How to clean silver from black spots. Video tutorial on cleaning silverware. The use of citric acid and copper to remove dirt from silver objects

Silver— beautiful, practical metal. Jewelry made of silver, compared to gold, is inexpensive, but looks very impressive. However, silver has one significant drawback: in contact with skin and air, the metal quickly oxidizes, becomes dull and black. Lovers of silver jewelry should take note of several ways, how to clean silver from black to catch admiring glances again and again!

Recipe with soda

Make a plate out of a piece of foil. Foil is a very malleable material, and it will not be difficult at all. You can not try hard, the main thing is that the constructed container has high edges.

In such a plate put 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soda, pour a little warm water. Blackened silver is dipped into the solution for 30 minutes. At the end, it remains to rinse the product in clean water. Judging by the reviews, this method is the easiest and most effective!

Recipe with potatoes

Do not throw away the water in which the potatoes were boiled. Pour some decoction into glass container, throw in a piece of foil and silver earrings. It takes 5 minutes for the silver to be cleared of blackness. It works similarly raw potatoes: several slices are dipped in water along with silver objects for 2-3 hours, and then washed in clean water.

Recipe with citric acid

Add 1 teaspoon of powder to 200 ml of warm water citric acid or the juice of half a lemon. In such a solution, it is good to clean silver cutlery.

Recipe with ammonia

Pour 100 ml of boiled water into a jar with a screw cap. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dish detergent. Mix well., dip in a solution of silver chain or ring and screw on the cap. Already after 5 minutes you can see the result. The method is good because it does not require mechanical action - no need to rub. At the end of cleaning, the silver product is washed in clean water.

Hydrogen peroxide + ammonia

Both ingredients are mixed 1:1 in a bottle or jar with a screw cap. Close and shake. Opened again and thrown into the solution silver chain. You can hear hissing - it means the reaction has begun. A couple of minutes is enough for the silver to be completely cleared of blackness. The solution turns black and the silver shines. Products are washed in clean water and blotted dry with a dry cloth. The method is effective and cheap, but it also has a number of disadvantages: strong smell and the fact that it's all the same chemical substances. Scary…. However, Internet users praise the way.

Attention! Hydrogen peroxide will only lighten items made of pure silver. But if other metals are included in the alloy, the reaction will be reversed! Silver will darken even more. Therefore, we would recommend that you treat cleaning with peroxide with caution. But if you really want to try it, it's better to first inside rings. And for products with stones, the method is completely contraindicated.

Is it possible to clean silver with stones?

During cleaning, some precious and semiprecious stones may fade, acquire matte shade and therefore should be handled with care. Best in this case trust professionals and hand over the jewelry for cleaning in a jewelry workshop. Alternatively, soak a piece of soft cloth in one of the listed solutions and wipe only the silver setting of the ring without touching the stone.

Many hostesses find it easier to purchase a jar of special silver cleaner from the store. The right decision! A special composition will not only clean silver from blackness, but also cover it with a protective layer.

Do not be discouraged if a black border remains on a silver product after cleaning. There is the so-called scarlet silver (especially on cutlery and church crosses), it cannot be cleaned even by the most strong means. This is fine.

Helpful Hints

In almost every home you can find items made of silver, be it dishes or jewelry. Sooner or later the time will come when they need cleaning. The question comes to mind how effective and without harm to health or to the subject itself you can clean silver at home.

It is worth noting that cleaning silver is not a very difficult process, and everyone is able to choose for themselves suitable way. It is natural that For cleaning silver antiques, you should contact a specialist., but in other cases, you can do it yourself using improvised means.

Despite the fact that every family knows its "most The best way"cleaning silver, exists several generic methods, which can be used even by those who have never cleaned such products before.

Let's take a look at a few famous universal ways with which you can clean silver at home.

How can you clean silver from blackness?

Blackness is perhaps the only drawback of silver. Over time, silver objects become covered with an unpleasant black coating.

It should be noted that before cleaning silver it is necessary to determine the degree of contamination of the object and its sample. It's because base products include impurities of other metals, which means that when cleaning them, it is advisable to use special tools.

It happens that the alloy from which the product is made includes copper. You can find out about this by contamination - the product not black, but green. For cleaning, you will need a solution of Trilon B (10%). He will dissolve green layer, after which you can use one of the following methods.

1. Special liquid for cleaning silver

You can buy it in the store in the department household chemicals. Still, this liquid can not be found in every store. Try to look for it in a specialized store that sells household chemicals.

Follow the instructions when using this liquid, although it can be said that this method is very simple - you need to wipe silver items with an ordinary cloth soaked in this special liquid.

If you visit a jewelry store, they will be able to offer you a set that contains a special liquid and a few soft rags. Some liquids allow not only to clean silver, but also protect it from re-contamination by covering the product with a protective layer.

2. How to clean silver with ammonia

At home, ammonia will greatly help clean your silver. It can be bought at every pharmacy.

Just make a solution of ammonia and water (1:10), apply it to a cloth and start rubbing the silver until the tarnish disappears.

3. How to clean silver with lemon juice or citric acid

If you have no time to go for a special liquid or ammonia to a store or pharmacy, you will come to the rescue lemon juice or citric acid. This method will very quickly help you clean silver at home.

Immerse the silver item in a strong solution of citric acid. Wait a few minutes and the blackness will disappear by itself. It is important to use enough citric acid so that the silver can be completely immersed in it.

4. How to clean silver with baking soda

Pour a little baking soda into a saucer and moisten a little with water. Soak a cloth in the solution and start wiping the silver. It is important to do this carefully so as not to scratch the silver items. It should be noted that this method is more suitable for objects without complex patterns.

5. Alcohol and hydrogen peroxide

Dip a silver object into this solution and wait 20 minutes. Next, wipe the silver with a thick cloth.

6. Tooth powder or toothpaste

This is also effective if the subject has been exposed to high impact oxidation.

Make a mixture of toothpaste, baking soda and ammonia. Evenly coat silver objects with it using gruel. Do everything carefully so as not to scratch the object. It is better to rub with a soft brush and without effort.

Do not use this method when cleaning items with patterns, as the paste can get stuck between them and thereby ruin the silver.

7. Boiling water with soda

Suitable for silverware. Boil silver items in this solution, and they will acquire their former brilliance.

8 Curdled Milk

Suitable for clearing stains silver products. Place the silver items in curdled milk for a few minutes. Then wash them in warm water and wipe with a dry cloth.

9. Soap solution with ammonia

Silver dishes can be washed in soapy water once a week, adding a few drops of ammonia to it. Thus, you will ensure the shine of the dishes for a long time.

10. Potato decoction

Boiled potatoes? Don't pour out the water. Let it cool a little, and then put the silverware into the solution. You can also add a piece of foil there. In 5 minutes you can get your brand new silver.

How to clean silver with stones?

Silver jewelry containing stones must be handled with care, as cleaning with some cleaning agents can damage the stones. Be especially careful with amber and pearls.

Most the best option will hand over such jewelry to a specialist who knows how to clean them.

You can also use special liquid for jewelry, which can be found in jewelry stores.

Helpful Hints

If you do not want the cleaned product to no longer oxidize and darken further, you need to monitor the humidity in the room. It is also necessary to prevent the contact of silver with medicines and preparations, which include sulfur.

While these tips won't guarantee that your silver won't blacken over time, it will increase its lifespan and make it much easier to clean in the future.

Jewelry Lost presentable appearance? Don't be discouraged, today we will tell you how to clean blackness from silver. There are many proven and effective methods implementation of the plan at home. The main thing is to follow step by step instructions and exercise the utmost caution.

Why silver turns black

Before cleaning silver, it is necessary to determine the causes of darkening at home.

This list includes:

  • storage in humid conditions;
  • jewelry contact with cosmetics(including household);
  • sweat effect.

After determining the reasons, it is necessary to prepare the products and start cleaning with folk / purchased products.

Preparing silver for cleaning

Before you clean your silver, do some preparation at home. To make the decoration shine, it must be subjected to the following:

1. Remove excess fat. For this purpose, a soapy solution is prepared, products are soaked in it, and then wiped with a soft cloth. If there is a soft (!) brush, it will make the task easier.

2. The next step is to rinse the jewelry in clean water, then wipe it with paper or lint-free tissues. Removal of dirt is carried out again if necessary.


The basis can be "Fairy" or regular shampoo.

Ways to clean silver from blackness

Before you clean your silver, choose a composition that quickly removes blackness from the product. At home, you can use one of the options.

No. 1. Powder for cleaning teeth

1. This technique is used to clean cutlery or favorite jewelry (chain, ring, etc.). You will need a cloth that will not scratch the surface.

2. So, dip the fabric into the water and wring it out. Dial the cleaning powder with it, then start rubbing the jewelry until the darkening is eliminated. Finally, rinse the product, dry it, leaving it on napkins.


Don't rub the silver because this metal is very soft. Avoid any pressure and strong mechanical impact.

No. 2. Lemon acid

1. Cleaning of cutlery or products without stones is carried out with a lemon. Connect 500 ml. water with 90 gr. acid, boil and cool partially.

2. Dip the silver inward for a quarter of an hour. Then carefully remove, wipe with a cloth. When all the blackness is gone, do a rinsing and typical drying on napkins.

No. 3. Peroxide with ammonia

1. Combine the peroxide with ammonia, adhering to the ratio of 80 to 20. Soak a cotton swab in the liquid, wipe the product in an inconspicuous place.

2. If the effect is visible, treat the entire decoration. In cases where the composition does not work, choose another remedy.

No. 4. ammonium chloride

1. Before cleaning silver from blackness, it is necessary to prepare a solution at home. Connect 130 ml. water with 12 ml. ammonia. Stir, pour into a bowl.

2. Put the jewelry into the mixture and spot for half an hour. This period is enough for the composition to work. Finally, remove jewelry and wipe clean.


If the silver has turned black too much, it is soaked in pure ammonia for 7-10 minutes (strictly no longer).

No. 5. Vinegar

1. You will need ordinary vinegar (not essence). Pour it into a bowl, lower cutlery or items that need to be freshened.

2. Timed for 1 to 2 hours. During this period, the vinegar will work, the blackness will go away. It remains only to rinse and dry naturally on paper towels.


If favorite decoration partially blackened in inconspicuous places, it is not necessary to soak it. You can simply wipe it with a cloth dampened with vinegar.

No. 6. Boiling

1. Since you can clean silver from blackness by banal boiling, we will use it at home. It is required to take 15 gr. soda, salt and Fairy, then combine with 600 ml. water.

2. Silver is lowered into the liquid, then the pan with the contents is placed on the stove. Wait for the seething, turn off the stove and leave the products inside until the solution cools down.


This technique is not suitable for processing jewelry with inclusions.

No. 7. Soda (paste)

1. Before cleaning silver from blackness, make a soda gruel. At home, combine water with powder to get a paste.

2. Then she scoops up tissue paper, which needs to carefully rub your favorite jewelry or tableware.

3. Manipulations are carried out until the dark plaque disappears. Then it remains only to rinse and wipe with napkins.

No. 8. Soda (solution)

1. Dissolve 25 gr. soda in 0.25 l. water. Prepare a saucepan, line its bottom with a layer of food foil. Pour out the solution, lower the jewelry inside.

2. Install on the stove and wait for the start of seething. Then turn off, mark a quarter of an hour. Remove the silver, gently rub it with a soft cloth.

No. 9. Pomade

1. If there are no inserts in the decoration, then it makes sense to resort to an extraordinary way - to use lipstick. It concentrates microparticles that clean without scratching the metal.

2. Arm yourself with a soft cloth, apply lipstick on it very liberally. Rub the decoration, then rinse.

3. If necessary, repeat the procedure. The method is suitable even for working with fragile products.

No. 10. Olive oil

1. Deciding how to clean silver from blackness? Olive oil will do the job without damaging the jewelry. At home, it is enough to arm yourself with a rag.

2. Soak it with oil and rub the item well. Contaminants are quickly removed. Wash the jewelry and dry.


The oil is suitable for cleaning silver, on which plaque has just begun to appear. For more difficult pollution, it is better to find an alternative solution.

No. 11. Ready funds

1. If you do not know how to clean silver with pearls or cubic zirkonia, it is better to use at home by special means.

2. Similar mixtures are sold in jewelry boutiques. Napkins are supplied. Apply the composition to the products and wipe. The result should please you.


If you could not cope with the task on your own, entrust the matter to a professional. This must be done if the product has a lot of stones or a three-dimensional pattern.

How to clean radiated silver

1. Before cleaning radiated silver from blackness, it is worth noting that this can only be done with special compounds. Rinse the product at home hot water.

2. To make it look original, wipe it dry with a special cloth. Such a tool can be purchased at a jewelry store.


It is strictly forbidden to use powders or a toothbrush during cleaning. By doing this, you will destroy the thin shiny layer on the decoration. Use only jewelry.

How to clean silver with stones

1. If you do not know how to clean silver with stones, you should consider some subtleties. At home, it is better to use professional mixtures to make the product shine.

2. Alternatively, make your own grout. Mix 20 gr. soap shavings, 230 ml. warm water and 5-7 drops of ammonia.

3. Send the liquid to the stove and wait for it to heat up. Boiling the composition is prohibited. Soak a toothbrush liberally in the mixture and rub the cubic zirconia jewelry.

4. Then use cotton swab. Soak it in the composition and carefully treat the area around the stones.

How to clean blackened silver

So how to clean blackened silver Can various methods, consider the most common. To rid jewelry from blackness will help improvised means that are present in everyone at home.

No. 1. Soap with soda

Pour into a container of 500 ml. water, add a small amount liquid soap and 10 gr. soda. Place decoration in a homogeneous liquid. Wait about a third of an hour. Remove the product and gently dry it with a microfiber cloth.

No. 2. Potato

Peel a few small potatoes. Put in a cup and pour in water. Since cleaning silver is easy enough, place the chain in a container with a root crop. Wait 25 minutes. Wipe the item dry. At home, this is the easiest way.

No. 3. Eraser

It is best to resort to this method when you have already removed the main layer of pollution. The eraser will allow you to clean the remaining dirt. It is enough to rub the darkened places. The problem will disappear before our eyes.

How to prevent darkening of silver

Since it is not difficult to clean silver from blackness, it is best to prevent such a problem. At home, it is enough to follow simple tips.

1. Get in the habit of always wiping your jewelry or kitchen utensils after contact with water. If the metal is wet, it will soon darken.

2. Valuable jewelry is best stored in a special box. Always put jewelry in such a box after wearing.

3. Be sure to shoot valuable items before taking water procedures. Also, jewelry that you wear on your hands should be removed when washing dishes and house cleaning.

4. If you for a long time do not use products, it is recommended to wrap them in foil. A simple move will completely protect silver from all sorts of factors.

Tarnishing of silverware is a common problem. To solve it, you can use proven methods. If these are valuable jewelry with precious stones, it is better to entrust the work to a professional.

Silver jewelry, accessories or cutlery are highly valued by women of all ages. But despite all the nobility and sophistication appearance, this material has one big disadvantage- over time, the surface blackens and loses its former gloss. How to deal with a similar problem and clean silver from blackness at home - read below.

Causes of dark spots

Each owner of silver products has noticed that over time, silver begins to blacken. What is the cause of such misfortune?

  1. Constant contact with cosmetics. That is why it is recommended to remove silver jewelry before applying the cream.
  2. High humidity in the storage area.
  3. Blackening can be a reaction from exposure to human sweat material.
  4. Contact with rubber products, as well as detergents- another reason for the deterioration of the material.

by the most simple method cleaning silver is considered to be the purchase of a special cleaning agent or a visit to a jeweler. But such methods require an investment of money, and if you want to save money, then you should definitely think about how to clean silver at home. Below I will suggest a few effective options.

Effective cleaning methods

Unlike gold, cleaning silver is not a particularly difficult process. You can easily cope with it at home with the help of improvised means.

To begin with, the product should be prepared for the procedure: thoroughly wash the accessory in a warm soapy solution, clean its surface from the remnants of grease and dirt. Use the old toothbrush with soft bristles, and cleaning recesses and recesses will be much more effective.

In addition to the soap solution, silver can first be washed regular shampoo then rinse the accessory thoroughly in clean water and wipe it dry. Such manipulations will help prepare the metal for the upcoming procedure, and increase the effectiveness of the result.

Remedy 1. Ammonia

To update silver jewelry, many people use ordinary ammonia. The procedure for its use is as follows:

  • Prepare a saline solution. To do this, dilute 10 ml of alcohol in half a glass of water.
  • Dip the accessory in the solution and leave it in it for about 15-30 minutes.
  • Carefully monitor the process of black peeling, if desired result reached - remove the decoration.
  • Treat the surface with a soft and dry cloth.

If the product has darkened only slightly, it is not necessary to dip it into the solution. It is enough to moisten a sponge or cloth in ammonia and wipe the surface with it.

In a completely “neglected” case, it is better to dip the accessory in undiluted ammonia. Please note that it will need to be removed no later than 10 minutes later.

Remedy 2. Tooth Powder

In the case when the silver has turned black, you can resort to the tool that our grandmothers used - tooth powder. You will also need a dense fleecy fabric.

First, lightly moisten the cloth, then dip it in the powder. Start wiping the product, trying to remove dark spots from it. Keep in mind that cleaning with toothpowder should be done slowly and carefully, as silver is a soft metal and scratches very easily.

Instead of powder, you can use toothpaste - it works no less effectively.

  • Apply product thin layer over the entire surface and wipe it with a soft cloth. In case an accessory with a lot of small parts, use a toothbrush. You can only use ordinary white paste without additional impurities that can scratch silver.
  • Rinse the product thoroughly clean water, otherwise it will leave a white coating.
  • Wipe the surface with a dry, lint-free cloth and your accessory will shine like new.

Remedy 3. Soda

You can fix blackened silver with ordinary table soda, which is in every kitchen. I offer you two options to choose from:

  1. Dilute soda warm water so that the result is a thick slurry. Dip in it soft tissue and start wiping the product with it until the desired result is obtained.
  2. With your own hands, pour 20 g of soda with a glass of water (about 250 g), put the solution on fire. After boiling water, dip a silver accessory and a piece of foil into it. After 15 minutes, the product will look like new.

Remedy 4. Citric acid

Citric acid is another available and inexpensive remedy capable of restoring jewelry to its original appearance. For this you will need:

  • dilute 100 g of citric acid with 500 ml of water;
  • put the liquid to heat in a water bath, dipping a small piece into it copper wire;
  • after boiling water, dip silver items into it for 15 minutes;
  • at the end of the procedure, rinse the accessories with water and polish with a cloth.

Remedy 5. Universal cocktail

If you don't know how best to clean your silver, you can use the recipe below. It consists of several components mentioned above at once.

You will need to take:

  • in equal proportions salt and soda (10 g each);
  • 10 ml of dishwashing detergent;
  • half a liter of water.

Mix all the ingredients together, pour into a small saucepan and put silver in it. Put the container on the fire and bring to a boil. After half an hour, turn off the heat, cool the mass and remove the decorations from it.

Rinse them and wipe with a soft cloth - the blackness will go away without a trace.

As a preventive measure

In order not to ask the question “how to clean silver”, you need to constantly look after it. You should also not forget about preventive measures protecting products from damage.

Care of the material is simple, and the instructions below will tell you how to take care of the precious metal:

  1. You should not leave silver jewelry on your hands in the process of apartment or washing dishes.
  2. If items get wet, wipe them off immediately with a flannel cloth.
  3. It is better to store jewelry in a dry place, having previously hidden them in a box.
  4. If you rarely use silver items, wrap them in foil. This will prevent the oxidation process.

If you stick to these simple rules storage, you will not have to clean silver often.


I told you about the most effective ways cleaning silver items at home. Using one of them, you can easily return your jewelry or accessories to their original noble shine.

Want to know more useful information on this topic? Be sure to watch the video in this article, there you will find a lot of interesting things. If any nuances remain unclear to you, ask about them in the comments.

925 sterling silver, used for making jewelry and in the domestic sphere, belongs to a soft and vulnerable metal. Therefore, cleaning at home from darkening should be carried out with caution, without special efforts and pressure to avoid scratches, especially when cleaning openwork rings, bracelets or silverware. In order for silver items to last longer and not be covered with a green or bluish bloom, you need to take care of them regularly - once a month. Properly cleaned silver products after the end of the procedure must be laid out on a dry napkin and covered with a towel - only after a few hours they can be used again.

Cleaning of 925 silver metal is carried out by both professional and folk remedies. When blackening expensive product it is best to use special products for processing silver: spray, cream, cleaning liquid, wet and dry cleaning wipes. They are sold in jewelry workshops. If in doubt about cleaning, you can ask for help and care advice from experienced jeweler in order to then independently do all the manipulations at home. In any case, to clean silver at home quickly and effectively, in order to shine, you should follow certain rules:

  1. It is necessary to use pre-cleaning: before starting work, remove dust, grease and dirt with a soft brush for high-quality subsequent processing.
  2. After that, prepare a soap solution at your discretion and immerse the items intended for cleaning in it, hold them for up to 40 minutes.
  3. Do not clean with powder detergents containing abrasives. When working with them, scratches remain on the surface of the product, and the darkened product loses its presentable appearance. Avoid using hard brushes.
  4. Nitrile gloves should be used. Sulfur contained in the composition of rubber gloves reacts and leads to oxidation of the surface of the products.
  5. Silver jewelry should be washed after cleaning, rinse very well. Then put on a soft cloth and gently wipe the products paper napkin dry, polish with flannel or suede fabric. Drying clean items naturally not recommended, it may cause streaks to appear on the surface of the jewelry.
  6. Leave the cleaned products to lie for a day so that the clean surface is fixed and strengthened. Only then will the products be ready for use again.

In addition, in order to preserve the presentable appearance of the products, it must be remembered that the oxidation of the silver surface occurs when high humidity indoors, in contact with wet skin, in reaction to human sweat. Silver will quickly turn black from interaction with sulfur in skin secretions organism, as well as in case of improper storage and due to the poor quality of the metal.

Jewelry Cleaning Methods

The method of cleaning depends on the sample of silver products, its alloy composition, the size of the product, inclusions of gold, enamel, the presence of precious stones And additional elements engraving, as well as the degree of contamination.

Ammonia is a gentle and effective cleanser. Necessary:

  1. Take a 10% ammonia solution, it can be used both in combination with other means, and in pure form with open windows.
  2. Place the silver items to be cleaned in a glass or enamel container.
  3. Pour ammonia to cover the entire surface of the products, leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Then take it out and rinse well. in large numbers clean water Wipe very well with a soft cloth so that no wet marks remain.

Ammonia can be used in combination with peroxide and shampoo. It is required to prepare a solution of ingredients in the following proportions:

  • Pure water - one glass.
  • Shampoo for hair - art. spoon.
  • Ammonium chloride - 10 g.
  • Hydrogen peroxide - 10 g.

Soak in the solution for up to 60 minutes, depending on the contamination (you can hold less). Remove and rinse with clean water, dry well.

You can mix tooth powder (or grind a piece of chalk) and ammonia, make a liquid mass (you can also use regular toothpaste). With a cotton pad soaked in the mixture, wipe the surface of the silver item to be cleaned. The cotton wool should be drawn in one direction along a straight surface without strong pressure. Allow time to dry, then wash and dry jewel. After that, you should take microfiber and polish the decoration with a napkin to a shine.

Dirt, dust deposits, black deposits and stains are well destroyed by ordinary table 9% vinegar. It is necessary to lower silver cutlery, jewelry, other silver items into the prepared container, then pour slightly warmed vinegar. The surface begins to lighten up. As soon as it becomes noticeable that the items are completely cleaned, you need to pull them out and wipe them dry with a dry cloth. When not very heavy pollution products are simply wiped with a damp cloth dipped in vinegar, and then cleaned with a dry cloth.

Not less than effective way silverware cleaning is a method of immersing cutlery and accessories in a special solution. For this cleaning you will need:

  1. Dissolve 50 g of soda in 100 g of vinegar.
  2. In this strong composition, leave silver items for two hours.
  3. Rinse, dry thoroughly.
  4. Rub the surface with flannel to a bright sheen.

An alternative way is to use a mixture of salt and soda. It is required to mix the two components and add a little water. In this liquid gruel, leave the jewelry to soak for thirty minutes. Silver items are ideally cleared of darkening and stains.

The use of citric acid and copper to remove dirt from silver objects

Cutlery, silver interior items, old coins lend themselves to effective cleaning with citric acid. Very good effect gives the use of copper wire in a solution to remove dirt deposits from silver jewelry. This will require:

  1. Prepare a container, pour into it and heat water - 500 g.
  2. Put five centimeters of a piece of copper wire on the bottom.
  3. Add 75 g of citric acid, after boiling, lower silver jewelry there, put in a water bath until the silver and cutlery items are completely clarified.
  4. Then rinse with plenty of clean water and dry well.

An analogue of this recipe is the use of any washing powder with copper. To clean with this tool you need:

  1. Take a container, pour 1 liter of clean water into it, heat it up.
  2. Mix with washing powder - 100 g until foam is formed.
  3. Put a piece of copper wire at the bottom of the container.
  4. Omit decorations and cutlery. Within half an hour they will become light, they need to be pulled out. Rinse all items thoroughly cold water and dry well.
  1. Take enamelware.
  2. Lay foil on the bottom to cover the entire surface of the bottom.
  3. Put silver items on top of it.
  4. Pour in a decoction of potato peels prepared in advance.
  5. Put on a slow fire to boil for three minutes, and turn off the burner. Leave to soak for half an hour, then rinse, dry thoroughly.

Large tableware can be cleaned with dry fine salt or boiled in saline solution. For this you need:

  1. Prepare a metal basin.
  2. Fill a teaspoon of salt per glass of water.
  3. Stir in saline solution.
  4. Dip silver into it and boil for up to 15 minutes.
  5. After that, pull out the product, rinse with clean water, dry and rub to a shine.

It is even easier to remove dirt from silver items and clean them of blackness with foil and soda. This will require:

  1. Put the chocolate foil on the bottom of the container.
  2. Lower the decorations, and top with two teaspoons of baking soda.
  3. Add hot water to cover all the products, and put on the stove.
  4. Bring to a boil, turn off, remove items from the solution, wash and dry well. Polish the surface so that it shines, then store the items in a dry place. In all cases, the result depends on how thoroughly the products are rinsed in clean water.

Features of processing jewelry with embedded stones

Organic stones, a chain with pearls are wiped with special napkins for cleaning silver products. Metal should not be treated with hot water or acid. Dirt or grease from the surface of such objects is best cleaned in a solution of laundry soap. You can put the product with pearls in a linen bag, add a tablespoon of salt to it, hold it for a while and wash the bag in lukewarm water. Then wipe the surface with a flannel patch to a shine.

Careful processing should be carried out if the products are inlaid with stones such as turquoise, amber, Moonstone, malachite, coral, pearls. Minor dust deposits on them can be removed with alcohol or cologne. They are considered gentle solutions, they do not leave scratches. When working, use cotton pad, and deep links with decorative details need to be processed with a cotton swab.

Particular attention is required when working with blackened silver metal. Perfectly cleanses black silver laundry soap solution:

  1. Pour 500 g of water into a bowl.
  2. Dilute the water with a teaspoon of baking soda.
  3. Dissolve the soap - 10 g. Mix everything and soak the black silver jewelry in the solution for twenty minutes.
  4. Chop raw potatoes, add water and immerse the product from the bowl there, leave for three hours.
  5. At the end of the process, pull out the decoration, wash, rinse in a large amount of liquid and dry. When performing work, you need to be careful not to damage the surface of the silver product.