Hair extension care products. Masks for hair extensions. How to dry your hair extensions

What do you do before extensions? - a very popular question. Before the extension procedure, you should definitely wash your hair with only one shampoo (it is better to take deep cleaning), that is, without various kinds of balms and masks, as this can lead to strands slipping in the future.

What else do girls know before turning to a specialist for hair extensions?

Can I wash or dye my hair immediately after extensions?

No, it exists important rule, which says: you should wash or dye your hair strictly after one and a half to two days. The substance to which the strands are attached (usually keratin when hot procedure and polymer tapes - with tape or cold), should be thoroughly strengthened. During the build-up hot technology the capsule is heated and twisted or formed with tongs into a grain of rice, while the keratin remains warm and not strengthened. The product needs at least 1.5 days to completely harden, and balm that gets into the capsule can easily corrode it, and the hair will not hold.

Why braid your extensions at night?

At night, hair often gets confused and tangled, so we recommend braiding it in a not very tight ponytail or braid. This method will not only protect your hair, but also give it a beautiful wave.

How long can you wear this hair?

Usually correction is done once every 2-3 months depending on the growth rate natural hair. If you wear extensions longer than this, they can damage your natural hair. Among other things, the capsules gradually fall down and can become too noticeable, despite their small size.

Do I need to dye my hair extensions?

It is not necessary, since a huge palette of shades is used during extensions, and before the procedure, the hair color is selected to match the tone. Therefore, there is no point in once again subjecting the strands to dyeing.

Can dyes be used on hair extensions?

It is possible, but it should be taken into account that the oxide should not exceed 6%.

How long does the extension procedure take?

The time depends on the number of strands, but it is approximately 2-3.5 hours.

What if the extensions fall off?

If you follow all the rules (do not pull when combing, do not wear any more due date), then the hair will not fall off. Curls may fall off if your hair follicles very weak or during the procedure the master took too thin a strand of your natural hair.

How is the extension procedure carried out in general?

First, a consultation is held, the desired length and volume are discussed, and the color is selected. Then you make a deposit equal to the cost of the hair (or buy the strands yourself), then a date is set for the procedure when the extension specialist can serve you.

What to do if the natural color is very complex?

If the color is really very complex, then hairdressers simply mix various shades and get the desired color.

How long can you walk with extensions?

As much as suits them appearance taking into account corrections carried out every 3-4 months. Much depends on quality care behind the head and from how

How is hair “corrected”?

Each capsule is removed using forceps or a special liquid. The duration of the procedure is from one to two hours. Then the hair is removed and re-encapsulated by the master. On any day convenient for you, you can carry out the extension procedure again with the same hair.

How to determine your volume?

How more curls, the better and more profitable the hairstyle looks. 100 strands is the amount for the minimum volume of thin hair. 150 curls will make an average volume, and 170 is already for a thick hairstyle.

Beautiful, thick and long hair is undoubtedly an adornment and a great finishing touch. female image. Not every representative of the fair sex can naturally boast of such wealth (which is influenced by many factors, including genetics). Nowadays, solving the problem of short, thin hair, lacking volume and thickness, is quite simple; hair can be artificially extended. The condition and appearance of hair extensions depends on high-quality and complete care.

Before I talk directly about the basic rules for caring for hair extensions, let me remind you about the existing methods of extensions. The most popular are:

  • English technology of hair extensions or “hot extensions” - the process uses a glue gun, organic resin and a capsule the size of a grain of rice. The service life of such hair is strictly individual.
  • Italian extension technology - the process uses keratin capsules and electrical devices. The service life of such strands is 3-6 months.
  • Spanish technology or “cold extension” - the process uses glue, a fixative and very small capsules. You can wear such strands for 2 to 6 months.
  • Tape extensions are carried out quite quickly (within an hour), while the hair is collected on special silicone tapes and attached to your hair. The “wearing” period for such strands is only two months.
  • Extensions using metal rings are the most acceptable method in terms of low trauma to hair. You can wear this hair for no more than a month, but you can remove it yourself without the help of specialists.
Hair extensions can be made using artificial or natural strands, and the latter are more valuable.

How to properly wash your hair extensions.
Washing is the most important and at the same time troublesome task in caring for hair extensions, because you need to try to avoid tangling the strands, which is quite problematic to do. But if you follow some rules, you can achieve the desired result.

The first washing of the strands should be carried out two days after the procedure, so that the fastenings do not fly off. Hair should be combed to prevent tangling. This process must also be carried out according to the rules, which will be written about below.

It is no longer possible to wash your hair “in a basin” or in the bathroom, tilting it down, as this will lead to tangling of the curls. IN in this case A shower would be ideal.

For washing, you should choose a special shampoo and conditioner with a moisturizing effect. They can be purchased in the salon (they usually stock a whole line of hair extension care products) where the extensions were done, or in a regular cosmetic store marked “pH level – neutral”. No moisturizing balms, gels or other products for additional care products not intended for such hair cannot be used, unless, of course, they are products from a line designed specifically for hair extensions. By the way, the consistency of such products should not be too thick, otherwise you will have to dilute it with warm water (a small amount).

You should not use shampoo for dry hair, as this will worsen the appearance of the extensions and they will begin to comb out intensively.

Shampoo should be applied very carefully, carefully, without using smearing movements, rubbing, rubbing, etc. It should be washed off literally immediately. Next, you should apply the balm, spreading it along the hairline, excluding areas where hair attachments are fixed, and rinse it off as well. It is necessary to rinse your hair with clean, filtered, and most importantly warm water. Do not add vinegar or lemon juice to the rinsing water; the acid will damage the capsules.

Wipe clean hair should be as careful and careful as washing. No rubbing, twisting, “push-ups”, tugging, etc. It is necessary to gently and carefully move the towel along straight strands from top to bottom. A high-quality terry towel will perfectly absorb moisture without damaging the extensions.

You can’t even comb your own hair when it’s wet, much less hair extensions. It is important to dry your hair in a natural way without resorting to a hair dryer or other thermal devices. Only after this should you start combing.

If you have extensions, you should not go to bed with your hair wet, otherwise you will not be able to comb them in the morning without damaging the capsules.

Baths, saunas, solariums and other similar places should be excluded from your life while wearing hair extensions, this will ensure their attractiveness throughout the entire period of use. The ban is due to the fact that high temperatures and chlorinated water damage the fastening capsules. If temptation gets the better of you, and you still decide to go for “forbidden” procedures, always use a rubber or plastic cap to protect your strands (at least that way). After water procedures You cannot comb your hair in a bathhouse or sauna; the extensions will start to come out of the fasteners.

After swimming in a pool (open body of water), rinse the strands thoroughly with warm water in the shower with shampoo and apply a leave-in protective balm (if it is straight hair, then only on the ends, if wavy - on 2/3 of the length).

Combing hair extensions.
The process of combing hair extensions should be done using special tools. The comb should have soft, wide teeth without balls at the ends; they can damage or break the junction of natural strands with artificial curls. In specialized departments you can purchase a comb with wide teeth, specially designed for these purposes.

It is necessary to comb only dry hair. Combing should begin from the ends, for which you should collect the hair in a ponytail. Then squeeze the hair under the back of the head and comb through the middle. Final stage– combing the roots, which must be done with special care.

Remember, renewed hair needs to be combed three times a day. If you like backcombing and tight hairstyles, you will have to abstain from them while wearing hair extensions.

Coloring of extensions.
Of course, you can dye your new head of hair. But! The paint should not penetrate into the places where artificial strands are attached to natural ones. It is impossible to dye your hair this way at home, so if desired, the master (the professional who did the extensions) will be happy to provide such a service. Remember, frequent dyeing will make the extensions stiff and unruly. It is important to choose a coloring agent without ammonia or with a minimum content of it in the composition.

Styling hair extensions.
You can do the styling of the extended curls, while being careful not to touch the areas where the strands are attached. Choose styling products with a neutral pH. It is advisable to consult a specialist about this. Complex hairstyles should also be entrusted to a hairdresser.

Masks for hair extensions.
Additional hair care is necessary, but only for your own hair, so hair nourishing masks should be applied exclusively to the roots, avoiding the attachment points of the strands, so that organic acids and other aggressive components in the masks do not destroy the capsules, thereby shortening their service life. In addition, the composition of care masks should not include alcohol tinctures, mustard, cinnamon and other spices, citrus fruits. Special masks for hair extensions will make your task easier.

Correction must be carried out while wearing the extensions. This is due to the regrowth of your own hair. Therefore, the capsules are moved to the hair roots in accordance with their growth. If capsule technologies were used for extensions, then the correction should be carried out four months after the procedure, and if tape technologies were used, then after two months.

To give your own hair a little rest, it is recommended to remove the extensions once every three months. The procedure is carried out in the salon by a specialist using a special solution.

Not all hair extensions require careful care. The technology used should be taken into account here. Labor-intensive care is typical for the English extension technology (washing exclusively with diluted shampoo, masks and balms are prohibited). With Spanish technology, you only need to take care of the capsules. And here is the most unpretentious Italian extension technology.

In any case, before and after extensions, consult in detail with a specialist regarding the specifics of caring for your strands.

Caring for hair extensions is not an easy task, but the result exceeds even your wildest expectations!

Today it is very easy to become beautiful in one day. To do this, you just need to have the required amount of money. Particularly popular among modern girls uses hair extension service. However, it is worth understanding that such curls require even more care than natural ones, and of course, it must be correct.

Hair extensions: care

Are the care products different from regular ones?

The master must warn the client that the hair is allowed to be washed no earlier than a few days after the procedure. In this case, it should be used special cosmetics for hair extensions. Shampoo for such curls, as a rule, does not have any additives. Also, do not use regular detergents, especially detergents for dry and dry skin.

You also need to apply shampoo to your hair correctly. To begin with, a small amount of the product needs to be applied along the entire length, and it is applied in the direction of hair growth. It is not recommended to keep the shampoo for more than a few minutes. Don't neglect the balm either.

Washing hair extensions also has several subtleties. Firstly, curls can only be washed while standing or sitting, that is, it is not recommended to throw your head back. And secondly, they cannot be washed with hot water.

In addition to the use of shampoos and conditioners, caring for hair extensions involves the use of special nutrients. Masks and lotions should become constant companions for a girl who decides to grow artificial hair.

If your hair needs to be dyed or styled, you should contact a specialist for help. This recommendation is extremely important, since otherwise the curls may be seriously damaged and will have to be removed.

Can I blow dry my hair extensions?

All experts unanimously say that caring for hair extensions does not involve using a hairdryer for drying. However, such strands cannot be dried with a towel. It is not advisable to twist them. If you still need to dry your hair with a hairdryer, then you need to apply heat-protective cosmetics in advance. Also, in rooms with high temperatures (bath, sauna), you need to wear special cap.

How often can you brush your hair extensions?

Experts recommend that owners of hair extensions remember one rule: you need to comb your hair as often as possible. You should approach the choice of comb responsibly. It is better to give preference to brushes with soft bristles. The presence of balls on the cloves is undesirable. It is better to start combing from the ends. In this case, you need to hold a comb in one hand, and hold the hair skein in the other. It is not recommended to comb wet strands. Minimal amount Scratching should be at least three times a day.

How to prepare your hair for sleep?

It is strictly forbidden to go to bed with wet or even slightly wet wet hair. When they are dry, they need to be braided or gathered into a bun. Due to the fact that hair requires special manipulations in care, women who decide to have extensions are advised to learn about all the nuances of this procedure. And then the extended curls will be the perfect complement to the image and will give you self-confidence.

It is noteworthy that today there are methods of extensions that will allow you to minimize all the procedures that include caring for hair extensions. Of course, in this case everything depends on technology. For example, there is a so-called Spanish technology, allowing you to use conventional cosmetics. Caring for hair extensions using English technology is considered the most difficult.

And finally...

Regardless of the method of transformation (extension), it is important to remember that only proper and careful care of such hair will prolong its beauty for long period. Experts also recommend making corrections at least once every two weeks. There are also recommendations for hair removal. As a rule, it is better to remove artificial strands once every three to four months for a short period of time.

Not every owner knows how to care for hair extensions.

Of course, we all dream of thick, long locks that look healthy and silky.

Nowadays, getting such luxury is not at all difficult: you just need to go to a beauty salon, where you will get hair extensions using capsules using the latest technologies.

But for some reason, immediately after we leave the salon, we forget that even such hair requires careful care. If only to admire your beautiful hair for as long as possible.

There are certain difficulties associated with hair extensions:

  • Slipping – Up to 10% of your extensions can slip and fall out. This primarily applies to those who have oily hair at the roots;
  • Combing. This point is influenced by the following factors: change temperature regime, abuse of saunas, steam baths and solariums, lack of proper care, hormonal disbalance, taking antibiotics and other medicines, excessive loss of your own hair;
  • Tangles - if you comb your extensions incorrectly, then most likely you will have to deal with such a thing as tangles.

In order for you not to have to deal with problems that have already appeared, you just need to remember to take care of your hair extensions on time and follow certain rules.

It may seem difficult at first, but over time any action becomes a habit. In this case, these habits will affect the beauty of your hairstyle.

Compliance following rules will allow you to properly care for your curls at home.

The most important thing that you must do first is to purchase yourself special detergents and nutritional products for hair extensions.

They will help you get rid of excess electricity, keep your hair strong, and make it easy to comb.

This can be properly selected shampoos with a gentle pH, balm or conditioner with nutrients, moisturizing mask, spray and more.

It would be better if you contact the department professional cosmetics.

The next step should be to buy a comb with natural bristles without balls at the ends. This is the only way you can carefully comb your locks without causing the risk of damage to the capsules.

This point is very important when caring for hair extensions, so you shouldn’t ignore it.

The first thing you should never forget is careful washing of your hair. It was said above that this procedure should be done with special products intended for hair extensions.

You can perform this procedure at least every day, but be sure to adhere to the basic rules:

  • Don't turn your head down. Try not to disturb the capsules again. Despite the fact that they hold the extensions quite firmly, you should not take risks to avoid losing them;
  • Daily hair washing is not recommended. But still, if you need it, do it as carefully as possible;
  • Do not apply shampoo directly to the capsules. This can dry them out. Dilute it with water, only then distribute evenly over the scalp and curls;
  • It is best if the water temperature is cool. Hot water has a destructive effect;
  • Forget about the fact that you previously thoroughly rubbed the shampoo, turning it into foam. Now you need to do this as gently as possible, especially in the places where the capsules are attached;
  • Apply all moisturizing products, such as balms, masks, conditioners, exclusively along the length of the strand, try to avoid contact with the capsules;
  • Never use detergents intended for dry hair. Now you have hair extensions, and this is a completely different category. Dry ends can ultimately be moisturized with additional masks.

After you have washed your hair according to all the rules, we begin the combing process. Before doing this, blot your wet strands.

Do not twist the towel into a turban, as you are used to doing with your natural hair. This action can lead to rapid loss of the extensions.

Begin combing the strands very carefully from the ends, holding the capsules at the roots with your free hand to avoid strong tension.

To make combing easier, use a special conditioner when washing. And don't forget to remove tangled hair throughout the day.

Remember: wet curls are most susceptible to damage. So try to let them dry naturally.

If you are short on time, use a hairdryer with cool air. When styling with a hairdryer, do not direct air onto the capsules and roots directly.

In a professional cosmetics store, choose styling products with a pH level of 5.5 without harmful ingredients.

Consult a consultant, let him choose for you what is suitable for hair extensions, and styling at home will become more effective and simpler.

To create a complex hairstyle, go to a beauty salon where professionals will work on your hair.

Use heat protectants during styling. Try not to catch the capsules with a hot iron or curling iron, otherwise they will collapse, and with thick hair you will say goodbye.

Avoid hairstyles with tight braids. Ponytails should also not put too much tension on the hair.

Additional care at home

Of course, we all know that professionals can best take care of your hair properly. But a trip to a beauty salon often costs a pretty penny.

If you follow all the instructions for care at home, then most likely you will not need Additional services specialists.

Read on for some more helpful expert tips on how to properly care for your hair extensions:

  • When you're going to bed, try to keep your locks as tangled as possible. To do this, comb them carefully, then braid them or make a loose ponytail;
  • Go to bed with wet hair– the most big mistake many girls. Be sure to dry them well;
  • If you are no stranger to visiting saunas, swimming pools and solariums, then wear a cap to protect your curls from overheating. This applies more to those who have used hot hair extensions. The cap will save the capsules from drying out, which often leads to excessive hair loss;
  • While on vacation, try to rinse your hair with fresh water every time after swimming in the sea;
  • Perms, highlights, dyeing and other similar hair procedures should only be done in beauty salons.

We all dream of beautiful thick hair. And if you decide on such a procedure, then do not forget about complete care for hair extensions.

Compliance simple rules and tips will allow you to avoid major problems with hair extensions and significantly extend their life.

Hair extensions allow you to transform in just a few hours from a naughty girl with a thin, boyish haircut into sophisticated lady with thick, long curls. If you are also thinking about using this procedure, wanting to radically change your image or charm the guys around you, it won’t hurt you to learn about the principles of hair care after extensions.

What are the types of hair extensions?

Today there are many technologies for hair extensions, but all of them are divided into two main groups: hot (capsule) and cold. Hot extensions involve the use of keratin or protein capsules, which, under the influence high temperatures They solder their own and donor curls together, increasing the length and thickness of the hair. A similar procedure is typical for English, Italian and French extension hair.

Cold extension is carried out using special glue (Spanish technology), metal rings or silicone tapes. This procedure avoids harmful effects high temperatures on “native” hair. However, the period of wearing strands attached using the “cold” method is only 1-2 months, while after hot extensions the curls can last up to six months. The duration of this period depends not only on the professionalism of the specialist, but also on the quality of care for the extended strands after the procedure. We will talk about this further.

Principles of caring for hair extensions

How to wash your hair extensions

  1. The first hair wash should be done no earlier than 2 days after the procedure, so that the fastenings have time to fix well and the curls do not fall off prematurely.
  2. It is better to wash your hair in the shower so that your head is in vertical position. This will avoid excessive tangling of the strands.
  3. Shampoos should be chosen with a neutral pH (equal to 7) and a moisturizing effect, preferably from a line of products designed specifically for hair extensions. Under no circumstances should you use shampoos for dry hair, this will lead to deterioration and rapid combing of the extensions. Shampoo should be applied with gentle massage movements, without intense rubbing or rubbing.
  4. Hair balm is applied along the entire length of the strands, excluding the attachment areas. It should be washed off clean warm water, do not use vinegar or citric acid, as these substances may damage the capsules.
  5. When drying wet hair, avoid sudden movements and gently dry the curls terry towel in the direction from top to bottom.
  6. It is better to dry your hair extensions naturally, especially if they were attached using hot extensions. It is also recommended to avoid curling irons, curling irons and other electrical styling devices.

How to comb and style hair extensions

  1. To comb extended curls, you should purchase a special brush with soft, sparse teeth, always without balls at the end. Using a regular comb, you can damage the joints and instantly lose most of the extensions.
  2. You should not comb your hair until it is completely dry (this also applies to regular hair). You should start from the ends, gradually moving to the roots. Avoid sharp, jerking movements, which can easily cause the extensions to come off. To facilitate morning procedure combing, hair can be braided in a loose braid or placed under a net at night.
  3. When wearing extensions, it is better to avoid backcombing, since unraveling them will not do without losing a large amount of hair.
  4. When styling, try not to touch the junction of the extensions and your own strands. If you need to use additional means of fixation (foam, gel, varnish), make sure that their pH is neutral.

Other rules for caring for hair extensions

  1. You can dye your extensions, but you should avoid getting the dye into the hair attachment points and choose a dye that does not contain ammonia and other aggressive substances. Therefore, it is better to entrust coloring of hair extensions to a professional hairdresser.
  2. When applying homemade hair masks, you should also avoid getting mixtures on the attachment points, especially if they contain alcohol, spices, acids, mustard and citrus fruits.
  3. After hot extensions, you should avoid visiting saunas, steam baths and solariums, since exposure to high temperatures may damage the capsules.

As we can see, caring for hair extensions is not an easy task. But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. And what could be more beautiful than thick, long hair. For the sake of such decoration, you can sacrifice trips to the sauna or set aside a few extra minutes for “proper” combing.

Proper care of hair extensions will help extend the life of your hair, maintain its quality and pristine beauty!

Today it is not difficult. The salon's specialists will give your curls the desired length and volume in just a short amount of time. should be aimed at strengthening the roots of natural hair, maintaining the silkiness of the donor strands and protecting the attachment points from damage.

Different extension methods do not provide for any fundamental differences in hair care. There are some general recommendations that, regardless of the extension method, will help you enjoy your new hairstyle. long time and keep your extensions in perfect condition.

The only one important tool, which you cannot do without to ensure proper hair care, is a special comb made of natural bristles without balls at the ends. Only she combs the strands carefully and accurately, without damaging the places where the capsules are attached. You can choose your own hair care products!

Hair extensions: care step by step

1. Gentle wash

2. Gentle combing

3. Drying and styling

Additional care for hair extensions

Each extension technology has its own characteristics and subtleties of care: the master will definitely tell you about them. Feel free to ask questions. Caring for hair extensions is easy, but in order to avoid annoying mistakes, you need to take care of it. If you do everything right, then beauty and well-groomed appearance The hair extensions can be preserved for many months.

Gone are the days when an ugly girl was looked at with pity, since such people simply do not exist now. Modern cosmetology has not just stepped forward, but continues to develop at a rapid pace. Everything that nature lacks in appearance is corrected, very often in a matter of hours. This also applies to hair. Want to luxurious curls– Please, your appearance has changed beyond recognition. But to make your beauty last as long as possible, provide it with appropriate care.

How to wash your hair correctly

Hair extensions are no exception, give them some attention and they will thank you. The primary task is to learn how to wash your hair correctly without harming your strands. Failure to follow simple rules will affect the appearance of your curls, and, consequently, your appearance. Don't forget what the master warned you about. Hair tangling is unacceptable. Learn the basics of washing your hair and you won't have any problems.

  1. First, comb your hair gently. Pick up detergent. If the shampoo has a thick consistency, dilute with warm water.
  2. You cannot tilt your head back or tilt when washing. The water should flow down the hair and not fluff it up. Therefore, it is recommended to limit yourself to a shower.
  3. Shampoo, conditioner and other preparations should be distributed over the entire length of the hair, and not rubbed in as with regular washing. It should be washed off immediately after application.
  4. Drying should also be done with care, blotting with a towel to remove moisture.
  5. To avoid tangling, wait until the strands dry naturally, and only then can you go to bed. Using a hair dryer is not advisable.
  6. Harmful to hair extensions elevated temperature, so refrain from visiting the sauna and bathhouse.

All measures for caring for hair extensions are aimed primarily at protecting against tangling. Buy a special comb or choose another option, but with sparse teeth and without balls at the ends. Then follow the proven combing technique.

  1. Wet or even slightly damp hair should not be combed.
  2. Holding the curls at the roots (you can make a ponytail for convenience), comb the ends first without tugging them.
  3. Move up and grab at the back of the head. Using one hand, comb the middle of the ponytail.
  4. Start with the roots last, but be very careful.

Features of daily care

After hair extensions, the master should show you the intricacies proper care for a new hairstyle. Many points depend on the extension technology. Some methods are prohibited sudden changes temperature conditions. Sometimes you can wash your hair after two days. And other technicians warn against maritime procedures.

But all hair extensions need to be combed periodically. To do this, use combs with sparse teeth and rounded tips. Before going to bed, the strands should be carefully combed and braided into several not very tight braids. This styling will protect against tangling.

Additional care
Like your own hair, acquired curls require additional care, observing certain features. If in their natural state masks nourish the hair follicles, then for extensions they are unnecessary. Moreover, some cosmetics negatively affect their condition due to the content of active substances. But own hair should not suffer, so professionals advise:

  • purchase special gentle masks;
  • in the manufacture of homemade nutritional compositions exclude alcohol components, citrus fruits, as well as cinnamon, mustard and other spices;
  • You need to apply the mask to your roots, avoiding contact with the fastening points.

Most the right way- this is to consult with the specialist who performed the procedure, since he knows the features of care, depending on the extension method.

Having gotten used to a new look, women often think about changing their hair color. It is better to think through this issue before extensions, then it will be easier for the specialist to color individual strands. But if the desire came late, contact the specialist who did your hair extensions. He will select the coloring composition faster and with better quality and perform the procedure itself.

When you decide to dye your hair yourself, keep some nuances in mind. Purchased curls, unlike natural ones, are colored brighter, and the exposure time must be reduced. Coloring composition use a lower concentration and apply it, avoiding contact with fasteners. If you ignore this point, the fastening strips may soften and hair loss will begin.

The use of tinting shampoos also has its own subtleties. Apply as classic care, a thick layer is not allowed. Experts advise diluting the tonic in glass container and go through the strands with a brush, bypassing the fastenings. After dyeing, be sure to dry your hair at the roots.

Features of styling hair extensions

Regardless of whether your hair is natural or acquired, female nature requires change. Experiments with artificial strands have their limitations, which must be strictly observed. This is due to the fact that in general it is necessary to hide capsules and other overlays, therefore, one must learn to do such manipulations as naturally as possible.

There is some limitation in choosing a hairstyle; most often the basis is loose hair, which is also not bad. Simplicity and elegance will emphasize the well-groomed length and beautiful shine of hair. It is better, of course, if this is done by a professional who performed the extension, since he knows all the intricacies of his work. Without such an opportunity, proceed with installation yourself, following the basic rules.

  1. When your washed hair is dry, comb it with a round comb using a hairdryer on the cool air setting. To add additional volume, light mousses and products without aggressive components are suitable.
  2. Curled curls on artificial strands can be created using curlers or curling irons. The main thing is that the temperature of the styling device is not too high.
  3. The ponytail is one of the affordable and stylish styling options. Carefully gather the hair at the top of the head and secure with an elastic band. Having selected a strand from the total mass, wrap it at the base of the tail. You can lightly spray with varnish.
  4. The braid also diversifies daily hairstyles. When combing, try to mix natural and extensions with each other.

You can choose a hairstyle option, despite all the restrictions. Just avoid backcombing, tight hairstyles and heavy clips. And remember that hot irons will destroy the capsule fastening. In addition, the choice of styling depends on the lengthening method, or more precisely, the methods of fixation.

Caring for hair extensions is a tedious process with specific features. But imagine the admiration of those around you for your unusually beautiful and well-groomed curls. Now you understand that your efforts will be worth it.

Today, in order to solve the problem of thin, short and lacking volume, thick hair, many girls choose the method of extensions. If you properly care for and wash your hair extensions, their condition and appearance will be quite beautiful.

Advice one. At least three days must pass between the procedure for hair extensions and the first wash of your hair, otherwise the fastenings may be damaged and the extensions will simply fall off.

Tip two. Before each wash, you need to comb your hair thoroughly to prevent the strands from tangling during washing. Hair tangling is considered one of the main causes of damage to artificial strands.

Tip three. After the extension procedure, you will have to wash your hair exclusively in the shower; gentle streams of water should simply glide through your hair. It is not recommended to throw your head back or lean over the side of the bathroom, as many girls do to save time. When washing, hair should be as straight as possible, without bends or creases. Also, before washing your hair, it is better to remove rings and bracelets; jewelry can get caught on the fastenings of your hair extensions and damage them.

Tip four. Apply the shampoo using gentle, smoothing movements; do not whip it into foam, tangling your hair. Wash off any cosmetic product should be done immediately after applying it to the hair, even if the packaging of the balm or shampoo states that for better effect It is recommended to keep it on your hair for a few minutes.

Tip five. To wash hair extensions, it is better to use natural or specially designed shampoos for this purpose. Synthetic products can significantly damage the structure of not only artificial, but also natural strands. Also, when choosing a shampoo, be sure to take into account the pH level, which a self-respecting manufacturer always indicates on the packaging. To care for hair extensions, only shampoos with a neutral ph level are suitable; products for the care of dry hair are excluded.

Tip six. If the shampoo is too thick or rich, or pungent odor, before washing your hair, you must dilute it thoroughly with water. This will not deteriorate the cleansing properties of the shampoo, but it will be much easier to apply the cosmetic product to your hair.

Advice seventh. After washing, do not squeeze or twist clean hair under any circumstances to rid it of excess water. It's best to just blot lightly with a towel. Moisture will not damage your hair as much as tangling your strands as a result of squeezing.

For problems with hair growth, good decision may be their increase in beauty salon. Hair extensions will help change your look, adding femininity and beauty.

However, if you do not properly care for this beauty, it will not last long at all, and, as a result, you will need to go to the specialist again for correction.

Therefore, girls should know how to care for their extensions in order to avoid tangling and not damage the places where they are attached.

Read below to learn how to do it correctly so that your hair extensions will delight us with their beauty for a long time.

Preparing hair extensions for washing

Before washing, just like natural hair extensions, you must prepare them by carefully combing them with a wide-tooth comb. In this case, it is advisable to use combs made of natural materials to avoid static electricity and tangling.

When combing your hair, hold it at the roots so as not to create high pressure in places where keratin capsules are attached.

Choose carefully special means for washing hair extensions. Consult your hairdresser, because the choice of shampoo will depend on the method of attaching the strands that he used.

Whatever shampoo you choose, its pH level should be neutral. In addition, before applying the shampoo to your hair, it is better to dilute it a little with water for even distribution.

When washing your hair extensions, do not make sudden movements with your hands, do not rub them too thoroughly or twist them.

It is not recommended to wash such hair with your head down, under a tap or in a basin. Water should flow down the hair from top to bottom. To keep your artificial hair from tangling, always wash your hair while standing in the shower.

The same rule applies to the use of balm. Remember what to apply additional funds Care is needed only for the middle part of the hair and its ends.

Avoid getting balance spray and balm on the attachment points of hair extensions. You should also wash off any care products only while standing in the shower.

You should not take a bath with loose hair long hair. And if you still want to relax and lie in the bath, then braid your hair extensions.

To avoid deformation of the attachment points, do not comb wet hair. Be sure to dry them with warm air from a hairdryer along the entire length. And only after that you can carefully comb your hair with a comb.

If you go to bed with slightly damp hair, braid it in a loose braid. If you lie down with your wet hair loose, it will certainly become tangled overnight so that you will no longer be able to comb it yourself.

As you can see, properly caring for your hair extensions is not at all difficult. And if you follow the rules described above, you will preserve their beauty for a long time.