New Year tree - signs and traditions. When necessary, it is customary to disassemble the Christmas tree after the New Year: folk signs. Is it possible to clean up the Christmas tree on Christmas, after Christmas? How much should a live Christmas tree stand at home after the New Year

holiday tradition decorating a Christmas tree before the New Year is not so old. But despite its youth, this peculiar rite managed to acquire many signs and superstitions. For example, it is best to decorate the Christmas tree with ball-shaped toys. This is a symbol that the upcoming New Year will be calm for the owners of the house, without shocks and unpleasant events.

But in this case, why is it customary to decorate the top of the Christmas tree with a star? The sign claims that the star on the New Year's beauty is designed to illuminate people's lives, lure prosperity into the house and protect happiness. You should always remove the star from the Christmas tree last, when all the toys are already in the box, and put it on first. By the way, you can not remove the last toy, but hang it over front door, and then cunning, insincere people who want to deceive you will never be able to get into your house. In general, the tree itself is an excellent amulet for all New Year's holidays. The strength of her positive energy is such that many people after graduation New Year holidays they leave either a handful of needles or a twig from the tree and hide it in some secluded place in their apartment. This guarantees protection from sorcerers and unkind people. An accidentally broken Christmas tree toy does not carry any negativity, and its fragments, according to the sign, have the ability to fulfill wishes. To do this, you just need to remember what you want at the moment when you throw away the broken toy. In the place where the Christmas tree stood, it “lives” for a whole day positive energy. If you put a stool on this “patch” and sit on it, minor ailments disturbing a person will pass. You also need to throw away the Christmas tree wisely. Firstly, you should not get rid of the green beauty before January 14th. And secondly, when throwing away the Christmas tree, be sure to ask her forgiveness, especially if you decide to leave a handful of her needles or a twig at home. Separately, it is worth mentioning Christmas tree “bouquets” and wreaths that are hung on the door. Wreaths, according to legend, do not let those people into the house who can - intentionally or not - harm family members. Wreaths tied with a red ribbon are especially strong. "Bouquets" from Christmas tree branches are preferred by people who do not have much space in the house to put a whole Christmas tree. These bouquets have the same healing and protective power as big tree. But most importantly, do not forget to tie your broom of spruce paws with a golden ribbon - after all, you will not succeed in planting an asterisk on a bouquet. But most importantly, when preparing your house for the New Year, remember that you need to decorate an apartment and a Christmas tree with love and desire. Then the spruce will really become an excellent talisman for you and your family.

  • If an already hung glass toy has fallen from the Christmas tree, then collect its fragments and when you start throwing it away, make an unusual wish. Fulfilled.
  • When you remove the decorations from the New Year tree and begin to take it out of the house, then say: "Failure down, the Christmas tree to rest, well, to my home. So be it."
  • Do not throw away the needles that have fallen on the floor under the tree, but collect them. For colds, pour 1 cup of needles into 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 3 hours and add to the bath. Accept her.
  • It is alleged: if on the night of January 13th to 14th put under a decorated Christmas tree a desire written on paper, and burn it at noon, then it will come true.
  • If you light candles on a Christmas tree, then collect the remaining wax (stearin) and make one candle out of it, as it turns out. Light it when you are sick and look at the flame. Heal.
  • In the place where the Christmas tree stood, put a stool. It is believed that if you sit on it for 10-15 minutes, then the negative, if you have it, will be neutralized. This place is open for the day.
  • The last decoration taken from the Christmas tree is a reliable amulet. It can be placed (hung) in your home where it is considered necessary. Valid for one year.

Seven days before the New Year:

  • do not lend money to anyone and try to make your debtors pay you off;
  • make sure that your hairpins are only old, comb, comb too;
  • do not put on a new belt;
  • do not sew on torn buttons;
  • do not repair shoes and outerwear;
  • do not make small purchases of a non-food group;
  • try to wake up at sunrise.

It is argued that if on any of the first seven days of January in the first half of the day you make peace with your ill-wisher, then you can extend your life for a year, and if on the second, the lost luck will return to you (the husband or wife will return).

  • On January 3, 6, 9, 12, place a candle for your dead loved ones and relatives - this way you will bring them peace for the whole year. IN this case it is not necessary to be of the Christian faith or even belong to any religious denomination.
  • January 14 at noon, feed warm food (drink warm water) your cattle (pet) - this way you will tie the living creatures even more to your home, to yourself.
  • From January 1 to January 14 inclusive, during a snowfall, go outside, stretch your hands forward and say: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit". Then with the snow that falls on your palms, wipe your face from top to bottom 3 times and go into the house. Let your face dry. With this technique, you neutralize possible negative programs or invite good luck to you. In any case, it will be useful! Collect the same snow in the same period of time in such a way that tea can be made from it. Drink it with milk and honey. It is claimed to be very good for strengthening immune system, treats colds.
January rituals

To meet your soul mate as soon as possible, change any door lock in the house before January 14th. There should be only two new keys. Insert the first one into the keyhole, rotate two turns, repeating (three times): "Prosinets, Prosinets! You cover the ground with snow, and me, (name), wedding veil. Word. Key. Language. Lock". Repeat the same with the second key. Then put them together and tie with red satin ribbon medium width. Once you get to know the right person, leave one of them in the house, and carry the second with you.

Do not test financial problems a red carnation bought on any of the first three days of the new year before noon will help. Pay on account. Give money to the seller right hand, and take the purchase with your left, while mentally say: "Good in a bag, money in a purse, and for me - the profit is high. My word is strong and sculpted." Bring the flower home, and put it in a vase filled with settled water (you need to dial in new year's eve). When it wilts, tear off the dry petals and grind into a powder. Pour a pinch into your purse, purse or other place where you store (carry with you) cash. Pour water into a snowdrift (if the snow has not fallen, under any fruit tree). Take the stem to the landfill.

Luck in business will provide a ripe pomegranate, bought on January 14th. Peel it from the peel, and then eat one grain at a time, each time saying: "The month of January is the sovereign of winter, he turned fortune to me, he accomplished my business. Precisely."

The owner January "caught a fish"!

Slavic fishermen knew that in the first three days of this month the fisherman would return home empty-handed. But still, if he is lucky enough to catch at least one fish, boil an ear out of it and eat it, and crush the bones and mix it into the brew for a dog, he will be provided with excellent health all year.

By the 8th - 9th, the fish are already biting well, but no longer have such healing power. And most best time for biting, the period from January 10 to 19 is considered.

And "spoiled apples"!

By popular belief On January 2, at dawn, you need to go to each fruit tree and shake its branches with the words: "Father Studen, raise the north wind so that the stars and smoke from the chimney hide, sprinkle mother earth with snow, and put on these branches with fruits. My word is alive. My word is strong". Then go around the trunk 12 times and spit three times at its base.

"Winter" charm for the house

On the same day, a protective ritual is performed for the home. But preparing for it magical action It began from the day of the "Solstice" - December 25th. At dawn, the hostess stuck a sickle in the lintel (in modern interpretation- an ordinary knife), reading "security plot" three times: "Serpushko of the enemy's speech is sharper, it will turn to the one who sent lightning and grief sooner. If it goes badly to this place, Serpushko will return it to his envoy. The river is a true and living word, full of strength, fast for execution. Ayanua. The door is locked", and the owner at sunset wedged an ax into the threshold, saying the same number of times: "I conjure, I score, from the hardship of the unexpected, I block the misfortune of the unexpected. The word and the truth". Exactly at midnight, the items returned to their places. The manipulations were repeated on January 2. The Slavs believed that the power of a sharp sickle and a sharpened ax would be transferred to the door and threshold, the keepers of the entrance to the house.

So, many housewives and owners of dwellings are wondering: when and how to clean New Year's beauty, so that both "according to Feng Shui" and folk signs-traditions, and, in general, just "do not overexpose" the tree until the moment when they start with it in in large numbers needles fall off, which then "live" in carpets for many years.

It is believed that if you follow the Feng Shui system, then the Chinese New Year, which is celebrated in February, should also be met with a Christmas tree or pine. However, a living Christmas tree has a chance to "live" until the middle next month has a small one, except that almost immediately after the "log" put it initially in a bucket of sand, and regularly moisten the soil.

But there is a way out: after all, send the New Year tree to rest, and instead put it in a high corner green flower, or some interior Christmas decoration. On the one hand, this supposedly compensates for the absence of the New Year tree, and on the other hand, it helps to keep the festive atmosphere in the house and positive energy in time for the Chinese New Year.

However, since most of the New Year holidays are already behind us, you can wait a little more and make a "knight's move" - ​​prices for New Year's paraphernalia are about to roll down, and at the sale you can buy an artificial Christmas tree that will last for many years.

Such a tree is no worse than a real one, except that it does not have a coniferous smell. However, if most people "replace" real Christmas trees with artificial ones, then we can "save" a lot of forest beauties from felling.

Notes about the Christmas tree

If you follow folk signs, then it's time to disassemble the New Year's tree and send it to rest in such cases:

The tips of the branches turned brown, which indicates the accumulation of a large amount of negative energy;

Toys began to fall from the tree by themselves, writes If these are not the antics of your pets, then, most likely, the brownie is having fun in this way. You should not allow him to "play too hard" and break all the toys to a single one;

Splitting of a tree trunk.

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How to remove a Christmas tree?

Disassembling an artificial tree will not be a problem, you just need to follow simple rules:

You will have to "tinker" with natural, because main problem remains shedding needles from the tree. However, this problem can also be foreseen:

From the rest of the needles on the floor, a vacuum cleaner will help to cope, but if you have a carpet, then it is better to do it right away in order to avoid tangling the needles in the pile. If there is no vacuum cleaner, then tape and a sponge will help you: attach the tape with the sticky side out and "walk" around the perimeter of the harvest.

Some prune branches to pack them up and minimize fallen needles. Good advice- roll up forest fairy cling film or polyethylene. It is reliable, fast and cheap.

Where to put the Christmas tree?

Of course, it is sad to see a large number of pines and firs in the garbage dumps, because these trees made us happy all the New Year holidays. In many cities, for example, "reception points" have been created, where you can "surrender" a retired forest beauty for free and quickly. The addresses of such points can be easily found on the Web, and they work, basically, until the first of March.

It’s good if the Christmas tree or pine tree had time to take root during the New Year holidays: you can take it to the nursery, or, if you have your own piece of land, transplant the beauty first into a large flowerpot, and then into the ground.

By the way, if suddenly the reception points Christmas trees not in the city, you can take the Christmas tree to the zoo - many animals eat needles for food.

According to popular belief

According to popular belief, the Christmas tree must be removed before Epiphany as a sign of the end of the Christmas season. On the eve of Epiphany, January 18, in the old days, all symbols of the Christmas holidays, decorations and symbols of fertility, such as straw, ceremonial bread, were removed from the house.

Among the Eastern and Western Slavs, hay was taken out of the hut, lying on the table all Christmas time, Serbs and Bulgarians collected Christmas straw from the floor and hung it around buildings, in gardens and kitchen gardens, sometimes on fruit trees and fields, Ukrainians and Russians untied and carried out christmas sheaf at home.

In many places, on Christmas Eve, Christmas decorations were removed, the accumulated Christmas debris and ashes from the hearth were taken out of the house, and a part of the badnyak (a ritual log that burned all Christmas time) that had not had time to burn until that day was pulled out and buried in the ground in the middle of the field or hidden in a secluded place and kept until the next Christmas Eve.

In contact with

The New Year tree is not just the main attribute of this have a wonderful holiday. Much is associated with spruce folk traditions, accepts and customs. New Year's Eve is different family holidays that with its unusually bright decoration and, of course, the beauty of the forest, which must certainly be present in every home where this significant celebration is celebrated!


The main custom of the New Year holiday can be considered the decoration of the main beauty of the house - spruce. A freshly cut spruce is placed in the middle of the room or in a corner, often they put an artificial one and begin to decorate it.

According to ancient customs, the Christmas tree should be decorated with bright Christmas decorations, most of which, as before, are made by hand, colorful garlands, rain and tinsel. And the crown of the forest beauty must certainly be decorated with a star. Spruce branches are placed on the walls of the house, they are attached to pieces of furniture, at the entrance, and sometimes on the doors. Branches are also decorated.


The customs associated with the forest beauty did not arise in vain. First of all, they are directly related to the signs that apply to the New Year tree. For a long time, this holiday was considered not just a family holiday. This celebration can be called a kind of magical sacrament that visits every house and brings “something” to it.

It depends on how people meet and celebrate the new year, what this holiday will bring them and how they will spend the whole next year. That is why it is customary to bring a forest beauty into the house, supposedly so that she protects the house! It turns out that spruce is a kind of amulet against pampering and intrigues. evil spirits, which is why it must be installed in every home, even if it is artificial. They say how the owner decorates the Christmas tree depends on whether he will bring good luck to the house or not.

So that the owners could “close” the threshold of their house for the arrival of evil spirits for the whole year, one of Christmas decorations place right at the entrance and let it stay there until next year. As the ancestors claimed, it was this funny little thing, recently taken from the New Year tree, that would not only drive away envious people and enemies from the house, but also keep warmth, understanding and comfort in it.

To protect the family hearth, you need to collect a few needles from the Christmas tree and hide them away from human eyes. And next year, replace them with new ones. The Christmas tree radiates enormous energy from its crown. The person whom for a long time tormented by bad thoughts and strange forebodings, he will be able to get rid of them forever if he touches the needles of the spruce for a moment and just sits under it.

In order for the spruce to have enough time to leave in the house all the good energy present in it, it is necessary not to take it out of the room until after the old new year.

How to decorate a Christmas tree?

The star on the crown symbolizes the light and warmth of this hearth. She is able to bring happiness and joy to the house. The signs say that new year star able to save people living in the house from trouble. In order for a star to attract prosperity into the house, it must be hung first and removed last.

Among the mass New Year's toys must have balls. It is these products that attract well-being to the house, and with it financial stability, and, therefore, the peace of mind of the owners throughout the next year.

You need to place a lot of toys on the Christmas tree, they all mean sufficiency and goodness. And under the Christmas tree, you must definitely put numerous gifts, they will attract prosperity to the house.

All signs and customs, of course, apply to an artificial tree, however, as you understand, much less energy is stored in an inanimate tree.

Remember how in the song - New Year's signs are everywhere outside the window? No wonder most people traditionally associate the New Year with the cleansing of everything bad, with the advent of a new, a better life. Therefore, signs for the New Year are so common among the people in preparation for the celebration of this long-awaited event. And all because this magical holiday carries an unusual, almost magical atmosphere.

In this article, we have prepared a list of the most popular New Year's signs to prepare you for this magical holiday.

Signs about time
  • The celebration should begin only when the New Year comes. If you suddenly want to sit down at the table early, this A good reason conduct Old year. New Year's celebration should be met under the chiming clock.
  • January 1 should certainly be cheerful and happy, because this day will further determine the entire subsequent course of the new year. Therefore, it is better to leave sadness and longing until the second number.
household signs
  • In the New Year, everything will be fine if the house is clean. Therefore, before the 31st, it is imperative to arrange a general cleaning.
  • It is necessary to meet the holiday in a clean house. This will guarantee that a year will pass clean.
  • With the removal of post-holiday waste, it is better to wait at least until the second half of the 1st. Just before the arrival of the holiday, you can not take out anything in the trash.
  • Washing clothes on New Year's Eve can say trouble for one of the family members. It is better to postpone for a couple of days.
  • Away with any cracked, broken or chipped dishes! She is the source negative energy. You have to throw it away to negative energy did not have time to penetrate into the coming year.
  • You should not leave any things in the house that remind you of troubles, problems, or simply difficult life situations that have happened.
  • The year will be successful if you do a good deed. You need to secretly give things, food or cash to people in need.
Money omens
  • To celebrate the New Year with debt is a bad omen - it will accumulate even more.
  • The whole year may be good trade. To do this, on the first day of the new year, it is very cheap to sell goods to the first person you meet.
  • Lack of money on a holiday is a direct path to poverty.
  • Despite the point above, money cannot be borrowed even for the celebration of the New Year. Happiness still won't come.
  • On December 31, January 1, on the first Monday of January, and on Christmas Day, January 6 and 7, there is absolutely nothing to borrow and lend. Otherwise, give away the good and receive the bad.
  • Do you want to next year wealth - do not forget to wrap the coins in gold and silver foil.
Happiness tips
  • Everyone has probably heard that how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. You will celebrate alone - no one close to you will appear in life in the coming year. In the event of a quarrel with someone on a holiday, do not make peace in a year. Well, if happiness surrounds, relatives and friends, you will never feel loneliness this year.
  • If the house is full of guests, they will go all year round without ceasing. Although, it is difficult to say whether this is a plus or a minus.
  • There is such a tradition: the desire to guess. You only need to make one, the most desired, desire. And everything that you wished will certainly happen!
  • Before the chimes strike (in 1 minute), you can take a tangerine (or any other citrus fruit), clean it completely and place it under the Christmas tree. If everything works out, the year will bring happiness to all the inhabitants of your home.
food tips
  • The more food there is on the table, the more prosperity and abundance the family will spend next year.
  • All food on festive table, must be eaten. Therefore, given the previous paragraph, we can conclude that there should be many types of food, but not in large quantities. It is better to report food if someone wants supplements.
Alcohol signs
  • A good year will be for the one who drinks the last glass before the chiming clock.
  • There is another sign on how to become happy at midnight. Required: glass, champagne, Christmas mood. We open champagne to the chimes, pour it into glasses, and the one into whose glass the last drop slips must make a wish, but at the very moment when this drop drips into the glass.
  • Do not throw chocolate into champagne, so as not to spin all year like bubbles in a glass.
weather notes
  • The more it freezes, the more snow, the more fruitful the year will be. Warm weather does not bode well for the Russian economy, that is, for everyone.
  • If a lot of stars are visible in the starry sky, a lot of mushrooms and berries should be expected in the future.
Notes about clothes
  • New things in the New Year are able to attract good luck. It is enough just to meet the arrival of New Year's Eve in them.
  • It is necessary to take into account the year of which animal is coming, and choose the appropriate clothing (colors, style, decorations, etc.). For example, 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, so yellow and brown colors and their shades.
Job Notes
  • It’s better not to work on New Year’s Eve (everyone remembers how you celebrate the New Year, how will you spend it?), otherwise the year will be very busy, and there will not be a minute to relax.
Signs about the Christmas tree
  • The most popular sign: A family can collapse, and happiness can leave home if you throw a Christmas tree out of a window or balcony. It is better to take it out and put it in the snow. Better yet, use an artificial spruce. Then along with family tree»Family relations will also grow stronger from year to year.
  • Decorating the Christmas tree with the whole family, making homemade toys and hanging them, you attach magical power your desires. They need to be hung among other toys.
  • Paired hearts hung on the Christmas tree will bring you happiness in love. A ring hung on a Christmas tree will speed up marriage.
  • The custom of dancing around the Christmas tree prevents bad luck and illness in the coming year.

Of course, no one can guarantee that the fulfillment of all these beliefs will make your year happy and cloudless, but here good mood you will definitely get it!