Avoid platitudes! How to present a birthday gift in an original way. How to give a birthday gift in an original way: the secrets of magically decorating a surprise and its enchanting delivery

It is very important not only to choose a gift, but also to present it in an unusual, original way. Not many people can boast of indescribable emotions and delight from receiving a gift. Let's look at 5 original ideas on how to combine a good gift with a raffle.

This option for presenting a gift is quite simple to implement and is suitable for a small and light gift - a movie ticket, money, a trip abroad, a shopping certificate.

You need to take a large box (can be from some kind of equipment), decorate it beautifully and festively. The gift must be tied to an armful of helium balloons and placed at the bottom of the box along with them. When the recipient opens the box, a bunch of beautiful balls fly out at him (usually in a panic the person begins to catch them), and a long-awaited gift rises on the bunch. The hero of the occasion and everyone around will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Idea two

The idea is designed for students, but if you slightly adjust it, it can be used in offices, schools and other institutions.

An announcement is posted near the dean's office that the person who is going to be pranked is asked to appear at the dean's office regarding expulsion (transfer to another faculty). It is advisable to persuade the secretary, and if possible, then the dean. A person who comes to the dean’s office waits for the dean for some time and is worried. Instead of the dean, friends come out and present a gift. If a person does not understand jokes, then this idea will not work, because the hero of the occasion should receive positive emotions, and not offense or grief.

Idea three

The idea is designed for a small gift that can easily be placed in an inflatable ball.

The idea is this: you need to buy a large, dense inflatable ball in advance, write a lot of wishes and poems on separate multi-colored pieces of paper, buy streamers, small candies and “stuff” the ball with all this and, of course, put the main gift inside. The balloon is inflated and solemnly presented to the hero of the occasion, who bursts it and, among the multi-colored madness, looks for his gift, while reading pleasant wishes.

You can decorate the room with multi-colored ordinary balloons. Place a gift in one of the balloons and invite the birthday person to find it. A beautifully decorated room will already delight a person, and searching for a surprise will only enhance the effect of surprise.

Idea four

To implement this difficult idea, you will need some preparation and a person with artistic inclinations.

Let's say a person has long dreamed of a beautiful vase, a set of glasses, a large piggy bank, a figurine, a frame, and so on. We carefully remove the gift from the box (it is desirable that the box is recognizable) and hide it in a safe place. We fill the box with glass or other material similar to the one from which this item is made. We pack carefully. It is necessary to wait for the right moment and solemnly bring the gift to the victim of the prank.

The idea is this: the person who is about to give a gift trips and drops the stand box. Everyone hears the distinct sound of broken glass. The birthday boy removes the packaging from the gift and sees the treasured box with the gift, which, to his knowledge, is unfortunately broken.

It is advisable to wait a few minutes, and then “reveal all the cards” and take out the gift intact and unharmed!

Idea five

Surely, each of us has more than once met a person who walks around apartments with a bag of goods and offers to give them to you, subject to the purchase of one of the goods. This is the kind of performance that needs to be performed with the hero of the occasion. At the moment when a person prays and says that he doesn’t need anything, give him such a long-awaited gift.

What turns an ordinary gift into an unforgettable event? Why are some gifts remembered for many years, while others go unnoticed?

At the top of the list of conditions influencing the perception of a gift is value. And we are talking not only about the actual cost, utilitarian necessity, the importance of receiving a gift from a specific donor, but also about the conditions under which the gift was given and what it looked like. Gifts are also “greeted by their clothes.”

A gift wrapped in beautiful paper or placed in another object that serves as packaging (chest, casket, gift box) looks much more presentable than the same gift, but without all this.

Matryoshka and a cat in a poke

How to give a gift in an original way to make a surprise out of a surprise? One option: make the recipient “sweat” by removing the gift from his “clothes” and play for time!

The universal principle of giving small gifts is the “matryoshka” - a miniature gift is hidden in many boxes or bags, where each next one is larger than the previous one - from a large box the birthday person takes out a smaller box, and then another, and another, and another. In some cases, you can use a real matryoshka doll as packaging for a small gift.

The second method is “pig in a poke.” The main task is to change the initial shape of the gift as much as possible in order to deceive the tactile sensations of the recipient. The outer packaging can be a fabric bag, decorated at the discretion of the donor.

To confuse the gift recipient, you can:

  • wrap the gift in several layers of crumpled paper;
  • place foam rubber between the walls of the bag and the object being handed;
  • fill the bag with medium or large-textured packaging material and hide the gift in it.

A toy can also serve as an external form for a miniature gift. To present jewelry to young ladies, all kinds of cute little animals are often used, and the objects of gift are hung on their necks and paws. But to create real intrigue, ideas on how to give a gift should provide that it should be hidden and not conspicuous.

The character with the bag is perfect for this purpose. This option can also help out when money is used as a gift - money in bags is more associated with complete well-being than money.

Related gifts

For steam room lovers, not a single celebration is complete without the presentation and receipt of bath accessories (washcloth, towel, bath cap).

There are useful gifts that, due to various circumstances, have become integral comic attributes of some holidays:

  • “hungry” food package for the New Year;
  • diapers and diapers for the birth and first anniversary of the child.

How to give these banal gifts in a non-trivial way, and how to give an original gift of an accompanying nature?

An already popular, but still unused form of presenting such gifts are:

  • a bouquet of “flowers” ​​(underwear, diapers, beer with dried fish);
  • sculpture in the form of a vehicle (bath accessories, food set, diapers);
  • a box of “lollipops” on sticks (socks, small towels and other small textile goods);
  • a glass of “ice cream” (a small object made of fabric);
  • “cake” or “castle” (food with bottles and cans, diapers, bath rest attributes).

The theme of cakes occupies a special place in the art of giving, since this treat is an essential element of any celebration.

A cake box is another versatile form of gift packaging. It can contain both goods accompanying the main gift and something significant. A serious gift in a frivolous package - let the recipient think until the last moment that he was given a cake, and not a netbook or something else important and valuable.

Pranks and provocations

After the form in the list of conditions for successful delivery comes the factor of surprise in the situation in which the recipient receives the gift. The easiest way to surprise someone with a gift is when they are not expecting it. What is an unusual way to give a gift from a large company or team?

See grandma off

An unsuspecting subject comes home, turns on the lights and finds a crowd of guests and a set table - this is how a surprise or collective congratulation is depicted in American cinema.

It is unlikely that you will be able to get into the home of the birthday person unnoticed and without consequences, and it is not difficult to lure the recipient to a place prepared in advance for congratulations.

There is a wonderful and almost fail-safe good prank called “show off grandma.”

This type of provocation works well during a lunch break near the work of the person being congratulated.

  • a companion (or companion) who asks the birthday boy to accompany him to the bank or to the store (he also plays along with the provocateur);
  • a provocateur portraying a person in need of help (“a blind grandmother” who needs a guide to enter the nearest cafe, for example, to wash her hands).

The provocateur can pretend to be a foreigner who does not understand the reasons for the establishment manager’s refusal to accept his super-gold card for payment. This could also be a child who is not allowed into a restaurant without adults, where his mother is waiting for him (or he could not find her himself, although she is there).

Hawaiian Santa Claus, or the Lost Magician

If for some reason it is impossible to lure the object to neutral territory, and the celebration is already planned in a banquet hall or at a picnic, then the holiday needs a “touring star” in an unusual guise.

This prank is especially funny in the summer outdoors in a situation where a small number of congratulators know about it. To succeed, you need to hire an illusionist or persuade and prepare one of the friends unfamiliar to the birthday boy.

The unsuspecting person being honored receives the first congratulations when a certain character atypical for the surroundings and situation appears (for example, Santa Claus in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt) who asks for directions. Then the show unfolds almost like a fantastic comedy, when the hero, who ends up at the “wrong party,” begins to take out ridiculous objects from a bottomless bag, which magically turn into celebration attributes and gifts.

Well-deserved prize

Any test enhances the pleasure of receiving a reward - this is the third condition necessary for the effective delivery of a gift. The gift should be found in an unexpected place and not on the first try.

You can spice up your searches:

  • conditional risk;
  • feigned complexity;
  • overcoming reactions to stimuli and emotions.

Of course, a person may refuse to participate in the overly extreme process of obtaining a gift, so it is better to discard the idea of ​​hiding a gift in a box with California cockroaches or tarantula spiders. But organizing a mini-performance with the participation of fictional characters, overcoming obstacles and searching for “treasure” using clues is a relevant idea when the question is: what to do with a cheerful group, how to amaze the birthday boy, or how to give an original gift to children?

Game scenarios, the ending of which will be a treasured surprise, can be built according to the principle:

  • quest based on a film, cartoon or comic book;
  • “hot-cold” and “guessing” games with questions and answers;
  • scout course of safe and exciting obstacles and challenges for dexterity and ingenuity.

By combining all these components, you can create a whole interactive theatrical production, participation in which will be interesting for both children and parents.

There are many ways to surprise and puzzle the birthday boy. You can hire a car with a basket-lift to deliver a congratulatory message to the addressee’s balcony, send a “courier” team of industrial climbers with a bouquet of flowers to the twenty-fifth floor, persuade employees of a shopping center or restaurant to participate in the presentation of a gift - ingenuity and invention will always suggest a successful option for those who wants to make a pleasant surprise for a loved one.

Have you been married for several years and know everything about each other? Try to surprise your missus. Before the presentation, you can make her a little nervous. But only a little:

  • Present flowers and some trinket in the morning, let him decide that the gifts are over. The courier you ordered should deliver the gift only after a while. Which one is up to you to decide; the intrigue can be maintained until the festive dinner. It all depends on your endurance and the state of your spouse’s nervous system. And don’t forget to accompany the gift with a signed card to avoid any ambiguity in the situation.
  • The second option is suitable if you are going to gift your wife with a trip abroad or to a resort. Enter into an agreement with her friends - let them attack her with an SMS from the very morning with approximately the following text: “You are lucky, you are going to ... (name of the country or city where tickets or a trip were purchased).” Your spouse will be perplexed, and after you open the cards, she will rejoice.

To my sister

Family ties allow you to be original with your sisters in a serious way:

  • Arrange a quest for her with hints, where the gift will play the role of the main prize. To do this, you will have to get the key to her home under any pretext (for example, to help her prepare for a celebration) and prepare everything. The situation is easier if you and your sister live together.
  • Prepare many boxes with various small things and one with the main gift, take them out of the bag one by one. Clarify every time that you made a mistake and this surprise was not intended for her. The most important gift should come last - when she is completely disappointed in receiving anything worthwhile.

To mom

Your nearest and dearest should also be pampered with pleasant surprises:

  • Give a “gift within a gift.” As a “Trojan horse”, use warm socks made of angora wool, mittens, and an apron with a pocket. In general, everything where you can hide a small but significant gift. And inside, put what you really wanted to give as a gift - a phone, jewelry, a watch. At first she will be happy with the first (mothers are happy with any manifestation of care), then she will be delighted with the second.
  • Under any pretext, get your mother out of the house. The situation is easier if she is working that day or going shopping. During this time, you need to have time to inflate and lay a bunch of inflated balloons on the floor in her room. Hide a gift in one if it is not large or too heavy. Otherwise, just leave it among the balloons - the setting itself will become its colorful presentation.

We give an original birthday gift and surprise men

The stronger sex is more seasoned when it comes to pranks, give free rein to your imagination and creativity.

To my beloved guy

Emphasize the romance of your relationship with an appropriate gift presentation:

  • Have you purchased a watch as a gift that your loved one has been dreaming about for so long? Leave them in a visible place in the room or send them by courier. Attach a note to the gift setting up a meeting at the nth hour at your favorite place.
  • Hide the gift in the storage room and send your loved one an SMS from an unfamiliar number with its location, number and code. If he has doubts, persuade him to solve this riddle. A note in addition to the gift is required.

To my husband

Pamper your spouse not only with good birthday gifts, but also with an unusual way of presenting them. Moreover, there are conditions for you:

  • Prepare a long ribbon (knitting thread or twine will do). While your spouse is sleeping, tie one end of it to his hand, the other to a gift hidden in another room. Twist the ribbon around the house - let it take turns leading your husband to small intermediate gifts (you can even use a cup of coffee and breakfast in the form of your favorite croissants).
  • Does your husband plan to stay home on his birthday? Prepare him small gifts that you will give every hour. Save the most significant for last.

Unusual ways to give a gift. Playing pranks on friends

To give an original gift to a friend or friend for her birthday, use all your resourcefulness:

  • The birthday boy is not going to celebrate his birthday - throw him a party as a gift. Visit him unexpectedly, warn him that a surprise awaits him, but you need to get to his location blindfolded. Take your boyfriend or girlfriend around the area, ride with him on public transport, while others prepare the table at the birthday boy’s home. As an option, take him to a cafe or restaurant where all his friends have gathered.
  • Is there a policeman or firefighter among your acquaintances that your friend does not know? Ask them to appear at the moment of celebration “in full dress.” In this case, a police officer may say that the neighbors and the birthday boy are the main suspect were robbed, and a fireman may say that the apartment below is on fire and everyone needs to be evacuated urgently. The friend (or girlfriend) will be upset, but the joy from what the person presented in the form of a gift and, most importantly, from the fact that in fact it is all a joke, should compensate for everything.

How to give an original gift and make your child happy on his birthday

It is sometimes difficult to predict a child's reaction to gifts. “Insure yourself” by presenting it in an original way:

  • Rent a life-size puppet costume - your favorite cartoon character - from an agency that organizes holidays. Put it on yourself or ask a friend to do it - if you want to capture the presentation of the gift in a photo or video. Alternatively, hire an actor from the same agency.
  • For older children who can already read, have a “treasure map” under the pillow and clues around the house. With their help, the child must guess the location of his gift.

Unusual gift giving to a colleague

If relationships in your team are slightly informal, no one is stopping you from giving your colleague an original surprise on his birthday:

  • Ask the security guard at the checkpoint to detain the birthday boy under the pretext that his photo on the pass does not match the original - in fact, he is younger and prettier. After a short investigation, let him present your gift and tell you the name of the author of the joke.
  • The next surprise can work if the whole team (including the boss) congratulates the colleague. Give the birthday boy a call “on the carpet” to the authorities. He must go in full confidence that at least a reprimand awaits him. The whole team follows, congratulations and a gift are presented in the boss’s office.

Cash gift options. Poems for a gift of money.

Money is a great gift if you don’t have time to go to the store. In addition, money is never superfluous; the birthday person can buy what he likes himself. But giving funds in an envelope is very boring, so you can decorate your gift beautifully by making a tree, a rug, or a box out of it.

How to make a gift out of money with your own hands?

There are plenty of options to give money. The easiest way is to make a rug from them or make a heart or a swan using the origami technique.

Money gift options:

  • Cake. Ordinary cardboard is used as a frame. A cylindrical figure is made from it, to which banknotes are attached.
  • Carpet. You need to take cellophane and make pockets out of it. Put a bill in each pocket, you get a whole banknote
  • Money Tree. You need to take a pot and fill it with foam. The fabric is laid on top. A tree stem made of wire is inserted into the foam. Banknotes are attached to a wire
  • Casket. Make a box out of cardboard, decorate it with ribbons, flowers and put money inside
  • Beads. You will need bills that need to be folded like an accordion, loosely tied in the center with a rope. Next, alternately attach beads and butterflies from banknotes. Get an original necklace

How to beautifully give money to your beloved: words

Along with the money, you need to say a few nice words. You should choose your words very carefully for your wife or beloved. Of course, it is better to give the woman you love some interesting gift, but it happens that the birthday girl herself asks for money to make purchases.

Poems for giving money to your beloved:

« I'm not a distant person
And imagination is not weak,
I'm a practical person,
I know that you will be happy.

I'm not giving you a cactus
I don't give you flowers
And I give you money
Queen of beauty.

I'll give it to you for your holiday
A couple of significant bills.
May there always be a rest
And haute couture pieces."

« I wish you a rich life
And replenish the piggy bank
Spend on yourself with love
Never forget."

« Let the envelope help you
To achieve your goal.
Well, most importantly, I wish
I always live happily."

As a gift, so as not to suffer,
That's the birthday amount!
Hope you are the best
You will find a use for it!

How to give money to a child: words

The child is often given money, since it is very difficult to choose a valuable and truly necessary gift. Children cannot adequately assess their needs, so they tend to order toys. This is not always a necessary and useful gift. If you give money, think about beautiful words.

Poems for the gift of money:

Let it fall or rise,
But this process does not concern you.
The pocket is bulging, which means it’s not empty!
This ruble is a talisman, you will have money.

Success, joy, good luck
And a dream come true!
And in addition to wishes
Accept a cash gift!

How beautiful and original it is to give money for a wedding: words, poems

A wedding is an unusual day, not only for the newlyweds, but also for the guests. You need to prepare properly, buy new outfits, and do your hair. You also need to take care of the gift. People often give money for a wedding; this is the best present, so the newlyweds themselves will figure out what they need. Usually with such a gift they say pleasant words and congratulations.

Poems for a wedding for a gift of money:

Today is your magical day,
Even the shadow sparkles with happiness.
The bride is as tender as a fairy,
The groom immediately becomes transfixed when he looks at him.

« Let us congratulate you,
Let me tell you - everything will be great!
Give you a cash envelope,
And make us a contribution to your budget.”

« May you live happily and beautifully,
The soul sparkled with positivity.
And every day was full of happiness
And the bad weather did not touch you.”

« Like a star in the sky
The new family was lit.
To make her light brighter,
I have a gift for you."

« So that opportunities with desire
Could exactly match
I'm in an envelope for you money
I want to give it now.”

For such a beautiful couple
Let's raise a glass now!
To start family life
We give starting capital!

How to give money in an unusually creative way?

It all depends on the age of the hero of the occasion and the occasion. For young people, the main thing is fun and creativity. A cake made of money is beautiful, but young people should be given money in an unusual way.

Several creative options to give money:

  • Cabbage. You need to take a large head of cabbage and cut it in half. Several banknotes in cellophane are placed inside so that they do not get wet. The cabbage is wrapped in film and tied with a huge number of satin ribbons. The result will be something similar to a huge truffle. The birthday boy will be shocked when he sees cabbage
  • Ice. Wrap the bills in a bag. It is necessary that the packaging does not allow water to pass through. Take a saucepan and pour water into it. Place the bag of money and freeze. Place a piece of ice in a bag and give a hammer along with this gift. The birthday boy must break the ice and get the money
  • Umbrella. An unusual and creative way to present money. Just tie the days to the knitting needles by opening the umbrella. Close it and put it in the case

How to give money in a funny and humorous way?

Do you want all the guests to laugh, and the hero of the occasion to remember your gift? Come up with an original way to present money.

Some funny ideas to give money:

  • Brick. It is necessary to cut the brick into two parts or break it in half. Inside one half, scrape out a place and invest money. Wrap the brick in paper and write something like "Brick of Happiness"
  • Balls. Take several opaque balloons and place bills and confetti in them. Inflate the balloons and tie them together. Give a gift and ask them to pop the balloons
  • Fish. A very unusual option for men who love beer. Take some dry fish and wrap them in banknotes. It is necessary that the fish is well dried, otherwise the paper will become greasy

Is it cool to give money in a bank?

This is the easiest way to present banknotes, especially if time is short and you don’t have time to do something original. There are several options for gifting money in a bank.

  • Pickles. Take a three-liter jar and fill it with small paper bills. Roll up the lid and glue the inscription “spiced cabbage”
  • Jam. Take a half liter jar of a beautiful shape and fill it with coins. You can take cents, not domestic money. Screw on the lid and tie the neck with burlap. Label Lave jam
  • Bank. Fill the jar with bills and close the lid. Glue the inscription “ImexBank”

How to give money for an anniversary: ​​words, poems

If the holiday is not an ordinary birthday, but an anniversary, then it is worth choosing beautiful and serious poems for presenting money. They should be neutral and spoken from the heart. It's best if you memorize the poem.

Poems for the anniversary to give money:

« To the hero of the day on his birthday
We brought it for the holiday
Wishes and good luck
Throughout life's journey."

So that the bills have a pleasant rustle
Lifted the mood
Our gift is material
Inspired me to succeed!”

« Congratulations on your anniversary,
We wish with all our hearts not to grow old!
We wish you by the fire in the forest
Sing songs with a guitar!”

“Let optimism not fade away
And the eyes glow with happiness!
We'll give you money
For what, you will choose for yourself!”

How interesting it is to give money to a man: words, poems

Do you want to give money to a man? Come up with an interesting design option and be sure to learn a few lines.


« So that happiness is nearby
And everything in my hands burned,
Let luck help
Be with money all the time!

Success, joy, good luck
And a dream come true!
And in addition to wishes
Accept a cash gift!

We wish you to become happier and richer
At least a hundred times!
May good luck accompany you in life,
The process will begin immediately, now!

May there be happiness and success,
Walks with confidence!
Let it bear fruit all year round
Money tree for you!

How interesting it is to give money to a woman: words, poems

Money is like water for a woman. No one can spend money faster than the fair sex. Therefore, it is tedious to give a woman a lot of money.

Poems for a gift of money for a woman:

« Look so amazing
You can do it without difficulty!
Give a gift, give a warm hug -
All that remains now!

May your life be success, luck,
Love and friendship decorate...
I also wish you a lot of money -
They don't interfere either!

Everyone thinks I'm tight-fisted
And persistently and for a long time...
I'm not obsessive
Listen to everyone, but

Let everyone line up in ranks
Under the orchestral dawn,
They will see that I give you money
I’m giving it to you for your birthday!”

How to give money to a friend for her birthday in a beautiful and original way?

If it’s your friend’s anniversary and you haven’t decided on a gift yet, give her the money. There are a lot of options for making such a gift. The hero of the occasion and guests will appreciate this.

Options to give money to a woman:

  • Kinder. Buy a pack of 6. Carefully peel the eggs from the foil and break the chocolate in half. Insert banknotes into the capsule instead of a toy. Turn everything back the way it was
  • Bouquet. Buy an expensive bouquet of flowers and attach banknotes around the buds
  • Candies. Buy a box of chocolates and put out all the sweets. Place money in the candy slots
  • Casket. Buy a jewelry box and put bills in it

Money demands
Due attention
May you always have

Let there be no shortage
May they multiply
Let the beautiful ones with money
The relationship will work out.

Happy birthday!
I want to wish you
Neither in desires nor in finances
Don't deny yourself!

Money large banknote
May it please you.
Fulfillment of desires
You'll pamper yourself!

We know about your dream
Happy birthday.
This money envelope
Ticket to be executed.

Buy what you want so much
You will experience joy and happiness.
We wish you laughter
And always success in everything.

I'm giving you money today
Such a gift is always valuable.
Let this amount be small -
She won't bother you!

And very soon, no doubt
You will find a use for it!
I would like to wish you in verse:
“Be always on the money!”

How much money should I give to whom?

It all depends on the occasion and holiday. They give a little more for a wedding than for a birthday. They give approximately 1.5-2 times more than the hero of the occasion spent on organizing the holiday.

The city in which you survive is also important. People in the capital earn more, so they need to give more. On average, you need to give 3-5 thousand rubles for name days. If you are a relative, you can give more.

Money is one of the most universal gifts. Present them beautifully, and don’t forget about congratulations.

My gift is simple
I’m giving you money as a gift!
Anything you want
You can buy them for yourself!
In general, you'll figure it out for yourself.
What should you do with the money?

VIDEO: How to give money?

Giving a gift is a very important and responsible matter. Men and women, boys and girls, adults and children should all know that a gift without the correct presentation will be the simplest gift. And the gift should be pleasant, bright, unforgettable, joyful, original, delightful. So, the characteristics of a gift depend on its method of presentation. If you want a shocking gift, then shock with congratulations! Do you want to give an unforgettable gift? Give it so that no one forgets!)))

Here's one small example:

Magic mirror

You know that you need to congratulate your girlfriend on some day or holiday. Look for a gift&hellip,&hellip,.continue to look for a gift&hellip,&hellip,&hellip,.don’t stop and still look for a gift! Without thinking of anything, you bought her a mirror. This is quite a beautiful mirror with an exquisite frame. Packed festively, as expected, in a colorful box with ribbon. At first glance, the gift seems very strange and ridiculous. But if you give this gift with the words: I wanted to give you something very beautiful. I searched for a long time and realized that only this embodies your unearthly beauty! After such words, the gift will acquire incredible value. Well, if you want to write a poem on the back of the mirror about your beloved’s appearance, she will be very pleased. There is an unusual option: make an unusual mirror yourself.

Find a gift!

This method of giving a gift requires surprise skills. You must come with a gift to the hero of the occasion at home. You need to come secretly, and most importantly, before the person to be congratulated wakes up. Place the gift in the farthest room. You creep up to the sleeping lucky person (the person you want to congratulate) and tie a ribbon to his arm or leg. Not tight! You must not wake him up under any circumstances! The ribbon should be long, I would say very long. Having tied one end of the ribbon to the sweet sleeper, pull the ribbon through all the rooms, tangling it a little. At some intervals, leave incentive prizes: sweets, a postcard, a cup of tea or coffee&hellip,. And in the end, tie the other end of the ribbon to your main gift. One more small point: upon waking up, the birthday person (the person you are congratulating) should not see you. Operation HOLIDAY must take place in secret! Only people living with the hero of the occasion can be notified of the purpose of the operation.

Gift within a gift

The matryoshka principle works here. In appearance, it will be an ordinary gift box, in which, according to the idea, there should be a gift. It's just not that simple! When opening the box, the person being congratulated will find another box, a little smaller + a chocolate bar or a postcard. When opening the next box, the lucky winner will again be surprised with a smaller box. Having opened several boxes, he will certainly get to the main gift. As you can imagine, this method of giving a gift is suitable for small gifts. Even if the gift is not opened in front of you, don’t be upset! You will still please the person and surprise him very much!


Gift through an intermediary. Do you know which route your girlfriend or boyfriend takes? Perhaps you want to surprise a friend or girlfriend, this method will also work. Find someone who always meets you along the way. Perhaps it will be some kind of merchant. Agree with him and through him give a gift (candy, disk, umbrella, flowers, whatever you want). The gift must come with a card. Try to write something beautiful so that the person will be in a great mood and have enough energy for the whole day. The unexpected will make the surprise doubly pleasant.

Kinder Surprise

This method of giving a gift requires skill and dexterity. The task is painstaking, but magical. You buy a kinder surprise, very carefully get to the toy and replace it with a heart or a love note or a ring. You can do everything at once! The main thing is not to damage the packaging foil; you will have to pack it back later. It is important to cut the chocolate shell at the seams, and then glue it together with a hot knife. Then, while walking with the person you decided to surprise, you buy him a kinder surprise. You quietly replace it with your own, prepared in advance, and hand it to your sweet tooth. Kinder surprise will be a huge sweet surprise. This method can be used when you decide to propose to a girl.

An unusual way of congratulations

This is a wonderful way to congratulate a friend on his birthday. Gather all your friends in one place. Preferably somewhere in the center. You send one messenger for the birthday boy. His task: to come to the birthday boy’s home and take him with him. Of course, you can give him 5 minutes to get ready so that he can at least put on his flip-flops. Upon leaving the threshold, a blindfold is put on the birthday boy's eyes. All that remains is to deliver him to his destination, that is, to his other friends. It will be exciting if you use public transport along the way.

Try to send a strong messenger so that he can carefully deliver the birthday boy. Since the lucky one will not be able to look at his feet, he will need to be constantly backed up. When you approach your friends, ask the birthday person to stop. Form a circle around your friend and then allow the bandage to be removed. Everyone shout out together: Congratulations!!! and hug the stunned birthday boy with the whole company. This birthday will be remembered for a very long time, and arranging it is not at all difficult.