Natural hair with clips is an alternative to radical extensions. Hair with clips: application, tips on care and selection, pros and cons

The times are far behind us when women and ladies, deprived of beautiful hair by nature, had no chance of getting a charming hairstyle. Now there are a lot of cosmetic and healing products that ensure hair growth, thickness and fullness.

There is also the opportunity to significantly lengthen your hairstyle in the shortest possible time - this only requires a few hours and an experienced hairdresser who can lengthen hair.

This procedure is becoming increasingly popular. Especially taking into account the abundance of ways to grow curls.

But it should also be noted that some people are still wary of the procedure. And not only because, in some cases, attached strands can have a negative impact on the health of natural hair. Mainly, the mistrust is caused by the fact that girls think it’s as if they were getting hair extensions from dead people.

Yes, yes, this particular version exists among the masses.

Now we have decided to tell you where this “raw material” actually comes from, thereby debunking the legends and revealing the real truth. In the end, a typical summary came out, based on which you can choose the material for yourself to configure and lengthen your hairstyle.

So, let's talk about where hair extensions with clips and other similar types of products actually come from.

Surely, every person at least once in his life has seen the corresponding advertisements on the walls of houses and pillars, inviting the owners of long strands of hair to sell them at the highest price.

As if everything is clear - this is where the raw materials come from. But here a subsequent legitimate question arises - taking into account the popularity of the extension procedure and the amount of material required to satisfy all requests, is it really so many ladies who decide to cut off their natural long strands just to earn some money?

So legends and rumors fly around the world and the Internet. Among them, the most popular are four versions of the origin of curls for extensions.

Version/myth What consumers think
By advertisements It is precisely according to the advertisements mentioned above that curls are purchased for the production of artificial strands for extensions.
From prisons One of the more favorite versions. It is believed that the strands are brought from places of imprisonment, where they are cut from women newly admitted to serve their sentences, naturally, without asking about their desire to part with the curls.
From psychiatric clinics In principle, an option similar to that described a little higher. Exclusively in this case, the strands are cut for the safety of crazy people and sold for the production of hair extensions.
From the morgues Perhaps there is no need to even explain anything here.

All of the above is a reason for panic among some representatives of the lovely half of the world’s population, who categorically refuse hair extensions.

But is this really true? Let's try to understand this issue more carefully in order to understand where the truth is and where the heresy is! After all, if you think about it, there is no particular difference in how exactly their previous owner parted with her curls.

In addition, think about how realistic it is among women sentenced to prison or crazy to meet those with hair:

  • beautiful;
  • healthy;
  • the required length.

Hair for extensions should be strong, beautiful and colorful

Direct your attention. For example, cutting the hair of women sentenced to prison does not take place in the place of imprisonment itself, but in a pre-trial detention center. And there they don’t just cut the strands, but practically shave them off. Well, no law enforcement agency will be involved in the sale of hair.

So, maybe the capsule hair extensions are made from the ones that were cut off by crazy people?

And again doubts - can such ladies have curls:

  • strong;
  • shiny;
  • cute.

Probably not.

After all, not all the hair that is voluntarily offered to them by owners of long and beautiful hair is purchased in salons. The selection is strict.

And if you decide to make some money on your own hair, then keep in mind that they will not be accepted if your hairstyle is:

  • rare;
  • not fluffy;
  • deathly;
  • dry;
  • brittle;
  • very oily;
  • infected with dandruff, etc..

Direct your attention. That is why the highest price for hair is indicated in advertisements for its purchase, because the requirements for it are more than the highest!

All the terrible stories about the origin of such curls are far from the truth, and we will talk about this a little lower, telling where the strands for extensions actually come from.

So what are they made of?

So we come to the most important thing - the story of what curls are made of for extensions. This section will allow you not only to find out the whole truth, but also to understand which hair extensions are better.

In Asian countries, ladies specially grow their hair so that they can sell their hair later

The main supply of raw materials for the production of these products comes from Asian countries, where many families live very poorly, but at the same time young women grow up:

  • long;
  • durable;
  • healthy hair.

This is justified not only by genetics, but also by the fact that ladies pay special attention to caring for their hair, so that later, when it grows, it can be sold at the highest cost. This is what a typical home business looks like.

It has a certain cyclical nature:

  • curls are grown to a certain length;
  • later they are cut almost to zero;
  • hand over to collection points and receive honestly earned money;
  • they are starting to grow their hair again.

To grow curls suitable for sale, you need to provide meticulous care for them

On average, hair growth is about fifteen cm per year, and therefore, with proper care, you can replenish the family treasury every two to three years.

To earn more and more often, ladies provide impeccable conditions for the growth of curls with their own hands:

  • they are painstakingly combed with special combs;
  • apply nourishing masks;
  • use vegetable oils, etc.

After all, there are many recipes for various nutritional consistencies made from natural and natural ingredients that will ensure the growth and health of strands. Well, in general, Asian ladies know many secrets that are unknown to us Europeans.

Direct your attention. But not everywhere and not always people part with their hair for a financial reward. For example, in India there is a special religious organization that accepts hair from ladies as a gift, in other words, completely free of charge. Apparently, this is some part of the rituals and offering of gifts.

At the same time, it is quite common to come across so-called Italian products. But this does not mean at all that the curls actually came from Italy.

Before the curls are ready for extensions, they undergo special treatment

They were also collected in Asia, because, as experts say, the structure and type of hair of ladies living in the northern regions of the Indian country are very identical to the curls of real Italians.

Specifically, from the northern regions of India, raw materials are redirected to Italy, where they pass:

  • processing;
  • cleaning;
  • painting;
  • and other preliminary procedures.

This preparation allows you to make blanks of different types and colors, thereby increasing the range of products.

Slavic strands are in deserved demand

Eastern European suppliers of products for the hair extensions market also deserve mention.

These are countries such as:

  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine;
  • Moldova and some others.

Direct your attention. In most cases, light curls come to the specialized market from Eastern European countries. This is profitable for manufacturers because such “blanks” can simply be painted in almost any color.

Abundance of types

Let's talk separately about different types of products. In general, these types are divided depending on where exactly the “raw materials” were obtained or where the strands were prepared for the upcoming extension.

There are three main varieties:

  • Asian;
  • Italian;
  • Slavic.

Only high-quality products should be used for extensions!

Although, in general, such systematization does not imply that the strands belong to a particular race or genetic group. Here, more quickly, we are talking about the place where the “blanks” are obtained and the features of their processing.

The most important thing is that the scales on the hair structure in each set of “blanks” are placed in the same direction.


  • hair will quickly become tangled;
  • the applied strands will not be worn for a long time.

Each type has its own characteristics. We'll talk about them below. Let us just note that the quality of strands for extensions almost always depends on the processing features, and the best in this case are specifically Italian ones.

Your appearance and the durability of your hairstyle depend on the properties of the extension strands.

Asian products

Such products are often selected without taking into account the direction of the scales, in addition, they:

  • abundantly covered with technical silicone, which gives them an impeccable appearance, although in essence they are not;
  • after the 4th wash, the silicone is almost completely washed off, the strands begin to tangle and break;
  • over sixty cm long.

Therefore, the cost of such products is relatively low, and the quality is even lower.

Italian products

Before dyeing with permanent dyes, curls undergo special treatment

The general properties of such products are as follows:

  • naturalness;
  • painstaking selection;
  • high-quality preparatory treatment, including disinfection and staining.

All Italian manufacturers are sensitive to their own work, and therefore the selection of curls is based on such characteristics as:

  • structure.

Direct your attention. At the same time, it is customary to treat them with special chemical components that partially destroy the internal composition. The end result is curls that lose little of their own elasticity, but at the same time become more shaggy.

In the photo: hairstyles before and after extensions

To prolong the results of the extension procedure, it is very important to provide your new hairstyle with complete, proper care.

Therefore, be sure to listen to all the advice of the master, who will tell you how true it is:

  • wash your hair;
  • apply different masks;
  • use a comb;
  • do styling.

If we talk about the positive properties of such products, then it is certainly necessary to note:

  • wide range of colors offered;
  • ease of developing styling of all types;
  • obedience.

If you want your hairstyle to look very natural, you should choose only high-quality strands, albeit expensive ones

Slavic products

This type is now more popular, which is justified by several factors.

Direct your attention. Slavic strands include hair that has not been subjected to chemical treatment or dyeing. In other words, they have retained their natural, natural structure one hundred percent.

But you should not use unprocessed Slavic products in extensions, since they may contain various bacteria and bacteria that can provoke certain diseases.

Processing products of the Slavic type involves:

  • low introduction of chemistry;
  • normal washing;
  • carding.

High-quality strands can be subjected to several adjustment procedures

Based on this, we can come to the conclusion that, in essence, products of the Slavic type have virtually no structural damage, and such expensive strands will be worn for an indescribably long time. Naturally, if you do not forget about the rules of care.

Also, Slavic products are divided into several groups depending on the structure and type of hair, which can be:

  • thick or thin;
  • straight or curly;
  • with small or large curls.

This allows for virtually unlimited choice in hairstyle design. Although it is worth recognizing that these products are quite expensive, because they are processed manually in special workshops.

At the end

So we told you where hair extensions come from. Although, perhaps, this is not even the main thing - it is fundamentally correct to choose a salon and a hairdresser who will enhance your hairstyle. It is his skill in almost everything that determines how your hairstyle will ultimately look. By the way, a good master uses only high-quality, tested strands!

The success of the procedure depends almost entirely on the qualifications of the specialist.

The additional video in this article will help you find out some more fascinating things about this topic.

Hair extensions have become popular these days. This procedure can hide or add length and volume to your hair. But in salons this is an expensive pleasure that requires constant correction. Therefore, many female representatives opted for tresses (false hair with clips).

What types are there?

There are 4 Russian, European, Asian and Indian. They are also divided by length, color and shade, natural material or artificial, texture (wavy or straight).

Russians. The highest quality and most expensive. Such strands can be dyed, straightened and curled. They are not processed and are sold in their natural form.

European and Indian. They have the same structure. These are inferior in quality to Russian ones, which is why their price is cheaper. Special processing process ensures long-term use.

Asian. Of all types, this is the cheapest and lowest quality product. They are made in dark shades, and the fiber feels hard to the touch. They have a short service life.

How to choose?

Before choosing, carefully consider the initial result. If you increase the length, take the correct measurements (a centimeter from the top point of the auricle to the tips). The longer the curls, the more strands you will need for the desired volume.

Colored hair on clips is chosen live. To select the tone as accurately as possible and compare it with your hair color.

How to fasten your hair with bobby pins: step-by-step instructions

In order to attach false strands yourself without any problems, you need to know some rules. This procedure is simple and will not take much time.

How to fasten your hair with clips? Let's consider this procedure in detail:

  1. Before fixing, wash and dry your hair. Make a small backcomb at the base (roots).
  2. Long strands cling to the back of the head. Short curls - on the top of the head and in the temple area. If you purchase a kit, there are instructions there.
  3. In the horizontal direction at the back of the head, the hair is divided into small strands.
  4. Apply the tresses to the intended location and secure with a hairpin.
  5. Cover the top with your hair and continue, moving towards the top of the head.
  6. At the temple, a small indentation is made between the overhead strands. This will help create a natural look.
  7. At the top of the head, the tresses are attached last. For a neat appearance, do this around the circumference.

After all the strands are carefully secured, you can style or style your hair.

Some options:

  1. Horns. Divide your hair evenly in half. Each part is twisted into a bundle and rolled into horns and secured with invisible pins. It looks original if the artificial strands are multi-colored.
  2. Scythe. They gather their curls at the back of their head into a tight ponytail. Select the central part and fix the false curls (you can take colored ones). The upper part of the tress is covered with native curls and braided. They can be different: fishtail, Russian or French braid, with complex openwork weaves, etc.
  3. Ponytail. Your own curls are gathered high on the back of your head into a tight ponytail. Wefts are attached to the elastic band on top. To hide the joint, separate a small strand and wrap it around the beginning of the tail (secure with bobby pins).
  4. Straight curls. The simplest and most everyday hairstyle. Collect hair at the top of the head. Several narrow strands are fixed from below and the entire hair is unraveled from above.

Hairstyles with false hair (with clips) look natural and very original. With just a little time, you can create elegant and unusual creations.

How to properly care?

Correct combing. Use a brush with soft bristles or a special comb for hair extensions. Gently start from the ends and gradually move to the crown. Experts recommend using a moisturizing spray.

When laying, apply thermal protection. The maximum heating of the hair dryer (iron) is 160 degrees.

The washing up. Shampoos are used for dry hair, not recommended for oily hair. Before washing, carefully unravel the curls. Conditioners must contain collagen or keratin. When washing, do not rub the curls against each other. When wet, do not comb, wait until completely dry (about 7 hours).

To color natural curls, use gentle paints or tints (shampoos). Light-colored curls lend themselves well to dyeing.


Dyeing process:

  • A small curl of hair is first experimentally dyed. If the result is satisfactory, proceed to full painting.
  • Wash and dry.
  • Prepare the paint and process the strands along the entire length.
  • Painting time - 10 -15 minutes. less than recommended in the instructions.
  • The curls are washed under running water and a balm is applied.

The whole procedure is not much different from dyeing your hair.

How to wind it correctly?

Natural hair can be curled with a curling iron much easier than artificial hair. How it's done?

  • The tool is heated to 160 degrees.
  • A thin curl is separated and moistened with a small amount of water.
  • The curls are heated, but not more than 30 seconds.
  • The tongs are carefully removed, and the curl in the form of a ring is fixed with an invisible pin until it cools completely.
  • The manipulation is done with all strands.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • due to the curls, the length and volume increases;
  • you can do a variety of hairstyles that are designed even for long hair;
  • false hair can be curled, dyed, straightened. Perform various manipulations;
  • with proper care they will last a long time;
  • You can remove the length at any time.


  • at first you will experience difficulty in fixing (how to fasten your hair with clips is discussed above). For the desired result you need to practice;
  • They will quickly lose their appearance if you use frequent painting and styling.

Where can I buy? How much?

Where can you buy hair clips? Purchase them in specialized wig stores. Also now there are a huge number of online stores where the price will be cheaper. The disadvantage of such a purchase is the inability to compare the tone of the strands.

How much do hair clips cost? Prices vary, depending on whether the material is natural or artificial. They are also repelled by length. The average price for 100 g of natural strands will be about 10 thousand rubles. Artificial ones will cost much less - about 2 thousand rubles.

This article discusses how to secure hair with clips. Having mastered these simple manipulations, in the shortest possible time you can increase the length, add volume and thickness for a variety of hairstyles.

or "The Miracle of the Strand", as they are also called! I have a lot of experience with hair. I've been doing extensions for 2 years, from different companies, of different quality, artificial and natural... Let's start, perhaps, with hair on clips...
I’m on maternity leave, so I don’t need extensions yet, I rarely go out “in public”, but sometimes I do I want to show off my wonderful long hair. I read more about these hairs on the Internet and went to choose. The consultants helped me choose the color, and this is a very important point: they get to the ends of the hair! I was chosen highlighted strands. Company "999", tested by me earlier. Hair made from natural human hair. They cost about 5000 rubles, 100 g, 60 cm. Length, volume, everything can be chosen to your taste, I have 5 strands (1 wide strand, 2 medium and 2 small temporal ones). You put your hair on and take it off whenever you want, you can do it every day, or you can go to any events, it’s very convenient in this regard. Hold on tight, don't move, since the hairpins themselves contain a silicone strip that resists slipping through your hair. The quality of the hair is also very pleasing, straight, shiny, do not fall out, which I constantly observed with hair extensions on keratin capsules. The most important thing is to buy ONLY NATURAL and in professional salons. Because artificial hair looks terrible and gets very tangled, and naturally, it is much cheaper, “the miser pays twice,” as they say. It will simply be impossible to wear artificial ones and will not give such a natural effect. I have built these up, the photo shows what happens to them during wear. These are the same hairs as your own, can be straightened, curled, dyed, washed... I think they will last me a long time, care is not as stressful as with extensions, and there is no discomfort from wearing them; there is no need to wash them often. Also, using strands, you can do different hairstyles, even a high ponytail, like in my photo, is acceptable. In general, I am very pleased with this purchase, all my friends wanted the same hair when they saw it on me!
Although there are some small disadvantages. Problems arise when hiding a transition own and false strands. Yours must be perfectly straightened, or ideally laid identically with the strands; this requires a considerable amount of effort and time. I have to hide my hairpins, but it's the same as with capsules.
And, as for extensions... I've been doing extensions for several years and spent a lot of money. One set of hair is 4000 thousand + work is 2000 thousand + material for extensions is about 2000. And so on every 2 months, or even less. I constantly had to go for corrections, my hair grew long and became very tangled, sometimes very strong “tangles” appeared, two masters spent 3 hours just unraveling it, well, of course, it was my fault, it was very messy, in general, endless inconvenience. Hair is constantly falling out, so you need to prepare for the fact that the entire floor in the apartment will be covered in hair for the first week, as the excess will come out when the resin dries out. You will have to get used to the capsules and the heaviness; it will be difficult for those with sensitive scalp. And one more thing, although I bought high-quality natural human hair, but even this, after many washings and constant straightening, curling irons, etc. lost their original appearance, lost their shine, fluffed up, etc. Not to mention the non-artificial things that happened to them.
I advise and recommend the wonderful “Hair on Clips” to everyone!
Details in the photo:
1 - my hair
2 - the hairs themselves
3 - hairpins
4 - me with “hair in pins”
5 - ....................
6 - ....................
7 - high ponytail with hair clips
and for comparison....
8 - natural extensions
9 - artificial extensions and what happened to them