beg to come tomorrow morning - but they asked me to lie down in the evening so that in the morning I would already be registered at the department. They gave me a reprieve until the evening, so I still went on scheduled business, took all (everything!) prepared for childbirth trunks, and in the evening with my partner went to go to pathology under compulsory medical insurance, because this trick is not included in the contract. There are paid wards in pathology, but in my case it didn’t make sense - too short stay was supposed to.

When taking CTG, they performed it lying down, and it suddenly became incredibly bad. I was alert, the doctor from the pathology department was, too. She was warned that I would go to bed, but everything was fine with CTG in the afternoon. As a result, we decided to put him in the “diagnostic” ward for the time being, where they will constantly take CTG. The employee accompanying me, having looked at my 4 huge bags, brought a trolley. So I then moved around the maternity hospital - with escort and a trolley with luggage. Most of all, it was like checking into a luxury hotel.

In the diagnostic ward, they put me down again, attached the sensors, and began to take a CTG. It was bad again, and I started to get upset. But at some point I got tired of lying, and I tried to lie on my side, and - oh, a miracle! – the indicators immediately returned to normal. After another hour, we discussed the situation with the pathology doctor, and she decided to transfer me to pathology.

By one in the morning I ended up in the department, where, out of the kindness of my soul, I was given a separate room. And very well .. As soon as I tried to lie down, contractions began. The most real, which I have not yet known. I was unspeakably delighted - hurray, everything started by itself, but it was difficult to sleep. But of all the courses, I remember the main thing - you need to sleep before giving birth. And you really need to get some sleep. And during fights it is necessary to get enough sleep. It was somehow uncomfortable to sleep, so I either ran to the toilet next to the ward, then lay down. If I had a roommate, I would definitely feel uncomfortable. Finally, by four in the morning, it dawned on me that the contractions stop when I sit. So I covered myself with pillows, sat down, and after texting the midwife and partner, I dozed off. And the next morning, when my partner worried about my SMS called me, I suddenly felt so offended (hello, hormones!), That I just sobbed into the phone. And I was offended by the fact that everything was paid for for me - both the delivery room, and the presence of a soft, cozy partner nearby, but what instead? Instead, I suffer alone all night, and not a single living soul is nearby. Moreover, sobbing into the phone, I realized the delusional nature of my resentment, so I sobbed through laughter, which frightened the caller even more. As a result, he rushed in 20 minutes, and, it seems, in slippers

Meanwhile, the head of the department and my attending physician came to the ward. After spending the night almost without spam, I was very eager to go to the delivery room - for some reason it seemed to me that happiness was finally waiting for me there. Since there were contractions, I was transferred to the delivery room, where the attending physician began to examine me. Here I would like to point out important point- The doctor told in great detail what was happening and how, what forecasts, what we would do next. He began to pierce the bubble (it does not hurt at all), and it was at this shock moment that my partner burst into the ward. The second important point - the doctor did not even twitch an eyebrow. He met his partner, and in the same calm voice began to explain to his partner what was happening, what strategy of behavior to follow .. I was delighted, because I always “need to know what is here, why and why” . Therefore, it was recommended to do CTG. By this moment, our midwife arrived, the CTG machine was brought to the ward, and she took a CTG for me. Since I was sitting, it was normal again. It dawned on me later that, due to the small amount of water, the child was comfortable when I stood or sat, and his head was in the water, but when I lay down, the water spread and he was getting sick.

By this time, the contractions had almost ceased. Then I remembered a moment from the book about the Shopaholic - everyone gathered, the partner, the midwife, the attending physician, the head of the department were standing - but I did not give birth. Thank you all It’s good that we didn’t order a photographer for childbirth

The doctor looked at me and suggested that I wait a couple of hours - perhaps the contractions would resume. The weather outside was wonderful, and we went for a walk around the territory of the State Clinical Hospital. After 2 hours, we returned to the ward and the situation repeated itself - the CTG was perfect, the contractions were irregular and weak.

At this point, the doctor counted the time from the puncture of the bladder, and again, calmly and in detail explained that we could wait for so much more time, then we would have to do something. Or, the second option is a caesarean section.

And now I'm going back to the midwife. Since nothing hinted at a cesarean, I, of course, talked to her about natural childbirth, in which most of the time she is busy with me and generally manages the process. As things didn't go as we expected, she waited patiently in the break room, coming in for a CTG and talking to the doctor. You can also take a midwife for a caesarean section, but her role, of course, is much less there. However, I asked her if she would be with us during and after the cesarean. After receiving an affirmative answer, I calmed down. When choosing a midwife, the medical experience in the role of an ordinary ward midwife was important for me (it is clear that you will not find such a number of different births as in CHI in any paid clinic) and I hoped that she would be an intermediary between me and the doctor in terms of the appropriateness of certain actions, their consequences, etc. The doctor, as I mentioned above, explained everything perfectly, did not pressure, gave the woman in labor the opportunity to make a decision (naturally, within the framework of the possible). But our midwife always simply agreed with the doctor, and later - not only with the doctor I chose, who was well acquainted with her, but also with pediatricians unknown to her. It alarms me when a person, not fully understanding the situation, replies: "Since the doctor said, do it." Doctors, unfortunately, are also different. This was the first not very pleasant nuance.

Well, in the meantime, it became clear that there really was nothing to expect, therefore, after a brief consultation, we agreed to a caesarean section. I will not describe the caesarean section itself, the operation is well-established and streaming. The partner, who previously put on a disposable gown and headgear, was allowed to the glass doors (not inside) of the operating room and the monitor was turned towards him, allowing him to shoot, because. We both wanted to watch the operation, and there was only one monitor. Of course, instead of shooting, someone pressed the wrong button, so I never got a chance to see the operation. But the partner watched it in all its glory through the monitor. why, then you can not turn the monitor - then the person will see only your " talking head”, because almost all the time of the operation, there is an opaque separator between the chest and abdomen. I had a so-called "soft caesarean", i.e. they asked me to push so that the baby’s shoulders would pass (to be honest, I thought that this was a profanity purely for me, so that the woman in labor would think that she was really giving birth - but the partner assured that the doctor had made such a small incision that he could not pry the hangers, and so far I did not push, the child did not appear). Before the operation, spinal anesthesia is done (an epidural is one of its types). In fact, this is a shot in the back, because. Again, I didn't have much pain. But pushing when you don’t feel the muscles is a very strange feeling.

I also want to note such a moment - at the courses we were told that it is very important to let the umbilical cord pulsate. Of course, during a cesarean, this moment is reduced, but the doctor himself gave time for this, and he himself followed the right moment. According to the partner, this was the longest moment of delay during the entire operation. And after the birth of the child, the doctor asked us three times if a placenta was needed (it’s good that we went to courses, otherwise we would be shocked by such a question - this is necessary for practitioners of “lotus birth” or something like that).

When a child was born, a neonatologist took care of him - a doctor who examines all newborns. At that moment, the partner was brought into the operating room, and after a medical examination of the child, he was immediately taken into his arms. After the examination, the midwife squeezed a drop of colostrum from my chest and put the baby on it (I was still on the operating table at that moment). Then she escorted her partner back to the delivery room, deftly dressed and swaddled the baby, and putting the newborn into her partner's arms, left. Since it was not known for how long and what to do, the person just carefully sat down with the child in his arms on the fitness ball (there was nothing else to sit on there, the couch was high) and waited. And here was the second moment that I didn’t like - the child was not put “belly to stomach” of the partner, and they didn’t even show how to swaddle. Although we discussed the moment of applying to the stomach at the initial meeting, but, apparently, with so many clients, she simply forgot about it. Or she didn’t like us as clients - I didn’t pull her questions from morning to evening, went about my own business and, perhaps, in her opinion, paid little attention upcoming birth. It would be more honest for me if they immediately told me that I was not suitable as a client - and this would be normal, after all, there should be some kind of mutual understanding between the midwife and the woman in labor.

Where our midwife was the rest of the time, it's hard for me to say, because. she came to me, as we later understood, immediately before her departure, i.e. 2 hours after the birth of the child - measure my waist for the purchase of a postoperative corset. Since she did not say goodbye, I thought that she had gone to take care of the child, because. she was clearly in a hurry. As it turned out, she told the parameters to her partner (unfortunately, she did not measure the height of the corset and gave incorrect recommendations on this item), and left. In total, we had a midwife from about 10 to 20 hours. It seemed to me that childbirth (especially in primiparas) can last longer.

We never saw our midwife again. A few days later, on WhatsApp, she asked her partner about my well-being. We wrote to her one more time when there was a question about whether it is worth giving milk to the child before the arrival of the mother. artificial mixture, as suggested by the pediatrician on duty. Here was the answer: "Do as the doctor says."

Postpartum care was provided by another employee of the center because our midwife was ill. We didn’t have a choice here, just a free employee arrived, I didn’t even really understand whether it was a midwife. She called herself an expert in breastfeeding, for some reason made us bathe a child who has not yet healed umbilical wound, V big bath with tap water (despite the fact that I did not have a burning desire to bathe the child until the wounds healed). Regarding breastfeeding, she showed several poses, no nuances about flat nipples, big breasts- in general, atypical cases - she did not say. Either she didn't know, or she didn't care. I did not see any particular benefit in terms of breastfeeding again. In general, my feelings from the institute of personal midwives remained very ambivalent. Perhaps due to the fact that in my situation the midwife simply had nowhere to show her abilities. Probably, if it were a completely natural childbirth, my opinion would be very different.

Another positive moment, ironically, has become a postpartum ward. As soon as we learned about the cesarean, I said that we pay extra for a place and take a separate room. The midwife was asked to agree on this, and I don’t know what became the decisive factor: either her authority, or the sympathy of the employees for the postoperative woman in labor, or maybe just luck - but they gave us the best, “family” ward. Unlike ordinary doubles, it had three beds, a wardrobe, a floor lamp that gave a very pleasant half-light, and even a shower. If this was the initiative of the midwife, then I am very grateful to her for this.

As for the operation itself, here is my full and boundless gratitude, of course, to our doctor. The incision was made as low and narrow as possible, the threads were self-absorbable. After the birth of the child, while I was sewn up, the doctor periodically talked to me, so I did not get bored. As expected, after the operation, I was transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU), where the nurses monitored the condition of the deliveries. I can say that neither in pathology, nor in the postpartum, nor in the ICU, I did not see a difference between the attitude of employees towards paid and free patients. In the PIT, two women who gave birth for free were lying with me - the nurses were just as attentive (if not more - I somehow felt better, apparently) approached them, gave painkillers, performed the necessary procedures.

The only difference (due to the contract and the presence of a partner who was with the child at that time) was that they were allowed to bring the child to me. Every two hours, the partner came with the baby, and we tried to breastfeed him. Of course, our attempts were inept (and I couldn’t help either, because my hands were fixed with a dropper and pressure measurement). Therefore, the employees of the PIT, taking pity, helped both attach and swaddle the child (watching videos about swaddling by a partner on YouTube helped to somehow swaddle, but, of course, a person performing this procedure for the first time is far from experienced nurses). In the same place, in the PIT, they brought me a document on vaccinations for signature (consent or refusal).

Since I felt quite normal, after the promised 6 hours I was brought to the postpartum ward. And it was then (the anesthesia had just gone, apparently) that I felt the effect of a caesarean section - my shoulders and shoulder blade ached wildly. So wildly that I could not breathe, let alone sleep. I had to urgently call a doctor. First came my ward doctor in the postpartum, offered to put a dropper with painkillers. When this had no effect, the operating doctor was called. He suggested that this is the effect of spinal anesthesia in places prone to osteochondrosis (to be honest, before that I did not have osteochondrosis). With a shovel, the matter was explained more simply - when I was transferred from the operating table to the gurney, the sisters diverged in the score, and I flew away diagonally. Apparently, it was at this moment that the scapula was pressed into the lung. To be honest, this is a matter of chance, I don’t think that anyone specifically intended to create such

But in the end, the night passed enchantingly - I settled down in a strange position, where I could somehow breathe and sleep, dozed off. The next morning, when we both came to our senses, we remembered our beloved home apparatus for the treatment of any bruises, sprains and other things. The partner went home, brought him, and it became much easier for me. But I am writing about this situation for another reason - when I chose the maternity hospital, I was glad that it is part of the City Clinical Hospital - if necessary, specialized specialists will come. So, in 5 days (after a cesarean they hold just that much), the ward doctor repeatedly promised that a neuropathologist would come to me - and in the end he never came, so the presence of other doctors in this case turned out to be a fiction, it is better not to rely on it too much.

Then our newborn life began to flow. I was able to get up on the third day (if we consider the first day of the operation, when I was returned from the ICU at midnight). The toilet with shower was opposite the room, it was very convenient. By the way, the first days I used the shower in the toilet, despite the presence of a shower cabin in our room. This is explained simply - in general, the shower tray is lower, and it was still painful for me to bend my legs and bend down. But before discharge, I gladly washed myself in my own shower cabin (how does it sound, huh?) And even calmly washed my hair.

On the floor there is also a cooler and a kettle with a hot drink (they make different drinks, and rosehip broth turned out to be very tasty). The posts of the adult midwife and the nursery are located in different places.

The supplement for the second place does not include meals (“they didn’t promise to feed on the way”), so the next morning the partner went home for food and necessary things. Since we had such an opportunity (that same vacation), and I had not yet got up, we decided that the maximum possible time he will spend with me in the ward.

Naturally, as soon as he left, the rounds began. Bypasses are carried out from 11 to 14, a ward gynecologist, a pediatrician with nurses come - all at different times. Unfortunately, most employees do not have badges and they do not introduce themselves, so I will not be able to give the names of doctors and nurses.

Incubators for children do not have height adjustment, and with a height of 158 it was simply difficult for me to get a child - I had to stand on tiptoe, or pull myself up on my hands if the incubator was installed above the bed (it can be rolled up so that the child is above the one sitting on couch mom). Parents have more tall(and with healthy hands) there will be no problems

In general, if you still do not get up, then let better partner stay with you until the end of rounds. I got up on the third day, and by the time I was discharged, I was already running up the stairs quite confidently.

There are telephones in every room. hotline on breastfeeding”, posters about the benefits of breastfeeding and other propaganda items. However, GV was spoiled for me in this breastfed maternity hospital

But, as you can see, in many situations a partner is very necessary and his help is really invaluable.

5) Conclusions

In my case, the services of a midwife were probably superfluous. Although, since I have nothing to compare with, I may simply not know what "charms" I avoided. But the contract with the maternity hospital was useful to me in full height, especially including the possibility of the presence of a partner during childbirth and after.

Therefore, my conclusions are as follows:

  1. at the first natural birth, a midwife is very necessary (naturally, if you have such an opportunity); with a planned cesarean, it is better to carefully approach the choice of a doctor;
  2. in any case, the presence of a partner is very, very important. If possible, ideally, if a person takes a vacation for 7 days (they keep 3 days in the maternity hospital during natural childbirth, and 5 days after cesarean, a few more days to be calm together at home to establish a routine, it will be very good) and all this will be time with you;
  3. concluding a contract with the maternity hospital does not affect the birth process (Cap!), but gives a lot of bonuses, ranging from a preliminary acquaintance with the doctor and ending with the possibility of relatives visiting you in the ward, the presence of a partner, etc. It's too long to list everything, I'd better make a table.
  4. the funniest, most obvious and incredible thing is to tune in positively. Ideal delivery- this is a spherical horse in a vacuum, it may occur in nature, but for the first time - this is a utopia. No matter how much information you learn, something will go wrong - you won’t want to get into the bath, then you will forget to press the counter, then the water will leave at the wrong moment. Therefore, be prepared for surprises and take them with humor. After all, an amazing surprise awaits you!

Easy childbirth and health to mothers and babies!

My future profession is an obstetrician. With these words, you will graduate from medical school, but what is an obstetrician? Today, the medical industry has a huge number of various directions in the field of gynecology, surgery, dentistry. Away from the list of these professions is the profession of an obstetrician. To be an obstetrician, it is necessary not only to have medical knowledge, but also to have an understanding of other data that do not relate to medical practice in any way.

In addition, the doctor has been treating the patient from the moment he was born, while the obstetrician monitors the well-being of the pregnant woman and the formation of her fetus from the time he was conceived. In other words, the obstetrician is the original doctor, our acquaintance with whom occurs until our birth. The obstetrician is a teacher for the expectant mother, monitors her psychological and physiological state and can also take birth.
Who is an obstetrician?

An obstetrician is a qualified professional who has a higher medical education, researches physical state the body of a woman, as well as its pathologies, which are caused by conception and pregnancy, the birth and postpartum process, diseases of the fetus and newborn. The very name of the specialty "Accoucher", which is translated from French“to give birth”, “to give birth”, indicates the key work of this doctor, it is multilateral support and assistance to a woman during the birth process. Obstetrics was present in ancient times, then a woman who had already given birth to a child, guided by her experience, could help give birth to other girls from their tribe.

For a long period of time, obstetrics was one of the types of gynecology and surgery, as it was at a lower stage of formation than other areas of medicine. Obstetrics became an independent trend in medicine only in the 19th century, although obstetricians were trained in special schools as early as the 4th-5th century BC. e. School of Obstetrics in Russian Federation was opened only in 1754. , and obstetrics clinics in 1808.

Nowadays, an obstetrician is not only a professional in assisting with childbirth, he is also a specialist with extensive knowledge in surgery, pediatrics, resuscitation and therapy.

The obstetrician's responsibilities do not end with the supervision of the course of pregnancy and childbirth. They carefully monitor the condition of the newly-made mother and her baby and, if the need arises, they can prescribe therapy, necessary analyzes, to establish a more complete diagnosis, if the delivery was performed by caesarean section (or other surgical intervention), the obstetrician is present during this process and takes part in it. If unforeseen circumstances arise, the obstetrician conducts resuscitation and visually assesses the well-being of the child after his birth.
Which personal qualities should have an obstetrician?

The functions of an obstetrician, as well as every other employee of medicine, is to provide competent medical support. For this reason, representatives of this business are obliged, first of all, to love people, to be responsible, and confident in their knowledge and strength.

We also offer to get acquainted with the professions of an anesthesiologist, speech therapist and dentist.

In addition, the peculiarity of the high-class work of an obstetrician will require the presence of some individual properties from him:

To be neat
-Be pedantic
-Have the ability to empathize
-Be resistant to stress
-Be patient
-Be sociable
-Be kind
-Be responsive
- Be able to self-organize
- Show attentiveness
-Be able to answer correctly in super extreme moments
-Have a well-formed receptive, short-term and long-term memory
-Have analytical warehouse crazy

The work of an obstetrician implies the presence of broad knowledge in a wide variety of areas. This expert must be familiar with the operation of sound equipment and other medical equipment in order to diagnose and treat the patient. Must understand the basic principles of psychology, genetics and sexology, pharmacology, communication ethics and sociology.

Benefits of being an obstetrician:

1) The main advantage of this specialty, no doubt, is the fact that with the help of this professional, babies are born. Since the birth of a healthy baby delivers positive feelings not only to the father and mother, but also to obstetricians. For the moment when happy mother takes his baby in his arms, there is a feeling of creating a miracle. Directly, for this reason, almost all obstetricians declare that they work, in particular, not for money, but for emotions.

2) A big plus of this specialty is a wide stock of knowledge that can help in Everyday life and not just at work. An obstetrician can be confidently described as a versatile expert, able to provide competent support to both babies and pensioners. Therefore, he is able to be an individual family doctor for his family.

3) What is the salary of an obstetrician. Even if the salary is not so big, excellent experts do not blame the lack of money. This is because in our state, a good specialist is always supposed to cash gift for a job well done by him.

Disadvantages of the profession:

1) Those who prefer the specialty of an obstetrician need to prepare not only for positive feelings, but also for tense situations and stresses, since today many pregnancies do not proceed successfully. The terrible ecological situation every year takes away the health of many mothers and babies, adding more and more new pathologies to them. And according to experts, this figure will only increase.

2) Another disadvantage of the specialty may be a working day in excess of the norm. Babies do not report exactly when they will be born, which is why the obstetrician must be prepared for work at any time of the day, holiday or weekend. And childbirth can take more than one hour, during which the obstetrician experiences overstrain.
There is a very big responsibility for the life and health of the mother and baby, so when you get an obstetrician education, you must understand that the life and health of the baby and mother depend on you. Not every person is able to endure this.

You can learn more about the profession in this video:

An obstetrician is a specialist who helps women during pregnancy and childbirth. There are two types of specialists in this profession: just an obstetrician and an obstetrician-gynecologist. These are not just different names, but a range of duties and capabilities of a physician. A simple obstetrician provides moral support to patients and accepts newborns. The doctor does surgical interventions, controls the process of childbirth and stitches.


The development of obstetrics is closely related to the development of medicine. In ancient writings, generic processes and actions during them are mentioned. But until the 13th century, this area of ​​medical knowledge was often neglected, relegated to the background. For the first time, Hippocrates researched and described in detail the process of birth and its components, devoting a whole section to this.

But over time, midwifery did not move forward much. It has reached a particular decline in dark times middle ages. Everything was subordinate to the church, and any attempts at healing were equated with the machinations of the devil and were punishable by burning at the stake. At that time, midwives acted as birth assistants, who often became the culprits of injuries and death of a newborn or mother. For quite a long time, obstetricians were exclusively women, but in ancient Greece, men also resorted to the help. This was done in later times, but only in the most extreme cases.

Only in the 16th century did obstetrics begin to be attributed to a separate industry. At this time, the first manual on it with sketches is being created. This is the start of a new era and the beginning of the development of obstetrics as a separate component of medicine in general. In our time, generic activity has been studied almost completely. Modern technologies Together with the constantly developing and supplementing knowledge of physicians, they made childbirth as safe as possible, and the profession of an obstetrician was prestigious and in demand. After all, it is these specialists who help to give birth to a new life and greatly facilitate the process of childbirth for a woman in labor.


Obstetrics is a rather complex branch of medical knowledge. Despite the rather limited range of activities, this specialist is constantly faced with potentially dangerous processes. Obstetricians can work in two directions:

  • An obstetrician is an average medical officer. It is enough to graduate from college to get a diploma. The main responsibilities of a specialist are psychological and physical training to childbirth. Also, if necessary, this specialist takes the child, while the doctor performs other procedures necessary for successful delivery.
  • An obstetrician-gynecologist is already a specialist with a higher medical education, a certified doctor. He knows everything not only about the process of childbirth, but about its pathologies and complications. This specialist leads a pregnant woman from the first visit to the doctor until discharge from the hospital. The range of his duties includes constant monitoring of the condition of the expectant mother, timely assistance in the event of toxicosis (especially in the last trimester), childbirth, and the implementation of all necessary actions for the successful completion of the process. This includes surgical intervention and suturing.

An obstetrician is one of the most significant professions in medicine. After all, with the help of this specialist, each of us was born.

What specialties to study as an obstetrician

To become an obstetrician, you must choose one of the following specializations:

  • Medical business.
  • Obstetrics and gynecology.
  • Midwifery (for colleges).

All these specialties will allow you to get a job in a maternity hospital and take part in the emergence of a new life.

What you have to do at work and specialization

The work of an obstetrician is quite difficult and stressful. When choosing this specialty, you should remember that you will work around the clock, because childbirth does not know the time frame.

The range of daily duties of an obstetrician includes:

  • Examination of pregnant women and women in childbirth. Checking blood pressure, body temperature, weight, swelling, measuring the circumference of the abdomen, the height of the fundus of the uterus and checking its tone by palpation. The obstetrician also listens to the fetal heartbeat.
  • Conducting dopplerography as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Collection of material for analysis. Usually these are smears on the flora.
  • Preparing for childbirth. This is a range of examination procedures, to which psychological assistance is added.
  • Constant monitoring of the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus during contractions, monitoring their intensity and frequency.
  • In case of impossibility to take delivery by a gynecologist, the reception of the fetus.
  • Conducting an initial examination and measuring the weight and height of the newborn. The obstetrician attaches a clothespin to the umbilical cord and processes it.
  • Checking the integrity of the placenta in the postpartum period.

Also, an obstetrician with secondary education performs a number of equally important procedures every day.

In addition to the above, the following duties are added to the range of activities of an obstetrician-gynecologist:

  • Surgical delivery by Caesarean section.
  • Carrying out other surgical interventions.
  • Performing specific procedures during childbirth that require high skill. This is the rotation of the fetus, the establishment of a vacuum, forceps, or the use of extrusion techniques.
  • Squeezing the uterus in order to reduce it.
  • Suturing at breaks.
  • Prescribing the necessary medications.

In addition, an obstetrician-gynecologist can perform a number of prenatal procedures and surgeries. Only a highly qualified doctor can deal with the management of premature or pathological births.

Who is an obstetrician suitable for?

The main criterion for a good obstetrician is stress resistance. Childbirth is a difficult process for both mother and child. The result is almost impossible to predict. Ability to make quick decisions and good memory- this golden combination will help save more than one life.

The obstetrician must have a certain physical strength and firm hands. After all, you will be holding a fragile newborn, which is so important to properly accept and not drop.

Self confidence. It is because of the uncertainty of the obstetrician that accidents and negligence often occur.

Attention to details. Even the slightest deviation from the norm should attract attention.


This profession is in high demand. Both in maternity hospitals and in private clinics, new personnel or already experienced specialists are always required.

How much do people working in the profession of an obstetrician earn?

The salary directly depends on the level of your qualification: you are just an obstetrician or an obstetrician-gynecologist. On average, the salary ranges from 33-41 thousand rubles per month.

Is it easy to get a job as an obstetrician

Getting a job is easy. Obtaining a medical education involves compulsory practice. Already on it you can prove yourself, thereby providing a decent workplace.

For a device in a private clinic, you will need experience and recommendations. You will be evaluated on various parameters. In such structures take only the best.

How is an obstetrician career usually built?

It is quite difficult for an obstetrician to get a promotion. After all, for this you should start with a higher education and retrain as an obstetrician-gynecologist. Only after that can we talk about career growth and managerial ambitions. You can advance to the head of the maternity or gynecological department. As a result, this allows you to get closer to the position of the head physician.

Prospects for the profession of an obstetrician

The profession of an obstetrician is quite promising. It opens up a lot of development opportunities for the owner. You can get a higher medical education, which will make you not a secondary employee, but a leading specialist. The diploma provides the opportunity to conduct private practice. After obtaining the qualification "obstetrician-gynecologist" you can apply for the chair of the head of the department. This is the prospect of becoming the head physician or getting a position in the Ministry of Health.

Obstetrician and midwife - not all expectant mothers know the difference between these two main assistants in childbirth. Some women believe that in childbirth everything depends on the doctor, others - on the professionalism of the midwife. In fact, the work of each specialist is important in childbirth, but what exactly each of them does, we will tell you in more detail.

Obstetrician-gynecologist: who is it?

An obstetrician (or, to put it correctly, an obstetrician-gynecologist) is a doctor. For six years he studied at a medical institute, that is, he has a higher medical education, then for another two years he studied in the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology. And only after that the doctor has the right to start official work. By the way, a doctor can have many specializations: someone deals only with gynecology ( female diseases genital organs), others help women get pregnant if there are problems with this (fertility specialists), others - to endure pregnancy (miscarriage specialist). There are obstetrician-gynecologists who only conduct pregnancy (at the antenatal clinic or medical clinic), but do not take birth. And there are doctors who work in the maternity hospital (for example, in the pathology department or in the postpartum), and in parallel take birth (on duty or under contract).

Obstetrician at childbirth

In childbirth, the obstetrician has his own job: he controls the entire process, and only he decides what and how to do next. Speaking specifically, the doctor regularly examines the woman in labor, prescribes examinations, evaluates their results, and determines the tactics of childbirth. That is, he oversees the entire course of childbirth. Many manipulations are also done only by a doctor: he opens amniotic sac, conducts an episiotomy (perineal incision), sutures tears after childbirth, makes a manual separation of the placenta. And of course, the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the birth performs a caesarean section. After childbirth, the doctor also has a lot of work: he assesses the degree of blood loss, decides whether any medical prescriptions and medications are needed. Then the doctor determines when the mother needs to be transferred to the postpartum ward, when she can get up, what to eat, and, finally, when the woman can be discharged from the hospital. It turns out that in childbirth and after them, the obstetrician among all medical workers- foremost.

Midwife - who is it?

The word "midwife" comes from the French accoucheur, which literally translates as "one who stands at the bed", and its modern meaning is an assistant during childbirth. But do not confuse the midwife with the now fashionable doulas or the so-called spiritual midwives. Unlike a midwife, a doula does not medical care, her work is more aimed at moral and psychological support. By the way, they study as a doula for only a few months, and sometimes even online. A midwife is a specialist with a secondary medical education. This specialty is obtained in a medical college and study as a midwife for three or four years. And the work of a midwife in childbirth is no less serious and important than that of a doctor.

Midwife - what does she do?

As soon as a woman enters the birth unit, the midwife, with or without a doctor, examines the woman in labor and determines at what stage the birth process is. Then the main medical task midwives - constantly watch how the cervix is ​​opening, and check where the baby's head is. The midwife will inform the doctor about all these changes. The midwife should also measure the mother’s blood pressure and pulse and, if necessary, carry out some doctor’s prescriptions: for example, give injections or install a CTG device. By the way, the midwife does not have the right to independently decide how the birth will take place, or prescribe any medical procedures - all this is the doctor's business.

Another one important task midwives, and the doctor too -: reassure and support her if she can hardly endure contractions, explain what is happening to her and the child. And the obstetrician and midwife can tell you how to breathe properly or restrain attempts, how to find comfortable position to endure contractions.

If there are several births at once in the maternity hospital, then the midwife is forced to constantly approach one woman in labor, then another. She simply does not have time for psychological support, to have time to provide medical assistance! That is why it is often possible to hear that a woman saw a midwife only directly at the time of the birth of a child (at this time the midwife is always next to her mother)

Birth of a child

In the second stage of labor, the midwife performs her most important work: she directly controls the process of childbirth. She tells her mother when to push, and when to hold back, this is the time when the birth is commanded by the midwife. And so that the head does not move forward too quickly and strongly, the midwife holds it back with her hand, thereby protecting the perineum from damage. During the birth of the baby, the midwife gently, and then, after her birth, helps the baby turn around and release the shoulders.

The woman in labor almost does not pay attention to the routine medical manipulations performed by the midwife in labor (at this time she simply does not care), the other work of the midwife is much more significant for her

Important little things

After the birth of the child, the midwife puts clamps on the umbilical cord and crosses it (if the father is present at the birth, he can do this). Traditionally, the midwife shows the baby to the mother, asking, "Who was born?" After that, the baby is applied to the mother's breast, and then transferred to the changing table for processing. And here again there is work for the midwife: she washes the baby warm water, removes blood, mucus, meconium and wipes the baby with a warm sterile diaper. Then he puts a staple on the umbilical cord, cuts off the rest of the umbilical cord. While the neonatologist evaluates the condition of the newborn, the midwife, together with the obstetrician-gynecologist, monitors the birth of the placenta, then the obstetrician looks to see if there are parts of the placenta left in the uterus, and the midwife weighs and measures " children's place". But, again, all these medical manipulations of the obstetrician and midwife for the mother herself go unnoticed, she simply does not see them.

And finally, the doctor, together with the midwife, monitors the condition of the mother for two hours after the end of the birth in order to prevent possible bleeding.

A woman has the right to know what medical procedures she is undergoing. She can always ask the doctor or midwife what this or that appointment is for and whether it can be replaced with something.

As you can see, the obstetrician and midwife of the maternity ward are really top-class professionals - they manage to control the condition of both the mother and the baby and at the same time help them. Each of them does their job, and together they are a real team!

Photo - photobank Lori

A lot of work in the maternity hospital different specialists, but most of all, a pregnant woman is interested in who exactly from the medical staff will be with her in the maternity ward. Let's talk about the medical specialists who will be there at the crucial moment of childbirth.

Obstetrician-gynecologist: leader and assistant

Main medical specialist in the rodblok, this is an obstetrician-gynecologist. His job is to make strategic decisions. This means that it is the obstetrician-gynecologist who decides how a woman can give birth, monitors the course of childbirth and the condition of the woman in labor and the child at this time. Without a doctor's order, none of the employees of the maternity unit can make any appointments or manipulations that may affect the course of childbirth. And this is justified: after all, it is he who is responsible for everything that the obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes and does in the rodblok. Looking ahead, let's say that the doctor does not directly accept the child during childbirth - this is the work of a midwife. Then what does this specialist do in practice?

First, the doctor examines the woman in labor, learns about how the pregnancy proceeded, and draws up a plan for the conduct of childbirth. Then the obstetrician observes the state of the woman in childbirth, although he is not constantly present with her in the maternity box. In the first stage of labor, the doctor examines the woman in labor every hour, conducts a vaginal examination in order to assess the birth process, to determine how the baby moves through the birth canal. In addition, the obstetrician-gynecologist evaluates the results of tests, (CTG), monitors the opening of the cervix, the nature labor activity and others.

Another doctor conducting childbirth does manipulations such as amniotomy (puncture) or episiotomy (perineal incision). He decides at what point an anesthesiologist is needed, and also prescribes the necessary medications. During the birth of the baby, the doctor is next to the midwife and monitors how she provides obstetric benefits. After the baby is born, the obstetrician-gynecologist records the time of his birth, examines the puerperal and evaluates her condition. In addition, the doctor must observe the signs of separation of the placenta, and after her birth examines and evaluates her condition and integrity.

A woman has the right to know what medical procedures she is undergoing. She can always ask the doctor or midwife what this or that appointment is for and whether it can be replaced with something.

If during the passage of the baby through the birth canal in soft tissues mother, tears have formed or incisions have been made, the obstetrician-gynecologist puts stitches. He also has to perform more serious operations: for example, with incomplete separation of the placenta. Even after childbirth, the doctor does not leave the mother unattended. He will definitely appear in the ward on the same day or the next to see how his patient is feeling, to find out if anything is bothering her, and to make recommendations for the future.

Now you can conclude a contract for the management of childbirth with personal doctor obstetrician-gynecologist. This means that as early as the 36th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother meets the doctor, discusses with him the plan of her birth, and the doctor, in turn, talks about what and in what sequence will happen during childbirth. This is convenient for both the doctor and the expectant mother, because psychological contact is established between them by the time of childbirth, and this always has a positive effect on the course of childbirth.

Midwife: right hand

The midwife is nurse maternity hospital. Each department of the maternity hospital has its own midwives, and their tasks are different - for example, the midwife of the admission department meets future mother and fills out her documents, conducts an initial examination and helps to perform hygiene procedures (puts an enema, helps with shaving the perineum). Midwives in the pathology or postpartum department also have a lot to do: they usually perform normal nursing duties. But the midwife of the maternity ward has the most important task - to help the woman in childbirth, to accept the child and carry out his primary toilet. What is her job?

The word "midwife" comes from the French accoucheur, which literally translates as "one who stands at the bed", and its modern meaning is an assistant in childbirth.

During childbirth, the midwife, like the doctor, regularly examines the woman in labor, determines how much the cervix has opened, where the baby's head is. As prescribed by the doctor, the midwife measures arterial pressure and pulse, installs the apparatus for CTG. And she can also tell you how to breathe properly or restrain attempts if the cervix is ​​not yet sufficiently open or the fetus's head has not sunk to the pelvic floor.

During the second stage of labor, after the baby's head has erupted (that is, when the head does not disappear back into the vagina between pushes), the help of a midwife is especially needed. In order for the head not to move forward too quickly and strongly, the midwife helps the woman, thereby protecting her perineum from damage. During the birth of the baby, the midwife gently guides the baby's head, and then, after the baby is born, helps the baby turn around and release the hanger.

As soon as the pulsation of the umbilical cord stops, the midwife puts clamps on it and crosses it (if the father of the child is present at the birth, they can entrust him with cutting the umbilical cord). According to tradition, the midwife shows the baby to the mother, asking: “Who was born?”. After this, the baby is applied to the mother's breast for a while, and then transferred to the changing table for processing.

The midwife washes the baby with warm water, removing blood, mucus, meconium, and wipes the baby with a warm sterile diaper. Then he processes the umbilical cord: he puts a clamp on it, and then a bracket. The rest of the umbilical cord is cut off and treated with an antiseptic, then a sterile bandage is applied. While the neonatologist assesses the condition of the newborn, the midwife, together with the obstetrician-gynecologist, monitors the birth of the placenta, then, if necessary, empties bladder childbirth with a catheter.

As you can see, the midwife of the maternity ward is really an extra-class professional - she manages to help both mother and baby.

Anesthesiologist: Pain Control

Each duty team must include an anesthesiologist and a nurse of the anesthesiology-resuscitation department. They come to the maternity ward if a woman wants to give birth with anesthesia. First, the doctor asks the woman about her state of health, examines her, examines the results of examinations, and finds out if she is allergic to any medications. All this is necessary in order to choose the right type of anesthesia and prevent unwanted reactions.

Then the anesthesiologist decides which type of anesthesia is best to use (in each case individually). An anesthetist nurse helps the doctor: she draws medicine into a syringe, injects it into a vein, and measures blood pressure. Having anesthetized childbirth (most often done), the anesthesiologist is constantly next to the woman. He monitors how the anesthesia affects the woman in labor (whether the contractions are anesthetized enough), decides when to add the medicine, and when it is already possible to stop the anesthesia.

Neonatologist: the first children's doctor

Shortly before the birth of a baby, a new character appears in the maternity block - a neonatologist (a pediatrician for newborn babies). Immediately after birth, he should listen to the child's heart, breathing, check muscle tone, reflexes and skin coloration. Based on these observations, the baby is graded on a scale (for example, 8/9). If necessary, immediately carried out healing procedures(release of upper respiratory tract from mucus, recovery normal rhythm respiration and heart rate).

Then the neonatologist decides which department to transfer the baby to. In old-style maternity hospitals, this is the children's department. In modern maternity hospitals there are “mother-child” departments, in which mother and child can always be together, in such a baby and a healthy mother are not separated from the first minutes.

Comment on the article "Childbirth: how will it be? What do the doctor and midwife of the maternity hospital do"

Section: Childbirth (I don't understand, a woman is allowed to reach 42 weeks, and still induce labor). Stimulation of childbirth.


what do you mean by stimulation - oxytocin? it gives uninterrupted contractions, which are not only difficult for the mother, but also for the child, as he experiences constant and excessive compression, for which he may not be ready. natural contractions are always softer and intermittent.
bubble burst? the cervix does not always open after it, the whole EX often ends. or opens but the tissues are not elastic enough, hence tears and/or episio. by the way, in cases of premature birth, episio is almost always done, although the babies are tiny, but the tissues are not ready yet.
it is better to prepare for childbirth and give birth when the time will come. You can always monitor the condition of the baby, umbilical cord and placenta on additional ultrasound.
I gave birth at almost 41 weeks big baby 4250g, without breaks and cuts. preparing for childbirth, breathing correctly, pushing correctly, helping her baby, and he helped me. I wish you easy natural childbirth :)

Now half of the children, if not more, with hypoxia without any walking and stimulation. Plus, not every woman will agree to stimulate, and for this you need to go to the maternity hospital in advance, and there are not always places there. Everything is individual

The birth contract is issued after 36 weeks. My girlfriend who had complications And if so, I don't really know how to get to a doctor at 20 weeks who delivers?


In Sechenovka everything is elementary, I go to my doctor from the first weeks. He has office hours once a week, I call somewhere once a month and a half, I say that I will come - and I come. Well, that is, he really conducted the first pregnancy, she came once a month, he had all the serious examinations, in the LCD only general tests "for exchange". This time I go just for the sake of formality, and so normal ultrasound get to his colleagues. But when there were problems in the second trimester, I just called him, complained - they pulled me out and put me in the hospital.
If through insurance, then they have a special policy with Sechenovka, which includes maintenance from 20 weeks and childbirth. I just found out about it too late.

I was observed on Oparin and gave birth to one doctor. Those. from start to finish ;-)

Usually, if you find a common language with a person, then you can openly ask HOW it is convenient for him to pay, through the cashier or in person. I paid at the cash desk only two or three times during my entire pregnancy.


Thanks to everyone for the advice and wishes, I shoveled the forum, I hope we can handle it-))

You need to take the cat to the veterinary clinic, or call a doctor at home. Because maybe she will give birth herself - but maybe she won’t be able to and will die, like a woman whose caesarean was not done on time :(

07/30/2009 12:19:58 pm, ..Lukyana

Is there such a thing as free childbirth? I mean birth certificate. And yet, if there is no permanent residence permit (there is a temporary one), can they be accepted for childbirth?


Right now they will tell you here. It is necessary to ask in profile conferences. If you are interested in the question of medical care for non-residents, you need to go to Illegal.ru. There, these questions are spelled out to the smallest detail.

Short educational program.
Be sure to register with the LCD and do at least a minimum necessary analyzes. This is AIDS and a bunch of everything, I don’t remember anymore.
they MUST be registered! Regardless of the place of residence and registration. Take documents, regu, any policy (no matter what - regional or Moscow) and stomp to the head doctor to write a statement. If it gets twitchy, go to the Health Department.
I am pregnant for the second time. Both times registration in Moscow. So, doctors don't care! They do not receive money from you specifically, but from the insurance company. and where is this insurance, they are parallel. Maternity hospitals are just as parallel. If you think that they have more from Muscovites, you are mistaken.
I gave birth to the first free of charge in the 29th maternity hospital. The ambulance took me there. and attitude was good! You just have to be reasonable in your expectations. It is foolish to think that dust particles will be blown off you. Childbirth is hard work, not a holiday with fireworks. and after - do not care? The main thing is that the examinations are carried out at the proper level and there are no complications. and whether my sister smiled at me or not deeply did not matter. All these horrors of free childbirth are inflated by nervous madams, for whom a broken nail is already a tragedy. You have to be sane. And be sure to listen to the doctor and midwife! They see better! Then the doctors will treat you normally, and not yell and swear.
I will also give birth for the second time for free. It's a pity, my beloved 29th will be closed for the sink :(

I gave birth to all three for free, consciously, it all depends on your mood, if you think that there is a sanatorium - and dust particles will be blown off you - then you will not like it very much ... :)
I believe that a good doctor will work well for free, and a bad one will not be able to do it for money ....

food on the day of birth. can you eat or drink? or how? frankly speaking, I don’t feel like eating, but drinking :) although it’s scary, as I remember the day before yesterday’s “training”, I really want to throw it away ...


During contractions, if you want to eat, you can eat nuts, dried fruits, chocolate - something that gives little volume and a lot of calories. You can and should drink sour drinks.

I really wanted to drink during childbirth, I drank as much as I wanted (I gave birth at home). I was told that when you drink, especially when the waters have receded, these same waters are replenished, the child is not "dry". And so it was, probably - with the older one, the waters went away, probably when the head was going, and they didn’t want to drink so much, and the younger one was without water, and the thirst was constant.

Conference "Pregnancy and childbirth" "Pregnancy and childbirth". Section: Residential complex, maternity hospitals, courses, honey. centers (I wonder if anyone gives birth for free?)


We gave birth absolutely free, in the 72nd r / d. I am very satisfied, talking afterward with a neighbor in the ward, a cat. gave birth for 300 dolyars, found only one difference - she was given a sandwich with sausage and fruit drink, but I don’t))))))))))))
And they treated me like family.

Under the contract, you can only be guaranteed the conditions of how the birth will take place, I think no one can guarantee even for money for 100%. I myself gave birth for free at the CPC (I came with contractions) and I can’t say a single bad word. Everything from the attitude of doctors to conditions postpartum ward for 5+.
The second, if I'm lucky to stay at home until the contractions, I'll go to give birth there. Two of my friends gave birth there, the opinion is the same.
I have my own opinion about the paid one - if the doctor is a fool or a bastard, you can’t change him with any money, if you think about it, then these same doctors take births for free, so you can run into money for money. And under contracts, I know a lot of cases of complications (much more than those who gave birth for free),
someone paid to give birth herself, and she was promised this for money, and when it didn’t work out and they still did a cesarean, the child was taken to Filatovskaya, a friend who was under contract with " a good doctor"First they put her to sleep (I entered in the morning, and the doctor handed over a shift), at first they put her to sleep, her contractions stopped, then they were stimulated, it ended with her husband helping the doctors put pressure on her stomach, she got tears and all that) - the only thing she liked after that, this is that her husband lived with her in the ward, and helped her a lot when she could not walk after these breaks.And the position, payment after a successful birth is also very convenient, if everything goes well, then pay, and if something happens - then excuse me, I don’t need anything from you. That is, I’m not responsible for anything, leave your money to yourself as compensation for non-pecuniary damage? , by the way, others stimulated her there all night, and the doctor arrived half an hour before the birth, at the beginning of the working day, if she had given birth half an hour earlier, he would not have needed help.So that the contract is not a guarantee of childbirth, but a guarantee of conditions of detention You can convince me.

06.12.2003 09:02:43, Olcha

Who took castor oil to stimulate childbirth, tell me if it helps, what sensations (will there be pain and colic in the intestines), does it work gently and does it feel sick after taking it? I...


Girls do not try to drink. I tried. I was 41 weeks. PDR was set for December 25 did not want to give birth in new year holidays because I know what's going on in the hospital. I started drinking in the afternoon at 14.00 12.26.2018 At 18.00 terrible diarrhea began, I didn’t get off the toilet for an hour. At 21.00, the stomach began to pull. At 00.00, light contractions began, but gradually the pain intensified. I thought it all started. At 6.00 I began to count the time between contractions, the interval was 5 minutes. She called an ambulance and went to the hospital. There I was told that these were training contractions and they gave me Spazmalgon or something like that. Well, in short, to relieve spasms. As a result, I suffered until 21.00 the pain was hellish, nothing helped me. At 21.40 they decided to pierce my bladder because they couldn't stop the practice contractions. I was transferred to the genus unit, an even worse nightmare began. There was no dilatation and I was given an epidural so that I could sleep and rest. Waking up again from pain, I was told that an urgent caesarean section was needed in a child with hypoxia. As a result, on December 27 at 3.30 she gave birth. But after that, it’s also not so easy to get out of bed, it hurts, walking is also terribly painful. And the child is with you and you need to constantly rise to him. In general, girls do not advise you personally from my own experience.

02/23/2019 03:22:00, Alexandra1407

And I drank in the evening, cleared myself and at 4 o'clock the contractions began not strong, then at 9:30 she gave birth, she helped me a lot cleanly and quickly gave birth without breaks, although the fetus was large

02/07/2019 17:57:56, Ainash

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, giving. Pregnancy and childbirth. If anyone has experience of watching there, as well as subsequent births...


I gave birth at home, I didn’t want to at the maternity hospital even in an ideal scenario, because the atmosphere is still hospital. They were like courses with my husband, and they gave birth perfectly at home (with my husband and a midwife), without breaks, without any problems. I can’t even imagine how it would all go in a maternity hospital, where everyone doesn’t give a damn about you. And at home - everyone around me is running around, during the fights I definitely had to bury my shoulder in someone, and you can whine without embarrassment. In general, everything is natural, great, you don’t need to ask anyone for permission to attach the baby to the chest, the happy dad transferred the baby to the bed. In general, I will give birth to the second only at home.
It is very important that we had a good midwife, I felt very calm and confident with her.
By the way, two of my friends, following my example, also gave birth at home with this midwife, everyone is very happy.
So there is nothing terrible in this, the main thing is to prepare well, mentally and physically.

I also gave birth at home - although the birth was the first, but I was not at all afraid. For some reason it seemed to me that in the maternity hospital I would also be "marred". I agree with Nyastya - be like courses - this does not oblige you to anything. In any case, they will help you gain confidence. And it's never too late to go to the hospital.
The truth about 4 r \ d I didn’t hear very much good feedback- from the point of view of naturalness. If you want everything to be as natural as possible, go to the most "non-advanced" one. Good luck.