Angiovit during pregnancy: use and contraindications. Vitamin complex Angiovit during pregnancy: what is it prescribed for and how to take it correctly

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman's body consumes more vitamins and minerals. The lack of one of the complex can lead to undesirable consequences. "Angiovit" during pregnancy is able to restore some of the B vitamins, which are important for the growth and development of the baby.

Vitamins "Angiovit" during pregnancy for what they are prescribed

The drug "Angiovit" contains vitamins B12, B6, B9. Folic acid (B9) is involved in the circulatory system, regulates carbohydrate balance. With its deficiency, anemia can develop. During pregnancy, the need for the vitamin increases up to 2 times. Folic acid is involved in normal development neural tube fetus.

B12 controls hormonal balance, supports the nervous system in healthy condition, participates in the breakdown of proteins and normalizes reproductive function.

Pyridoxine (B6) ensures the successful course of metabolic processes, regulates blood sugar levels, nervous system. Its deficiency during pregnancy can lead to anemia and fetal hypoxia.

"Anigovit" during pregnancy is prescribed to prevent the following conditions:

  • Prevention of fetal neural tube defects;
  • The risk of developing pathological abnormalities in the baby;
  • Anemia and hypoxia of the brain;
  • The presence of heart and vascular diseases in expectant mothers;
  • Women at risk, with probable complications of pregnancy.

Does "Angiovit" help during pregnancy: reviews of women and medicine

Users of the Internet space on private forums post positive reviews o after the use of "Angovita", especially when elevated level hemocystin.

Women noted:

  • Improved well-being;
  • With the prevention of cardiovascular disorders, shortness of breath disappeared, complexion improved;
  • The drug has a positive effect on the condition skin, hair and nails;
  • The level of homocystin is normalized;
  • Prevents difficulties with bearing.

Some ladies did not observe significant results, but they did not complain about side effects either.

In most cases, the vitamin complex had a positive effect on general state, strengthening the immune system and stimulating vitality. Thanks to the drug, women tolerated pregnancy in the second and third trimesters more easily and gave birth to healthy babies, without complications of cardiac and vascular system.

According to medical reviews, Anigovit helps to quickly restore blood circulation and increase hemoglobin levels, improving overall well-being. For women suffering from kidney pathology, the drug is prescribed throughout pregnancy. The disease of these organs provokes a lack of vitamin B, which is necessary for the health of the crumbs and future mother.

Vitamin complex "Angiovit": instructions for use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is not recommended to prescribe any drugs on your own. It is forbidden to take "Anigovit" without a doctor's prescription. In some cases, the most harmless vitamin or mineral in high doses can provoke an irreversible reaction in the body.

If a woman has completed the planned course of vitamin complexes before conception, the appropriateness of using the drug during pregnancy is assessed by the doctor based on the results of the tests.

With an unplanned conception, the body needs an additional intake of a vitamin complex, especially folic acid. For women suffering from cardiac and vascular disorders, the intake of "Anigovita" is prescribed in courses during the period of pregnancy.

The drug is a vitamin complex containing 3 active components of group B.

Produced on a blister in the amount of 10 pieces, containing tablets white color, coated. Some manufacturers pack in jars of 60 pcs.

Indications for use:

  • hyperhomocysteinemia;
  • Prevention of vascular diseases;
  • Pathology of cerebral circulation;
  • angina;
  • Violation of blood exchange between the fetus and the placenta.

"Angiovit" is indicated for use at any stage of pregnancy for women with vitamin B deficiency, the lack of which can lead to maternal anemia and fetal underdevelopment.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the ingredients.

The drug "Angiovit": how to take during pregnancy

Pregnant women should take one tablet daily with clean water. Eating does not affect the intake of the vitamin in the body, so you can use "Angiovit" both before meals and after meals.

The standard course is 30 days, after which they take a break for a month. In some cases, based on the results of the tests, the specialist may increase the dose of the drug. The dosage is prescribed for the first 2 months 2 times a day, 1 tablet. For the next 4 months, once a day, 1 pill.

Instructions for interaction with other drugs:

  1. Analgesics, estrogens and oral contraceptives, "Methotrexate", "Pyrimetanine" require an increase in the dose of folic acid.
  2. Vitamin B6 enhances the effect of diuretics, and drugs of the penicillin group, Cycloserine and estrogen drugs weaken its effect. Pyridoxine has good combination with glutamic acid and Asparkam.
  3. Salicylates, Colchicine and Potassium medicines reduce the effects of vitamin B12.

You can not take "Angiovit" with drugs that increase blood clotting.

The drug is approved for non-prescription sale.

Does Angiovit cause any side effects?

Vitamin complex"Angiovit" simultaneously with "Dufaston" does not affect the efficiency of assimilation hormonal drug. When used, vitamins do not lose their quality and are well absorbed.

"Angiovit" is prescribed when planning pregnancy, as well as during preparation for IVF. After completing a comprehensive course, the expectant mother replenishes all the missing vitamins in the body, reducing the risk of homocysteine.

While taking the vitamin, side effects are possible:

  • Allergy;
  • Dizziness;
  • Nausea;
  • Belching and flatulence.

With uncontrolled intake of the drug, convulsions, numbness of the toes and hands, a violation fine motor skills. With a very strong overdose, thrombosis of the capillary wall is possible.

How to take Angiovit during pregnancy (video)

Vitamin complex "Angiovit" is an excellent source of B vitamins, strengthening blood vessels and the body. The use of the drug should be carried out only according to the medical indications of specialists, otherwise you can harm not only the mother, but also the unborn baby.

While waiting for a baby, the female body needs support. It is necessary not only for the expectant mother, but also for proper development fetus. Vitamin complex Angiovit during pregnancy great helper for the woman and for her baby.

In contact with

The task of Angiovit is to replenish the reserves of B vitamins in the body. It is also used as a prophylactic and medicinal agent in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart attacks, strokes, angina pectoris, etc.), reduces the risk of coronary disease, thrombosis and atherosclerosis. The drug normalizes the level of homocysteine.

Composition of Angiovit

Release form of the drug: coated tablets. In the course of clinical studies, it was found that Angiovit is perceived by the body without negative consequences. Rare cases of expression of local reactions by allergic skin rashes have been recorded. They disappear immediately after the withdrawal of this medication. There were no cases of overdose.

Despite the obvious benefits of the vitamin complex, its use should be started only as directed by a doctor. Self-use can lead to an internal imbalance in the body.

Why is Angiovit prescribed during pregnancy? This drug includes B vitamins, and therefore it is prescribed for a lack of these trace elements. They are essential at this time:

  • Folic acid is involved in laying the nerve tissue in a child. She is also involved in metabolic processes nucleic acids, which are the basis of genes.
  • Pyridoxine has an effect on cellular metabolic processes. It accelerates the redox reactions of the body.
  • Cyanocobalamin is also involved in genetic synthesis, regulates normal development CNS in the fetus. In addition, vitamin B12 acts as an antioxidant.

The use of the drug is allowed in any trimester. Angiovit is also recommended when planning pregnancy. In this case, the likelihood of pregnancy increases, and the risk of developing congenital pathologies of the nervous system decreases.

Angiovit prevents the development of fetoplacental insufficiency. The state of FPI is dangerous: it can lead to a lack of oxygen in the child's blood, hypoxia and the threat of miscarriage.

Reception of Angiovit to compensate for the lack of vitamins of group B obstetrician - gynecologist can prescribe if the pregnant woman has diseases digestive system and disorders in the functioning of the kidneys. Summing up, we can say that taking these multivitamins helps restore fetoplacental circulation, prevents the occurrence of anemia, reduces the risk of fetal freezing in the womb and has a preventive effect aimed at preventing mental and physiological pathologies baby.

Taking medication during breastfeeding permissible in certain cases, but not recommended due to the ingestion of folic acid in milk.

Instructions for using the medicine

Instructions for the use of Angiovit when planning pregnancy and during it do not differ much. For women, the Angiovit vitamin complex is prescribed one tablet twice a day. Its intake is in no way connected with meals, that is, you can drink vitamins before, after or during meals.

At the expiration of certain period time, the observing doctor conducts studies in order to identify changes in the quantitative content of homocysteine ​​in a future woman in labor. Normalizing homocysteine ​​levels daily dose Angiovit can be reduced to one tablet.

The drug has no contraindications for use during pregnancy. There may be rare cases of individual intolerance to the drug, as well as the occurrence of allergies in the form of a skin rash, urticaria or swelling.

Angiovit: reviews

Here's what they say about Angiovit, who took it when planning pregnancy, during it and after:

Albina, 31 years old:

I have had three missed pregnancies. When I became pregnant for the fourth time, I decided for myself that I must make every effort to save and endure my baby. Has handed over a heap of additional analyses, researches. The geneticist found an increase in homocysteine ​​levels. I had it equal to 15.6 at a rate of 15. I prescribed Angiovit in combination with iodomarin and (they thin the blood). The pregnancy went well, without complications. Now we are 2 months old, son and I feel good. Thanks to Angiovit and my doctors.

Tamara, 22 years old:

The gynecologist prescribed me Angiovit at the thirteenth week of pregnancy. The results of the analyzes showed low level hemoglobin and the doctor recommended trying this particular vitamin complex. Personally, the drug helped me. Two weeks later, hemoglobin returned to normal. I decided not to stop and drank the course to the end, because these are vitamins that are important for the health of the baby. I myself began to feel much more cheerful. I heard that Angiovit is good for toxicosis.

Elena, 27 years old:

This complex of vitamins was prescribed to me in a difficult life period. After premature birth one of my sons was in intensive care, and his twin sister did not survive. My body was exhausted, I did not understand what was happening to me: my heart was beating faster, my eyes were dimmed, my head was constantly spinning. Own emotional state and I will not describe - a complete collapse. In my family, many suffered from heart disease, there were cases of a heart attack, so the doctor prescribed Angiovit for me. I took the tablets for 30 days, and after this time, I began to notice an improvement. It became easier for me to breathe, my sleep returned to normal, the nightmares disappeared. I repeated the thirty-day course. His indicator was the normalization of the heart rate, the appearance of appetite and clarity in the head. Now I am taking the third course, this time limited to twenty days. I feel like they came back to me vitality. My son and I are enjoying life again. I believe that the effect of the drug is quite strong, so I recommend its use only after consulting a specialist.

How to eat right so as not to take artificial vitamins? Experience is shared experienced moms on video:

Embryo formation is an important and responsible period. Experienced gynecologists strongly recommend preparing the body in advance for the creation of a new life. There are many drugs that contribute to the favorable fertilization of the egg and full development fetus. This article will focus on taking "Angiovit" during pregnancy.

Use in pregnancy planning

First, let's look at the evidence. There are several medical indications, in which there is a need to take "Angiovit" when planning a pregnancy. These include:

  1. Suspected threat of miscarriage. Such a diagnosis is made on the condition that the patient has already had an unsuccessful experience of bearing a baby.
  2. Availability chronic diseases that may affect the development intrauterine pathologies (diabetes, angina).
  3. Vitamin B deficiency.
  4. Another reason for the appointment of "Angiovit" during pregnancy is kinship with people who have had a heart attack or thrombophlebitis in early age(up to 50 years).

The drug is prescribed by a gynecologist or therapist after a diagnostic study.

Basic rules for planning

The drug is available in the form of tablets. Before starting treatment, you need to carefully study the instructions for "Angiovit" when planning a pregnancy. Eliminating the disease at this stage comes down to a few basic rules:

  1. Daily it is necessary to use inside 1 tablet. The total daily dosage may vary depending on the weight and age of the patient.
  2. The course of treatment is selected in individually. It can take from 20 days to several months. In rare cases preventive treatment required during the first trimester of pregnancy.
  3. It is recommended to drink the drug with clean water.

The instructions for use of Angiovit during pregnancy and during planning indicate that the medication can be taken at any time of the day, regardless of food intake.

Application during pregnancy

Experienced gynecologists have identified several medical indications for which it is necessary to take "Angiovit" during pregnancy:

  1. Insufficient amount of B vitamins in the body.
  2. The development of pathologies in the embryo.
  3. Anemia in a patient.
  4. Violation of blood circulation between the mother and the embryo.

"Angiovit" is an excellent medical drug that should be taken as a preventive measure: it helps prevent the development iron deficiency anemia; prevent cases of stillbirth and reduces the risk of intrauterine pathologies.

Basic rules for use during pregnancy

Vitamin B is a necessary substance during pregnancy. The instructions for Angiovit indicate that treatment can be started absolutely at any time.

But the patient must undergo a diagnostic examination. If, as a result of its implementation, the threat of termination of pregnancy is recorded, then the gynecologist will prescribe the daily dosage of the drug - two tablets: one in the morning and one in the evening. For preventive purposes, the vitamin is taken once a day, one tablet, regardless of the meal.

About contraindications and side effects

"Angiovit" during pregnancy is contraindicated only if the B vitamins (B6, B9 and B12) are present in the body in sufficient quantities. And also it is not recommended to take it to people with individual intolerance to the component. In the case of unauthorized use of the drug, a supersaturation of the body with a vitamin may occur, which will lead to adverse consequences. For example, hands suffer from an excess of vitamin B6: numbness of the limb and impaired motor skills appear; from an excess of vitamin B9, congenital asthma may occur in crumbs; and hypervitaminosis B12 is a provocateur of pulmonary edema, thrombosis and anaphylactic shock.

Most patients of the gynecology department tolerate the drug well. In rare cases, an allergic reaction appears, which can be presented in the form of itching, redness and slight swelling.

A few words about the acquisition

Buy "Angiovit" is not difficult, the drug is sold in almost every pharmacy. In rare cases, it has to be pre-ordered. Some clinics provide free delivery of necessary medicines for pregnant women.

The medicine is available only in the form of white tablets. Sold strictly by prescription. The treatment itself can be carried out independently at home or in a hospital under the supervision of specialists, if necessary. One tablet contains: vitamin B6 - 4 mg, vitamin B9 - 6.5 mg, vitamin B12 - 6 mg. Each package contains 60 tablets.

The approximate cost of the drug is from 200 to 300 rubles.

What can be replaced?

There are cases when it becomes necessary to replace medicinal product to an analog similar to it in composition. For example, it will be required in the following cases:

  • it is impossible to find the "original" in the pharmacy;
  • analogue is cheaper.

Unfortunately, there is no medicine that has the same structure as Angiovit. Medivitan is similar in composition to it, but the ratio of vitamins is different in it. Immediately it is worth highlighting three significant drawbacks: the cost practically does not differ from Angiovit; the drug is available only in the form of injections; there are many contraindications.

There are analogs less similar in composition and ratio of substances: Vitrum Prenatal Forte, Neurovitan, Neurobeks and Vitamult.

Separately, it is worth talking about the fact that B vitamins are found in a number of products: green peas, white bread, oatmeal, buckwheat, cabbage, lettuce and spinach. And also it is part of the rosehip broth.

Main advantages and disadvantages

Patients often leave positive feedback about Angiovit during pregnancy. Basically, they distinguish the following advantages:

  1. Efficiency. The body is quickly enough saturated with the vitamins necessary for it, after a few weeks of regular use, you can forget about the problem.
  2. Availability and cost. Almost no one has problems with buying a medication, it is sold in almost any pharmacy at a low price.
  3. Well absorbed. Approximately 80% of customers claim that they have absolutely no side effects after taking the medicine.
  4. Convenience. Tablets are considered a "comfortable" form of release for almost all women. They can be taken independently at home without visiting a medical facility.

The medication is praised by women who had to take it during pregnancy planning and during the period of bearing a baby. There was a need to deal with him to patients and other categories. They claim that the drug helped them improve their mental activity, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, make up for the lack of vitamins, and lower the level of homocysteine.

Negative reviews about "Angiovit" are extremely rare. If any come across, then they are mainly associated with the appearance of allergic reactions.

Planning and waiting for the birth of a baby - important periods in the life of every woman. It is important at these moments to prepare the body as much as possible, creating favorable conditions for the crumbs to stay in it. The use of "Angiovit" during pregnancy will saturate the body essential vitamins and to establish the work of its important mechanisms.

During pregnancy, as well as at the stage of its planning, a woman needs the right and balanced diet. However, not all substances necessary during this period are contained in products in the right amount. This statement also applies to B vitamins. Therefore, in order to make up for their deficiency, you need to take medicines. For this purpose, Angiovit is often prescribed by doctors.

The effect of the drug Angiovit

Vitamins B6, B12 and B9 (folic acid), which are part of Angiovit, regulate the amount of homocysteine. An increase in the level of this amino acid in human blood leads to damage to the walls of blood vessels, causing atherosclerosis, and even to the formation of blood clots. The drug speeds up metabolism, and also has an antioxidant effect (neutralizes the action of free radicals that cause cell aging).

Initially, this complex was developed for the treatment and prevention cardiovascular disease, but in the future the scope of its application expanded.

Angiovit is a source of B vitamins

Why do doctors prescribe Angiovit throughout pregnancy

Quite often, the drug is prescribed to expectant mothers. The fact is that an increase in homocysteine ​​in the blood can provoke chronic miscarriage or lead to congenital pathology fetus. According to the instructions, one of the indications for the use of the vitamin complex is fetoplacental insufficiency (impaired circulation between the fetus and the placenta) in early and more later dates pregnancy.

To prevent a lack of folic acid in a woman's body, Angiovit can be recommended even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

The effectiveness of Angiovit for the body of the mother and fetus is due to the action of its constituent substances:

  • vitamin B6 helps to stabilize the activity of the nervous system of a woman and avoid uterine tone;
  • vitamin B9 is necessary for cell division, contributes to normal hematopoiesis and is important in the formation of DNA and RNA molecules;
  • Vitamin B12 affects the formation of the nervous system of the baby.

The lack of vitamins B6, B9, as well as folic acid can occur not only due to malnutrition, but also in connection with disorders of the kidneys or as a result of chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Angiovit can be prescribed at any time. Depending on the indications and test results, the treatment takes place in one or more courses, and in some cases continues continuously throughout the entire waiting period for the baby. In order to prevent folic acid deficiency, the drug is recommended by the attending physician at the planning stage up to the 16th week of pregnancy, or in the second trimester, along with medicines containing vitamin E and calcium.

Contraindications, side effects and features of interaction with other drugs

At observance of the dosage recommended by the doctor drug does not represent potential danger. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classified it as category A. This means that studies have not revealed adverse effects on the fetus in the first trimester, although there are no data on risks in the II and III trimesters.

Angiovit is contraindicated in cases where the pregnant woman has an intolerance to any of its components. As side effect possible appearance allergic reaction, which manifests itself in the form of skin rashes.

Compatibility with other drugs

The effectiveness of Angiovit can be reduced while taking large group medicines. Among them:

  • analgesics (with long-term therapy);
  • anticonvulsants;
  • estrogens;
  • preparations of aluminum, magnesium and potassium;
  • drugs that increase blood clotting.

Angiovit is not used together with other multivitamin complexes containing B vitamins, in order to avoid an overdose of these substances.

Instructions for safe use

Angiovit is available in the form of tablets. The treatment regimen is drawn up by the doctor individually and depends on the degree of deficiency of vitamins B6, B12 and B9, as well as on the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. Tablets are taken regardless of food intake and washed down with plenty of liquid.

Drugs that can replace Angiovit during pregnancy

Angiovit has no complete analogues, however, there are drugs with the same active ingredients, but in a different dosage. They can be prescribed in case of intolerance to individual components or against the background of a deficiency of vitamins that are not included in its composition.

Table: vitamin complexes prescribed during pregnancy

Name Active substance Release form Contraindications Application during pregnancy
Askofol pills
  • pernicious anemia;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
Magnelis B6
  • magnesium lactate;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride.
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • severe renal failure;
  • phenylketonuria.
Possibly as directed by a doctor
Folic acid folic acid pills
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • B12 deficiency anemia;
  • sucrase deficiency;
  • isomaltase deficiency;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Angiovit is a balanced vitamin preparation used to correct neurological and cardiac disorders. Restoring the concentration of vitamins in female body allows you to strengthen blood vessels, improve metabolism and prevent the development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. During the gestational period this remedy helps to avoid many pathologies, therefore it is often used in gynecological practice. Consider the composition and therapeutic effect vitamins Angiovit, rules for use during pregnancy, as well as at the stage of preconception preparation.

The first question that arises in pregnant women is “Is it possible to have Angiovit during pregnancy?”. There are no contraindications to taking Angiovit during gestation in the official instructions. But this does not mean that you can take it uncontrollably. Treatment is permissible only on the prescription of a doctor, and if there is a need for this. Depending on the state of health of the woman and the presence of a predisposition to cardiovascular pathologies, Angiovit can be indicated at any gestational age.

Important! Angiovit is often recommended for women who are at the stage of planning a baby. It is believed that the preventive course strengthens blood vessels future mother, prevents anomalies in the development of the neural tube of the baby, and also significantly increases the chance of successful fertilization.

The action of Angiovit and its safety during pregnancy

The Angiovit complex includes three most important vitamin compounds: pyridoxine hydrochloride, as well as folic acid, cyanocobalamin. Vitamins Angiovit during pregnancy are used as an activator of methionine metabolism. Taking the drug allows you to quickly lower the concentration of homocysteine ​​in the female body, which significantly improves the functioning of the vascular system. In some women, high levels of this substance in the blood often become the main cause of infertility. Therefore, the drug often helps a woman become a mother.

Angiovit on early dates pregnancy reduces cholesterol, improves liver function and hematopoiesis. In addition, the drug reduces the risk of varicose veins and blood clots. It allows you to reduce the manifestation of toxicosis, to prevent the development of anemia. And thanks to folic acid, the fetus has the opportunity to fully form its nerve center.

Angiovit during pregnancy: what is prescribed

The instructions indicate that the drug is indicated for the correction of any problems of the cardiovascular system, which are provoked by an increased content of hemocysteine. These include:

  • stroke;
  • senile dementia;
  • pathology of fetoplacental blood flow;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • ischemic disease;
  • circulatory dysfunction in the brain;
  • diabetic angiopathy.

Angiovit is also prescribed to women with a diagnosed deficiency of B vitamins, which causes such complications:

  • deformities or underdevelopment of the fetus;
  • mental development disorders;
  • anemia
  • hyperhomocysteinemia;
  • violation of phytoplacental blood flow;
  • miscarriage;
  • stillbirth;
  • mental disorders in the baby after birth.

On a note! Often a woman is prescribed Angiovit and Curantil simultaneously during pregnancy. Such complex treatment is generally accepted in the diagnosis of phytoplacental insufficiency. The combination of these two drugs quickly stabilizes blood circulation between the uterus and the fetus, eliminating its hypoxia.

Contraindications and risks after taking Angiovit during pregnancy

Before taking Angiovit during pregnancy, a woman must exclude individual intolerance to the drug. It is the only contraindication to its use.

Side effects from Angiovit are rare. In some cases, urticaria, swelling, itching, dyspeptic disorders, dizziness develop. If such symptoms appear, you should consult a gynecologist to correct further treatment.

With prolonged use of excessive doses of the drug, signs of an overdose may occur:

  • An excess of vitamin B6 is manifested by numbness of the limbs, impaired motor skills of the hands.
  • An overdose of B9 can not manifest itself in any way during pregnancy, but a congenital form of asthma can form in a baby.
  • Hypervitaminosis B12 can provoke pulmonary edema, thrombosis, anaphylactic shock.

Angiovit during pregnancy is prescribed with caution along with blood clotting agents. Their combination significantly increases the risk of developing allergies, in addition, the bioavailability of vitamin B12 decreases. And when combined with Angiovit Asparkam and Glutamic acid, it is possible to eliminate oxygen starvation at the baby. Only for better assimilation of this group of vitamins is recommended additional reception ascorbic acid.

On a note! The International Drug Quality Control Administration (FDA) assigned Angiovit category A. Based on the studies, it was found that the drug does not have negative impact on the baby throughout pregnancy.

Angiovit: instructions for pregnancy

The multivitamin complex is presented in the form of tablets. They are taken at any time of the day, regardless of the diet. Tablets do not need to be chewed or broken. They drink plenty of fluids.

If Angiovit is indicated during pregnancy, the dosage is calculated individually. As a rule, 1-2 tablets are indicated per day for 20 days or longer. In some cases, treatment is extended up to 6 months.

Important! Taking Angiovit rarely leads to an overdose. If any adverse reactions occur, treatment is stopped.

Reception of Angiovit at the stage of pregnancy planning

Responsible women approach future pregnancy, especially if they have or have a predisposition to certain diseases. For a successful conception and a full-fledged gestation process healthy baby, a woman, together with her sexual partner, decides to undergo preconception preparation ( full examination before pregnancy). At this stage, she often undergoes vitamin therapy.

Angiovit when planning pregnancy: what is prescribed

Careful preparation of a married couple for childbearing allows you to give birth to a healthy baby. important place in this process is the prevention of vitamin deficiency. It is especially important to balance the B vitamins, which are responsible for the full formation of the organs and systems of the embryo. Unfortunately, rational nutrition does not always make it possible to maintain the level of vitamins at the required level, so Angiovit is often prescribed to a woman at the stage of planning a baby. In addition, to transfer a healthy gene pool, Angiovit is also prescribed to a man when planning a pregnancy.

The main reason for the appointment of Angiovit before conception is the need to stabilize the level of homocysteine. In some women, its metabolic metabolism is disturbed, which leads to primary infertility, miscarriage, and vascular damage.

In addition, Angiovit is shown to a woman at the planning stage if she has a history of:

  • miscarriage;
  • anemia;
  • vitamin B deficiency;
  • violation of the formation of the placenta;
  • anemia;
  • violation of the immune system;
  • chronic miscarriage;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • vascular diseases.

Important! Studies have shown that taking Angiovit before pregnancy serves to prevent abnormalities in the baby: hydrocephalus, disorders of the structure of the neural tube, as well as cleft lip, inferiority of internal organs.

Reception of Angiovit in preconception preparation

Angiovit when planning pregnancy is taken according to the same scheme as during the gestation period. 1 or 2 tablets may be prescribed per day. At the discretion of the doctor, the prophylactic course can last about 6 months. If during this time pregnancy has not yet occurred, after a short break, Agiovit is taken again.

Important! If during the course of Agiovit's treatment at the stage of pregnancy planning a conception occurred, you do not need to stop taking vitamins or worry. It is necessary to go to the gynecologist for the correction of further treatment.

Drug interaction Angiovit when planning pregnancy

While taking Angiovit when planning pregnancy, it is important to consider it drug interaction with other medicines:

  1. The bioavailability of the drug decreases if a woman takes medications containing estrogen, as well as penicillin antibiotics, in parallel.
  2. It is forbidden to combine Angiovit with any anti-heartburn drugs (antacids), antiseptics, antiviral agents.
  3. The daily dose of Angiovit increases with parallel administration birth control pills, plant phytohormones, analgesics.

Angiovit during pregnancy - analogues

Vitamin complexes with an identical quantitative ratio of B vitamins do not exist. However, there are many similar means. But most often in them the vitamin B group is either in a different dosage, or in combination with other vitamin compounds, which somewhat expands therapeutic effect drug.

The following vitamin complexes are most similar in action to Angiovit:

  • Vitamult - consists of group B, retinol, nicotinamide. It is indicated for unbalanced nutrition, severe beriberi.
  • Neurovitan - contains riboflavin, a line of B vitamins, octothiamine. The drug corrects hypovitaminosis during gestation, preeclampsia, as well as diabetic neuropenia.
  • Neurobeks - in the complex there is a vitamin group B, calcium pantothenate, ascorbic acid. The complex is indicated for vitamin B deficiency, asthenia, as well as for damage to the nervous and vascular systems.
  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte is a complete vitamin and mineral preparation designed to support pregnancy. It eliminates hypovitaminosis, anemia, calcium deficiency.

Angiovit during pregnancy - reviews

Almost all women who took Angiovit during gestation or in the process of planning a baby leave mostly positive feedback. They claim that vitamin therapy helped them restore heart function, improve blood flow, and strengthen blood vessels.

Women with cardiovascular disease report a rapid improvement in their general well-being. In addition, after treatment, they were able to conceive and bear the baby without any problems.

The responses of the ladies who had to take Angiovit in the gestational period say that it is well tolerated and does not provoke discomfort. After treatment, they noticed a surge of strength, loss of heaviness in the legs due to improved blood circulation, recovery muscle tone. And those women who had heart failure were much easier to endure the process of childbirth.

The opinion of obstetricians and gynecologists about Angiovit is also positive. However, they believe that the drug should be prescribed only for clinical indications, and not just in case. And the treatment itself should take place with a constant study of the woman's blood counts.

Angiovit is an excellent vitamin complex that can restore the normal functioning of the nervous and vascular system of a woman during gestation, but only a doctor should prescribe it. Therefore, first consult with your doctor if you think that you need to take Angiovit, and only then proceed with treatment.

Video "Angiovit - instructions for pregnancy"