How to remove rust stains. Lemon and citric acid. Using bleach with chlorine

Any metal objects (zippers and buttons, paper clips, coins, bolts, nails in the pocket) can leave rust stains that are difficult to remove on clothes, which will remain with a simple wash without prior removal. We will consider proven folk remedies for rust control on different types fabrics.

General Tips:

  • first, test the selected product on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bclothes (especially colored ones), if after 10-15 minutes the item has not changed color, the fibers have remained intact and not deformed, proceed to the treatment of contamination;
  • almost all rust stain removers contain acids, so use rubber gloves to protect your hands;
  • try to get rid of the stain as quickly as possible so that the rust is not deeply absorbed into the structure of the fabric fibers;
  • when heated, acids emit harmful caustic fumes, so protect your respiratory organs with a mask or respirator before the procedure;
  • do not use chlorine-containing agents against rust, they leave brown spots;
  • if none of the suggested methods helped, take the item to a dry cleaner.

How to remove rust stains from white clothes

natural white cloth normally tolerates the effects of acids, so removing rust from white things is much easier than from colored ones. Available methods:

1. Dissolve 20 grams of citric acid in 175 ml of water (half a glass), heat, but do not bring to a boil. Dip the soiled item in the hot solution for 5 minutes, the rust should lag behind.

2. Peel and pit a small piece of lemon, wrap the pulp in gauze and place on the stain. Iron with an iron, after laying a few paper napkins. Under influence high temperature the rust stain will transfer to the wipes. After removing, wash the item in warm water.

3. Add 2 tablespoons to a glass of water vinegar essence(70%), heat the solution to a temperature of 70-75°C, soak clothes with rust for 5 minutes, then rinse in the solution ammonia(half a tablespoon per 1 liter of water).

4. Mix table vinegar with table salt until a thick slurry is obtained. Apply the resulting product to the stain, leave for 25-30 minutes, then rinse in warm water and wash as usual.

5. To remove traces of rust from white jeans, mix tartaric acid (available at a pharmacy) and edible salt in equal proportions, add water to make a homogeneous slurry. Apply the product to the stain and leave in the sun until complete drying. Remove the remaining salt, then wash the jeans.

6. Dilute 15 grams of hyposulfite (sodium salt and thiosulfuric acid) in a glass of water, heat the solution to 62-64 ° C, wet the cloth and leave until the rust stain is completely eliminated, then rinse thoroughly in warm water. Hyposulfite can be purchased at a pharmacy.

7. To clean a fabric that is resistant to discoloration, apply 2% hydrochloric acid solution to the rust or soak the fabric. Rinse after 5 minutes aqueous solution ammonia (15 grams per 1 liter).

How to remove rust from colored clothes

Colored fabric under the influence of concentrated acids changes color, therefore, in this case to fight rust, you have to use sparing substances. At home, glycerin is most often used in a mixture with other detergents and absorbent substances.

1. Wipe the stained area with toothpaste applied to an old, unnecessary brush, rinse with water after 10 minutes. The tool is effective only against light pollution, but it is the safest.

2. Apply a mixture of equal proportions of glycerin and dishwashing detergent to the stain. Leave for a couple of hours, then wash as usual.

3. Squeeze the juice from ripe tomatoes and apply it to the rust. Wash off after 20 minutes warm water and wash the item in soapy water. The disadvantage of the method is that the tomato itself can leave traces.

4. Dilute a teaspoon of wine vinegar in a glass of water, soak the stain in the solution for 5 minutes, then rinse with cold running water.

5. Mix in equal proportions glycerin, chalk and water. Apply the product to the stained area and rub it well into the fabric. Wash clothes after drying.

6. Heat a teaspoon of water to 30°C, add 4-5 crystals oxalic acid, stir. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution and treat the stain, starting from the edges. If necessary, replace the cotton and repeat the procedure. Rinse the item well with cold water.

7. Mix in equal parts grated soap, glycerin and water. Treat the stain and leave for 24 hours, then wash in warm water.

8. Suede shoes or gloves, wipe off rust marks with a brush dipped in a solution of ammonia (1 part to 5 parts of water), then wipe with a dry cloth and dry in the sun.

Shop products for rust stains

For cleaning white fabrics, choose acetic or oxalic acid stain removers, since chlorine-based products do not remove rust stains, but only make soiled areas brown or brown.

To remove rust from jeans, apply bath detergent to the stained area, leave for 15 minutes, then scrub the stain with a stiff bristle brush and wash with powder. During the mashing process, bad smell, This is fine.

Oxygen stain remover. Works well with rust on colored fabrics. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions on the etiquette, observing the concentration and application temperature, otherwise the product will not work.

Clothes always get dirty. The nature of pollution can be very different. Stains from water or street dirt, as a rule, are washed off without problems. But paint from a recently updated shop, red wine or rust just cause a lot of problems. You decide, for example, to wear your favorite jeans, and in a conspicuous place is a large red spot. What to do, how to remove rust from clothes at home? These spots are one of the most difficult to remove, but there are no hopeless situations for real housewives. Let's try to save the thing.

These reddish-brown stains can form in several cases:

  • Very often, especially in winter, we hang clothes to dry on various metal structures. Basically, these are radiators. They are not always perfectly dyed, moreover, the paint can peel off over time. Rusty spots appear in places where wet cloth comes into contact with bare metal.
  • Sometimes, before washing clothes in the washing machine, we forget to check all pockets, and some metal things may remain in them: pins, jewelry, nuts, paper clips, coins, etc. They react with water and leave on linen ugly divorces.
  • Often children from the yard come in clothes with rusty spots. Swings, slides, carousels, metal benches are installed on the playgrounds, the child rubs against them and gets dirty.
  • On clothes, especially in recent seasons, there are many rivets, buttons, decorative elements from metal. From them, rust can go to the fabric.

How and how to remove rust stains

The specifics of removing stains from colored and white linen are different, so we will consider separately: how to remove rust from white clothes and how to remove rust stains from colored clothes.

Removing rust from white clothes

The question of how to remove rust stains from white clothes at home may arise unexpectedly, and it is better to have ready-made answers to it in advance.

How to remove rust stains from clothes white color? It is necessary to make sure that the red stains disappear, and the thing does not turn yellow and gray. Try one of the methods below:

  • Lemon acid. To prepare the mixture, it is necessary to dilute 20 g of acid in 0.5 tbsp. cold water. This solution must be brought almost to a boil in an enameled container, and then clothes with rust should be placed there and held for 5 minutes. If it was not possible to immediately remove the contamination, then the procedure can be repeated. After all these manipulations, things must be thoroughly rinsed with cold water.
  • Rust remover for bath and sanitary ware. How to remove rust from clothes with an aggressive agent without damaging the item? This method is only suitable for removing rust from cotton fabrics. With other materials, you should not even experiment, so as not to spoil things. Moisten the place of contamination with the product, and then rub until a rich foam forms. After that, rinse thoroughly, and then wash the product. This method is somewhat extreme, but even very old stains can be removed with it.
  • Hydrochloric acid. How to remove a rust stain on white clothes once and for all? To remove rust stains, you will need a 2% solution of hydrochloric acid. In this liquid, dip into the part of the product with contamination and wait until it completely disappears. While the stain is brightening, prepare a solution of 3 tbsp. l. ammonia and a liter of water, then to rinse the cleaned thing in it.

Removing rust stains on colored fabrics

It is much more difficult to remove stains from bright multi-colored clothes than from white ones. After all, some products can corrode the pigment. However, there are a couple simple recommendations how to remove rust stains from colored clothes:

  • Glycerin suspension. Mix equal proportions of ordinary chalk and glycerin, and then add a little water to this powder so that a creamy mass is obtained. Apply the resulting suspension to the stained area and leave it overnight or for a day. Wash the item after processing is complete.
  • Vinegar. Acid is great for fixing dyes to fabrics, and is always used as a final dyeing step, so vinegar won't discolour your clothes. Before removing rust from your clothes, prepare vinegar solution: 5 tbsp. l. dilute acetic acid in 7 liters of warm water, and hold the item in this liquid for about twelve hours. After that, the rust is very easily washed off from colored clothes in the usual way.

Other folk recipes

Our people, in conditions of cyclic repetition of all sorts of crises and troubles, have learned to adapt and use improvised means to solve various problems. How to remove rust from clothes at home? Yes, it’s very simple, there are many proven recipes:

  • Fresh stains are much easier to remove than old ones, so try to get rid of them as soon as they appear.
  • When in contact with water, rust stains become even more resistant, so it is advisable to attempt to remove them before washing, so as not to aggravate the problem.
  • If you remove traces of rust with acid preparations, be sure to protect your hands with rubber gloves so that the aggressive environment does not adversely affect the skin. Work must be carried out in a ventilated area.
  • Before proceeding with the removal of rusty dirt from outerwear must first be cleaned of dust and dirt.
  • Before using any of the above products, they must be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing.
  • Vinegar, lemon and other acid preparations are considered the best rust remedies. This is due to the fact that under acid environment rust breaks down into components that dissolve in water without problems.

Rust stains penetrate deep into the structure of the fabric, and sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of them. To remove rust from things, you need products that have a high concentration of acids. For fine synthetics, you should use preparations with a gentle composition. Various bleaches bleach the fabric and do not always do their job. Proven improvised means, such as lemon acid, salt, vinegar and some others.

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    Removing rust from colored fabric

    Removing rust from colored clothes is quite difficult, because bright fabrics can shed. To prevent this from happening, stain removal methods must be gentle. Handy home remedies are suitable, with which you can remove rusty streaks without harming the fabric.

    Glycerin and chalk

    To remove the stain with glycerin and chalk, you must first wash the item in a washing machine using an air conditioner. Then:

    • prepare a mixture of 50 ml of liquid glycerin, 50 g of chalk and 30 ml of water;
    • apply the composition directly to the moistened contamination;
    • put the thing in a bag and leave for 8-10 hours;
    • after the specified time, remove the clothes and leave to dry at room temperature;
    • complete the procedure by washing the product in the machine with washing powder.

    Acetic essence

    You can get rid of rust stains with the help of vinegar essence. Vinegar is used when coloring the material, and it will not hurt colored fabric. To wash this kind of pollution, you will need an essence with a concentration of 70% or a solution of acetic acid.

    To prepare a cleaning solution, 100 ml of essence is dissolved in 4 liters of water. Then the clothes are immersed in the solution and left for at least 3 hours. After this time, the clothes, without rinsing, are washed in a typewriter.

    You can use ordinary table vinegar to prepare a cleaning solution, for which 250 ml of the product is diluted in 3 liters of water.


    You can get rid of rust onions.For this you need:

    • remove the husk from one bulb;
    • skip the onion through a meat grinder;
    • add 50 ml of glycerin to the resulting gruel;
    • apply the mixture to the contamination and leave for 3 hours;
    • remove the gruel and wipe the stain with a slice of lemon;
    • rinse the item and send it to the washing machine.

    Onions and glycerin are two remedies that will help get rid of rust stains even on delicate fabrics.

    soda and salt

    To wash rust stains from colored fabrics, you can use table salt and table vinegar with the addition of baking soda.In a small container, mix:

    • 10 g of baking soda;
    • 50 ml of vinegar;
    • 100 g of salt;
    • 300 ml of water.

    Soak the stains with the mixture and leave the product for an hour. After processing, the item is rinsed and washed in a machine with washing powder.

    Cleaning white clothes

    From white clothes at home, you can try to remove rust with stain removers, citric acid and ammonia. All these tools are usually at hand for every hostess.

    For cleaning delicate fabrics, use lemon juice. For rougher materials, stain removers can be safely used.

    Lemon acid

    For this method of removing rust stains from white clothes, you will need an iron. Sequencing:

    1. 1. Squeeze the juice of one lemon or dissolve a sachet of citric acid in a small amount of water.
    2. 2. With a cotton pad soaked in the solution, gently wipe the stain.
    3. 3. Place a white sheet of paper under the stain and cover the top of the stain with the paper.
    4. 4. Iron the fabric with wrong side hot iron with steam.
    5. 5. Wash the product with laundry soap and rinse thoroughly.

    If the dirt still remains, then you can try to remove them with soda or load clothes into washing machine.

    Stain remover

    Rust stains can be removed from white fabrics with a stain remover. You should strictly follow the instructions for the tool.

    It is enough to pour a little concentrate on the pollution and leave for 10 minutes. Then wipe the stain with a clean cloth until it disappears. After the procedure, wash the item.


Before you learn how to remove rust from clothes, you need to analyze the main reasons for its appearance. Wardrobe items can deteriorate after:

  • drying things on a metal battery, the paint from which began to peel off;
  • washing jeans with old coins in their pockets or other iron objects;
  • frequent wearing of various metal accessories;
  • rest on old iron benches or swings.

What to do if rust stains have already appeared on clothes? Definitely do not despair and throw away a wardrobe item. It can still be saved, and I'll tell you how.

How to get rid of rust stains at home

You can try removing rust stains with bleaches that contain chlorine. Just keep in mind that their use is far from a 100% guarantee of success, and besides, many bleaches are simply not suitable for colored fabrics.

Therefore, I offer you proven folk recipes that can remove rust from clothes.

3 Rust Removal Recipes for White Clothes

On snow-white things, any pollution (especially rust) will be very noticeable. Try removing stains from white clothes with these recipes:

Illustration Instructions for action

Recipe 1. Citric acid

To do this, you will need 20 g of acid and a small enamel container:

  • Dilute the powder in it with half a glass of water and put the dishes on the fire.
  • Wait until the solution almost comes to a boil (do not boil) and dip the part of the clothes on which it was found rust stain.
  • Wait 5 minutes and rinse the garment thoroughly in cold water.

Recipe 2. Wine acid and salt
  • To remove contamination, combine both components in equal proportions, and thoroughly lubricate the stain with the resulting slurry.
  • Then hang the finished item in the sun. Once the stain is gone, rinse the garment in warm water and then launder.

Recipe 3. Hydrochloric acid and ammonia

To eliminate traces of rust on clothes, use a 2% acid solution:

  • Dip the contaminated product into it, wait for the stain to disappear.
  • At the same time, dilute 3 tablespoons of ammonia with a liter of water.
  • Rinse the item thoroughly in the resulting solution.

These recipes are the answer to the question of how to remove rust from white clothes. But what about colored items?

5 recipes to get rid of rust on colored clothes

On colored clothes, rust spots are visible no less than on white products. How to restore your favorite t-shirts, shirts or jeans to their original look? The table shows effective ways:

Illustration Instructions for action

Recipe 1. Glycerin and chalk

To remove rust from colored clothes, you will need chalk, glycerin and a glass of water:

  • Mix chalk and glycerin in equal proportions;
  • Dilute the components with water until a creamy consistency is obtained;
  • Apply the composition to the stain and leave it for a day;
  • Rinse clothing thoroughly.

Recipe 2. Acetic acid

Dilute five tablespoons of acetic acid in seven liters of water. Place the contaminated product in the solution and soak it for 12 hours. After soaking, the rust from the matter will be removed very simply.

Recipe 3. Glycerin and soap

This recipe is perfect for removing rust stains from jeans. Mix equal parts water, glycerin and soap. With your own hands, apply the resulting mixture to the contamination and leave it to soak for a day.

After that, the stain will be removed very easily, it will be enough to rinse the product in warm water.

Recipe 4. Tomato juice

I agree, very unusual remedy to remove stains, but it also gives the result:

  • Apply the juice of ripe tomatoes on the stain;
  • Wait 20 minutes;
  • Rinse clothing with plain water, then wash in soapy water.

Recipe 5. Lemon

Peel the lemon from the peel, wrap the pulp in cheesecloth. Place a piece of lemon on the stain and iron it out.

To finally remove the contamination, the procedure must be repeated several times.

I would also like a few tips that will speed up the removal of rust from clothes:

  1. Get rid of contaminants immediately - fresh spots much easier to take out.
  2. Do not wash an item with a rusty stain. Washing the product should be carried out only after removing the rust - contact with water will only exacerbate the problem.

  1. Wear protective gloves. Some acids used in the cleaning process are quite aggressive. To protect the skin of the hands, work should be carried out with gloves and in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Pretreat outerwear. Before removing rust from outerwear, rid the item of dirt and dust residue.
  3. Test funds. Before using your chosen cleaner, test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric.


Now you also know how and how to wash rust from clothes at home. You can clearly see how the methods work in the video in this article. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Rust is a type of metal corrosion. It is a red-brown coating, which is formed as a result of oxidation on the surface of metal objects.

It so happens that sometimes as a result of contact, rust appears on our clothes. Her spots are iron oxides that have penetrated deep into the tissues. There are many reasons for the appearance of rust on clothes. We may encounter pollution like this:

  • accidentally touching rusty metal outdoors or indoors;
  • washing a thing with a metal button, pin, zipper, etc.;
  • drying the washed clothes on the radiator, etc.

Men's wardrobe suffers especially often. Finding rust in a garage, while repairing a car, or in a factory is not difficult. They have a brownish-red color and look very unattractive. In this article, we will tell you how to effectively remove rust from clothes.

How and how to remove rust stains

If you or your loved ones planted a rusty stain on your favorite wardrobe item, there is no reason to despair. Today, the chemical industry produces a whole arsenal of special means helping to remove rust without leaving a trace of it on clothes. If you prefer natural remedies, then here you will find many ways to get rid of red trouble.

Removing rust from white clothes

Rust on white looks especially unattractive. If you planted a stain on a thing made of natural white fabric, the easiest way is to use industrial bleach. Just not chlorine based. Take better remedy based on oxygen or enzymes. Buy it at any store household chemicals.

Special stain removers will help to effectively remove rust from white fabric. Select them according to the type of fabric and strictly follow the instructions for use.

It is possible to remove rust from white clothes at home using improvised means.

Rust does not like acidic environments. We will use tartaric, citric, acetic and hydrochloric acid. However, for a number of fabrics there are limitations on the use of this method. So, you can not use acids for:

  • skin;
  • velour;
  • wool;
  • suede;
  • some types of synthetics.

To remove a stain using citric acid, add approximately 20g. half a glass hot water. Apply to stain and wait 5 minutes. The acid should dissolve the rust.

You can try using a regular lemon slice and an iron. Wrap the slice with cheesecloth, place it on the stain and go over the top with a hot iron. Place a few paper towels under the stained fabric to keep the juice from leaking. Do not use this method for easily meltable fabrics.

Acetic acid is added in the amount of 2 tablespoons per glass of hot water. Immerse the rusty area in the solution and wait 5 minutes. After the procedure, it is recommended to rinse it in water with the addition of ammonia (0.5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

When using hydrochloric acid, a 2% solution is used. It is enough to apply it for 5 minutes on a red spot. After that, the clothes should be thoroughly rinsed in ammonia water (up to 15g per 1 liter of water).

Tartaric acid works in conjunction with salt. Dilute the mixture to a mushy state with water and apply to the contamination. sunlight enhance the effect of the drug. Once the stains are gone, rinse and wash the clothes as usual.

Rust stains are perfectly removed with a solution of 1 part hydrosulfite and 10 parts water.

Hydrosulfite bleaches fabrics. Do not use on colored clothing.

Hydrogen peroxide works great on stains. Apply to rust, leave for forty minutes and rinse. If you are unhappy with the result, repeat the procedure.

Even old spots can be removed from cotton fabric with a sanitary ware cleaner. Apply it thin layer on the stain, rub to form a lather, rinse thoroughly and launder. This aggressive way absolutely not suitable for thin and delicate fabrics.

If you have touched the rust with wool or delicate fabric, apply toothpaste. Squeeze it on the stain, rub lightly and soak for at least 25 minutes.

Also, for delicate fabrics (silk, knitwear, etc.), a solution of water with the addition of soap chips and glycerin is used. All ingredients are mixed in equal parts. You should get a thick slurry. Apply it on the stain, let it sit for about a day and wash it in water with the addition of a product for white fabrics.

If you don't want to risk an expensive item, send it to the dry cleaners.

Removing rust stains on colored fabrics

It is much more difficult to remove rust from clothes made of colored fabrics, because. you have to use more gentle means so as not to damage the color.

To remove rust from clothes at home, a mixture of tooth powder, water and glycerin will help. Mix all ingredients in equal parts until mushy. Apply to the stain and leave on for about a day. Rinse and launder clothes.

Try mixing equal parts crushed chalk and glycerin. Add water and bring to a creamy state. Leave the mixture on the soil for a day. Stretch.

Acetic acid will help remove rust from colored clothes. It will not damage the color and even fix it. Dilute about one and a half tablespoons of acid in two liters of water. Soak the wardrobe item in it for at least 12 hours and wash it.

Remedy for dishwashers will help remove rust if you add it in an amount of 50 ml. for 2.5 l. water. Soak the clothes, cover the container with a film and soak for at least five hours. Wash.

Remove rusty stains from dark woolen or cotton fabric with a mixture, the components of which are powdered coal and kerosene. Apply the mixture to the stain, after a while wipe it off and wash in soapy water.

3 universal ways

You can also remove rust from wardrobe items with universal means.

Replace citric acid with fresh lemon. It can be used for both white and colored fabrics. Apply natural juice lemon on the contaminated area and let it act for about 25 minutes. The spots should be gone.

To remove traces of fresh rust from a T-shirt, dishwashing liquid is suitable. Apply it on the stain, cover with a film and leave for 8-10 hours.

Another unusual way- apply turpentine and baby powder (without impurities). Apply turpentine to rust, sprinkle with powder and cover with paper towels or napkins. After 15 minutes, iron with a hot iron through the landscape sheet.

Finally, find an all-purpose bleach in the household chemicals department and follow the instructions for use.

If possible, start removing the stain as soon as it appears. A fresh rust stain is much easier to remove than an old one.

Remove rust before washing. Contact with water can only aggravate the situation.

Be careful when working with acids and ammonia. When using ammonia, open windows and keep children and animals away.

Work with gloves so as not to harm the skin of your hands.

Do not use chlorine bleaches. Their use will cause rust to penetrate deep into the fabric. Instead of bleaching, you will get hard-to-remove brown spots, completely ruining the clothes.

After washing, check the drum and rubber roller washing machine for small metal objects. It is possible that you forgot to take something out of your pockets. Once in these places, items will rust and in subsequent washings they will present you unpleasant gift in the form of rust on clothes.

Before using the rust removal method of your choice, always test on an inconspicuous area on the inside of the garment. This will avoid frustration and disappointment.

If neither method suits you, contact the dry cleaners, where professionals modern means will remove any stains from clothes, saving you time and effort.