Best marriage proposal ideas. How to propose marriage to a girl

A marriage proposal at all times was considered a very important event in the life of both men and women. Almost all girls sooner or later dream of the moment when her lover will propose to her. And the men who decide to take this step are puzzling over how to make a marriage proposal so that his lover is pleasantly surprised and agrees to marry him. There are many traditions, recommendations, manuals, rules on how to make a beautiful, romantic and memorable proposal. But the main thing is to remember a few rules on how not to propose to your beloved:

  1. In a state of intoxication
  2. On the go: whether chewing, or listening to music
  3. During a telephone conversation
  4. In bed, especially after intimacy

The main and main rule of a successful marriage proposal is the choice of a suitable place and environment in accordance with the mood of the chosen one. After all, some unforeseen trifle can ruin such an important moment.

As a rule, the main part of the male population makes a marriage proposal traditionally: they choose a cozy cafe or restaurant, go down on one knee in front of their beloved and, holding a ring in their hand, utter pre-prepared beautiful words about love and offer their hand and heart.

Curious! Some nations do without this rite at all, since either the parents, or even an astronomer-predictor, choose the betrothed of their daughter and vice versa. Learn more about these traditions.

If you want to stand out, then today, thanks to modern progress, you can organize a marriage proposal in a bright and original way. Here are some of these creative ideas.

Original marriage proposal ideas

Before you start planning a marriage proposal, you need to understand what exactly your girlfriend loves and wants, what secret desires she has and how you can surprise her. It is also necessary to take into account what kind of person she is by nature - a romantic or a materialist, an optimist or a pessimist, whether she loves jokes and practical jokes. All this is necessary in order not to get into an awkward situation and not spoil the solemn moment, which can radically change not just marital status, but the whole life. Therefore, a marriage proposal must be made not in the heat of emotions and passion, but with a cold head, weighing all the pros and cons.

So, how can you make a marriage proposal:

  • On a day off, when your beloved is still sleeping, you need to write in capital letters under her window “... (name)! Marry me!". Pre-dress beautifully, buy a beautiful bouquet of white roses and of course do not forget about the ring. Then dial her number and ask her to come to the window. You should stand next to the sign and greet her with a bouquet of her favorite flowers. It is better to make the inscription with chalk, otherwise the janitors in the yard will be very unhappy

  • Before the marriage proposal ceremony, buy a huge bunch of heart-shaped helium balloons, which in themselves will already say a lot. Tie a box with a ring or a note with a marriage proposal to them. When your loved one opens the door for you, she will probably guess what all this is for. Don't forget to say out loud what you came for

  • If your chosen one loves indoor flowers, then you can give her some exotic flower, and hide the ring under the leaves. You can tell a girl that this is a magical flower that fulfills all cherished desires. And when you jointly examine the flower, as if by chance you will find a hidden ring and a beautifully designed note with pleasant words. Thus, the flower fulfilled your cherished desire

  • If your favorite music lover, and you know exactly what radio station she listens to, then if you try hard, you can ask the DJ for a live broadcast for yourself, in which you will voice your offer to your beloved music. It is very important that at this moment she was next to the radio and heard your declaration of love and marriage proposal.

  • If your beloved is an avid theatergoer, invite her to the premiere of a romantically touching performance, arrange with the theater administrator to allow you to go on stage and propose after the performance

  • As funny as it sounds, you can give yourself. Courier mail will take you in a box to the office where your loved one works. Surely all the employees will gather around the huge box and begin to open it with interest. And then you will appear as a long-awaited gift with a ring, a bouquet of beautiful roses and champagne and make her an offer that will be supported by her colleagues - and this will certainly help her make a positive decision.

  • Beloved loves to watch new films, then you can burn a disc with the words of a marriage proposal. The main thing is to choose a good time, preferably a weekend evening. When you return from the store, say that the video store recommended that you watch a very exciting movie. She, of course, will look forward to watching. With the help of a professional videographer, you can create a small and very romantic film about you. To do this, you can use various joint videos and photos.

  • If you are a student, you can ask your girlfriend to help you understand the intricacies of the Russian language. When she opens the task that needs to be sorted out, she should see “Marry me!”, And you immediately begin your confession. Excellent score guaranteed

  • If there is a large advertising stand in front of the window of the apartment or office where your chosen one lives or works, then feel free to contact the advertising company that will place your offer on it. You can also place words of recognition on one of the pages of your beloved magazine

  • A great marriage proposal! Hire a limousine, stock up on delicious champagne and an engagement ring. Arrange a chic holiday for your beloved. Drive around the city, and then let the driver take you to a romantic place where, as a rule, proposals are made to your beloved. And then, with the breeze, go celebrate this significant event.

  • If you have a sweet tooth, then order a festive and delicious cake. On which the confectioner must write a marriage proposal in a bright and catchy way. When a loved one unpacks the package, she will immediately understand what's going on.

  • Give your beloved a beautiful watch, on the dial of which engrave in advance with the inscription "Marry me!" If the girl says “yes”, then feel free to take her to a restaurant, where you will present the ring in a solemn atmosphere

  • If it's raining outside and your girlfriend is a big romantic, then standing in a quiet cozy place with an umbrella, confess your love to her and propose a hand and heart. Keep in mind that it is best to do this in the warm season.
  • On vacation, you can come up with a pirate declaration of love. To do this, write a note proposing to marry you and place it in a bottle. And when she basks in the sun, pretend to have fished this bottle out of the water. Of course, she will be interested in what is written there. Let her open the bottle herself and read your note. It is recommended to choose a bottle with a wide neck so that the ring can also fit in it.
  • If your loved one loves to travel, arrange a romantic trip to the city of eternal love - Paris and, being at the top of the Eiffel Tower, propose to her. The result will be 100%, as the very atmosphere of Paris is full of romance and love.

  • Winter, by the way, is also a great time to propose a hand and heart. At the exit from her house, make a snowman and put a bouquet of roses and a ring in his hands, and with the help of red rose petals on the snow, write "Marry me." You can make a marriage proposal on New Year's Eve: for this you need to beautifully pack a ring and a note and hang this unusual gift on a Christmas tree branch. When the chimes strike, invite your loved one to find her gift. Surely this will be your most original gift.
  • You can organize a small treasure hunt adventure in the form of a quest. To do this, bury a box with a ring and a note with a marriage proposal in a certain place, draw a map and place various clues. Hints can be made in the form of questions related to your acquaintance, first kiss, and so on. In the meantime, she is looking for her treasure, prepare champagne and flowers
  • What could be more romantic than a marriage proposal made in the sky. For this occasion, book a hot air balloon ride at sunset. Take a couple of glasses and champagne with you. Confess to her your feelings, tell her that she is the best and most beautiful girl in the whole wide world, and after that, among the clouds and birds, ask her to marry you

  • And if your beloved is extreme, then you can make a joint parachute jump. And during the flight, propose to her, and put the ring on the finger already on the ground

Tip: if you want your marriage proposal to turn into a family heirloom in the form of a beautiful romantic movie, invite a professional who will not only help you choose a script, but also edit an original video clip starring you and your beloved.

Fall in love, create, enjoy love and ... marry with pleasure!!!

Perhaps the most surprising thing about a marriage proposal is surprise. Most often, after all, the girl does not realize that her lover is going to do such a wonderful and at the same time serious act. But for some men, it is not enough to put a ring on their finger. They are interested in doing it in a special place or in an unexpected way. To make sure of this, we reread the wedding reports for 2016 and collected the top 5 most unusual marriage proposal stories.

Offer at the concert

What girl would not like to hear “Become my wife” to the sound of music from the stage. Irina became lucky, because this is exactly what happened in her life.

I can only say that my husband made proposals to me 3 times, the last of which was in Poland on the 15th anniversary of their company. It was like in a fairy tale. He and the chef came up with an insidious plan how to buy a bouquet and quietly bring the ring, since I ironed and prepared everything for the celebration. It was very romantic, in the middle of the concert program he went on stage, thanked everyone and asked in Polish to become his wife, although we were already preparing for the wedding.

Offer at the museum

Do you know how to make a marriage proposal, albeit personal, a few minutes, but still a work of art? Do it where the best samples of it are collected. This is exactly what Eugenia's fiancé did.

The offer was made to me on July 13, 2013, which is also quite original. Since we are both fond of art, my BM, under a fictitious pretext, invited me to the Khanenkov Museum in Kyiv. And although the jokes about the wedding were already in full swing at that time, at that moment I did not expect at all that they would make me an offer. At the museum, we were met by a worker who was supposed to take us to the exhibition, and I was not even alerted by a huge basket of flowers near the main staircase. When BM stopped me near the stairs and got down on one knee, the woman had a camera in her hands and she took pictures of it all. It was very unexpected for me and of course I agreed.

Hot air balloon offer

Perhaps the bride, under the mysterious pseudonym leu00ay, had a dream to fly around the world in 80 days in a balloon, but her beloved had a much more beautiful dream.

My husband proposed to me on the last day of spring in the air. He arranged a hot air balloon ride, we watched a stunningly beautiful sunset, and he asked if I would marry him. The pilot showered us with rose petals, took out a bottle of champagne and glasses. And we enjoyed the flight, sunset and champagne.

Proposal on the night road

Some marriage proposals start with super-extreme practical jokes. Before saying yes, Elena had to urgently block the doors.

We have been talking about the wedding since the beginning of the summer, since I immediately said that long "meetings" were not included in my plans, but who knew that he would make an offer like this .... R. Romantic damn it !!! The fact is that my parents live in the suburbs, where I often go, and he takes me from there, one of these times when we were returning home, and it was at night, in Semfiropolka, a Lexus began to cut us off, blinking its headlights and pressing it in every possible way to the side of the road, Petya decided to pull over, despite my futile attempts to stop him, of course he didn’t listen, stopped, got out of the car, and then I see another guy coming at him, they start pushing, then the second one gets out of the Lexus, they wring him and take him away!! To say that I was horrified is to say nothing, I started writing down the number of the car, sending text messages to my brother and didn’t know what to do at all. Then, I saw that that "first" guy was coming up to me and nothing better than blocking the doors came to my mind, he started knocking on the window and yelling for me to come out, I started crying, he left, and after some the time has come again!! Then I felt that the door was still opening, started screaming and pushing the person away, and suddenly I realized that no one was touching me, and my P was standing on the same stake with the box and asking me to become his wife !!! That guy is standing nearby and our friend with P is holding a huge bouquet of flowers. My first reaction was: No! No! No! You're an idiot!!!. After the fourth question, I nevertheless said "yes", and the guys began to congratulate us and open champagne, but I still could not recover for a long time.

ice cream offer

Do you know stories about how resourceful suitors hid engagement rings in a cup of coffee, baked in fortune cookies? But Ekaterina knows what it is to find a ring in ice cream.

At the end of August 2015, we rested in my favorite eastern city. There is a special kind of ice cream in Istanbul, which is served in a special way) Ice cream makers deceive the buyer in every way and make a whole show out of serving) The sweetness is strange, and I didn’t particularly like it. But Kirill tried diligently to feed me for a couple of days, and I kept turning up my nose. But then he said that he wanted ice cream himself, and we stopped at one of the many ice cream vendors. He apparently was in no mood and did not show us the show, but calmly gave Kirill his horn and invited him to go inside to pay. We walked along the evening noisy street of Istanbul and held hands. He tried to persuade me to try his ice cream, because "it's so yummy", and I gave up and took the cone. Licking the ice cream, I felt something hard with my tongue, and then I also saw something shiny. Of course, I immediately knew what it was! At that moment, I was already speechless, and then he gets down on one knee and says, "Will you marry me?" ... Of course YES!

Such twists and turns in love stories promise an interesting and amazing life for their heroes, don't they? We hope that the pleasant surprises for the heroines of our article do not end there and many incredible love adventures await them ahead.

Spelling, punctuation and presentation style of the authors of the reports are preserved.

In the life of every man, sooner or later, the moment comes when he decides to start a family. And this desire is even stronger if he met "the one", the one and only. If a man's intentions are serious, and he wants the future marriage to be strong, and love to last a long time, he must definitely think carefully about how to propose to a girl. After all, the more romantic everything is organized, the more clearly this will testify to the love of the groom, which is very important for every chosen one. To call your beloved in marriage is the foundation of marriage, and it is better to lay it thoroughly.

How to prepare

Before you propose to a girl, you need to determine how and when it is best to do it, as well as carry out some preparatory work:

  • First of all, you need to buy a ring, which should not only be the size of the girl, but also suit her taste. The following tips will help in this important matter:
    1. If you do not know the diameter of her finger, it is not so difficult to find out the size: take a moment when she is in the shower and measure the ring that she always wears, while making sure that the finger on which she wears it matches her “marriage” » nameless.
    2. The second option is to invite the girl to go shopping, one of which will be jewelry. As if by chance (better even without your presence, so that she does not guess about the upcoming event), give her the opportunity to look around there, try on jewelry, including rings. After all the fittings, when the chosen one will study the assortment of another store, go to the jewelry salon consultant and find out what size rings she tried on.
    3. There you can also find out what kind of rings she especially liked. It is worth buying jewelry in the same style, but more expensive, because. this demonstrates the power of love for the chosen one, and if possible, it is better not to be stingy and please your beloved. As a result, her entourage will definitely be interested in the engagement ring, and at these moments the girl should not be ashamed. After all, the ring is the face of the chosen one, demonstrating his taste, well-being, qualities of character, disposition towards the bride.

  • Finding the right moment to propose is very important. It happens that a couple quarreled, the guy realized that he did not want to live without a girl, he decided to propose, and she is still in a state of resentment. Even if the chosen one loves the groom, the likelihood that she will refuse him a burst of negative emotions increases several times. Therefore, if you want to get consent, confess your love when the relationship is in a favorable phase, there will be no understatement, unresolved issues, unfulfilled claims, both will be ready for marriage.
  • The way in which the proposal is made is also very important. For every girl, hearing the cherished words from her beloved is like a fairy tale that comes true. And therefore the moment of the proposal should be magical. Each girl has her own character, dreams, her own sense of wonder and understanding of marriage. The spirit of all this must be invested in an event that will become the background for recognition.
    1. If the relationship in a couple is strong, based on understanding, spiritual feeling of each other, a man should not have any difficulties with choosing a place and a way.
    2. If, the soul of the chosen one is still shrouded in mystery, it is worth being observant and finding out what she dreams of, which delights her beloved, which touches her or surprises her. Find out what she dreamed about as a child, the details of her life, changes in her worldview, what her impossible, true dream is - and make it come true.
    3. If this proves difficult, any beautiful, romantic, quirky setting will do, which is a win-win.

Original ways of confessions

There are many ways to beautifully, romantically propose. If there are difficulties with choosing an idea, a guy can always use ready-made ideas by choosing the one that will please the chosen one the most. Explore some classic and original ways to propose a marriage that do not require too much money, but are able to please any girl.

  • At a concert of her favorite band on speakerphone. This method can take you by surprise, cause a storm of positive emotions. A guy can organize it in a number of ways to get the most out of it:
    1. asking the organizers of the concert to let the groom to the microphone on the stage or in the sound engineer's booth, from where he will utter the cherished words over the speakerphone;
    2. by means of a running line or special effects, asking to put them in between songs;
    3. arrange with the performers to introduce the groom, create a romantic mood, say a few words about love, or sing some simple romantic or incendiary song with the groom. Often, artists do not refuse such requests, seeing the touchingness, the importance of the moment.

  • During a joint parachute jump. If a girl loves extreme sports, feel the risk, skydiving is a great way to propose marriage to a girl. It will be very original if the groom, under the supervision of an instructor, attaches the engagement ring next to the safety ring (it is better not to interfere in the system itself). And before jumping, he will ask his beloved if she will marry him. It is touching if the jump is joint, in conjunction. If the result is failure, it is better not to jump, because. excitement in such a situation is unacceptable.
  • With balloons and flowers. Balloons, a bouquet - perfectly complement the feeling of happiness and celebration when she sees the treasured ring. Balloons filled with helium, a basket of flowers, a box with a ring, a note with cherished words and a hint of the location of the groom, left in the place where the bride should come - this is a great way to give the event not only a romantic character, but also a playful, flirtatious form.

  • Offer in a boat or boat. Walking on water on a boat, boat, yacht is a very romantic event, and even more so if the lovers in the middle of the expanses of water are only alone. This is a great opportunity to call your beloved in marriage.
  • Compose a poem and place it on a banner. Poetry, which has long been a classic as a method of declaring love, can be combined with the advantages of today - banners. To do this, you need to buy an advertising space, place a marriage proposal in verse there, and create conditions so that the girl can see it, being with her lover.

  • New Year's idea: hang a ring on the Christmas tree. If it was decided to propose in the winter, a good way to decorate the Christmas tree and propose immediately is to hang a wedding ring on it. An alternative could be toys in the form of rings or bagels decorated in such a way that they will definitely prompt the bride to think about marriage. The guy himself must dress up such a fir-tree, and after pronouncing the words, present a real ring.
  • Print a sentence in her favorite magazine. A marriage proposal that will be printed in the bride's favorite magazine will be very impressive, causing a surge of joy and pride. This is unexpected, pleasant, original, the girl will remember for a long time and show off this act of her lover.
  • Lay out a proposal from candles. Romantically ask for a girl's hand easily and at home. In advance, before her arrival, the guy must lay out a heart or a secret question from the candles. Rose petals, glasses of champagne or wine, dinner or buffet will well complement the romantic atmosphere. This method of proposing will also work outdoors, in a cozy environment, in calm weather, at night or at sunset.

  • In the form of the inscription "Will you marry me?" under her window. Never cease to touch the girls and the inscription "Will you marry me?", Written with paint, chalk, lined with objects or balloons under the window. This method of making an offer is only suitable for those ladies who live on the second and higher floors of high-rise buildings. The song, the flowers and the ensuing entertainment will make the moment perfect.
  • Write a sentence on the ceiling with luminous stars. An unusual, unexpected, magical way to ask for hands is to lay out the very question on the ceiling with luminous stars that burn in the dark with neon light. They are easy to buy in stores for construction or decor. A girl will certainly appreciate such beauty.
  • Upload the video to YouTube and send the link to the girl. The proposal, in the spirit of the latest trends in technological progress, is to record everything on video and post it on YouTube. Firstly, it is very original, and will be a real surprise. Secondly, the solemn moment will remain forever fixed. It will be good if the guy guesses the time of watching the video and appears on the girl's doorstep immediately after that to hear the answer to his proposal.

What gift to give a girl on this day

There is no need to give something other than an engagement ring. However, if a guy wants to make the proposal day a real holiday, fill it with magic that his bride will remember for a long time, become special in her life, he can give her additional gifts. Such presentations should not be basic and have some meaning. So, it is better not to give on this day:

  • Jewelry of a different type, such as earrings, bracelet, because. they will distract part of the attention from the main gift - the ring. For such presentations, it is better to choose any other day. In some cases, an appropriate addition to the wedding ring will be a chain on which it can be hung in cases where the bride is forced to remove the jewelry (when bathing, washing, washing dishes).
  • Household appliances - this can be perceived as a hint of domestic marital obligations.
  • Joint things (for example, a ticket to a resort, tickets to a concert where both lovers will go) - they are not a personal present, and can create a negative semantic connotation (“You owe me that you can share my life with me”). If you want to please your girlfriend with a trip, do not give it as a gift, but share the good news that the trip is planned.

After the beloved has agreed, it will be more appropriate to give:

  • A spa voucher or some other general beauty treatment that the sweetheart can go for herself.
  • Perfumes that are remembered for their sensual scent.
  • Flowers.
  • A car, a fur coat or other expensive items (but not jewelry).

Video examples of beautiful marriage proposals

A marriage proposal is always beautiful, whether it is the removal of the ring by the waiter during dinner in a restaurant or the utterance of a cherished question on the shores of the azure sea. After all, the most important thing is a romantic mood, sincerity of feelings, but the place only enhances this, like a beautiful setting adorns a beautiful diamond. Below are video examples that demonstrate well how a well-organized offer looks like in a restaurant, cinema, on the seashore. Such romantic moments will not leave the girl indifferent, and this is the key to a successful outcome of the day for the groom.

By the sea

At the restaurant

At the cinema

Learn ways to break up.

Romance is an obligatory component of the candy-bouquet period in the relationship of each couple. And how without it? After all, it is such a feeling that inspires. In the name of love, each of us is ready for a lot, sometimes even for the most unpredictable actions.

In addition, we offer you a choice of 40 romantic ideas that you can use simply to make an original declaration of love if you are not yet ready to take such a responsible step.

So let's get started:

1. The first option is classic. A romantic dinner in a restaurant, a man gets down on one knee and makes a marriage proposal in front of everyone.

2. Lunar walk along the embankment. It is very romantic to propose to your girlfriend, walking in the moonlight, to the sound of the sea wave.

3. Another romantic time for a marriage proposal is at sunrise. Make an offer just at the time when nature and everything around comes to life, wakes up. Retire to some beautiful secluded place and tell your beloved about your plans for the future.

4. The next option is classic and time-tested, in addition, it is convenient in that it can be used anywhere and anytime. The man gets down on one knee, takes a ring in his hand, and a rose in his teeth. Giving his beloved a rose and a wedding ring, confesses his love and makes An offer of marriage .

5. Invite your girlfriend to the theater and ask the administrator for permission to go on stage immediately after the performance and declare your intentions from her.

6. Organize a tourist trip to some romantic place on earth. For example, to France, Venice, etc. And there, taking advantage of the moment, make an offer.

7. Order a beautiful cake with the inscription "Marry me", or "Be my wife", or just put a wedding ring in it as a surprise.

8. If your future wife is working, you can come to her in the middle of the day with a large bouquet of roses, a bottle of champagne and glasses, and put your wedding ring in one of them. Unless, of course, the girl's place of work allows you to make such a surprise.

9. If your girlfriend listens to the radio, arrange for your An offer of marriage voiced live, at a time when she is definitely listening to him, order her a romantic song as a gift.

10. Romantic walk in the park. Fresh warm evening, good music plays, the path you walk along is decorated with rose petals and lined with candles. You decided to take a break, and sat down on a bench, and there a surprise awaits you - a beautiful bouquet for your beloved. Such a romantic setting is a great opportunity to make an original An offer of marriage .

11. If you decide to propose in the harsh winter, find somewhere far from the world a lonely house with a fireplace. There is a blizzard outside, snow, a strong wind, and in your house it is warm and cozy - why not a romantic opportunity to propose?

12. Write under the windows with chalk a phrase of this type: “The name of your beloved, will you marry me?”

13. Gather your relatives, friends and just close people in the restaurant and make an offer to your beloved in such a large family circle.

14. The next option is quite original and modern - a marriage proposal in a cinema. Imagine a picture: you and your girlfriend came to watch an interesting movie. The hall is full of people, and before the film, a video with your participation is broadcast, during which An offer of marriage Why not romance?

15. You can make a small “rally” in the courtyard of the house where your beloved lives, in which your friends will take part with banners of this type: “Marry me!” led by the future husband with a bouquet and a ring in his hands.

16. You can prepare a surprise for the anniversary of your acquaintance. Rent a room in a luxury hotel, bring there, or rather bring in your arms, your future soulmate, and there is a surprise: everything is in rose petals and candles are everywhere. It is very good if the room has a table for two with a romantic dinner, during which you can present a bouquet and a ring.

17. Create a blog about your life together or the candy-bouquet period with photos and beautiful words, poems. Present her with your romantic blog, and indicate on it your plans for the future.

18. Prepare a surprise gift for the girl: put a smaller one in a large gift box, and an even smaller one in it, etc. Place the wedding ring in the smallest one. It is important that each box is beautifully packaged.

19. If you live together, get up before your beloved and put under her pillow, or on your pillow, a letter of recognition and a ring - the awakening will be interesting and pleasant.

20. View from the window:
- under the window you are with a guitar surrounded by friends, singing a serenade;
- You are accompanied by an orchestra;
- You are surrounded by a huge number of roses;
- if it is evening, then you and an inscription from candles with a declaration of love, or marriage proposal .

21. You can launch balloons into the sky with a poster and a specific inscription, or in the form of a huge inscription.

22. If possible, a whole balloon or even an airplane can be used for this noble purpose.

23. In a restaurant or cafe, you can arrange with the waiter to bring a glass of champagne with a ring inside, or a girl's favorite dessert, decorated with a wedding ring.

24. Invite your beloved to the place where you met and propose to her there.

25. You can cook a festive dinner, and decorate the table with napkins with the inscriptions: “Marry me!”

26. You can order poems with a declaration of love from a well-known in your city, and not only a poet, or you can write such poems yourself. For example:

Today I made a decision
You suddenly propose.
I want to be your husband
Connect our hearts.
'Cause I love you so much
You alone. I live by you
And I will give everything in the world
For you to say yes!

27. If your girlfriend loves sweets, you can go to a cafe for a cup of coffee with a cake, and ask the waiter to write something like: “Will you marry me?”

28. If you are going to the beach, prepare the desired inscription on the sand in advance.

29. Arrange a romantic boat trip. Fresh breeze, splashes of water, romantic atmosphere - what is even better for you?

30. Arrange a surprise for your girlfriend: hang arrows all over the house that lead to the place where there is a bouquet of flowers and an engagement ring, and tell her that a surprise awaits her at the end of the path. You can do the same, but at the end of the path, decorate the bed with rose petals and put a ring on it, etc.

31. Romantic hot air balloon ride.

32. Invite your beloved to a concert of her favorite artist and arrange with him to propose to her on your behalf.

33. Order a banner or streamer with a romantic confession.

34. If you're into diving, propose underwater.

35. Invite a girl to swim with dolphins. She will definitely like it, she will be delighted and you will have a good opportunity to propose.

36. On the rink. You can invite more friends to support. Distribute roses to everyone, and if it's evening, then sparklers, and make an offer in a beautiful setting.

37. Organize horseback riding. While enjoying horseback riding in the forest and the beauty of the surrounding nature, tell us about your intentions.

38. A million scarlet roses or balls. Prepare a surprise for your beloved - decorate her house or room with roses, balloons - just so that there is a lot. It will be a surprise, and an even bigger surprise in such an environment is your offer.

39. Meeting with parents. Go to your girlfriend's parents for lunch or just drink tea, and in the family circle ask them for the hand of your beloved.

40. During a feast for the birthday of your girlfriend, say a beautiful toast in poetic form, like this:

I raise this glass
I'll make my toast
"I drink to always
We were next to you.
Let love not leave us
Let the family multiply.
You marry me
I love you so much!"

This list goes on and on, because people in love are so romantic! But which item you would not choose, and which way you would not like, remember that An offer of marriage This is a significant event in the life of every couple in love. So try to make it truly unforgettable! Love to you, mutual understanding and good luck!

We just want to hear: "Yes!"

And how to organize a romantic dinner, read by clicking on.

The article will "advise" you several ways to propose to your girlfriend.

For those who are lost in the choice of paraphernalia, to make an offer, you should know about some important elements:

  • Flowers. They are always indispensable for the “correct”, and most importantly, beautiful proposal. In choosing a bouquet, you can navigate yourself: many flowers, few, roses, chrysanthemums, daisies and others. Without flowers, it is simply impossible to make an offer. Be sure that a woman in any case will expect a bouquet of incredible beauty from you.
  • Ring. This is perhaps the most important attribute of the event. The ring symbolizes betrothal, which means "binding" a person to himself. Choose a ring that is modest, but beautiful. Most often, men prefer a thin ring with one round or square stone.
  • Declaration of love. To do this, a man should try to pick up beautiful words, fall on his knee or come up with something that will prove to a woman his “burning” and true love. Recently, more and more often men make proposals in a public place in front of everyone, thereby proving that they are not ashamed and are proud of their feelings.
  • Romantic setting. It is not necessary to book a table in a chic restaurant and rent a cart with a white horse. Can make a cozy atmosphere at home, in the park and so on. In some cases, men prefer to make a “love confession video” and release the video online or on a screen in a shopping center.

What does a man need to propose?

How to make an original, effective and beautiful proposal to your girlfriend to marry at home?

For those who wish to move away from generally accepted standards, you can use the original ways of offering a hand and heart. Such methods are good because they allow you to “surprise” your soulmate and show how reverently you treat your beloved woman.

The most important “secret” of an original and effective proposal is surprise. In no case should a woman guess about your intentions. You should by all means avoid talking about marriage, joint plans and “dream weddings” for a long time.

Unusual ways:

  • Letter under the pillow. This is a simple but "classic" way of declaring love. All that is required of you is to get up early and discreetly put a note under the pillow (you can put it on the bedside table). Well, if you pack the ring in a special box, and put a bouquet of flowers next to the gift.
  • "Sweet Proposal" This method has become very popular recently, because the "confectionery art" has closely entered modern life: sweets and cakes are baked in stores and at home, personalized delivery is made. You should agree in advance with the confectioner that your order should be in the shape of a heart, and the main question will be written on the cake with cream: "Will you marry me?" .
  • Phosphor paint or felt-tip pens. This paint is different in that in the daytime it is completely invisible, but as soon as the light is extinguished in pitch darkness, the lines you wrote become bright. Such a confession will be unexpected and even shocking.
  • proposal on the radio. It's unusual and it's modern. The girl will not expect such a development of events, she will be completely discouraged and confused. The main thing is to be sure to indicate the name and surname of your beloved, to name her place of work, for example, or location, to name her name. So, your beloved will not have a single doubt that the recognition is intended for her.
  • Candle lettering. You can do this both on the street (special lamps are suitable for this), and in the house (for example, while your beloved is taking a bath, you lay out the words in the room on the floor with candles). This method is always impressive and always leaves pleasant emotions.

Offer in a chocolate egg

Movie theater offer

Offer on the street

Parking offer

banner offer

house offer

Suggestion on a plate

Unexpected offer on the mirror

Surprise offer on home delivered pizza

Walking offer

How to make an original, effective and beautiful proposal to your girlfriend to marry in a restaurant?

If you decide to decorate a romantic evening with a trip to a restaurant or cafe, you should know that this is far from banal, and even such an event can be diluted with originality and surprise. Such methods are found in real life less and less and only because men do not like too long preparation.

Interesting ways:

  • Ask the waiter to put the ring on the bottom of the glass. This should be agreed in advance and at the moment when the woman begins to drink champagne, you should be fully armed, making sure that she does not choke or swallow it.
  • Ask the waiter to put the ring in the dish before the beautiful serving. There are also nuances: choose a beautiful dish, in a flat plate, preferably an appetizer. So the ring will not sink, will not get lost in the garnish and will be noticeable.
  • Arrange for live music. For example, in the middle of dinner, have a violinist or saxophonist come up to you and play a slow tune. At this time, you will attract attention to yourself, make an offer.
  • Arrange in advance with the restaurant and hang romantic paraphernalia throughout the room so that your woman will be pleasantly surprised.
  • Hide flowers and a ring in the garden or on the territory of the restaurant. At a certain moment, invite the girl to go out for a breath of fresh air and make her feel good by taking flowers out of nowhere and kneeling on one knee.

Ways to propose to a woman in a restaurant

How to make an original, effective and beautiful proposal to your girlfriend to marry in the winter on New Year's Eve?

It is worth noting that most often men decide to propose during the holidays: on the birthday of their beloved, on New Year's, on Valentine's Day or on March 8th. Most likely, men are simply sure that such an offer will definitely receive a positive response, because the mood will definitely be good.

The New Year is a holiday associated with new life and new beginnings, and therefore women often decide to get married on New Year's Day. However, in order not to be banal, you can think of original way:

  • Wrap the ring in a gift box. Here it is important to choose not a characteristic small box, but something that from the first minutes does not even hint at a marriage: packaging from a phone, perfume or cream.
  • hang the ring on the tree and at the right time to come up with love just to admire the Christmas tree. Let her find him herself with her own eyes and guess everything.
  • Come home as Santa Claus with congratulations, gifts, wish happiness and change, get a ring out of the bag and kneel down.
  • Make an offer under the chiming clock. This is unusual and very beautiful, because the chimes count the first seconds of the New Year and they will be decorated with pleasant emotions.
  • Write a proposal in the snow and bring your beloved to the window. It is difficult and depends on weather conditions, but very beautiful and original.

Offer for the New Year

How to correctly and romantically propose a hand and heart to your beloved: ways, ideas, words, phrases, speech

The “correct” proposal to marry is something that touches the soul and heart of a girl, awakens tenderness and tears of joy in her. Of course, such emotions arise in the couple that sincerely loves each other for more than a day and values ​​\u200b\u200bits relationship.

However, it should be noted some points that girls and women pay attention to:

  • Sincerity. You should choose the most truthful and accurate words that describe your attitude to your beloved: “I value you”, “I’m afraid to lose you”, “I can’t see life without you”, “you are the meaning of my life”, “you are what makes me live".
  • Thank the woman. Here it is important to list everything that your beloved has done for you. By doing this, you show how carefully and reverently you treat your relationship. What to say: “you gave me love, affection and warmth”, “you are the best friend in the world”, “you replaced everyone in this world for me”, “thank you for every second of your time that you gave me”.
  • Talk about love. This must be done with the help of strong words, confidently and with a “heart”: “I love you from the tips of your hair to the tips of your fingers”, “I love you any: sleepy, angry, calm, dreary”, “I can’t live without you”.
  • Ask for consent. It is important here not to insist, but to politely ask: “could you marry me”, “please marry me”, “will you make me happy?”.

IMPORTANT: When you propose, don't be afraid to look overly sensitive, vulnerable and tender. A woman will certainly appreciate and be touched by your efforts, even if her hands are shaking and words are lost.

What's the "right" way to propose?

An original and unusual way to call in marriage: ideas

To surprise or touch a girl, use these methods:

  • Photo slideshow. In it you can collect photos of all the pleasant life moments, joint portraits that have been made over the years. This will allow the girl to remember your entire love story and understand how much you value relationships.
  • Make a video confession. Such a clip can be musical or composed of small pieces. You can film your relatives and friends, give them roles and words.
  • Post flyers. This marriage proposal is designed for the effect of surprise. Here you should know the exact route of your woman so that she goes to work, home, to the university and will definitely notice your efforts.
  • Hide notes with "leading" tasks. It looks like a kind of quest in which a woman finds clues, and at the end the main prize is a ring!

Beautiful ways to propose marriage

The guy proposed to the girl: response words

In order for pleasant memories of the marriage proposal to remain not only with you, but also with your man, you should know for sure the beautiful answer to the “main” question.

Positive responses:

  • I've been waiting for this all my life! Of course yes!
  • It was my dream! I agree!
  • You made my dream come true! Yes!
  • Thank you! This is what I wanted the most! Of course yes!
  • I agree to spend my whole life with you! Hooray!!!
  • You gave me a fairy tale! I agree!
  • You can't even imagine how happy I am right now! I agree!
  • I didn't expect you to be able to make me feel so good! Yes!

Other answers:

  • You pleasantly surprised me and I need to think a little.
  • Thank you for making me so happy, I have to make the right decision.
  • I never thought you could surprise me like this. Let me come to my senses a little and make a decision.
  • You left so many pleasant impressions for me that I can't give you an answer right away because I'm under the impression.

Video: "How to propose to a girl?"