Where can I quickly sign in the registry office. Non-ceremonial registration of marriage: the nuances of conducting

A wedding is a celebration for a couple who decide to cement their relationship at the registry office. Prepare for the event at least a month in advance (from the moment of submitting a joint application). In the absence of finances, time or unwillingness to advertise the event, you can quickly sign in one of the offices of the registry office. The non-ceremonial view of the ceremony takes 10 minutes and does not require the presence of other persons. Submission of documents is carried out in person, through the MFC or the Internet portal "Gosuslugi".

Registration of marriage without a solemn ceremony occurs in 40% of cases. The choice is justified by various factors that do not allow to play a traditional wedding. The general list of reasons for urgent painting is presented in the table:

Situation Description
Long stay in a civil marriage Long-term cohabitation is a reason to speed up the process. There is no need to prove the strength of the relationship with a luxurious marriage ceremony.
Pregnancy of the future wife A child growing in her stomach exhausts the bride, so an accelerated ceremony is the best option for registering a relationship.
Unstable financial situation Having a wedding costs a lot of money. How much marriage (marriage) will cost depends on the wishes of the spouses. The base price of a full range of services in the capital is 300 thousand rubles. The simplified version does not require special investments, which is an excellent solution for couples with a poor financial situation.
Reluctance to conduct the ceremony in a festive atmosphere Non-ceremonial in the registry office is suitable for people who do not like noisy companies and do not seek to advertise the event. It is easier and more comfortable for voiced persons to cancel a holiday in a quiet family circle.

Couples who want to get married quickly and quietly don't have to worry about the legality of the event. The only condition for the official conclusion of the union is the introduction of changes in the civil status records, which is confirmed by a stamp in the passport and a certificate.

Features of the accelerated ceremony

A festive atmosphere with a non-ceremonial form of ceremony should not be expected. The procedure will take place in a regular office. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the algorithm for expedited marriage:

  • The parties come to the registry office and enter the office.
  • The employee of the registry office checks the identity cards, prepares the act record, draws up the certificate form and makes a speech.
  • The bride and groom agree to the conclusion of marriage bonds, sign in the registration book and receive stamps in their passports.
  • The ceremony ends with the issuance of a marriage certificate and the announcement of the couple as husband and wife.

Despite the "non-holiday" conditions for the painting, the parties retain the right to come in clothes suitable for a wedding, call witnesses and purchase rings. To infringe on the rights of applicants, prohibiting the voiced moments, the employees of the registry office cannot.

The Need for Witnesses

Previously, witnesses were required to put signatures on registration documents. Now such a measure is not required. There is a nuance to both forms of ceremony. If the parties nevertheless decide to call witnesses, then the following points must be remembered:

  • ribbons with the word "witness" are allowed, but not required;
  • the witness of the bride must be female, and the groom must be male;
  • Witnesses may be not only relatives, but also third parties.

Witnesses are not subject to any legal obligations. If the procedure is simplified, then they are often assigned the role of photographers, assistants and drivers.

The difference between ceremonies

The essence of a standard and accelerated wedding is reduced only to marriage. They can differ only in the format of the procedure. The following list will help you get familiar with it:

Separately, it is worth highlighting the possibility of transferring the solemn wedding. During a busy time (in summer), the registry office staff can extend the period from filing an application to the wedding, but not more than 1 month. A simplified procedure is usually carried out on a schedule, since there are not many people who want to sign on a weekday.

Submission of documents

To register a marriage, you will need to submit documents to one of the registry offices. There is no need to search for a branch at the place of registration. If you wish, you can even sign in another city. The following documents should be presented to the registration authorities:

The employees of the registration authorities are told about the form of the ceremony separately. Documents are submitted in person, via the Internet or the MFC. Information about the features of the last 2 methods is given in the table:

Submission option Process description
Website "Gosuslugi" The Internet service gosuslugi.ru is used to submit documents to executive bodies. To leave an application, you will need to register, select a city and service, and then follow a simple instruction. First, the applicant fills in information about himself, selects the registration authority, determines the date and time of the ceremony, and passes the questionnaire to the second party. The invited spouse indicates personal information and confirms the choice of the registry office and other points. Then the state fee is paid. The advantage of the online service is a 30% discount valid until 2019. Instead of 350 rubles. you can transfer only 245 rubles. using one of the methods indicated on the site. After payment, all that remains is to send a request. The answer will come within 5 days.
Multifunctional Center (MFC) Initially, you will need to issue an electronic coupon in person or via the Internet. Then come on the specified day and go to the window. An employee of the MFC will help to draw up an application and accept documents. It is possible to pay the state fee directly in the center using the terminal.

You can only submit documents in the ways mentioned. The parties must attend the ceremony in person.


Those wishing to sign must submit an application 1 month before the expected date of the wedding. The rule applies to both forms of ceremony. The deadline can be extended by employees of the branch of the registration authority or applicants, but not more than 30 days. In the first case, the decision is relevant in case of heavy workload, and in the second - for the preparation or final decision. Signing at the registry office without a celebration on the day of application is possible only if there are good reasons:

Base Description
Pregnancy of the future wife The basis for satisfying the request from the 10th week becomes relevant. Applicants will need to confirm pregnancy with a certificate from a doctor.
Severe health condition A serious illness or injury will allow you to check in out of turn. It is enough to show a certificate from the hospital. If the applicant for health reasons cannot appear at the registry office, then an exit ceremony is ordered. The fee will not increase.
Long business trip The basis is confirmed by a certificate from the place of work. The word "long" means a significant period (at least 3-6 months).
Raising children together Applicants who have common children have the right to sign without waiting in line. Confirms the cause of the child's birth certificate.
Military service The call for service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation is a good reason for an accelerated list. The agenda is the proof.
High risk of death Military personnel staying in hot spots are at risk. An appropriate certificate substantiating what has been said can be obtained from the military registration and enlistment office.

A simplified ceremony lasts about 10 minutes and does not require special investments. The difference between a solemn and an accelerated wedding lies in the format of the event. Everything else is identical. An application is submitted in person, through a multifunctional center or an online service. It is permissible to reduce the period before registration only in urgent cases, documented.

According to Russian laws, marriage is a voluntary equal union of a man and a woman who have reached the age of majority and have registered their relationship with the civil registry offices (in the registry office).

This is a civil marriage. To call a relationship in which a couple simply lives together is de jure a mistake. Civil means secular, fixed by state, not religious bodies.

To go through the procedure of state registration of marriage, you need:

  1. Be adults. The general marriageable age is 18 years, in exceptional cases - 16, and in a number of regions - 14.
  2. Show mutual agreement and apply.

A stamp in the passport will not be put if the bride or groom is in another registered marriage, are close relatives, or are recognized by the court as incompetent.

How many days before the wedding do I need to apply to the registry office?

According to Article 11 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, marriage is concluded one month after the submission of the relevant application. Thirty days are given to weigh everything again and create a family consciously. By law, the registry office may extend this period, but not more than a month.

In practice, due to queues for ceremonial and outdoor ceremonies, couples are forced to book the required dates several months before the wedding. Please note: book. The application itself is still written exactly 30 days in advance. In other words, if a beautiful date is important to you, you will have to visit the registry office more than once.

In what cases is it not necessary to wait a month?

They can reduce the time for thinking and even paint a couple on the same day if there are good reasons. For example:
  1. The bride is pregnant or the joint child has already been born.
  2. The life of the bride or groom is in danger due to illness.
  3. The groom goes to serve in the army.
  4. The bride or groom leaves for a long business trip.

Any of these circumstances must be documented. So, the fact of pregnancy is certified by a certificate from the antenatal clinic with seals, signatures and due dates. If the birth is not yet soon, the registry office is unlikely to meet halfway: you have to wait 30 days.

Which registry office should I contact?

The rule on filing an application for registration of one of the future spouses has been abolished.

Now you can contact any registry office (and even several at once) of any city, regardless of the place of permanent or temporary registration. The exception is marriage with a foreigner. Such unions are not registered by all registry offices.

If the registry office of a foreign city or district refuses to accept an application, ask for a written refusal indicating the reason. Then you can easily appeal it.

What documents need to be collected?

  1. Joint application form No. 7 (more details on how to fill it out are below).
  2. Passports of the bride and groom.
  3. Certificate of divorce, if one of the future spouses was previously married or married.
  4. Death certificate if the couple is a widow or widower.
  5. Notarized parental consent to marriage if the bride or groom or both are under 18 years old.
  6. Receipt for payment of state duty.

The amount of the state duty for registration of marriage is 350 rubles. It is paid by one person.

How to fill out an application?

An application for marriage has a unified form approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The form can be taken at the registry office and filled out there by hand or downloaded on the Internet and filled out at home on a computer.

In any case, the date and signatures of the applicants are put with their own hands in the presence of an employee of the registry office.

The application for marriage consists of two columns: for him and for her. The bride and groom must indicate personal and passport data, citizenship and nationality (optional), as well as make a note of what surname they want to have after the wedding.

The registry office employee must check the data, offer a free date for registration, pass the application through the ledgers and stamp.

How to apply?

Marriage is a purely personal matter. You cannot apply for registration through an attorney or other legal representative. However, this can be done in two forms:
  1. Personally - through the registry office or multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services (MFC).
  2. Online - through the portal of public services.

The possibility of submitting an application and the accompanying package of documents through the MFC greatly simplifies the process. After all, registry offices on weekdays mostly work until six in the evening, while many MFCs have an extended working day.

Can I apply for marriage registration alone?

The application is usually submitted in the presence of the bride and groom. But if one of them, for a good reason, cannot visit the registry office or the MFC, applications can be accepted from one of the future spouses.

Namely statements, since in this case two documents are drawn up and the absent person must certify his copy with a notary. The same must be done with copies of the attached documents.

How to apply for marriage registration online?

You can apply for marriage through the “Portal of State Services of the Russian Federation”: “Catalogue of Services” → “Family and Children” → “Marriage Registration”. Provided that the bride and groom have verified accounts on gosuslugi.ru.

Usually the groom starts the procedure and, having filled in his data, sends an invitation to the bride. She enters the site and completes the design. After that, you need to go to the payment tab. When applying for marriage registration through the public services portal, the state duty will be 245 rubles.

How to withdraw an application for registration of marriage?

The application has been submitted, the date of registration has been set, but something went wrong ... The bride and groom can change their mind at any time and withdraw the application for registration of marriage, both together and separately.

Prior to the state registration of marriage, neither a man nor a woman bears any legal obligations towards each other and has no rights.

If the application was submitted personally, it is necessary to contact the registry office and document the refusal. Passport and application required. The reason for the refusal to marry is optional. The stamp duty is non-refundable.

If the application was made via the Internet, and the registry office is located in another city, you can simply call and say that the selected date is free. But the majority of failed spouses simply do not come for registration. There is no administrative or any other responsibility for this.

Moreover, having withdrawn one application, you can immediately submit a new one with the same or another person.

How many months in advance do you need to apply?
The application is submitted exactly two months in advance. True, recently in many registry offices, and Palaces too, they began to accept applications exactly one month in advance. Therefore, before you go to the queue, call the place where you are going to apply and specify the first day of application for the date you have chosen.

Is it possible to sign "urgently" without waiting a month after applying?
To reduce the waiting time for registration, you must:
- contact the selected registry office
- explain the reason why you urgently need to get married (disrespectful reasons, such as "Well, I really want to!!!" will not work)
- provide documents confirming this reason (for example, a certificate of pregnancy).

Can I apply alone?
If the groom, for example, will not be able to be present at the registry office on the day of filing the application (he went on a business trip, fell ill, is not allowed to leave work, etc.), your actions:
- come to the selected registry office in advance and explain the situation;
- take the application form;
- the groom must fill it only with his own hand;
- certify the application with a notary;
- on the day of filing the application, the bride comes to the registry office alone, but with a certified statement from the groom! (and also, of course, with your passport and a receipt for payment of state duty)

Is it possible to sign in any registry office or only at the place of registration?
Recently, you can apply at any registry office of any administrative district, regardless of the place of registration in Yaroslavl. By the way, you can also apply to any registry office of Yaroslavl for people registered in the Yaroslavl region.

What is the amount of the state duty and where to pay it?
Currently, the state duty is 200 rubles. You can pay for it at any bank.

What days are they painted in registry offices and palaces?
They paint both in the registry offices and in the Palaces on any day except Sunday and Monday. The only thing that should be noted here is that in the registry offices they solemnly paint only on Friday and Saturday. Moreover, on which of these days the solemn registration will take place, it is necessary to clarify in the registry office of your choice. Further. The last Thursday of each month in the registry offices is a sanitary day, in the Palaces - the first Tuesday of each month.

Is a ceremony required? Is it possible to sign non-ceremonially?
The solemn ceremony will be held only at your request. Do you want to quickly (between times) seal your union? Yes please! Submit an application to the registry office for any weekday. On your wedding day, come at least in jeans. Quickly put your signatures ... stamp in your passport ... certificate in your hands ... That's it! Free!

What is "non-ceremonial registration"?
At the solemn ceremony, you go to the wedding hall to the solemn music, the aunt-combiner makes a solemn speech, you solemnly exchange rings. All this is filmed on photo and video, guests are fussing around ...

In non-ceremonial, everything is easier. In the office of a registry office employee "in a business setting" you will be asked to put your signatures, your passports will be stamped and a marriage certificate will be issued.

How is the registry office different from the Palace?
ALL acts of civil status are registered in the registry offices: the birth of a child, and marriage, and dissolution, and death ... And the Palaces were created exclusively for registering marriages. Moreover, solemn.

Can you please tell us something about non-solemn registration of marriage? Can I invite relatives and friends to it?
Non-ceremonial registration - this means not in the wedding hall, but in the usual office of the registry office aunt (perhaps even in the one in which the application was submitted). Guests are welcome, but few. Perhaps they will not be allowed into the office, but no one will stop you from congratulating them after the wedding !! Naturally combined without music and heartfelt "congratulatory" speeches. And so everything is the same: you arrive at the appointed time, they call you to the office, they ask "do you agree", put signatures, stamp passports ... if there are rings, change rings.

Is there such a service as on-site registration?
Officially, there is no "Exit registration" service in any registry office. You can try to negotiate such a service with the registry office staff. There are only a few reasons why registration is carried out outside the registry office, for example, in the event of a serious illness of one of the future spouses, confirmed by a medical certificate, the marriage can be registered at home or in a hospital. But now many professional organizers of wedding ceremonies practice exit registration of marriage. And this procedure will depend only on your imagination and financial capabilities.

In the application form there is a column "Surname after marriage", but is it possible to combine both surnames (your maiden name and future spouse)?
Article 32
1. The spouses, at their own will, choose the surname of one of them as a common surname when concluding a marriage, or each of the spouses retains his premarital surname, or, unless otherwise provided by the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, adds the surname of the other spouse to his surname.
The combination of surnames is not allowed if the premarital surname of at least one of the spouses is a double one.
2. A change of surname by one of the spouses does not entail a change of the surname of the other spouse.
For example: husband - Ivanov
wife - Ivanova
husband - Ivanov
wife - Petrova
husband - Ivanov
wife - Petrova-Ivanova

Are witnesses needed?
At present, witnesses as such are not needed. In the registry office they do not appear anywhere. They are just a tribute to tradition. Therefore, only the bride and groom can determine whether they need witnesses or not.

Are witnesses signed anywhere?
Witnesses do not sign anywhere now. They simply stand next to the bride and groom at the solemn marriage registration ceremony.

Will our photographer (videographer) be allowed to film our wedding in the wedding hall?
In registry offices and palaces, they allow one videographer and one photographer to shoot in the wedding hall.

In this hack you will learn how to quickly sign in the registry office without a celebrationin a day appeals.

It happens that people live together for several years and, in fact, their family has been formed for a long time and they decide to simply legitimize their relationship. The standard procedure takes at least a month, in case someone changes their mind or there are other reasons why the marriage does not take place. But there are situations that allow you to speed things up.

Under the following special circumstances, without a queue to quickly sign in the registry office:

during pregnancy or the birth of a child;

in case of a threat to the life of one of the spouses;

on business trips;

These are the main ones, but there are other conditions under which you can sign in one day at the registry office (when applying).

How to sign on the day of filing an application at the registry office

Everything is very simple and there are such precedents in practice, which means that the probability of success is very high. If there are actually existing marital relations, then everything can be done in 1 day. Roughly speaking, if you live together, then go ahead. But there is one “but” - there are no clear concepts about the terms of residence, but behind the scenes this period of cohabitation should be at least a year. What to do next?

1. We write a statement addressed to the boss about special circumstances, in any form (example in the file).

2. The second spouse writes a confirmation of the words of the first (sample attached)

3. And also, it is necessary to provide a characteristic from neighbors who will confirm that you have been cohabiting since a certain period (see below). Suitable from the district police officer, but it's more hemorrhoids.

With all the pieces of paper we go to the nearest civil registry office. They will be considered for about an hour, so you can take board games with you or go out for lunch, and after that you will receive the coveted form.

Now you know, how to get married fast, it remains only to pay the fee and run to be processed.

  • Choose the registry office that is most convenient for you
  • Apply in person or online on the State Communal Services Portal, for which prepare your passports and a receipt for payment of the state duty. If one of the future spouses is not yet 18 years old, permission from the city or district Administration will be required

Is it possible to apply to the registry office for two?

If, for any good reason, the bride/groom cannot personally participate in the filing of documents for marriage registration, his/her application is preliminarily drawn up on a form taken from the registry office and notarized. Thus, two separate applications are submitted to the registry office.

Registration of marriage in another city/country. Is she legal?

The modern marriage legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish any restrictions related to the place of actual residence or registration upon marriage. In other words, citizens of the Russian Federation can get married throughout the country, regardless of where they are registered or live. The same rule applies to marriages in foreign countries. Such a marriage is recognized as legal if the spouses at the time of marriage were adults, free from family ties and capable.

What is the waiting time for marriage?

The law establishes a period of 30 days - this is how much time must elapse from the date of application to the day of the wedding. However, the same law fully allows the reduction or extension of this period, if the reasons for changing the duration of the wait are sufficiently valid:

  • Pregnancy of the bride, the presence of a couple of common children
  • Service of the groom in the army (urgent, contract)
  • Urgent long business trip of the bride/groom
  • Severe illness of the bride or groom

In all cases, it is mandatory to provide supporting documents (certificates and petitions).

Onsite registration: is it legal?

Recently fashionable exit registration of marriages is legal only in one case: if the ceremony is held by authorized representatives of the registry office. In Moscow, such registrations are officially allowed, but not in St. Petersburg. To arrange an exit registration here, you must first formalize the relationship in one of the city registry offices, going through the usual, non-ceremonial, painting, and only then plan a celebration for any convenient day: such a ceremony will only be symbolic.

How many months does it take to apply?

Minimum - one month, if no urgency is expected. However, you can apply earlier - for example, six months in advance. Such an early filing is especially convenient when the wedding is planned for the “peak” months - July and August. True, such a long period is allowed only when submitting an electronic application through the State Committee for Services Portal, and in the case of a personal appeal, it cannot exceed three months.

"Urgent" painting: is it possible to get married on the day of application?

Yes, legally you can. But the reasons for this must be the most valid and necessarily documented. Here are the cases in which you will be married immediately:

  • If the couple is expecting a baby or already has children together
  • If the bride/groom is in the military
  • If one of them (or both) has a long trip on a business trip
  • If one of the future spouses is seriously ill

Is it possible to apply alone?

Yes, it is possible, if there are reasons for that, for example, the bride/groom's residence abroad and the inability to leave for a joint application to the registry office. Here's what you'll have to do:

  • Take a form for the second application from the registry office, send it to the bride / groom
  • The bride/groom fills out the document with his own hand and verifies it at the notary, and then sends the application to Russia
  • The second party submits two separate applications to the registry office, adding a state duty receipt to them

Is it possible to sign in any registry office of the country?

Yes, the marriage code gives such an opportunity to all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of registration and residence. The only exceptions are marriages with foreign citizens from far abroad. Such marriages are authorized to enter into only one institution in St. Petersburg - the Wedding Palace No. 4.

State duty: how much does a receipt cost and where is it paid?

350 rubles - this is how much you need to pay in favor of the state when applying. Payment is accepted by any Russian bank.

What days can you sign?

In the registry offices of St. Petersburg, you can formalize relations on any day except Monday and Sunday. Solemn registrations are held only on Fridays and Saturdays. Attention: in the registry offices of St. Petersburg they will not sign you if you come to get married on the last Thursday of the month: this is a sanitary day. In the Wedding Palaces, the last Tuesday of the month is declared a sanitary day.

Is registration required?

The solemn fastening of your marriage bonds is an exclusively voluntary matter, therefore no one can oblige the bride and groom to marry to the sounds of Mendelssohn's march. Non-ceremonial registration takes place on a regular (weekday) day, outfits, hairstyles and guests are completely optional: the procedure will take at most ten minutes - and you will receive your stamped passports in your hands.

Non-ceremonial registration: how does it work?

Such registration takes place quite casually - without long parting speeches, musical accompaniment, the first marital kiss and other attributes of the celebration. Everything is fast, dry and businesslike.

Registry Office and Palace. How do they differ?

The registry office is a “multi-profile” institution: they not only marry, but also divorce, issue birth certificates, register death, change of surnames and names, restore lost documents, establish paternity. The Wedding Palace is a place where you can only solemnly get married. Non-ceremonial registrations are not carried out here.

A little about non-ceremonial registration. Can family and friends attend?

This procedure does not provide for the presence of outsiders: only the bride and groom are in the office of the registry office employee, who sign in the ledger and immediately receive a marriage certificate. There will be no photographs, no flowers, no champagne, no guests on such a painting, since this is a purely business procedure. Friends and relatives can wait for the couple near the registry office and then congratulate the newly-married spouses.

Is it possible to carry out on-site registration in St. Petersburg?

No, in St. Petersburg, all marriage ceremonies are held only within the walls of registry offices and wedding palaces. The only exceptions are cases when the bride or groom is deprived of the opportunity to walk independently due to a serious illness: then representatives of the registry office can marry such a couple at home or in the hospital on the basis of a medical document. Those outdoor ceremonies that are carried out by employees of wedding agencies in museums, city palaces, in nature or anywhere else are simply symbolic actions that have no legal force. In order for your marriage to be further recognized as legitimate, you need to sign a day or two before the exit ceremony at the registry office.

How to merge surnames?

The choice of a surname by spouses is described in article 32 of the marriage law and allows the following options:

  • A common surname is chosen (husband or wife - by common decision)
  • Spouses leave their former surnames
  • One of the spouses may add the surname of the husband or wife to his premarital surname, while the second spouse is not obliged to choose a double surname
  • Joining is not allowed if the husband/wife already has a double surname

Witnesses: Are They Necessary?

No. They can only be called guests with a special status, and the decision on whether witnesses are needed is made only by the bride and groom.

Where are the witnesses signing?

They sign in the book of honored guests.

Can I invite my own photographer (video reporter)?

Yes, and the number of people who will shoot your wedding is determined by you.