A new format for creating a children's training center. How to open a training center - from idea to launch

Now it has become very popular to receive additional education, both in the field of their profession, and additional self-education for adults and children. Demand creates supply, so the opening of an additional education training center is quite good opportunity for earnings. Consider all the stages, how to open a training center?

How to open a training center - choosing a niche!

Decide in what format you want to train and to whom?

Usually additional education can be found in the form of courses, trainings, seminars, lectures, master classes, educational marathons.

They are conditionally classified:

  1. By training time.

The duration of the activities depends on the declared program, which can last from several hours to several years.
Such a long-term format of training includes courses of a foreign language, design and other disciplines. The program is divided into several levels of training, the duration of which is on average from 3 months to 2 years. Long-term training is good because long time will receive income from students in the form of monthly contributions.

Short-term training can be from several hours, like a master class, to 2 months, like an educational marathon or training.

  1. According to the subject of the courses, which happens:

Professional - this is an increase in the level of professional knowledge, or the development of new professions, such as an accountant, designer, florist, manicurist, hairdresser, bartender, etc.

General education - when they develop individual skills, for example, foreign languages, or pump personal qualities, the so-called now popular trainings personal growth.

Creative courses when they learn to draw, sew, knit, make dolls, bead weaving, embroider, woodcarving and others, in a hobby format.

  1. Classification by audience age.
    They are divided into children, adolescents, adults.

Having decided on the training program and the audience, we move on to the next step.

How to form a staff?

To ensure the life of the training center, you will need an administrator, an accountant, teachers, a cleaner.

Teachers can be both full-time employees and invited from outside.

For a specialized training center that constantly teaches the same courses, a permanent full-time teaching staff is needed.

There are training centers that serve only as a platform for educational programs. Now this format is popular, when space is rented for rent from hours to several days, equipped with everything necessary for educational events. In this case, the teaching staff is not needed, an administrator, a cleaning lady is enough. The accountant is also freelance on outsourcing.

How to choose a room?

Basically, educational institutions are located in central areas, which is very convenient for people in all areas of the city. How to open a training center profitably? Choose a central location!

An exception may be sleeping areas, which are convenient for children's educational centers.

The premises must comply sanitary standards.
Its dimensions and layout depend on the chosen concept of the training center.

It could be like large rooms or small classes. A prerequisite is a bathroom, a room-kitchen, where employees can relax at lunch or have a snack for students during the educational process.

What is the required equipment?

The basic equipment is tables, chairs, a board or flipchart, a projector, stationery.

From the subject of the training center, you may still need a training methodical material, computers, for children - toys and carpeting on the floor.

How to formalize?

There may be questions: how to open a training center, you need a license. For reference educational activities The course format does not require a license. Only there should be mandatory registration with the tax authorities.

The following package of documents is also required:

List of educational programs of the center;
— documents for the availability of highly qualified teaching staff;
- documents for a room that meets all sanitary standards;
– documents to ensure the learning process with everything necessary;
— information on the registration of a non-state educational institution.

What will be the costs?

It is difficult to say a certain figure, because. the cost of rent, wages and wages to employees from regions differ significantly.

In order not to lose sight of anything, let's sum up the estimate of what they are made up of:

  1. Rental premises may need additional repairs;
  2. Purchase of equipment;
  3. staff salaries;
  4. Advertising costs;

Part of the cost can be reduced by salary. For example, pay salaries according to the number of students.

Advertising costs may vary. Depends on how you promote. One working method is online advertising. It is not necessary to immediately create your own website, it is enough to advertise on social media. networks, place an ad on forums, which is much cheaper on initial stage than to invest in the site.

How should the training center be promoted?

The marketing development strategy is based on the chosen concept.

If you teach professions, then it is worth getting the support of employment centers that can send you for retraining. Post ads on city forums.

For children's centers, it is necessary to place ads on forums, magazines for mothers. In children's entertainment centers. It can even pass by standing houses and put up a notice at the entrance.

Where to earn money: 5 unique ideas for businesses that will help you get rich! How to make money quickly on the eve of the holidays? Working ways from Anatomy of Business!

How to open a training center - from idea to launch

Times of global change always provide additional features for people who know how to think outside the box and see prospects where others fall short, retreat in the face of difficulties. One of these opportunities is the creation of a training center that will provide training services for additional activities for the population and show broad horizons in new living conditions.

Organization of the training center

To organize such a business, it is necessary to have the status of a legal entity. D depending on the planned scale, the types of enterprise activities are selected. If there are permanent teachers on the staff, then it is necessary to obtain a certificate for the activities of the educational institution, which will entail unnecessary expenses and time delays for the implementation of bureaucratic procedures. It will be easier in the process of opening an enterprise to indicate as the type of activity "consulting services", "assistance in holding and organizing events" or other streamlined KVED formulations. And work with several independent trainers or teachers under the agreement.

Starting such a business, you need to have a good idea of ​​the supply and demand for the provision of such services. Which means to have a clear understanding of where people interested in learning will come from and decide in advance on the proposed coaching staff: teachers, psychologists, coach trainers or seminar leaders, etc. Best for the profitability of the training center, this type of activity is combined with a managerial position in any network company or revolving around people who are hungry for professional, spiritual and financial growth. This will allow at first minimal amount future listeners and provide the necessary advertising to the enterprise.

Profitability of the training center it is impossible to calculate in advance. Income will directly depend on the volume of classes, the cost of training and the cost of maintaining the center.
The expenditure part consists of the following items:
- rent or a one-time redemption value of the premises and the cost of its maintenance;
- payment for public utilities and telecommunication channels;
- the cost of the necessary furniture, equipment and apparatus;
- salaries of employees and teaching staff;
- advertising costs.
Requirements for the premises of the training center

Rent for the premises of the training center or its redemption value may vary widely. It depends on the location of the building and the internal condition of the premises.

Place area is calculated based on the planned intensity of the class schedule and the number of students. The training center must have a common room where workplace administrator and exits to two or more isolated classrooms. Classes for classes are best designed so that they can easily be transformed into a conference room, the environment should be mobile. It is advisable to equip the hall with a projector, a teacher's workplace with the ability to install a computer, a whiteboard or a flip chart. If you plan to conduct computer courses or work with 1:C, you need to equip a computer class, where to install at least 5 PCs.

The location of the center close to transport communications strongly influences the increase in attendance. It is also worth remembering that the training center, which is located in a residential building, may further cause negative attitude residents. This is due to the possibility of holding seminars outside working hours. Such events often drag on until late and are accompanied by a stormy exchange of listeners' emotions.

If you have your own, suitable premises, the costs will be significantly reduced.

It is also worth thinking in advance about the nutrition of future applicants. If there is no cafe, canteen or shop nearby, it is worth installing at least a coffee machine in the building of the training center or equipping a special room for coffee breaks.

Training center staff

In the state, in addition to permanent or part-time teachers, there must be an administrator, an accountant, a handyman, a cleaner. With small volumes, some positions can be combined. And the functions of a permanent cleaner and handyman (electrician, plumber, locksmith) can be assigned to the relevant services, which can be contacted as needed.

key figure The training center is an administrator who must constantly be on the territory, give advice and carry out all the organizational work of the center. In addition, advertising and marketing research also fall on the shoulders of this employee. Therefore, special requirements are imposed on candidates for the position of administrator. It should be a sociable, creative, responsible person. Experience in MLM structures for the administrator of the training center will serve as an excellent service.

Employee salary, to increase the profitability of the center and interest in the influx of new listeners, must be flexible. Consist of a clearly defined salary and bonus percentage, which depends on the number of students.

Ways to promote the training center

The marketing policy of the center depends on the chosen direction of activity.

The main activities can be:
- specialization in various advanced training courses and retraining of personnel, training in new professions;
- various auxiliary courses aimed at children and youth audiences;
- holding seminars on the subject of personal growth;
- leasing space for various events.

When focusing on vocational training, it makes sense to conclude a cooperation agreement with employment centers and large enterprises that need professional growth employees.

With the emphasis of the educational center on children's specialization, you can advertise in the media mass media and distribute leaflets in places where parents gather. for example, in the Houses of creativity.

As practice shows, the most productive advertising of activities in the field of spiritual and financial growth is personal example and performances by people who have received this kind of training. Therefore, with this specialization of the training center marketing events can be limited to holding informational meetings.

Information about the leased training areas and the conference hall can be placed in various printed publications and Internet resources aimed at entrepreneurs.

For optimal use of the space of the training center and the fastest return on investment, it is better to combine several areas of activity. In any case, you should not expect fast and large income from the activities of the enterprise. Such a business will be able to generate profits after some time, which will be required for its formation. But, at proper organization business and passion for their occupation, the training center can become a source of profit for its owner, bring new, interesting events in life and will help to make useful contacts.

I wanted to write an article that would be really useful for me 6 years ago, when I myself started to launch my own training center - an acting course studio.

I then found many articles on how to open training centers. But there was a lot about how to choose statistics codes, how to properly format, etc. But there were few concrete steps that I could take right away - without investments, special knowledge, etc.

In memory of its beginning and to help those active people who want to start doing the most wonderful thing - to open a training center - this article.

This information will be relevant for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to open a training center in the following areas:

  • child development centers
  • dance schools
  • creative courses
  • yoga schools
  • training centers
  • language schools
  • refresher courses
  • etc.

This article will not contain rules and axioms from textbooks on finance, economics and business. Only specific practical advice and observations born from my experience of starting a learning center from scratch, starting a franchise of creative studios and the experience of hundreds of our colleagues and partners of learning center leaders from different cities Russia and abroad.

ATTENTION! Many thoughts you may not like. If you are a supporter of theoretical knowledge, you do not need to read further. This material will cause a lot of conflicting emotions and objections. Then do not write angry comments - I warned you.

Brief overview of the article:

Let's take a closer look at the following questions:

  • Major mistakes at the start
  • Where to begin
  • Working with the base
  • First clients
  • Consolidation and first staff
  • Rent
  • Further development

Major mistakes at the start

  • Writing a detailed business plan.(Fire this plan!)

Stop writing! Take action!

I have never seen any entrepreneur start his small successful business with a business plan. When you will already be doing yours, not the first, but already serious business, and you will attract big investors, bankers, etc. - then the business plan is relevant.

At the initial stage, writing a business plan is like driving a pitchfork through water. Ephemeral indicators of incomprehensible systems.

In general, absolutely do not worry about the business plan. Below I will describe how to start with real cases and immediately get results, instead of wasting a lot of time and energy on writing this very plan.

  • Search for an investor.(Waste yours!)

According to statistics, 95% of the first businesses fail. And believe me, those who started these same 95%, just like you, did not think that they would fall into them. And if there is such a probability of failure, maybe it’s better to fail in such a way as to remain not with debts, but with experience? Business education is the most expensive.

And it’s better to think up (or read below) how to start working with zero, and not with borrowed money. Then later, when you get access to borrowed funds, you will already manage them wisely. Any fool can just spend money. Better think about how to earn them.

  • Looking for a big idea.(Well, look, lying on the stove)

When I was leaving a large auditing corporation, some comrades told me that they would also quit, but they would just wait for their idea and immediately quit. 7 years have passed - they are all waiting and complaining about the huge workload and miserable life.

Start doing what you enjoy right away. Otherwise, just create yourself a "golden cage," which then will be much more difficult to quit than a job. After all, it's YOURS!

Start with any, even the most banal idea. We need to start ACT! In the process, the idea will catch up, if it has not yet arrived.

  • More focus on costs(Playing businessman)

Rent an office; hire employees, managers; make beautiful business cards, booklets; swell a cloud of money in advertising ...

Test yourself - what are your first steps in your business? Steps that bring in money, or steps that spend that money? If the latter, then it is NOT TRUE! Stop thinking about expenses. I repeat for the third time in this article (and I will repeat many more times) - think about how to make money with zero costs.

Where to begin?

  • Choose a topic that interests you(Is it possible?)

Not the most money, not the most fashionable, but the one that you like. Love to dance - great! Get started. Love to draw - great! What you like - in that you have to try yourself.


Leo Tolstoy spoke about the art of the writer: “If you don’t write, don’t write”

So, you need to start the training center when you cannot help but start it! If you have any doubts about the topic and whether you need it at all, do not start. After all, it is a big responsibility. Any training center changes the world around it. Changes people. And if you do it without fanaticism, it’s better not to.

  • Create a free product.(Not a freebie! But a free benefit)

Make the most of it!

Make a master class, webinar, training, lecture - whatever. Some kind of event where you can show your expertise. And the participants of this event should get the maximum benefit! According to the law of conservation of energy, the more you give, the more you get.

  • Tell your friends about the free product(First lucky ones)

Place information about the free product on your pages in in social networks. Invite your friends and ask them to bring their friends. Where and how to hold this event will be described below.

You can also write to all student councils in your city - they can help you attract even more visitors.

If your topic is more for an adult audience, look for various communities, associations, etc.

  • Host your free event.(Suddenly)

Host your workshop or webinar.

Be sure to record it on video or at least audio. It will be yours starting material to fill the content of the site, blog or page in social networks.

You can hold the event completely free of charge - negotiate. Various anti-cafes, free sites from the Agency for Youth Affairs, training centers, etc. will help you. Seek and ask. Think about how you can be useful to the owners of the premises. At a minimum, you bring new people into the room. And this is a serious asset.

  • Start a blog on this topic(This is if trample)

If the free class went well, it was interesting for people and (more importantly) for YOU! So this topic needs to be developed further.

Create a simple website or just a group on social networks and start posting content on your topic there. The first content will be a recording of your free event. From it you can make articles, cut video or audio clips.

And do not think that there are already many competitors in this topic of yours. Don't worry about competitors at all. There will always be people who like exactly your presentation and your teaching style. Believe in yourself.

  • Find partners in a related topic.(Any competitor can become a partner - it's all in your head)

Think about who already has the same people who are interested in your topic?

If you are engaged in weight loss courses, then dance schools can be excellent partners for you. Do a free masterclass there proper nutrition and get your first customers.

It is always easier to look for those who are already involved in your topic and who have a base than to build a base from scratch yourself.

And the base decides!

Working with the base

People are everything!

The business of training centers is a business of communication and active work with clients.

If you constantly run around looking for those to whom you sell your course once and quit, you will quickly run out of steam.

There are good statistics that it is 7 times cheaper and easier to sell to an existing client than to a new client.

So from the very beginning, start actively collecting the base and actively working with it.

I just had a bug in this. For two years we worked without collecting the contacts of people who came to us at all. Now I deeply regret it.

I repeat once again - FROM THE VERY BEGINNING OF WORK, START ASSEMBLYING THE BASE! Collect e-mail, phone and name of all your potential clients. This is the bare minimum to start with. Collect them at least in excel. If you feel strong in yourself, master the CRM system right away. This will make your life much easier. Find any with initial free functionality and go!

And understand - it's not the number of people in the database that decides, but the relationship with them. No need to just write down contacts and forget about them. Send regularly useful materials on your topic. And sometimes special good propositions about the purchase.

First clients

  • First sales on own and partner base(If you do everything right, then here you will start earning without spending a single ruble)

After your first free events, you have a small base of potential clients.

If you have truly contributed to these events, there will be those who want more. They want to buy. This is where you sell your first paid product. It can be a course, training, individual lesson- what do you want.

For example, if you want to go in for dancing, you held a free master class at any dance school, agreed with the owner on an hourly rent, and in this hall you start leading one paid group. Then another and another, and so on.

  • Legal registration(It is better to work in "white")

At the initial stage, no one will arrest you for the first students. But I recommend that you immediately learn to work in the "white", because then you will have to do it anyway, and it will be difficult to get used to a smaller margin.

So in the beginning you do not need to register a legal entity. person - you can agree to work on the basis of an existing company. This is how you test your idea. If everything goes well, you will already open your own company or individual entrepreneur.

Development and first personnel

  • Own company(It's already cool!)

But only at this stage, when you have tested the idea, you have already begun to receive real money and the future seems bright - at this moment, start registering your company.

The statistics of firms closing, which I mentioned at the beginning of this article, would be completely different if everyone first tested their ideas for the possibility of earning money, and then registered the company. Do not repeat the mistakes of the majority. Then the results you will not be like most)

  • Hiring an assistant (Here you are Boss!

Your first employee is an assistant for a couple of hours a day. You can take a student or find someone. Just write an ad on your contact pages that you are looking for young interesting guys who want to start working already, and not delve into theory.

Most simple tasks. It’s hard to give advice here - until you hire the first employee, you still won’t understand them, and you’ll do everything wrong. But there is no other way! Hire an assistant and start your endless journey of leadership development.


It's generally interesting topic. Many amaze with their Napoleonic desires (excuses). So, they say, when I have my own hall or even a building, then I can start normally.

We started with different semi-basements rented by the hour. And I advise you the same. I mean, not semi-basement premises, but rent by the hour.

You collect an advance payment from the students, pay the rent from it by the hour - and that's fine. Switching to monthly payment for your own hall makes sense ONLY when the hourly rent of several halls costs you as much as the monthly rent of the hall.

It is at the moment when you know for sure that just with the current number of students you can afford your hall - that's when you rent your hall.

In the same way, approach the second hall - first by the clock, then the second hall, etc.

Further development

What is described above (before renting the hall on a monthly basis) can be done in a month. Yes, for a month. How long have you been nurturing this idea and dream of yours? Enough to bear - give birth already. It's time.

And when you go through all these stages, you will understand that starting without money, without premises, etc. — these were the smallest problems on your way. Further more. But that's where all the fun is! How in computer game. The more experienced you become, the more harder levels and scarier opponents. If this scares you, you are not an entrepreneur. But if it sparks interest, then you are on the right track.

  • New employees(Immediately get used to the fact that the search good people will be your life's work)

Will you hire new teachers and have fun solving problems - how to motivate them to work better, how to make sure that groups are not taken away and do not go to competitors =)

And when you grow up, hire a deputy or an executive director. How to make sure that he does not take away the business, that he cares about development as well as you ...

  • New destinations(Appetite comes with eating)

If you want to open new directions - tasks will appear - where to get time for these directions, when you are stuck in a routine, where to get money, where to get normal employees ????

  • VIP destinations(Already more interesting)

How not to hesitate to take 50, 100 thousand rubles from people for a month of your work. Such problems are more interesting to solve)

  • Automation ( uuuu where did you go)
  • Scaling(Eeeeeeeee)

And if everything worked out at the previous stages, you will want more! New branches, new directions, new cities, etc.

But this is all a completely different story.

I hope I scared you.

I'll quote Tolstoy again with a slight change: "If you don't want to run a training center, don't!"

This is a very complex business. A lot has to do with communication. But also insanely important and interesting business.

Each training center is changing the world for the better. We develop Creative skills, improve health, open borders through training different languages, helping to keep families, relationships and peace of mind… We make people happier.

And I will be happy if this article helps open another learning center that will make its students happier.

Good luck, friends!

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P.S. Write your questions in the comments below - I will be happy to answer them.

P.P.S. for those who are more comfortable watching videos, I have prepared a video version of this article. And for those who are more comfortable listening - below you will find an audio version that you can download.

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Alexey Beba.
Head of the project "GlavUch"
Head of the creative studio "Evolution".

We wish you even more satisfied students!

Excellent learning center

    Start with one-time master classes. And think - who already has a base of estimators or those who want to become them. In order not to collect them from scratch.

    You can partner with someone who sells specialized equipment or whatever else is needed for the job.

Greetings, future and present colleagues. I am Anatoly Stoyanov from the city of Samara. Five years ago I was able to discover medical Center"Rubin", which successfully operates today. In this article, I will share with you some best practices and useful tips.

I'll start with what my business represents today:

  • the area of ​​the premises is more than 200 square meters;
  • center services - gynecology, therapy, surgery, laboratory tests, dentistry and cosmetology;
  • all doctors are professionals in their field, graduates, there are doctors and professors of medical sciences;
  • monthly income is from a million rubles;
  • business is valued at 15 million rubles.

Medical center as a business

Is it worth it?

Looking at the level of public medicine, we can conclude that the opening of a private clinic is relevant. Most Russians are ready to pay for quality medical services.

Your task is to provide them with a high level of service, comfort and quality specialists. A licensed medical facility with qualified doctors will always be in demand. The main thing is to draw up a business plan for the medical center and follow it clearly.

What type of medical institution to choose?

Today, there are several types of medical institutions:

1. Therapeutic. Here, the emphasis is on the examination of visitors aged 15 years and older, their treatment and disease prevention. Therapeutic institutions include clinics and hospitals.

At the same time, polyclinics, as a rule, are attached to hospitals. Such medical institutions there may be the following departments - oncology, gynecology, neurology, surgery, therapy and others. A prerequisite is the organization of a registry and a sanitary checkpoint.

2. Pediatric. They have some similarities with the institution that we described above. The main difference is the age of patients, which should not exceed 15 years. The main attention is focused on the smallest children aged 0 to 3 years.

3. Preventive. They provide a full range of services to clients of all ages. In this case, the place of residence and the region of the client's country do not matter.

4. Special. Such medical centers include institutions that "preach" alternative medicine.

At the initial stage, you can choose one direction, and then develop in other areas.

We create a business plan for a medical center inexpensively

A prerequisite for opening successful business and especially medical - the presence of a working business plan.

Starting a business in which you are going to invest a lot of money and not knowing exactly how to spend it, what equipment to buy and when the whole event will pay off, this is the wrong decision. Moreover, an inexpensive business plan can be created from a template:

How to develop correctly?

You must understand that in the field of paid medical care it is necessary to constantly develop.

For this you must:

  • improve the quality of services provided and expand their range;
  • conquer new markets;
  • if necessary, reduce the cost of services to attract additional customers;
  • timely raise tariffs for those directions that are in the greatest demand;
  • develop new programs (for example, provide health insurance).

How to choose a place and premises?

To begin with, you must decide whether you will be building or renting the necessary building. The first option requires significant costs.

The amounts of infusions can amount to tens or even hundreds of millions of rubles. In the case of rent, you can get by with “little blood”.

When choosing a room, please note that the optimal area of ​​​​the medical center should be from 150-200 square meters. Pay special attention to the availability of a bathroom, water supply, ventilation, electricity (preferably three-phase).

Inside the premises there should be a reception room and free access to all offices.

If you start work from one direction, for example, opening dental office, then such an area, of course, is not necessary. Here you can get by with 30-40 square meters.

As for the location of the center, there are some special requirements No. If a high-quality advertising campaign is carried out, and people know about your clinic, then they will be ready to go to the edge of the city to “their” doctor.

On the other hand, a place in the city center will not be superfluous. And everything would be fine, but there are several disadvantages. First, the rent for a room in the center is much higher.

Secondly, there is a high probability of termination of the contract by the landlord. In the latter case, you will have to spend another 4-6 months moving the business and obtaining permits.

- Renting a room can cost from 150,000 rubles per month.
– Construction and arrangement of a new building – from 50 million rubles.
- Renting a small office with an area of ​​​​30-40 "square" - from 20,000 rubles per month.
- Renovation of the premises - from 30 thousand rubles per square meter area.

Medical Center

What is the order of registration?

When opening a medical center, you must be prepared for the obligatory registration of a license. To obtain it, you must have a room that meets all the requirements and standards, hire qualified personnel, and purchase a full range of equipment with the appropriate certificates.

It can take at least one year to collect all the documents and permits, so be prepared for some serious work. After preparing the papers and submitting the application, it is necessary to wait for a decision within a few months.

Please note that the issuance of sick cards will also require a license.
General expenses for registration - from 50,000 rubles.

Medical center equipment. What to buy?

One of the main items of expenditure is the purchase necessary equipment. This is the case when saving will only be to the detriment. When choosing, focus on product quality, warranty and service availability.

Do not take everything in a row - buy only the equipment that you need to work in the direction.

As a rule, the medical center should have the following equipment - analytical instruments, weighing equipment, devices for measuring physical parameters, special furniture for patient treatment, laboratory furniture and cabinets.

If your center has a laboratory, then you cannot do without magnetic hangers, a centrifuge, a microscope, a water bath, drying cabinets, thermostats, hot plates, shakers, stirrers, muffle furnaces and other specialized equipment.

The total cost of purchasing equipment can result in an amount of 3-4 million limit. The upper cost limit is unlimited. Remember that people are willing to pay for qualified service on high-precision equipment. Therefore, your costs will definitely pay off.

How to select qualified personnel?

Opening a medical center Special attention give the choice of graduates and most importantly - experienced professionals. Now there are significant problems with this, so you should try.

The main requirements for candidates are specialized education, confirmed by a diploma, work experience in the specialty for at least three years. A big plus if the doctor managed to work abroad.

Do not be afraid to waste time searching, because the staff is the "face" of your clinic. Sometimes it can take from several weeks to several months to gather a good team.

The number of specialists and their specifics depends on the chosen area of ​​activity. If the clinic is small and you are just starting out, then 2-3 doctors, 2-3 nurses, one accountant and administrator may be enough.

When choosing staff, you should clearly understand the future work schedule, because the time for visiting patients can vary greatly. There may be no one in the morning, and in the evening after work, an influx of customers begins.

The average salary of a nurse and an administrator should be from 15,000 rubles, an accountant - from 30,000 rubles, a doctor - from 40,000 rubles.

At the same time, the higher the qualification of the doctor, the greater his salary will be. Again, do not be stingy and try to keep the "backbone" of the clinic.

General expenses for wages can be from 200 thousand rubles.

Table number 1. Potential of services of medical centers in Russia

How to advertise a new business?

Here you will have to work hard:

  • develop form style future institution. It must be recognizable;
  • think over the concept of advertising;
  • organize the creation of your media plan, shoot promotional videos;
  • make a quality website, fill it with quality content and order promotion. It is important to consider the possibility of making an appointment via the Internet and providing preliminary consultations - this will seriously increase the rating and recognition of your clinic;
  • organize outdoor advertising;
  • do not ignore the prospects of advertising in public transport. As a rule, people are very interested in such ads.

Table number 2. hsyrf gain medical services in Russia

What are the business risks?

When opening a medical center, you can face a number of difficulties - a high level of pricing policy for services, the difficulty of choosing a building for a clinic, a lot of competition in the chosen industry, low level qualifications of hired personnel, long-term cost recovery.

Results: how to open a private clinic

So, the amount of financial injections and the payback of the business depends on the scale:

1. Costs:

  • building rent - from 150,000 rubles per month;
  • repair - from 30,000 rubles per "square" area;
  • paperwork - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment - from 3 million rubles;
  • salary of employees - from 200 thousand rubles per month;
  • advertising costs - from 700 thousand rubles.

2. Potential income - from 600,000 rubles per month.

Payback - 1-3 years.