Why, following the Ukrainian "Eared Nanny", Russian washing powders may be outlawed. Rospotrebnadzor banned the sale of Western household chemicals

What is sodium laureth sulfate (sodium laurite sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate)?

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Laureth sulfate is the main anionic surfactant (surfactant). Like all surfactants, it is responsible for the washing ability of the product:

  • creates foam;
It is impossible to create a washing agent: shampoo, foam, gel, etc. without surfactants.
Like any other chemical element in large-scale production (obtaining laureth sulfate), it can be and is a dangerous ingredient.
But with a minimal (in time) effect on the skin, low concentrations (up to 8%) of surfactants are completely harmless to human health. They do not accumulate in the body, because. during washing, they bind with water and are washed off the body.
Sodium laureth sulfate (sodium lauryl sulfate) is approved for use for its intended purpose: in shampoos, foams, gels and other detergents, both in the Russian Federation and in the countries of the European Union (according to safety standards).

The cream contains TEA - what is it? (hand cream "Lemon-glycerine")

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Triethanolamine is a component that regulates the pH (hydrogen index) of the cream, gives the cream a pH close to the skin.

Why is it indicated in the precautionary measures that it causes irritation when it comes into contact with the skin, because the powder is hypoallergenic?

Anton Ermolov

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The phrase "causes irritation on contact with the skin" is the standard "precautionary" phrase of GOST 31340-07 - a description of the hazard. The manufacturer is obliged to put it on the packaging, even if there is confirmation of hypoallergenicity.

Moisturizing creams for children "Eared Nanny" contain methylparoben and propylparoben. These ingredients are said to cause cancer. Why are they used in children's cosmetics?

Ivan Demidov

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Methyl- and propylparobenes are preservatives to prevent the development of microorganisms in the cream during its storage. It is forbidden to produce cosmetic products without preservatives, because. preservatives provide protection against bacteria and are responsible for the shelf life of the product. If there is no preservative in the product, then the cream cannot be used for more than 1 month.
The company "Nevskaya Cosmetics" uses as a preservative for children's cosmetics composition under the brand name Nipagvat. It includes 3 preservatives: phenoxyethanol, methylparaben and propylparaben. The use of these components in cosmetic products, including for children, is permitted both by the legislation of the Russian Federation and by the relevant EU authorities. Only a high concentration of parabens (8%) can lead to undesirable consequences. We introduce no more than 0.6%. This concentration is so minimal that it cannot cause cancer, and is safe for health.
The consumer can always choose which product to buy: without parabens, but with a high risk of microbiological contamination and a short shelf life or with parabens, But safe.

What is isopropyl myristate, tethearet 12, dimiticone, cyclopentaciloxane, dimiticone propolymer, cyclohexaceloxane, propylene glycol, phenoxetanolone, pronitrol? (cream "Grapes")

Maria Ivanova

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Isopropyl myristate is a cosmetic oil ester that improves the spreadability of the cream on the skin.
propylene glycol- humidifier.
Ceteareth-12- this is an emulsifier, it is necessary in order to obtain an emulsion from the aqueous and oily phases, which is the cream.
Dimethicone, cyclopentasiloxane, dimethicone crosspolymer, cyclohexasiloxane- these are conditioning additives, silicones, their task is to improve the consumer properties of the cream - pleasant sensations on the skin, reduce the feeling of greasy, etc.
Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Bronitrol are preservatives that protect the product from microbiological contamination.
All ingredients used are common raw materials in the cosmetics industry and approved for use in the cosmetics industry.

How can you distinguish the real products of the "Eared Nanny" series produced by NK from a fake?


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Unfortunately, at the moment it is very difficult to distinguish a fake by packaging.
If you have doubts about the authenticity of the product, you can clarify by calling the Hotline (toll-free in Russia) 8-800-200-20-40, indicating the batch number and expiration date of the product. In retail outlets, upon request, they must provide a Certificate of product quality and safety.

Why does "Tar" soap have a dark color, and the last time it was lighter?

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Solid toilet soap "Tar" is produced in accordance with GOST and has been produced for more than 40 years and has not changed its composition, the tar content has not been underestimated, as practice shows: the color of the soap depends on various natural factors (selection of birch bark where this birch grew, etc. ). It should also be noted that in the production of Tar soap we use birch tar that meets the requirements of TU 9337-001-52744247-00.

How dangerous is sodium laureth sulfate?

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Sodium laureth sulfate is the main anionic surfactant. Like all surfactants, it is responsible for the washing ability of the product:

  • reduces the surface tension between water and fat particles, thus facilitating the removal of these particles and dirt;
  • creates foam;
  • forms a suspension of dirt particles in the foam and prevents their re-settlement.

It is impossible to create a washing agent: shampoo, foam, gel, etc. - without surfactants.

With a minimal (in time) effect on the skin, low concentrations (up to 8%) of surfactants are completely harmless to human health. They do not accumulate in the body, because. during washing, they bind with water and are washed off the body.

Sodium laureth sulfate is approved for its intended use (in shampoos, foams, gels, and other detergents) both in the Russian Federation and in the countries of the European Union (according to safety standards).

The amount of phosphates should not exceed 5 percent, and the amount of phosphates in the Eared Nanny powder is from 15-30 percent?

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As a result of the inspection by Rospotrebnadzor, it was revealed that detergents of the Ushasty Nyan brand produced by PJSC Vinnitsapobutkhim do not correspond in terms of toxicity. Due to the risk of a threat to health, from 06/15/2015 they are prohibited for sale. Consumers need to be aware that there are no plans to withdraw funds that have already been sold. Therefore, for a long time they can be on store shelves.

In addition, the press service of Rospotrebnadzor clarified that all detergents and cleaning products of PJSC "Vinnitsapobutkhim" will be banned. By the way, another popular brand that is banned is LOTOS washing powder.

Big-eared nannies banned | Understand the essence of the ban (double standards)

PJSC "Vinnitsapobutkhim" - Ukrainian a manufacturer that, until recently, supplied the European part of Russia with Eared Nyan products.

Most news articles about the ban are silent about the fact that the products of this brand are also produced in Russia. Of course, domestic products are not banned.

In Russia, the Nevskaya Kosmetika company is engaged in the production of this brand. Siberia and the Far East are supplied with Eared Nyan products from the factory in Angarsk. At the moment, the Nevskaya Cosmetics company is looking for opportunities to provide Angarsk-made products throughout Russia.

At the same time, Roskontrol (a project in the field of quality control and safety of goods and services, which brings together leading research laboratories and research institutes of Russia, consumer protection societies and associations) conducted a toxicity test for Russian-made Eared Nyan powder. Test results showed that it does not meet safety requirements and may pose a health hazard.

Big-eared nannies banned | Other statements by the head of Rospotrebnadzor on bans on toxic products

Additionally, Anna Popova made a number of statements about Ukrainian-made products:

  • During scheduled inspections, special attention will be paid to the quality and safety of children's detergents from Ukraine.
  • “Today in Ukraine… the sanitary and epidemiological service is being liquidated and has practically been liquidated… Those who are engaged in the organization of healthcare are systematically destroying what should protect the population of Ukraine. This cannot but affect the quality of products, although, first of all, it creates a threat to the population, both in Ukraine and neighboring countries, by an extremely low level of immunization and such an attitude towards this problem (the quality of goods).”

Big-eared nannies banned | In conclusion

It can be seen with the naked eye that during the ban, Rospotrebnadzor did not care about consumers, but about regulating the situation with Ukraine. Since otherwise the Russian part of production would also be banned. In fact, consumers do not care about the real reasons for the ban on toxic products, let's leave that to politicians. It is important that this ban draws attention to the quality of detergents in general. Let's hope that on its wave, consumers will become more literate, and the compositions will be more harmless.

The following sources were used in preparing this publication:

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You may also be interested in the following material:

  • (analysis of compositions and rating of "harmfulness" of popular powders);
  • (it turns out that the most harmless and effective laundry detergents are not powders, but gels);
  • (analysis of compositions and rating of "harmfulness" of popular brands of children's cosmetics).

Import to Russia of washing powder for children's linen "Eared Nyan", produced by the plant "Vinnitsapobutkhim". An examination carried out at the direction of the department revealed a discrepancy between the products of this brand and hygienic requirements for the toxicity index.

It is noteworthy that Vinnitsapobutchim is a subsidiary of the Russian concern Nevskaya Kosmetika, which is one of the ten largest Russian manufacturers of cosmetics and detergents. So the decision made for political reasons will affect the turnover of the domestic enterprise, and one of the leaders in the household chemicals market. According to Rambler-Novosti, Russian supplies for the Vinnitsa enterprise were very significant.

Moreover, "Eared Nanny" is produced not only at the Ukrainian plant. The concern has production sites in St. Petersburg and Angarsk (Irkutsk region). Whether sanctions will be applied to all products, based on the fact that the composition of the powder must be the same, is still unknown.

"Neva Cosmetics" decided to play ahead of the curve. On its website, the company announced that it would send samples of washing powder from Ukraine for additional research on the "toxicity index" indicator - to expert organizations in Moscow (the study, on the basis of which the decision of Rospotrebnadzor was made, was carried out in laboratories in St. Petersburg). The company also said that they had not received official notification of a ban on the sale of funds.

Meanwhile, the question of the expediency of the presence of this product on the shelves of Russian stores is not as illusory as it might seem from the outside. The danger of this washing powder is not at all invented by officials of the department standing on the protection of state interests.

Powder Poison

As Lente.ru managed to find out, some time ago, the consumer protection society Roskontrol took care of the quality and safety of children's washing powders. Following the "adult" means, the organization conducted an examination of samples of the six most popular brands of powders intended for washing children's clothes. In addition to Eared Nanny, products of the following brands were subjected to laboratory tests: Aistenok (AIST factory), Dosenka (Rekitt Benckiser), Persil Expert Sensitive and Pemos Detsky (Henkel), Tide Children "(Procter and Gamble.)

The results of a study carried out on the basis of the capital's laboratories of Rospotrebnadzor are shocking: none of these products can be used for children's underwear. The reason is the same as with the Ukrainian powder - a violation of the requirements for the permissible standards of the toxicity index.

In Russia, very strict requirements for toxicological and sanitary-chemical indicators are applied to baby powders. Back in 2010, by decision of the Customs Union Commission, limits were set for the so-called toxicity index - from 70 to 120 percent (for adults - it is not standardized). This indicator indicates how hazardous the product is to health, and the standard itself is fixed in the Uniform Sanitary-Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements for Goods Subject to Sanitary-Epidemiological Surveillance (Control).

Photo: Evgeny Pereverzev / Kommersant

The toxicity rates of all mid-priced baby powders tested were far from acceptable values ​​and ranged from 39 to 47 percent (the lower the index, the more toxic the sample). As stated in the examination report, which Lente.ru managed to get acquainted with, this means that none of these samples can be used to wash children's underwear and clothes.

Baby powders are even more dangerous than conventional products of the same brands that the organization has previously reviewed. So, Persil Expert Sensitive is more toxic than just Persil, children's Tide is more toxic than ordinary Tide, Dosenka is more toxic than Dosia. “These specific children's powders practically do not differ from adults - the same phosphates, A-surfactants and bleaches are in the composition,” the Roskontrol concluded.

According to experts, dirt-dissolving anionic surfactants, A-surfactants, are the most aggressive components. Penetrating through the skin, they can cause immunity disorders and allergic reactions, and with prolonged contact, they adversely affect the internal organs and nervous system of the child.

“Parents often associate allergic dermatitis with the food their child eats. This is a common misconception,” says Ekaterina Morozova, pediatrician at the Medicina clinic. According to her, 80 percent of allergic skin reactions are caused by household chemicals, including washing powder, which mom uses to wash children's clothes.

The cheapest powder among those tested, Pemos for children, had the worst toxicity rating. It contains the most dangerous substances for health. The ill-fated "Eared Nanny" does not have the worst toxicity index, but the proportion of phosphates is a record - from 15 to 30 percent. Most of all toxic surfactants remain in linen after washing with Persil Expert Sensitive powder. The minimum is for "Eared Nanny" and "Aistenka".

The fact that the problem of the quality of products intended for children is really relevant is also indicated by the messages that are full of specialized forums. Parents warn about the dangers of certain popular and widely advertised brands.

Under no circumstances should you ever use this company! The child was suffocating for 2 months from the powder and rinse aid! They treated ordinary bronchitis, until they understood what was happening, the child almost suffocated! Deadly dangerous! Tell all your friends and acquaintances!” - says one of the visitors to the site dedicated to children's products. And here is another comment: “From the powder and soap, both the elder and the younger have a terrible rash all over their bodies. The older child was treated for allergies for 3 months. Now for the younger one. I do not recommend these products to anyone, including shampoos, foams, etc.” And there are countless similar reviews dedicated to this or that brand.

Total ban?

Most of the manufacturers of products tested by Roskontrol, to which Lenta.ru turned for explanations, declined to comment. Nevskaya Cosmetics explained that there is no press service and there is no additional information other than what is posted on the website.

Only in the Russian division of the international concern Henkel reported that their powders meet all the requirements for these products in the Russian Federation. “The aforementioned Uniform Sanitary Requirements establish a standard for the leaching of surfactants from fabrics (in washes after rinsing three times after washing), the press service said in a response. “Thus, when using the powder as recommended and rinsing properly, harmful substances in hazardous amounts should not remain on the fabric.”

The Association of Producers of Perfumes, Cosmetics, Household Chemicals and Hygiene Products (APPIK BH) also reported to Lente.ru that products manufactured by member companies of the association both in the Russian Federation and in other countries “are safe, of high quality and have consumer properties high level". According to Petr Bobrovsky, executive director of APPIC BH, in Russia the requirements for the safety of detergents for washing children's clothes are even stricter than in other countries.

“They pass double control,” Petr Bobrovsky emphasized to Lente.ru. “First, a strict procedure for state registration, and then the declaration of conformity by the manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of the Customs Union.”

According to experts interviewed by Lenta.ru, the problem lies in the weak regulation of the Russian market of hygiene products for children. According to a representative of the Splat company, in the EU, for each unit of products of the “household chemicals” category, the manufacturer is required to obtain an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) passport - a document that provides the consumer with reliable information on the safety of industrial use, storage, transportation and disposal of chemical products, as well as its domestic use. In Russia, the execution of this document is a voluntary matter.

Another problem is a large number of "gray" certification bodies that issue fake documents on product safety. According to the federal accreditation service (aka Rosakkreditatsiya), there are approximately three times more certification bodies and accredited laboratories in Russia than in countries with a comparable economy - in Germany, for example. At the same time, the department does not hide the fact that for the most part the market is “gray” and is not controlled by anyone.

Photo: Petr Kovalev / Interpress / TASS

That is why it is widely believed that the same brands for Europe produce powder of better quality and safety than for the Russian market. “We are thinking about checking washing powders of the same brands sold abroad and in Russia in order to dispel or confirm this,” Irina Tikhmyanova, PR director of Roskontrol, told Lente.ru. The organization intends to further test laundry detergents for children's clothes to find those that are safe for children, she said. "Let's check the liquid products and powders that position themselves as "eco"" - says Tikhmyanova.

The organization hopes that, based on the results of the study, the supervisory authorities will organize an inspection of locally produced children's detergents. Its result may be, if not a ban on the sale of goods that have shown poor examination, then at least a tightening of the requirements for their composition from the point of view of safety, as well as an inspection of the bodies that issued unreliable conclusions. The Russian certification market needs to be cleaned up, experts say, otherwise the domestic consumer will not be able to feel safe.

Rospotrebnadzor confirmed the ban on washing powders. They began to withdraw due to alleged non-compliance with safety standards. This is done "in the implementation of federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and federal state supervision in the field of consumer protection," the site reports.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the study of goods continues even now. On the very same official website, the department posted a message stating that it removes from sale products that do not meet the established requirements.

"In the study of washing powders and detergents from a number of manufacturers, including Henkel Rus LLC, Nevskaya Kosmetika OJSC, ESP-Contract GmbH, Procter and Gamble, Werner & Mertz GmbH, Colgate- Palmolive", "The Clorox Company" found a discrepancy in terms of toxicological safety indicators," the message says.

Rospotrebnadzor continues to investigate banned powders to this day, so it’s still not clear at all what kind of powders Russians will soon stop buying.

By the way, despite the fact that only now they have begun to vigorously discuss the topic of banning washing powders and other household chemicals, in fact, such detergents have been withdrawn from Russian stores and supermarkets since July 28. that during the scheduled inspection, questions arose to the import manufacturer Henkel.

Later, other manufacturers, which, according to the department, did not comply with sanitary and epidemiological standards, also fell under the “hot hand”.

By the way, receipt of letters from Rospotrebnadzor demanding to withdraw these products from sale was confirmed by Metro Cash & Carry, Auchan and X5 Retail Group. Dixie has not yet received an appeal.

Henkel management said, in turn, that "all household products undergo a mandatory state registration procedure for compliance with established requirements before they go on sale," and that "toxicological safety is a priority indicator for control."

It is interesting that the St. Petersburg "Nevskaya cosmetics" also got into the list of "prohibited". And all because of the fact that the company owns the Ukrainian enterprise "Vinnitsabytchim".

Which washing powders will soon disappear from store shelves and which ones should be stocked up right now is not yet clear not only to an ordinary Russian, but also to Rospotrebnadzor itself.

Recall that the list of prohibited products includes Vernel Spring Freshness fabric softener, Persil Expert Sensitive washing powder and Pemos Children's detergent - all of them are produced at Russian enterprises in Perm and Engels. Also under the ban were Fairy Platinum dishwashing detergent (supplied by Procter & Gamble from the Czech Republic), Palmolive Naturalel Intensive Moisturizing Olive and Moisturizing Milk liquid soap (Colgate-Palmolive, Turkey), German Emsal floor cleaner and care (Werner & Mertz GmbH), "UniCUM floor cleaner universal SPA", "Luxus Professional Clean floor Parquet" (CJSC "ESP-Contract GmbH", Moscow region), universal antibacterial cleaner for all types of surfaces "Formula 409" (The Clorox Company, USA) and others.

Imported detergents of popular brands are removed from the shelves of Russian stores: Rospotrebnazdor revealed that they do not meet safety requirements.

Russian retailers have begun pulling cleaning products from foreign companies such as Henkel, Procter & Gamble and Colgate-Palmolive. Rospotrebnadzor ordered this: according to the official version, the department found that some household chemicals do not meet safety requirements. Experts do not rule out that the activity of officials may become another round of trade wars caused by the complication of relations between Russia and the West.

List of prohibited household chemicals Rospotrebnadzor

“The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare informs that in the course of the federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and federal state supervision in the field of consumer rights protection, household chemicals and detergents that do not meet regulatory safety requirements are detected” , - say in Rospotrebnadzor.

At the same time, manufacturers reported no violations of prohibited detergents. “All products undergo pre-market control, that is, before they are released to the market, they have already been tested by the same Rospotrebnadzor,” said Petr Bobrovsky, Executive Director of the Association of Manufacturers of Perfumes and Cosmetics, Household Chemicals and Hygiene Products. According to him, then no violations were revealed.

“We are not talking about a full-scale seizure of foreign household chemicals of brands announced by the department. Only ten items of imported goods were banned. The Rospotrebnadzor sent a letter with the corresponding requirement the day before to large retail chains. At the moment, we are already receiving calls from our partners with a request to remove this list from orders, ”said an industry representative.

Household chemicals ban list

In the study of washing powders and detergents from a number of manufacturers, including Henkel Rus LLC, Nevskaya Kosmetika OJSC, ESP-Contract GmbH, Procter & Gamble, Werner & Mertz GmbH, Colgate-Palmolive ”, “The Clorox Company” found a discrepancy in terms of toxicological safety indicators,” the report says.

Apparently, the list of prohibited household chemicals from the West will be further supplemented. The department says that "research on household chemicals and detergents from other manufacturers continues."

Thus, claims arose against Henkel products: the list included Vernel Spring Freshness fabric softener, Persil Expert Sensitive washing powder and Pemos Children's detergent - all of them are produced at Russian enterprises in Perm and Engels. Also on the list were Fairy Platinum dishwashing detergent (supplied by Procter & Gamble from the Czech Republic), Palmolive Naturalel Intensive Moisturizing Olive and Moisturizing Milk liquid soap (Colgate-Palmolive, Turkey), German floor cleaning and care product Emsal (Werner & Mertz GmbH), "UniCUM floor cleaner universal SPA", "Luxus Professional Clean floor Parquet" (CJSC "ESP-Contract GmbH", Moscow region), universal antibacterial cleaner for all types of surfaces "Formula 409" (The Clorox Company, USA) and others.

The seizure of imported household chemicals will be the subject of discussion between Rospotrebnadzor and representatives of the Association of Retail Companies. Negotiations will take place on August 26.

List of prohibited detergents

“ACORT will discuss with Rospotrebnadzor the legal issues of the work of trading companies so as not to cause complaints from the supervisory authority,” said Ilya Lomakin-Rumyantsev, chairman of the ACORT presidium.

“This will be a regular working meeting, which is also held with the Rosselkhoznadzor, FCS, FAS. The issue of household chemicals may be one of several issues, but it is clear that it is not the only one,” Burdanova explained.

Bobrovsky also noted that members of the association are waiting for a dialogue with the supervisory authority to find out why the goods previously met its requirements, and now some of them are banned. He said that some prohibited goods are produced in Russia, so it is impossible to talk about the withdrawal of imported products from sale.

At the same time, Bobrovsky stressed that there were not so many goods on the black list of the department to talk about an impending shortage.

“You need to understand that the ban on imported household chemicals has nothing to do with laboratory research, to a greater extent there is politics here, and as long as the situation in the political arena is like this, government agencies will continue to support restrictive measures,” Makurin commented.

List of prohibited detergents by Neva Cosmetics

Here you involuntarily think, what does Neva Cosmetics, which comes from St. Petersburg, have to do with it? It turns out that the company owns the Vinnitsabytchim enterprise in Ukraine. On June 15, the department banned the supply of detergents produced by Lotus and Eared Nyan. Read it and everything falls into place.

“There are products that, in terms of their characteristics, are not much inferior to the tested analogues. There is a fairly large amount of products that come from the Asian region, no less effective and less harmful in terms of side effects. It is no secret that the enterprises that produced products for the Russian market made them with slightly different characteristics than are customary in European markets under the same brand. This is due to more stringent environmental standards in the EU,” he said.

Recall that the other day, Rospotrebnadzor discovered phthalates and the pesticide biphenazate in batches of three types of wines from the United States, as a result, their sale in Russia was suspended. Officials then explained that the pesticide is used by farmers to control ticks, and phthalates can adversely affect the nervous system, cause cancer and infertility in women.