How to find out when milk will come after childbirth. Timing for caesarean section. When the milk comes

Modern mothers are eager to breastfeed their baby and know a lot about the benefits of breastfeeding. Of course, with such knowledge, you do not expect that milk will run from the breast in liters immediately after childbirth.

  • When does real milk appear?
  • Do I need to increase lactation and how to do it?
  • What if there is no milk?
  • Do I need to supplement and supplement the child?
  • How often should you breastfeed?
  • How long should the period between feedings be?
  • Do you need to express?

Lactation in women begins with the formation of colostrum - the secret of the mammary glands, which has a unique composition. The time of onset of colostrum formation in each woman is individual, more often it begins to stand out in the last months of pregnancy or immediately after childbirth; there are cases when colostrum appears only on the 3rd or 4th day.

Therefore, do not be surprised and do not worry - on the 1st day after childbirth, the breasts are soft and as if empty. The amount of colostrum secreted also varies: from a couple of drops to 100 ml per day.

However, even a few drops of colostrum, which the baby receives with each attachment to the breast, is priceless for him, because it is very nutritious. Colostrum is rich in protein, minerals, vitamins, hormones, enzymes. This food is perfectly absorbed by the child's body, since the food substances have a structure similar to the structure of the tissues of a newborn. Colostrum contains immune factors that protect the baby from viruses and bacteria. In addition, colostrum has laxative properties, it stimulates digestion and helps to release the baby's intestines from the original feces (meconium).

Gradually, colostrum changes in composition, turning into transitional milk by the fourth or fifth day. From about the 6th day of lactation, the secret of the mammary gland is nothing more than mature milk. The process of replacing colostrum with mature milk occurs in women with varying intensity. For some it is faster, for others it takes longer. It is known that in nulliparous women the process of converting colostrum into mature milk takes longer, in multiparous women it takes less. The individual characteristics of each woman matter.

A significant increase in the volume of milk is called a rush of milk, or breast filling. In some women, this phenomenon occurs on the 3-4th day after childbirth; in others, it is observed later, on the 6th–9th day, that is, after discharge from the maternity hospital.

And in its composition, the milk of one woman is different from the milk of another woman. Moreover, your milk is the most harmonious for your child.

To stimulate the formation and release of colostrum and milk, several conditions are necessary.

An important factor in ensuring full lactation is the free-feeding regime, in which the baby himself sets the intervals between feedings. Free feeding or, in other words, feeding on demand of the child, implies the attachment of the child to the breast as many times and at such times as he requires, including at night. A newborn baby may require from 8-10 to 20 or more attachments to the breast per day. The duration of one feeding is 20-30 minutes in the first days due to the small amount of milk. After a rush of milk has occurred, 15–20 minutes are enough for feeding, since a longer stay of the baby at the breast can contribute to the appearance of cracked nipples.

Feed should be in a comfortable position for you and your baby, in a relaxed atmosphere. It is desirable that when feeding, the baby has the opportunity to contact you as closely as possible “skin to skin”, “eye to eye”. Such close contact contributes to the formation of optimal lactation and the establishment of close psycho-emotional contact between you and the child, which is very important for its full development.

The rush of milk is also easier to manage while in the cohabitation ward, as unrestricted breastfeeding can be provided. With the available possibility of unlimited attachment of the child to the breast, it is better to do without expressing milk at all.

In this case, the amount of milk produced by the mother naturally adapts to the needs of the child. Of course, in some cases, the chest still has to be drained once or twice. Your midwife or lactation consultant will tell you when and how to do this.

In conclusion, it should be said that when feeding a baby on demand, there is no need to use pacifiers. It has been proven that supplementary feeding and additional drinking lead to a violation of the natural balance in the child's digestive system, to a decrease in milk production, and the likelihood of the baby's refusal to breastfeed also increases. Therefore, in modern maternity hospitals, breastfed children are not prescribed supplementary feeding with artificial mixtures and additional drinking without special medical indications.

Nature provides for everything in our life: from birth to death, various changes occur in the human body. The appearance of a baby is the most important stage in the fate of every woman, so the occurrence of various deviations worries her very much. The onset of lactation in young mothers is accompanied by the question: when does milk come after childbirth, and what are its functions?


In the first days after the birth of the baby, the mammary glands produce a substance - colostrum. It is it that represents the first food of the crumbs. The fact is that immediately after birth, the baby's ventricle is not able to digest milk, and colostrum prepares the gastrointestinal tract, starts the digestion mechanism, and regulates the intestinal microflora.

Colostrum is several times more caloric than milk, contains protein, which helps to saturate the body. Only a few drops of liquid are needed for a child to be satiated, because the volume of his ventricle after birth is only 7 ml.

Colostrum contributes to the formation of passive immunity, prevents the development of various infections, it prepares the child's body to receive breast milk.

On what day milk comes after childbirth depends on a number of factors: the appearance of a child before the due date, the first or second pregnancy, caesarean section - all this affects the process.

full term baby

The first pregnancy in its normal course is characterized by the absence of milk in the first two days. Colostrum is replaced by a thick yellowish mixture and real milk appears only for 3-5 days.

The signs of the arrival of milk are as follows:

  • the breast is enlarged and thickened;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • if there is a lot of milk, the nipples become flat.

premature baby

Preterm labor, as well as stimulation of labor, lead to the fact that the body recovers from stress longer, so the appearance of milk can be delayed by 1-3 days.

After caesarean section

With a successful operation, the period, the time when milk appears in a woman in labor is the 3-5th day. An operation performed in a premature pregnancy prolongs the recovery period, so milk can appear after 7 days. There is also the possibility that it will not appear at all.

Second and subsequent births

With the second and subsequent births, the formation of the lactation process occurs faster, and the symptoms are no longer so pronounced. Slightly increased local temperature, it is accompanied by a slight increase in the breast and mild pain.

In any case, if the normalization of the lactation process is delayed, there is no need to panic. There are cases when milk arrives after childbirth only a week or later.

The first acquaintance of the baby with the breast

After the birth of the baby, it must be immediately attached to the mother's breast. The first acquaintance affects when milk comes after childbirth, since it is at this moment that the processes of developing a nutrient mixture are launched. Healing colostrum fills the intestines of the baby, in addition, it has a calming effect on it.

With the normal course of childbirth, the well-being of the woman and the child, it is better to organize their living together. In this case, you can apply the baby as needed, thereby stimulating milk production.

The process of establishing lactation for each woman takes place individually, how to speed up the flow of milk after childbirth depends on the correct actions of the young mother.

  1. Correctly apply the child to the mammary glands. First, you need to sit comfortably and provide the baby with the most comfortable position. Then, you need to make sure that the baby's mouth completely captures both the nipple and the areola. This is the only way to prevent the appearance of cracks and the development of various breast diseases.
  2. Do not wash breasts with soap before application. Soap removes the protective film that forms naturally, resulting in microcracks. It is recommended to lightly lubricate the nipples with colostrum.
  3. Periodically change breasts. This should be done even if there is less milk in one of the mammary glands.
  4. Feed your baby more often. This contributes to the stimulation of milk, so if the child requires, he needs to be fed 10-20 times a day.
  5. Provide feeding during the night. Due to the fact that prolactin is produced at night, full-fledged night feedings should be organized.
  6. Reduce fluid intake on the third day. It is during this period that milk most often appears, so excess fluid leads to pain.

An experienced doctor will tell you how to speed up the appearance of milk after childbirth, therefore, if necessary, it is better to seek help from professionals.

Milk production rate

The appearance of milk after childbirth is characterized by some features: its production occurs non-stop, and the rate of production depends on the fullness of the gland. The faster the emptying occurs, the faster it fills up, and the filling speed of each gland is different.

Well, when milk appears after childbirth in large volumes, then the production process slows down. The average amount of milk produced per hour varies between 10-40 ml.

There are several phases of production, the onset of which depends on when milk appears after childbirth in women:

  1. Endocrine. The production is stimulated by the hormones of the newly-made mother, observed during the first days after childbirth.
  2. Autocrine. The appearance of milk is stimulated by the emptying of the breast as a result of its active sucking.

It is known that breast size does not affect how many days milk appears after childbirth, however, the amount of fluid that is placed in the mammary glands depends on this parameter. For some mothers, it is 80 ml, for others, it is almost ten times more.

A mother with any breast size can provide full nutrition to her child, however, in the case of small breasts, production is more active, so you need to apply the baby to it more often. Women with large size need to organize feedings on a schedule so that a new portion is produced each time, since the total amount of milk is enough for several feedings.

How to behave at the beginning of lactation

Not all women know what to do when milk comes after childbirth and how to avoid unpleasant consequences. Young mothers face various problems: fever, lactostasis and other side effects. It is during this period that a qualified consultation of a specialist is especially valuable, who will explain to the woman how to understand that milk has come after childbirth, and tell her how to behave in this situation.

  1. Limit fluid intake. In the first days after childbirth, it is better to reduce the usual amount of fluid consumed, as its excess provokes swelling. Not only water, but also compotes, teas, soups contribute to this.
  2. Frequent feedings in small portions. This will help relieve swelling and tension. If the child is not nearby, then it is recommended to express some milk - from these actions, the mother's well-being will improve significantly. No need to overdo it with pumping, as a complete emptying contributes to the production of even more.
  3. The duration of feeding should not exceed 15 minutes. This time is enough for saturation. All the rest of the time will be spent on the baby's play with the breast, which will lead to her injury.
  4. For any suspicious symptoms and feeling unwell, you should seek the help of a specialist.

Possible complications and how to avoid them

Lactation is a process that is formed in any pregnant woman, medicine knows cases when milk appears in pregnant women before childbirth. The characteristics of the organism of each woman in labor are individual, therefore it is impossible to predetermine the exact day of the appearance of breast milk. Regardless of which day milk comes after childbirth, every woman should pay due attention to the development of lactation, otherwise, milk production may stop.

Statistics show that artificial formulas completely replace breast milk in 3% of feeding cases, very often the mother's illness becomes the reason for this. Appropriate precautions must be taken to prevent undesirable situations from occurring.

Particular attention should be paid to the hygiene of the mammary glands, as well as pre-familiarize yourself with all the warnings and at what month of pregnancy milk appears in some cases.

  • warm up the mammary glands before feeding;
  • take care of a variety of postures when feeding to completely empty the glands;
  • prevent stagnation of milk, in case of poor suction, by additional pumping;
  • thoroughly wash the mammary glands using water without soap and gels;
  • gently wipe the chest with a towel after a shower;
  • wear special antibacterial liners for a bra, which are sold in a pharmacy;
  • you can not massage the chest;
  • do not stay in the heat for a long time, do not take a hot bath or shower;
  • enrich the diet with vegetables, fruits, proteins and fats to ensure the nutritional value and calorie content of milk;
  • wear special underwear for nursing mothers made from natural fabrics.


For more information about the appearance of breast milk, you will learn from our video.

The process of formation of the milk ducts in the female breast and the initial secretion begins even before the birth of the child, during the period of its gestation. Real mother's milk appears in women later, depending on the characteristics of their body, and also based on what kind of birth it is in a row. Most new mothers are very worried about this issue. Those who have this first pregnancy should find out in advance on what day the milk comes after childbirth. To know what to be prepared for.

First, a woman has colostrum and only then milk. The production of secretion begins in the last months of pregnancy and is episodic. And it can stand out in a minimal amount. Already during gestation, the mammary glands of a woman increase due to the growth of special tubules, through which milk secretion will later begin to flow.

If in pregnant women the colostrum has a yellowish tint and density, then on the eve of labor, it liquefies and becomes transparent.

The expectant mother, at the same time, can feel how the colostrum moves through the ducts, causing slight itching. By the way, it is not a pathology, both discharge from the chest during pregnancy, and the absence of this phenomenon. And even more so, it is impossible to judge by these signs whether a young mother has milk or non-milk breasts.

In fact, from the moment of conception, the female body is preparing to feed the baby. In some cases, early discharge from the chest can be caused by the following factors:

  • Changes in mood, outbursts of emotions, naturally leading to a change in hormonal levels, and it doesn’t matter what feelings a woman experiences - positive or negative;
  • Drinking hot tea, compote or other liquid;
  • Often this situation leads to massaging the mammary glands, sometimes prescribed by a doctor;
  • Hygiene procedures using hot water.

Do not underestimate the properties of colostrum, because it contains many useful substances and has enough calories to satisfy the appetite of a newborn.

Useful properties and functions of colostrum:

  1. Thanks to the secretion of the mammary glands, the child's intestines are populated with beneficial lactic bacteria, which are necessary for strong immunity;
  2. The substance contributes to the excretion of primary feces from the body;
  3. Prevents the penetration of infection into the body of the baby, thanks to the contained protective cells;
  4. Nourishes tissues and blood with essential vitamins, trace elements and minerals;
  5. Fills the blood with antioxidant elements that play a role in the adaptation of the respiratory function.

In addition, colostrum prepares the body of the newborn to assimilate the mother's full-fledged breast milk.

Women should be aware that there are times when colostrum discharge, accompanied by pain, can mean the onset of a purulent process. The defeat of mastitis threatens the health of the woman in labor and can make a useful chest secret harmful to the baby.

When the production of colostrum is accompanied by pain in the abdomen, as well as in the lumbar region during the last months of pregnancy, there is a threat of the development of labor activity ahead of schedule. In addition, colostrum with an admixture of blood or an unpleasant odor should also alert a woman and become a reason to urgently see a doctor.

Such symptoms indicate tumor growths or the presence of an infectious infection. If childbirth is coming soon, the danger is that the bacteria can also get into the mother's milk.

Answering the question of women who are interested in what day milk comes after childbirth, we can say that at first colostrum begins to be intensively secreted - within three days, a maximum of a week after childbirth. And only then does the mother have milk.

What day does milk come after childbirth in primiparous

For first-time mothers, many questions remain regarding feeding the baby after birth, including what day the milk comes after the birth of primiparas. To understand how the necessary secret is developed, the whole process should be considered.

In general, doctors divide mother's milk into three main types:

  • Colostrum;
  • First or transitional;
  • Full mature.

After the appearance of colostrum, starting from three to six days, milk appears in primiparas. But it is considered transitory. In its composition, the percentage of water and fats increases, and at the same time, the content of proteins decreases. After colostrum, such milk continues the adaptation of the child's body to a new meal and the active work of the digestive system.

Only on the sixth day and later, mature milk begins to be produced, which is more than 80% water, but, despite this, has all the important nutritional characteristics for feeding the newborn and the normal formation of his physiology.

This process looks like this:

  1. After the birth of a child on the first day, primiparas may have very little colostrum;
  2. In the following days, its production may increase and decrease;
  3. Milk may appear on the third, fourth and fifth day, while the woman's breasts become hard, painful, and body temperature may rise;
  4. The feverish state lasts no more than two days, and then, with the normal release of secretion, the production process stabilizes.

In some women, the appearance of milk occurs gradually, in others - unexpectedly and very plentifully. Most often, in primiparous, good milk production begins late, a week after birth, as the body does this for the first time. On average, the amount of milk per day reaches no more than 250-300 ml. Further, the lactation period will depend on the individual characteristics of the mother, her nutrition, the duration of feeding the child.

What day does milk come after childbirth in multiparous

In women who already have children, most often milk production begins earlier than in primiparas - already on the second, third day, because the body already knows what to prepare for. However, for different women, this process may also differ due to the structural features of the mammary gland and other nuances. The quality of food, nervous state and emotional outburst can accelerate or delay the synthesis of secretion, both in nulliparous and in women who have given birth in the past. One thing is known - in order for milk to appear as quickly as possible, and there was more of it, it is necessary to feed the baby more often.

If milk is not enough, there are ways to increase its production:

  • Avoid using pacifiers and nipples. Vodichka can be given with a syringe without a needle. If the child wants to drink, just breastfeed him.
  • Do not limit the child during feeding, especially in the early morning, so the synthesis of prolactin in the breast occurs faster.
  • Feed the baby on demand as soon as he starts to worry. By the way, the child is sometimes naughty every 10-20 minutes.
  • Even if it is not possible to feed the baby, milk should be carefully expressed each time.

On what day milk comes after childbirth in multiparous, it is impossible to answer offhand. It depends on many reasons. Sometimes there are complications when breastfeeding, for example, agalactia. True, fortunately, this is a rather rare pathology when milk is completely absent. As a rule, it is caused by hormonal instability against the background of postpartum depression, nervous exhaustion, poor nutrition, or it is due to an underdeveloped breast.

Conditions such as lack of sleep, nervous home environment, fatigue provoke a decrease in lactation. If the necessary secretion depends only on such factors, and not on internal diseases, a woman should reconsider her daily routine, paying more attention to her body.

Sometimes there is such a phenomenon as galactorrhea, when milk flows from the breast between feedings. This condition of the gland can be observed with nervous disorders in a woman in labor. In both cases, in addition to physiotherapy and medications, during treatment, a woman should establish normal sleep and nutrition.

Knowing on what day the milk comes after childbirth, the mother will no longer worry and worry that the long-awaited baby will remain hungry. In the first few days, nutritious, calorie-rich colostrum will be quite enough for him, and when the child's body adapts to a new type of food, milk will also appear.

How to apply the baby to the chest: video

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Even in the maternity hospital, we begin to google when milk comes after childbirth, and how to speed up this process. We worry in advance about whether there will be enough milk for the baby so that he grows up healthy. The level of prolactin in each woman is different, therefore, there can be no unambiguous answer to this question.

  • When real milk appears in the breast
  • How to increase lactation, and whether it should be done
  • If there is no milk
  • How often do you need to apply the baby to the chest
  • Do I need to supplement and supplement the baby
  • Interval between feedings
  • Pumping, is it necessary?

When real milk appears in the breast

From personal experience, I will tell you that already in the last stages of pregnancy (starting from the 7th month), if you press the nipple a little, you will see how drops of liquid stand out from it. Yes, yes, this suggests that nature is wise and even mothers of 7-month-old peanuts successfully breastfeed. So I fed my 8-month-old Anechka up to 2 years and a month.

Colostrum is the harbinger of real milk. It has a unique composition and it is very important that your baby is put to the breast right in the delivery room and he takes the nipple, or the midwife drops a couple of drops into his mouth. It is these few drops that give a signal to the entire hormonal system: "It's time, the process has begun." The most complicated process of milk production begins. If this is not the first birth, then everything goes more rapidly, because the body already remembers what and how it should be.

You will have colostrum for about 2 days. It differs in a more yellow tint and density. The third day is the time of mixed milk-colostrum. Since each of us is unique, the speed of milk production, its composition are unique for everyone, like prints. some wake up on the third day with swollen breasts, while for some (usually at the first birth) the breasts are soft and as if empty. Do not panic! I personally know cases when this happened in the maternity hospital on the 5th day (the girl had a caesarean section), do not give up.

How to increase lactation, and whether it should be done

We found out when milk comes after childbirth, but what to do if it is not enough. How to increase lactation for a nursing mother? There are a number of ways to do this:

  • If your baby is in the same room as you, breastfeed him as often as possible. Do not feel sorry for yourself and prepare in advance that it can be every hour
  • Do not skip the 3 hour feeding interval, and if the little one fell asleep, then gently but persistently wake up. The first colostrum is especially valuable, it is saturated with the necessary enzymes and the well-known Omega-3 and Omega-6 and 9 in it in the maximum amount. In addition, colostrum is more fatty and for a reason. From the body of the crumbs, meconium should pass - feces, black and dense like plasticine. The fat content in colostrum acts like a mild laxative.
  • Night feedings are the most valuable - always remember this
  • A partial guarantee of success is also in the correct grip of the nipple. The entire painted part must be captured
  • Apply to each breast alternately
  • Drink more fluids, lactic teas, milk
  • Natural taboo on nipples and bottles - only your tasty and clean breasts

If there is no milk, what to do

First of all:

  • Do not give up and do not despair, believe in success
  • I had such that the milk practically disappeared for 2 days (drops stood out from the nipple in the literal sense), and I, taking will in my fist, applied the screaming lump to my chest again and again. There were thoughts that all the milk was gone and you need to go for the mixture. To be honest, I bought the mixture, but I promised myself that at least a day or two I need to hold out. The result, after two days, the milk began to arrive again. I drank not just water, but more milk, fermented baked milk, kefir. Trust that your baby will strain you to the volume he needs.
  • Moderately hot showers promote hot flashes
  • Joint sleep, so as not to say it is to enhance lactation at the genetic and psychological level
  • No matter how trite it sounds, but in addition to applying the crumbs to the breast, try to express, stimulating the production of milk in the breast
  • Don't give your toddler a pacifier
  • Rest as much as possible, indoor sterility is good of course, but remember that a driven and exhausted body will not produce enough prolactin

How often should a newborn be breastfed?

Try to stick to the 3 hour interval, but if the baby does not look well-fed, but on the contrary, is underweight, feed on demand. Perhaps you have a tight nipple and he still does not have enough strength to eat right away. Every time you cry, try to breastfeed and determine exactly if your treasure wants to eat, or if he has colic.

I advise all inexperienced nursing mothers to check the newborn's mouth for thrush.

Many mothers underestimate night feedings and in vain, it is the night milk produced at 3.00 in the morning that is richest in essential fats, vitamins and microelements for the full development. Night feedings are the key to long-term breastfeeding and good weight gain in the baby. Don't forget to change your sissy at every feeding.

Do I need to supplement and supplement the baby

Everything is individual here. Some newborns willingly drink water from a coffee spoon, while others do not need it. It should be repelled by how well the baby is gaining weight. Small babies need more milk, because often after filling the stomach with water there is no room for milk. Drinking water is necessary for jaundice in newborns.

Let the interval between feedings in the first months be 2-3 hours, but again, if the baby has enough food and he calmly withstands this interval.

Whether it is necessary to express milk the answer is ambiguous. In the first months it is relevant and important that the milk arrives intensively. I froze the expressed milk in disposable 200 g bags with zippers. A very necessary thing, if milk suddenly disappears (or you need to leave for a couple of days), this will help relatives not to supplement the child with mixtures.

In the later stages, the process has usually already normalized and the baby regulates it himself. Pumping here is probably unnecessary already, since it only increases its influx. If you notice some seals in the chest and suspect that this is from milk stagnation, then of course the breasts need to be expressed to the maximum and if the seals do not disappear, then run to the mammologist.

After rereading the article, I think that I answered the questions about when milk comes after childbirth and what to do if there is no milk. Share the article with your friends, press the social buttons. networks, so as not to lose the article.

Today is March 8 and I sincerely congratulate my readers on this truly spring women's day! I wish you all happiness, true love, healthy children, peace and prosperity!

Constant stress;

- smoking;

Mother's milk is the best food for a child in the first months of life, and properly organized breastfeeding is the key to the health and nutrition of the baby. However, it often happens that milk in young mothers ceases to be produced in sufficient quantities or disappears completely when the child still needs it.


Try the switch feeding technique: first feed your baby from 1 breast, when he stops actively sucking, offer another. Repeat this 2-3 times until the child is full. So he will receive the nutritious last milk and activate its inflow.

Try to relax while feeding and drive negative thoughts out of your head, including the disappearance of milk. Try to get enough sleep and fully rest, sleep with your child during each of his sleep. Even better, take the baby to your bed, put him on your chest, or - bodily contact between mother and child contributes to the flow of milk.

Drink plenty of fluids, whether it's mom's herbal tea or plain water. By the way, there is no consensus about special drinks that improve lactation: some doctors consider such drugs effective, while others do not see much benefit in them, except for a relaxing and calming effect, due to which milk production increases naturally.

If the described methods do not help, contact an obstetrician-gynecologist who will give medical advice and help you choose a drug, remedy or dietary supplements. In the event that, despite all the measures, milk production continues to decline, it makes sense to visit a pediatrician and resolve the issue of transferring the baby to artificial.


Often, a nursing mother is advised to drink warm beer to improve lactation. However, the effectiveness of this method has not been scientifically proven and has no medical justification, and its usefulness is questionable, since beer contains alcohol that is harmful to a child. However, as a compromise, you can choose a non-alcoholic beer without preservatives, since the yeast in its composition can contribute to the flow of milk.

Advice 3: Why milk does not come after the birth of a child: possible reasons

Breast milk is the ideal food for a baby. It contains vitamins and other substances necessary for the baby. But, unfortunately, it does not always come after childbirth due to a number of reasons.

Reasons for not breastmilk

Breast milk may not appear in a woman after childbirth. This happens for many reasons, including:

Constant stress;
- genetic predisposition;
- smoking;
- rare application of the child to the breast.

How to make breast milk come after childbirth

It is necessary to drink fluids as much as possible. Pharmacies sell special teas for lactation. Drink warm tea with cow's milk. Drink 1 - 1.5 liters per day. Eat as many nuts as possible.

Stop worrying and being nervous for any reason. Even if you have problems in life, forget about them at least for a while. Now the main thing for you is your child and his nutrition. With mother's milk, he will receive all the necessary vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances that will increase his immunity. No infant formula can be a perfect substitute, so do everything in your power to stop being nervous.

If you don't have milk within three days of giving birth, don't worry. First, a woman produces colostrum, and the child feeds on it. If after this period the milk still does not appear, how can you apply the crumbs to the chest. The more often and more intensively the baby will suck it, the more milk will arrive. The fact is that the empty breast signals that a new portion needs to arrive. If the milk is not fully sucked out, its production will gradually decrease. In this case, pumping will help. You can do it manually or use special devices.

Give up bad habits. This is what can cause the lack of breast milk. What do you value more: an addiction or a child? If you smoke, it not only affects breast milk, but also negatively affects the health of the baby. Refuse any alcoholic drinks - take care of your baby.

How much should a baby breastfeed?

Breastfeeding should continue for at least a year. It is at this time that the baby needs all the substances contained in milk in order to grow healthy and strong. Only this natural product can raise the immunity of the crumbs, protect it from various intestinal infections. That is why every effort should be made to ensure that breast milk is constantly supplied, at least for a year. Only in this way will your baby be provided with a strong immune system for a long time. Improve lactation constantly, because the health of your little one depends on it.