How to quickly register a marriage in Russia. If a couple from different cities can register a marriage

When registering a marriage, two citizens officially notify the state of their decision to become a family. With this step, a man and a woman take on a series of obligations to each other and receive statutory rights. The ceremony of marriage does not have to be accompanied by rituals, the main thing in the procedure is the receipt by the future husband and wife of a marriage certificate.

Marriage registration, which is missing official part, some rituals and ceremonies, are in demand by couples where at least one partner or both were already married or married. This form of registration of relationships may be of interest to those who marry in adulthood or young people whose families want to keep wedding costs to a minimum.

How is the non-ceremonial registration of marriage?

Formally, non-ceremonial registration of marriage looks like the signing of an agreement by two people in public institution with the obligatory presence of an official. Signing in the book of records of acts, both members future family thereby express their consent and confirm the voluntariness of this step.

However, it should be noted that such a simplified form of marriage occurs only in regional registry offices. In specialized institutions - Wedding Palaces, marriage registration takes place only with the fulfillment of all the rituals and with the solemn part.

On not solemn registration marriage, relatives and friends of the newlyweds may be present. However, in some registry offices, due to the fact that such marriages take place on weekdays, when other work with visitors takes place in parallel in the institution, they limit the number of guests present. Usually, couples entering into marriage come on their own or only accompanied by witnesses.

Diversified and approached appearance newlyweds; in this situation, typical wedding outfits are completely optional, so the newlyweds can be dressed completely non-festively, even in casual jeans and jerseys. At the request of the heroes of the occasion, the marriage ceremony is recorded with the help of photo and video shooting.

The usual algorithm for conducting non-ceremonial registration marriage looks like this:

  • A couple who decided to start a family, comes to the registry office on the appointed day.
  • They hand over documents proving their identity (passports) to the registry office for further processing.
  • State inspector enters passport data in the act of record drawn up by him.
  • A special form is created (marriage registration certificate), which has its own registration marks, and is subject to registration. The form is certified by the signature of the registry office employee and the seal.
  • On the pages of passports reserved for the indication marital status citizen, both members new family stamp is placed.

    In the event that one spouse changes the surname on the basis of marriage, then an additional note is made on the first page of his passport. This passport will need to be changed within one month.

  • At the end of the non-ceremonial marriage procedure applicants are invited to a separate office, where they are given their common new document certifying the birth of a new family.

What days does non-ceremonial registration take place?

An application for non-solemn registration of marriage can be submitted five weeks before the date planned by the future spouses. An employee of the registry office will accept the documents and offer free dates and times for the event. Usually, in connection with the regulations and work schedule of the registry office, non-ceremonial registrations are held more often on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, rarely on Saturday and Sunday.

Weekends, especially during the wedding season, are busy with celebrations.

However, legislation Russian Federation there are circumstances under which the period between the filing of an application and the actual act of registering a marriage is reduced and may take one to two days.

These circumstances include:

  1. Severe health condition and threat to life one of the people who are getting married.
  2. Pregnancy(when applying for early dates it is necessary to have a certificate of this circumstance from antenatal clinic).
  3. Birth of a child, in connection with which there is a need for a marriage certificate to determine paternity in the birth certificate of the baby.
  4. All other situations are considered by the heads of the registry offices on an individual basis.

The cost of non-ceremonial registration of marriage

The cost of registering a marriage primarily consists of paying the state fee. From January 1, 2015, changes were made to the taxation procedure, in connection with this, both members of the future family must pay a tax in the amount of 350 rubles. However, there can be only one receipt for payment, therefore, payment must be made jointly, this can be done using the terminal in Sberbank or via the Internet.

As for the receipt itself, it does not have a statute of limitations, and if the spouses could not come to the registry office for registration within the deadline set for them, then they can later use this document to re-apply.

If the newlyweds opted for a quiet ceremony without photos and video, then the registration costs will end there.

In some registry offices, employees are adamant and allow only their full-time employees to shoot. The price for this service varies greatly depending on the region. On average, one photo costs around 300 rubles. The same is true with video filming, ordering it in the district registry office as additional service, will add registration costs.

Non-ceremonial registration of marriage: how to apply?

The minimum period for filing applications for marriage registration will be approximately one month before the event, the maximum period for this is two months. In many Wedding Palaces during the wedding season, convenient dates and weekends are booked in advance. Married couples have to stand in long lines to apply for the desired day and time of marriage.

Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, the employees of the registry offices offer to choose several possible dates for marriage, this also applies to those who marry using non-ceremonial registration, since in the summer months and early autumn it is a hot time in the registry offices.

To apply, the bride and groom must provide the employees of the registry office;

  1. Completed application form on the decision to start a family (the application is filled in the registry office).
  2. Passports of the bride and groom.
  3. State duty payment receipt for the amount 350 rubles. Paid through ATMs of Sberbank.
  4. Divorce Certificate if at least one of the future spouses was previously married. In case of death ex-spouse or spouse is provided with a death certificate.
  5. For a minor bride or groom, the permission of their parents is required for marriage.

The application for marriage is not accepted for consideration:

  1. For persons who are already in another marriage;
  2. Close relatives, as well as adoptive parents and adopted children equated to this category.
  3. If one of those entering into marriage is recognized by the court as incompetent due to mental disorders.

Questions that are often asked to employees of Wedding Palaces when applying

Is it possible to get married in less than a month?

Answer: The law determines minimal amount the time between the filing of the application and the act of registering the marriage, one month. Only for several valid reasons this period can be reduced (among the reasons: an urgent business trip of a military man, pregnancy, fatal dangerous disease one of the spouses), in especially difficult cases, marriage can be concluded on the day of filing an application by citizens.

Can an application be submitted to the registry office in the absence of one of the future family members?

Answer: Applications can be submitted by one of the future spouses only if the application of the other spouse is notarized.

Is it obligatory to submit an application to the regional registry office at the place of registration?

Answer: Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to marry in any city or region of the country of their choice.

In the case when one of the partners entering into marriage is not a citizen of Russia, which registry office should I contact?

Answer: Citizens of the CIS are registered in any regional registry office. People from any other countries can get married using the services of the Wedding Palace No. 4 in Moscow.

What exactly is different solemn ceremony from a non-ceremonial marriage?

Answer: Non-ceremonial registration takes place modestly, without unnecessary pomp, and it does not need any wedding attributes in the form of a special outfit for the bride and groom, witnesses and guests.

You are about to register a marriage in Moscow: what are the main steps and features of registration of relations in the capital's registry offices and wedding palaces?

First steps

Choose the regional registry office or the Wedding Palace, where you will sign. You can now register a marriage in any city organization that is authorized to do this.

Prepare documents. You will need two mandatory and possibly a few additional documents:

  • Valid Passports
  • Receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 350 rubles

Additional documents are provided in two cases: if the bride or groom was already married or they are not yet 18 years old - the age at which it is allowed to get married in the Russian Federation.

In the first case, the couple provides documents on divorce or the death of the former husband / wife, and in the second - permission from the district administration. In Moscow and the region, it can be obtained upon reaching the age of 14.

Registration in another region or country

Citizens of Russia, wherever they actually live, can formalize relations in any locality throughout the country.

If a couple has registered a marriage somewhere abroad, it is also recognized as valid in Russia, if it does not contradict state law.

What about registration?

Russian law prohibits refusing to accept documents for marriage registration due to a discrepancy between actual residence and registration.

Registration of marriage in Moscow is available both for Muscovites and for residents of all of Russia who decide to formalize relations in the capital: no one dares to demand a residence permit (permanent or temporary).

When to apply?

The usual time for this is one month. However, it can be reduced or increased if certain circumstances intervene.

The waiting time for the wedding day is reduced if:

  • The couple is expected imminent birth child
  • The groom is called to military service Or is he already in the military?
  • The bride or groom will have a long trip - for example, a business trip

This period can be increased by no more than a month if the delay is due to a sudden illness of the bride or groom, the need for a long trip.

Each of the cases described must be officially confirmed - a certificate from a doctor, a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, official documents from the place of work and others.

Besides, in certain periods the number of people wishing to get married is growing significantly: summer and early autumn are the most “wedding” of the year, so it makes sense to apply to the registry office early. This is quite acceptable and allows you to calmly plan the upcoming celebration exactly the way you want.

Registration in five minutes

If the reasons for the immediate registration of marriage are super serious, then the newlyweds can be painted immediately after the application is submitted. Such cases include:

  • Bride's pregnancy
  • The presence of joint children
  • Finding the groom in military service
  • Urgent departure of a couple for a long time

Immediate registration of marriage requires the provision of documents confirming the unusual situation.

State duty: where to pay and how much?

The fee paid in favor of the state for registering a marriage is a mandatory step when making an application: without it, the application will be considered invalid.

This amount is the same for all newlyweds in Russia and is 350 rubles. You can make it through any branch of Sberbank, if the application is submitted in person.

When submitting electronically, the funds are debited from your payment card.

Are there weekends in Moscow registry offices?

All metropolitan registry offices and wedding palaces work with two days off, these are Sunday and Monday. Their schedule also includes the so-called sanitary days, when organizations work, but applications are not accepted and marriages are not registered.

Sanitary days in the registry offices of Moscow are on some Thursdays of the month, and in the Wedding Palaces - on Tuesdays. The information needs to be corrected.

The working hours of all organizations registering marriages are from 9.00 to 17-17.30 with a lunch break (13.00-14.30).

If the groom (bride) is not in the city

If the bride or groom is forced to leave, the other party can submit two separate applications for marriage registration, but for this you must go to the registry office in advance and take the forms.

They must be filled in with your own hand, and the application of the absent party must also be certified by a notary.

The same rule is also valid for brides and grooms from near / far abroad.

Two surnames in one

Spouses can combine premarital surnames into one. However, if one of them already has a double surname, then such a combination is not allowed.

In addition, the bride and groom can keep their surnames unchanged, take the surname of the wife or husband at their discretion. However, it should be noted here that changing or adding a surname obliges to replace not only passports, but also all other significant documents.

Solemn registration - is it mandatory?

Celebrations in connection with marriage or marriage are not always acceptable for personal or financial reasons, so here the choice is only for the newlyweds: the way the marriage is registered does not affect its legitimacy.

Non-ceremonial registration of marriage

This form of registration takes only a few minutes and is carried out not in the celebration hall, but in the office of the registry office employee. The couple puts their signatures in the necessary accounting documents and receives passports with stamps and a certificate that they are now husband and wife.

Guests at non-ceremonial check-in

Of course, the presence of many guests in a cramped office is not provided: relatives and friends invited by you will be asked to wait in the hall while you sign. But congratulations in your honor will sound later and will not become less pleasant for this.

Registry Office or Wedding Palace?

The registry office is an organization where a variety of events of our life are registered: here you can get married, divorced, receive a birth or death certificate.

Only marriages are registered in the Wedding Palaces.

What is the fundamental difference: only in the surroundings. Wedding palaces look more presentable, they are designed specifically for wedding ceremonies and the presence of many people at once.

Exit registration of marriage: both legally and originally

Registration of marriage in Moscow can become a truly unique event if it is held not in the usual hall of the registry office or the Wedding Palace, but on the road - in the museum, art gallery, in the nature reserve.

However, there are certain rules, which you will have to adhere to so that your marriage remains legal in the future:

  • Exit registrations can be carried out only by a few metropolitan registry offices: Ryazansky, Khamovnichesky, Perovsky, Kutuzovsky, Tsaritsynsky, Tverskoy. You can also ask the employees of Wedding Palaces No. 1 and No. 3 for on-site registration
  • Ceremonies are held only on the days allotted for weddings, so you will have to coordinate the date of your marriage with the schedule of these organizations
  • For celebrations, only accredited sites are used - that is, those cultural objects where it is officially allowed to arrange marriage registration and photo shoots

Exit registration of marriages: officially or unofficially?

Exit registration of marriage in Moscow can be both quite official and having legal significance, and unofficial.

Official ceremonies are held only by employees of authorized registry offices and wedding palaces at accredited venues. Unofficial registrations are simply holidays in honor of newlyweds who got married a little earlier in another country, or, for example, in honor of couples who celebrate round date life together.

No legal documents are issued at informal ceremonies.

Are witnesses needed?

If you invite someone to witness - do not be discouraged.

Norms marriage law have changed a long time ago, so the friends of the bride and groom with ribbons over their shoulders have ceased to be mandatory participants in the registration ceremonies: they do not put their signatures anywhere. Their presence is more in line national traditions than legal regulations.

Photo and video for memory

Filming of the solemn registration of marriage in Moscow is allowed in all registry offices and wedding palaces, but there are also limitations: only one photographer and video reporter is allowed in the hall

Sometimes there are circumstances in which the newlyweds cannot carry out the marriage procedure in their city. Such situations may arise if you have moved to live, study or work in a new place of residence. Remember that the legislation of the Russian Federation allows you to register a marriage in any registry office in our country. Even if you do not have a residence permit, this will not become an obstacle in such an important and responsible business.

Decide on the registry office where you want to carry out the procedure, then call there and specify the details for paying the state duty. Then you will need to pay the state duty at any branch of the Savings Bank. The procedure is very simple, the bank will definitely help you if something does not work out for you. You can also use online banking services and do everything without leaving your home.

Prepare all the documents that we indicated at the beginning of the article. After that, you can safely go to the registry office. Say that you want to register a marriage, and give the employee your passports, application and other documents.

In 2019, you can apply for marriage registration at any registry office in another city. Future spouses must submit joint statement in form No. 7 30 days before the wedding, as well as pay a state duty of 350 rubles.

Print the application for registration at home and fill in all the items that are indicated in it. This action will help you save time and save you from unnecessary hassle in the registry office.

Can you tell me the date you would like to choose for the wedding. Just remember that it should be at least 1 month later. This minimum term, which you will need to wait before you are registered. After all approvals and checks, you will be assigned a time and date for the wedding. Remember also that the marriage can take place on any working day, but the solemn ceremony is usually done on Friday and Saturday. This information is better to check with the registry office employee.

After all these tests, you will only have to sign on the appointed day. After some time, you will receive a marriage certificate.


In order to obtain a marriage certificate, follow these simple tips.
You will need:

  • passports and photocopies of future spouses;
  • application for registration of marriage;
  • marriage license (for minors);
  • divorce certificate (for those who have already been married).

See how to fill in all the points correctly in order to avoid mistakes.

How to register a marriage outside the place of registration or, in general, without it, site visitors ask us. Some also have conflicts with registry office workers. Especially often this happens in the registry offices of Moscow. There are times when a temporary registration is required. It is sometimes said that marriage can only be entered into at the place of residence of one of the spouses.

These are, of course, completely illegal claims. If the registry offices do something similar, be sure to ask for a written refusal. If you are not given a refusal in writing, contact the court immediately. Remember that the rules established by the family code are valid throughout the country. There can be no exceptions for Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Be sure to download:

Questions and answers

We registered a marriage in Saratov a few months ago. Then my husband was transferred to Kazan for work, I had to move. During the move, apparently lost the marriage certificate. And at my work in the personnel department they ask him. Can you tell me how to get it from Saratov?

You can send a written request to the registry office where you registered your marriage with a request to make you a duplicate of the certificate. Be sure to include your details and your husband's details. Indicate the address and city where you will need to send the certificate. After some time, you will be able to receive documents at the registry office of Kazan.

My husband and I are both registered in St. Petersburg. Can we get married in another city, for example, in Moscow?

Yes, you can get married in any registry office throughout Russia.

The first step towards legal married life is the choice of the district registry office in which you are going to legalize your relationship. You can register at any branch or the Wedding Palace.

After choosing an institution, the preparation of the necessary documentation begins. The list of required documents includes:

    • Valid passports of the bride and groom.
    • Receipt of payment of the state fee, the amount of which is 350 rubles.
    • Additional documents that are provided if the potential spouses were previously married, or one of them has not yet reached the age of majority. In the first situation, you will need documents on the death of a spouse or a certificate of divorce. In the second case - permission from the district administration.

How to register in another area or country

If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, but this moment do not live in the country, you can get married in any area of ​​your city. If marriage was concluded abroad, then in Russia it is recognized as legal in the case when no contradictions to state legislation have been identified.

What to do with registration

Russian law also prohibits refusal of registration due to any inconsistencies in residence or propiska. Registration of relations in Moscow is available not only for residents of the capital, but also for those living throughout Russia. At the same time, no one will require you to have a residence permit, permanent or temporary.

When to apply for registration

By law, the deadline for filing an application is only one month. But it can be increased or decreased due to the following circumstances:

      • Pregnancy of the bride and the imminent birth of a child.
      • A potential spouse is in the service or is just about to go to the army.
      • The bride or groom needs to leave the country immediately.
      • unexpected long business trip one of the newlyweds.

Each of the above cases must be documented. This may be a certificate from a doctor, confirmation from the military registration and enlistment office, official papers from the place of work. It should be noted that the summer autumn periods are the height of the wedding season. It is at this time that a huge number of couples want to get married. Therefore, it is recommended to submit all documents in advance and apply for registration.

Quick registration on the same day

Sometimes newlyweds have reasons due to which the registration of relations can occur on the very day when the future spouses filed an application. Such cases include the following:

        • Late pregnancy of the bride.
        • The presence of joint children.
        • The stay of the groom in military service.
        • Urgent departure.
        • Of course, you will be able to carry out urgent registration only when you provide all supporting documents to the branch.

How is the state fee paid

The fee is an important item when applying, so it is paid in without fail. Without it, your application will be considered invalid. The amount of the state duty is the same in all cases. Pay this fee can be in any branch of the Sberbank branch. And if the payment occurs during the electronic filing of the application, then the amount is deducted from the payment card of the bride or groom.

Days off in the registry offices of Moscow

All city registry offices and wedding palaces carry out their activities with two days off. They do not work on Sunday and Monday. In addition to weekends, the schedule of departments also includes sanitary days. As a rule, at this time, the registry offices are open, but no applications are accepted or registered. Sanitary days are usually on Thursdays or Tuesdays.

Before going to the registry office or the Wedding Palace, check in advance whether the institution is open and whether it accepts applications. Don't forget about lunch time. Usually the break is held from 13.00-14.00, and the working day lasts from 9.00 to 17.00.

What to do if the bride or groom is not in town

If, under any circumstances, one of the future spouses is not in the city, then the other half can submit two separate applications for registration of the relationship. But first you need to go and take the forms for registration in advance. They must be completed by hand. The application of the absent party must be officially certified by a notary. The same requirement applies to grooms and brides from near and far abroad.

One last name for two

At the request of the newlyweds, their premarital surnames can be combined into one. But it is worth noting that if one of the spouses has a double surname, then such a procedure will not work. It should be taken into account that all personal identification documents, in case of a change, will need to be redone. Of course, you can also just keep your last name.

Is it necessary to arrange a solemn registration

Often newlyweds cannot play magnificent wedding for many reasons. Some people think that this is a waste of time, others cannot afford to organize a holiday due to lack of funds. Regardless of whether the celebration will be held, registration is considered legal in any case.

Non-ceremonial registration of marriage

This form of registration is suitable for newlyweds who do not have the desire or time to arrange a whole festival from the painting procedure. Moreover, it takes a minimum amount of time. Non-ceremonial registration is carried out not in the main hall, but in the office of the branch employee. You only need to put the murals in necessary documents, after which you get your passports back with stamps. These stamps indicate that you can now be called legal spouses.

Of course, guests at non-ceremonial registration will not be able to attend in large numbers, because there is not enough space in the office. Usually, those invited wait in the lobby, and only after registration are they allowed to congratulate the newlyweds.

What to choose: the registry office or the Wedding Palace

The registry office is an organization where a wide variety of life events are registered. Here you can not only legalize relationships, but also get a divorce, get a birth and death certificate. Only marriages are registered in the Wedding Palaces. By and large, the difference between them lies mainly in the design. Marriage palaces are decorated more beautifully and presentably, and they also tend to have a larger capacity.

What does exit registration of marriage mean. Is it legal.

Registration of relations in Moscow can become exclusive if you order this procedure not in the registry office, but, for example, in a museum, art gallery or in a nature reserve. But first, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for organizing such an event. Exit registrations can be made only by the capital's registry offices: Ryazansky, Khamovnichesky, Perovsky, Kutuzovsky, Tsaritsynsky, Tversky. The employees of the Wedding Palace can also carry out field registrations. But this applies to Palaces No. 1 and No. 3. Such ceremonies are performed only on a certain day set aside for the wedding, so the date must be agreed in advance.

Official and unofficial registration of marriages

Exit registration of relations can be not only legal, but also informal. Legal registrations are carried out only by employees of the registry office or wedding palaces. Unofficial ceremonies include registrations that are made simply in honor of the newlyweds who have concluded marital relations in another country, or it may be the celebration of the next date of living together. No legal documents are issued.

Are witnesses required?

If you do not have such people who could become your witnesses, then you should not be upset. The well-known tradition of the obligatory presence of witnesses at wedding ceremony already long past. Witnesses today just represent observance national customs. They don't put their signatures on documents.

Shooting Information and Memory Photo

Photographing the solemn registration in the Wedding Palaces or in the registry offices of Moscow is not prohibited by law. In all Wedding Palaces, no one will forbid you to completely shoot wedding celebration. But please note that only one photographer and videographer is allowed to work in the hall. A large number of masters by the rules is considered unacceptable.

By Russian laws marriage is a voluntary equal union of a man and a woman who have reached the age of majority and have registered their relationship with the civil registry offices (in the registry office).

That's what it is civil marriage. To call a relationship in which a couple simply lives together is de jure a mistake. Civil means secular, fixed by state, not religious bodies.

To go through the procedure of state registration of marriage, you need:

  1. Be adults. General marriageable age- 18 years, in exceptional cases - 16, and in a number of regions - 14.
  2. Manifest mutual agreement and apply.

A stamp in the passport will not be put if the bride or groom is in another registered marriage, are close relatives, or are recognized by the court as incompetent.

How many days before the wedding do I need to apply to the registry office?

Article 11 family code RF, marriage is concluded one month after the submission of the relevant application. Thirty days are given to weigh everything again and create a family consciously. By law, the registry office may extend this period, but not more than a month.

In practice, due to queues for ceremonial and outdoor ceremonies, couples are forced to book the required dates several months before the wedding. Please note: book. The application itself is still written exactly 30 days in advance. In other words, if a beautiful date is important to you, you will have to visit the registry office more than once.

In what cases is it not necessary to wait a month?

They can reduce the time for thinking and even paint a couple on the same day if there are good reasons. For example:
  1. The bride is pregnant or joint child already born.
  2. The life of the bride or groom is in danger due to illness.
  3. The groom goes to serve in the army.
  4. The bride or groom leaves for a long business trip.

Any of these circumstances must be documented. So, the fact of pregnancy is certified by a certificate from the antenatal clinic with seals, signatures and due dates. If the birth is not yet soon, the registry office is unlikely to meet halfway: you have to wait 30 days.

Which registry office should I contact?

The rule on filing an application for registration of one of the future spouses has been abolished.

Now you can contact any registry office (and even several at once) of any city, regardless of the place of permanent or temporary registration. The exception is marriage with a foreigner. Such unions are not registered by all registry offices.

If the registry office of a foreign city or district refuses to accept an application, ask for a written refusal indicating the reason. Then you can easily appeal it.

What documents need to be collected?

  1. Joint application form No. 7 (more details on how to fill it out are below).
  2. Passports of the bride and groom.
  3. Certificate of divorce, if one of the future spouses was previously married or married.
  4. Death certificate if the couple is a widow or widower.
  5. Notarized parental consent to marriage if the bride or groom or both are under 18 years old.
  6. Receipt for payment of state duty.

The amount of the state duty for registration of marriage is 350 rubles. It is paid by one person.

How to fill out an application?

An application for marriage has a unified form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The form can be taken at the registry office and filled out there by hand or downloaded on the Internet and filled out at home on a computer.

In any case, the date and signatures of the applicants are put with their own hands in the presence of an employee of the registry office.

The application for marriage consists of two columns: for him and for her. The bride and groom must indicate personal and passport data, citizenship and nationality (optional), as well as make a note of what surname they want to have after the wedding.

The registry office employee must check the data, offer a free date for registration, pass the application through the ledgers and stamp.

How to apply?

Marriage is a purely personal matter. You cannot apply for registration through an attorney or other legal representative. However, this can be done in two forms:
  1. In person - through the registry office or multifunctional centers provision of state and municipal services (MFC).
  2. Online - through the portal of public services.

The possibility of submitting an application and the accompanying package of documents through the MFC greatly simplifies the process. After all, registry offices on weekdays mostly work until six in the evening, while many MFCs have an extended working day.

Can I apply for marriage registration alone?

The application is usually submitted in the presence of the bride and groom. But if one of them, for a good reason, cannot visit the registry office or the MFC, applications can be accepted from one of the future spouses.

Namely statements, since in this case two documents are drawn up and the absent person must certify his copy with a notary. The same must be done with copies of the attached documents.

How to apply for marriage registration online?

You can apply for marriage through the “Portal of State Services of the Russian Federation”: “Catalogue of Services” → “Family and Children” → “Marriage Registration”. Provided that the bride and groom have verified accounts on

Usually the groom starts the procedure and, having filled in his data, sends an invitation to the bride. She enters the site and completes the design. After that, you need to go to the payment tab. When applying for marriage registration through the public services portal, the state duty will be 245 rubles.

How to withdraw an application for registration of marriage?

The application has been submitted, the date of registration has been set, but something went wrong ... The bride and groom can change their mind at any time and withdraw the application for registration of marriage, both together and separately.

Prior to the state registration of marriage, neither a man nor a woman bears any legal obligations towards each other and has no rights.

If the application was submitted personally, it is necessary to contact the registry office and document the refusal. Passport and application required. The reason for the refusal to marry is optional. The stamp duty is non-refundable.

If the application was made via the Internet, and the registry office is located in another city, you can simply call and say that the selected date is free. But the majority of failed spouses simply do not come for registration. There is no administrative or any other responsibility for this.

Moreover, having withdrawn one application, you can immediately submit a new one with the same or another person.