“I called my friends and said that I cut off my head”: the killer of the man at Aviation was declared insane. Massacre in Yekaterinburg: Revnivets cut off the head of the ex-wife's roommate in the yard of her house

They quarreled with a friend during a drunken feast, and then decided to kill and dismember him.

In Nizhnyaya Tura, security forces found a dismembered corpse in one of the apartments. The body lay in the shower with its head cut off. None of the owners were in the house. Then the investigators began to unravel the story. A few days later they went on the trail of the suspects. They were two young people from Nizhny Novgorod.

According to preliminary data, friends drank in the apartment. During the quarrel, one hit the other in the leg with a knife, and hit the carotid artery. He bled out and died. And the other two decided to dismember him and take him out into the street, writes KP-Yekaterinburg.

The killers also filmed everything on camera. They both laughed and tossed the severed head from hand to hand. When they are brought back to the Urals, they will be checked for adequacy in a psychiatric clinic.

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, they note that they managed to commit crimes on their territory. Mostly petty theft.

This bloody story played out at the end of November 2016. Came to Belgorod to work Ruslan Shkarupin I worked on construction sites for a while. But since he did not have a specialty, they paid him a little. By that time, Shkarupin was addicted to drugs, the purchase of which required money. For the sake of another dose, he was ready for any crime.

In the evening November 21 Shkarupin arrived at the campus of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. Wait until the street is empty. He noticed a lonely girl, attacked her and, threatening to burn her eyes out with gas from a canister "Udar M-2", took away the purse in which were 700 rubles and bank card.

I could not use the card, not knowing the PIN code, and I spent the money on the same evening.

The next day, Shkarupin began to break down. He took a knife, gloves and went to his friend the saleswoman Svetlana Chernykh to the Kalinka store on Budyonny street.

He waited until all the buyers left, and the woman was left alone, knocked her down with a blow of his fist and began to cut. He inflicted a total of 12 stab wounds.

When Svetlana died, he took off her gold jewelry and pulled out a mobile phone from her pocket. Then he washed his bloody hands in the toilet and, leaving the store, grabbed the money lying in the cash register.

The police detained Shkarupin two days later in one of the farms of the Korochansky district, where he "lay down on the bottom."

It's all her own fault

Shkarupin admitted his guilt, but only partially.

“I wanted to take away only a mobile phone from a student and did not threaten her with gas from a spray can,” the man lied to the investigator. I wanted to give my mobile phone to my friend. And I just held a can of gas in my hand, I wasn’t going to use it.”

As for the murder and robbery of the saleswoman, then, according to Shkarupin, she herself is to blame for everything. He supposedly met Chernykh through the Internet. We met a couple of times, and she told him that the store makes bookmarks of drugs that she found and threw away. Therefore, she allegedly had problems with drug dealers who demanded to pay them for dope.

“I gave her 15 thousand rubles and asked her to buy drugs for a friend,” the killer fantasized. - And when I came for the goods, Chernykh said that she had given my money to someone. We quarreled. She jumped on me and scratched my face.”

“And when I realized that Chernykh was dead, I decided to run away, but before leaving I took her mobile phone, because my SMS correspondence with Chernykh was preserved in it. Leaving the store, I automatically took the money from the cash register. And I didn’t take off the gold jewelry from Cherny, I don’t need someone else’s,” the killer lied.

Photo by Alexey Stopichev

He smashed the saleswoman's phone and threw it into a nearby trash can. But here's the bad luck: he dropped his cell phone at the crime scene.

“I had to go back to the store, but there were already two customers on the trading floor. They complained that they could not wait for the seller,” continued Shkarupin.

Under the pretext of finding a seller, he went into the back room, where the murdered woman lay, and found his phone there. He returned to the trading floor, told the customers that, they say, there was no seller in the back room, and left the store.

He threw bloody gloves and a knife into a bin near the store, called a taxi and left for the village of Razumnoye. I bought new clothes there. And he hid the one in which he killed the woman in his brother's car.

irrefutable evidence

But Shkarupin left so much evidence that it was not difficult for the investigation to prove his guilt.

His face was recorded by the video camera of an ATM, in which Shkarupin tried to withdraw money from a card taken from a student. The ATM blocked the card, and the investigators seized it.

A robbed student card was found, on which Shkarupin's fingerprints remained. After all, he took only money from the wallet, and threw away the documents.

He was recognized by the buyers of the store, who were waiting for the seller there, and the taxi driver who took him to Razumnoe. A recording of Shkarupin's call to the car was also provided to the investigation.

And the relatives of the murdered Svetlana Chernykh confirmed that she always wore five gold rings and a chain to work. And in confirmation that the victim had gold, they showed store labels for all the missing jewelry.

The investigation denied the version of the murderer that the saleswoman allegedly attacked him and scratched his face. According to the expert's conclusion, no particles of Shkarupin's blood and skin were found in the subungual contents of the murdered woman.

His version of the bookmarks of drugs in the store turned out to be a lie.


In court, Shkarupin tried to portray himself as a victim of police brutality. They supposedly put psychological pressure on him, and he was forced to slander himself. And he was also beaten.

From the materials of the criminal case: ... At the time of the examination on November 24, 2016, Shkarupin R. Yu. had bodily injuries in the form of a closed fracture 9-10 ribs on the left, skin deposition in the area of ​​the right zygomatic arch, back of the nose, left cheek, linear scratch in the area of ​​the left cheek".

However, on the night before the arrest, according to Shkarupin himself, which was recorded by a forensic expert, he, being in a state of drug intoxication, fell from the porch of the house in which he was hiding.

The Belgorod Regional Court found Shkarupin guilty of crimes under Part 1 of Art. 162 and paragraph "c" part 4 of Art. 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Robbery" and according to part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Murder". Immediate 19 years Ruslan Shkarupin must spend in a strict regime colony.

In addition, he is obliged to pay the relatives of the deceased woman a total of 3 million 640 thousand rubles compensation. And the robbed student - 11 175 rubles material and moral damage.

The verdict came into force.

Evgeny Filippov

Timofei Zhukov, vice-president of the City Without Drugs Foundation, is sure that the Perm massacre was not without spices: such crimes have their own characteristics - first of all, they are bloody. According to experts, spices change the mind of a person, causing aggressiveness even in the most seemingly calm people. Similar crimes are taking place all over the country.

"I was infected with a computer virus"

On October 21, 2016, Yekaterinburg was shocked by the news of a terrible murder. In one of the houses on Tokarey Street, Lieutenant Colonel of the Economic Security Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region Alexander Ignatiev killed his 4-month-old daughter, inflicted several fatal stab wounds and cut out his wife's eyes, after which he tried to commit suicide.

Ignatiev was taken immediately: a few minutes before the terrible murder, he took his 7-year-old daughter to the entrance, telling her to go to her grandmother. But the girl did not go to her grandmother, remaining at the entrance. There, one of the neighbors noticed the confused child and took him to the concierge, who called the police.

The head of the family was found in critical condition by the police. He tried to commit suicide. The wounds turned out to be trifling: already three days after the incident, Ignatiev was in court to choose a measure of restraint. He admitted that he committed the murder, but said that he did not consider himself guilty.

Alexander Ignatiev:

Alexander Ignatiev escaped criminal punishment: on August 3, 2017, the Ural District Military Court closed his case, and a few days earlier, on July 31, a military tribunal sent Ignatiev for compulsory treatment in a specialized psychiatric clinic: doctors from the Serbsky Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry, and also, specialists from the 111th laboratory of the Ministry of Defense came to the conclusion that at the time of the crime, Ignatiev was insane. At what point there were catastrophic changes in the psyche of the defendant, is not reported.

Timofei Zhukov, Vice President of the City Without Drugs Foundation:

This case is one of the very first that comes to mind when one remembers cases of murders committed under the influence of drugs. According to our data, Ignatiev used spices for some time - synthetic narcotic mixtures that cause rapid addiction and most strongly affect the human mind. What goes through his mind under the influence of these drugs is unknown, but the results are the most terrible.

They threw their severed heads and laughed

An equally terrible incident occurred in one of the cities of the Sverdlovsk region in early September last year. On the outskirts of Nizhnyaya Tura, children discovered a terrible find: black plastic bags containing parts of the human body. The remaining parts have already been found by the police - in the shower cabin of one of the apartments of a nearby house. The body was decapitated.

While the police were identifying, a video from the crime scene spread around the Web: two young men dismembered a third, cut off his head and threw it laughingly in a blood-soaked shower stall. “This is someone without a head at all,” one says to the other, pointing to the lying body.

As the investigation found out, the victim was 34-year-old local resident Oleg. The killers are two young men from Nizhny Novgorod. The company "hung out" in Oleg's apartment - they drank alcohol and smoked spices. “There was a quarrel between them, during a quarrel, one hit the other with a knife, hit the carotid artery, he bled to death and died. The other two decided to dismember him and take the body outside. Since they were in an inadequate state after smoking spices, they decided to film everything that was happening on video and put the video on Youtube,” the investigators commented on the actions of the criminals.

The killers have been identified. It turned out that before that they were not such good boys: on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region, young people managed to commit several crimes, but these were mostly petty thefts. It didn't go as far as "merry killing".

Inhaled laughing gas, smoked spices and killed his mother

On December 10, 2015, a terrible murder took place in Kazan: in the room of one of the most expensive hotels in the city - Korston - the son of a Russian billionaire, co-founder of the Starik Hottabych household goods chain and the main owner of the Modis chain of stores, Igor Sosnin, 19-year-old Yegor Sosnin killed his mother: first he beat her, crushed her skull, and then strangled her with a wire from a charger.

When investigating the crime, the detectives checked the recordings from the hotel's video cameras: a few minutes before the incident, the mother and son calmly walked down the corridor from the spa, went into their room, and after a while Yegor left it in a bathrobe spattered with blood. “One of the visitors of the hotel stumbled upon him, he wandered along the corridor, not understanding where he was and what was happening to him,” eyewitnesses said.

“Shortly before committing the crime, he used various drugs, mainly the so-called spices and amusing. As a result, when they arrived with their mother in Kazan and stayed at the hotel, he continued to be in a state of drug intoxication. Throughout the day, the guy had panic attacks, which led to a quarrel with his mother and the subsequent tragedy, ”Andrey Sheptitsky, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Investigative Committee for Tatarstan, commented on the situation.

In this case, the killer also escaped criminal punishment: by decision of the Vakhitovsky court of Kazan, Yegor Sosnin was sent for compulsory treatment to a psychiatric clinic. "The commission of experts found in the young man signs of a chronic mental disorder, which made it impossible for him to realize the actual nature and social danger of his actions," the law enforcement agencies said.

"My children will always be angels"

The murder that took place in Podolsk near Moscow in October 2015 is very reminiscent of the case of FSB Lieutenant Colonel Ignatiev. On October 18, 30-year-old Dmitry Milovanov killed his young children - a 4-year-old son and a 9-month-old daughter, and tried to kill his wife. The outbreak of aggression happened suddenly - during the most ordinary family evening. Dmitry grabbed the knife and inflicted numerous wounds, first on his son, then on the baby. He also tried to kill his wife, but he was stopped by his nephew, who was also in the apartment at that time.

According to neighbors, the family was prosperous, they recently returned to the Moscow region from Thailand, where they lived for the last two years. Why the man attacked the family is not clear to them. “Perhaps he smoked something the day before, maybe he brought it from Thailand, or maybe he bought it here. You know, they say that such atrocities are committed under spice, ”the Milovanovs’ neighbors voiced their versions to the press.

Cut off the head of the baby, whom she cared for for three years

Experts believe that spices caused another high-profile murder: the nanny of a four-year-old Muscovite, Tajik Gulchekhra Bobokulova, killed and beheaded the baby, then set fire to the apartment and, dressed in a black hijab, went to the subway. She was noticed by the police and asked to show documents. In response to this, she pulled the girl's head out of the bag and began to shout out "Alah Akbar."

During the investigation, it turned out that the 38-year-old nanny was mentally ill, but she was undergoing treatment, it was not easy to suspect that she was mentally ill. It also turned out that at the time of the crime, Bobokulova was under the influence of drugs. Psychiatrist-narcologist Alexander Krylasov, in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, explained which drugs could so strongly and rapidly affect the behavior of a usually calm woman. “She could be drugged with spice and programmed for the actions that she performed. There are drugs that are enough to add to tea to blow the roof off for a long time, ”the doctor said.

"It's supreme, supreme rest"

Yesterday's bloody (really bloody: according to schoolchildren who were taken out of the building, there were drops of blood every four meters on all three floors) events in Perm could also have been provoked by drugs. A few hours after the teenagers were detained, a video appeared on the network in which Lev B., the organizer of the attack, uses drugs on camera, calling it “the highest, highest rest.”

According to one of the accounts in the social network "VKontakte", this is a "designer" drug α-PVP. “Side effects can be serious and life-threatening, and deaths have been reported. Some researchers have found such psychopathological effects in users as psychotic behavior, delusions and hallucinations and self-harm, confusion, anhedonia, anorexia, panic attacks, ”the author of the post quotes a Wikipedia article on this substance.

Timofey Zhukov:

According to the vice-president of the "City Without Drugs", spices are now rapidly spreading among teenagers. “Recently, we have received information on 4 schools in Yekaterinburg, where there is a massive drug use,” notes Timofey. According to him, children of wealthy parents are often prone to drug use: all four schools that Timofey speaks of are elite, children of officials and businessmen study in them.

Timofey Zhukov:

According to Timofei, on January 17, representatives of the Fund will meet with the Minister of Education of the region, Yuri Biktuganov, to discuss the problem of the spread of drug addiction among schoolchildren and look for ways to solve it. “If one of the city officials is ready to participate, we will be happy,” wrote Timofey Zhukov

The Chkalovsky District Court of Yekaterinburg found 28-year-old Ilya Shklyaev guilty of murdering his casual acquaintance named Evgeny. in February 2018. The killer claimed that the deceased allegedly tried to enter into intimacy with him. But the court and the investigation were skeptical about this information. Shklyaev was declared insane and treated in a closed hospital.

Almost completely cut off his head

The murder took place in the early morning of February 3rd. Eugene and Ilya met in a nightclub. After that, they decided to go to Evgeny's apartment to continue the feast. What happened in the apartment is known only from the words of Shklyaev.

As a friend of Ilya said, Shklyaev spoke with her shortly after the murder. He claimed that the deceased tried to rape him, and Ilya, in order to avoid this fate, grabbed a knife.

But his friend Anton Shklyaev told a slightly different version. Allegedly, he realized that Eugene adheres to non-traditional sexual orientation, from this.

According to a site source in law enforcement agencies, Shklyaev almost completely cut off the head of the deceased with a knife. At the same time, he called friends and acquaintances and told about it. A few days after the murder.

Friends of the deceased Yevgeny claim that he adhered to the traditional orientation, and what Shklyaev says is nonsense.

The source of the site in law enforcement agencies also believes that he is sure that Shklyaev deliberately invented this version, or it all seemed to him due to a mental disorder.

Businessman and failed artist

The deceased Eugene was 33 years old. He lived for a long time in the area where he did business with his older brother. In particular, they had a beauty salon.

We grew up together. We studied at the same school and talked in adulthood .. - Zhenya was a real man, girls loved him. He was fond of fishing, often went to nature, rafted a lot. All his hobbies were purely masculine. He just never suspected that the world was cruel, since he himself was very friendly and trusted people.

Ilya Shklyaev had already been convicted three times by the time of the murder.

When we met, he wasn't working. He said that he recently quit and is now in search. He is a creative person. He painted very beautifully and saw beauty in details, - his ex-girlfriend said. - Loved techno music, went to raves. He was very energetic and almost always smiling. In terms of philosophy, he believed that demons, black ones, were sitting in him. I could talk for hours on this subject. When he drank a lot, he became aggressive.

first stage of schizophrenia

Three days before the murder, Shklyaev made two posts on his VKontakte page in which he talked about what the first stage of schizophrenia is like.

First stage of schizophrenia. Symptoms show up in behavioral changes. The patient fancies himself a superhero or an outcast, can act as a victim or winner. Also in the behavior there is anxiety, fear, absent-mindedness, - the killer wrote on his page.

In another post, also devoted to schizophrenia, Shklyaev compares the first stage with a psychedelic trip and says that the patient is moving from the real world to the world of illusions.

According to the website, Shklyaev was not present at the court session where the verdict was passed. His mother was present at the trial as his legal representative. Ilya was not brought there, including for security reasons. He will stay in the hospital until the medical commission decides that he is completely cured and does not pose a threat to society.

Text: Evgeny STOYANOV
Photo: pages in social networks


A terrible tragedy occurred yesterday morning in the Verkh-Isetsky district of Yekaterinburg. Dmitry Burimov, 30, killed the lover of his ex-wife Olga. At 11 o'clock, residents of house 19 on Opalikhinskaya Street saw a decapitated body lying on the lawn. Everything was spattered with blood: the grass, the asphalt near the house, the porch at the fourth entrance. Shortly before this, a bleeding girl ran into the savings bank in a neighboring house.

I was standing in line when a barefoot brunette with a through wound in her right hand suddenly flew in, - an eyewitness of the events said. - She yelled: call the police! The people at the box office, mostly pensioners, all stood in a stupor. The employees continued to work. I asked the men for a handkerchief or a belt. Zero movement. After the second scream, no one moves again, well, or so it seemed to me. One man gave a handkerchief and took off the belt, I rewound the injured hand. The girl ran away shouting "call the police."

Soon, police and detectives arrived at the scene of the emergency - they were called by eyewitnesses of a terrible incident. There were also witnesses. A resident of the house, near which such a terrible tragedy occurred, saw how the executioner dealt with his victim.

I looked out the window, and there some unfamiliar, tall man, dressed in a strict black suit and a blue shirt, cut off the guy’s head, Anastasia recalls with horror. - Then he coolly put it in a bag and went towards Gottwald Street. I have never seen a scarier face in my life. Still goosebumps.

As the investigators later found out at 10.30 am, two fighting men ran out into the yard from the fourth entrance of the house. Their terrible cries were heard all around. They were followed by a girl who tried to separate them. One of the combatants stunned the other. He took out a knife and cut off the head of the defeated enemy. Then, together with a terrible trophy, he left the crime scene. He threw his head into the Verkh-Isetsky pond, and he himself surrendered to the police.

"Looks like an ADEQUATE MAN"

Yesterday KP correspondents visited the place where it all happened. Crimson, dried-up blots led from the flowerbed to the door of the fourth entrance, which was wide open and smeared with bloody handprints, which, apparently, slipped off without finding a grip. From the front door, bloody footprints, with which even mailboxes were stained, led to the second floor. And there, a neighbor of Olga Burimova and Alexander Umarova was wielding a rag. She heard the scandal break out. According to her, the offender knew the victim well. For several years, Dmitry Burimov had to communicate with 23-year-old Alexander Umarov, who lived with his ex-wife Olga and beloved 7-year-old son Lesha.

The killer was not allowed on the threshold, because today is Wednesday, and he is allowed to see his son only on weekends, ”recalls a neighbor. - Therefore, he turned off the electricity in the shield, and when Alexander left the apartment, he jumped on him!

Olga and Sasha were a wonderful couple, they always smiled, - says Alexander Budovskikh, Umarov's neighbor on the landing. They have been together for more than three years. They treated each other with tenderness. They made good money, they recently bought a car. Very responsive guys - they always shared salt, bread, butter with us. I did not know Dima, but I saw him. He came for Leshka on weekends. He brought gifts to him. Olya had a good relationship with her ex-husband, and Sanya treated him very sincerely.

According to Alexander, a few hours before the murder, he saw Dmitry. He had a frightened face, and leather gloves were pulled tight over his hands.

I also thought that it was with him, - says the neighbor. - Later, when I arrived for lunch, I learned about the tragedy. I can't even imagine why he did it. Seems like a decent guy. "REGISTERED WITH A PSYCHIATRIST"

Personally, I don't think the murder was motivated by jealousy. Most likely, this is a domestic quarrel, - the acting director shared his doubts. Boris Sanochkin, head of the investigative department for Verkh-Isetsky.

However, with all due respect to the detective, it is hard to believe in the everyday version of the terrible drama. After all, Dmitry, wielding a sharp knife, was sober and managed to inflict more than twenty blows on Alexander, and then cut off his head in several movements.

According to our law enforcement source, according to some sources, the killer is registered with a psychiatrist. He tries to explain his cruel act with jealousy, because his son was raised not by him, but by another man.

Police officers with two sniffer dogs are looking for material evidence of the murder - a severed head and a knife. In addition, divers, who were attracted by the police, are trying to find a part of the dead body.

The suspect works at a collection point for non-ferrous metals, - said Alexander Shulga, senior assistant to the head of the Investigative Committee of the Sverdlovsk Region for media relations. He has not yet been formally charged.