Interesting crafts from natural material for elementary school. Crafts from natural material for elementary school

Summer and autumn are the best times of the year when you can show your creativity. After all, in summer and autumn there is a lot of natural material from which you can make a lot of all sorts of interesting crafts with your own hands.

To keep yourself and your children entertained, you can make original and beautiful crafts from natural materials. For this, fruits, vegetables, cones, pebbles, leaves, acorns and shells and much more that nature itself gives us are suitable.

Connect your imagination, stock up on additional tools and boldly create! Below are 12 wonderful crafts made from natural materials with your own hands.

1. Crafts from cones with your own hands. Basket

1. For a basket of cones, you need to prepare the cones and fasten them together with a hard wire.

2. Connect the cones and tie them into a circle. In this example, 2 circles were made to make the basket deeper.

3. If you made 2 or more circles, then fasten them together, this can be done with the same wire.

4. If you want to make a handle for a basket, then you can try to make a semicircle out of cones, connecting them with wire or using liquid nails for this.

5. To make the bottom of the basket, you can use thick cardboard or plywood.

2. DIY crafts. autumn candles

Required material:

  • leaves (real or artificial)
  • PVA glue (decoupage glue)
  • brush or sponge
  • jar
  • alcohol

1. To get rid of fat, you need to wipe the jar with alcohol.

2. Then apply glue to the jar.

3. Use straight leaves to decorate the jar.

4. Stick for decoupage, you can grease the glued leaves.

5. Add a thread and a candle for beauty.

3. Crafts for the home. New Year's toys from natural materials

4. Children's crafts made from natural materials. Seahorse from branches

Everything is pretty simple here.

Prepare cardboard and draw a seahorse (or other animal or object) on it.

Saw off or carefully break the branches and use PVA glue or superglue to attach them to the cardboard.

5. Crafts from vegetables and fruits. apple swan

From an ordinary apple, you can make a very beautiful table decoration, and it's not at all difficult. Children will especially like such a surprise.

You will need:

  • apple (preferably large and of the same color - for example, red - so that the contrast is better seen)
  • small, very sharp knife

6. Cup of coffee beans on burlap

This DIY coffee craft will make your kitchen beautiful. And to create such a mini-masterpiece, you need to prepare:

  • a sheet of cardboard (size 33 cm by 24 cm);
  • a piece of burlap;
  • glue;
  • star anise and coffee beans.

1. First, it is worth cutting a rectangle out of burlap, which will be a couple of centimeters larger than a cardboard sheet. The burlap is folded over and glued to the back of the cardboard. To make the craft look neat, iron the burlap before work.

2. When you have glued the base for the burlap, you should wait for it to dry.

3. Now it’s worth drawing a picture frame from coffee. In order to get a frame, you need to measure 2 cm from the edge of the picture from all sides. First, we use a simple pencil and draw lines with it.

4. If you have drawn lines, then draw a cup with a saucer in the center of the burlap. At what the size of the cup can be at your discretion.

5. If the sketch is ready, now we gradually paste over the picture with coffee beans. First you need to glue the cup and saucer.

6. When the cup is pasted over, then proceed to pasting the frame.

7. If the craft is ready, then decorate it with star anise. Attach it to the corner of your craft.

7. DIY fruit crafts. hedgehogs


  • pear
  • grape
  • (black and green)
  • strawberries (optional)
  • raisins (for eyes)
  • toothpicks

1. Make an incision starting from the middle of the pear (see picture).

2. Peel off the skin.

3. Prepare toothpicks and put one green grape on each, which should be closer to one edge of the toothpick.

4. Insert each grape toothpick into the pear, on the unpeeled spot.

5. To make a nose, put a black grape on a pear pod.

6. To insert the raisins (which act as eyes), you must first make small indentations with a knife.

7. If you wish, you can add a load to the hedgehog that he is carrying, for this you can use a couple of strawberries.

8. Crafts from natural material. Photo frame of shells

You will need:

  • simple wooden photo frame
  • white acrylic paint
  • tassel
  • glue "Moment" (superglue or glue gun)
  • shells

1. Paint the photo frame in any color (if necessary) and leave to dry, then apply another coat of paint.

2. Before you start gluing the shells, lay them out in a frame to get an idea of ​​what looks best and where.

3. Start gluing the shells to the frame. When finished gluing, leave to dry.

4. Add your favorite photo.

9. Crafts from natural material in the fall: monsters from cones (photo instruction)

10. Crafts for kindergarten. Insects from natural materials

11. Crafts from stones. Strawberry

12. Easy leaf crafts

Required material:

  • leaves (flowers and/or other natural materials)
  • paper or canvas
  • paints (acrylic or spray)

In order to create a cozy atmosphere in your home, every detail designed to decorate the interior must clearly fit into its overall style. To emphasize the dignity of the interior, highlighting the advantages and hiding the disadvantages, the decorative sound of various accessories will help. One of these creations of home art is handmade crafts made from natural materials. From our article you will learn how with the help of simple things that surround us, you can create exquisite jewelry and original decor items. The following workshops with photos and step-by-step instructions, as well as various ideas for home, summer cottage, school and kindergarten, will help you easily cope with this task.

Beautiful crafts: we do it quickly and easily (photo)

Kanzashi, topiary, decoupage, planters, origami - the world of handmade tirelessly excites the imagination of needlewomen.

A variety of crafts made of wood, glass, shells, cereals, coffee beans, pasta, paper, stones, pebbles and other natural materials will help create a unique cosiness and light romantic mood in any interior.

Advice! You can create a variety of stocks for making crafts from natural material from absolutely anything, just look around, you probably have a lot of things suitable for this at home.

Hazel and pine nuts, beans, buckwheat, peas, coriander, pepper - are excellent material for creativity

Advice! In order for handicraft creativity to give you exclusively positive emotions, and the process of preparing material turned into a real holiday, you can combine business with pleasure.

  1. Being at sea in the summer, stock up on beautiful shells and small pebbles. They make great wall decorations for the home.
  2. Walking through the autumn park, give your child the task of picking up acorns, chestnuts, colorful fallen leaves. Products from natural materials made by children's hands are endowed with special warmth and love.
  3. When caring for your own garden, do not be too lazy to sow the seeds of dried flowers. They are perfectly stored in the winter and will be an ideal tool for creative work.

Natural wood crafts

Tree- a beautiful and malleable material that has gained popularity among designers, architects and ordinary amateurs. Natural array is easy to combine with metal, glass, plastic and stone decor.

Wooden crafts will harmoniously fit into a cozy country-style room, set the tone for the brutal loft style, and advantageously change the classic, Scandinavian, minimalist decor.

We offer you to view a universal selection of interesting wood products that can transform the design of any interior, becoming its beautiful and bright accent:

Tree branches

- a refined natural material that allows you to create many original things for your home with your own hands: chandeliers, wall lamps, candlesticks, photo frames, hangers, headboards and much more.

  1. Painted dry branches with many branches will give a special charm to the living room, kitchen, bathroom.
  2. Tables, lamps, shelves, vases trimmed with a saw cut look nice.
  3. A romantic mood will be set by decorative panels in the form of a heart, a bird, a star.
  4. Gold, silver, white, black rods, placed in a transparent vase with stones, attract attention.

Wood saw cuts

Tree cuts help create larger crafts: vases, clocks, frames, stylized wreaths. Wooden tubs for flowers, shelves, hot coasters will harmoniously fit into the interior.

Having shown a little imagination, it will not be difficult for craftsmen to build an unusual countertop from these round ones, fixing the saw cuts of wood on a plywood sheet, filling the voids with shavings and opening them with varnish.

Bark of tree

Bark is a natural and affordable material. Modern craftsmen use birch bark to create unique paintings and appliqués. Mugs, baskets, tuesas and boxes made of birch bark will last for decades.

Crafts made from natural materials will help not only to reveal your creative potential, but also to translate your interior ideas into reality.

Decorative stone and pebbles

  • Decorative rock- the unbridled power of the elements, which has a strong charge, which affects the overall design concept of personal plots, interior decoration.

Chests, caskets, vases filled with pebbles will dilute the routine atmosphere of city apartments and office space. Small stones will decorate walls, mirrors, door handles, stands for installations, as well as bottles. Look at the examples in the photo.

An interesting solution would be glass bottle candle holder filled with shells with colorful pebbles. No less beautiful will look beautiful stones stuck to the wall.

A decorative rug, pasted over with flat pebbles, planted on silicone or special glue, looks unusual and elegant. With it, your porch will look stylish and beautiful.

Even children can create original stone compositions. Just before that, you need to conduct a step-by-step master class for them.

Mosaic, painting, stone cutting- a great way to entertain children by creating magnets, flower arrangements, trees, cacti in decorated pots.

Advice! It is best to paint sea pebbles in one tone with the help of special cans, but you need to apply drawings and thin lines on them using brush liners.

  • Decorative panels and figurines are made from multi-colored stones. Pebble cladding of walls, floors, fireplaces and window sills - the basis, kitchens, toilets.

Picture of stones - a unique piece of furniture

Summer crafts from fruits, leaves and flowers

The formation of a careful and caring attitude towards the environment is formed by classes with natural materials. An important stage of work is the collection, processing and preparation for the use of summer gifts.

You can make beautiful and original home accessories with children's hands from:

  • leaves;
  • poplar fluff;
  • colors;
  • seeds.

Dry grass, fruits, flowers, tree fruits and plant seeds make it possible to create complex volumetric applications for autumn and summer themes, unique and colorful compositions and other original art objects.

Advice! If wood (saw cuts, logs, bark, twigs) is used to create crafts from natural material, it should be thoroughly dried before starting work. Using damp wood will significantly shorten the life of homemade masterpieces.

Ideas for creating autumn crafts

Autumn is the best time to pick fruits, seeds, vegetables, as well as acorns, cones, and chestnuts. Fallen leaves, dry flowers, grass will serve to create unusual bouquets, wreaths, applications.

Natural compositions look good in ordinary vases, watermelon peel, coconut shell, pumpkin shell. An original master class can be held for children, teaching them how to create crafts from natural materials with their own hands.

  1. The cones will make a cozy basket or wreath that can be hung on the front door.
  2. Zucchini decorated with berries and flowers will become the main character of the garden plot.
  3. A kaleidoscope of bright colors of pumpkins, potatoes, eggplant will decorate the yard landscape if you come up with a worthy use for them.

Advice! Looking for ideas for crafts for kindergarten, check out the wonderful houses made from bark and tree branches.

Crafts on the theme: "Sea and the underwater world"

Sea crafts give bright emotions and a rainbow mood even in cold winter. If you are lucky enough to collect a collection of shells during your vacation, hurry up to become the authors of voluminous applications, paintings, frames, a marine theater or an aquarium.

  • Sea treasures are easily transformed into beads, pendants and pendants.
  • Cold porcelain, salt dough will help to complement the composition with starfish, corals, colored stones.
  • The ocean in a bottle is a whole underwater world that allows you to invent different stories and study marine life.
  • On a cool day, warm memories of summer will also be given by boats made from improvised materials.

When making nautical-themed decor, do not limit yourself to anything - create, try, dare

In the manufacture of products on the theme of "sea" you can use absolutely any natural material

Feathers for needlework

  • bird feathers- used by craftswomen to create soft pillows, warm feather beds, hat decorations, toys, unusual souvenirs.

They also decorate the interior, complementing the crafts with sequins, sparkles, small ribbon bows and other decor.

Despite the fact that the pen is a very capricious material, working with it is quite simple and easy.

Dream catcher - a magical talisman that attracts good luck

Important! Bird feathers can cause a severe allergic reaction in humans, so be careful using them as home decorations.

DIY crafts (step by step)

It is easy to create crafts from natural material with your own hands - the main thing is to get the necessary tools and material. The following step-by-step instructions for creating versatile home and garden decor will help you complete this simple task.

colorful panel

Panel - decorative, facades. Currently, three main genres are used for its manufacture: sculptural, mosaic and appliqué.

An interesting solution is an artistic panel made of natural materials: dry leaves, straw, nut shells, dried flowers. Its production takes place in 3 simple steps:

  1. First you need to make a base. It can be made from wooden boards knocked down into a shield or a piece of plywood.
  2. Next, the base must be covered with burlap material or a straw grate over it, on which the application will be applied. You can make an application from flat elements (leaves, grains, seeds), or get a relief surface by combining three-dimensional details. An unusual solution would be to weave dried citrus, moss and leaves into a straw net.
  3. The final stage is the creation of a rope or wire loop for attaching the panel to the wall. Rate the result in the photo!

Advice! If desired, a frame made of snags or vine branches can be added to the resulting composition. It will make your work more elegant

Egg shells for indoor plants

Creating small flowerpots from eggshells requires special care, since the shell itself is a rather fragile material and can be easily damaged by careless movement.


  1. Prick the top of a raw egg and pour the contents into a bowl.
  2. Finish the edges until a clean cut is obtained, or leave them chipped.
  3. Stabilize your vases with a stand or egg carton. Alternative options may be a plasticine flagellum that complements the bottom of the shell.
  4. The resulting container is ready for seedlings of wild flowers, greenery, moss, small succulents.

Interesting to know! An eggshell can also be used as an elegant candle holder, an Easter craft or a miniature flower bed.

To create your own mini-garden, you will need quite a bit of time, the main thing is to do everything carefully and follow the rules described above.

Saw candlesticks

Preparing an exclusive candlestick from a stump or saw cut wood will take a minimum of time and effort. Obtain the necessary material and tools to perform the following actions:

  1. Impregnate the wooden base with compounds that prevent the formation of rot and insect pests.
  2. Using a drill and a special nozzle, make a shallow hole in the center of the stump to install a standard candle. So that the edges do not pose a danger, process them with sandpaper.
  3. Decorate the product with burlap tied with a jute rope or a beautiful ribbon.

A wooden stand for 2-3 candles, made of simple driftwood, mounted on a wall, hangers or supports, will look unusual. Such an interesting hand-made product will be the best attribute for romantic evenings.

Kitchen clock

A clock for the kitchen from cutlery is made very quickly and simply. For this we need:

  • clockwork with a beautiful dial;
  • disposable plastic spoons and forks;
  • glue gun.

Step by step master class

  1. First you need to disassemble the watch, separating the mechanism from the dial;
  2. Next, using a glue gun, we glue improvised arrows opposite each number so that the spoons and forks alternate and follow one after the other. So the watch will look much prettier;
  3. It remains to let the glue dry, set the dial in place and insert the battery into the watch. Original and useful ready!

Summing up

Do-it-yourself decor for home, summer cottage, school, kindergarten is easy to do, especially if you use natural material for this, which is a pleasure to work with.

You just need to enlist the help of family and friends, connect your imagination, and boldly create! Try, experiment, look for your own!

Can be made from a wide variety of materials. In the course are leaves that have fallen from trees of all colors, chestnuts and acorns, pine cones and spruce, seeds, vegetables from the beds.


While walking with children, you can collect fallen leaves and make a beautiful "flower" bouquet out of them. How to do it? We will tell now.

Take a yellowed maple leaf, bend in half and roll into a tube. Add petals from other leaves. Create a bud by folding back the edges and join the leaves into one rose flower. Then you need to collect flowers in a bouquet. Such a gift will be pleasant for mom and grandmother.

A bunch of grapes - an interesting children's craft

The gifts of autumn can be used to create various products. A beautiful bunch of grapes is obtained from acorns. This craft should be done with adults. Separate the collected acorns from the caps, dry them and make through holes in them. Then you need to thread a wire into them and fasten at one end. Next, you should paste over with paper and cover with acrylic paint, varnish. Add leaves that can be cut out of paper, and form grape clusters from ready-made "berries".

Do-it-yourself crafts "Gifts of Autumn" are made by both kids in kindergarten and students at school. In order to do interesting things, you need to have a choice in the material. And autumn generously gives everything that can be used in crafts. The collection of material can be started with cones, pebbles, coniferous needles. Rowan berries and wild rose, dried flowers, moss and bird feathers will be used.

Fairy tree

Dry leaves are perfect for voluminous figures and real paintings. You can try to create a fabulous tree. You will need the following materials: a brown paper bag, plasticine, acorn caps, rowan berries, etc. This craft eliminates the risk of injury for the child, since knives and scissors will not be needed to make wood. First you need to roll the package so that it is twisted on both sides in different directions. Plasticine must be embedded in the lower part of the tree, which will ensure its stability. The top should be dissolved into ribbons. This will be the crown of the tree. Carefully attach oak leaves to it with glue or plasticine. The acorn caps are the eyes and nose. Make a smiling mouth out of rowan berries.

It is not difficult to make crafts "Gifts of Autumn" with your own hands. They are in demand at any exhibition in all preschool and school institutions. Enjoy the process itself.

You can make crafts "gifts of autumn" from vegetables. Although it is impossible to leave them for a long time to decorate interiors, as they tend to deteriorate quickly. But such crafts always look great and collect a large number of spectators.


Potato - the future hedgehog. Take an oblong vegetable. You will also need plasticine to connect parts and toothpicks. On one side of the potato, you need to attach eyes, a nose, and form needles from toothpicks on top. And put an apple or mushrooms on the needles.

little basket

The next creation contains the real gifts of autumn. good because they are always natural. You can, for example, make a basket. This craft will help in the development of children's imagination, attentive attitude to the environment. For work you will need: birch, spruce twigs, rowan and snowberry berries, plasticine, scissors, a brush and varnish.

You should start by sculpting a basket. Then you need to separate the scales from the cones and attach them to the plasticine base of the basket. Intertwine two birch twigs and attach to the main part of the product so that a handle is obtained, which, together with the scales on the basket, must be varnished and allowed to dry. Now you need to take the harvested berries. The rowan is the middle of the flower, and the petals are the snowberry. A branch of a birch is a flower stalk. To complete the image, add spruce and rowan branches.

Application "Corn"

When classes begin at school, children and teachers bring their crafts "Gifts of Autumn" to school. You can try to make an application in the form of a corn cob. You will need the following materials: white cardboard, green plasticine, real corn kernels. From plasticine, make the base of the cob and leaves. Corn kernels need to be stuck into this base. Such painstaking work develops fine motor skills well.

Leaf crafts

The most unusual do-it-yourself crafts "Gifts of Autumn" are obtained from drawings on ordinary leaves of different trees. You can draw and color the leaves in the form of insects, animals. Fans of the puppet theater carve and paint figurines from leaves. With the help of ordinary dry leaves, unusual decorated old aquariums, candlesticks, lamps are obtained. For safety, dry leaves are covered with PVA glue. With this additional processing, the colors will remain bright and juicy for a long time. Children are very fond of making various animals from vegetables with their own hands.

In 3D format

Crafts on the theme "Gifts of Autumn" do not always look normal. Sometimes you can’t even imagine that a real masterpiece will be created from ordinary natural material. Volumetric figures are very beautiful. Most often they make animals - cubs, hedgehogs, cats or chanterelles. But you can make a boat, a house or some fairy-tale character. Show your imagination!

Making voluminous figures is more difficult than making applications. Therefore, the child will need the help of an adult.

Theme "Gifts of Autumn": crafts from natural material

Cones make beautiful bears. Cones, acorns and cardboard - and a couple of musicians are ready. Turkeys, camels, birds, deer and a swan - you can figure out how to make a huge variety of birds and animals from natural materials. Everything from natural material that a child's imagination suggests and what the skill of an adult assistant is capable of will turn out great!

What natural materials make beautiful crafts

Wonderful and durable crafts "Gifts of Autumn" from vegetables are obtained if squash is taken as a basis. Two wonderful "summer" snowmen from them will decorate any exhibition. A cute dog can be made from a head of cauliflower and pineapple, a melon is a future hedgehog. A wild boar, penguins and a zebra can be made from eggplant, a poodle will turn out from cauliflower, and from it a whole herd of Romanov sheep. Here is a far from complete list of what craftsmen come up with! It is impossible to list all the ideas to make crafts on the theme "Gifts of Autumn"!

Paper and cardboard also make beautiful crafts.

Don't throw away your egg cartons. It can make beautiful fly agaric mushrooms. Not exactly natural material, but also interesting.

And who wants to make a new toy for children from an old used plastic bottle? Get a cute bull or kitten. You can create a whole village estate with the whole household - chickens, ducks, cows and pigs. You will need plastic bottles of different sizes and shapes, cardboard cylinders from paper towels, thick paper cardboard, glue and paint.

And with the help of cosmetic cotton buds, you can make a fluffy white sheep. Here you need consumables such as white cardboard, scissors, glue, cotton buds, clothespins, tape, markers. Cut out two elliptical shapes from a sheet of cardboard. This will be the body and head. Cut off the tops of cotton buds and glue to the body to make a "fur coat". Glue several tops from sticks on top of the animal's head, like a bang. It remains to draw the eyes. From the ribbon make a bow for the sheep. Connect both parts. Clothespins will make legs.

Each season presents people with its natural materials, from which you can create spectacular crafts. In summer, it can be stones and shells brought from the sea, and in autumn, yellow leaves and cones.

There are also many creative solutions using flowers, acorns, vegetables and fruits. From different materials, you can make bird feeders, home decor items, paintings and products for summer cottages.

Types of crafts

Any holiday can serve as a reason for making crafts. Most often, people make various products with their own hands from natural material in the following cases:

  1. To decorate a portrait on Mother's Day.
  2. For the new year.
  3. Autumn crafts for home decoration.
  4. Household products in the form of baskets or vases.
  5. Halloween pumpkin crafts.
  6. Decorations for the garden.

All these items will be made exclusively from environmentally friendly materials, which means they will not harm health. It is worth noting that the family will not spend a penny on this, it is enough to go to the forest or park and collect the necessary items.

How to make a gift in honor of Mother's Day?

Mother's Day is a special day for every man or son. At this moment, I want to please my mother with something. In this case, crafts made from natural materials are perfect, because the most expensive gift is a gift made by yourself.

There are several types that can be presented to the hero of the occasion. They can be easy, which even a small child can handle, or more complex.

Portrait decoration

One of the most creative and at the same time simple ideas is to decorate the mother's portrait with a beautiful fall outfit.

For this you will need the following materials:

  • grains of wheat or other cereals;
  • beads;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • maple yellow leaves;
  • glue;
  • picture frame.
  • colored paper A4.

First you need to prepare the frame and background for the future portrait. It is better to use calmer colors here, the background should not be flashy and draw all the attention to itself. Pastel colors work well.

When the frame with the background is ready, you need to find a full-face photo of mom and the larger it is, the better, this will allow you to fully use all the prepared natural materials and give more space for creativity.

If the photo is large, you only need to cut out the face and paste it on the background. Now you can start decorating the picture. First you need to make hair from wheat grains. Hairstyle can be absolutely any, not necessarily the same as it was in the photo.

On top of the head, you need to leave a place for a crown of maple leaves. Here you can also fantasize or peep ideas from films and cartoons.

Below the neck, you also need to stick a large maple leaf, but already upside down. It will be part of a necklace that will be made from pumpkin seeds. At your discretion, you can add multi-colored beads to the composition.

Decorate the "dress" with flowers

New Year crafts

New Year is one of the most important and long-awaited holidays for every family. It is always very important to make it special, handicrafts made from various natural materials, made independently, can help.

It can be not only toys for the Christmas tree, but also New Year's wreaths on the door made of cones, caskets, wall and table decorations.

How to make a New Year's wreath for a door from cones?

To make a wreath of cones, you first need to make a round base. If you wish, you can make it yourself or buy a suitable item in the store. You can also look for something resembling a circle at home, absolutely any object will do.

To create a full-fledged New Year's crafts, you will need the following materials:

  • Glue.
  • Cones.
  • Round object, such as embroidery mugs.
  • Wide ribbon (preferably red).
  • Small tree branches.
  • Berries.
  • Acorns or nuts.
  • Wire.
  • Fir branches.

The first thing to do is to think through to the end what the design of a wreath made from natural materials will be like. It is advisable to draw a sketch on paper. Depending on what is used as a round base, you need to choose the best option for attaching cones.

If this is a circle of foam, the bumps can be attached with wire, in other cases, reliable glue is more suitable. But before sticking them, you should think about repainting them in a different color, for example, red or golden bumps look very impressive.

Sometimes, according to the idea, the cones need to be glued to their natural position, but this does not always work out. In this case, you can increase the gluing area and attach them with a side part, before breaking part of the petals. For convenience, pliers are used for this.

How to decorate a Christmas wreath?

Sometimes a New Year's wreath serves not only as an object of decorating a house and creating a cozy atmosphere. In some cases, it plays the role of a talisman. To make it, it is necessary to use the appropriate natural materials that have the appropriate spiritual power. These can be the following plants:

  • viburnum - a symbol of cohesion and family unity;
  • sunflower - a symbol of financial well-being;
  • oak acorns - will add health (like a walnut), as well as strength and longevity;

The same applies to the color of the Christmas wreath:

  • Blue with gold - health.
  • Red is energy and strength.

Also, for decoration, you can use items such as Christmas balls, dried lemon mugs, cinnamon sticks, garlands and ribbons, fruits, sweets or rain. How to make crafts for kindergarten on an autumn theme?

It is the autumn time that involves the manufacture of a large number of crafts from natural materials for kindergarten. At this time, educators and teachers are trying to awaken a creative nature in children, and parents can help them with this.

Young children are encouraged to start with the simplest. The most common craft is a photograph of a child in which he is trying to fan the wind. It is glued on one side of the leaf, and the leaves on the other, so it seems as if the baby is blowing the leaves and they fly through the air.

Other simple crafts made from natural material can be as follows:

  • Hedgehog.
  • Owls.
  • Wreaths on the head of the leaves.
  • Crowns.

To make a hedgehog, you will need an A4 sheet, pencils, glue, and preferably birch leaves, if they are not found, any others with pointed ends will do. On paper, you need to draw the muzzle of a hedgehog or its whole. Further on the body, where the needles are located, sheets are glued with sharp ends up. Hedgehog is ready!

For a wreath, you will need any round object that can be worn on the head. In extreme cases, you can cut it out of cardboard and glue the ends. Leaves with long petioles are better suited here to tie it to the base. In the same way, you can attach different flowers to the wreath.

Using the petiole, you can tie the wreath to the base