How is the conception of a girl. Features of spermatozoa that will help conceive a girl. Calendar observation method

Many parents are absolutely sure that they got a girl because they followed a certain diet, made love in certain positions, etc. However, official medicine does not recognize these theories and methods.

If you dream of a daughter more than anything else, then what is stopping you from at least trying? After all, when we are talking about a dream, all means are good!

Stick to the lunar calendar

This popular gender predictive calendar was created by a Chinese scientist. For 700 years, the calendar was in the royal tomb, until archaeologists discovered it during excavations. With the help of this calendar, you can determine the sex of the child, knowing the age of the mother and the month of conception.

The calendar has 99% accuracy. (I have to admit that he correctly predicted my son's gender.) This calendar is very easy to find on the Internet. You just need to find out the months in which, at your age, it is more likely to conceive a girl and get down to business. Please note that when auspicious month for the conception of a girl has just begun or is coming to an end, it is not worth the risk, in the first and last days better to be protected. Such precautions are due to the fact that spermatozoa continue to live in the woman’s body for several days, and therefore conception may not occur in the month in which you planned to conceive.

Stick to a special diet

Many parents and experts believe that if you start this diet a few days before conception, you can increase the chance of conceiving girls. It is believed that this diet changes the acidic environment in your body, which affects the sex of your child.

According to this theory, you need to eat as many acidic foods as possible: grapefruits, oranges, lemons, etc. It is believed that the acidic environment adversely affects the sperm of the "boys", so the sperm of the "girls" increase the chance of fertilizing the egg first. Supporters of this theory also believe that it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium, but low in salt and potassium.

Take the right posture

Proponents of this theory believe that certain positions should be used during the conception of a girl. Many scientists agree that shallow penetration during intercourse increases the likelihood of conceiving a girl. This is explained by the fact that the most acidic environment is at the entrance to the vagina, and the farther away, the less acidic it is. Thus, the less deeply your partner penetrates, the more "boy" spermatozoa will be injured by the acidic environment, and therefore, there is a high chance that the "girl" spermatozoa will reach the egg first. Simply put, for those who really want to conceive a girl, it is better to use the "missionary" position. But if you get bored with it, you can safely experiment, not forgetting that the penetration should be shallow.

Choose the right time

It is believed that the spermatozoa of "girls" move more slowly than "boys", but the life span of spermatozoa of "girls" is much longer than that of "boys".

And what does this mean, you ask? Everything is very simple! You should have sex every day for 2-4 days, this period should be scheduled no later than 2 days before the start of ovulation. Once you are 2 days away from ovulation, you should stop having unprotected sex for at least 4-5 days. Thus, you give the opportunity to slow sperm “girls” to be the first to fertilize an egg ready for this during ovulation, since all sperm “boys” are likely to die by the time of ovulation. Some women feel when they should ovulate, but to reduce the risk of error, we recommend that you purchase from a pharmacy special tests to determine ovulation.

Warm up your senses

Another theory claims that "female" sperm are more resistant to heat. Therefore, according to this concept, your partner must accept warm bath before intercourse to increase the chance of conceiving a girl. But here it is dangerous to overdo it, with too much overheating, the sperm can lose its fertilizing properties for several days. A complete renewal of sperm in a man's body occurs every two months.

Don't have an orgasm

Another theory claims that important role in determining the sex of the unborn child plays female orgasm. The fact is that when a woman experiences an orgasm, her body produces a substance that increases the level of alkali in the body. High level alkali is favorable for the conception of a boy. Therefore, if you want to conceive a girl, then it is better for a woman not to experience an orgasm during intercourse.

Slow down the pace

Many mothers who have both daughters and sons agree that a long sexual intercourse with a romantic foreplay is needed to conceive a girl. This theory has no scientific evidence, but can't popular rumor be more convincing?

Spend a tidy sum

If you want to be 100% sure of the result, then there is one very expensive, but effective way- artificial insemination. Scientists have made incredible progress in predicting gender. To do this, the egg and sperm must meet in the laboratory, and not inside your body, then the resulting embryo is implanted in the uterine cavity. Since this procedure is not only expensive, but also a very complex medical manipulation, which puts a serious burden on female body, and also has serious risks, this method is used when there are no other ways for a couple to get pregnant.

We wish you that your children are welcome and healthy!

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There is a caveat that predisposition is not a factor in the direct transmission of a malignant disease. pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, immunity, healthy lifestyle life can prevent pathology from developing. Doctors do not give a 100% guarantee of the birth of the desired sex, however, by applying available methods conception can significantly increase your chances.

Brief excursion into the biological process

Progesterone, produced by a man, generalizes the X and Y spermatozoa. The woman produces only X eggs, which have a unique genetic material. It turns out that the male half is responsible for the sex of the child to a large extent. If the Y chromosomes show their activity, a boy will be born, but if the male and female X meet, then the long-awaited girl will be born.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation

The success of conception is determined primarily by the chromosomal composition of spermatozoa. Media with female chromosome unhurried and viable, the spermatozoa of the “boy” carriers are nimble and quickly die, their activity period is from several hours to two days. If the intimacy was three days or more after the expected ovulation, a baby is highly likely to appear. If the moment of conception fell on ovulation or there will be a boy on time.

In order to use this method, a woman must keep a calendar of her cycle for at least six months.

How to determine ovulation:

  1. How to conceive a girl by ovulation, the calculator will tell and calculate. Knowing your cycle length, for example, 28 days, divide it by two and get the estimated date of ovulation, this is day 14;
  2. Measuring your basal body temperature over several cycles will help determine the day of ovulation. The preovulatory period is characterized by a temperature of 36.2–36.9 degrees. The day when rectal temperature showed 37.0–37.5 means the day of Ovulation;
  3. Some women thus prevented certain gynecological diseases and deviations. The reason for contacting a specialist will be a blurry schedule, the inability to calculate the day of ovulation. Remember healthy body works according to the same scheme, like a clock.
  4. Medicine has stepped forward, and now in the pharmacy affordable prices you can purchase express tests to determine ovulation, later calculating how to conceive a girl. The principle of operation is similar to a pregnancy test;

Advice! Now it’s clear that you won’t be able to conceive a girl during ovulation. You should start preparing for conception a couple of days before the approximate release of the egg from the ovary.

Moon calendar

conception of a girl lunar calendar 2017, the calculation method is extremely simple. The duration of a month is 30 days. Having a similar menstrual cycle, it is safe to say that a woman is dependent on the moon. If the cycle is more than 32 days, then the patron saint of such ladies is the sun. And also to establish gender, you need to take into account the zodiac features. If conception was during the period of signs:

  • Taurus;
  • Virgo;
  • fish;
  • scorpion.

The chances of finding out about the appearance of a girl increase. In all other cases, it will probably be a boy.

Astrologers say: if you calculate lunar date the appearance of a mother, in tandem this will give a 100% guarantee for the conception of a girl according to the lunar calendar.

Diet as a way to conceive a baby

Advantage this method is to be compatible with other resources. Nutritionists note that the basis of nutrition for conceiving a girl lies in creating acid environment in the mother's body. It's important not to overdo it. Beforehand, be sure to consult with your doctor, who, based on individual health indicators, can make appropriate adjustments. It is better to start a few months before the planned conception period.

So what do you need to eat in order to conceive a girl:

  • Let's start with drinks. Caffeinated teas, coffee drink no more than 2 times a day. Useful mineral water, but carbonated drinks with fillers will have to be abandoned;
  • exclude male set meat products such as smoked meats, semi-finished products, sausages. Add veal, beef to the diet;
  • fish in any form, fresh, frozen is useful for future mother presence essential vitamins. It is not recommended to frequently eat fish with different types processing (smoked, salted, dried);
  • dairy products are represented by milk and cottage cheese. Refrain from ice cream and cheese in any form;
  • bread and pastries are allowed in moderation. It is better if these are products without salt with the addition of cereals. For a while, you will have to forget about industrial-made salted crackers;
    cereals should be present daily on the menu of those who want to conceive a girl. Rice and semolina recommended from cereals, corn is banned;
  • vegetable set is represented by zucchini, eggplant, asparagus. We need beets, radishes, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes. Foods containing starch should be consumed in small portions. Exclude all known varieties of cabbage, tomatoes, all canned and frozen vegetable products;
  • nuts are also useful for the body at the planning stage of a girl. It is advisable to add nuts without salt to the diet. Leave dried fruits unattended;
  • pears, apples, white cherries, citrus fruits are recommended for consumption, the only exception is bananas, apricots, currants and melons;
  • All flavor enhancers in the form of salt, ketchup, seasonings are not suitable during the planning period for the conception of a girl. It is better to eat honey, jam or jam.


A method that is still controversial to this day. Create an acidic environment for type X chromosomes vinegar solution. Before starting intercourse, in order to get a girl, you need to douche.

Improper preparation of the solution can harm the health of the expectant mother.

For a liter of distilled water, you need 2 tbsp. spoons of food vinegar. The bulb for douching must be pre-sterilized. How to conceive a girl using douching:

  • take comfortable position lying down;
  • inject 250 ml of liquid into the vagina;
  • enter only the spout.

This washing creates suitable conditions for the disappearance of Y spermatozoa.

This technique does not guarantee a 100% result, and is also doubtfully dangerous to human health. After all, improper preparation can lead to burns of the genital organ of the expectant mother.

First time method

The only method out of all listed giving desired effect from the first time, confirmation of this statistics. If others only suggest how to conceive a girl, then preimplantation genetic diagnosis knows the answer for sure.

A special medical laboratory conducts research on the biological material of a man and a woman, later choosing healthy embryos according to existing standards. The analysis is performed on the third day of the life of the embryos, after the fertilization of the egg by spermatozoa has occurred. Molecule biopsy gives full information about the embryo. This technique for early stage reveals possible pathologies which distinguishes it from others. In such cases, screening occurs and the desired chromosome set is selected. Healthy cells are placed in the woman's uterus, after which it remains only to wait whether the foreign body takes root.

This method is more often used by spouses in the medical history of whom there are hereditary ailments and deviations. Another reason is the high price of this technique.

Positions for couples when conceiving a girl

The favorable conditions for the appearance of a girl will be in the evening, even better if it is a full moon. In what positions is it possible to conceive a girl:

  • the position of the "rider";
  • classic rack;
  • the woman lies on her side, while the man is behind;
  • “Sandwich” the guy lies on the girl, at this moment she should lie down with her back up.

Such postures help to control the depth of entry, the movements are progressive, without jerking. These simple rules help to conceive a girl, because this increases the chance of slow and long-lived spermatozoa of “girls” getting to the egg.


As the great sages say, everything in this world is material, and even thoughts. The lightest and nice way. What needs to be done to conceive a girl? Spouses need to imagine their future daughter in the smallest details. The founders of the method argue that nature sooner or later transforms all thoughts into reality.

Folk signs of the conception of a girl

For many couples, the experience of our ancestors becomes an indisputable argument, with the help of which the chance of conceiving a baby increases.

Some folk facts:

  • Before going to bed with a partner, a woman should tie a thread around her right little finger;
    A day before the desired date, get pregnant drink apple or other sour juice;
  • The optimal days for planning a girl are Monday, Wednesday, Friday;
  • The folk sign says that the girl will be if the conception coincided with the winter cold or snowstorm;
  • You need to sleep with the back of your head to the south;
  • According to the beliefs of ladies after 30 years, the gender of the first-born is usually female.

The knowledge of our ancestors collected over the centuries will help to achieve desired result and conceive a girl even after two boys. The main thing is not to neglect such simple tips.

Blood renewal method

Nature is so wound up that human body regularly renews the blood. In men, this process occurs every four years, in women every three years. The formula that helps determine how to conceive a girl for blood renewal looks like this:

(Dad's age + Mom's age)*4:3

The age at which conception will occur.

If the answer is a number with a tail of 1, then there will be a girl. With other answers, a boy.

This method has a lot to do with external factors such as surgery or blood transfusion. Experts also recommend planning the conception of a girl during the renewal of the blood of the future father. All calculations today can be carried out in online child conception calculators.

Japanese table for calculating the conception of a girl or a boy

Two tables are given. Who created this method is not known for certain. However, there are opinions that this knowledge has been passed down since ancient times. All that is needed for the first table is the month of birth of the parents.

Mom forums speak positively about Japanese table, talking about multiple coincidences in the conception of children.

Chinese calendar

Numerous surveys have revealed the reliability of this method, it is recommended in many communities. experienced mothers. The question remains what to do for women over 45, the conception calendar does not fit this category of people.

Finally, the opinion of gynecologists

No one can answer exactly the question of when exactly you need to conceive a child in order to get a girl, this is the opinion of professionals. Therefore, the use different ways does not always bring good luck. The ovulation method is considered the most reliable among gynecologists, the rest are only auxiliary in nature.

In war, all means are good! So when planning a girl, it is better to first familiarize yourself with accessible ways appearance of a daughter. Good mood, positive attitude, the chosen method and positive result will not keep you waiting long.

How to get pregnant the first time? This question is asked by many couples who are planning to have a baby. Most women and men believe that the lack of contraception and active occupation sex is all it takes. But is it?

In this topic, we will try to tell you whether it is possible to get pregnant the first time, what factors affect conception and how to properly approach such a delicate matter. We will also share the secrets of how to get pregnant with a boy or a girl.

Is it possible to get pregnant the first time and what affects conception?

There are a number of factors to consider when planning for conception.

  • The duration of the menstrual cycle. More often it was not possible for women to get pregnant the first time, monthly cycle which are less and more than 28 days, especially when it is not regular. This is because the fertile time is ovulation, that is, the release of the egg from the ovary, which falls in the middle of the cycle. In a 28-day cycle, the egg is released on the 14th day. But most women have stress, excessive physical or mental work, hormonal disorders and other reasons can lead to a failure of the cycle, which will be reflected in the day of the release of the egg. Therefore, it is not always possible to predict the exact date the onset of ovulation.
  • Lifespan of a spermatozoon in the female genital tract. On average, the sperm remains active after entering the female genital organs for 72 hours. Therefore, the chance of getting pregnant the first time will be higher when sexual intercourse is performed during ovulation. But even if you count everything up to the day and get to ovulation, then the probability of fertilizing the egg will be only 25%.
  • The health status of sexual partners. chronic diseases, age over 30, unbalanced diet, bad habits abortion, organ surgery reproductive system can be the reason why it is not possible to get pregnant the first time.
  • Sexual intercourse on the fertile days of the monthly cycle. Adhering to this simple rule, the percentage of conception is still low - about 10%.

You also need to understand that conception does not always end in pregnancy, since a fertilized egg simply may not penetrate into the endometrium of the uterus and come out during menstruation.

What are the chances of getting pregnant the first time? Let's figure it out. According to statistics, every sixth woman planning a child succeeds in getting pregnant the first time.

Also, experts say that if a woman failed to get pregnant from the first, then it is necessary to continue to actively sexual life and stop using contraceptives. In this case, pregnancy can be expected in the next six months.

Clinical observation of a hundred couples planning a child who led a healthy lifestyle and had sexual intercourse no more than three times a week showed that efforts were crowned with success for six months in 60% of couples.

How can you get pregnant the first time quickly and what is needed for this?

To get pregnant the first time, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • plan pregnancy at the age that is most suitable for this - 20-25 years, since young girls have a regular cycle in most cases;
  • calculate the day of ovulation for several months, as this will significantly increase the chances of conceiving a child;
  • use special tests to determine ovulation;
  • measure basal temperature, an increase in which to 37.4 ° C indicates ovulation;
  • on the day of ovulation to have unprotected intercourse.

There are also other ways to help you get pregnant quickly.

Is it possible to get pregnant after the first time: poses, pictures

Can a girl get pregnant quickly by choosing certain positions for this, and which position is considered the most suitable? This opinion is shared by many, but not by those who understand this topic. Therefore, unfortunately, we will dispel this myth.

There is no magic position that guarantees 100% conception the first time. The chance of conceiving a child is only affected by the day when unprotected intercourse was performed, and this day should be ovulation.

But, perhaps, for the conception of a child, a special position will be needed for women whose uterus has a backward bend, since such a pathology prevents sperm from entering the cervix.

In this case, experts recommend having sex in positions where the man is behind the woman. This position allows for deeper penetration into the vagina and makes it easier for semen to enter the cervix. Also, after coitus, it is recommended that a woman become in the “birch” position (see photo).

Unfortunately, the only true, fast and exact way get pregnant has not yet been found. But given the opinion of experts and feedback from women on the forums, we have selected methods that will increase the likelihood of conceiving a child the first time.

  • Taking vitamins. A few months before the planned pregnancy, both partners need to start taking vitamin complexes, in which vitamins E and C must be present, as well as folic acid. Also, do not forget about macro- and microelements, such as calcium, iron, copper, selenium, magnesium and zinc. The listed vitamins and minerals will not only accelerate the onset of pregnancy, but also help to give birth healthy child, since they contribute to the normal laying of organs and systems, primarily the neural tube.
  • Have sex no more than 2-3 times a week. It takes 8-12 weeks for a spermatozoon to mature, and with one ejaculation, 100-400 thousand spermatozoa come out. Therefore, too frequent sexual intercourse reduces the effectiveness of the seed and it will not be possible to conceive a baby quickly.
  • Folk methods and means. You can quickly conceive a child if you regularly use a decoction of ortilia. To prepare the decoction, pour three tablespoons of plant leaves with two cups of boiling water and boil over low heat for 20-30 minutes, then strain the medicine through a fine sieve. This decoction is recommended to be taken instead of tea, several cups a day. Also traditional healers It is advised to eat pumpkin in any form, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on reproductive function.

Is it possible to get pregnant for the first time and plan the sex of the baby?

More than one women's forum is replete with the question: I specifically want a boy or a girl, what should I do? Well, we reveal the secret of what can be done and how to plan the sex of the baby.

The gender of the fetus is laid during the fusion of the egg with the sperm, and the sex depends on which chromosome is present in the male germ cell.

The X chromosome is responsible for the birth of a girl, and the Y chromosome is responsible for the birth of a boy.

The following regularities are also known:

  • "Spermatozoa-boys" live up to 24 hours in the female genital tract, but at the same time they are much more active than "sperm-girls";
  • “Girl sperm” live up to 72 hours after entering the female genital organs, but they move more slowly than “boy sperm”.

Given the above features of sperm with X and Y chromosomes, it can be said that in order to conceive a girl, unprotected intercourse must occur three days before the date of ovulation. Before the release of the egg, the sperm carrying the Y chromosome will die, and only the "girl" ones will remain.

Accordingly, first you will need to determine this date using the methods that we talked about earlier.

If you want a boy, then sexual intercourse should be on the day of ovulation, then sperm with a Y chromosome will fertilize an egg faster than sperm with an X chromosome.

More than one specialist will not undertake to answer reliably and unambiguously this question. One woman immediately received long-awaited pregnancy, and the other did not become pregnant even after the tenth in vitro fertilization.

Experts say that after the first IVF, only 35% of women can become pregnant. It all depends on a number of factors, which include the following:

  • age of partners;
  • the nature of the disease that caused infertility;
  • duration of infertility;
  • the quantity and quality of embryos obtained during artificial insemination;
  • the woman's compliance with all recommendations for preparing for embryo implantation;
  • unsuccessful attempts at artificial insemination in history;
  • partners lifestyle.

If you cannot get pregnant on your own and decide to resort to in vitro fertilization, then you, first of all, need to choose an experienced specialist - a reproductive doctor - and strictly follow his recommendations.

As a result, we can say that, unfortunately, there is no 100% method that would help you get pregnant the first time. You can only increase the chance of a quick conception of a baby with the help of the above recommendations.

Thirsty men, then almost all women want to know how to conceive a girl. Especially if it's the first child.

The sex of the future baby is 100% dependent on which chromosome the dad's sperm will share with the egg. Therefore, the role of mom in such a responsible matter is negligible.

And it would be right to “blame” the man for the fact that the child is not of the sex that he would like and the woman gave birth to a girl.

If your goal is to get pregnant with a girl, then perhaps specialists from antenatal clinic. An experienced doctor will recommend several ways to conceive, and your individual situation will tell you which one is better to choose.

But, let's talk a little about the sacrament of conception itself. They say correctly: there is a lot of the Divine in this process, however modern medicine currently quite knowledgeable on the subject.

Let's start with this: the sex of the baby depends on several factors.

As noted above, a woman has practically no influence on this process. It is the father, or rather his "charged" sperm genetic set, and are primarily responsible for the sex of the baby.

The Role of the Pope

The ovum has only one female X chromosome. Sperm have both an X and a Y chromosome.

Moreover, which of them he will share depends, again, only on the father himself. It affects the likelihood of conceiving a girl.

The most important factor is the moment of sexual intercourse after ovulation. It's all about the survival of sperm in a woman's body, given the high temperature.

Male reproductive cells do not tolerate temperature rises above +28 degrees very well. That is why anatomy male body the scrotum is provided - a repository of genetic material located outside the body.

The cryptorchidism transferred by the father in childhood, hydrocele can significantly reduce the ability to conceive a child. Both diseases can be associated with overheating of the testicles.

Sperm cannot be long time viable in the body future mother. They die very much within 3-4 days after intercourse, without giving the mother the opportunity to conceive a baby under adverse circumstances.

But, it depends on the process of death whether the conception will occur by a daughter or a son.

After all, each spermatozoon has both chromosomes, they are divided into cells with a "female" and a "male" beginning.

Those cells that at the time of conception could be responsible for the birth of an heir male, die very quickly, usually on the first day.

The femininity in sperm, which affects the chance of giving birth to a girl, gives them incredible vitality, and they endure quite comfortably a long stay in fallopian tubes waiting for the moment of meeting with the egg.

Calculation by the moment of ovulation

So, the viability of spermatozoa directly affects the sex of the baby. A woman can become pregnant on any day of the cycle. But only a certain day guarantees a 100% start of pregnancy.

It is to clarify this day that a table with an ovulation schedule should be kept.

In order for the probability of becoming pregnant with a daughter to be the highest, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature over the previous few months in order to know exactly.

Sexual intercourse should be completed at least 2-3 days before ovulation, or, given the break from dad for the previous ejaculation in 4-5 days, after, for 2-3 days.

In such a "hard" schedule, spermatozoa with a "male" origin will lose their viability and become unsuitable for fertilization. This means they will give way to cells that, when merged with the mother, will give her a chance to conceive a little girl.

By the way, you can control the right moment and through the calendar.

Let's try the calendar

A calendar for calculating the sex of a child was invented a long time ago. Also in ancient China the sexual acts of the emperors were aimed only at the birth of boys and were painted as required by the table.

The effectiveness of this method is very far from a 100 percent guarantee.

Perhaps that is why there were a lot of pretty princesses in the families of the rulers of the same Celestial Empire. Although, probably, the wives of the greats of this world were also not averse to giving birth to a little girl.

The main criteria for calculating the calendar are the age of the mother and the lunar phase. To deny the impact of subtle structures and matters on the planning of sex and pregnancy, as such, no one will undertake.

But you can always resort to more scientifically based methods. Especially if a woman is firmly convinced to conceive a girl.

Calculation of gender by blood group

Since the time when scientists discovered blood types, a clear relationship has been established between the Rh factors of parents and the sex of children. “Calculate” a girl by blood can now be prompted at any antenatal clinic.

There is a table on the blood types of the mother and father, suggesting the likelihood of having a "certain" child. But, it is better to take into account the way when ovulation is controlled. After all, then it is possible to quite accurately calculate the period required in order to become pregnant with a girl.

Following a specific diet

Often on the Internet there are materials that talk about wonderful not only for weight loss. But can eating any food affect the unborn baby? Yes, definitely.

But it is the quality of the food and the regularity of the intake, and not the preference for certain foods, that has an influence.

Many couples try to predict the gender of their future baby. To do this, they use a huge amount of diverse literature, looking for effective advice. Parents especially think about the gender of the baby if the family already has children. For example, a couple already has two boys, and they dream of a daughter. In this case, it is worth considering several methods of floor planning. It's actually not a difficult task if approached correctly. So how do you get pregnant with a girl?

The scientific way to conceive a girl

First of all, the conception of a child of either sex depends on the sperm that fertilizes the egg. The conception of a girl is determined by X-spermatozoa. There are fewer of them in the sperm, they move at a low speed, but they live longer. Therefore, in order to give birth to a daughter, it is necessary to ensure the meeting of the X-sperm and egg. For this you need:

  • reduce the amount of sperm;
  • create an acidic environment in the vagina;
  • sexual intercourse should be a couple of days before ovulation so that the Y-sperm cells die and the X-sperm cells reach the egg on time.

First of all, you need to determine the date of ovulation. This can be done in several ways ( basal body temperature, ovulation tests, ultrasound). Two to three days before ovulation auspicious days to conceive a girl. It is also believed that in order to become pregnant with a daughter, it is worth minimizing foreplay, a woman should not have an orgasm, and during his orgasm a man is not recommended to enter the penis deeply.

The conception of a girl can also be calculated by the method of blood renewal. To do this, you need to know that the blood of a man is renewed every four years, and that of a future mother every three. Whose blood was renewed later, the baby will be of that gender. But it is worth remembering that if there was forced blood loss (surgery, childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, blood donation, etc.), then you need to count from this date. The calculation is carried out in the following way:

  1. Divide the mother's age by 3, the resulting remainder must be taken into account. For example, she is 25 years old, so 25:3=8 (remainder 1).
  2. Then do the same with the father's age, just divide by 4. For example, 30:4=7 (remainder 2).
  3. After that, you can compare the remains, whoever has it less, the baby will be born of that gender. So, in this case, the birth of a daughter is expected.

The conception of a girl using the blood method can be calculated by the Rh factor and the blood type of the future parents. For example, if mom and dad have the same Rh factor (negative or positive), in this case, most likely, a girl will be born. If they are different (for example, the father is negative, and the mother is positive), then, perhaps, the birth of a boy. In addition, blood type plays an important role. If both parents have the first or second group, then there are great chances to give birth to a daughter. More details can be seen in the following table:

How to conceive a girl according to the tables

To help parents to conceive a daughter, there are several options for tables. Based on them, you can predict what gender the baby will be born and determine the month when to start planning the child. So, how to conceive a girl according to the table? Let's look at a few of their options.

Chinese table

This table was created several centuries ago by the Chinese. In order to determine the conception of a girl according to the Chinese table, it is necessary to use the initial data (the age of the expectant mother and the month of conception). You need to act according to the following scheme:

  1. Find the mother's age in the left column. However, it is worth remembering that in China at birth a person is considered nine months old, so one year is added to the age. Therefore, if a woman is 24, then they look for the number 25 in the column.
  2. Next, in the horizontal line, select the month of the intended conception.
  3. At the intersection of a column and a row, you can see the letter "M" or "D". The latter says that a girl is expected.

Japanese table

The conception of a girl according to the Japanese table is determined as follows: first, they find the line where the month of birth of the future dad is indicated, then select the month of birth of the mother in the vertical column. From these two figures draw perpendicular lines. A number will be indicated at the intersection - this is a family number.

For example, if a man was born in February and a woman was born in March, then this figure will be 11. Then you need to go to the second table. In it, find the family figure, as well as the estimated month of conception. If this number is 11, then there is a high probability of conceiving a daughter in July.

Special diet for conceiving a girl

About three months before conception, you need to reduce the amount of sugar and salt. The diet should be enriched with magnesium and calcium. How to conceive a girl with food? The following products are recommended for the expectant mother:

  • lean boiled meat;
  • shrimp, crabs, boiled fish;
  • eggs;
  • apples, tangerines, pears, oranges, grapes, raspberries, strawberries;
  • vegetables (bell peppers, eggplant, carrots, cucumbers);
  • fermented milk products (ryazhenka, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir);
  • pasta, flour products;
  • cereals (millet, rice);
  • nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts, Walnut, almonds), dried fruits (raisins).

How to conceive a girl using folk methods

Since ancient times, there are many different methods to conceive a daughter. Among them, we can distinguish folk signs:

  • Before sexual intercourse, put “female” items in bed (comb, mirror, cosmetic bag).
  • Pregnancy with a girl is possible if five days before sexual contact a woman will drink plum or apple juice every day 20 minutes before bedtime.
  • by the most better days Wednesday, Friday, Sunday are considered to conceive a daughter.
  • It is desirable to perform sexual intercourse under a young birch.
  • Before conception, the expectant mother should tie her little finger on her right hand with a simple thread.
  • For the birth of a girl, it is recommended to have sexual intercourse in the winter cold.

How to conceive a girl using other methods

In addition, there are some other ways to conceive a girl. Let's consider some of them:

  1. Douching. This technique is based on the fact that X-spermatozoa die in an alkaline environment, since they need an acidic one. Therefore, before sexual intercourse, it is worth douching with an acidified solution. To prepare it, you need to stir two tablespoons in a liter of water. lemon juice. In this case, you must be careful, a concentrated solution can burn the vagina.
  2. The posture is also important for the conception of a girl. It should be such that the path to the egg is made longer, thereby increasing the chances of fertilization by the X-sperm. The missionary position is suitable for this, the man behind - the woman on her side, the woman on her stomach.
  3. New age method. It is based on psychological method visualization. In order to give birth to a girl, you need to really want this. Future parents, especially mother, must represent everything in great detail. For example, what kind of hair, eyes, face she will have. And do it with the utmost clarity. Thus, you can order your girl from the Universe.
  4. You can plan the gender of the baby using the method lunar phases. Each woman has an individual cycle of predisposition to conception. It is set from birth and accompanies her throughout the entire reproductive age. According to this theory, the probability of conception increases in the phase that was at the time of the birth of the expectant mother. You can determine the phase of the moon by knowing the hour of your birth. Every two and a half days the moon passes through female sign. It is during this period that the likelihood of conceiving a girl increases.

Parents should remember that all these methods cannot give an absolute guarantee of the birth of a girl, since failures can occur in any way. Therefore, for greater efficiency, it is worth considering them all.