How to meet if you are over 30. Where to meet a girl for a serious relationship? Dating at business conferences

It's logical to look for a life partner where he himself goes in search of a girlfriend. Therefore, we instructed the writer Oleg Borichev to investigate where and how gentlemen of different age groups meet their potential ladies. And the journalist Anna Rodina supplemented his large-scale work by summarizing our women's experience.

Where to meet at 20+

“Listen, I don’t understand what you want from me at all!” - Vanya hooks a mushroom on a fork from the fifth time; catching hairy youngsters is much faster for him.

- Nothing outrageous! How do you meet girls? Where? Why exactly?

- Yes, it doesn't matter. I'm interested - I'm taking a step. On the street, in a bar, at a party, at a corporate party - it doesn't matter. He approached, spoke, yes - yes, no - no, that's all.

Vanya is tall, handsome, usually talkative. He graduated from the theater, played episodic roles in a dozen TV shows. He is 23. At the moment he is single and claims that he meets not only for the sake of sex. Trying to start a conversation about ways to find a match with his age group seems logical (for a while). At twenty-something, the entire vast ancient world lies at our feet like an obedient dog. The future seems exceptionally bright, parents are hopeless retrogrades, and love is eternal. Even the results of polls do not argue with the latter. According to the Romir research holding, almost all respondents agree on the age of 23-25 ​​when choosing the age for starting a family (and agreed 10 years ago).

The main thing that surprises Ivan and his peers is, of course, not an explicable frivolous attitude to the subject of conversation as a whole, but a wary perception of the Internet as a way of getting to know each other. "I'm not that desperate", "Too much culling rate", and even just "Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffsssssssssssssssssssssssshard. Various measurements show from 50 to 65% of the penetration of the global network into the lives of Russians. That is, every second person is already connected, but the level of male distrust in the Internet in matters of arranging life, oddly enough, is the same.

We think. In 1897, an all-Russian census was conducted, and it turned out that girls mostly go down the aisle at 21. A hundred years later, in the dashing nineties, they jumped out to get married even earlier - at the age of 18-19. It is believed that social upheavals are to blame, which forced us to seek stability by any means.

Modern research shows that shocks are probably a thing of the past. Many girls do not think about marriage until the age of 25–27 (then the question: “Well, why are you still not married?” - still a little annoying). In the meantime - bars, parties, the Internet. Youth wants diversity, and where to look for it, if not on a dating site or, for example, in a special mobile application, right?

In fact. The Internet as a hunting ground is of least interest to windy twenty-year-olds. The irony is that the girls were not so windy after all. Serve them serious relationships or good friends, not this dinner of yours with dancing. “We have 16.5 million registered users, about 37% of them are women,” says Maxim Khramov, director of dating site LovePlanet. “So, young girls in the column “Purpose of dating” most often indicate friendship and communication.” “I like the Russian Tinder, there are a lot of beauties,” 23-year-old Italian Mario echoes him. “But most of them are determined to find a permanent partner.”

“Tinder”, of course, is not at all for this, and even young ladies complain that everything is too slow in dating applications: men often do not go beyond likes, it takes a long time to wait for an invitation to a date, and when you are twenty, you don’t want to wait. “I appreciated my photo - and that was the end of the conversation,” says Katya, she is 22. – I think it's easier to go to a bar and meet someone there. In any case, it will immediately be clear whether a person likes it or not.

Where to meet at 30+

“It’s just that at some point you need to understand that all this is really serious. Need time. And strength. and organization of the process. I'm not saying that you need to drive dates into the Outlook calendar. Although-ah-ah ... - Seva looks thoughtfully out the window, where it is dark and scary, like in the soul of a man who first visited a dating site in 2016.

- That is, still drive?

- Not really. Be serious about this. Either you want to die alone or you don't. If not, work. Not at all, but over it. Well, in general, too ...

Seve is thirty. The easiest way to describe him is with established clichés: “successful manager”, “well-groomed beard”, “creakle”. Seva is very angry at his ex-wife for cheating and a little angry at the whole world, because "what the hell is wrong." He lived according to a plan that was roughly outlined back in his senior years, and the world and the former dared to somewhat correct the established picture of a folding life.

The time of the collapse of youthful dreams of simplicity, convenience and directness of the chosen path comes as a result for almost any seva. It is assumed that a thirty-year-old man is an adult of our species, an accomplished person, a stable social construct. Oh, if only. The total infantilization of homo sapiens males has led to the fact that by thirty, we often only just understand what we need from a partner. And sometimes it comes as a surprise. How about dating? He suddenly turns out to be not just unimportant, but stupidly uninteresting - yes, any, damn it. "Damn knows what she's good for, but I don't regret getting married." “Yes, I immediately realized that I didn’t, but I ran away from the cinema ...” “Listen, I’m just tired, but with her ... well, it just happened.”

We think. Agree, by thirty there is no time for bars and round-the-clock parties, and, to be honest, no energy. But most of the girls already have a permanent job. And here you can meet the man of your dreams. And blush, slightly touching the sleeves during the next coffee break.

In fact. It’s just that a thirty-year-old young lady, most likely, will no longer go to a bar to dance. And here a woman can even get out into a thematic institution. “From about the age of 29, the representatives of the weaker sex most often indicate marriage as the purpose of dating,” says Maxim Khramov, director of the LovePlanet website. “And it is worth noting, by the way, that regardless of age, sex as the main motive is the least popular among ladies.” Girls, among other things, need a like-minded person. Not necessarily immediately a spouse, but one with whom it will be possible to look in the same direction.

“I like football, so I go to sports bars when there are interesting matches,” says 30-year-old Marina. - At first, the guys, of course, assume that I just like to stare at how beautiful men run around the field. But then it turns out that I really understand football, and there are a lot of topics for conversation. “I often met at lectures,” 37-year-old Selena shares her experience. And we did not even take into account the magic of intellectual fluids. It turns out that at a lecture on modern architecture or a design workshop, you can easily meet someone nice with a suitable IQ.

“It’s easier to get acquainted on the Internet,” 30-year-old Masha unexpectedly enters, “you can talk longer and understand whether you’re crazy or not. A simple example: a friend met a man in "real life" - interesting, handsome. And then she found him on VKontakte - with the nickname Pussy Style. The image, as you understand, is very dimmed. Well But what about office romances? "I heard that miracles happen, - says Olya, she is 33. - But, let's say, my colleagues. One is tipsy every evening, the second at the first opportunity pours mud on the former, the third is not able to make a single independent decision. Would I like to hook up with one of them? The answer is coming."

Where to meet at 35+

- Seriously? Don't have Tinder? - Kostya drops a dumpling from a spoon and looks at me literally with his mouth open.

Kostya is almost forty, he is a doctor in not the latest paid clinic. And if he has a strict professional taboo on caring for patients, then otherwise he is one of the most popular with the opposite sex of my acquaintances. Which, however, does not bring him joy. By the end of the fourth decade, the life of many of us becomes like an apartment after an apocalyptic party: everything is broken around, dreams and former partners are scattered in the corners, and the only thing we really want is to lie down on the sofa and die quickly. But. The sexual instinct is invincible. “Oleg, I know that she will leave me in six months, but you understand…”

Tinder, a popular mobile dating app, aims to make the journey from sparking interest to face-to-face meeting as easy as possible. According to various data, from 12 to 41% of all smartphone users have tried it. Until recently, when I said that I was unfamiliar with Tinder, they looked at me with bewilderment. However, the situation has changed: marriage swindlers and lovers of easy removal cleverly won the application. But in fact, the way you meet is really not that important. Most of the people I interviewed who were dissatisfied with Tinder ended up finding partners through other channels. How and why? “Oleg, do you really need to decipher this? ..”

We think. Adult women are wise and careful. They must have already burned themselves in milk, that is, in their first or even second marriage. So now the ladies will not head off to get acquainted on the Internet, a drinking establishment or at a resort. The best option is an established company of friends, where during regular gatherings, someone nice and without a ring on the nameless one suddenly comes out from behind the curtain.

In fact. The surveyed women aged 35+ rejected such a dull scenario for arranging their personal lives (not categorically - with the reservation “what if ...”, but still). And many have called the most attractive way of dating - drum roll! - an accidental meeting during the holidays. When you have already boarded the plane and the wine in the glass has not yet warmed up, and the problems have already been forgotten, then you can start shooting with your eyes. “Two of my friends met the grooms on vacation,” says 42-year-old Tatyana. – Serbia, Italy. Holiday romances are written off in vain: there is more time, nothing distracts from each other, and trips to the hypermarket on Saturdays do not yet loom on the horizon.

Apparently, this is a trend: women (like men, presumably), getting older, less and less want to delve into the spreading inner worlds of partners. And they can be understood: there is a crisis around, then the euro, then sanctions - how to deal with all this. Difficult relationships ladies do not welcome, give them lightness. “In the third message, a man from the Badoo website complained that he was divorced, misses his daughter a lot and nothing pleases him. Well, why should I know this? asks 40-year-old Galina. “Go to the dance,” encourages Yulia, who is also 40. “For only six months I have been learning to dance the Argentine tango, and the romantic results are as follows: one unsuccessful romance (sometimes), one loyal fan (nice) and one pecking mutual interest (I bet on this horse). A friend goes to a salsa school and claims that the energetic Latina is also respected by free and relationship-minded men of all ages.

In preparing this text, I collected information on several dozen magazine pages. It is impossible to squeeze it down to one article. I thought the whole world had moved to the Net, no. People still get to know each other on the streets, in the cinema, at exhibitions and at a party. It seemed to me that the mobile Internet has replaced all communication channels - no. According to the Pew Research Center, up to 54% of citizens still expect calls from partners, not messages. It seemed that after thirty-five there really was no life - nonsense, it was just beginning. The world had to change. And he probably has changed, but we are still looking for each other and even, surprisingly, love.

Opportunities are getting bigger. Difficulties too. We have no time, we are afraid, we appreciate feigned misanthropy, we are constantly at work. We hide behind websites, apps and alcohol. We are indistinguishable from the landscape, virtual identities and fictional characters. Only we still want to be with someone who will understand us, approve us and help us survive all this jazz. And by and large, only this thought makes many of us not give up. Even if you have to approach an unfamiliar woman in a bar. Or write to her. Or, I don't know, like at least.

We admit that the male view of the problem does not shine with optimism. Women perform more vigorously and more actively. But we agree on the main thing: there is a chance to find that very person, and this is already half the battle.

We are waiting for your reaction. What do you think about what you read? Share your thoughts in the comments below or write to [email protected].

Ekaterina Fedorova, psychologist, sexologist

A well-known psychologist, the leading sex coach in Moscow, the author of educational books, provocative trainings and video tutorials will help us understand this topic.

“Of course, you have seen women more than once who, until their very old age, try to remain such naive “merry girls”. They dress like they are 18, put on bright make-up and laugh out loud. And if stylists and hairdressers can still somehow cope with the problem of appearance, then a whole army of graduates should work with children's behavior.

For some reason, it eludes women that with age, the style of communication with a man should change in the same way as the style of clothing. However, many ladies are sure that if they behave according to their age, then their chances of meeting a decent man will be negligible. This is a deep delusion, because 30–35 is the very age when a woman is insanely attractive, but already wise enough and ready for a serious relationship.

Shot from the film "Eat. Pray. Love"

No longer a girl

Remember that by 30 it's time for you to get rid of the manners of a fifteen-year-old teenager. It is unlikely that a mature man will understand and appreciate the hysteria because of the not presented "valentine". At this age, the initiative does not always have to come from a man, and it is considered quite decent when you also participate in building relationships.

1 Behave according to age

Is it safe to say that every girl is obsessed with her appearance? Certainly. However, after 30, this obsession increases at times. But another option is also possible: a woman completely stops caring about her appearance. Begins to wear baggy clothes, ceases to make up and take care of her hair. Many lose all desire to take care of themselves, because they decide that they will no longer look younger.

Remember: if you want to meet a decent man, then you should look presentable. Throw away the dresses you sported in clubs during your university days and pick a wardrobe that suits you. Excess makeup on the face is unlikely to hide age. But blue shadows up to the eyebrows will repel a man - this is a fact!


Don't go to extremes

At 20, any girl strives to do everything as quickly as possible. The credo of youth is not to sit still. After 30, it is worth remembering the proverb "You go slower - you will continue." Initially, it is worth knowing the interests of your chosen one, his preferences. Analyze whether his views on life coincide with yours, whether you have the same goals in terms of relationships. Only then can you decide if you should date him again. However, do not rush from one extreme to another. If a man's opinion differs from yours, this does not mean at all that he is not the hero of your novel. Do not rush to cut off contact with him, otherwise there is a possibility that you will miss a standing man.

Shot from the film "Removal Rules: The Hitch Method"


Do not rush to conclusions

By the age of 30, girls should gain not only experience, but also wisdom. By a certain age, you guess several times faster who is in front of you and what you should expect from him. However, you should not put clichés on men. Don't let your inner Sherlock call your chosen one a bore just because, when he saw that you ordered dessert, he gave you a whole lecture about the dangers of sweets. Be more condescending to a man and do not get carried away with personality analysis.

Frame from the series "Sex and the City"


Grab anyone?!

If you are over 30 and the handsome prince has not visited the tower to save you, do not despair. Otherwise, the moment will surely come when you want to grab any man and drag him down the aisle. In this case, it is highly likely that someone will decide to deceive you and take advantage of you only for the sake of a physical relationship. Men usually sense urgency, urgency and nervousness in a woman's behavior. And they can use it for their own purposes. Therefore, if you dream of a healthy relationship, then do not fall into despair and slow down a little.

Shot from the movie "Groom for Rent"


Places for dating

The beauty of being 30 is that you don't have to pretend and mumble on first dates. You already know what you want from a relationship, and you can clearly articulate your expectations. If a man meets your requirements and is ready to "justify hopes", then it is likely that you have finally met your king. But where to "catch in the net" a decent man? Here are a few places that will snort twentysomethings, but delight wise thirtysomethings.

Frame from the film "Bridget Jones's Diary"
  • At work. Do you remember where the main character of the film "Office Romance" met her future boyfriend? That's right, at work. So you take a closer look at your colleagues. You are already wise and experienced enough not to pay attention to gossip behind your back. This is your life and only you are responsible for it. Therefore, if you like one of your colleagues, then do not be afraid to talk. The main thing is to act carefully. And then, if something goes wrong, you can always back up.
  • Through friends and acquaintances. “Why can’t I do it myself at this age?” - many women think and reject another opportunity to find love. Such a position is riddled with stupidity and pride. Remember that happiness is more important than principles. The only rule is: if you don’t like your partner, then you don’t need to meet him just because you want to please your friends. In other cases, "matchmaking" is a good idea.
  • Airport, train, plane. The "fellow-traveller effect" does its job - the road is extremely close. It's pretty easy to start a conversation and gain trust. And the train is the very place where a person is drawn to frankness. Take advantage of this.

In general, the main thing is not to be afraid to take a decisive step and prove to the whole world that dating after thirty can lead to a wonderful result.

It doesn't matter why you want to meet a girl. Knowing the fishing spots and showing an elementary male initiative, you can set any goals. To help you - the experience of experienced men and my constructive advice. Take some time to find out the answer to the question that every second man asks - where to meet a girl. Enjoy reading!

dating statistics

Three life hacks for dating

All women do it

Where to meet for sex

Dating site selection

Habitat: good and not so good places to meet a girl

The question “where to meet” sounds almost more often than the topical “how”. In fact, there are no right places and trouble-free phrases for dating. But there is a theory of probability and common sense practice, according to which the club, cafe and street are not the best places for dating.

Where not to meet girls

Most of the guys are sure that the club, cafe and street are fishing places. I will say this - banal, boring and inefficient.

  • To meet a girl on the street, you need eggs, and meanwhile, the street has low efficiency. People are in a hurry, in a hurry, thinking about their own things - it is difficult to take a person out of context and focus on himself.
  • In cafes, people eat or meet on business. Believe me, a rare girl will like it when a boyfriend from nowhere looks into her plate or mouth. And... Such an awkward moment, who to pay the bill to.
  • The night club is a good place. Its owners did their best for you - they caught up with the girls and put them into a drunken condition. However, competition will be fierce, investments will be above average, and the chances of a long-term relationship will be almost zero.

Now let's talk about the geography of a successful hunt - where it is easier to meet a girl.

TOP 5 places for effective dating

Psychologists call the most profitable places for dating: transport, a library, a fitness room, a supermarket and the sea.

  • Transport. It is convenient from the point of view of the closed space - at least until the next stop, the girl will be forced to listen to your tirades. The main thing is to quickly and accurately take the number. Her stop might be next. Yours, by the way, too, even if it's not.
  • Library (exhibition, museum, concert hall, etc.). Psychologically mature girls come here who are ready for both serious relationships and flirting without obligations. The main thing is that these girls (praise to the intellect) quickly indicate where and where the wind is blowing. If only your IQ did not let us down.
  • Fitness room (yoga courses, swimming pool, dancing, etc.). You already have something in common. This common, multiplied by the pheromones of a half-naked sweaty body, is an excellent springboard for unrestrained communication. In the end, it's just nice to know that your chosen one is watching her figure. By the way, if you like a girl, but there are questions about the figure, remember, she is on the way to perfection.
  • Supermarket. Women love to cook and talk about food, and you take advantage of this little female weakness. Specify the calorie content of the product, take an interest in the nuances of cooking. Don't forget to pick up the phone for some more nutritional advice.
  • Sea. The environment itself is conducive to behave a little immorally. Morality is where home and work are. Here - the sun, sand and flirting. And you get what you see, not a pig in a poke. The flaws are obvious. No makeup and oversized clothes.

I remind you where I met the girl - there and get acquainted. Do not wait until the beauty enters the transport, shop or buys a ticket to the sea.

For the future: where to meet a girl for a serious relationship

Places for dating should be calibrated with an eye to the goal. It is clear that you should not hunt for family-type young ladies in a club, and you do not need to look for a girl to break away in a museum. Although everything happens in life, and there are devils in the still waters. But today we are talking about places with high efficiency and first-order probabilities. So, where to meet a girl for a serious relationship?

dating statistics

Let us turn to the statistics on acquaintances with the final in the registry office (“Without statistics, there is no life at all, but some kind of hard labor”, film “Office Romance”).

  • 27% of married people met in public places like parks, cafes and cinemas (a small percentage belong to clubs);
  • 21% joined the bonds of marriage through work - being colleagues or having met on the basis of professional activities;
  • 17% of the spouses have known each other since school or student years, and some even, as they say, from the sandbox;
  • 16% learned about the existence of each other thanks to friends or relatives, that is, in a narrow circle of close people.

The rest met in other circumstances. We draw the following conclusion - in principle, you can meet your "half" everywhere except the sofa (if you have a laptop in your hands, it's another matter).

Three life hacks for dating

By the way, do you know what qualities girls value most in a man? Get started with this.

  • Girls love to be taken care of. If you help to bring packages from the supermarket, pour oil into the car, or simply open the door and let you go ahead, consider that the acquaintance has taken place.
  • Girls love confident. Confidence equals sexy. But being confident doesn't mean jumping right into your underpants. This means to enter into a state of drive before dating and get maximum pleasure in the process.
  • Girls love compliments. True, giving compliments is an art. And don't turn it into an art house like this: "You're so beautiful that I'm ready to crawl 15 kilometers on broken glass just to jerk off in your shadow."

For the night: where to meet a girl for sex

All ages are submissive to love, and a stable and strong erection is temporary. Before love suddenly strikes, have sex.

All women do it

Everyone appreciates good sex. Many people prefer to meet in the “no obligation” format, and girls are no exception. Each has its own reasons. Someone wants to try themselves in the role of a sophisticated vamp, changing men like gloves. Another simply yearned without tenderness, and is ready to sacrifice principles. Third... Listen, what's the difference to you? Just write down in your subcortex: women want, and more than you think. And one-time sex is preferred by many of them. The question is where to find one?

Where to meet for sex

It is easy for a professional pick-up artist to take a girl to bed even from the library. The rest go to the club or dating sites for comfort. The efficiency is high both there and there. Check out the link for a list of the best dating sites. And don't be shy. You have the right to any whim. In addition to the usual dating portals, there are thematic ones: do not waste time on Mamba when there is “black”, if you like it harder, and so on. Let's talk about web dating in more detail, since this particular way of gender communication is becoming a leader today.

Online girls: where to meet online

It doesn't matter what your grandmother thinks about the Internet. Remind her that pen pals existed during her youth. Well, today everyone hangs out in the Internet space - they work, communicate and, of course, get to know each other.

The benefits of online dating

  • You can get acquainted and communicate without interruption from current affairs. Very convenient in conditions of total lack of time.
  • The choice is not limited by anything - this is a place where there are no language or territorial barriers.
  • A godsend for introverts - people "in themselves", which you can’t pull out with a stick or a carrot into public places.
  • It's easy to take the first step. If on the street there are sometimes not enough eggs to approach a girl, make contact on the Internet - put two fingers on the keyboard.
  • Virtual communication provides an opportunity to think over your own words. In real life, we are subject to emotions that force us to act reactively.

If for you the Internet until now was a place where you can download music or watch pornography, it's time to expand your horizons.

Social networks as a dating resource

Social networks are a godsend for a guy who wants to meet a girl. An account on a social network is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhooks that easily turn into openers. Any photo, video or even a like can be used to your advantage. And don't forget to clean up your page. Remove posts about women being stupid and other compromising evidence. Your account must be exemplary.

Pitfalls of dating sites

The main advantage of dating sites is their specialized profile. On a dating site, girls want, oddly enough, to get acquainted. Grab some popcorn, choose a dating site, and see for yourself. But don't count on easy prey and 100% return, because...

  • Lots of competitors. The Internet underestimates the value of the guy and overestimates the importance of the girl. Even the "ugly ones" get a bunch of offers a day. In order not to get lost in the masses, present yourself to the public from the best side. How to fill out a questionnaire for a guy in order to impress a girl, we said - click and read.
  • Lots of virtuals. A large number of women of different ages will never meet you. They seduce, seduce and assert themselves without personal contact. Someone is married, someone is afraid, and someone has nothing to do. A lot of time can be wasted. Therefore, don't get carried away. Slowly but inevitably move the conversation into a real meeting.
  • Lots of illusions. Communication on the Internet is communication mainly with a virtual image. This is how the brain works: having a minimum of information, it thinks out the rest. Therefore, see paragraph above. Take communication to the next level as quickly as possible.

I'm not talking about scammers, fools, prostitutes and other categories of ladies who are sure to meet on your way. But the one who walks will master the road. Go!

About light bulbs: Thomas Edison's secret to success

I repeat, like a mantra: where a girl likes it, there is a place for dating. Street, concert hall, dating site - not the place determines the outcome, but your ability to act. And misfires happen to everyone, even the pickup guru. Accept it as a fact - they will send it off. And this is not a reason to return to the comfort zone. It's an incentive to bookmark our site and read expert advice on how to improve your personal communication skills.

What's with the light bulbs? Thomas Edison is said to have performed 10,000 failed experiments to create the electric light bulb. The great scientist perceived every failure as an experience that moves him closer to success. Take note. Any obstacle lends itself to stubborn and persistent assault. Good luck!

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Hi friend. You're in your thirties and you don't know where to meet a good man with serious intentions? I understand you. This is a problem for millions of women in their 40s. There are fewer and fewer good men, there is not enough time to arrange your personal life, appearance also does not add confidence, plus past relationships whisper that you do not need all this. In general, a sort of fat and hopeless priest is seen ahead, from which one cannot dodge.

Or is it still possible to dodge? Yes, of course you can! Do you want to meet a man in his 30s/40s/50s? No problem. It is on this page that I have compiled for you the most complete Russian-language collection of places where you can find your only one, even if you are over thirty and have problems with dating.

I assure you, friend, that in a week or two you will remember with a smile those times when you were alone. The main thing is not to be afraid. OK. Let's start.

Dating at work

You spend a third of your life at work. And maybe more. So it turns out that at work you see only work. It is difficult to devote yourself to relationships with one of your colleagues. “What if they don’t understand / laugh at / condemn?”, - such thoughts immediately rush through my head.

No. I understand you. I personally know thousands of women who think the same way. But listen, friend! You and only you are responsible for your life. Whether your life will pass with an apologetic look in your eyes or whether you will light up and lead your dance of life depends only on you.

Do you like any of your colleagues/partners/clients? Don't make excuses. Get to know each other. If it doesn't harm your company, then to hell with it! Take it! And trust me. Men are also afraid to meet female colleagues. Especially if you work in the same department. And if you are also higher in status, then it will be doubly difficult for a man to come up first.

I will say this. Even the heroine of “Office Romance” could. And you will definitely succeed!

Do you have a female team? This is not an excuse, my friend. There is always one of the men. If not a colleague, then a client, partner or employee from another branch. Just open your eyes, believe in yourself and go!

The most important thing is to act carefully so that if it “does not grow together”, you can turn it back (you still have to work). An office romance should unwind slowly but surely. And then everything will be fine.

About a quarter of all marriages after the age of 30 are concluded thanks to an office romance. That is why this item comes first in our review.

Dating at business conferences

Do you know how many business conferences are held daily? Trust me... that's enough. Especially in big cities. Choose for every taste.

Now guess who goes to these conferences. Educated, often wealthy and handsome men, many of whom are bachelors.

Trust me. There are far more singles among businessmen than among factory workers. Why? Yes, everything is simple. Businessmen often work hard on their business. They have no time to arrange a personal life. And this is good. Because they would like to ... but finding a woman who would help them with this is also not easy to find.

Many ladies who hang around older businessmen have a money counter in their head, and businessmen are wary of such relationships.

Just be yourself. Money will be added, because you need, first of all, a smart, kind and reliable partner. Keep this in mind when you develop a relationship with a businessman.

Look online for a list of business conferences for the coming month. Ask the authorities to let you go to them at the expense of the company (under the guise of training and establishing business relationships, of course), or get there on your own at your own expense, or as a volunteer (here, as finances allow).

In any case, you will definitely gain useful connections, and you'll get a good man there.

Dating in children's circles and sections

If you or your relatives have children, then ask them to take them to some circle. Now you rarely find a child who does not study somewhere additionally.

You will be surprised, but not only mothers, but also fathers take children to circles. And dads are not always married. Many did not have a relationship, but the children remained, and not every dad is ready to give up his own child.

Here I will share with you a little trick. As a rule, children after a divorce stay with their mother, so dads see them mainly on weekends. Accordingly, they are taken to circles more often on weekends. Come on the weekend to a drawing class, a developing school, vocal lessons and look for dads there. I'm telling you exactly, there you can find a good copy.

By the way, this approach has another significant advantage. Dads are very fond of women who love children. And where, if not in the children's section, you can be sure that the lady is not indifferent to children.

Dating in fitness clubs

Girlfriend, if the Universe has not deprived you of your appearance, if you have a waist, and your thighs are not in a completely neglected state, then the gym is a great place to meet. No. If your appearance fails you, then this does not mean that you need to bypass this method. Believe me... I don't want to offend you. You just need to go for a start and put yourself in order, and then make acquaintances.

Don't get me wrong. Men are visual, and in the gym your body is in full view.

But this medal has another side. You will be able to see the physical form of the one with whom you would like to start a relationship even before ... well, you yourself understand everything!

By the way, to get in shape, I recommend you go to women's fitness groups to feel more confident in training. But when you are ready to search for a muscular and lonely handsome man, then you have a direct road to the rocking chair!

Do you know what is the easiest way to get acquainted in a rocking chair? Just ask the guy you like to help you. For example, with a barbell bench press or insure on breeding dumbbells. Mutual assistance in the gym is a standard behavior. So you don't even have to come up with reasons to talk. Everything will wrap itself up.

Dating in car clubs

Girlfriend, do you know that many men love their cars more than women? No... I don't think it's normal either. But mostly it happens because they haven't met someone like you yet.

In general, it doesn't matter now. What is your car? If not, then no big deal. Which one would you like to purchase? If you live in a large city, then the club of fans of your brand most likely already exists. You just need to look there.

Clubs of this kind are often free, and the participants periodically arrange meetings in nature, where they talk about their favorite “swallows”.

A little advice. Take a closer look at the clubs of owners of Mercedes, Lexus, Alfa-romeo. I do not want to offend fans of other brands, but as a rule, people who value their status drive brands of such cars. Usually they are already quite established as individuals morally and financially. In the end, if you love your Fiat Punto, then at the Fiat lovers meeting, you will find someone, but we are looking for the most profitable party.

Therefore, if you have not yet fallen in love with the owner of Hyundai Solaris, then I highly recommend starting to be interested in more expensive car brands in order to find not just a good person, but a good person with a good car.

Dating in clubs of interest

Have you heard that men have their own hobbies? Someone likes to play poker, someone likes airsoft, and someone plays online tanks. I once mentioned on one of the forums that I play World of Tanks. And what do you think? Immediately showered in a personal offer to meet.

No… I certainly understand your doubts. A male gamer is not what you want to have as a strong, smart and rich man. But you remember that a man is made by his woman. How to tame a man we tell at the women's group “Man! Where is the control panel for it? “.

Yes, and I do not urge to rush into the arms of a lover of computer games. There are those who love hiking. There are people who love to travel. And there are collectors of soldiers.

Look at you. What are your hobbies? If this is not purely women's cutting and sewing, then look for interest clubs. Perhaps that is where you will find your happiness.

In the end, many single men go to the same dances in order to meet an interesting woman. Therefore, if you suddenly really, really need to find someone single and at your age, then go to a couple of trial classes (they are usually free) and take a closer look at potential candidates. Everything will work out for you. I believe!

Speed ​​Dating

speed dating (in Russian “Quick dates”) is a dating format where men and women gather in a cafe and take turns sitting at tables next to each other to chat and get to know each other better. During the evening there are 10-20 acquaintances with different people.

You've probably heard of this format before. Maybe even went for it. Despite the fact that the format seems frivolous, I note that you should not think so. It is important to understand its purpose here. A woman often understands at a glance whether she wants to continue to communicate with a man or not.

Actually, you should go on speed dates for this very purpose. Men tend to mature longer. Even if he didn’t like you the first time (by the way, we talk about how to defeat a man at first sight at our training “How to get married after 30?”), Then it's okay. It is important that you understand who you would like to meet again. And then we will teach you how to proceed.

Speed ​​dating has a huge advantage. Even two.

  • Firstly, men go there just for the purpose of dating. Singles there can be found quite rarely, which means that this is just your option.
  • Secondly, there are often men just 30+ who no longer go to discos, do not hang out with classmates in hostels and lead a more measured lifestyle. That is just what you need, my friend.

Well, even if at first you don’t succeed, it’s not scary. You will be able to find out what men want at this age, and you will also see your mistakes in communicating with men. Quantity, as they say, turns into quality. And Speed ​​dating suits here perfectly!

Garage dating

If you think that only car mechanics and pensioners are sitting in garages, then you are greatly mistaken, my friend. In a modern metropolis, the problem of parking affects anyone, and a garage parking space in a large city is worth its weight in gold.

Yes, there are different personalities in garage cooperatives (remember Ryazanov's movie “Garage”). However, the majority of these cooperatives are men. And not just married people.

If you are the owner of an “iron horse”, then try to get into some cooperative for a meeting. There you can meet many interesting people. And very different ages. If you are already over 40, then at this age men rarely go on dates, but more and more often “hang out” in garage business.

Yes. You don't have to join a co-op to buy a garage space. You can rent a garage, or you can just come to the meeting in the role of an interested person. Turn on your imagination and be a little frivolous. You are a woman, which means you can do a little more than the rest!

Courses, trainings, seminars

Girlfriend, do you know that learning is Light? Have you taken any courses lately?

Every day, the city hosts a huge number of courses from advanced training to personal development. By the way, there are also courses where more men come than women. Some courses of survival or seduction of women gather a good male audience.

Yes Yes Yes. Now I will hear from you, they say, how I suggest you go to men's pick-up courses! But let's be clear. After all, these courses are mostly bachelors. And if we discard teenagers with boiling hormones, then there are also older comrades who simply do not know how to get acquainted with women. And not necessarily they are ugly or slow.

I know a man who lost his girlfriend in an accident at the age of 24 and after that he had a psychological crisis. And he was handsome and with a good position. He had a purely psychological problem with dating, so he went to such a training.

In general, I do not force you, but you just think about this possibility.

If you want a “handy” life partner, then pay attention to the courses of carpenters, locksmiths, electronics engineers and even programmers.

Oh, and don't forget about refresher courses. These are also great places to meet an intelligent and good man.

In the end, you have nothing to lose, but you can gain happiness. Dare!

Dating through friends, girlfriends, relatives and acquaintances

You will probably think that I am advising something banal. Like, well, who doesn’t think of making acquaintances through their other acquaintances?

But now trust my experience. Many women after 30 begin to be embarrassed to get acquainted through their other acquaintances. They begin to dismiss the possibility, thinking: “Well, I’m an adult, I’ll deal with this myself. I don’t need to marry anyone!”.

This is a proud and very stupid position. Don't miss out on opportunities in life. Especially if they are in your hands.

One of my students had just such a complex. Yes, all her friends tried to marry her a little persistently. This angered her, but ... with all this pride, she liked the man she was wooing. True pride took its toll and that man began dating another woman. As a result, 2 years of depression, which had to be treated including medication.

This woman is fine now., she met a good man after our training. But how did you make life difficult for yourself?

Therefore, when students ask whether it is worth seeking help in matchmaking among friends, I definitely recommend this method. The main thing is not to be afraid to speak directly to them if they do not like the candidate.

Forget about foolish pride, which in such cases only hurts! Happiness is more important!

Marriage agencies

Good old agencies. Do you think they don't exist anymore and everyone has gone online? An no. There are also how. The main advantage of good agencies is that Candidates go through pre-screening. And if on the Internet one of the representatives of our southern friends can be hiding behind a photo of a handsome young man, who ardently wants to get acquainted with a Russian beauty, then the agencies look through the candidates personally.

Yes, agencies are often contacted by those who could not meet in any other way. But this method should not be dismissed. And I confess to you, as a person who knows a little "kitchen" of such agencies, there are many famous characters.

You understand yourself, well, there will be no director of a large enterprise or an official looking for a girlfriend of life on dating sites. Status does not allow. And in an agency where everything is confidential, quite such people apply.

Of course, it is unlikely that this information will be immediately disclosed to you in the agency, but if you present yourself well, then you may well be interested in a potential chosen one of “blue bloods”. And there, who knows ... maybe you will become a “general”! Anyway, I believe in you!

Travel dating

Tell me. Do you like traveling? Go to the sea on vacation, for example. Or on a tour of European capitals. It's so great. New emotions, new impressions and… new acquaintances!

Why not use this time for a romantic date?

Yes Yes Yes. I know that “resort romances” are demonizing. They say nothing serious can come out there. But statistics say just the opposite. Many families were born in the relaxing environment of the sound of the surf, hiking in the mountains or tours of romantic places.

One of our students until the age of 34 has never been on vacation. Can you imagine? The woman worked as the head of the marketing department of a large company, but her whole life went only according to the scenario: home-work-home. It was not possible to build a serious relationship in such a rhythm.

In the end, we recommended that she take a vacation. For two weeks she just slept under an umbrella on the beach, and later she met a wonderful man. This woman did not count on anything serious, but after a couple of months she quit her job and moved to live with him in the city. And a year later they got married.

And there are many such stories. Just do not immediately count on something serious. After all, people are on vacation. But if you can have a good rest, then the relationship will improve by itself.

Active sports

Do you want to keep yourself in great shape? There is nothing better than active sports. Rollers and bicycles in summer, skis and skates in winter. It's incredible!

And that's exactly what a lot of men think. After 30 (and especially 40) health issues begin to come to the fore. Morning jogging, skiing, workouts and other healthy lifestyle delights begin.

Combine business with pleasure. Buy yourself beautiful, comfortable, pleasant sports equipment and clothes... and go ahead... conquer sports peaks and get acquainted with sports beauties!

Usually, special areas have been built for active sports in cities, where there are bike paths, ski tracks and outdoor sports simulators. That's where you go.

If they are far away from your home, then come there on the weekends, as many busy men prefer training on weekdays early in the morning to be in time for work, but on weekends they come later.

My neighbor fly 20 runs every morning. In her personal life, she constantly had problems. She went through two difficult divorces. But morning jogging, on the one hand, gave her strength and energy, and on the other hand, she met a man who ran with her for company and after 1.5 years of such joint runs, they had a cute boy, and they played a wonderful wedding.

As you can see, a healthy lifestyle strengthens not only the body, but also relationships. So run!

Dating at sports championships

What do men love? Of course, sports. Those who are more brutal love boxing, those who are more crazy are fans of Formula 1, but we have more than enough fans of football and hockey. There is also a separate category of intellectuals who prefer snooker, equestrian sports, poker or chess.

Almost everywhere there are fan movements. No... I'm not calling you to join the ranks of any football ultras. You won't find anyone good there. Smarter and older men do not lead a herd lifestyle in this regard. But they are happy to attend championships with the participation of their favorite teams.

What kind of sport do you like? Okay, if you only like ballet and figure skating, then you can find someone there too. But ... let's be honest. Men who are fond of ballet are a much rarer species than, for example, football lovers. Let's narrow down the sample to singles and "over 30" and only unrecognized geniuses and gays will remain among lonely ballet lovers.

Of course, I can't give you advice on which championship to go to. But I would recommend starting from your temperament.

  • Do you love it harder? Go to boxing or fights without rules.
  • Want an adrenaline rush? Go to football or hockey?
  • Do you like aesthetics and intelligence? Go to snooker or chess.

And do not be afraid to seem like a layman in matters related to the favorite team of your future husband candidate. Men love to talk. Pretend, on first dates, that you are very interested in who scored the decisive goal in the last half. Over time, you will move on to more interesting topics!

Dating in men's establishments

Girlfriend, you probably know that there are so-called “male” establishments where women can be met as a guest, quite rarely.

We have already talked about men's clubs related to hobbies. Here I will not repeat myself, but there are other kinds of establishments where the number of men, as a rule, rolls over.

These are saunas, strip clubs (for men, of course), barbershops, men's bars, etc. Basically, these are places of male recreation and entertainment.

One of my students at the training decided to go to a strip club. She had never been there and somehow considered this place almost a brothel. The piquancy of the moment in this was that before that she had celebrated her friend's birthday in a nearby establishment and was dressed quite sexy.

Entering the room, she was stared at by astonished male gazes. Moreover, someone mistook her for a woman of easy virtue. The drunken company even tried to play dirty jokes, but they didn't pay attention.

After a while, she saw a lonely man who was sitting at the back of the dance floor and looked at the dancers with a bored look, drinking something like an iced mojito.

My student sat down at the next table and ordered the same drink. This was a good reason to start a conversation. It turned out ... the man was going through a hard divorce and tried to find solace in the club. Word for word and after 7.5 months they were warmly welcomed by the registry office. And such stories are not isolated.

Do not be afraid of purely male companies. After all, they are something you need at this stage of your life!

Dating on trains, planes, ships

We have already talked with you about holiday romances. But not only there you can find true love.

If you often travel for work, if you are loaded with business trips (the same ones are not married), then try to use this time for the benefit of your personal life, my friend!

A long road brings even irreconcilable enemies closer together. Airports, airplanes, compartment cars, cruise ships. In these places you meet a lot of interesting people. It is quite easy to start a conversation here, because people understand that they are unlikely to meet again, so they often break through to such revelations that they are silent about in life.

Use it. There are few places where you can so quickly win the trust of a person as on a trip.

And even if suddenly you are not lucky enough to meet your only one there, then just imagine how many simply useful acquaintances you can make in this way.

In my practice, there are many ladies who were able to find a new job, build a career, create a business precisely thanks to communication on trips. A this path then led them to success on the personal front.

Well… have you already bought a ticket for the next flight?

Dating through volunteer organizations

I'll tell you the truth, friend, but volunteer organizations are not good for everyone. And there are several reasons.

  • Firstly, There are far more women volunteers than men.
  • Secondly, you need to share the values ​​that this organization preaches.

For example, it will be difficult for you to work in an animal protection organization if you love furs.

However, these organizations have a big plus. Usually they are either families or singles. Therefore, it is easier to find a single man there than in many other places.

If you are close to the values ​​of the organization. If you want to help change this imperfect world for the better. If you love kids/fur seals/environment. Then just join the ranks of volunteers. This will not only improve your karma, but also provide an opportunity for an interesting acquaintance.

Yes, and there are more than enough reasons for dating. Plus, you will immediately share the same values, which will significantly increase your chances of a successful personal life. Dare!

Dating at concerts

Cultural activities are relaxing. There you do not need to worry about everyday issues. You go and enjoy.

If you have been a fan of a group since childhood, or just decided to remember your youth and go to a concert of stars called “Disco of the 90s”, then be sure that less male fans.

I only beg. Do not go to the concerts of Stas Mikhailov or Irina Alegrova. Why would you go to a concert where 90% of the audience are women in their forties? No... I'm not trying to dissuade you from them, if you like these artists, go ahead. But the chances of meeting someone there are much less.

So choose, girlfriend, do you listen to music or arrange your personal life? It's great, of course, if there is an opportunity to combine it!

Separately, I note the concerts of classical music. Many women adore them, but finding someone to meet there is often difficult. It is customary to go to such events in pairs, so if a single man tries to get to a concert of Tchaikovsky's music, then most likely he will find a companion for himself (at least he will persuade his sister).

Go to the classics together after you meet “the one”!

Dating at exhibitions

Unlike concerts. men do not go to exhibitions in pairs with familiar women. It is quite comfortable to come to the exhibition alone.

If you love painting, then check out the art museum. They often organize exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, installations.

In addition, do not forget about industry exhibitions.

I had a training case when one of the students went to a construction exhibition to look at offers on the market for finishing materials. She recently bought an apartment and needed to make repairs.

At one of the stands she spotted a nice consultant who told her in great detail and sensibly about how to do all the work better and cheaper.

After 2 minutes, she was just staring at him, and then she simply said automatically: “Maybe you will drive up to me and measure everything on the spot? I'll treat you to tea!". I won't go into details, but they already did the repair together with the rings on the ring fingers.

So I saved money on repairs and got married!

Dating in social networks

Let's be honest, friend. How much time do you spend on Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram? Here I am for a few hours. And not always at work!

And more than that. You can see its status directly online. Few men will hide it. It is we women who are afraid to appear unmarried at 30, but men do not have such complexes.

Plus you can immediately see his appearance, his friends, his hobbies, his interests.

It is also possible on dating sites, but there are enough liars who underestimate the age, take portfolio photos, tell how macho they are.

Therefore, you go on a search, look for single men of the age you are interested in, indicate your city and go!

Just don't write in the style: “Man, can I meet you?”, so it doesn't work.

  • Look for common interests
  • Start coming from afar

And over time, it will “twist and twist”.

You have no idea how many successful couples have taken place thanks to social networks. So don't yawn, let's get to know each other!

Dating in men's stores

Men are not much different from us women. It seems to us that they are bored shopping, but here there is a nuance. They are bored to go to women's shops and answer your questions: “Well, how do you like the blouse? White or red?.

But they go to shops for men without any problems. Single men look after themselves with no less trepidation than unmarried ladies. No, of course there are those who walk in stretched sweatpants all their lives. But this is hardly your option, my friend.

Go to a men's boutique. Look at the men who came there alone. And go ahead. Help him choose a shirt, tie, shoes.

Believe me, men, just like us women, need to be evaluated by the opposite sex. They also doubt whether to take a black or gray jacket. And they will be immensely grateful to you if you help them in choosing a new outfit.

Well, don't forget sports shops, auto parts stores, hunting and fishing, and so on. There are a lot of men's shops and they will always be glad to see you there, my dear.

Dating through dating sites

I already hear indignation about the fact that you won’t meet anyone serious on dating sites.

I would be glad to support this skepticism if it were not for dozens of my students who got married and are getting married, finding your soul mate through similar services.

It is important for you to understand that the problem of such an attitude towards online dating is these are the internal attitudes of those who do not believe in them. If you think that there is no one to meet online, then it will be so. Because you will initially be negative about men who come on dates.

Be realistic.

Few people on dating sites will upload their photos in slippers and sweatpants. Everyone wants to look good and therefore the best photos will be selected for this purpose.

Women in this regard are much more insidious than men. They don't even use photoshop.

So just keep this in mind when meeting online. Smart, rich and gentle on the site is not always so in real life. But you're hardly a princess either.

But these sites immediately allow you to save time and make appointments with several candidates at once. Yes ... and there is no need to drive here about appearance. For Internet dates, “duty” makeup and your standard clothes are quite suitable.

Dating in theaters

I don’t know about you, my friend, but I really like to attend theatrical performances. You come all so beautiful, sit down in a cozy place and enjoy the acting.

There is an opinion that men are not theatergoers. This is of course not true. In general, generalization is no good when we are talking about living people. People… they are different. And men are no exception.

There are a huge number of single men who are happy to go to premieres or ordinary productions. And often they go precisely with the aim of meeting the lady of the heart.

Remember one moment. Men also want to meet an interesting woman. And after 30 they have the same problems in dating. What they write, they say, for a man after 30, life is just beginning - this is nonsense. A smart man does not really want to connect his life with a twenty-year-old silly girl who has the wind in her head, and there is nothing to talk about.

Actually, he is also friends with logic and understands that a smart and intelligent woman like you, my dear, can only be found at events of this status.

Therefore, open the nearest poster and see what is coming from the productions in the very near future. Aesthetic pleasure guaranteed. And dating ... it really depends on you!

Dating through themed parties

If you live in a city, then most likely there are themed parties for different ages. There are Mafia games, there are various intellectual games, or just discos in the style of “over 30”.

Any theme party is a good occasion for an interesting acquaintance. Keep in mind that this kind of party is often attended by their fans. For example, if you are going to play Mafia, do not forget to read about this game so that you have something to talk about at the event.

One of my students accidentally went to a cafe to drink coffee. There was some wild merriment going on in the adjacent hall. She was curious to see what was going on there. “Maybe a wedding?” she thought sadly. Everything turned out to be much more interesting.

The city hosted a congress of fans of the game in KVN. Ex-participants of different teams arrived, who were annealed as students, but now they have stopped playing this game. In general, the atmosphere was very cheerful, and the audience was also already mature.

And, you will be surprised, but among the men who came to this skit, about half were bachelors. It is difficult to say why men with a sense of humor have not yet been married, but my student found a man on this skit, with whom they soon connected their destinies and have been living in a happy marriage for more than 5 years.

After all, these parties are non-committal. You'll have a good time A satisfied woman always attracts increased attention.

Dating in parks, ponds, beaches

Tell me friend. Do you often go for walks? Well, it's clear in the winter. It's cold and hard to see anyone. But spring, summer, autumn. These are excellent times of the year, when there are thousands of lonely, beautiful, mature men on the street.

But even if you do walk, the question is how do you do it.

  • go read a book on a park bench?
  • sleep on the beach?
  • take a walk the gait of a good soldier along the pond?

No. Such options, of course, disappear immediately. You are a woman. Beautiful, charming, smart. You need to be a mystery, not a touchy one. By the way, this is the biggest misconception when ladies believe that they love touchy people. Nonsense. Impatiens are afraid and rightly so. A man does not need "cold" women. A man needs a relationship with a loving and understanding.

So, the next time you are going to take a walk in the park or the embankment, then do not make a stone face, a businesslike look and a confident walk. And if you take a book with you, then do not get carried away reading. Here you can either get acquainted with a man or enjoy literature. One of two, as they say.

Getting to know each other abroad

You know, my friend, there is a type of women who dream of a "prince overseas." There is nothing wrong with such dreams, but relatives or friends often do not support you in such thoughts.

So. Do not worry. I support you 100%!

I'll tell you this: “Any dream must come true!”. I do not undertake to compare men "here" and "there". This is silly. But if you have some prejudices, then you should not try to suppress them in yourself.

  • May be one of your friends successfully married a foreigner.
  • Maybe you I have never been abroad and I believed it myself.
  • Maybe you have had a bad experience with “our” partner and they are trying to translate it to all men.

It doesn't matter what led you to think that with a foreigner your life would be better, but if you believe in it - go on a trip. You can meet someone on the same dating sites for starters.

The main thing is not to be afraid. People are the same everywhere. Yes, there are differences in traditions and mentality, but love does not know this, so it will be much easier for you to find a common language.

Dating in public transport

Yes Yes. I know. It's trite. This is not serious. There are no rich and handsome people. In general, only teenagers get to know each other this way. The heroine of the film “Moscow does not believe in tears” also thought so. But nothing. Everything happened very well. And don't worry, it's a movie. It clearly reflects our life.

Of course, getting to know each other in the morning metro, stepping on the neighbors' feet is not the most romantic option. But it’s not necessary to drive in the “herring can do anything!” mode.

  • Are you going to a meeting this afternoon?
  • Would you like to visit a friend? Get off the car, ride in the transport!
  • Decided to go to the country? Get off the car, ride in the transport!

Believe me. A car is never a means of dating. But a half-empty subway car, trolleybus or the same electric train is a completely different world. Don't think that "oligarchs don't ride the subway". Even how they drive and even brag on Instagram.

Dating in transport is not very simple and laid-back, but if you have the spirit of romanticism and extreme sports, then, believe me, my friend, you will be very happy with it.

Dating in sanatoriums

How are you, dear? Does your heart hurt? Nerves are not naughty? Just kidding! I believe that everything is just fine with you and you are in the full dawn of strength.

How long have you been at the resort? Unlike overseas resorts, this type of holiday is conducive to peace and tranquility. And also to a good acquaintance with interesting men.

And don't be surprised. After thirty (and especially forty and above), men prefer to improve their health in health resorts with five meals a day and water procedures.

Someone goes on trips from work, someone rides at their own expense. But that doesn't matter. And the important thing is that if, for some reason, you are shy or cannot get acquainted in other places, then the sanatoriums are ideal in this regard.

It's always easy to start a conversation with anyone here.

You have enough time here to spend time with the man you like, where work and life will not interfere.

In this case, it is not necessary to “marafet” yourself. Here inner harmony is much more important than external attractiveness. This is true. If a holiday romance begins with a light flirtation, then in sanatoriums, romances begin with a meal at the same table.

When is your vacation there?

Dating in clubs, bars, restaurants

Is it possible to call a bar or a club a place for a good acquaintance? "Probably not", you say. And in principle you will be right. BUT! Let's take an honest look at the situation.

Can you foresee how this or that relationship will end? Even I, a psychologist, can't predict anything. Why do single men go to bars? They also want to get to know each other. “To sleep?” , you might ask? Someone is following this.

But we are grown girls with you. We understand that relationships are not only sweets and bouquets. Someone adheres to traditions and follows the pattern. First dates, then bed. And for some it's the other way around.

And who told you that there will always be a bed? Without a doubt, acquaintance in the Philharmonic and acquaintance in a strip bar takes place with different moods. But still we are human. And we adhere to certain moral standards everywhere.

If you get to know those who slap waitresses on the ass and put money in strippers' bras, then you should not expect spiritual intimacy from them.

But there are those who just drink mojitos alone (I already told you the story of dating in a strip club).

But you can just run into someone's bachelor party, where, most likely there are single friends of the groom. And do not think that bachelor parties suit only teenagers. And thirty-year-olds love to rock "Mama Do not Cry." I agree that this way of dating is not for everyone, but if you like restaurant gatherings, then do not be afraid. There, too, you can meet a good person.

Dating at social events

How long have you, girlfriend, been at secular parties? Well, these are those that are organized by various charitable foundations, embassies, the rich and famous.

If you have never been to such events, then I highly recommend you go there. There are many useful and interesting points here.

  • Firstly, this allows you to plunge into the aristocratic atmosphere, feel like a socialite among the leisurely strolling beau monde.
  • Secondly, men rarely go to such parties alone if they are married. So if you see a handsome man drinking Dom Pérignon champagne in splendid isolation, then feel free to come up and start a conversation “about the weather”.
  • Third, such parties often contribute not only to romantic acquaintances, but also to career ones. Often at such an event you can easily meet factory directors, TV stars, singers and musicians. And this, you see, broadens one's horizons.

On the one hand, this is a slightly exotic way of dating. Not every day such events take place, and even more so, you will not be invited to every one. But I myself really like to get to such closed parties and I advise you to do the same.

Acquaintances at folk and city festivities

New Year, City Holiday, Victory Day and dozens of other holidays are held in all cities both in Russia and abroad.

It is generally accepted that these are festivities exclusively for young people, but here again there are sheer prejudices. Everyone loves holidays. And the holidays, where you can meet a pretty stranger, are still loved by single men who are busy at other times with work.

Tell me, friend, do you often go on such outings? Alone or with a friend? I'll tell you so it is better to take a girlfriend to mass celebrations. Not because you need someone for company. It's just that often men also go out to such events with friends. So getting to know couples will be much easier.

Yes. A friend doesn't have to be unmarried. Not at all. It is needed rather to divert attention from the “friend” of the man you like. If you're alone, then men will compete for your attention., and this is not very good, because it will escalate the situation.

What happens if a man walks alone? Everything is simple here. A friend is aware that her role is simply to support you in the festivities. Therefore, in this case, it can be released.

Dating at weddings

Ah, this wedding. It's beautiful, stylish, romantic. I am sure that you, my friend, admire the role of the bride in this wonderful ceremony. I don't know if you've already been in this role or not yet, but there is clearly something mysterious in it.

The romance of wedding events is mesmerizing. And it fascinates not only you, but also the men who came to rejoice for the groom. And not just married people!

Here it is just right to say that there are no single people at weddings. But of course this is not the case.

  • Firstly, I will be very glad if your friends are about the same age as you. This is fine. If you are 40 and your girlfriends are 20 years old, then something is wrong.
  • Secondly, after 30 they often enter into a marriage that is not their first, so there are also enough singles over 30 and they are easy to find at weddings.
  • Third, any excuse is a lost opportunity. Going to a wedding and having fun is a great opportunity to make interesting acquaintances. Going to a wedding without a couple is NORMAL! I don’t know who came up with the stupidity that it’s a shame to go without a pair. These are some ridiculous prejudices.

In the end, the bride's bouquet will most likely go to you, and the guests will certainly want to introduce you to someone. So don't throw your "cockroaches" into a distant closet and go!

Hi friend. You're in your thirties and you don't know where to meet a good man with serious intentions? I understand you. This is a problem for millions of women in their 40s. There are fewer and fewer good men, there is not enough time to arrange your personal life, appearance also does not add confidence, plus past relationships whisper that you do not need all this. In general, a sort of fat and hopeless priest is seen ahead, from which one cannot dodge.

Or is it still possible to dodge? Yes, of course you can! Do you want to meet a man in his 30s/40s/50s? No problem. It is on this page that I have compiled for you the most complete Russian-language collection of places where you can find your only one, even if you are over thirty and have problems with dating.

I assure you, friend, that in a week or two you will remember with a smile those times when you were alone. The main thing is not to be afraid. OK. Let's start.

Dating at work

You spend a third of your life at work. And maybe more. So it turns out that at work you see only work. It is difficult to devote yourself to relationships with one of your colleagues. “What if they don’t understand / laugh at / condemn?”, - such thoughts immediately rush through my head.

No. I understand you. I personally know thousands of women who think the same way. But listen, friend! You and only you are responsible for your life. Whether your life will pass with an apologetic look in your eyes or whether you will light up and lead your dance of life depends only on you.

Do you like any of your colleagues/partners/clients? Don't make excuses. Get to know each other. If it doesn't harm your company, then to hell with it! Take it! And trust me. Men are also afraid to meet female colleagues. Especially if you work in the same department. And if you are also higher in status, then it will be doubly difficult for a man to come up first.

I will say this. Even the heroine of “Office Romance” could. And you will definitely succeed!

Do you have a female team? This is not an excuse, my friend. There is always one of the men. If not a colleague, then a client, partner or employee from another branch. Just open your eyes, believe in yourself and go!

The most important thing is to act carefully so that if it “does not grow together”, you can turn it back (you still have to work). An office romance should unwind slowly but surely. And then everything will be fine.

About a quarter of all marriages after the age of 30 are concluded thanks to an office romance. That is why this item comes first in our review.

Dating at business conferences

Do you know how many business conferences are held daily? Trust me... that's enough. Especially in big cities. Choose for every taste.

Now guess who goes to these conferences. Educated, often wealthy and handsome men, many of whom are bachelors.

Trust me. There are far more singles among businessmen than among factory workers. Why? Yes, everything is simple. Businessmen often work hard on their business. They have no time to arrange a personal life. And this is good. Because they would like to ... but finding a woman who would help them with this is also not easy to find.

Many ladies who hang around older businessmen have a money counter in their head, and businessmen are wary of such relationships.

Just be yourself. Money will be added, because you need, first of all, a smart, kind and reliable partner. Keep this in mind when you develop a relationship with a businessman.

Look online for a list of business conferences for the coming month. Ask the authorities to let you go to them at the expense of the company (under the guise of training and establishing business relationships, of course), or get there on your own at your own expense, or as a volunteer (here, as finances allow).

In any case, you will definitely gain useful connections, and you'll get a good man there.

Dating in children's circles and sections

If you or your relatives have children, then ask them to take them to some circle. Now you rarely find a child who does not study somewhere additionally.

You will be surprised, but not only mothers, but also fathers take children to circles. And dads are not always married. Many did not have a relationship, but the children remained, and not every dad is ready to give up his own child.

Here I will share with you a little trick. As a rule, children after a divorce stay with their mother, so dads see them mainly on weekends. Accordingly, they are taken to circles more often on weekends. Come on the weekend to a drawing class, a developing school, vocal lessons and look for dads there. I'm telling you exactly, there you can find a good copy.

By the way, this approach has another significant advantage. Dads are very fond of women who love children. And where, if not in the children's section, you can be sure that the lady is not indifferent to children.

Dating in fitness clubs

Girlfriend, if the Universe has not deprived you of your appearance, if you have a waist, and your thighs are not in a completely neglected state, then the gym is a great place to meet. No. If your appearance fails you, then this does not mean that you need to bypass this method. Believe me... I don't want to offend you. You just need to go for a start and put yourself in order, and then make acquaintances.

Don't get me wrong. Men are visual, and in the gym your body is in full view.

But this medal has another side. You will be able to see the physical form of the one with whom you would like to start a relationship even before ... well, you yourself understand everything!

By the way, to get in shape, I recommend you go to women's fitness groups to feel more confident in training. But when you are ready to search for a muscular and lonely handsome man, then you have a direct road to the rocking chair!

Do you know what is the easiest way to get acquainted in a rocking chair? Just ask the guy you like to help you. For example, with a barbell bench press or insure on breeding dumbbells. Mutual assistance in the gym is a standard behavior. So you don't even have to come up with reasons to talk. Everything will wrap itself up.

Dating in car clubs

Girlfriend, do you know that many men love their cars more than women? No... I don't think it's normal either. But mostly it happens because they haven't met someone like you yet.

In general, it doesn't matter now. What is your car? If not, then no big deal. Which one would you like to purchase? If you live in a large city, then the club of fans of your brand most likely already exists. You just need to look there.

Clubs of this kind are often free, and the participants periodically arrange meetings in nature, where they talk about their favorite “swallows”.

A little advice. Take a closer look at the clubs of owners of Mercedes, Lexus, Alfa-romeo. I do not want to offend fans of other brands, but as a rule, people who value their status drive brands of such cars. Usually they are already quite established as individuals morally and financially. In the end, if you love your Fiat Punto, then at the Fiat lovers meeting, you will find someone, but we are looking for the most profitable party.

Therefore, if you have not yet fallen in love with the owner of Hyundai Solaris, then I highly recommend starting to be interested in more expensive car brands in order to find not just a good person, but a good person with a good car.

Dating in clubs of interest

Have you heard that men have their own hobbies? Someone likes to play poker, someone likes airsoft, and someone plays online tanks. I once mentioned on one of the forums that I play World of Tanks. And what do you think? Immediately showered in a personal offer to meet.

No… I certainly understand your doubts. A male gamer is not what you want to have as a strong, smart and rich man. But you remember that a man is made by his woman. How to tame a man we tell at the women's group “Man! Where is the control panel for it? “.

Yes, and I do not urge to rush into the arms of a lover of computer games. There are those who love hiking. There are people who love to travel. And there are collectors of soldiers.

Look at you. What are your hobbies? If this is not purely women's cutting and sewing, then look for interest clubs. Perhaps that is where you will find your happiness.

In the end, many single men go to the same dances in order to meet an interesting woman. Therefore, if you suddenly really, really need to find someone single and at your age, then go to a couple of trial classes (they are usually free) and take a closer look at potential candidates. Everything will work out for you. I believe!

Speed ​​Dating

speed dating (in Russian “Quick dates”) is a dating format where men and women gather in a cafe and take turns sitting at tables next to each other to chat and get to know each other better. During the evening there are 10-20 acquaintances with different people.

You've probably heard of this format before. Maybe even went for it. Despite the fact that the format seems frivolous, I note that you should not think so. It is important to understand its purpose here. A woman often understands at a glance whether she wants to continue to communicate with a man or not.

Actually, you should go on speed dates for this very purpose. Men tend to mature longer. Even if he didn’t like you the first time (by the way, we talk about how to defeat a man at first sight at our training “How to get married after 30?”), Then it's okay. It is important that you understand who you would like to meet again. And then we will teach you how to proceed.

Speed ​​dating has a huge advantage. Even two.

  • Firstly, men go there just for the purpose of dating. Singles there can be found quite rarely, which means that this is just your option.
  • Secondly, there are often men just 30+ who no longer go to discos, do not hang out with classmates in hostels and lead a more measured lifestyle. That is just what you need, my friend.

Well, even if at first you don’t succeed, it’s not scary. You will be able to find out what men want at this age, and you will also see your mistakes in communicating with men. Quantity, as they say, turns into quality. And Speed ​​dating suits here perfectly!

Garage dating

If you think that only car mechanics and pensioners are sitting in garages, then you are greatly mistaken, my friend. In a modern metropolis, the problem of parking affects anyone, and a garage parking space in a large city is worth its weight in gold.

Yes, there are different personalities in garage cooperatives (remember Ryazanov's movie “Garage”). However, the majority of these cooperatives are men. And not just married people.

If you are the owner of an “iron horse”, then try to get into some cooperative for a meeting. There you can meet many interesting people. And very different ages. If you are already over 40, then at this age men rarely go on dates, but more and more often “hang out” in garage business.

Yes. You don't have to join a co-op to buy a garage space. You can rent a garage, or you can just come to the meeting in the role of an interested person. Turn on your imagination and be a little frivolous. You are a woman, which means you can do a little more than the rest!

Courses, trainings, seminars

Girlfriend, do you know that learning is Light? Have you taken any courses lately?

Every day, the city hosts a huge number of courses from advanced training to personal development. By the way, there are also courses where more men come than women. Some courses of survival or seduction of women gather a good male audience.

Yes Yes Yes. Now I will hear from you, they say, how I suggest you go to men's pick-up courses! But let's be clear. After all, these courses are mostly bachelors. And if we discard teenagers with boiling hormones, then there are also older comrades who simply do not know how to get acquainted with women. And not necessarily they are ugly or slow.

I know a man who lost his girlfriend in an accident at the age of 24 and after that he had a psychological crisis. And he was handsome and with a good position. He had a purely psychological problem with dating, so he went to such a training.

In general, I do not force you, but you just think about this possibility.

If you want a “handy” life partner, then pay attention to the courses of carpenters, locksmiths, electronics engineers and even programmers.

Oh, and don't forget about refresher courses. These are also great places to meet an intelligent and good man.

In the end, you have nothing to lose, but you can gain happiness. Dare!

Dating through friends, girlfriends, relatives and acquaintances

You will probably think that I am advising something banal. Like, well, who doesn’t think of making acquaintances through their other acquaintances?

But now trust my experience. Many women after 30 begin to be embarrassed to get acquainted through their other acquaintances. They begin to dismiss the possibility, thinking: “Well, I’m an adult, I’ll deal with this myself. I don’t need to marry anyone!”.

This is a proud and very stupid position. Don't miss out on opportunities in life. Especially if they are in your hands.

One of my students had just such a complex. Yes, all her friends tried to marry her a little persistently. This angered her, but ... with all this pride, she liked the man she was wooing. True pride took its toll and that man began dating another woman. As a result, 2 years of depression, which had to be treated including medication.

This woman is fine now., she met a good man after our training. But how did you make life difficult for yourself?

Therefore, when students ask whether it is worth seeking help in matchmaking among friends, I definitely recommend this method. The main thing is not to be afraid to speak directly to them if they do not like the candidate.

Forget about foolish pride, which in such cases only hurts! Happiness is more important!

Marriage agencies

Good old agencies. Do you think they don't exist anymore and everyone has gone online? An no. There are also how. The main advantage of good agencies is that Candidates go through pre-screening. And if on the Internet one of the representatives of our southern friends can be hiding behind a photo of a handsome young man, who ardently wants to get acquainted with a Russian beauty, then the agencies look through the candidates personally.

Yes, agencies are often contacted by those who could not meet in any other way. But this method should not be dismissed. And I confess to you, as a person who knows a little "kitchen" of such agencies, there are many famous characters.

You understand yourself, well, there will be no director of a large enterprise or an official looking for a girlfriend of life on dating sites. Status does not allow. And in an agency where everything is confidential, quite such people apply.

Of course, it is unlikely that this information will be immediately disclosed to you in the agency, but if you present yourself well, then you may well be interested in a potential chosen one of “blue bloods”. And there, who knows ... maybe you will become a “general”! Anyway, I believe in you!

Travel dating

Tell me. Do you like traveling? Go to the sea on vacation, for example. Or on a tour of European capitals. It's so great. New emotions, new impressions and… new acquaintances!

Why not use this time for a romantic date?

Yes Yes Yes. I know that “resort romances” are demonizing. They say nothing serious can come out there. But statistics say just the opposite. Many families were born in the relaxing environment of the sound of the surf, hiking in the mountains or tours of romantic places.

One of our students until the age of 34 has never been on vacation. Can you imagine? The woman worked as the head of the marketing department of a large company, but her whole life went only according to the scenario: home-work-home. It was not possible to build a serious relationship in such a rhythm.

In the end, we recommended that she take a vacation. For two weeks she just slept under an umbrella on the beach, and later she met a wonderful man. This woman did not count on anything serious, but after a couple of months she quit her job and moved to live with him in the city. And a year later they got married.

And there are many such stories. Just do not immediately count on something serious. After all, people are on vacation. But if you can have a good rest, then the relationship will improve by itself.

Active sports

Do you want to keep yourself in great shape? There is nothing better than active sports. Rollers and bicycles in summer, skis and skates in winter. It's incredible!

And that's exactly what a lot of men think. After 30 (and especially 40) health issues begin to come to the fore. Morning jogging, skiing, workouts and other healthy lifestyle delights begin.

Combine business with pleasure. Buy yourself beautiful, comfortable, pleasant sports equipment and clothes... and go ahead... conquer sports peaks and get acquainted with sports beauties!

Usually, special areas have been built for active sports in cities, where there are bike paths, ski tracks and outdoor sports simulators. That's where you go.

If they are far away from your home, then come there on the weekends, as many busy men prefer training on weekdays early in the morning to be in time for work, but on weekends they come later.

My neighbor fly 20 runs every morning. In her personal life, she constantly had problems. She went through two difficult divorces. But morning jogging, on the one hand, gave her strength and energy, and on the other hand, she met a man who ran with her for company and after 1.5 years of such joint runs, they had a cute boy, and they played a wonderful wedding.

As you can see, a healthy lifestyle strengthens not only the body, but also relationships. So run!

Dating at sports championships

What do men love? Of course, sports. Those who are more brutal love boxing, those who are more crazy are fans of Formula 1, but we have more than enough fans of football and hockey. There is also a separate category of intellectuals who prefer snooker, equestrian sports, poker or chess.

Almost everywhere there are fan movements. No... I'm not calling you to join the ranks of any football ultras. You won't find anyone good there. Smarter and older men do not lead a herd lifestyle in this regard. But they are happy to attend championships with the participation of their favorite teams.

What kind of sport do you like? Okay, if you only like ballet and figure skating, then you can find someone there too. But ... let's be honest. Men who are fond of ballet are a much rarer species than, for example, football lovers. Let's narrow down the sample to singles and "over 30" and only unrecognized geniuses and gays will remain among lonely ballet lovers.

Of course, I can't give you advice on which championship to go to. But I would recommend starting from your temperament.

  • Do you love it harder? Go to boxing or fights without rules.
  • Want an adrenaline rush? Go to football or hockey?
  • Do you like aesthetics and intelligence? Go to snooker or chess.

And do not be afraid to seem like a layman in matters related to the favorite team of your future husband candidate. Men love to talk. Pretend, on first dates, that you are very interested in who scored the decisive goal in the last half. Over time, you will move on to more interesting topics!

Dating in men's establishments

Girlfriend, you probably know that there are so-called “male” establishments where women can be met as a guest, quite rarely.

We have already talked about men's clubs related to hobbies. Here I will not repeat myself, but there are other kinds of establishments where the number of men, as a rule, rolls over.

These are saunas, strip clubs (for men, of course), barbershops, men's bars, etc. Basically, these are places of male recreation and entertainment.

One of my students at the training decided to go to a strip club. She had never been there and somehow considered this place almost a brothel. The piquancy of the moment in this was that before that she had celebrated her friend's birthday in a nearby establishment and was dressed quite sexy.

Entering the room, she was stared at by astonished male gazes. Moreover, someone mistook her for a woman of easy virtue. The drunken company even tried to play dirty jokes, but they didn't pay attention.

After a while, she saw a lonely man who was sitting at the back of the dance floor and looked at the dancers with a bored look, drinking something like an iced mojito.

My student sat down at the next table and ordered the same drink. This was a good reason to start a conversation. It turned out ... the man was going through a hard divorce and tried to find solace in the club. Word for word and after 7.5 months they were warmly welcomed by the registry office. And such stories are not isolated.

Do not be afraid of purely male companies. After all, they are something you need at this stage of your life!

Dating on trains, planes, ships

We have already talked with you about holiday romances. But not only there you can find true love.

If you often travel for work, if you are loaded with business trips (the same ones are not married), then try to use this time for the benefit of your personal life, my friend!

A long road brings even irreconcilable enemies closer together. Airports, airplanes, compartment cars, cruise ships. In these places you meet a lot of interesting people. It is quite easy to start a conversation here, because people understand that they are unlikely to meet again, so they often break through to such revelations that they are silent about in life.

Use it. There are few places where you can so quickly win the trust of a person as on a trip.

And even if suddenly you are not lucky enough to meet your only one there, then just imagine how many simply useful acquaintances you can make in this way.

In my practice, there are many ladies who were able to find a new job, build a career, create a business precisely thanks to communication on trips. A this path then led them to success on the personal front.

Well… have you already bought a ticket for the next flight?

Dating through volunteer organizations

I'll tell you the truth, friend, but volunteer organizations are not good for everyone. And there are several reasons.

  • Firstly, There are far more women volunteers than men.
  • Secondly, you need to share the values ​​that this organization preaches.

For example, it will be difficult for you to work in an animal protection organization if you love furs.

However, these organizations have a big plus. Usually they are either families or singles. Therefore, it is easier to find a single man there than in many other places.

If you are close to the values ​​of the organization. If you want to help change this imperfect world for the better. If you love kids/fur seals/environment. Then just join the ranks of volunteers. This will not only improve your karma, but also provide an opportunity for an interesting acquaintance.

Yes, and there are more than enough reasons for dating. Plus, you will immediately share the same values, which will significantly increase your chances of a successful personal life. Dare!

Dating at concerts

Cultural activities are relaxing. There you do not need to worry about everyday issues. You go and enjoy.

If you have been a fan of a group since childhood, or just decided to remember your youth and go to a concert of stars called “Disco of the 90s”, then be sure that less male fans.

I only beg. Do not go to the concerts of Stas Mikhailov or Irina Alegrova. Why would you go to a concert where 90% of the audience are women in their forties? No... I'm not trying to dissuade you from them, if you like these artists, go ahead. But the chances of meeting someone there are much less.

So choose, girlfriend, do you listen to music or arrange your personal life? It's great, of course, if there is an opportunity to combine it!

Separately, I note the concerts of classical music. Many women adore them, but finding someone to meet there is often difficult. It is customary to go to such events in pairs, so if a single man tries to get to a concert of Tchaikovsky's music, then most likely he will find a companion for himself (at least he will persuade his sister).

Go to the classics together after you meet “the one”!

Dating at exhibitions

Unlike concerts. men do not go to exhibitions in pairs with familiar women. It is quite comfortable to come to the exhibition alone.

If you love painting, then check out the art museum. They often organize exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, installations.

In addition, do not forget about industry exhibitions.

I had a training case when one of the students went to a construction exhibition to look at offers on the market for finishing materials. She recently bought an apartment and needed to make repairs.

At one of the stands she spotted a nice consultant who told her in great detail and sensibly about how to do all the work better and cheaper.

After 2 minutes, she was just staring at him, and then she simply said automatically: “Maybe you will drive up to me and measure everything on the spot? I'll treat you to tea!". I won't go into details, but they already did the repair together with the rings on the ring fingers.

So I saved money on repairs and got married!

Dating in social networks

Let's be honest, friend. How much time do you spend on Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram? Here I am for a few hours. And not always at work!

And more than that. You can see its status directly online. Few men will hide it. It is we women who are afraid to appear unmarried at 30, but men do not have such complexes.

Plus you can immediately see his appearance, his friends, his hobbies, his interests.

It is also possible on dating sites, but there are enough liars who underestimate the age, take portfolio photos, tell how macho they are.

Therefore, you go on a search, look for single men of the age you are interested in, indicate your city and go!

Just don't write in the style: “Man, can I meet you?”, so it doesn't work.

  • Look for common interests
  • Start coming from afar

And over time, it will “twist and twist”.

You have no idea how many successful couples have taken place thanks to social networks. So don't yawn, let's get to know each other!

Dating in men's stores

Men are not much different from us women. It seems to us that they are bored shopping, but here there is a nuance. They are bored to go to women's shops and answer your questions: “Well, how do you like the blouse? White or red?.

But they go to shops for men without any problems. Single men look after themselves with no less trepidation than unmarried ladies. No, of course there are those who walk in stretched sweatpants all their lives. But this is hardly your option, my friend.

Go to a men's boutique. Look at the men who came there alone. And go ahead. Help him choose a shirt, tie, shoes.

Believe me, men, just like us women, need to be evaluated by the opposite sex. They also doubt whether to take a black or gray jacket. And they will be immensely grateful to you if you help them in choosing a new outfit.

Well, don't forget sports shops, auto parts stores, hunting and fishing, and so on. There are a lot of men's shops and they will always be glad to see you there, my dear.

Dating through dating sites

I already hear indignation about the fact that you won’t meet anyone serious on dating sites.

I would be glad to support this skepticism if it were not for dozens of my students who got married and are getting married, finding your soul mate through similar services.

It is important for you to understand that the problem of such an attitude towards online dating is these are the internal attitudes of those who do not believe in them. If you think that there is no one to meet online, then it will be so. Because you will initially be negative about men who come on dates.

Be realistic.

Few people on dating sites will upload their photos in slippers and sweatpants. Everyone wants to look good and therefore the best photos will be selected for this purpose.

Women in this regard are much more insidious than men. They don't even use photoshop.

So just keep this in mind when meeting online. Smart, rich and gentle on the site is not always so in real life. But you're hardly a princess either.

But these sites immediately allow you to save time and make appointments with several candidates at once. Yes ... and there is no need to drive here about appearance. For Internet dates, “duty” makeup and your standard clothes are quite suitable.

Dating in theaters

I don’t know about you, my friend, but I really like to attend theatrical performances. You come all so beautiful, sit down in a cozy place and enjoy the acting.

There is an opinion that men are not theatergoers. This is of course not true. In general, generalization is no good when we are talking about living people. People… they are different. And men are no exception.

There are a huge number of single men who are happy to go to premieres or ordinary productions. And often they go precisely with the aim of meeting the lady of the heart.

Remember one moment. Men also want to meet an interesting woman. And after 30 they have the same problems in dating. What they write, they say, for a man after 30, life is just beginning - this is nonsense. A smart man does not really want to connect his life with a twenty-year-old silly girl who has the wind in her head, and there is nothing to talk about.

Actually, he is also friends with logic and understands that a smart and intelligent woman like you, my dear, can only be found at events of this status.

Therefore, open the nearest poster and see what is coming from the productions in the very near future. Aesthetic pleasure guaranteed. And dating ... it really depends on you!

Dating through themed parties

If you live in a city, then most likely there are themed parties for different ages. There are Mafia games, there are various intellectual games, or just discos in the style of “over 30”.

Any theme party is a good occasion for an interesting acquaintance. Keep in mind that this kind of party is often attended by their fans. For example, if you are going to play Mafia, do not forget to read about this game so that you have something to talk about at the event.

One of my students accidentally went to a cafe to drink coffee. There was some wild merriment going on in the adjacent hall. She was curious to see what was going on there. “Maybe a wedding?” she thought sadly. Everything turned out to be much more interesting.

The city hosted a congress of fans of the game in KVN. Ex-participants of different teams arrived, who were annealed as students, but now they have stopped playing this game. In general, the atmosphere was very cheerful, and the audience was also already mature.

And, you will be surprised, but among the men who came to this skit, about half were bachelors. It is difficult to say why men with a sense of humor have not yet been married, but my student found a man on this skit, with whom they soon connected their destinies and have been living in a happy marriage for more than 5 years.

After all, these parties are non-committal. You'll have a good time A satisfied woman always attracts increased attention.

Dating in parks, ponds, beaches

Tell me friend. Do you often go for walks? Well, it's clear in the winter. It's cold and hard to see anyone. But spring, summer, autumn. These are excellent times of the year, when there are thousands of lonely, beautiful, mature men on the street.

But even if you do walk, the question is how do you do it.

  • go read a book on a park bench?
  • sleep on the beach?
  • take a walk the gait of a good soldier along the pond?

No. Such options, of course, disappear immediately. You are a woman. Beautiful, charming, smart. You need to be a mystery, not a touchy one. By the way, this is the biggest misconception when ladies believe that they love touchy people. Nonsense. Impatiens are afraid and rightly so. A man does not need "cold" women. A man needs a relationship with a loving and understanding.

So, the next time you are going to take a walk in the park or the embankment, then do not make a stone face, a businesslike look and a confident walk. And if you take a book with you, then do not get carried away reading. Here you can either get acquainted with a man or enjoy literature. One of two, as they say.

Getting to know each other abroad

You know, my friend, there is a type of women who dream of a "prince overseas." There is nothing wrong with such dreams, but relatives or friends often do not support you in such thoughts.

So. Do not worry. I support you 100%!

I'll tell you this: “Any dream must come true!”. I do not undertake to compare men "here" and "there". This is silly. But if you have some prejudices, then you should not try to suppress them in yourself.

  • May be one of your friends successfully married a foreigner.
  • Maybe you I have never been abroad and I believed it myself.
  • Maybe you have had a bad experience with “our” partner and they are trying to translate it to all men.

It doesn't matter what led you to think that with a foreigner your life would be better, but if you believe in it - go on a trip. You can meet someone on the same dating sites for starters.

The main thing is not to be afraid. People are the same everywhere. Yes, there are differences in traditions and mentality, but love does not know this, so it will be much easier for you to find a common language.

Dating in public transport

Yes Yes. I know. It's trite. This is not serious. There are no rich and handsome people. In general, only teenagers get to know each other this way. The heroine of the film “Moscow does not believe in tears” also thought so. But nothing. Everything happened very well. And don't worry, it's a movie. It clearly reflects our life.

Of course, getting to know each other in the morning metro, stepping on the neighbors' feet is not the most romantic option. But it’s not necessary to drive in the “herring can do anything!” mode.

  • Are you going to a meeting this afternoon?
  • Would you like to visit a friend? Get off the car, ride in the transport!
  • Decided to go to the country? Get off the car, ride in the transport!

Believe me. A car is never a means of dating. But a half-empty subway car, trolleybus or the same electric train is a completely different world. Don't think that "oligarchs don't ride the subway". Even how they drive and even brag on Instagram.

Dating in transport is not very simple and laid-back, but if you have the spirit of romanticism and extreme sports, then, believe me, my friend, you will be very happy with it.

Dating in sanatoriums

How are you, dear? Does your heart hurt? Nerves are not naughty? Just kidding! I believe that everything is just fine with you and you are in the full dawn of strength.

How long have you been at the resort? Unlike overseas resorts, this type of holiday is conducive to peace and tranquility. And also to a good acquaintance with interesting men.

And don't be surprised. After thirty (and especially forty and above), men prefer to improve their health in health resorts with five meals a day and water procedures.

Someone goes on trips from work, someone rides at their own expense. But that doesn't matter. And the important thing is that if, for some reason, you are shy or cannot get acquainted in other places, then the sanatoriums are ideal in this regard.

It's always easy to start a conversation with anyone here.

You have enough time here to spend time with the man you like, where work and life will not interfere.

In this case, it is not necessary to “marafet” yourself. Here inner harmony is much more important than external attractiveness. This is true. If a holiday romance begins with a light flirtation, then in sanatoriums, romances begin with a meal at the same table.

When is your vacation there?

Dating in clubs, bars, restaurants

Is it possible to call a bar or a club a place for a good acquaintance? "Probably not", you say. And in principle you will be right. BUT! Let's take an honest look at the situation.

Can you foresee how this or that relationship will end? Even I, a psychologist, can't predict anything. Why do single men go to bars? They also want to get to know each other. “To sleep?” , you might ask? Someone is following this.

But we are grown girls with you. We understand that relationships are not only sweets and bouquets. Someone adheres to traditions and follows the pattern. First dates, then bed. And for some it's the other way around.

And who told you that there will always be a bed? Without a doubt, acquaintance in the Philharmonic and acquaintance in a strip bar takes place with different moods. But still we are human. And we adhere to certain moral standards everywhere.

If you get to know those who slap waitresses on the ass and put money in strippers' bras, then you should not expect spiritual intimacy from them.

But there are those who just drink mojitos alone (I already told you the story of dating in a strip club).

But you can just run into someone's bachelor party, where, most likely there are single friends of the groom. And do not think that bachelor parties suit only teenagers. And thirty-year-olds love to rock "Mama Do not Cry." I agree that this way of dating is not for everyone, but if you like restaurant gatherings, then do not be afraid. There, too, you can meet a good person.

Dating at social events

How long have you, girlfriend, been at secular parties? Well, these are those that are organized by various charitable foundations, embassies, the rich and famous.

If you have never been to such events, then I highly recommend you go there. There are many useful and interesting points here.

  • Firstly, this allows you to plunge into the aristocratic atmosphere, feel like a socialite among the leisurely strolling beau monde.
  • Secondly, men rarely go to such parties alone if they are married. So if you see a handsome man drinking Dom Pérignon champagne in splendid isolation, then feel free to come up and start a conversation “about the weather”.
  • Third, such parties often contribute not only to romantic acquaintances, but also to career ones. Often at such an event you can easily meet factory directors, TV stars, singers and musicians. And this, you see, broadens one's horizons.

On the one hand, this is a slightly exotic way of dating. Not every day such events take place, and even more so, you will not be invited to every one. But I myself really like to get to such closed parties and I advise you to do the same.

Acquaintances at folk and city festivities

New Year, City Holiday, Victory Day and dozens of other holidays are held in all cities both in Russia and abroad.

It is generally accepted that these are festivities exclusively for young people, but here again there are sheer prejudices. Everyone loves holidays. And the holidays, where you can meet a pretty stranger, are still loved by single men who are busy at other times with work.

Tell me, friend, do you often go on such outings? Alone or with a friend? I'll tell you so it is better to take a girlfriend to mass celebrations. Not because you need someone for company. It's just that often men also go out to such events with friends. So getting to know couples will be much easier.

Yes. A friend doesn't have to be unmarried. Not at all. It is needed rather to divert attention from the “friend” of the man you like. If you're alone, then men will compete for your attention., and this is not very good, because it will escalate the situation.

What happens if a man walks alone? Everything is simple here. A friend is aware that her role is simply to support you in the festivities. Therefore, in this case, it can be released.

Dating at weddings

Ah, this wedding. It's beautiful, stylish, romantic. I am sure that you, my friend, admire the role of the bride in this wonderful ceremony. I don't know if you've already been in this role or not yet, but there is clearly something mysterious in it.

The romance of wedding events is mesmerizing. And it fascinates not only you, but also the men who came to rejoice for the groom. And not just married people!

Here it is just right to say that there are no single people at weddings. But of course this is not the case.

  • Firstly, I will be very glad if your friends are about the same age as you. This is fine. If you are 40 and your girlfriends are 20 years old, then something is wrong.
  • Secondly, after 30 they often enter into a marriage that is not their first, so there are also enough singles over 30 and they are easy to find at weddings.
  • Third, any excuse is a lost opportunity. Going to a wedding and having fun is a great opportunity to make interesting acquaintances. Going to a wedding without a couple is NORMAL! I don’t know who came up with the stupidity that it’s a shame to go without a pair. These are some ridiculous prejudices.

In the end, the bride's bouquet will most likely go to you, and the guests will certainly want to introduce you to someone. So don't throw your "cockroaches" into a distant closet and go!