The surest way to determine the sex of the child. How to determine the sex of the child. Rating of the most reliable methods. Determination of the sex of the unborn child

Boy or girl? Girl or boy? - this question worries almost every future parent. And even those who do not want to consciously determine the sex of the baby in advance - they mentally ask themselves the same question. Guessing, guessing or reliably determining who will be born to you - an heir or an heiress - is quite realistic, and there are many ways for this.

100% guarantee of determining the sex of the unborn child

There is only one way to reliably determine the sex of the unborn baby after conception - chorion biopsy or amniopuncture. In this case, a genetic study is carried out. Since this procedure is very serious, it is carried out only to detect genetic disorders, if there is evidence for that. But for the sake of curiosity (who is sitting there?), not a single sane doctor will penetrate the uterus to take material for research.

It is considered close to the true determination of the sex of the child. But even here there is every chance of making a mistake or simply not seeing it (the baby can diligently “hide” the “place” by which his gender is calculated). By ultrasound, the sex of the child can really be found out after the 16th week of pregnancy.

But already from the seventh week of the “interesting situation”, those who want to know who settled in the tummy can do this. Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, a very small amount of fetal DNA “floats” in the maternal bloodstream with a “hint” for gender: if a Y chromosome is detected in the blood, then a boy will definitely be born, because girls have only X chromosomes. However, in these methods a mistake is possible, so even doctors do not recommend blindly trusting them.

Chinese and Japanese ways to determine the sex of the baby

The Chinese and Japanese determined the sex of the future baby (and planned it very successfully) since ancient times and trust their methods to this day, and not only the Chinese and Japanese.

For example, more than 700 years. Its original is still kept in Beijing, and copies freely “hover” on the Internet and satisfy the curiosity of future parents.

We encourage you to use this table. It is only important to know how old the future mother is, as well as in what month the conception occurred. Comparing these data - the table will indicate who will be born to you - D (girl), or M (boy).

The Japanese also use a table to determine the sex of the unborn baby. But here she looks a little different. To begin with, we determine the number indicated by the intersection point of the month of birth of the future father and mother.

Month of birth

Then, in the following table, we look for the received figure and the month of conception, and determine the gender of the “turned out” baby.

However, these days, these methods are treated more like a game than a serious way to determine the sex of an unborn baby.

Blood in determining the sex of the unborn child

There are two ways to determine the sex of a child using blood: by blood type and by its renewal. It is believed that human blood tends to be renewed: for a woman every three years, and for a man - every four. And that's whose blood is "younger" at the time of conception, this sex will be the future baby.

They also determine (or even guess with minimal accuracy) the sex of the child according to the following blood group tables and the Rh factor of future parents.

The people claim

And yet the most interesting are the "folk" ways to determine the sex of the unborn baby, as they often say - "grandmother's recipes."

  • The presence of a waist in a woman (behind) during pregnancy indicates that a boy is sitting in the tummy.
  • Boys also kick harder in the stomach.
  • “The beauty is taken away” from the mother, usually girls (“acneous” skin, tormenting, and).
  • Cold feet and cravings for salt indicate that you are having a boy.
  • Grace in a woman appears when carrying a girl, and clumsiness - when carrying a boy.
  • Swollen legs indicate pregnancy as a boy.
  • The darkened areolas of the nipples "hint" at the birth of a girl.
  • Increased hair growth on your legs indicates that you will have a boy.
  • Intense sex life "provokes" the conception of girls.

Such "methods" of determining sex in the arsenal of our grandmothers are apparently invisible. However, none of them has a scientific basis, much less evidence. So believe them or not - decide for yourself. Surely, among our readers there will be those who will say: yes, with my daughter I was terribly ugly, and with my son I had to do depilation on my legs twice a day. Is not it?

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

But even at this gestational age, there is a possibility of error, and the doctor warns that the gestation period of 22-24 weeks (second planned ultrasound) is the best to find out if it will be a boy or a girl.

We will recall some folk signs that will give you the answer to the interesting question “Who will I have?”.

Ultrasound of the fetus is performed in strictly defined terms. And once again, just out of curiosity to find out the gender, no one will assign you this study. As mentioned above, the accuracy of sex determination during ultrasound depends on the gestational age, as well as on the experience of the specialist. At the gestational age of 15-17 weeks, errors in sex determination are still possible.

They are explained by the adoption of a loop of the umbilical cord or fingers of the fetus for the penis or swollen labia for the scrotum. In the period of 23-25 ​​weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is mobile and during the study it can turn so that its gender will be visible. From 37 weeks, due to the low mobility of the fetus, sex determination can be difficult.

How else can you determine the sex of the child?

It is possible to determine the sex in the early stages (7-10 weeks) using a chorion biopsy, but this manipulation is carried out only for medical reasons, when it is impossible for a family to give birth to a male or female child due to the inheritance of certain genetic diseases. As a result of this procedure, the sex of the embryo is established with a 100% guarantee, but it is not safe to carry it out due to the threat of miscarriage.

How to find out the sex of a child by signs?

Therefore, those parents who want to know who they will have, early, can adopt folk signs. True, it is not always possible to determine with great accuracy whether it will be a boy or a girl. Many signs, most likely, are known to you, and you will learn about some for the first time.

They may seem ridiculous to you, but they exist and you need to know them. And, perhaps together, they will help you find out the gender for sure. At least, many mothers claim that thanks to the signs they managed to find out the sex of the unborn child.

Determination of the sex of the child by the age of the mother at the time of conception

The method is based on the lunar calendar and originated in medieval China. Its feature is the early, before conception, determination of the sex of the child. The Chinese horoscope was found during excavations near Beijing. In China, this issue was given great importance, since only a man was always the heir to the family. Aristocratic families believed that, using magic and the lunar calendar, it was possible to determine the sex of the child and even change it in the womb. After adapting the horoscope to the Gregorian calendar, we can try to make a forecast.

Find your age in the first column, compare it with the month of conception in the first row of the table and find out who to expect at the intersection. D - girl, M - boy.

Sex determination by blood renewal

The method of blood renewal is based on the theory that the processes of replacing old cells with new ones are constantly taking place in the human body. Blood is also renewed: for men every four years, for women every three years. If at the time of conception the blood of a man is newer, a boy will be born, if the blood of a woman, then wait for a girl. It matters if the blood has undergone renewal earlier than expected due to blood loss due to other births, abortions, injuries or operations. In this case, the countdown goes from these events. For a starting point to simplify the calculation, you can take 15 years for women and from 16 for men.

Sex determination by heartbeat or pulse

This method can be practiced from the middle to the end of the 2nd trimester. The method is popular with some obstetrician-gynecologists. The heartbeat is heard with an obstetric stethoscope through the mother's abdomen. It is believed that in boys the heartbeat is faster and more rhythmic, in girls it is slightly slower, with an uneven rhythm.

Pulse diagnostics is a very advanced method, widely used in Eastern countries. The basics of Tibetan and Chinese medicine pay great attention to the diagnosis of diseases by pulse. Witch doctors and monks who practice this method can very accurately determine the sex of the child by the mother's pulse.

There are many other methods: the Japanese horoscope, sex determination by the blood type of parents, folk signs and beliefs.

Based on probability theory, the percentage of exact matches can reach 50% in the ideal case. At the same time, the error in determining the sex of the child is not critical, since common sense prevails in the minds of most expectant mothers, and they decide to do an ultrasound scan.

The only accurate test before birth is done in a complicated and risky procedure called an amniocentesis. This procedure is carried out according to strict medical indications, for the diagnosis of possible hereditary diseases. Another test is possible with IVF, when pre-implantation diagnosis is performed before the transfer of embryos to the uterus for the same purpose as amniocentesis.

Define "the old fashioned way"

For centuries, the experience of observing the behavior of pregnant women, their feelings has been accumulated, and so folk signs have been formed and passed on from generation to generation. To find out the sex of the child in those days when there was no ultrasound, they offered by the appearance of a woman, her taste preferences.

Gender of the child according to signs - girl

Folk signs and observations suggest that parents over 30 years old have daughters. The intensity of sexual life before conception also matters - with daily sexual activity, there is a chance of conceiving a girl.

It is possible to determine who the future parents are expecting by external signs and changes in the pregnant woman. A woman who is expecting the birth of a girl has a rounded, vague, ball-like belly, however, to me, it is more shifted to the left. She retains the grace of movement. Outwardly, it does not change for the better: swelling of the lips, face, dark spots on the face, stretch marks on the stomach. According to these signs, they conclude that the woman is expecting a girl and she “takes beauty” from her mother.

You can determine whether a boy or a girl is expected as follows: dark areolas around the breast nipple indicate pregnancy as a girl. According to the signs, if a pregnant woman has toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy, she takes it hard, feels bad and constantly has a bad mood, then there will certainly be a girl.

You can determine the sex by changing her taste preferences. A pregnant girl has a pronounced craving for sweets, fruits, which was not observed before pregnancy.

Also, if the first movement was felt on the left side of the abdomen, then a girl will be born.

Gender of the child according to signs - a boy

Signs say that the younger the woman, the more likely the birth of a son. The frequency of sexual relations between spouses also matters. If before conception they were with a break of several days, then a boy will be born.

You can find out the sex by external signs: if the stomach resembles a cucumber (long and pointed), then there will be a boy. In this case, the abdomen is more enlarged on the right. A pregnant woman retains her waist (rear view) even at a long gestational age, and outwardly she blossoms, prettier, people say - "pregnancy colors her."

If the hair on the legs of a pregnant woman grows more intensively and hairs appear on her stomach, there will be a boy. If the areola around the nipple is light in color, and the breast has not changed its shape, then this indicates a pregnancy with a boy.

According to popular beliefs, if a pregnant woman is constantly cold and her feet are cold, then a boy will be born. All this also applies to the course of pregnancy in the first trimester. If a pregnant woman does not have toxicosis, and she easily tolerates pregnancy, then she wears a boy. According to observations, a woman expecting the birth of a boy is drawn to meat products, spicy and salty dishes, while the pregnant woman eats a lot and often.

You can find out the sex of the child by the first movement. If the movement is felt on the right, then there will be a boy. Boys also behave more actively and move more strongly. In addition, gender can be determined by signs such as heartbeat: the boy's heartbeat is less than 140 per minute.

And observations suggest that the shorter the period between the birth of children in a woman, the more likely it is that the second child will be of the opposite sex.

These are the most common signs of determining the sex of a child. But believe me, it is not so important to find out as early as possible, the main thing is to love the child from the first days of conception, which will appear very soon with you. The very birth of a child is already a great joy and the most significant event in the life of loving parents.

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/ What Every Super Mom Knows /

Question " how to determine the sex of the child?”, people have been interested for a long time. And they were not only interested, but made many attempts to determine the sex of the child, based on various methods. Different peoples at different times had their own ways of how to determine the sex of the unborn child.

How to determine the sex of a child by blood

There is a theory about the dependence of the sex of the child on the cyclical change of blood. It is believed that:

  • in men, blood is replaced once every 4 years;
  • and in women - 1 time in 3 years.

The calculation must be carried out from the date of birth.

The essence of this theory is that the "new" blood is stronger and defeats the more "old" one. The child will have the sex of the parent whose blood at the time of conception is "stronger" - newer.

Determining the sex of the child with the help of diet

Now there is a widespread theory about the effect of food consumed on the future sex of the child. From it follows:

  • eat more acute And salty and you will have a boy
  • and eating rich food calcium And magnesium will result in the birth of a girl.

Determination of the sex of the child according to the ancient Chinese table

The Chinese, for example, believed that the birth of a male or female baby depended from the day of conception. Nowadays determination of the sex of the child for free can be done by correlating two parameters of the table:

  1. Date of conception.
  2. The age of the expectant mother at the time of conception.
Mother's age Month of conception
18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M M D D
20 D M D M M M M M D M M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D D M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D M M D D D
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D M D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D
41 M D M D M D M M D M D M
42 D M D M D M D M M D M D
43 M D M D M D M D M M M M
44 M M D M M M D M D M D D
45 D M M D D D M D M D M M

Determination of the sex of the child table of Lyudmila Kim *

As in the previous table, you need to know the age of the mother and the month of conception.

* Lyudmila Kim is Vanga's student.

table part-1

table part-2

The blue cell corresponds to a boy, and the pink cell corresponds to a girl.

How to determine the sex of the child for free and in advance?

For this you will need guess the moment: to conceive a boy, it is required that sexual contact occurs immediately before the expected menstruation, and if you want to give birth to a girl, work after the end of the critical days.

You can follow one method or another if you really want to compete with nature, or rather to satisfy your curiosity. Still, it's real surprise!

None of the methods for determining the sex of a child has yet received the status of a proven and unequivocal guaranteeing the desired result on the "order" of the future sex of the child.

Only nature is able to regulate the birth of a little man - a little boy or a baby girl.

Nature somehow made sure that more boys were born.

This is evidenced by statistics. It also shows that boys are less resilient and more of them die at an early age.

Is it necessary to try to change the situation and learn how to order a certain gender of the child, because such uncontrollable desires of a person can upset the natural balance. This is an ethical dilemma.

Scientific look at the gender of the child

The sex of the child is determined by the set of chromosomes that the egg will receive during fertilization. The female egg contains the XX sex chromosomes, while the male egg contains XY. Sex is determined by the fusion of one of the female sex chromosomes with one of the male sex chromosome.

When connecting two X chromosomes, a girl is born, and if the female chromosome connects to the male chromosome Y, a boy will be born.

Boys - Girls ... In fact, the most important thing is that the baby is born healthy, agree?

And also, what theory of sex determination worked for you, share?

What do you think?

Comments (83)

  1. mamulka

    My relatives, whom I calculated, had the same results according to the Chinese table.

  2. fashionista

    100% the main thing is that the little one is healthy, and the rest will follow!

  3. Nastya

    according to the calendars, two children come out girls, 2 boys grow up.

  4. Svetlana

    According to the first theory, I had a boy, as she foretold. I've known about her for a long time, since high school. I heard that it often works.

  5. Olga

    but it didn’t match for me, according to the sign it’s a girl, but I’m waiting for a boy. Well, maybe of course I have a girl - a mischievous woman disguised herself as a boy))))

  6. Kate

    I was planning a pregnancy based on ovulation and looked at the tables in advance, just like the girl wanted. Now I’m thinking about my sister!

  7. Helga

    I have coincided with both children, a boy of 11 years old and a girl are waiting now. According to this table, I checked myself and all my friends, everything is accurate. I planned my daughter according to it. And I checked my son a few years later, when I found out about the table.

  8. Irina

    I decided to try it on my first child and it happened to me
    .I will hope that it will coincide with the second

  9. Anastasia

    past calculations showed a girl in all respects, gave birth to a boy. Now I'm counting again - again a girl ... let's see, there hasn't been an ultrasound yet. so you can see 50/50 to whom it comes out, but not to a coma

  10. Moldir

    they told me on the ultrasound that it was a girl, but according to the test I have a boy

  11. Kate

    The blood turned out to be a girl, according to the rest of the other tables, a boy, and the ultrasound showed nothing at all

  12. Autumn


  13. Autumn

    At the time of sexual intercourse, think and imagine who you want, he will be. 1000000% VERIFIED

  14. Future mom

    does not match i will have a boy

  15. Nadia

    I have three daughters, I checked the table, everything matched. Now pregnant, of course, we really want a boy! According to the table, it turns out that a son will be born, but according to other methods there are discrepancies and now I don’t even know what to believe and what not ((

  16. Nadia

    I have three daughters, according to the table everything coincided, now she is pregnant and of course we really want a son! But according to other methods there are discrepancies and now I don’t know what to believe and what not ((

  17. Love

    11/19/12 they told me a girl on the ultrasound, and according to all the tables it turns out a boy, I already have two girls, I'm just in shock

  18. Yana

    According to the table of Lyudmila, Kim checked all her friends, everyone agreed. For some reason, only one friend didn’t.

  19. Taya

    do not give a certificate how to give birth?

  20. Lena
  21. Ramina

    I counted boys according to the tables, and I have two daughters. now I am pregnant, according to the table, a girl, I hope it will be the other way around again and a son will be born ...

  22. Anfisa

    These are just coincidences! My son is 6 years old, and according to Chinese, there should be a girl…….

  23. Anfisa

    THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO BE A HEALTHY CHILD. And what at that moment the spermatozoon turned out to be stronger and faster - you will find out at the appointed time at birth. Congratulations to all pregnant women on this wonderful state of mind and body! And do not forget that PREGNANCY is not a disease! This is a small life!

  24. Natalia Zorina

    The ancient Chinese planning scheme works flawlessly. I checked it on myself, on my friends, on my daughter-in-law. Class!!!

  25. Tonya

    I have a paradigm with age! At the time of conception, I was still 22 years old, a week later where 23 became! And what age should I watch?

  26. marina

    All my results are amazing. how to find out the exact gender of the baby

  27. Olga

    the Chinese table is full of crap, I have all three on the contrary, there is only one mistake by blood, there are exceptions everywhere

  28. Regina

    just wondering

  29. Jeanne

    I have 3 sons, so I want a daughter, but I'm terribly afraid to take risks. I checked my boys according to the Chinese table - it agreed.

  30. Alyonchik

    I feel that I will have a boy and even converge according to all these tables. Even if this is stupid, but I think you can believe it !!!)))

  31. Elena

    It showed me that there are two girls, and two boys are growing up. Now I'm waiting for the third show of the boy's tables, but I hope that there will be a girl!)))



  33. armine
  34. indira

    boy or girl? the main thing is my baby was healthy!

  35. Shynar

    it didn’t match with my first child according to the table, it shows that it’s a boy)))) but we have a wonderful girl 3.8 years old. And now the second pregnancy is 16 weeks old, it seems to me that the girl looks like this according to the table)))) let’s see what’s on the ultrasound will say.

  36. Olga

    There is nothing to say because, age 18 and the month of April, in the first a boy, in the second a girl. I want to know, he hides on ultrasound for 7 months, but there are no visible signs.

  37. Elena

    none matched!

  38. Olga

    Why are they oriented at the moment of conception and the date of birth of a woman, because a girl or a boy depends on the sperm, the sperm carries the sex cell of the unborn child.

  39. Katerina

    according to the table, both according to the Chinese and according to the table of Lyudmila Kim, I have 2 boys

  40. Alsou

    none of the above worked

  41. Catherine

    Girls, but did not try to check their children in which month the last menstruation of the same sex was the child .. all three children just coincided. I always get my period in one month and conceive in another

  42. Irina

    I love spicy! A boy-fire was born.) Fidget, he doesn’t climb into his pocket for a word.)

  43. Alesya

    And why is there no information about the definition of twins.

  44. Marina

    A lot of people have it, including me.

  45. zhanar

    I want a boy. first time i'm doing this

  46. Olga

    They conceived in February 2013, age 31, according to the tables it turns out a girl, and a boy was born.

  47. Wasila

    According to the Chinese table, the boy is due in September, let's see who God has prepared for us

  48. Irina

    Thanks for helping! Now I'm having a boy.

  49. Anette

    didn’t match at all. all year the girls and by ultrasound the boy

  50. Zhanar

    Why do all tables start at the age of 18? I got pregnant at the age of 15. I gave birth to a beautiful daughter, now we are waiting for the 4th child and I am happy with my only husband

  51. Elena

    Let's see in 5 months according to the tables girl

  52. Ainura

    The most important thing is that the child is born healthy, whether it is a girl or a boy.

  53. Julia

    Chromosomes only determine the sex of the unborn child, everything else is fiction, and if anyone matches the tables, then this is pure coincidence

  54. Christina

    In general, nothing coincided, I'm waiting for the third

  55. Sevinj

    According to my test, it shows a boy, and on the ultrasound for the 1st time they said it looked like a boy, and for the 2nd time they said that it looked like a girl. Now I don’t know what to believe, but I would like a boy, because. the girl already exists!

  56. Maria

    the age of the mother at the time of conception + the month in which the child was conceived + what kind of pregnancy with all the abortions, if any, for example, I was 27 years old, I got pregnant in October, then by 27 + 10 (month) + 5 (pregnancy) \u003d 42 if you succeeded a positive number means you will have a girl, if a negative number means a boy.

  57. Olesya

    I have three sons. Starting from the second, I planned according to all sorts of different formulas to make a girl. The last son, in general, according to 5 different methods, specially planned the date of conception for a girl. But in the end, all the boys were born. These methods do not work for me

  58. Anna

    And they were interested in why it didn’t match, it turns out that someone with a negative Rh will be the opposite))

Long before the birth of the desired child, future parents are interested in who will be born to them - a son or a daughter. Modern methods of medical diagnostics make it possible to do this without problems. How to determine the sex of the unborn child, other methods will also suggest. Do you want to know the answer to an exciting question right now? Our advice and instructions will be useful to you.

How long to carry out research

Specialists give recommendations during the entire period of gestation to conduct regular ultrasound examinations. Already by the 14th week after conception, such a diagnosis shows what's what. At this time, the hormone dihydrosterone is actively produced in the boy's body, as a result of which the rudiments of the male genital organs begin to increase in size. Already at 15 weeks of pregnancy, a specialist will determine the sex of the child with great accuracy.

If the mother of the child is overweight, and there are a lot of fat deposits on the abdomen, this may interfere with sex determination. You will either have to wait until the 21st week, or.

How do experts determine the sex of a child?

Ultrasound is a medical method that has been successfully used for several generations of women in labor. In addition to identifying possible pathologies, by the 25th week of pregnancy, the doctor will clearly be able to recognize the sex of the child. The disadvantage of the technique is that it is impossible to provide 100% accuracy of the study.

Amniocentesis is a study of the chromosomes of the amniotic fluid. This analysis is performed by puncturing the peritoneum in case of suspected genetic disorders. It is recommended for poor heredity of the father or mother, which can provoke the development of all kinds of pathologies. The analysis is carried out to identify such a predisposition in the fetus. During this study, the likelihood that doctors will determine the sex of the child with up to 99% certainty increases.

Cordocentesis is a similar study, only during it the umbilical cord is punctured and the umbilical cord blood of the fetus is taken for analysis.The study is prescribed to identify possible infectious or genetic diseases of the fetus. The reliability of determining the sex of the unborn child in this case is also high.

The gender test has a lot in common with the usual pregnancy test. By the color of urine and its composition, experts determine whether there are germ hormones in it. If the indicator color is orange, the woman is pregnant with a girl, and if it is green, a boy. Use the test from the 9th week. Its accuracy is at least 90 percent.

The DNA test helps to determine the sex of the child already in the early stages of pregnancy, at her 6th week. By taking blood from a vein, specialists determine whether there are DNA fragments of the fetus in the mother's blood. According to the DNA formula, it is further determined who will be born. The accuracy of the method is 99.999%, almost 100% reliable result, however, to perform this test, you will need a tidy sum: genetics and DNA research are not cheap medical procedures.

The MicroSort system is able to separate semen into separate "female" and "male" spermatozoa. This program technique helps to avoid the birth of a child of an unwanted gender. This is important if there is a risk of hereditary diseases in boys or girls. Carrying out this expensive procedure is possible only when conceiving a child with the help of IVF - in vitro fertilization. The procedure is carried out according to a special schedule and is not available to everyone.

How to determine the sex of the child by the date of conception (by ovulation)

The method is based on observations of the physiology of conception. If a woman keeps track of the days of her menstrual cycle, this can help her calculate the days until ovulation, and at that time plan to conceive. possibly at home by doing a test. Fertilization occurs on the day of ovulation, as well as in the next few days. After the rupture of the follicle, the egg descends through the fallopian tube, and then after conception, it attaches to the surface of the uterus.

It has been proven that the viability of spermatozoa - carriers of the male Y chromosome - is significantly less than the viability of spermatozoa with the X chromosome. On average, a “male” spermatozoon lives no more than 48 hours, while a “female” one lives up to 7 days. This feature helps to calculate the days for conceiving a child with a certain gender - a boy or a girl.

Knowing the exact date of menstruation, ovulation and sexual intercourse, there is a chance to approximately calculate and predetermine the sex of the child, taking into account these data. If the intimacy occurred before the moment of conception of the baby for three or more days, the probability of having a boy is low - most likely, you will have a girl. The reliability of the technique is only 50-60%.

We determine the sex by updating the blood of the parents

There is an opinion that from time to time human blood is “renewed”. This happens every 3-4 years. So, the blood of men "changes" every 4 years, and for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity - once every 3 years. If the blood of a man is renewed before that of a woman, a boy will be born. If the woman's blood was renewed earlier, a girl will be born.

It also happens that the renewal of blood in both parents occurred at the same time - in this case, the probability of the birth of fraternal twins (twins) is high. If the parents had a blood transfusion, the technique will be unreliable. The accuracy of the method is 50%.

Let's look at an example of how this arithmetic method works, how to count and calculate gender:

  • The mother's age at the time of conception is 20 years, and the father's age is 31 years.
  • Mother: 20 divided by 3 = 6 (remaining 2 years).
  • Father: 31 divided by 4 = 7 (the remainder is 3 years).

Conclusion: we found out that the mother's blood is "younger", and therefore a girl will be born. If the balances are the same or close to zero, twins will be born.

Sex determination by fetal heartbeat

The formation of the heart and other organs of the fetus begins from the first weeks after conception, and by the 10th week, rhythmic heartbeats are well heard. The doctor will count the number of beats, and if it exceeds 140 per minute, a daughter is likely to be born, and if it is slightly lower, a son is likely to be born. This method of determining the future sex of a child can only determine approximate data and information; it is problematic to calculate the exact gender of the unborn child with its help.

How to determine the sex of the unborn baby on the mother's diet

A woman needs to remember what she ate for the last three months before conception. If the pregnant woman ate more meat, citrus fruits and bananas, a son would be born, and if there was not much, and sour-milk products and sweets were the basis of the diet, a daughter would be born. Using this method, it is possible to plan a pregnancy.

Definition by the appearance of a pregnant woman

  • With a high degree of probability, the growing belly of a pregnant woman will indicate whether she will have a son or daughter. So, if the shape of the abdomen is close to round (ball), a daughter will be born, and if the shape of the abdomen is elongated (cucumber), a son will be born.
  • If a pregnant woman feels powerful signs of toxicosis - nausea, vomiting - there is a high probability of having a boy.
  • If pregnancy made the woman's appearance more beautiful, a son will be born, and if the opposite is true, a daughter will be born.
  • The darkened areolas of the nipples indicate the imminent birth of a daughter, and the brightened ones indicate a son.
  • By the movement of the fetus in the abdomen, it is determined who will be born - a son or a daughter. If the movement was felt on the left, a daughter would be born, and if on the right, a son.

Determination of sex by the moon

To plan a pregnancy and to determine the sex of the baby according to the lunar calendar, you need to know the date of conception. If the date of conception fell on a month in which the moon was in a "female sign", a daughter would be born, and if in a "male" sign, then a boy. In total, out of 12 signs of the zodiac, 6 "male" and "female" are distinguished.

Sex determination by folk methods

By blood group

To determine the sex of the embryo, there is also such a technique: it is necessary to compare the Rh factor with the blood group of the parents and calculate the sex of the baby from the table presented.

All calculations are carried out according to this scheme (D-girl, M-boy).

According to the Chinese calendar - photo

Oriental sages have developed their own guide on how to recognize the gender of the baby. For many centuries they used their own, special tables - the Chinese and Japanese calendars. To determine, you only need the age of the mother and the month of conception.

fortune telling

Some mothers believe in all sorts of signs and fortune-telling. If the expectant mother is impatient to find out the sex of the baby, you can turn to the grandmother healer and ask questions, or do fortune-telling yourself. We bring to your attention a small master class and a fortune-telling complex in order to prevent unwanted and early determination of the sex of the unborn baby:

  • Soak wheat and barley seeds in your own urine. Cover them with cheesecloth and watch them grow. If barley grains sprout earlier, an heir will be born, and if wheat grains, an heiress.
  • There is such a sign: if a woman loves a crust, she will give birth to a boy, and if the crumb - a girl.
  • Suddenly ask the woman to stretch her palms forward. If she shows her open palms, a girl will be born, and if the back of them, a boy.
  • For divination, you will need a chain and a wedding ring suspended from it. Lower the ring to the level of the abdomen and observe it. If it writes out circles, wait for your son, and if the movements are sharp (from side to side), wait for your daughter.
  • There is also such a sign: remember who your first child called earlier - father or mother? If mom, the next child will be a pretty baby, and if dad, a little man.

Determination of the sex of the unborn child online

With the development of the Internet, future parents have the opportunity to calculate gender online using special programs or online mathematical calculators. Although this method of determining the non-standard and the reliability of such methods is doubtful, you can try these methods for determining the sex of the future child.

  1. A high probability of determining the sex of a child exists when using credible medical methods - DNA testing, etc.
  2. Solving the mystery of non-medical methods is not easy, because they give conflicting results.
  3. The results will be more accurate, eliminating errors, if several medical diagnostic methods are used simultaneously.
  4. Sometimes even exact methods fail, and the riddle is solved only during childbirth, so you need to be prepared for this.

How to find out the sex of the child at the very beginning of pregnancy, and even better - before conception? Many websites and print publications are full of different ways of looking into the future. Someone suggests using Chinese tables to get an answer to such an important question for parents, others take into account the “blood age”, others recommend eating in a certain way. Of course, a sane person will immediately understand that all these methods cannot be considered reliable, but you really want to believe in a miracle ... Therefore, we will tell you a few simple ways to find out the sex of a child at an early stage, but you can check their reliability on your own experience. So, let's begin.

1. Taste preferences. Surely, you have heard that women who are pregnant with boys usually lean towards meat products and pickles. And those who wear girls under their hearts - to sweets, baked goods, as well as vegetables and fruits. You can believe it or not ... The taste preferences of many women do change after conception, but it is unlikely to have anything to do with the sex of the child, rather, the body thus gives signals about what it lacks. For example, citrus or green apples may be desirable with a deficiency of vitamin C. Yes, and you should not lose sight of simple self-hypnosis. For example, a woman who passionately desires to give birth to a son and is susceptible to all sorts of unverified information may, from strong autosuggestion, really constantly want to eat meat, although this may not be safe. By the way, there is an opinion that you can plan the sex of the child with the help of a special diet, which both spouses must adhere to.

2. Toxicosis. They say that for those who are interested in a simple way to find out the sex of the unborn child, you just need to observe the well-being of the expectant mother. If she experiences severe toxicosis from the very first days, most likely she will give birth to a daughter.

3. External data. Have you ever noticed that some women literally bloom during pregnancy, while for others the skin becomes too dry or, on the contrary, oily, hair begins to fall out, nails exfoliate, acne appears? It is believed that such negative changes are also associated with the bearing of a girl. "Daughters take beauty from their mothers." Luckily, everything goes back to normal after delivery. And negative external prenatal changes, rather, are associated with a lack of any vitamins or microelements.

4. Calendar methods. In many publications you can find information that people's blood has the ability to "renew". And the gender of the conceived child will depend on the date of its last update. If the mother's blood is younger, expect a daughter; if the father's blood, then a son will be born. And the blood is renewed in women every 3 years, and in men - once every 4 years. But it is also necessary to take into account such moments as blood transfusion (also essentially a renewal), as well as situations in which large blood loss occurs - serious operations, uterine bleeding in women, etc.

An interesting technique is how to find out the sex of a child from a table. It was invented by the Chinese in antiquity. Vertically, you need to choose your age at the time of conception, horizontally - the month of conception. We look at the intersection of two lines and get the result - D or M.

Chinese table:

18 D M D M M M M M M M M M
19 M D M D M M M M M D M D
20 D M D M M M M M M D M M
21 M D D D D D D D D D D D
22 D M M D M D D M D D D D
23 M M D M M D M D M M M D
24 M D M M D M M D D D D D
25 D M M D D M D M M M M M
26 M D M D D M D M D D D D
27 D M D M D D M M M M D M
28 M D M D D D M M M M D D
29 D M D D M M D D D M M M
30 M D D D D D D D D D M M
31 M D M D D D D D D D D M
32 M D M D D D D D D D D M
33 D M D M D D D M D D D M
34 D D M D D D D D D D M M
35 M M D M D D D M D D M M
36 D M M D M D D D M M M M
37 M D M M D M D M D M D M
38 D M D M M D M D M D M D
39 M D M M M D D M D D D D
40 D M D M D M M D M D M D
41 M D M D M D M M D M D M
42 D M D M D M D M M D M D
43 M D M D M D M D M M M M
44 M M D M M M D M D M D D
45 D M M D D D M D M D M M

5. Observations. There are a number of ways to find out the sex of a child without an ultrasound at the earliest possible time with the help of simple observations. For example, there is such a pattern that boys are more often born to very young women who are pregnant for the first time. Women over 25-30 years old are more likely to have daughters. If we are talking about a second child, then the sooner he was conceived after childbirth, the more likely it is that he will be of a different sex from the first child. If a boy was born first, look at the back of his head, if the so-called “pigtail” goes down from the hair, this means that the next pregnancy will be a girl. Keep in mind that it is pregnancy. If it ends with fetal fading, or if you want to interrupt it, then the next child may turn out to be male again ...

Summarizing the above

1. There is no way to reliably program a baby's gender or know it without an ultrasound. Gender can be "ordered" only in the case of fertilization of the egg by a spermatozoon in a laboratory (that is, in vitro fertilization). And on ultrasound, the doctor will be able to accurately determine the sex of the child from the second half of pregnancy, if the fetus is in a position convenient for review, of course. Mistakes, contrary to popular belief, are quite rare.

2. If conception has occurred, then it is useless to try to influence the sex of the child. It is determined at the time of the fusion of the sperm and the egg, is determined by the chromosome set of the sperm. That is, in fact, only men depend.

It is not necessary to tune in in advance to the birth of a child of a certain gender. After all, you will love him regardless of whether the child is a boy or a girl? There are couples who prefer not to find out the gender of the baby in advance, and perhaps they are doing the right thing ... Let this be a pleasant surprise.